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Philadelphia Gay News


Family Portrait: Pioneer of PAGE 3 CCP debuts nonbinary City bids farewell to PAGE 8
Kim Wayans gender-affirmation mascot, Roary trans activist Dawn
surgery joins local Munro
PAGE 27 hospital PAGE 4

Plaintiffs in Boyertown trans

restroom policy case withdraw
litigation, ending legal battle
“This major court win is a his-
BY LAURA SMYTHE toric moment for transgender rights in Pennsylvania,” Goodman said. “We hope
school districts throughout our common-
A nearly three-year legal battle in the wealth take note: the courts back you
Boyertown case that gained national atten- supporting trans student inclusion. The
tion after a group of students sued the Boyertown Area School District has done
school district for allowing trans students the right thing and now can be celebrated
to use restrooms and locker rooms con- for doing so. The federal courts that eval-
sistent with their gender identity con- uated the Boyertown case understand that
cluded this morning when plaintiffs vol- safeguarding inclusive practices is criti-
untarily withdrew the litigation from the cally important.”
United States District Court for the Eastern In 2016, the Boyertown Area School
District of Pennsylvania. District started allowing trans students to
As a result, the case will close and use restrooms and locker rooms consistent
previous federal court rulings in favor of with their gender and giving all students
WALK THE LINE: The 33rd Annual AIDS Walk Philly titled “Be a Lifeline” will the Boyertown Area School District — the option of using private facilities. A
be October 20. Last Friday, the fundraiser kicked-off with an event displaying backed by the American Civil Liberties group of non-trans students sued the local-
“1981-until it’s over,” a text and photographic timeline of over 36 years of HIV/ Union, ACLU of Pennsylvania, legal firm ity, claiming the Constitution mandates
AIDS history, bringing stark visuals and awareness to Rittenhouse Square. AIDS Cozen O’Connor and Pennsylvania Youth that trans people be excluded from bath-
Fund staff, Left to Right: Tim Johnson, Robb Reichard Executive Director, Kiera Congress — will stand, Jason Goodman, room and locker room facilities that non-
Evans, Seamus Tyler and Jewel Harris Photo: Cari Feiler Bender for AIDS Fund executive director of the Pennsylvania trans people also use. The complainants
Youth Congress, told PGN. further argued that hav- PAGE 6

City Council committee DeVos visits Harrisburg

advances 3 LGBTQ bills school with anti-trans policy
year. These include Tameka Washington, BY LAURA SMYTHE
BY LAURA SMYTHE a 40-year-old trans woman killed in North Philadelphia in May.
“We’ve watched in horror as members of United States Secretary of Education Betsy
Philadelphia City Council’s Law and our LGBTQ community have been attacked, DeVos attended a roundtable Thursday morn-
Government Committee held a public hear- silenced and robbed of dignity that so often ing at a Harrisburg elementary school that
ing Wednesday morning about “an inclu- many of us take for granted. … Today’s adheres to an anti-trans student policy.
sivity package” — three proposed bills that inclusivity package of three bills that expand Harrisburg Catholic Elementary School, part
would expand protections for trans and gen- the recognition of responsibility toward of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg,
der-nonconforming Philadelphians. our trans community are about honoring offers specific guidelines regarding students
Councilmembers William Greenlee, Tameka Washington’s life, her right to exist, experiencing “gender identity questions.” The
Curtis Jones, Cindy Bass and Helen Gym her legacy, because trans rights are human policy, instated January 2015, indicates that it
heard testimony at the City Hall meeting rights,” Gym added. U.S. SECRETARY OF EDUCATION BETSY
applies to student cases in which “the gender
from LGBTQ community leaders, organi- Two of Gym’s bills, Nos. 190558 and DEVOS Photo: Flickr via Gage Skidmore.
identity question is psychological in origin.”
zations and activists in support of the leg- 190651, call for amending the city’s Fair “This policy addresses the circumstances therefore immoral. To attempt to make accom-
islation. A fourth policy discussed would Practice Ordinance to require youth orga- where there is a clear biological determina- modations for such persons would be to coop-
require City officials to routinely disclose nizations to adopt guidelines ensuring non- tion of a person’s sex and subsequent efforts erate in the immoral action and impose an
legal settlements. discriminatory treatment of trans and gen- to chemically and/or surgically alter the given unacceptable burden on others in the school
Gym, who introduced the four bills, said der-nonconforming youth and expanding the biology,” the rules, available on the Diocese’s community.”
the policies come on the heels of the murders definitions of gender identity and sexual ori- website, outline. “This is understood in The event DeVos attended was hosted by
of 18 trans women across the country this entation in The Philadelphia PAGE 19 Catholic moral terms as self-mutilation and Pennsylvania Speaker of the PAGE 18
2 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 LOCAL

Resource listings Philadelphia Archdiocese and

Legal resources
archbishop promote anti-gay rhetoric
Executive Director Wayne Besen called the
• ACLU of Pennsylvania: • Philadelphia Commission BY VICTORIA A. BROWNWORTH event “a disgrace.”
215-592-1513; on Human Relations — Rue PGN Contributor Besen said, “It’s an embarrassment for a
• AIDS Law Project of PA: Landau: 215-686-4670 sophisticated city like Philadelphia to have
This month, the Archdiocese of an Archdiocese with a medieval mindset.”
215-587-9377; • Philadelphia Police Liai- Philadelphia hosted and co-sponsored a Calling the long-debunked practice of
• AIDS Law Project of South son Committee: 215-760- conference “to address the challenges of conversion therapy “torture against chil-
Jersey: 856-784-8532; aid- 3686; gender and sexual identity problems” fea- dren that can’t be justified,” Besen said it
turing an anti-gay group focused on conver- was “reckless and irresponsible” for the • SPARC — Statewide Penn- sion therapy and “curing” homosexuality. Archdiocese to sponsor a group like DSM.
• Equality PA: equalitypa. sylvania Rights Coalition: The conference, “Gender Matters - While conversion therapy was banned
org; 215-731-1447 717-920-9537 Fighting for the Integrity of Persons,” fea- in Philadelphia in July 2017, and is also
tured Desert Stream Ministries (DSM), run banned in Allentown and Pittsburgh, it is
• Office of LGBT Affairs — by “ex-gay” leader Andrew Comiskey, who not illegal in Pennsylvania. The confer-
Amber Hikes: 215-686-0330; refers to himself as a former and healed ence was held in Wayne, 20 miles outside homosexual in his books and ministry. the Philadelphia city limits, but within the
The conference was promoted by the Archdiocese, which covers Bucks, Chester,
Archdiocese on Catholic Philly’s news site, Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia
Community centers Facebook, Eventbrite and websites of indi- counties.
vidual parishes, including the one at which Besen explained one of his many con-
• The Attic Youth Center; 255 S. 16th St.; 215-545-4331, atticyouth- the day-long conference was held, St. cerns with the Archdiocese sponsoring For LGBT and questioning youth and their friends and allies. Katherine of Siena Parish. The Philadelphia Comiskey and his group. DSM has had
• LGBT Center at the University of Pennsylvania; 3907 Spruce Archdiocese is the fourth largest in the scandals involving sexual abuse of minors
St.; 215-898-5044, United States with a total of 219 parishes in “treatment” with the ministry during
and headed by Archbishop Charles Chaput, “pray away the gay” programs. Accusations
• Rainbow Room: Bucks County’s LGBTQ and Allies Youth who on Sept. 19 criticized Jesuit Father were reported in the Los Angeles Times
Center James Martin’s LGBT-inclusive approach in 1998 and others by Comiskey himself
Salem UCC Education Building, 181 E. Court St., Doylestown; 215-957-7981 to the LGBT community. Among other in a blog post in 2010. These accusations
ext. 9065, criticisms of Father Martin, Archbishop — against staff members of DSM, not
Chaput argued against the idea that sexu- Comiskey himself — led to the ministry’s
• William Way LGBT Community Center ality is biological and said, “Father Martin move from California to Missouri.
1315 Spruce St.; 215-732-2220, partners with organizations like New Ways The extent of the priest sex abuse scandal
Ministry that oppose or ignore the teaching in Philadelphia should have, Besen says,
of the Church, and he endorses events, such made the Archdiocese acutely sensitive to
Health and HIV testing as PRIDE month, that cause confusion for such an event and a controversial figure like
the faithful.” Comiskey.
• Action Wellness: Spring Garden St.; 215- • Mazzoni Center: DSM is a former ministry of the noto- “If the Office for Life and Family can’t
1216 Arch St.; 215- 769-3561; 1348 Bainbridge St.; rious ex-gay group Exodus International. take 15 minutes to vet the organizations
981-0088, actionwell- • COLOURS: colour- 215-563-0652, mazzon- In 2012, Alan Chambers, then president of they are putting their name to and spon-, 215- Exodus International — which had nearly soring at the Archdiocese’s churches, they
• AIDS Healthcare 832-0100 • Philadelphia 500 ministries in the U.S. and other coun- should disband,” Besen asserted. “They’ve
Foundation: 1211 • Congreso de Lati- tries — denounced conversion therapy, learned nothing from these [priest sex
FIGHT: 1233 Locust
Chestnut St. #405 215- asserting that it not only didn’t work, but abuse] scandals. Where is the personal
nos Unidos; 216 W. St.; 215-985-4448,
971-2804; “was harmful to participants.” Chambers responsibility?”
Somerset St.; 215-763-
closed the organization and apologized for Besen said, “The Archdiocese should
• AIDS Library: 8870 • Washington West the “pain and hurt” participants of its pro- be ashamed. This was a dogmatic anti-gay
1233 Locust St.; aidsli- • GALAEI: 149 W. Project of Mazzoni grams caused. attack.” He noted that “Pope Francis says of Susquehanna Ave.; Center: Other ex-gay leaders within Exodus, like gay people ‘Who am I to judge?’ yet they
• AIDS Treatment 267-457-3912, galaei. 1201 Locust St.; 215- Comiskey, formed new ministries promot- bring in this group with a history of abuse
Fact line: 800-662- org. Spanish/English 985-9206 ing the same theories of “curing” homo- of kids and I have to ask — what century is
6080 • Health Center No. 2: • Transgender sexuality. Comiskey describes himself as this diocese in?”
• Bebashi-Transi- 1720 S. Broad St.; Health Action Coali- committed to ending the “scourges of gay Besen spoke with the Office for Life and
tion to Hope: 1235 215-685-1821 tion: 215-732-1207 marriage and trans rights.” Comiskey refers Family. Besen told PGN that the spokesper-
to homosexuality as “spiritual disfigure- son accused him of having a “gay agenda”
ment” in his books on sexual identity and and was told on Sept, 24, “We were not
sexual health. DSM focuses on “healing co-sponsors, we simply provided a forum
Other sexual brokenness” and Comiskey said, for this event which aligns with our values.”
• Independence Branch Library Barbara Gittings Gay and “My delight in healing others grows out PGN examined the many online refer-
Lesbian Collection: 215-685-1633 of an ongoing commitment to overcome ences to the Philadelphia event for “Gender
homosexuality.” Matters - Fighting for the Integrity of
• Independence Business Alliance; 215-557-0190, Independence- Truth Wins Out (TWO), the local Persons” and each listed the Archdiocese Philadelphia organization that fights of Philadelphia and DSM as co-hosts. The
anti-gay extremism and does exposés article about the event in Catholic Philly
• LGBT Peer Counseling Services: 215-732-TALK
of the ex-gay movement, called on the explicitly states, “The Archdiocesan Office
• PFLAG: Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Archdiocese to apologize, disband the for Life and Family has partnered with
Gays (Philadelphia): 215-572-1833 Office for Life and Family and fire director Desert Stream for the event, which will
Steven Bozza for hosting Comiskey and explore the compassion and clarity Jesus
• Philly Pride Presents: 215-875-9288 promoting conversion therapy. extends to persons facing sexual iden-
In an interview with PGN, TWO tity problems.” The same PAGE 17
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 3

Pioneer of gender-affirmation surgery joins local hospital

said. At the same time, Hahnemann’s Dr. at different degrees for different women. “There were many times when I didn’t
BY JESS BRYANT Kathy Rumer — who trained under Leis Additionally, he has performed “800-1,000 have the support or help that I needed, and — has joined Thomas Jefferson University vaginoplasties” versus “80-100 phalloplas- he’s the type of doctor that will go out of
Hospital and, in June, Rumer told PGN that ties” over a long career. his way to pick you up or make arrange-
Dr. Sherman Leis, a pioneer of gen- Jefferson will open a “multi-disciplinary Leis said he completed his first gen- ments if you need a ride to the hospital or
der-affirmation surgery for trans people, gender center” next year. der-affirmation surgery 35 years ago, but aftercare,” Hult said. “He’s very hands-on.
has joined Delaware County Memorial Gender-affirmation surgeries offered by it was a resident’s suggestion decades later He’s going to make sure that you are taken
Hospital, an Upper Darby institution that is Leis include facial feminization, breast aug- that lead him to the specialty. “About 15 care of. He’s made me, in a sense, trust him
part of the Crozer-Keystone health system, mentation, vaginoplasty, buttock enhance- years ago, a resident of mine was a trans that he’s going to be there. He’s not going
as an attending surgeon. ment and thyroid cartilage reduction. Other woman, and she encouraged me to pursue a to disappear, and that shows his character.
Leis founded The Philadelphia Center procedures include chest masculinization, specialty in transgender surgery. Until then, He’s very passionate about his work and
for Transgender Surgery, in Bala Cynwyd, phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, clitoral release I did plastic surgery more generally.” very caring, which he shows through his
which has specialists including surgeons, and buttock reduction. Due to complica- Leis quickly realized it was a passion of actions.”
psychologists, endocrinologists, aestheti- tions and scarring, Leis said he typically his and dedicated himself to the work. His Out-of-town patients who need extended
cians, speech therapists, legal experts and does not perform urethral lengthening. practice grew, and he’s been busy for years care can stay in apartments located above
others. Starting this month, suture removal, In a 2017 article, the medical journal with patients locally, regionally, nationally Leis’ Bala Cynwyd office.
consultations, pre-operative appointments Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery reported and internationally. “When you treat your Leis said he likes having the patients
and post-operative care for trans patients that of 224 people who underwent phal- patients with care and respect, news trav- close because he “can check in on them and
will take place at his practice, and surgeries loplasty, urethral complications occurred els,” he said. see how they’re doing.”
will be performed at the Memorial Hospital. in 27 percent of patients with vaginectomy “I deeply care about being able to change Hult said she heard about Leis through
Leis is excited to join the institution and 67 percent with vaginal preservation. peoples’ lives,” Leis added. “I care about “word of mouth” and reviews that pay
because it has a “forward-thinking, pro- “In the next few years, if newer methods my patients and give them a great deal of homage to his extensive experience. “I
gressive mindset,” he told PGN. Hospital provide a lower rate of complication, I will attention and quality care. I don’t think had a friend, and she went to him and had
officials want to start a transgender surgery perform the surgery,” Leis said. “But now I there’s another job in the world that has the really good reviews. We did a consultation,
fellowship, Leis added, which would give prefer not to. The risk is too high.” ability to make such a profound impact on a and I wanted to proceed through. It’s been
him the opportunity to work with medical Leis added that “99 percent” of surger- person’s life like transgender surgery does.” a journey.”
residents and expand available services. ies he performs are facial feminization, Leis joined the hospital’s team Sept. 20 Of that journey, Hult said, “I just had a
After the closure of Hahnemann Hospital, of which he said he has completed “thou- and performed his first surgery during his vision of my future and my life and what I
which was the first Greater Philadelphia sands.” He also told PGN he has done “two inaugural week. He will complete his first wanted it to be. I knew living as I am isn’t
area hospital to offer a specialty in trans- times” the amount of masculizing chest sur- gender-affirmation surgery on Oct. 11 with acceptable fo me. I knew I needed to do my
gender surgery, Delaware County Memorial geries — approximately 4,000 — as he has patient Sharon Hult*, who described Leis research by any means possible to alleviate
Hospital staff hope to “become the region’s breast augmentations, explaining that estro- as “very informative” and “very nourish- the challenges, discomforts and pain that I
leader in treating transgender patients,” Leis gen can create a feminine chest, though ing.” felt, and that meant working PAGE 18

