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Conflicting Views about Origin of Pakistan

Five Points that have been discussed in this chapter:

 Aurangzeb’s Islamization.
 British Divide and Rule Policy.
 Hindu-Muslim conflicts.
 Political Awareness in Muslims.
 Two Nation Theory.

 Aurangzeb Islamization:
i. Islamic zed Mughal government.
ii. Revolts of Marathas and Sikhs.
iii. According to Sir Jaudunath observation Shivaji showed that Hinduism can lift itself from
ashes and burdens.
iv. Aurangzeb’s Death.
v. Muslim’s disintegration.
vi. Shah Wali Ullah’s letter to Ahmad shah Abdali request for the rescue of Muslim under
vii. Hindu’s Rule: a threat to the existence of Islam.
 British Divide and Rule Policy:
i. Concession of separate electorate to Muslims by British government in 1909.
ii. Hali’s Musaddus in 1879 was a wakeup call to depressed Muslim.
iii. Chatterjee’s Ananndamath ignited hatred between Hindus and Muslims.
iv. Separate Electorate a Failure for British.
v. Congress unwillingness for joint electorate.
vi. British Modernized life
 HINDU-MUSLIM Conflicts:
i. British failed to satisfy the demands of both communities.
ii. Muslims lagged behind Hindus in every field.
iii. Muslims tried to show loyalty to British and Hindus.
iv. Ignition of fight for freedom.
v. Partition of Bengal, 1905.
vi. Hindus uproar against Muslim’s Welfare.
vii. Revocation of Bengal partition.
viii. Khilafat movement and shattered promises.
ix. Lack of trust in Muslims for British and Hindus.
x. Struggle for power.
xi. Weakening British government.
 Political Awareness in Muslims:
i. Congress’ claim: Pakistan, a result of ‘Divide and Rule’ policy.
ii. Contrarily, Muslim credit Muslim League and Jinnah for their struggle.
iii. Muslims became politically aware.
iv. Anxiety of Muslims to establish a separate identity.
 Two nation Theory:
i. Hindus and Muslims can’t live together due to their intolerant behavior and cultural and
religious difference.

Pakistan Resolution of 1940:

ii. A sense of power for aggrieved Muslims.

iii. Muslim could never let Hindus rule over them.
iv. Congress tried to challenge the two nation theory.
v. Emerging dominant culture was Islam.

Reformist Movement:

vi. Faraiziyah

Muslim Leaders:

vii. Maulana Muhammad Ali and Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and poet like Hali and Allama
viii. Muslim League consisted of large numbers of Muslim leaders.
ix. The confluence of two civilization never took place.
x. To the west, nationality based on religion is an alien and often incomprehensible
xi. Religion was big stimulus for the partition of Pakistan.

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