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written and directed by
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Pre-show reception with light fare, ft.
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Use code PRIDE25 fo forr discount
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Sink your teeth into the original

music at
4 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 LOCAL

Community College of Philadelphia debuts nonbinary mascot

learners may also have difficulty finding college’s modern public face. Roary’s introduction sends a message
BY LAURA SMYTHE compatible roommates in oft-binary cam- David Asencio, CCP’s dean of students, of inclusivity to current and prospective pus living situations and struggle to have said the school’s mascot change had less to LGBTQ-plus students.
their correct names appear on university do with any controversy over Colonial Phil “I hope they see it as a sign of the college
Philadelphia’s crowd of gender-fluid mas- documents. and rather centered around better represent- trying to make this campus a safer place
cots grew a little bigger last week when CCP adopted its new big cat in an effort to ing the student body. for them and that we see them and respect
the Community College of Philadelphia represent everyone on campus regardless of “The focus … was forging through with them,” they said. “I also hope that … we
unveiled Roary, a nonbinary lion hailing gender, Scarfo told PGN. University offi- a new identity that more reflected the cur- can use Roary as a tool to show people
from a pride that calls Chief’s Island in cials also wanted to appreciate the maned, rent demographics,” he told PGN. “Also, how to use correct pronouns for trans and
Botswana home. iconic lions that decorate the doors of the [students] wanted to embrace something intersex people and to make sure that they
In this southern African pack, scientists understand that using correct pronouns is
have identified female members with high- very important to our community.”
er-than-average levels of testosterone that The MarcDavid LGBTQ Center opened
grow manes and behave in ways typically at the college last fall. CCP has a Chosen
associated with male lions, according to Name Policy, in which students can change
CCP staff. their names in the college’s systems that
Roary joins the city’s cohort of nonbi- don’t require a legal one, like on identifica-
nary crowd-stokers alongside the Please tion cards, class rosters and email accounts.
Touch Museum’s purple, wide-eyed icon That policy pre-dated the LGBTQ center’s
Squiggles and the Philadelphia Flyers’ launch, Scarfo said, though their first ini-
beloved, slightly-terrifying, slice-of-or- tiative as coordinator was to formalize the
ange-mayhem Gritty. process.
But less than a week after the furry Over the last year, CCP has also com-
feline’s Sept. 17 debut at a CCP cam- piled a list of out faculty and staff mem-
pus launch, Vincent Scarfo, coordinator at bers who LGBTQ students can turn to for
CCP’s MarcDavid LGBTQ Center, wants support; developed multiple LGBTQ com-
people to know the mascot has already petency trainings; and collaborated with
experienced something that trans, non- the Mayor’s Office of LGBT Affairs, the
binary and gender nonconforming folks college’s legal studies department and the
encounter all too often: being misgendered. Pennsylvania Bar Association to develop
Scarfo, a nonbinary trans person, penned free clinics where people can legally change
an open letter to the campus community their names. The next clinic will likely take
Monday stating that many who attended place in November, Scarfo told PGN.
last week’s event used he/him pronouns — In addition to Roary’s they/them pronouns,
instead of the accurate they/them verbiage CCP ascribed the cuddly campus hype per-
— while introducing Roary. CCP DEBUTED THE NONBINARY LION ROARY AS ITS NEW MASCOT. son some endearing Philly qualities, includ-
“I know that many people who misgen- Photo: Community College of Philadelphia ing a love for soft pretzels, wooder ice and
dered Roary did not intend to do so, but cheesesteaks — all of which the big cat
were simply unaware that Roary is non-bi- works off by bounding up the steps of the
nary,” the note continues. “This is some- Mint Building — the original historic home that was more diverse and inclusive as a Philadelphia Museum of Art.
thing that we could have done better as a of the third Philadelphia Mint, which now symbol.” “Like so many of us in this nation of
college, and we should have made a point serves as the campus’ centerpiece — and After Philadelphia was introduced to Gritty immigrants, Roary’s family moved to the
to talk about Roary’s identity and pronouns the fact that most of the school’s athletes last September, City Council welcomed the United States when Roary was just a cub,”
at the event more explicitly to ensure that are female. In a world where more than Flyers mascot with a resolution describing a CCP release reads, adding, “They loved
people knew the correct way to refer to two-thirds of mascots are male, jumping the creation as “a 7-foot tall orange hel- the lush swamps and sweeping savannahs
them.” on that trend wouldn’t accurately reflect the lion,” a “ghastly empty-eyed Muppet with of Chief’s Island almost as much as they
An August 2018 study by The Williams school’s athletic front, Scarfo explained. a Delco beard,” and “a non-binary leftist loved their unique pride, where all lions —
Institute found more than 70 percent of Roary ousted CCP’s former decades-old icon,” among other creative phrases. regardless of gender — sport thick manes.
nonbinary higher education students in the mascot Colonial Phil, which, in a 2016 That hellion, though, has largely been … Roary and their family made a home in
United States experience frequent misgen- petition for a new school icon, students said referred to with he/him vernacular since Philadelphia, where they knew they would
dering by on-campus physical and mental was an offensive nod to the nation’s history birth, including in official Flyers marketing find a new, welcoming pride with the same
health care providers. On top of traditional of prejudice. CCP pupils participated in materials. sense of community that comforted them
turmoil in the college experience, these several polls to help select the community On CCP’s campus, Scarfo said they hope on Chief’s Island.” n

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PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 5
6 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 LOCAL

State Library of Pennsylvania establishes LGBT research collection

a traveling LGBT history exhibit, which titles.” mal, dedicated historical archive. While she
BY GARY DAY Greene was interested in hosting. In the “They’ve been invaluable,” agreed specifies she’s not seeking archival material
PGN Contributor course of discus- Greene. “In a mat- such as historical artifacts and ephemera,
sions about the ter of days we’ve the Library is willing to accept such items
The State Library of Pennsylvania in exhibit, Greene already received if donated.
Harrisburg is in the process of establishing reached out to many pages of Progress has been rapid, and Greene is
its first LGBT-specific collection. Loveland about suggested titles.” hoping the initial acquisitions will be pub-
The brainchild of State Library Director her idea to estab- Greene’s pri- licly accessible by the end of October. In
Sarah Greene, the collection is part of lish an LGBT orities include only a matter of weeks, materials have been
Greene’s ongoing effort to expand the abil- collection of her material, books received and processed, with more coming.
ity of the State Library to serve the needs of own. and periodi- Greene said the State Library’s LGBT
Pennsylvania’s diverse population. “They reached cals that focus collection will not be a “special collection,”
“The Library’s purpose is to serve out to us,” said on Pennsylvania but treated as part of the Library’s general
the informational research needs of Loveland. “Sarah events, history collection. “Expanding our LGBT titles
Pennsylvanians,” said Greene. “This will thought we would and people, but will now be an ongoing thing. It should
be one way of making sure that our collec- be helpful in pull- she does not want and will be just a normal part of our regular
tions are inclusive.” ing together a list to close the door acquisition process,” she promised.
Accessible and open to the public, the for her acquisi- to material with a “I feel strongly that the State Library
initiative had its genesis during a meeting tions department. national perspec- should be inclusive,” Greene maintained.
between Greene and Barry Loveland, the Of course, we tive. “The State Library is here to serve as an
chair of the Pennsylvania LGBT History were happy to put the word out to our net- Greene said the function of a library information resource for all Pennsylvanians
Network. Loveland had been shepherding work of colleagues statewide for a list of is somewhat different than that of a for- equally.” n

BOYERTOWN from page 1 Pennsylvania upheld the school district’s ultimately allowing Boyertown’s trans-in- ple: Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia;
ing trans students in these facilities could trans-inclusive policies. clusive policies to live on. Plaintiffs Joel Altitude Express, Inc. v. Zarda; and R.G. &
constitute sexual harassment. On May 24, 2018, the United States Doe, Jack Jones, Macy Roe and Mary G.R. Harris Funeral Homes, Inc. v. Equal
The ACLU and the ACLU of Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Smith then filed a motion to stay on June Employment Opportunity Commission.
Pennsylvania filed a motion in April 2017 heard oral arguments on the dispute and 17 with the United States District Court The U.S. Supreme Court will consider
intervening on behalf of the Pennsylvania sided with the school district. The judges for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. these cases Oct. 8.
Youth Congress and Boyertown Area penned an opinion supporting the lower But on Sept. 5, the court denied the “We look forward to taking the next steps
Senior High fourth-year student Aidan court’s ruling the following month. motion, citing the pending resolution of toward full inclusion and dignity for trans-
DeStefano, who is trans. In August This year in May, the United States three cases involving how federal discrim- gender students throughout Pennsylvania,”
2017, a federal district court in Easton, Supreme Court declined to hear the case, ination protections extend to LGBTQ peo- Goodman added. n
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 7

T H E J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N ’ S M A I N E V E N T

November 14, 2019 | 5:30 p.m.

K i m m e l C e n t e r, P h i l a d e l p h i a PA
Celebrate the strength of our communities at the Main Event,
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Biggest Night of the Year.

Featuring keynote speaker Bari Weiss, New York Times opinion section editor and
writer, and author of the recently released book How to Fight Anti-Semitism.

For more information, contact or 215.832.0843.

Event Co-Chairs
Amy and Marc Brownstein & Jamie and Warren Klein
8 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 OBITUARY

Dawn Munro, beloved

Philadelphia trans activist
trial in tribute to Williams, so there would
BY VICTORIA A. BROWNWORTH be someone to acknowledge her life and
PGN Contributor her passing. Munro explained her feelings
about a woman she hadn’t known as one of
Dawn Munro, scientist, champion for respect for what Williams had experienced.
LGBT elders and longtime trans activist She said, “[Williams] had been homeless,
has died after a brief illness. To all who she hadn’t been able to take good care of
knew her, she was a forthright, uncompro- herself, and then the final act of utter dis-
mising and remarkable person. Her con- respect was to dump parts of her all over
cern for trans people and trans issues was the place and then blame her for what hap-
unwavering, and she was honored by Philly pened to her.”
Pride Presents and Outfest for her commit- Munro said she was outraged by Sargent’s
ment and activism. panic defense — that he killed Williams in
Munro was on the boards of PFLAG, self-defense after he discovered she was a
the Philadelphia LGBT Elder Initiative, trans woman. Munro said, “I felt that some-
the Philadelphia Police LGBT Liaison one ought to be there, and I kind of elected
Committee and Sisterly LOVE. Munro myself to go,” she told the Philadelphia
was also an organizer of the Trans Day of
Remembrance for the William Way Center.
Deja Lynn Alvarez, of the Mayor’s
Commission of LGBT Affairs, was a close
friend and colleague of Munro and put her
activism in context. “Dawn fought for all
of us. She was always on the frontline.
Philadelphia has become one of the most
progressive LGBTQ cities in the country
due in part to Dawn Munro.”
Trans actress and activist Elizabeth
Wiliams said, “From the ‘60s in the UK,
until the very end, Dawn was a fiercely
relentless activist and advocate for all that
is good and just. She loved her people, all
her people, like a mother bear loves her
cubs. She was so much more than my dear
and abiding friend. With her salty brogue,
her biting wit and her heart of gold, Dawn Inquirer when they covered Sargent’s trial.
deeply touched everyone who knew her. “Just as one trans person turning up for
My greatest hope is that we may come another who couldn’t speak for herself. I
together and fulfill her dream. It’s up to us, couldn’t let it go.”
everyone, to make her legacy the peaceful That is who Munro was — she never let
and inclusive community for which she go of her concern for those who had been
fought so tirelessly, that she spent a life- displaced and forgotten. She was dedicated,
time longing for.” caring and committed to honoring trans
Munro’s activism was legendary and had women who were dishonored in life as
a deeply human — and humane — side. Williams, only 31 at her death, had been.
One of her primary concerns was vio- In 2014, Munro was honored by PFLAG
lence against trans women. Chris Bartlett, Philadelphia and given The Jaci Adams
executive director of William Way Center, OutProud Transgender Award by Philly
said Munro was a very special person and Pride Presents at OutFest. PFLAG said of
spoke of her love for and commitment to Munro then, “Dawn has dedicated her life
trans people who had been forgotten, like to bringing the plight of LGBTQ people to
Diamond Williams. “What Dawn did for the forefront, working to bring understand-
Diamond Williams — that tells you every- ing, affirmation, and civil rights for the
thing about who she was,” Bartlett said. transgender community.”
In March 2018, Munro attended every Munro spoke to PGN recently for a series
day of the grisly trial of Charles Sargent, on LGBTQ elders in which she told her
who brutally murdered Diamond Williams, story and spoke of her concern for other
a trans woman sex worker who he picked trans elders who are “aging largely on their
up in 2013. After killing her with a screw- own, with no supports, in isolation and
driver, Sargent dismembered Williams’ often, poverty.”
body — later found throughout a vacant A microbiologist, Munro was born and
North Philadelphia lot and in the Schuylkill educated in the U.K. She had several sci-
River. ence degrees: microbiology, environmental
Munro was the only person not with science and public health. Before retir-
media in the gallery at Sargent’s trial, horri- ing, Munro taught college science courses,
fied by the brutality of the crime and deeply including at the University of Georgia for
empathetic that Williams had died alone. the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Munro
At the time, Munro said she attended the moved to Philadelphia PAGE 18
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 9

LGBTQ Presidential Forum in Iowa

causes controversy Sales Representative at PGN
announced her candidacy for president,
BY VICTORIA A. BROWNWORTH but although she continually references her
PGN Contributor time in the military, she has never men-
tioned the trans military ban.
The historic LGBTQ Presidential Forum Much coverage of the forum was about
held in Iowa on Sept. 20 was marred by the manner in which moderator Lenz ques-
controversy that included racial bias, sex- tioned Harris and Warren on their change
ism and attacks on a trans woman co-host. of position on state funding for prisoners
The forum was presented by The Advocate, wanting gender reassignment surgery. As
GLAAD, the Iowa newspaper, The Gazette California Attorney General, Harris sub-
and One Iowa and was broadcast live mitted a brief arguing against state funding
from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The event was for surgery for an inmate. Harris explained
co-hosted by “Pose” star, trans actress it was her job to do so at the time, and
Angelica Ross and GLAAD president and said that she was also working to get the
CEO Sarah Kate Ellis. The event moderator Department of Corrections to change its
was Lyz Lenz, a journalist at The Gazette. policy. It did so in 2015 under her aegis. Philadelphia Gay News (PGN) currently has immediate opening for adver-
Controversy began when Ross queried on Harris has a long history of pro-LGBTQ tising sales position available for an energetic, self-motivated individual
Twitter why top-tier presidential candidate actions. She explained — while Lenz tried
Sen. Bernie Sanders chose not to attend. to cut her off — that she refused to defend with outstanding communication skills.
Sanders was campaigning in Iowa hours Proposition 8, the voter-approved ballot
after the event, raising questions among initiative that revoked marriage equality in Our ideal candidate must have polished sales skills with experience in lead
LGBTQ people as well as supporters about California. Harris’ action is actually cred-
why he did not attend the forum. After Ross ited with helping defeat Prop 8. generation and cold calling, combined with a track record of closing the sale.
spoke to reporters about Sanders’ absence, Harris also was performing same-sex
it was reported by numerous news sites, marriages as District Attorney of San Qualifications: * Two years minimum of successful sales experience, for-
including The Root, OUT and LGBTQ Francisco in 2004 at the same time Gabbard mer print and/or advertising sales are a plus * Strong verbal and writing
Nation that Ross was forced to close her was making speeches against LGBTQ peo-
Twitter account. ple from the floor of the state house and skills * Excellent at relationship building * Ability to work independently
The 10 candidates who attended the marching in the streets of Honolulu in anti-
event were (in order of polling) former Vice gay protests.
and part of a team * Knowledge of local media market and LGBT communi-
President Joe Biden, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Lenz asked how LGBTQ people could ty a plus * Computer literacy a must
Sen. Kamala Harris, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, trust Harris going forward, a question audi-
Sen. Cory Booker, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, ence members seemed surprised by. Salary/Benefits: Competitive Salary based on your past experience, plus
former HUD Secretary Julian Castro, Rep. Lenz also queried Warren about her posi-
Tulsi Gabbard, self-help author Marianne tion on surgery for inmates. While running commission. Our benefits package includes medical and dental insurance,
Williamson and former House Rep. Joe for Senate in 2012 Warren said that gen- paid holidays, vacation and a casual work environment.
Sestak. der-affirming surgery wouldn’t be a good
There were extraordinary moments use of taxpayer funds. She only changed
during the forum. Warren began her time her stance in January when she began run- Qualified individuals interested in applying are encouraged to send their
by reading the names of 18 trans women ning for president — years after Harris résumé. to
murdered in 2019. Buttigieg relayed his managed to get California to change its pol-
experiences with discrimination as a gay icy. Yet Lenz did not ask if Warren could be
man, like Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Buttigieg trusted, even though her change in attitude
also explained how he had hosted South dates only to her candidacy.
Bend’s first blood drive, but couldn’t par- Black media were quick to cite the rac-
ticipate due to the ban on gay men donating ist component in how each candidate was
blood — a statement that drew gasps from questioned: the Black woman candidate
the audience. was framed as untrustworthy, while the
Klobuchar received sustained applause white woman with no actual history of
for her call for stricter gun control after working for the LGBTQ community was
meeting and hugging Pulse nightclub survi- framed as a leader on LGBTQ issues.
vor Brandon Wolf. Biden created still more controversy. In
Booker seemed most at ease with the her best questioning of the forum, Lenz
forum and queer issues. He outlined asked Biden about his past votes in favor
trans-specific protections in his platform of DADT and the Defense of Marriage Act.
and spoke about the need for police sen- She also asked why Biden had called Vice
sitivity training in working with LGBTQ President Mike Pence, who has a long and
people, especially trans women of color. troubling anti-gay history, “a decent man.”
Castro spoke about addressing homeless- Biden said, as he previously has about
ness, particularly among trans people and segregationists, that this is how “to talk
called out current HUD Secretary Ben to the other side” “when you want to get
Carson for his transphobic statements in a things done.”
meeting days before the forum. When Lenz said Pence has been anything
Gabbard was asked about her homopho- but “decent” to LGBTQ people, Biden said,
bic history. As a Hawaii state legislator “You’re a lovely person,” in a sarcastic
Gabbard referred to activists for marriage tone.
equality as “homosexual extremists.” She Lenz said — to cheers — “I’m just
made a YouTube video apology when she asking the questions that PAGE 19 *PGN is an equal opportunity employer
10 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 EDITORIAL

Creep of the Week D’Anne Witkowski

Brett Kavanaugh
I just read on NPR’s health blog about a (though
new study that found that “an estimated 3.3 you can
million [women] nationwide said that their help that by
first sexual experience was rape.” volunteer-
And this is likely an underestimate! The ing for a
data for the study predates the very new U.S. Senate
#MeToo movement and only women age race in your
18-44 were included. neck of
That’s a lot of women and a lot of rape. the woods)
And it’s both shocking and completely and Mitch
unsurprising considering that we live in a McConnell,
country where President Trump has been who said
accused of rape and sexual assault many the new
times and all of his accusers have been dis- allegations
missed as liars. And then, president rapist “felt a little
appointed Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme like Groundhog Day,” is calling the shots.
Court, and the Republicans enthusiastically But that doesn’t mean a full investiga-
supported him despite very credible testi- tion shouldn’t happen. Impeach Trump.
mony by Christine Blasey Ford that he’d Impeach Kavanaugh. Let the proceed-
sexually assaulted her in high school. ings begin because democracy is head-
Editorial Jess Bryant And lo and behold, what’s this trend-
ing on Twitter? Brett Kavanaugh’s penis.
ing toward an iceberg and if we don’t do
something this ship is going down.
Because that’s the horror show we’re living Americans deserve the truth. Granted,

Back in session in right now.

To be clear, it’s not a d--k pic of
Kavanaugh on Twitter. It’s more allegations
a number of them will choose only to
believe their dear leader. But winning
over the mindless isn’t the point. It’s tak-
The summer hiatus for challenging intersections when devis- of him using his penis to be a sexually ing seriously charges of sexual assault
Pennsylvania’s House and Senate has ing a plan forward for this city and assaulting trash heap. The latest allega- and saying, “Gosh, maybe men who
come to an end. The General Assembly, state. tions refer to incidents that happened while have credible accusations against them
the second-largest in the nation with Black trans women deal with signifi- he was in college, and they star his penis shouldn’t be allowed to hold the most
50 Senate members and 203 House cantly more challenges in this society being thrust at women who didn’t want that powerful positions in the land.”
of Representative members, is now in than other members of the LGBTQ to be happening to them. Look, it’s clear that Kavanaugh wasn’t
session. community, from being passed over for Trump, of course, came to Kavanaugh’s a good person before his confirmation
This week, we’ve already seen an employment to economic challenges defense. hearing. It’s also clear that he wasn’t
end to the Boyertown case concerning to high rates of survival sex work. “Brett Kavanaugh should start suing a good person during his confirmation
trans-inclusive school district policies, These women are Black and transgen- people for libel, or the Justice Department hearing. Which means he isn’t a good
and three bills advanced by a City der, sometimes also queer or gay, and should come to his rescue,” Trump tweeted, person now that he’s a sitting Supreme
Council committee that, if passed, therefore subject to racism, sexism, indicating yet again that he has no idea Court Justice.
would provide protections for LGBTQ- transphobia and homophobia. Systemic what the Justice Department does. “The This is a man who, for the rest of his
plus folks, specifically the trans and oppression, rooted in a deeply patri- lies being told about him are unbelievable.” life, will be making decisions that gov-
nonbinary communities. archal society, exist for each of these Trump’s very Strange and Random cap- ern the bodies and lives of women and
During a year when 19 trans peo- identities — when these identities italizations aside, Trump doesn’t know LGBTQ people in this country. This man
ple have been murdered — 18 of intersect, these systems of oppression if what’s being said about Kavanaugh is who thought that pushing his penis into a
them women of color, including are compounded. true or not because the FBI didn’t bother woman’s face was a funny joke in college.
Philadelphia’s own Tameka “Michelle” These women are underserved by to investigate around the time of his nom- I can’t stop thinking about those 3 mil-
Washington (yes, we will keep saying politicians and disproportionately ination. Of course, that’s according to the lion women in this country were raped as
her name) — it is absolutely necessary underrepresented in Pennsylvania’s and Liberal Media, so ... their first sexual experience. Their first!
for our councilmembers to propose Philadelphia’s legislative bodies. It is The next day Trump tweeted: “I call for This doesn’t count the many more who
legislation that would protect the trans easier to propose legislation relevant to the Resignation of everybody at The New were raped after that.
community. all members of the LGBTQ community York Times involved in the Kavanaugh And still, our default is to not believe
Under a Trump administration that instead of that relevant specifically to SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the women. To dismiss them as liars, espe-
filed an amicus brief in defense of a trans women of color. Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as cially when they accuse powerful men.
funeral home that fired a trans woman While we can be grateful and phony!” The idea that there are all these women
because of her gender, we must rely on appreciative of any bill or proposal That’s journalism in America, folks. The out there who will stop at nothing to
our city and state representatives for that directly supports any or all of goddamn president calls for the resignation destroy a good man’s life is absurd.
progressive LGBTQ-centered legisla- the LGBTQ community, we can also of reporters he doesn’t agree with. Sexual assault isn’t something the major-
tion. push our Assembly members to do Other, much smarter, people (Sens. ity of women lie about.
During the new political session, more, move forward, break barriers. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris for The idea that there are all these men
PGN looks forward to tracking legis- Philadelphia is known for progressive example) are calling for resignations, too. out there who will stop at nothing to
lation related to our community and policies and leading the way. This Or, more specifically, impeachments. destroy a good woman’s life by assault-
watching as elected officials show their city is often looked to as a test mar- “Confirmation is not exoneration, and ing her and then calling her a liar? We
commitment to LGBTQ people. ket for progressive and radical ideas these newest revelations are disturbing,” see that played out over and over again.
While legislation surrounding gender because Philadelphia’s constituents are Warren tweeted. “Like the man who And it has to stop. n
has been proposed over the last couple informed, aware and passionate. Let’s appointed him, Kavanaugh should be
impeached.” D’Anne Witkowski is a poet, writer and comedian
of years, we need our government to expect those we elect to live up to that living in Michigan with her wife and son. She has been
investigate and understand the most reputation this session. n Would the Senate go for it? Well, no. Of
writing about LGBT politics for over a decade. Follow
course not. It’s still Republican-controlled her on Twitter @MamaDWitkowski.
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 11

Archbishop Chaput’s legacy: Enabling molestation of children

The homophobic Archbishop of had nothing to do with the meeting, which to say, “Advocates for sexual abuse vic-
Philadelphia Charles J. Chaput — a major left Chaput a little embarrassed among tims, however, bristle at the characteriza-
conservative critic of Pope his fellow American Bishops tion of Archbishop Chaput as a reformer.
Francis and leniency in the Conference members. They point out that he fought hard against we wanna know:
Catholic church’s LGBT posi- But more, what he must and legislation in Colorado that would have
tions — is about to retire. His will be remembered for is his extended the statute of limitations for peo- who is your favorite
record is not decent, from his total lack of understanding of ple who say they were sexually abused to philly mascot?
days in Denver to his time in the molesting and raping of chil- sue the church.”
Philadelphia. Along the way, dren by members of his archdi- He failed to clean up the church in
he’s proven to have no heart. ocese clergy during his clawing Philadelphia. To this day, priests under
He fired lesbian teachers to become archbishop. him are still being charged, and even more
and supported a Catholic con- As The New York Times saddening is his total disregard for vic-
version therapy group. He reported on July 19, 2011, “The tims of these priests. Like in Denver, he
even said at one point “LGBT archbishop has been frequently has fought against changing Pennsylvania Tastykake
people don’t exist,” and it’s
been noted that he’s one of the
Mark My tapped to investigate internal
church problems. It is a pro-
law to allow authorities to charge predator
(Kir by Krim pet , f rien d
of Phan at ic)

bishops who fooled the Pope

into meeting with anti-mar-
Words file that could serve him well
in Philadelphia, where a grand
While we note Chaput’s hatred toward
LGBT people, that is not what he will be
riage equality campaigner Mark Segal jury accused the archdiocese remembered for.
County Clerk Kim Davis, when of a widespread cover-up of Chaput’s legacy will be that he enabled
the Pope was on his last U.S. tour. The sexual abuse and indicted a top church predator priests to molest and rape chil-
Vatican issued a statement that said they administrator.” The Times article went on dren. n
Transmissions Gwendolyn Ann Smith because they’re
The time for trans perspectives is now themself!
Every week, via email, I receive dozens the judicial branch decides. States, despite emoji depicting nonbinary couples as well
of story pitches. the defeat of so many bathroom bills, are as gay and straight couples, and yet there
Some are quite good, connecting me with surely going to try once more to curtail our is no trans flag.
engaging people and interesting stories that rights in the 2020 legislative session — if To me, this is an utter non-story, but
I might otherwise have missed. Most, how- only to provide fresh talking points for some news outlets in need of content made
ever, are pretty useless to me in the overall Republicans running for office next year. it a headline. News outlets could ask non- The Wawa hoagie
scheme of things. A lot only tangentially The stakes are as high as they’ve ever been. binary people to explain why having an
relate to topics I write about or are blatant With this in mind, we need a team of emoji with that option is important. Also, because it’s trash
product pitches. trans people of all stripes, and someone the media could ask folks to speak about but implies good
I know that I’m only one writer, and that who can help us reach the press to give the need for trans, genderfluid, nonbinary times.
these pitches are being sent to outlets big our comments. We need to be ready to be and other flags at our fingertips.
and small. I’m sure there are also hundreds, talking heads on the news, to pitch stories A superintendent at a school in East
perhaps thousands of pitches hitting other to the papers and generally champion our Texas recently told a young Black boy’s
writers’ email addresses with a number of visibility as hard as those who might stand grandmother the child needed to choose
other topics even further outside my wheel- against us. between cutting his hair, braiding it or pin-
house. We need to seek opportunities to dis- ning it up. When the grandmother spoke
However, there’s one thing of note about cuss every little trans thing that might even about transgender rights that allowed for Gritty because
the pitches I receive: many relate to trans- remotely be of interest to the press, if only different forms of expression, the super- they have a great
gender issues. to get our faces and stories out. Indeed, it intendent told her she could put him in a social media
I’ll let you in on another secret about the is also important that we engage in conver- dress if she wanted to receive those rights.
world of journalism today: several stations sations that are not exclusively related to This isn’t a story about a transgender
presence and
are working to fill a 24-hour news cycle, trans and nonbinary issues, to give our per- child, but it is one about identity, school also are Antifa.
and each outlet needs experts who are will- spective on the issues of the day. dress codes and other issues of importance
ing to appear with an interesting angle on Consider the recent Emmys and Billy to trans and nonbinary people. We could
the day’s big story. These outlets, too, are Porter’s win for his work on “Pose,” not to speak to it.
receiving pitches similar to mine. mention the other members of the cast in Trans issues are a big story for the 2020
By the same token, many newspapers, attendance, or Patricia Arquette’s Emmy elections — which I teased above. We need
suffering massive cutbacks of staff in this speech on trans rights. to start pressing for panels where trans and Phang
modern world, have begun to rely on circu- Not every outlet has the ability to inter- nonbinary people can discuss their key because it
lated pitches and press releases, including view big-name celebrities, but when we election issues. Get us out and on U.S. TV represents
completely ghostwritten stories. are available, they can turn to us — people screens, at outlets large and small.
When these outlets need someone to talk who can speak through their lived expe- The point of all this is simple: people soccer.
on transgender issues, plenty of people line rience — for important color and nuance who know transgender people are more
up and few have the trans community’s best that will otherwise be missing. likely to be sympathetic to transgender
interest at heart. Sure, some might want to This would help to show who we are. people. As long as we let others frame who
simply advertise their books, but a large We could tell more stories than just those we are, we will continue to be painted in
number are right-wing operatives offering shared at this year’s Emmys. Try pitch- the worst possible light.
their spin on trans issues — even if they ing human interest pieces on how “Pose” We can’t wait for them to come to us for
know little to nothing about trans issues. affects trans and nonbinary people today, comment — that’s not going to happen.
Right now is a precarious time for trans- using it to springboard to pieces about We need to put ourselves out there and be follow us on instag ram to be a
gender rights. The Supreme Court could resources, our lives and so on. Think of the seen. n part of our social polls and
devastate our rights next month, and the rest possibilities. q uestions: @phillygaynews
of this administration will do all they can to A couple of months ago, an update was Gwen Smith once was interviewed by Bill O’Reilly for
chip away at those rights regardless of what released on our phones that offered an a trans story. You can find her at
12 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 COLUMN

Caregivers on the front lines of the campaign for quality care

Most of us hope we will never have largest health care workers’ union, people and, more importantly, making disabilities must offer a living-wage
to make the decision to place a loved Service Employees International Union sure that everyone doing this work feels with high-quality health care benefits.
one in a nursing home. Yet, many of us Healthcare Pennsylvania, and I hear on welcomed and accepted. Employees need to have access to con-
will be faced with this challenging task. a daily basis from front-line caregivers Growing up as a gay man in Central tinued training and opportunities for
Turning the care of our parents, grand- who are in distress. They are caring for Pennsylvania was often a struggle for advancement, and all caregivers should
parents or partners over to strangers is more residents than they should. They me. However, when I started working in have the ability to have a voice at work
a decision fraught with guilt, work double shifts, are get- a nursing home, I quickly realized we and form a union without reprisals from
anxiety and hope that a facil- ting hurt and many are con- all shared a common goal of wanting their employers.
ity’s caregivers will provide sidering different jobs. When to provide good care for our residents. Finally, public officials need to lead.
high-quality care for a short this happens, caregivers are We came together through our union I serve as the chair of the Pennsylvania
period of time or the rest of forced to do the best they to advocate for both our residents and Long-Term Care Council’s Workforce
someone’s life. can. But they know it’s not each other. I felt welcomed, and I want Committee. This year we produced “A
Front-line caregivers are what our loved ones need or others to have that feeling as well. That Blueprint to Strengthen Pennsylvania’s
key to whether a loved one deserve. is why our union is working to ensure Direct Care Workforce,” which serves
will receive the attention, Our union fights for justice that every direct care worker is valued as a guide to improving the lives of
care, good food and clean and dignity for all people and and respected, whether they are part caregivers and the care they provide for
room they deserve. The prac- believes that everyone has a of the LGBT-plus community, a per- our seniors and people with disabilities.
tical nurses, nurse aides, right to high-quality health- son of color, an immigrant, have been The Council continues to push the Wolf
dietary workers and house
cleaners often become the Gettin’ On care from cradle to the grave.
Our mission is to figure out
incarcerated or otherwise struggle to be
accepted. Our Training and Education
administration and legislators to enact
our recommendations.
surrogate family for nursing Matt Yarnell how to tackle the current Fund includes cultural competency in When I started working in a nursing
home residents. While we workforce staffing crisis and its curriculum, and we routinely explore home 21 years ago, I quickly devel-
may try to visit our loved how to engage our members, issues of institutional racism and inclu- oped a vision for a more just healthcare
ones regularly, staff are with them 24/7. public officials and our entire organiza- sion with our rank-and-file leadership. system where residents, patients and
Unfortunately, there is a staffing cri- tion to meet this challenge. Second, we have to make sure that caregivers were treated with dignity and
sis that is taking a toll on caregivers and First, we have to figure out how to nursing home and home-care jobs respect. For me, that vision has never
residents alike. When I started working encourage more people to take on the are good jobs that become careers. wavered. The current staffing crisis
as a nurse aide 21 years ago at State job of caring for seniors and people We cannot entrust our loved ones to has only strengthened our resolve to
College, there were times when more with disabilities, whether it’s in a nurs- workers who live in poverty without achieve justice for all. n
staff were needed on the floor. Today, ing home or as a home-care worker. access to affordable health care. Caring Matt Yarnell is President of Service Employees
I am the president of Pennsylvania’s This means trying to engage young for our seniors and those living with International Union Healthcare Pennsylvania.
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 13
14 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 COLUMN


Navigating Back-to-School Night
Those of us with kids in school know that this digm may have similar concerns about fitting
Proven track record of recovering millions of dollars for wrongfully treated employees!* time of year means the approach of an event in and representation. And both LGBTQ and
Experience litigating: that can cause distress even in the hardiest of non-LGBTQ families whose other intersect-
• Partnership & business disputes us: Back-to-School Night. ing identities differ from the majority in
• Non-competes This annual observance is on the surface their community may worry about a school’s
a meet-and-greet with our children’s teach- response to those aspects of their lives as
• Executive compensation
er(s), where they tell us all about the amazing well. We may find sympathetic ears and
• Employment discrimination things our children will be learning and doing mutual allyship in many places.
• Real Estate Litigation this year, and we try to avoid signing up to This year, we can take heart, too, knowing
bake cupcakes for school events. Usually, that six states (California, Colorado, Illinois,
Jeffrey E. Goldman, Esq. Also handle: I come away a little jealous of all the great New Jersey, Oregon, and Maryland) have
100 S. Broad St. • Wills, Living Wills, Trusts and Powers of Attorney things my son will get to experience (though enacted laws requiring that schools teach
Suite 1330 occasionally I’ve sat through a dreary, dron- about LGBTQ history and the contributions
Philadelphia, PA 19110 Put 18 years of experience to work for you! ing recitation of the syllabus). of LGBTQ people to society. Massachusetts For LGBTQ parents, how- does not require this, but last
*Attorney advertising. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
ever, Back-to-School Night can year gave school districts access
bring with it a host of additional to a curriculum on LGBTQ his-
questions: What if the teacher tory, literature and health that
is homophobic or transphobic? they may use if they wish. All of
What if the other parents are? this is not immediately helpful
Will I stand out because of my for people outside those states
gender expression? Will there be — but I still find encouragement
Repairs, Renovations and Remodeling other LGBTQ families there, or in knowing most of these moves
LGBTQ students in the class? (except in California) happened
(215) 467-3335 Will there be LGBTQ-inclusive after President Trump took office.
books and lessons? Even when the federal outlook for
Pa. HIC #026545 Some of us may have already
spoken with our children’s teach-
Mombian LGBTQ equality (and education
generally) may seem grim, we
Phila. Lic. #17895
ers to introduce ourselves and Dana Rudolph can still make progress.
“Our” answer any questions they may There are also many resources
have about LGBTQ families and individuals. now to help us and to assist teachers and
Family Plumber This can be helpful, especially the first year school administrators in being more welcom-
for over 30 years in a school. Sometimes, however, our sched- ing to and inclusive of LGBTQ identities.
ules prevent this; other times, we may choose Some of the best are from HRC’s Welcoming
to give our children, especially tweens and Schools, GLSEN, PFLAG, and Teaching
teens, the chance to control how and when Tolerance. (For a fuller list, see my LGBTQ
to come out about their families. There is no Back-to-School Resources at
one right answer for every family every year. Keep in mind that you’re not alone, even
The first year in a school may require a dif- if you’re the only LGBTQ family in your
ferent approach than the third. We may even school. Find a local LGBTQ parent group
mix methods the same year when dealing through Family Equality (
with homeroom teachers as well as music, or join one of the many queer parenting
art, physical education and other specialists. groups on Facebook or your favorite social
All of that means, however, that Back-to- media channel. Many LGBTQ parents are
School Night may still be a first encounter more than willing to share advice and offer
with some or all teachers, specialists and support. They might not have all the answers
other parents. but can provide assurance that you’re not the
Breathe. I can’t promise that things will only one asking the questions.
always go swimmingly, but here are a few My spouse is also fond of saying, “You
things to remember if you start to worry. can’t Nerf the world.” We don’t always have
The first year in a new school or commu- to run ahead and put soft foam over every
nity may be the hardest. After your kids have bump on our children’s’ school journeys. We
been there a while, however, you’ll likely want to protect our children, but we also need
know at least some of the other families and to help them learn how to handle questions
have a general sense of the vibe of the school. and comments about their families on their

Because life is
Even if it isn’t particularly welcoming, at own. We may find, too, that they are more
least you’ll know what you’re getting into. It resilient than we think.
might not be easy, but there will be less fear Every family, child and school environ-

more than just gay of the unknown. ment is different, of course. The above is not
When it’s been my family’s first year at a meant as comprehensive advice for every
school (or even when it’s not), I try to focus situation. I hope it offers some support,

news. on my commonalities with other parents. though, whether you dance into Back-to-
They probably have the same questions as School Night wearing a shirt with a glittering
I do about the class structure, curriculum rainbow unicorn on it, “pass” quietly in the
and practicalities of the school year. I try to back of the room or anything in between.
engage them and the teacher in conversation May we and our children have a year full of
about these topics, or at the very least, share learning, laughter, and love. n
an anecdote about back-to-school shopping.
Building bridges isn’t always easy, but I try. Dana Rudolph is the founder and publisher of

ARTS & CULTURE I also remind myself that non-LGBTQ Mombian (, a GLAAD Media Award-
families outside the one mom-one dad para- ents.
winning blog and resource directory for LGBTQ par-
PGNTRAIL Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 15

Her attorney, Susan Hazeldean, said the

53-year-old had lung cancer.
Manning had been serving a 30-year

Media Trail
sentence for shooting at a police car.
Officials said she was scheduled to be Apply Online Now
released Sept. 23 after receiving parole
board approval in May.
Manning accepted $100,000 from the
state last year to settle a federal lawsuit in
which she’d argued prison officials were
Women occupy most same- “deliberately indifferent” to her safety as
sex households, except in a transgender woman housed in a men’s
prison. Thousands of jobs are available nationwide.
cities Help support your community — be a census taker.
The Baltimore Sun reported women cou- Transgender man can sue
ples make up more than half of all same-sex Catholic hospital over hys-
households in the United States, but male
couples dominate in cities with large gay terectomy  Extra income  Weekly pay
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The U.S. Census Bureau reported Sept. The Sacramento Bee reported a
18 that the U.S. had almost 1 million same- California appeals court has ruled that a
sex households in 2017, with female cou- transgender man can sue a Catholic hos-
ples making up almost 52 percent of those pital for canceling his hysterectomy.
households. The findings emerged in the The Sept. 18 decision by the First
bureau’s American Community Survey. District Court of Appeals overturns a
Male couples dominated in cities with the lower court ruling dismissing the dis-
largest gay populations, but the rate varied crimination lawsuit.
depending on the city. In San Francisco, Evan Minton sued Mercy San Juan
more than three-quarters of same-sex cou- Medical Center for canceling his sched-
ples were male; in Phoenix, more than half uled hysterectomy after he mentioned to
were male. a nurse two days before surgery that he’s For more information or help applying, please call 1-855-JOB-2020
Almost 60 percent of couples in same- transgender. Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339 TTY/ASCII
sex households are married, up from 26.6 Hospital operator Dignity Health The U.S. Census Bureau is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
percent in 2008. quickly helped transfer the surgery to a
Same-sex households make up only a non-Catholic facility, but Judge Stuart
portion of the LGBT community. Pollak said that didn’t negate Minton’s
Dignity Health says its Catholic facil-
DC considers banning ‘gay ities “do not provide elective steriliza-
panic’ defense tions.”
California civil rights law says busi-
WTOP-FM reported the Washington, nesses must offer full and equal access
D.C., Council is considering legislation to residents.
that would bar people charged with vio-
lent offenses from claiming they acted in
self-defense after learning the victim was
Political donor faces charge
gay or transgender. in overdose death
Council Chairman Phil Mendelson intro-
duced the “Sexual Orientation and Gender The Los Angeles Times reported a law
Identity Panic Defense Prohibition Act of enforcement official said political activist
2019” this week, saying it’s unacceptable Ed Buck will face a federal charge in a
for “bigots to claim panic as a defense.” drug death at his Los Angeles-area home.
The bill would prohibit defendants from The official with knowledge of the inves-
claiming they acted in the “heat of passion” tigation said Sept. 19 that Buck will be
or suffered reduced mental capacity upon charged with distributing meth resulting in
learning about a person’s actual or per- the death of Gemmel Moore.
ceived sexuality or gender identity. The official wasn’t authorized to speak
Mendelson was involved in helping the publicly and insisted on anonymity.
District legalize same-sex marriage. Moore died at the 65-year-old gay
activist’s West Hollywood home in 2017.
Another man died of an overdose there
Transgender prisoner dies of last year.
cancer days before release State prosecutors charged the wealthy
and influential Democratic donor this week
The Washington Post reported a trans- with causing the overdose of another man
gender prison inmate who got attention for who escaped from his home this month.
suing the state of New York over her alleged State prosecutors say Buck is a violent
rape in a men’s prison died of cancer last sexual predator and are seeking $4 million
weekend, days before she was set to be bail.
freed on parole. An email seeking comment from Buck’s
State prison officials said LeslieAnn lawyer was not immediately returned. n
Manning died Saturday at the Wende Reporting via Associated Press
Correctional Facility in Alden, New York.
16 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 INTERNATIONAL

anti-gay rhetoric commonly heard in some other parts

Food and Drink of sub-Saharan Africa, homosexuality is still widely
Directory “But there is no going back, because I have to live
International my real life,” Albert Nabonibo says.
Although Rwanda’s penal code does not explicitly
proscribe gay sex, same-sex marriage is banned.
Rwanda’s state minister for foreign affairs, how-
ever, has expressed support for Nabonibo, saying he
is protected under the law and urging the singer to
Brazil prosecutor orders indictments continue his worship ministry.
According to Human Rights Watch, 32 African
in Rio gay councilwoman murder nations have varying laws criminalizing homosexu-
Brazil’s top public prosecutor ordered five people Security concerns prompt Montego
indicted over sabotaging efforts surrounding an investiga-
tion into the assassination of a Rio de Janeiro city coun- Bay Pride cancellation
cilwoman on Sept. 17.
In comments to reporters on her last day in office, Organizers of Montego Bay Pride in Jamaica have
Brazil’s Prosecutor General Raquel Dodge said she canceled the event because of security concerns.
would charge two court officials, two police officers and A press release that Montego Bay Pride organizers
a lawyer with obstructing investigations into the March released on Sept. 19 said Montego Bay Mayor Homer
2018 slaying of Marielle Franco and her driver, Anderson Davis and St. James Councilor Charles Sinclair
Gomes. She also said federal investigators would take “don’t feel that we belong in Jamaica” and have
over the case. banned them from using a public cultural center.
A Black, openly gay councilwoman, Franco frequently “I am not opposed if Montego Bay Pride wishes
criticized Rio police for their often-deadly gang-bust- to have an event to promote same-sex marriage,
Wedding Services Directory ing operations and excoriated Rio’s so-called “militias,” but I believe it should not be held at the Montego
Bay Cultural Center,” said Sinclair, according to the
powerful organized crime groups often run by retired and
off-duty police. Jamaica Gleaner, a Jamaican newspaper. “The cul-
Franco’s assassination sparked nationwide protests by tural center is a building under the management of
Brazilians fed up with endemic violence and has inspired the municipal corporation, which is a government
a new generation of Black candidates in Rio de Janeiro. agency.”
In March, Rio state police, which have been in charge “We, as a government agency, must ensure that we
of the investigation, arrested two former police offers uphold the Constitution of Jamaica, and in upholding
in connection with the murder, but questions still swirl the Constitution, why would we engage a building
around the slaying, and no clear motive has been estab- controlled by the municipal corporation to be used
lished. The murders are widely assumed to have been to hold a function to promote same-sex marriage?”

ordered and orchestrated by a criminal network, and pub- he added. “It is not consistent with the mandate that
lic patience is wearing thin. we have.”
Montego Bay Pride in their press release said
“no other venue will rent to us at a reasonable rate”
• Six wedding venues
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Rwandan gospel singer comes out as because of Sinclair and Davis’ comments.
Upwards of 3,000 people were expected to attend
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take place from Oct. 13-20. The first Montego Bay
A well-known gospel singer in Rwanda shocked Pride took place five years ago. n many last month when he revealed he is a gay man.
GAMBLING PROBLEM? Although Rwanda has been relatively free of the Reporting via Associated Press

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PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 17

Opinion Victoria A. Brownworth

Historic Emmy Awards highlighted When It
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Comes To
LGBTQ and women’s issues Your Money… can afford special
attention in our
The 71st Primetime Emmy Awards brought the favor of discriminating against gay and trans work- Experience PGN directories.
plight of women and LGBTQ into the limelight
with some powerful speeches by beloved stars.
ers in employment, as PGN previously reported.
Arquette received a standing ovation, led by
When Billy Porter was announced as winner of trans actress Laverne Cox who was the first to leap Serving our LGBT Community
the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series, to her feet applauding Arquette’s poignant plea in for over a decade. Spaces this size are
he ran up onto the stage. Porter stars in “Pose,” her sister’s memory. Cox held a rainbow clutch • Retirement Income Planning
which details life in the Black and Latinx ballroom with “October 8th Title VII Supreme Court” writ- • Investment Management only $50 per week
culture in New York City in the 1980s and 90s ten on it. • Estate Planning when you run for a
during the AIDS pandemic. Reprising his role of There were some other powerful moments. • Insurance and Annuities minimum of 8 weeks.
Pray Tell, Porter said, “The category is love y’all, Michelle Williams, who won Outstanding Lead 2016 Five Star Wealth Manager
love.” Actress in a Limited Series for her extraordinary Philadelphia Magazine
Then he quoted James Baldwin. “‘It took many performance as Gwen Verdon in “Fosse/Verdon” Award details at
years of vomiting up all the filth that I had been spoke about equal pay for women and called atten- Jeremy R. Gussick, MBA
taught about myself and halfway believed before I tion to disparities for Black women. CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™
could walk around this Earth like I had the right to Alex Borstein, who plays sexually ambiguous
be here.’” Porter added, “I have the right, you have Susie Myerson in “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,”
the right, we all have the right.” dedicated her Emmy to her mother and grand-
The crowd cheered and gave him a standing ova- mother, both Holocaust survivors. Borstein told her
tion. grandmother’s survival story. “My grandmother
A Registered Investment Advisor Member FINRA/SIPC
Porter is the first openly gay Black man to win turned to a guard — she was in line to be shot into
an Emmy for lead actor. a pit — and she said, ‘What happens if I step out
Actress Patricia Arquette, a long-time LGBTQ of line?’ And he said, ‘I don’t have the heart to PARTNERS IN LAW
ally, won for Outstanding Supporting Actress. shoot you, but somebody will.’ And she stepped PARTNERS IN LIFE
Arquette is known for her activism for causes for out of line. And for that I am here and for that my
women and other groups, so it was not unexpected children are here.”
that she would use her platform to highlight her Borstein paused as the audience applauded, then
activism. After shouting out her fellow nominees said, “So, step out of line, ladies, step out of line.”
and thanking Hulu and her family, Arquette spoke These passionate messages demanding acknowl-
to the grim plight of trans people in America who edgment of women and LGBTQ people are critical.
are at risk for violence and discrimination. None of this should need to be said in 2019, but it
It’s a deeply personal concern for Patricia does. Williams was slated to be paid just 1 percent
Arquette. Arquette’s sister, Alexis, transitioned of her male co-star in a scandal revealed last year.
in 2004 and died in 2016 of HIV-related causes. Arquette knows that trans people don’t get enough • WILLS & ESTATES •
Alexis was a well-known champion of other trans work in part because it was so hard for her sister • DISCRIMINATION •
women and men and was the subject of the 2007 to get work. Porter profusely thanked “Pose” cre- • SMALL BUSINESS •
documentary “Alexis Arquette: She’s My Brother.” ator Ryan Murphy in his speech. Murphy is an out • DIVORCE •
In her speech, Patricia Arquette said, “I’m grate- gay showrunner who has built many of his series • EMPLOYMENT •
ful at 50 to be getting the best parts of my life. And around LGBTQ actors as well as actresses over 50. • REAL ESTATE •
that’s great, but in my heart, I’m so sad I lost my Murphy has also committed to having 50 percent • CIVIL ACTIONS •
sister Alexis and that trans people are still being of his series directed by women. And “Pose” is the • AUTO ACCIDENTS •
persecuted.” first primetime series written and directed in part
The crowd was hushed as she continued, “And by a trans woman, Janet Mock.
I’m in mourning every day of my life, Alexis, and I Emmy night had moments of real power and 215-627-8200 PA
will be the rest of my life for you, until we change deep emotion. For those of us queers and women 302-777-2201 DE
the world and trans people are not persecuted.” in the audience, these were shoutouts to our 521 S. 2ND ST., PHILA., PA
Patricia Arquette, who spoke out for pay equity humanity and worth. Borstein’s message was the APPT. ALSO AVAIL IN DE & NJ
for women when she won the Oscar in 2015, most chilling: if we don’t step out of line, if we
continued, “And give them jobs. They’re human don’t, as Porter quoted Baldwin, refute the mes-
beings, let’s give them jobs. Get rid of this bias sages we’ve been taught, our very lives are under
that we have everywhere. Thank you.” threat. These were more than just speeches, they
It was a deeply moving tribute, particularly given were dictates to society. We are here, and we will
that the Trump administration just filed an amicus be stepping out of line for ourselves and those we
brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to rule in love. n

ARCHDIOCESE from page 1 that conversion therapy is “a failed experiment” that

language appears on the Facebook page of the even it’s main proponents have abandoned.
Archdiocese. He added, “The Archdiocese should be humil-
Besen said, “I was not expecting the dishonesty. iated and embarrassed. They need to get their act
Lying right to me. It was blatant and brazen.” together and protect kids and protect the church.”
The Archdiocese should reevaluate their posi- PGN reached out to Kenneth Gavin, Chief
tions on conversion therapy and anti-gay attacks, Communications Officer for the Archdiocese of
Besen said.”It’s a disgrace what they’ve done. It’s Philadelphia as well as Bozza but received no com-
not acceptable to say we agree to disagree.” He said ment by press time. n
18 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 PGN

DEVOS from page 1 ment support attaches to their institutions, then

House Mike Turzai and the Pennsylvania we have to ensure their basic protections and
Catholic Conference in collaboration with the public policy standards, which include pro-

Diocese of Harrisburg. Dubbed an “Education tections on the basis of sexual orientation and
Freedom roundtable” by the U.S. Department gender identity.”
of Education, the discussion lobbied for the According to a 2017 National School
expansion of the Educational Improvement Climate Survey by GLSEN, an organization
Tax Credit program, which provides tax cred- seeking to end LGBTQ discrimination in edu-
its to corporations that provide low- and mid- cation, 70 percent of queer Pennsylvania stu-

dle-income families scholarships for accessing dents experienced harassment from their peers
private school and prekindergarten. based on sexual orientation and 58 percent
Launched in 2001, the initiative awarded encountered similar treatment because of their
37,725 scholarships from 2017-18, with an gender identity. Thirty-six percent of LGBTQ
average value of $1,816. In June, Gov. Tom students indicated they routinely heard school
Wolf vetoed House Bill 800, which would staff making negative comments about a stu-

have nearly doubled the annual funding for the dent’s gender identity.
tax credit program by fueling it with $100 mil- In response to the roundtable, the
lion in additional support. Pennsylvania Youth Congress will hold its sec-
“Education is the cornerstone of democracy, ond Pennsylvania Trans Student Roundtable
and it is my job as the leader of this common- in late October, allowing trans youth lead-
wealth to ensure fairness and accountability in ers from across the state to discuss making
our classrooms. House Bill 800 would pour schools safer for LGBTQ students.
funding into a program that lacks these two The organization held a similar event in
One pill. Once a day. Prevents HIV. critical aspects,” Wolf said in a statement at
the time. “We have an accountable public edu-
2017 in the days following DeVos’ decision
to rescind Obama-era Title IX guidelines
cation system in place that is underfunded. I that protected trans and nonbinary students
have and I will continue to fight to fully fund from experiencing discrimination at school.
Pennsylvania’s public schools.” Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Jason Landau Goodman, executive direc-
tor of statewide LGBTQ youth advocacy
Levine, an out trans woman, attended the inau-
gural roundtable. This year, Goodman said he
organization Pennsylvania Youth Congress, hopes his organization will again be joined
Chester: 610.872.9101 told PGN the tax credit program is especially
problematic because no statute exists barring
by Levine, alongside Wolf and Pennsylvania
Secretary of Education Pedro Rivera.

Sharon Hill: 610.583.1177 state funding from benefitting institutions that

openly discriminate against LGBTQ people.
“There’s nothing barring immediate harm to
LGBT students and that has to be addressed,”
“We’re talking about the actions of our local Goodman said. “That’s something that would
and state government and their engagement be addressed with a statewide nondiscrimina-
with private institutions that discriminate,” tion law.”
Goodman told PGN.”Private schools should The U.S. Department of Education and
run themselves how they see fit, but once they Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg did not
accept public funding, once that state govern- return requests for comment. n

DELAWARE MEMORIAL from page 3 “I encourage anyone to do what you can

hard, being motivated to fight and get things and keep pushing,” Hult said, “because you
done. That’s not every girl’s journey, but it’s can cross that line and break barriers and
mine, and I’m here to stay.” move mountains, and I’ve done it.” n
She added that she had “many sleepless
nights, lots of prayers and crying and out- *Name has been changed to protect medi-
Exciting job opportunities are available casting and isolation.” cal privacy.

at Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa, the

MUNRO OBIT from page 8 what would happen if she became seriously
East Coast’s premier destination. in 1991 to work at the University of
Pennsylvania as a research scientist. At
ill and had to be cared for by others —
strangers who were not sensitive to trans or
Penn, she organized to get healthcare and LGBTQ issues. She was concerned that she
Explore current job openings at benefits for trans students and staff, includ-
ing gender-affirmation surgery. Penn’s stu-
and other trans elders would not be treated
with respect or dignity in their senior years, dent health center was recently awarded a
perfect score by HRC’s annual healthcare
or that they would be destitute financially.
Munro was working for others until her
index. Munro worked tirelessly to help final illness.
achieve that goal. In her heartbreaking farewell, Elizabeth
Assigned male at birth, Munro said she Williams said, “Fair winds on your journey
told her parents when she was very young home my dear friend, my sister. I’ll carry
that she was a woman. Their response was you in my heart forever.”
to send her to a series of doctors and even to Alvarez expressed the depth of feeling
a mental health hospital where she endured others had for her, saying, “Dawn was
electroconvulsive therapy. Her commitment my big sister. I’ve always been her lil’ sis.
to PFLAG was in part due to her own har- My heart is broken. She is my family. A
rowing experience growing up trans during Scottish warrior spirit and an angel’s heart.
1 BORGATA WAY, ATLANTIC CITY, NJ 08401 a time when little was understood about I have lost my sister — the community has
gender identity. lost a pioneer and warrior.”
Borgata is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Subject to the rules and regulations of the NJCCC. When she spoke to PGN about elder No memorial service has been planned at
Drug-free workplace. ©2019 Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. All rights reserved.
issues, Munro said she thought a lot about this time. n
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 19

COUNCIL from page 1 progressive policies supporting this popula-

Code, respectively. tion,” Rashid said.
The third LGBTQ-related bill, No. 190559, Referencing the death by suicide of North
would require City Hall to have at least one Philadelphia man Maurice Willoughby —
gender-inclusive bathroom on each of its which was partially attributed to bullying
floors and require the Department of Public stemming from him dating a trans woman
Property to annually file a report of new con- — as something that “we just should not
struction and renovations projects indicating have happen anywhere,” Bass said that
the number and location of gender-inclusive Philadelphia is “a very progressive city” but
bathrooms that are installed. It would build there is “still a lot of work that needs to be
on Philadelphia’s existing requirement that done.”
calls for any new City building to include Chris Bartlett, executive director of William
such facilities. Way LGBT Community Center, echoed state-
The final bill discussed Wednesday, No. ments that the legislation is especially import-
190608, calls for the City to disclose dis- ant in today’s national political climate.
crimination, harassment and employee mis- “As a new and growing generation of
conduct settlements and judgments on a quar- trans and gender-nonconforming young
terly basis in efforts to increase transparency. people enter the organizations that serve
Co-sponsored by Jones and Councilmember Philadelphia, the need for sensitive anti-dis-
Kenyatta Johnson, the policy would apply to criminatory policies becomes even more
cases resulting in city pay-
ments of at least $20,000,
though Gym said the com-
mittee is re-thinking the mon-
etary threshold. She added,
“We should not be looking at
the problematic behaviors in
terms of the amount of what
we payout because we cannot
allow our society to only be
shocked by the most outra-
geous, most extreme ‘can you
believe it.’ ... That’s not our
standard here.”
Rue Landau, executive
director of the Philadelphia
Commission on Human
Relations, endorsed the inclu-
sivity bills. It’s important for the city to take urgent,” Bartlett said. “At a time when the
the lead in protecting its queer citizens by president of the United States has consistently
strengthening local laws “at a time when targeted our trans and gender-nonconforming
the federal government is rolling back civil citizens, it’s more important now than ever
rights protections for the LGBTQ commu- that Philadelphia stand in solidarity with them
nity, especially for the almost 1.4 million to say that our city’s a place of sanctuary for
Americans who identify as transgender or trans and gender-nonconforming citizens,” he
gender nonconforming,” she testified, adding added.
Philadelphia is no stranger to paving the way Itzela, a 10-year-old nonbinary youth advo-
for LGBTQ inclusivity. cate with Philly Family Pride, testified in
In 1982, Philadelphia amended its Fair support of Bill 190558. They said their family
Practices Ordinance to provide nondiscrimi- and school support their identity, but “it can
nation protections to gay and lesbian people still be hard” because some educators “do
in employment, housing and public accom- not understand the children they are working
modation. The policy expanded in 2002 with with.”
safeguards for gender identity and expres- “While sometimes people can be mean,
sion. other people can be hurtful without meaning
LGBT Office of Affairs policy fellow to be,” Itzela said. “When people misgender
Sayeeda Rashid read testimony at the hear- me, it can be painful. Sometimes people tell
ing in support of the “inclusivity package” me how hard it is for them to use they/them
bills on behalf of the unit’s deputy director pronouns. I don’t need to hear it’s hard; I
Evan Thornburg. don’t expect people to be perfect. I only ask
“The Mayor’s office is proud of City that people try and respect me for who I am.”
Council’s unwavering commitment to the The committee unanimously advanced the
rights and safety of transgender and non- four bills, which will move to final passage
binary individuals in public spaces, and in a City Council meeting where all 17 coun-
believes it is important to update the City’s cilmembers will vote. n

LGBTQ FORUM from page 9 shouldn’t be calling women sweethearts.”

people want to know.” Lenz appeared on several pundit shows
The next day headlines mostly led with talking about Biden after the forum.
Biden’s poor performance as well as his The next LGBTQ Forum will be held
sexist comments to Lenz afterward. Lenz on CNN and sponsored by HRC on Oct.
said Biden condescendingly called her “a 10. Sanders has already said he will not be
real sweetheart.” She said, “It’s 2019, you attending that forum either. n
20 Philadelphia Gay News Sept. 27 - Oct. 3, 2019 PGN


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Queer Latina writer speaks the truth

the sneak before church. But I took my also, these humans were about their the chance to write for her, I had to give
BY A.D. AMOROSI love of writing seriously — inside my business. We wrote our a--es off and her a grandma. Had to offer her men-
PGN Contributor heart — when I was 17, the same time shared our writing with each other. tors like Storm and put her in Sotomayor
I accepted myself for being a whole, University so there was a foundation of
If anyone is living her best life, it’s happy, excited baby dyke. Something PGN: When did you feel comfortable support coming from all over. America
Gabby Rivera. The American Latina happened then, and I don’t even really enough to speak the truth of who you Chavez doesn’t have all the answers. She
queer artist from the Bronx not only have words for it, but I know that up are?
authored the stirring, 2016 semi-auto- until I was 17, I was terrified, just like GR: Is that what I’m doing? Listen, my
biographical young-adult novel, “Juliet my mom was, about going to hell. And mom raised me to tell the truth. And
Takes a Breath,” she also penned the
2017–18 Marvel comic book “America,”
about superhero America Chavez, mak-
ing Rivera the first-ever Latin queer
then one day I was like no, dude, if you
really believe that God is all-loving and
infinite, then this is exactly how God
wants you to be and everyone else is
even when that truth hurt her, she’s still
always encouraged me to tell it. Writing
fiction helps. I can process all this truth
and ache in fresh ways. Throw in some
woman to enter the Marvel universe.
She’s also an esteemed speaker who’ll
just bugging. soft love where there might have just
been shards of glass, you know? It all
visit Philly’s Parkway Central Library
Sept. 27 for Penguin Books’ re-re-
PGN: What is your relationship to men-
toring (which you write a lot about)?
goes back to rooting in community
for me. I’m not that brave alone,
lease of “Juliet Takes a Breath.” Some GR: Mentorship at its core is beautiful not many of us are, WOMEN,
responses have been condensed. and such a healing and elevating experi-
ence. Power and privilege have f---ed up
but when
PGN: Which did you realize first — that
you are gay or an incredible writer?
the beauty of the concept. People
like to use their power
GR: So you’re basically asking me when
did I realize I was a gay writer nerd? Or
and expe- FOLKS WHO
like, which came first the dyke
or the words? This is
I’m sur- RIGHT TO
rounded by people
who love me and themselves, REVEL IN OUR
rience to
I’m a beam of f---ing powerful light
magic. An ultralight beam. And why RADIANCE.
do all sorts of shady
stuff to folks, especially women,
lie? I mean, look I’m a human being so
of course I lie and f--k up. But big lies? TAKE THAT
the best
femmes, nonbinary folks, to people of
color. So for me, mentorship blossomed
No. Everyone is feeding us sick lies
about the history and fabric of America,
question ever —
’cuz both. I mean, books were
with folks who were actively seeking
to dismantle all that gross power/white
and it’s time to stomp that out forever.
They’re lying about climate change and AND BATHE
my whole entire world as a kid. I grew
up in an Evangelical Christian house-
hold. My parents were super strict, and
I wasn’t allowed to do anything fun or
supremacist/patriarchal crap and build
new beautiful spaces for development.
When I was first coming up as a poet/
writer in New York, I was welcomed
look at all the teenagers ready to light
their lies on fire. That’s the real wave.
Truth. Action. Reconciliation.
cool. So, I read all the books. I’ve kept a and fully embraced by the New York PGN: What do you remember about cre- GA B B Y RI V E RA
Phot o: Jul i et a Sal gado
journal since I was a kid, always writing City Latina Writers group. I just showed ating America Chavez? What hero did
everything down. Even after my mom up at one of their meetups in Harlem, you want her to be?
found and read my journals, I still kept and there were like 20 Afro-Latina, GR: I just wanted America Chavez to gets scared and lonely; sometimes her
them. Journals were where I admitted Latina, women of the Caribbean dias- have fun and go on wild adventures. I was temper gets the better of her. But at the
liking girls for the first time. It all really pora, all there writing their spirits and learning on the go with her too. I’d never end of the AMERICA series, she’s got
crashed wide open with HBO’s “Gia.” lives. And what a homecoming. Their written a comic before, and it was such Madrimar, her grandma. She’s been to
And I was like wow, I have my sexual mentorship was lighting candles with an incredible challenge. I wanted her to the Ancestral Plane and has learned the
feelings for this new actress Angelina intention, serving plates of food, and have love, support, a family. Things she history of her people. And she knows that
Jolie, am I going to hell? Where are cracking jokes ’til midnight. It came didn’t have. Her moms had sacrificed she’s enough. That’s all we
those blank tapes so I can record this on with love and deep compassion. And themselves to the universe, so when I got ever need anyway.
22 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 THEATER

Genderfluid epic hits the stage

S A R A H S TRY K E R A S ORLA NDO Phot o Cr edi t : Ki m ber l y Rei l l y

who identify as male playing female char-
BY LARRY NICHOLS acters and vice versa. And sometimes this is a difficult thing for some people to see.
What my responsibility is as a director and
Photos: Amy Guip

Villanova Theatre is kicking off its fall an educator is to make sure the students have
season with a stage adaptation of Virginia a clear understanding of what we’re doing
Woolf’s gender-bending epic, “Orlando.”
Based on Woolf’s 1928 novel and adapted
and how we’re doing it and why it’s inten-
tional. My hope is that extends out into the
OCTOBER 18-20 for the stage by Sarah Ruhl, “Orlando” — audience so that even if someone comes in

running through Oct. 6 — tells the tale of a with a closed mind, they can find their way
free-thinking nobleman, the titular character, through it.

who after awakening from a seven-day slum-

ber finds himself transformed into a woman PGN: Do you think this show will appeal
and has the ability to live for centuries with- equally to straight and queer audiences?
out aging. In the new body, Orlando must JI: That’s a tricky question for me. The
navigate society and all of the changes of the themes of the play will appeal to queer audi-
years that lay ahead from a new perspective. ences in a very specific and visceral way. I
PGN talked to James Ijames, a Philadelphia also think the play will resonate with straight
based performer and playwright, as well as people in a very specific way. I’m interested
the director of this production, about bringing as a theater maker in these horizontal conver-
this almost century-old tale to the stage. sations that audiences have even when they
are not talking to each other about a piece of
PGN: Are you updating this story or sticking art. My experience as a Black queer artist is
with the original? going to be very different from a white queer
JI: I don’t think we’re updating the story, cisgender female artist. Those experiences
but I think the way we’re making it is a par- are going to be different, and yet there’s a
ticularly 21st-century approach. It’s a very sense that we should be having the same
devised and collaborative way of working. experience. I’m curious about how there are
Our understanding of gender and identity other ways to talk to as many people as pos-
and how those things affect attraction and sible while still staying true to this story that
desire is a lot more sophisticated. So, in a is undeniably an exploration of the queer
lot of ways, the play feels ahead of its time. experience at a moment in time.
It feels relevant and really present tense. It
doesn’t require a lot of pulling into the 21st PGN: At the end of the day is this a fun
century; I think it’s actually pulling us. story to tell and work on?
JI: It is a lot of fun to do. I do think it is a
PGN: Do you think “Orlando” will mean hard world that we’re trying to create. We’re
something different in 2019 than when first trying to tell this story together, and we’re
published? figuring it out as we go along. That’s a dif-
JI: When the novel came out, it was probably ficult conceit that we’ve added on top of the
radical and very subversive and troubling to play that will make it really exciting for the
some people who were reading it. I think this audience. But for us making it, it’s like put-
play and this adaptation of the novel is going ting together a large puzzle, but we’re having
to be greeting a much more aware, thought- a great time figuring it all out. n
ful and evolved audience.
Villanova Theatre presents “Orlando”
PGN: Do you think this production is still through Oct. 6 at Villanova University’s
provocative? Vasey Hall, 800 Lancaster Ave. For more
JI: There will definitely people that will find information, call 610-519-7474 or visit
this production provocative. We have actors
Q PUZZLE Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 23

Documentary considers gender

PGN Contributor

“Buzz,” is a beguiling documentary about

Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Buzz
Bissinger finding his authentic sexual self.
Airing September 25 on HBO, the film
flips the script as the man known for con-
ducting interviews becomes the subject of
the story. Bissinger is perhaps best known
for his book, “Friday Night Lights,” and
he wrote the iconic Vanity Fair cover story
on transgender woman Caitlyn Jenner. The
writer was engaged to help Jenner pen her
memoir, and many scenes in “Buzz” depict
this collaboration. Their working relation-
ship, which includes some playful friction,
has been described as that of a married cou-
ple, though both Bissinger and Jenner scoff B U Z Z B I S S I NG E R I N “B U Z Z ”
Ph o t o C r e d i t : C h r i st i a n An wa n d e r
at that idea.
Bissinger is married to his third wife, claims she accepts her husband’s cross-dress-
Lisa, who is also prominently featured in the ing, but she thinks if he is going to publish
documentary. Their relationship is loving photos, he should look better in them. She
and caring, but she has some very pragmatic also suggests her husband’s sexuality is best
observations about marriage, sex and her defined as “onanistic” — and when Buzz
husband. She seems sympathetic and adds an claims, “dressing in women’s clothing gen-
intimate insider’s perspective to Buzz’s story. erates a sexual charge, a rush,” it helps make
It is less than 10 minutes into “Buzz” that case.
when Bissinger asks his son — over drinks The film shows that Buzz, inspired by
at Butcher and Singer, on the eve of his son’s Jenner, is no longer scared to express his
wedding — if the fact that he wears wom- sexuality. He is overcoming decades of Q Puzzle 43 Dickinson’s
9 Touch lips
10 Home o’ the
38 Classic auto
en’s clothing bothers his son. Buzz describes repression, having grown up buttoned-up.
46 Cross-dresser brave 41 Popular words
his cross-dressing as a form of self-expres- This actually shows why he is an appropriate Klinger’s hometown 11 Ode opener in Provincetown
Mary and Rhoda
sion and gushes about getting a pedicure, collaborator for Jenner, as they talk about 48 Hawke of “Ham- 13 Cartoon skunk 43 Louise’s partner
indicating his toenails will match the color of these issues but also talk about themselves. Across let” Le Pew 44 “Rhoda” star
his wedding tux. In one telling exchange Jenner has with 1 Facial application 50 See 19-Across 20 Fairylike Valerie
These revelations are presented matter-of- Buzz, Jenner says she will never truly feel 4 B in Leviticus 54 “The Great 21 Puppy’s squeak 45 “Keep your
factly, thereby removing any shock value. like a woman; that she did not grow up with 8 Mark through Masturbator” 24 Gay history mo. pants on!”
Director Andrew Shea presents his subject the experiences women have. He challenges 12 Straddling painter 25 Capt. of indus- 47 Most recent
openly, which is why the film is compelling. her, indicating that the trans community will 14 Toledo’s lake 56 Trucker’s shaft try legitimately elected
He gives Buzz the opportunity — and Buzz take issue with that statement. Jenner replies, 15 Big name in 57 Von Trapp fam- 28 Goes down on president
never misses an opportunity — to talk about “But this is how I feel.” It is a remark deliv- pumps ily escape route 29 Bald tire’s lack 49 Christmas
16 Hard to come 58 Performed like 30 Make muddled poem opener
himself, his fetishes and his sexuality. “You ered with candor and it reveals Jenner being a top 32 Keener of 51 Doug Mattis
can’t dress or live according to what oth- her true self — like it or lump it. In another 17 “No” voter 59 Like Lindsay “Capote” leap
ers want,” Buzz states in a key moment of insensitive moment, Bissinger and Jenner 18 Trojans’ org. Lohan’s movie girls 33 “You know how 52 Use your mouth
self-reflexivity. create alphabet soup in a discussion about 19 With 35-Across, 60 Nemesis of Tin- ___” unfaithfully
To wit, Buzz is seen shopping in a high- the LGBTQ initialism. Are they gender- Mary Richards, or kerbell 35 Sex toy for a 53 Musical Horne
end boutique in New York. He goes to queers just trolling here? Unlikely. with 50-Across, 61 Go downhill glory hole? 54 High-speed con-
Leatherman and coos about the whips, and But “Buzz” counters these awkward bits Rhoda Morgen- fast? 36 Like Bernstein, nection
cock rings, cages and fetish gear, and how he with a sequence of Jenner and Bissinger at stern 62 “Sin City” star regarding pitches 55 “The Simp-
has engaged a dominatrix. (A video of him the University of Pennsylvania. During the 22 Actress Veron- Jessica 37 Banned bug sons” storekeeper
in a “scene” is shown later). He does a pho- Q&A, one gay male student asks Jenner ica 63 Cross-dresser
23 Put your sand- Joan of ___
toshoot for a German magazine, appearing a heartfelt question about her coming out.
wich meat in this
in lipstick, a cape and heels, feeling com- Another woman inquires about Jenner’s 26 Princess Leia’s Down
fortable, even empowered, at being able to political leanings, which prompts Jenner to dad, as a boy
express his true nature. respond that she has received more flack 27 Salty white stuff 1 Style expert
Is all of this conspicuous consumption and for being Republican than for being trans. from the Greeks Stewart
exhibitionism interesting? For those view- Jenner’s responses shed some light on 31 Drag queen ___ 2 Affirmation mem-
ers who lean into this skewed portrait, it is. what she and Buzz write in the book about Hapi ber, for one
“Buzz” lets viewers decide what to think her being “a public figure with a private 32 Poet/essayist 3 Maria’s scale
about Bissinger — how he looks, how he shadow.” John song
expresses himself and his comments and Both Bissinger and Jenner think of them- 34 “Beatle Bailey” 4 Hairy one in the
dog den
observations about gender. (“It’s irrelevant,” selves as role models. Both wished that they 5 Marine birds
35 See 19-Across
is one choice remark). had become their true selves earlier in their 37 “Nuts!” 6 Brother of Janet
One does not have to agree. To the film’s lives. But they celebrate their difference, and 39 Salty tasting Jackson
credit, it prompts a consideration of the who they are now, having evolved despite 40 “Slumdog Mil- 7 Condiment com-
issues being presented as much as it does the pain, to achieve a measure of self-worth. lionaire” setting pany
the people — Bissinger as well as Jenner — “Buzz” is worthwhile, regardless of whether 42 Place for your 8 One who fears
who are presenting them. For example, Lisa one supports or accepts them. n drawers people at Uranus
24 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 FILM

The ‘Judy’ offers uneven but well-acted

Guide to the portrait of Garland
Gayborhood fragile or vulnerable — a misstep, perhaps.
Moreover, while these episodes emphasize
The Philadelphia Gayborhood is roughly Garland’s struggles with diet pills, an eating
centered at Locust and Camac streets. Look for the disorder and her sleeping problems, they
don’t contribute much to the narrative and
rainbow street signs at intersections and remember seem to be included only for the benefit of
to be aware of your surroundings wherever you go. those viewers who don’t know Garland’s
troubled history.
Boxers Toasted Walnut Woody’s Voyeur The Bike Stop Better are scenes that show 47-year-old
1330 Walnut St. 1316 Walnut St. 202 S. 13th St. 1221 St. James St. 206 S Quince St. Garland’s anxiety, as when she expresses 215.546.8888 215.545.1893 215.735.5772 215.627.1662 Levi her all-too-real concern, “What if I can’t do
boxersphl Festively lit Leather men’s it again?” after a successful opening night.
Sports bar with women-owned bar Includes After-hours bar; pool tables, Garland’s lack of self-esteem is a theme
a TVs, pool table, complete with a attached Walnut private club; second floor throughout “Judy,” and one of the film’s
brick pizza oven, “beer” pong table Street bars membership sports; basement most touching sequences has Garland meet-
sports specials Rosewood and required has enforced R E NÉ E Z E L LW E GE R I N “ J U DY ”
dress code
ing two fans, Stan (Daniel Cerqueira) and
GloBar C o u r t e sy o f R o a ds i de At t r act i ons
Dan (Andy Nyman), by the stage door after
a show and going back to their flat for a
BY GARY M. KRAMER meal. The exchange, where the two older gay
m m Walnut St.
PGN Contributor men talk with their icon, eat an omelet, and
<— even play cards, is truly lovely. It becomes
m m Chancellor St.
As Judy Garland in the last year of her even more poignant when Garland sings a
life, Renée Zellweger gives a knockout per- slowed-down version of “Get Happy,” which
Juniper St.

m m St. James St.

formance in “Judy,” an uneven biopic that is so heartfelt, it may bring viewers to tears.
focuses on the singer’s London concerts six “Judy” would have benefited from more
months before her death. quietly powerful moments like this one.
m Rupert Goold’s absorbing drama, opening Instead, an embarrassing incident when
Locust St.
m Sept. 27 at the Ritz Five, starts with a young the performer behaves badly in front of an
audience provides shock but not emotional
Judy Garland (Darci Shaw) being told by
Latimer St. resonance. Likewise, Judy’s relationship
Louis B. Mayer (Richard Cordery) that she is
Camac St.

Quince St.

special. Her voice is “her gift,” and it “gives with the much younger Mickey Deans (Finn
13th St.

12th St.

11th St.

<— people dreams.” When Judy gives her first Wittrock), is more peculiar than satisfying as
r Manning St.
performance at the Talk of the Town cabaret
in London — a show-stopping rendition of
portrayed here.
Some of the film’s episodes — like the
r m “By Myself” — “Judy” shows the power of ones with Mickey — simply lack energy. A
Spruce St. that voice. Zellweger did all her own singing doctor visit, where Garland is told that she
and is even releasing an album of Garland needs to take better care of herself, comes
Pa. bars close at 2 a.m. unless they have a covers in conjunction with the film. off flat. In contrast, Judy is empathetic when
Cypress St. private-club license. Please drink responsibly. But while she can be incandescent on she’s responding to a TV host’s invasive
m stage, Garland is a mess off stage. The film’s question with candor and sass. A call to her
first half-hour has her fighting her ex-hus- daughter Lorna (Bella Ramsey) during a par-
Writer’s Block Rehab William Way U Bar Knock band Sid Luft (Rufus Sewell) for custody of ticular bout of homesickness is also affect-
1342 Cypress St. LGBT Community 1220 Locust St. 225 S. 12th St. their kids, experiencing homelessness — she ing.
267.603.6960 Center 215.546.6660 215.925.1166 “Judy” dazzles during its musical num-
Relaxing corner
is denied her hotel room for being in arrears
A cozy, comfortable bar 1315 Spruce St. bers, which include a fantastic performance
and lounge perfect for 215.732.2220 bar, easy-going Fine-dining restaurant
on payment — and remaining unemployed
escaping the norm crowd, popular for because of her reputation for being both of “Come Rain or Come Shine,” and, of and bar, outdoor seat-
A resource for all happy hour and ing, piano in back room unreliable and uninsurable. Garland takes the course, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,”
things LGBT window watching opportunity to perform in London as a way performed in a simultaneously corny and
Frankie Bradley’s of earning income to get her kids back and forceful scene.
1320 Chancellor St. Zellweger throws herself into the title role
215-735-0735 her career back on track.
Resaturant, dance Tavern on Camac Tabu “Judy,” written by Tom Edge who adapted and transcends playing Garland, never falling
club, live performers 255 S. Camac St. 254 S. 12th St. Peter Quilter’s play “End of the Rainbow,” into camp, or mimicking the singer. She also
and entertainment 215.545.8731 215.964.9675 wisely focuses on this tragic period of her captures Garland’s mannerisms without mak-
Piano lounge with life, illuminating Garland’s psychological ing them seem fake. Zellweger’s expressions
upstairs dance floor; Three floors with a state. Garland’s loneliness is beautifully reveal the fragility of Garland’s nature beau-
<— <— Tavern restaurant dance floor,, drag depicted in shots of her in her dressing room tifully; she can look scared and apprehensive
below is open late. shows, lounge and one minute and is smiling the next.
rootop deck.
after a performance or fitfully trying to sleep
West of Broad Street in a king-sized hotel bed. Goold creates dis- “Judy” is all about Garland’s highs and
tinct visual styles for the on stage, off stage, lows. Real strength is shown when Garland
The Attic Youth Bar X belts “For Once in My Life,” deliriously
Stir Lounge and backstage scenes, as well as flashbacks
1705 Chancellor St. Center 255 S. Camac St. that show a young Garland on the MGM lot. happy with her new husband, Mickey.
215.732.2700 255 S. 16th St. The episodes from her youth — she defi- However, aspects of “Judy” feel underde- 215.545.4331 Bar and dancefloor antly takes a bite out of a hamburger or veloped, as when the film depicts how the
Fun two-bar performer’s addictions took a toll on her life
goes swimming when she is not supposed
lounge, DJ in the Safe space and programs and career, especially given the emphasis on
back, regular
to — reveal aspects of her life that echo in
for LGBTs age 16-23 her backstory.
poker games and her later years. Even if these scenes illustrate
weekday afternoons and “Judy” hits all the notes, but it is
specials evenings
how Garland was beaten down as a child,
and account for her difficulties as an adult, Zellweger’s mesmerizing turn that viewers
they show a fearless Garland, not someone will remember. n
SCENE IN PHILLY Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 25



Trace, Marla, Joanne, Elizabeth and Linda Regina and Shushma Shara and Toni

Johnsy, Missy, Melissa, Ricky, Nan and Erin Lauren, Teri, Emma, Brooke, Jen, Sarah, Kisha, Becca and others

Bracey, Genevieve and Stacey Rae, RJ, Elysem and Lindsay

Elana, Rebecca and Jackie Chrissy, Mariah and Stephanie

26 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 ENTERTAINMENT LISTINGS

WITCH, PLEASE!: Halloween shows up early when drag duo,

entertainment listings
THEATER & ARTS Matilda: The Musical
Media Theatre Company
The Boulet Brothers, take the drag monsters from their
popular OutTV competition show “Dragula” on the
presents the Tony Award- road for a frightfully fabulous good time, perform-
Bianca Del Rio: It’s Jester Joke winning musical based ing 8 p.m. Oct. 3 at The Fillmore Philadelphia,
The drag star and comedian per- on the beloved literary 29 E. Allen St.; 215-309-0150.
forms, 8 p.m. Oct. 2 at Perelman character created by
Theater, 300 S. Broad St.; 215- Roald Dahl, Oct. 2-27,
893-1999. 104 E. State St., Media; The Roommate
610-891-0100. 1812 Productions presents the
Hamilton comedy about two women in
The smash-hit blockbuster Mimi Imfurst Presents Drag Diva the ’50s sharing a house in Iowa
musical makes its Philly debut, Brunch and in need of a fresh start,
through Nov. 17 at Kimmel’s Mimi Imfurst and special guests through Oct. 20 at Plays &
Forrest Theatre, 1114 Walnut perform 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey
St. St.; 215- 923-1515. 28 at Punch Line Philly, 33 E. Place; 215-592-9560.
Laurel St.; 215-606-6555.
Herbert Ferber: Form into Space Sugar Skull
Philadelphia Museum of Art The Most Revolutionary: LGBTQ A musical adventure based on
presents an exhibition featuring Politics and the Radical Left, the Día de los Muertos celebra-
sculptures and related drawings 1969-1999 tion, 1 p.m. Sept. 28 at Harold
that Herbert Ferber (1906-91) William Way Community Prince Theatre, 3680 Walnut Hugh Jackman
created during the 1950s — Center presents an exhibit St.; 215-898-3900. The actor sings songs
the artist’s most creative period, telling the hidden history of from his hit films 7:30 p.m. Oct.
through Jan. 5, 26th Street and PHL, 1330 Walnut St.; 215-735-
LGBTQ politics and the radical Young Frankenstein: The Musical 2 at Wells Fargo Center, 3601 S. 2977.
the Parkway; 215-763-8100. left in the three decades follow- Walnut Street Theatre pres- Broad St.; 215-389-9543.
ing Stonewall, Sept. 27-Dec. ents the stage adaptation of American Horror Story: A Drag
Hiker Trash 27, 1315 Spruce St.; 215-732- Mel Brook’s classic comedy, GWAR and Burlesque Tribute Show
A book release and art exhibi- 2220. through Oct. 20, 825 Walnut The cartoonish and over-the-top
tion by Sarah Kaizar, through A scary burlesque show, 8 p.m.
St.; 215-574-3550. hard rock band performs 6:30 Sept. 29 at Franky Bradley’s,
Oct. 19 at Paradigm Gallery, p.m. Oct. 4 at Franklin Music
746 S. Fourth St.; 267-266-
9 to 5: The Musical 1320 Chancellor St.; 215-735-
Theatre Non-Conforming Hall, 421 N. Seventh St.; 215- 0735.
0073. presents the stage adapta- MUSIC 627-1332.
tion of the classic workplace It’s Always Sunnydale in
Horace Pippin: From War to Peace comedy, through Sept. 29 at POPS Goes to Hollywood: From
Philadelphia Museum of Centre Theater, 208 Dekalb St., Raiders to Gotham NIGHTLIFE Philadelphia
A Buffy the Vampire Salyer-
Art presents an exhibition of Norristown; 267-789-9249. The Philly POPS performs the
paintings highlighting Pippin’s themed drag/burlesque tribute
scores to blockbuster action The Rainbow Connection show, 9 p.m. Oct. 2 at Franky
pursuit of a range of themes, film soundtracks, Sept. 27-29 at Mimi Imfurst hosts a Muppets-
from racial violence and the
#QueerLifePHL Bradley’s, 1320 Chancellor St.;
William Way LGBT Community Kimmel’s Verizon Hall, 300 S. themed drag tribute show, 8 p.m. 215-735-0735.
alienation of war to the serene Center hosts an exhibition Broad St.; 215-893-1999. Sept. 27 at Franky Bradley’s,
beauty of his home in Chester exploring how we use our 1320 Chancellor St.; 215-735-
County, Pennsylvania, through 0735.
Oct., 2, 26th Street and the
phones as a tool to record and Saved By The 90’s OUTTA TOWN
communicate our stories and The ’90s tribute band performs
Parkway; 215-763-8100. how, by sharing, we create a 9 p.m. Sept. 28 at Franklin Amateur Drag Attack: September Grungefest
sense of identity, expression and, Music Hall, 421 N. Seventh St.; Edition The tribute bands perform
ultimately, an act of resistance 215-627-1332. Amateur drag artists end the the music of Pearl Jam,
by refusing to be erased, month with a bang, 9 p.m. Sept. Soundgarden, Hole and more,
through Oct. 25, Enter Shikari 27 at Tabu, 200 S. 12th St.; 215- 7 p.m. Sept. 27 at The Queen,
1315 Spruce The UK rock band performs 8 964-9675. 500 N. Market St., Wilmington,
St; 215- p.m. Sept. 29 at The Foundry, Del.; 202-730-3331.
732- 29 E. Allen St.; 215-309-0150. Lotus Lounge
2220 An API Queer extravaganza Fanci By Design presents
Lucinda Williams presented by Philadelphia Asian #ImSoFancy Drag Show
The Grammy Award-winning & Queer (PAQ) features perfor- Fanci DisMount Stratton and
singer-songwriter performs mances by Lady Geisha and Zsa her girls perform 9 p.m. Sept.
her “Car Wheels On A Gravel Zsa St James, with music by DJ 27 at The Colonial Theatre, 227
Road” album in its entirety, Ting, 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Sept. 27 at Bridge St., Phoenixville; 610-
7:30 p.m. Oct. 1 at World Café Boxers PHL, 1330 Walnut St.; 917-1228.
Live, 3025 Walnut St.; 215-222- 215-735-2977.
1400. DJ Jazzy Jeff
SLAY The acclaimed hip-hop DJ and
Lady Geisha hosts this month’s producer performs 8 p.m. Sept.
party featuring guest performers 28 at The Queen, 500 N. Market
Aira, That Queen and Stefani St., Wilmington, Del.; 202-730-
POETRY IN MOTION: Les Ballets Steel, 10 p.m. Sept. 28 at Boxers 3331.
Jazz de Montréal pays homage to
famed poet, singer and songwriter,
Leonard Cohen when the acclaimed NOTICES: Send notices at least one week in advance to:
Out & About Listings, PGN, 505 S. Fourth St., Philadelphia, PA 19147
ballet ensemble performs “Dance Me,”
fax: 215-925-6437 or e-mail:
through Sept. 28 at Zellerbach Theatre, Notices cannot be taken over the phone.
3680 Walnut St.; 215-898-3900.
PROFILE Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 27


Kim Wayans: But you can call her God.

“The kids in Bristol are sharp as a pistol naturally funny, especially when she’s not rowed and stolen from her. I went to a Rees did a marvelous job writing and
When they do the Bristol Stomp trying to be. She just has a great sense of screening of her documentary “Bloodlight directing. When you’re involved in some-
Really somethin’ when the joint is jumpin’ humor and a great delivery. I remember and Bami” last year and it was wonderful. thing that beautiful and profound it changes
When they do the Bristol Stomp” when Keenen dropped out of college and She’s in her 70s and it was like, oh my you. Not in terms of my relationship or
came home and told her that he wanted to God, she looks amazing. She’s an awesome thoughts about the gay community, I’ve
The lyrics above are from “The Bristol be a stand-up comedian, she said, “What? woman. always been supportive and believed that
Stomp,” a catchy little ditty by Philly’s You a comedian? You’ve never even made people should be whoever they are and
own bandstand group, The Dovells. That’s me crack a smile!” My father’s funny but PGN: So you’ve played a number of gay love whomever they choose, but in terms of
about all I knew of picturesque and friendly in an annoying kind of way. His idea of icons such as Crystal Waters and Tracy being attached to a project that was import-
Bristol, Pennsylvania. I certainly never funny is waiting until you’re finished get- Chapman, and you were featured in a ant and eye-opening and moving on so
expected to find edgy, progressive theatre ting ready for a date and then messing your drama that has become a classic in the les- many levels.
there — that is, until I was given an invita- hair up; that’s hysterical to him. bian community, “Pariah.” Pariah was one
tion to attend “An Act of God,” now show- of your first dramatic roles if I’m not mis- PGN: I want to touch on your book series,
ing at the Bristol Riverside Theater and PGN: What were you like as a kid? taken. “Amy Hodgepodge”? What prompted the
starring Kim Wayans. “An Act of God” is KW: I was a little desperado, trying to be KW: Yes, it was my first and only dramatic books?
an irreverent play about our lord and savior, involved in all the community productions role. KW: I’m in an interracial marriage and sev-
and why she’s peeved with mankind. The that I could get into. I’d make my cos- eral of my nieces and nephews are biracial.
show delves into material that skews toward tumes at home and then crash the shows. PGN: I remember you as a killer on One of my little nieces, in particular, was
LGBTQ-plus sensibilities. In one scene, [Laughing] I couldn’t afford the classes and “Criminal Minds” with McKenzie Phillips. sharing her experience at her new school,
for example, God talks about the garden of had never been to rehearsals. I would just I loved that episode. and that’s what fueled the idea for the
Eden and how she originally created Adam show up, get on stage and start performing! KW: Oh yeah! That’s right. In fact, series. So it was inspired by my little niece
and Steve until she was forced to make I think I was a little touched in the head. “Criminal Minds” came about because who’s in college now. We wanted books
Steve transition and become a woman. I just was doing what I wanted to do, and Janine Sherman Barrois saw me in that told universal stories and taught about
I had the chance to speak with the charm- there was no stopping me. “Pariah,” and she wrote that episode just important things in life, but that reflected
ing Wayans about her role as an ally in the for me. diversity. For the longest time, we didn’t
LGBTQ community and life growing up PGN: Where are you in the rankings? tell her the book was based on her because
as a member of the comedic Wayans clan KW: I’m in the middle. Maybe that’s my PGN: That’s amazing! we didn’t want her to get a big head.
(along with siblings Keenen Ivory, Damon, problem! Though it probably doesn’t mat- KW: Isn’t it? She’s a wonderful woman,
Marlon and Shawn to name a few). Kim ter in a family that big. and she’s garnering a lot of well-deserved PGN: That’s funny, and speaking of funny,
was an original member of the hit show, success right now. I’m very, very happy for let’s talk about your current project where
“In Living Color,” playing iconic roles PGN: Who was a favorite teacher? her. She’s working as a writer and producer you play an irreverent God. Your dad was
such as Tracy Chapman, Crystal Waters KW: My favorite teacher was Silvia Clark, on “Claws” and an upcoming project on a Jehovah’s Witness, were you as well at
and my favorite, the Whitney Houston/ who has since moved on. She left this Madam C.J. Walker. some point?
Janet Jackson crossover. A full powerhouse, world a few years ago. I just adored her KW: I was not. My dad went to the hall
she has worked as a producer, writer and and stayed in touch with her my entire PGN: What did you take away from work- and did his thing, but my mom was a
director on several shows, including brother life. She lived on a farm way upstate New ing on “Pariah,” and did you face any nonbeliever, so we weren’t a part of that.
Damon’s “My Wife and Kids.” Wayans has York and whenever I came home to New backlash? Though I knew his beliefs, because he was
had several recurring television roles as York, I would make the five-hour drive KW: I’m happy to say that I didn’t get my dad and I grew up with him, it was
well — Allison on the Cosby Show spinoff to see her and take her to lunch. I’d keep any negative feedback. It was more peo- never imposed on us.
“A Different World,” Tonia Harris on the her up to date on what was going on with ple telling me that they appreciated me
LL Cool J vehicle “In the House” — and me and everyone. I just loved her. She humanizing Audrey, the character I played. PGN: How did you get involved with the
several film roles, most recently the mother was an amazing teacher. I have a series of It allowed them not to see her as a mon- show?
in the lesbian drama “Pariah.” children’s books that are dedicated to her. ster, but as someone who was a misguided KW: The director, Susan
She’s a teacher that made a huge difference and ignorant woman who thought she was Atkinson, specifically
PGN: Where do you originally hail from? in my life. doing what was best for her child. A lot of wanted me to do the
KW: We’re from New York City. people from the community will come up role and con-
PGN: What did she teach? to me and say that Audrey was their mother tacted
PGN: I read that your mother was a home- KW: She was my fifth-grade teacher, so or father and that this allowed them to see
maker and social worker, and your father she taught everything. You know how they their parents for the first time through a
was a supermarket manager, which, with all do it in elementary school. different lens. Personally, it was
those boys, seems like a smart way to keep an incredible experience on
them fed. PGN: I just rewatched one of my favorite many levels. It was a
KW: Yeah, it is. Plenty of corn flakes! skits of yours, “Rhythmless Nation,” and beautiful film
was chuckling through the whole thing. and Dee
PGN: And there were seven of you all KW: Oh no! Yeah, those were fun to do
together, correct? at the time. Looking back, I wouldn’t do
KW: No, there’s 10 of us altogether. things the same. We weren’t trying to
be mean spirited or hurtful, but some of
PGN: [Laughing] Well, I read seven on the the skits poked fun at people in a way I
internet, so I guess the internet is wrong. wouldn’t do now. We were young and try-
But really, 10? Wow, you have me beat. My ing to be funny in whatever way we could.
grandmother had eight kids.
KW: That’s a pretty big number too, espe- PGN: Who was/is your favorite celeb to
cially by today’s standards. imitate?
KW: Grace Jones. She’s just so wild and
PGN: Who was funnier, your mother or fun. She’s always been an incredible artist
father? and trendsetter who’s never really gotten
KW: My mother; she’s hilarious. She’s her due. So many of the greats have bor- PAGE 30
28 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 PGN
ART Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 29

The chameleon-like Malachi Lily ists who were already working on these
excels across a variety of artistic medi- themes to celebrate them. The first half,

Queer ums. The Philadelphia-based nonbinary

creator is equally at home as a poet, an
illustrator and a curator, whose work
“Children of Sirius,” was for performing
artists and was done in June. The second
half, “Temple of Sirius,” is for visual

interrogates the intersections of race, and digital media artists. I will be build-
gender, sexuality and aesthetic expecta- ing altars to each of those artists. There
tions. Their curatorial work will be on is not so much a medium or stylistic

display at Da Vinci Art Alliance in South through-line so much as a showcase of
Philadelphia, which presents “Temple of people waking up to the ideas, concepts
Sirius” from Oct. 6-27. and knowledge that they are God, they

Press materials describe “Temple are magical and they create their reali-
of Sirius” as “a sacred site of Black ties.
divinity, a sanctuary in honor of African

ancestry, the divine present and the PGN: What are some of the themes you
future, all existing in one moment.” hope people will consider when they
Lily’s project brings together the work encounter the work?

of multiple queer and nonbinary artists ML: I firmly believe that all the people MALACHI LILY
of color. who come are the people who are sup-
PGN spoke with Lily about their posed to be there, and are the people

genre-spanning artistic vision, the impe- who will be ready to receive the mes-
tus for this exhibit and the future of their sages that are there for them. I can’t
creative career. Some responses have predict all the different intricacies and
been condensed. nuances of messages that people will

sectional PGN: Your art intersects with different

genres and styles. In your own words,
receive, but I hope the people will come
with reverence and contemplation, as
one would a holy temple or sacred

exhibit how would you describe your artistic

ML: I think it has always been narra-
tive-based, and I’ve always gone after
space. If I could, I would make everyone
take off their shoes and really take time
before each altar, and maybe leave their
own offerings! Everyone has different
BY CAMERON KELSALL the mediums I thought could bring my vibrational connections with deities,
PGN Contributor narratives to life. For me, it has always plants and animals, and my hope is that
been poetry and illustration, and how I those connections will be realized and
can intersect them together. My illustra- opened during this exhibition.
tions move between different mediums
— ink, pencil, cut paper, paint — but PGN: You’ve already achieved a lot, but
through that, it’s more like a channel- in an ideal world, what do you think the
ing for whatever the characters and the next phase of your artistic life will look
story needs to be, rather than letting the like?
medium dictate what it’s going to be ML: That’s a very exciting question. I
like. Every single narrative demands a hope to keep growing in everything I’m
different medium, and I respond in that doing. I have a few books I’m working
way, and my personality adjusts to meet on, so my hope is to complete those,
the medium. Poetry has always been have them published and share them
my most intimate art form, the one that with the world. I want to keep creating
people know about the least but the one queer joy events like dance parties and
I went to school for. I take it so seriously other collaborative spaces, and other art
and keep it so close to me, and I don’t spaces where I can uplift performers
show it until it’s absolutely ready — but and artists who are vibrating in similar
I’ve been working on sharing that more. patterns. I want to continue to create
And I use a similar channeling process community here in Philadelphia, but I
when I’m bringing words together, from also want to travel more, and to connect
different texts, songs and sounds into a Philadelphia and myself to other places
work. and people around the world. I really “X + 3 (MOTHERSHIP)” BY KOMIKKA PATTON
hope that my illus-
PGN: What was the curatorial process trations will also
like for “Temple of Sirius”? spread, and that
ML: “Temple of Sirius” is something people will ask me
that was called to me. I have expe- to illustrate their
rienced a pretty significant spiritual dreams and their
journey over the past year-and-a-half visions, and to bring
— really, a transformation. If you would their imaginations to
have met me two years ago, I was a life. That brings me
very different person with very differ- such joy. n
ent values guiding me. Once I opened
myself up to concepts of collective Da Vinci Art
consciousness and oneness, I started to Alliance presents
see so many of my peers — especially “Temple of Sirius,”
Black and queer artists — also engaging Oct. 6-27, 704
with these thoughts and topics. We are Catherine St. For
wrestling with our identities as divine more information,
JORDAN DEAL @jordandealartin beings in a society that refuses to see us visit davinciartalli-
Photo: Nuna Ulises @vetiverana as such. I wanted to bring together art- Photos: Courtesy of Artist
30 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 LITERATURE

Out activist’s queer trilogy comes to end PORTRAIT from page 27

my agent. I read the script and thought
are some of your favorite lines or seg-
ments from the show?
KW: Hmmm, there are so many. The
As for the book’s depiction of lesbian- it was hilarious and relevant. I did a
BY GARY M. KRAMER ism, in addition to the widely accepted whole rant on God not blessing America
one-woman show a while ago called, “A anymore is pretty good. And, of course,
PGN Contributor relationship between Bez and Tamar, Handsome Woman Retreats,” which had
Queen Jezebel briefly acts on her attrac- the lines telling people in sports and show-
a lot to do with spirituality, including biz that she could care less what team or
“A Meteor Shower,” by out lesbian tion to one of her husband’s other wives, my efforts to handle my panic attacks by
author and activist Martha Shelley, is Timna. (Alas, the book skimps on depict- person wins so stop thanking God like she
going on a 10-day silent retreat to get to had anything to do with it. That she had
a compelling feminist historical novel ing much same-sex romance; the women the cause of my anxiety. This show hit on
set in the ancient Middle East. Even for are busy ruling, working and fighting for more important things to do than make
a lot of topics that are also of concern for sure that Tom Brady completed a pass.
those who have not read the previous two their survival). me, so I agreed to do it.
entries in her trilogy (“The Stars in Their “A Meteor Shower” follows several [Laughing] And I crack up at the segment
Courses” and “The Throne in the Heart of plotlines and characters beyond just the on Abraham and Isaac! It’s so twisted!
PGN: How long did you have to prepare? It just highlights what’s wrong with so
the Sea”), the narrative is easy to follow. central women. Some episodes involve The show was almost all you.
Shelley immerses the reader in the world Tamar’s cousin, the prophet Elijah, as well much dogma. And God is so petty in her
KW: Whoo! It’s no joke, and I only had enjoyment of his misery in the scene.
of the novel by providing maps, character as his disciple, Elisha ben Shafat. One three weeks to get ready. It’s a wordy play,
charts (indicating which characters are his- narrative thread involves Tamar’s efforts and they’re not my words, they’re David
torical and which are fictional), a glossary, to warn Elijah that he has been the subject PGN: What was the most difficult part of
Javerbaum’s brilliant words filled with doing the show, other than the dialogue?
a calendar, source notes and more. When a of a rumor involving the king, and his life thees and thous to make it even harder.
character reflects on an earlier relationship may be in jeopardy. A series of deaths, of KW: Well, the dialogue was a killer;
or is haunted by a past event, new readers King Ahab, his son Ahaziah, and others, there was so much to lock in and, tonally,
PGN: The play touches on a lot of pro- you have to find the rhythm in the humor
won’t miss a beat. call to mind “Game of Thrones.” When gressive subjects, from abortion to gun
The story opens with Bez, a Ahab’s son Yoram ascends to power, he and ways to make the dark parts funny
control, and of course LGBTQ issues. I too.
“mutarajjul” — a woman dressed in men’s must contend with financing war and tak- love when you spoke about there not being
clothing — in bonds. Bez, a muralist, is ing back the region of Moab, which pro- a God-given right to carry arms, stating PGN: Well, you succeeded at both. I
described as a man-woman. She has been vides some nifty action. there was no bible passage AK-47. What thoroughly enjoyed the show. n
captured and hopes to reunite with her The storylines are episodic, but each
lover, Tamar, a doctor. Tamar, who works holds interest. Arneb is a spunky charac- RIVERA from page 21 a radical act. Lolita Lebron was brought
for Queen Jezebel, leaves with a ransom to ter, and her coming of age and developing into Juliet’s story because Juliet is research-
find Bez, and on her journey, she encoun- relationship with Eitan, the brother of her ing women who’ve been erased from his-
ters a young orphan girl, Arneb, whom she friend Keturah, is terrific. Shelley explains tory. Lolita Lebron was a Puerto Rican
rescues from being sold as a virgin. how Arneb’s engagement will protect her nationalist fighting for a free Puerto Rico.
Shelley sensitively depicts the opportu- from being touched: “Any man who dared And you’re d--n right she fired shots in
nities and limitations for women in ancient lay his hands on Arneb would be stoned the House of Representatives, but that was
society, particularly their fears of being in the village square.” Such details reflect because the U.S. was basically extorting
sold and sexually assaulted. One absorbing Shelley’s deep historical research. Puerto Rico for resources while making it
episode involves a young girl who no one At times the author gets a bit mired in illegal to be Puerto Rican, while secretly
will marry because she has been sexually excessive historical detail, as when she sterilizing our women and girls, using
abused by a member of the royal family; endlessly lists the food being prepared and Puerto Rican land for military purposes.
she is paid off and sent away because of served, or defines the meaning of months All that horrific stuff that’s just washed
the politics of the time. There are also and events. With chapters depicting pov- away. Juliet reads the “Ladies Gallery”
rules for Queen Jezebel, who is widowed erty, drought, famine and deaths caused which is a real book written by Lolita
over the course of the novel. Perhaps the by an epidemic of winter fever, readers Lebron’s granddaughter Irene Vilar, so tell
most satisfying feminist subplot features might wonder when the plague of locusts me what is so radical about that? Juliet,
Bez and Tamar’s friend, Munapirtu, a pas- will descend, but thankfully, that doesn’t just like every single queer kid of color
try chef, who at first yields to her husband happen. deserves to see her people at their most
Wullu’s demands. Wullu, who is in hid- There is also statecraft and inventive real and heroic. She deserves Joan of Arc,
ing, hopes to flee with Munapirtu, and he cursing. In one memorable scene, Jezebel Rosa Parks, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia
claims (as was customary at that time) that shouts about someone being so putrid a Rivera and a Lolita Lebron, you know?
his wife’s earnings belong to him. Bez and hyena would not have sexual congress,
Tamar express dismay and help Munapirtu although she is far less polite. PGN: Other than perhaps elements of your
gain her independence. Shelley’s writing is brisk throughout the own biography, what did it mean to make
novel, and she is best when it comes to Juliet so fiercely and markedly indepen-
depicting omens, such as the titular meteor PGN: What’s next for you? dent.
shower, a fabulous chapter, or a “multi- GR: I’m gonna write more comics. I’ve GR: Nothing uplifts me more than meet-
tudinous cloud of storks,” a portentous got a new original series coming out with ing women, femmes and nonbinary folks
image of “black and white wings spread BOOM! Studios in December titled “b.b. who are full-on in love with themselves.
like capes wide enough to cover a man, free.” b.b.’s fifteen, ready to take on the We have the right to revel in our radi-
soaring, embracing the hot autumn wind.” world, and secretly manifesting cosmic ance. Take that alliteration and bathe all
However, she does employ a few clunky powers that turn a road trip with her best in it. I wanted Juliet to vibrate with self
metaphors, such as “He stepped on that friend into an epic eco-divine adventure! love. I wanted her to drip in love with her
cockroach of an idea.” b.b. and Chulita take on the Fractured thick body, brown skin, nerdiness and the
“A Meteor Shower” manages to end States of America, healing polluted earth world around her. We deserve that. We as
on a note of ambiguity, even while main- and ocean while still just trying to figure in all the thick queer Puerto Rican baby
taining historical accuracy in its portrayal out what it means to be 15. dykes, all the fat juicy queer rebel Black
of Jezebel’s death. Readers may wish for Indigenous People of Color, and all the
more resolution, as they are left to imagine PGN: You talk about Lolita Lebron, the folks who want to move with big love in
the futures of Bez, Tamar and Arneb. But Puerto Rican Nationalist Party mem- a world that’s so full of hard aches. Juliet
any disappointment in that regard is ulti- ber who opened fire on the House of is for us. She is for herself. What would
mately a result of the book’s strengths, and Representatives. Do you consider yourself Juliet say to the new moment? What all of
not a criticism. Readers will care so much radical? us should always say. What Boriquas have
for these characters, they won’t them to be GR: We’ve strayed so far from reality that been saying for generations: Pa’lante,
left behind. n when someone writes a fact, it’s considered siempre pa’lante. n
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 31

Properties to be sold by accepted in lieu of   certified the sale is made: S. 1941. 223. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- PROPERTY Daisy Hurtado 34th wd. 1,300 Sq. Ft. DENTIAL DWELLING Vicki BRT#552075300 IMPROVE-
JEWELL WILLIAMS Sher- checks, attorney’s checks or means September Term, 1941. DENTIAL PROPERTY Karen C.P. December Term, 2006 No. OPA#343222000 IMPROVE- Jo Mest C.P. June Term, 2018 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
iff on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 money orders made payable 223, the term and number of Dunn Administratrix of the Es- 00692 $87,482.18 KML Law MENTS: RESIDENTIAL No. 02254 $133,760.83 Joseph DWELLING Angelique Bridg-
at First District Plaza, 3801 to the Sheriff of Philadelphia the docket entry; the figures tate of Bert N. Dunn Deceased Group, P.C. PROPERTY Wanda Johnson R. Loverdi, Esquire es C.P. January Term, 2019 No.
Market Street, at 9:00 AM. County.  following show the amount of C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 1910-315 C.P. August Term, 2017 No. 1910-334 02215 $82,745.25 McCabe,
(EST) The Sheriff reserves the debt; and the name following 02617 $109,662.72 KML Law 7227 Jackson St 19135 41st wd. 01620 $42,585.50 KML Law 6509 N 16th St 19126 17th Weisberg, & Conway, LLC
right to grant further exten- is that of the attorney issuing Group, P.C. 1,485 Sq. Ft. OPA#412324100 Group, P.C. wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY 1910-344
Conditions of Sheriff’s sions of time to settle and the writ.  1910-307 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-327 MASONRY; 1,442 Sq. Ft. 907 Sigel St 19148 1st wd.
Sale for further reserves the right to Attention is called to the 2205 S Clarion St a/k/a 2205 DENTIAL PROPERTY Ieshia 7207 Buist Ave 19142 40th wd. BRT#172134000 IMPROVE- ROW 2 STY MASONRY;
JUDICIAL/FORECLOSURE refuse bids from bidders who provisions of Act No.104, ap- Clarion St 19148 39th wd. 652 D. Neal C.P. July Term, 2016 1,120 Sq. Ft. OPA#404280000 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1,149 Sq. Ft. BRT#012365600
SALE have failed to enter deposits proved July 27, 1955, which Sq. Ft. OPA#394442700 IM- No. 03138 $144,886.29 KML IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- DWELLING Jenna M. Shomo IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
on their bids, failed to make requires owners of properties PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- Law Group, P.C. DENTIAL PROPERTY Kevin C.P. April Term, 2018 No. DENTIAL DWELLING Estelle
Ten percent of the highest settlement, or make fraudulent which are used, designed or TIAL PROPERTY Jennifer R. 1910-316 Harris Jr. a/k/a Kevin Harris 03282 $106,036.93 McCabe, Agnes, Known Surviving Heir
bid for each property auc- bids, or any other behavior intended to be used by three Garner C.P. April Term, 2016 979 Carver St 19124 35th wd. C.P. January Term, 2019 No. Weisberg, & Conway, LLC of Louis Agnes, Louis Agnes,
tioned off shall be deposited which causes disruption of the or more families, or of com- No. 02125 $229,500.33 KML 980 Sq. Ft. OPA#351259400 02231 $123,319.57 KML Law 1910-335 Known Surviving Heir of Louis
in certified check, attorney’s Sheriff Sale. Said bidders shall mercial establishments which Law Group, P.C. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Group, P.C. 10820 Modena Terr 19154 Agnes, Elaine Agnes, Known
check or money order with be so refused for the sale in contain one or more dwelling 1910-308 DENTIAL PROPERTY Juanita 1910-328 66th wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY Surviving Heir of Louis Agnes,
the Sheriff by each bidder which said behavior occurred units, to deliver to the buyers 1533 W Butler St 19140 Malave-Garcia C.P. June Term, 7356 N Bouvier St 19126 MAS+OTHER; 1,449 Sq. Ft. Celeste Agnes, Known Surviv-
when his bid is registered, and for said further period of of such properties a use reg- 13th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. 2016 No. 02568 $132,533.64 10th wd. 1,526 Sq. Ft. BRT#662053300 IMPROVE- ing Heir of Louis Agnes, B.A.,
provided that in no case shall time as the Sheriff in his dis- istration permit at the time of OPA#131084400 IMPROVE- KML Law Group, P.C. OPA#101081800 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL A Minor, Known Surviving
less than Six Hundred Dollars cretion shall determine.  settlement, under certain terms MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-317 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Kelly A. O’Keefe Heir of Louis Agnes and Un-
($600.00) be deposited, other- The Sheriff will not ac- and conditions. Sheriff Sales PROPERTY Keith A. King C.P. 6345 Overbrook Ave 19151 PROPERTY Joseph Smith and Matthew J. Schwartz C.P. known Surviving Heirs of Louis
wise upon failure or refusal to knowledge a deed poll to any are not subject to provisions June Term, 2013 No. 01874 34th wd. 12,893 Sq. Ft. Solely in His Capacity as Heir September Term, 2016 No. Agnes C.P. November Term,
make such deposit, the bidder individual or entity using an of the said Act and the Sheriff $23,304.41 KML Law Group, OPA#344177400 IMPROVE- of Victoria M. Smith a/k/a Vic- 01645 $77,335.90 McCabe, 2018 No. 02936 $116,518.74
shall lose all benefit of his bid unregistered fictitious name will, therefore, not deliver use P.C. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL toria Smith, Eric Turner Solely Weisberg, & Conway, LLC McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway,
and the property may be  of- and may, at his discretion, registration permits in connec- 1910-309 PROPERTY Christopher Bax- in His Capacity as Heir of Vic- 1910-336 LLC
fered again and sold unless require proof of identity of the tion with any sales conducted 2174 Granite St 19124 62nd wd. ter C.P. March Term, 2015 No. toria M. Smith a/k/a Victoria 2991 Mercer St 19134 25th wd. 1910-345
a second bid has been regis- purchaser or the registration by him.  1,755 Sq. Ft. OPA#622081800 03453 $287,188.53 KML Law Smith, Jason Turner Solely in 999 Sq. Ft. OPA#251267000 3271 Holme Ave 19114 57th
tered, then, the second highest of fictitious names. The bid Very truly yours, IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Group, P.C. His Capacity as Heir of Victoria IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY
bidder will take the property at of an unregistered fictitious JEWELL WILLIAMS DENTIAL PROPERTY J.G., 1910-318 M. Smith a/k/a Victoria Smith, DENTIAL PROPERTY Debra MASONRY; 1,132 Sq. Ft.
the highest bid price. name shall be forfeited as if Sheriff a minor, Solely in His Capac- 157 Mifflin St 19148 1st wd. The Unknown Heirs of Victoria Moran as Administratrix of the BRT#572034900 IMPROVE-
Additionally, where there the bidder failed to meet the City and County of ity as Heir of Bernice Groover, 915 Sq. Ft. OPA#011171300 M. Smith a/k/a Victoria Smith Estate of Michelle Elizabeth MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
is active bidding, the highest terms of sale.  Philadelphia Deceased, in care of Paula IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Deceased and Anthony Young Moran C.P. February Term, DWELLING Frances D. Bor-
All bidders are advised to Groover a/k/a Paula Melhuish, DENTIAL PROPERTY Jade Solely in His Capacity as Heir 2017 No. 04630 $147,458.44 relli C.P. March Term, 2019 No.
bidder, and the second high-
est bidder, if any must post remain at the sale until after www.Officeof The Unknown Heirs of Bernice Carroll and Kevin Carroll C.P. of Victoria M. Smith a/k/a Vic- KML Law Group, P.C. 00366 $151,606.57 McCabe,
the entire amount of the cost
of the distribution policy
the last property is sold. The
Sheriff reserves the right to Philadelphia Groover, Deceased, Dennis
Groover Solely in His Capac-
March Term, 2017 No. 00459
$149,144.74 KML Law Group,
toria Smith C.P. March Term,
2018 No. 00104 $124,833.83
7007 N Broad St 19126 61st wd.
Weisberg, & Conway, LLC
for the property at the time re-sell any property at any
time before the end of the sale, ity as Heir of Bernice Groover,
Deceased, Joseph Groover
KML Law Group, P.C.
1,504 Sq. Ft. BRT#611210900
4708 Higbee St 19135 41st wd.
Land: 2,500 Sq. Ft.; Improve-
of sale by certified check, SPECIAL NOTE: All Sheriff’s
attorney’s check or money upon the successful bidders’ Sales are conducted pursuant Solely in His Capacity as Heir 69 E. Hortter St 19119- 360 Longshore Ave 19111 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- ment: 1,125 Sq. Ft.; Total:
order with the Sheriff.   The failure to tender the required to the orders of the Courts and of Bernice Groover, Deceased, 2205 22nd wd. 953 Sq. Ft. 35th wd. 4,075 Sq. Ft. DENTIAL DWELLING Troy 2,500 Sq. Ft. OPA#411130600
Sheriff reserves the right to deposit. The Sheriff reserves Judges of the First Judicial Thomas Groover Solely in His OPA#221177000 IMPROVE- OPA#353153100 IMPROVE- Lewis and Joyia Lewis C.P. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
reject any certified check, the right to postpone or stay District. Only properties that Capacity as Heir of Bernice MENTS: SINGLE FAMILY MENTS: RESIDENTIAL January Term, 2019 No. 00735 DENTIAL PROPERTY Sylvia
attorney’s check or money the sale of any property in are subject to judgments issued Groover, Deceased and William RESIDENTIAL DWELLING PROPERTY Suzanne Gokool $153,155.05 McCabe, Weis- Zolk and Brian Zolk a/k/a Brian
order that on its face has which the attorney on the writ by the First Judicial District Groover Solely in His Capacity Renee McFarland C.P. Oc- as Administratrix of the Estate berg, & Conway, LLC K. Zolk C.P. February Term,
an expired use date and is has not appeared and is not are listed for sale. By law, the as Heir of Bernice Groover, De- tober Term, 2018 No. 00258 of Deo Gokool Deceased C.P. 1910-338 2019 No. 01394 $228,044.86
presented for payment of the present at the sale.  Sheriff’s Office cannot decide ceased C.P. October Term, 2017 $62,253.15 Hladik, Onorato, & September Term, 2018 No. 3725 N 15th St 19140 13th wd. Richard M. Squire & Associ-
deposit. Prospective purchasers if a property can be listed for No. 03970 $45,422.41 KML Federman, LLP 02504 $220,952.99 KML Law 1,280 Sq. Ft. OPA#131141200 ates, LLC
The balance of the are directed to the Web site sale; only the District Courts Law Group, P.C. 1910-320 Group, P.C. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-347
purchase money must be of the Philadelphia Bureau can order a property to be sold 1910-310 1702 Mohican St 19138 1910-330 DENTIAL PROPERTY Cyn- 1828 Frankford Ave 19125
deposited in  certified check, of Revision of Taxes, (BRT) at auction. 419 W Earlham Terr 10th wd. 1,360 Sq. Ft. 4977 Pennway St 19124 thia Muse C.P. September Term, 18th wd. Covential Row, Apart-
attorney’s check or money for a fuller 19144 12th wd. 995 Sq. Ft. OPA#102235800 IMPROVE- 23rd wd. 1,425 Sq. Ft. 2015 No. 01611 $91,781.51 ment, 3 Story; 4,230 Sq. Ft.
order together with a Deed description of the proper- OPA#124054200 IMPROVE- MENTS: SINGLE FAMILY OPA#233109000 IMPROVE- KML Law Group, P.C. BRT#183050100 Subject to
poll for execution by the high- ties listed. Properties can SHERIFF’S SALE MENTS: RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL DWELLING MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-339 Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS:
be looked up by the BRT PROPERTY Angela Ancrum Sherryl White-Greene C.P. No- PROPERTY Jonathan Rodri- 5127 N Broad St 19141 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING
est bidder to the Sheriff at his
number – which should be OF and Vernon R. Ancrum C.P. vember Term, 2018 No. 01881 guez C.P. August Term, 2018 49th wd. 2,195 Sq. Ft. Jeffrey C. Marshall C.P. No-
office within 30 days from the
time of the sale. An extension cross checked with the ad- Tuesday, July Term, 2014 No. 02125 $116,256.07 Hladik, Onorato, No. 01531 $115,486.51 KML OPA#493248800 IMPROVE- vember Term, 2018 No. 02942
dress. Prospective purchas- $78,872.97 KML Law Group, & Federman, LLP Law Group, P.C. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL $28,931.56 McCabe, Weisberg,
of time for an additional 30
ers are also directed to the October 1, 2019 P.C. 1910-321 1910-331 PROPERTY Willie Jackson & Conway, LLC
days may be granted at the
discretion of the Sheriff upon Room 154 City Hall, 215- 1910-311 4225 Stirling St 19135- 2821 Memphis St 19134 25th C.P. October Term, 2018 No. 1910-348
receipt of written request from 686-1483 and to its website 1165 Atwood Rd 19151 3111 55th wd. 1,272 Sq. Ft. wd. ALL THAT CERTAIN lot 00138 $164,502.84 Justin F. 5803 Cottage St 19135 and to 1910-301 34th wd. 1,240 Sq. Ft. OPA#552057000 IMPROVE- or piece of ground with the Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas 62nd wd. 1,300 Sq. Ft.
the buyer requesting the same, 12445 Sweet Briar Rd
except when a second bidder its website at http://phila- OPA#344328400 IMPROVE- MENTS: SINGLE FAMILY buildings and improvements Kochalski LLC OPA#622387600 IMPROVE-
19154 66th wd. 1,763 Sq. Ft.
has been duly registered. Also, where they MENTS: RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL DWELLING thereon erected, SITUATE on 1910-340 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
can view the deed to each OPA#663173200 IMPROVE- PROPERTY Nakia M. Feribee Thomas J. Devern and Anita the Southeasterly side of Mem-
if the first bidder does not 1940 W Sparks St 19141 PROPERTY Jennifer Jackson
individual property and MENTS: RESIDENTIAL C.P. November Term, 2017 No. Beth Devern C.P. Febru- phis St at the distance of One
complete settlement with the 49th wd. ROW W/DET GAR a/k/a Jennifer Formiglia C.P.
find the boundaries of the PROPERTY Ronald A. Wright 02191 $105,016.70 KML Law ary Term, 2019 No. 01391 hundred forty-eight feet North-
Sheriff within the thirty (30) 2 STY MAS; 1,180 Sq. Ft. November Term, 2018 No.
property. PROSPECTIVE a/k/a Ronald Wright C.P. Group, P.C. $106,646.54 Hladik, Onorato, eastwardly from the Norteast-
day time limit and a second BRT#171273000 IMPROVE- 01662 $42,604.91 KML Law
April Term, 2017 No. 02746
bid was registered at the sale, PURCHASERS ARE RE- 1910-312 & Federman, LLP erly side of Somerset Street MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Group, P.C.
$218,211.39 KML Law Group,
the second bidder shall be SPONSIBLE FOR DETER- 8616 Fayette St 19150 50th wd. 1910-322 in the 25th War of the City of DWELLING Randy Stewart, 1910-349
granted the same thirty (30) 1,454 Sq. Ft. OPA#502304400 6820 Wyncote Ave 19138 Philadelphia; CONTAINING Known Surviving Heir of 191 Sparks St 19120 61st wd.
day time limit to make settle- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 10th wd. 810 Sq. Ft. in front or breadth on the said Joseph Stewart, Gary Stew- 1,050 Sq. Ft. OPA#611265500
AND BOUNDARIES OF 2823 Chatham St 19134 25th
ment with the Sheriff on his DENTIAL PROPERTY Lyn- OPA#102096900 IMPROVE- Memphis Street Fourteen feet, art, Known Surviving Heir IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
THE PROPERTIES THEY wd. 861 Sq. Ft. OPA#251398600
second bid. Thereafter, the nise Culler Solely as Adminis- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Two inches and extending of of Joseph Stewart, Frederick DENTIAL PROPERTY Ben-
Sheriff shall be at liberty to re- tratrix of The Estate of Taheera PROPERTY Natisha Hall C.P. that width in length or depth L. Stewart, Known Surviving netta O. Lyons C.P. April Term,
BRT # refers to a unique DENTIAL PROPERTY John
turn the writ to court. A second W. Hakim a/k/a Taheera Hakim- June Term, 2018 No. 01118 Southeastwardly between lines Heir of Joseph Stewart, Gloria 2018 No. 00118 $92,470.94
number assigned by the City N. O’Boyle a/k/a John O’Boyle
bid must be registered on any Robinson, Deceased, Rahman $86,307.53 KML Law Group, parallel with the said Somerset Stewart, Known Surviving Heir KML Law Group, P.C.
C.P. May Term, 2017 No. 03599
property immediately after Bureau of Revision of Taxes A. Hakim, Solely as Heir to Ta- P.C. Stree Sixty-four feet, Three of Joseph Stewart, Frederick 1910-350
$65,795.76 KML Law Group,
it is sold. The second bidder to each property in the City heera W. Hakim a/k/a Taheera 1910-323 and three-quarters inches to a J. Stewart, Known Surviving 7924 Cottage St 19136
for the purpose of assessing P.C.
must present the same amount Hakim-Robinson, Deceased, 1022 E Mount Airy Ave certain Three feet wide alley, Heir of Joseph Stewart, Arthur 65th wd. APT 2-4 UNITS
it for taxes. This number can 1910-303
of deposit that the highest bid- Estate of Taheera W. Hakim 19150 50th wd. 3,453 Sq. Ft. which extend Southwestwardly Stewart, Known Surviving Heir 2 STY MASON; 1,598 Sq.
be used to obtain descriptive 6325 Vine St 19139 34th wd.
der delivers to the Sheriff at a/k/a Taheera Hakim-Robinson, OPA#502481800 IMPROVE- from Auburn Street and com- of Joseph Stewart, Roney Stew- Ft. BRT#651242230 IM-
information about the prop- 2,535 Sq. Ft. OPA#343009100
the sale. An extension of time Deceased and All Unknown MENTS: RESIDENTIAL municates at its Southwestern- art, Known Surviving Heir of PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-
erty from the BRT website. IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-
under no circumstances will individuals, heirs, successors, PROPERTY Marian V. Wil- most end with a certain other Joseph Stewart, and Unknown TIAL DWELLING Edward
Effective Date: July 7, 2006  TIAL PROPERTY Elaine Far-
be granted or honored by the assigns, business entities, non- liams as Administratrix of the alley Three feet wide, which Surviving Heirs of Joseph Tkach and Elvira Tkach C.P.
 NOTICE OF SCHED- num and John Farnum C.P. De-
Sheriff whenever a second bid profit entities and/or charitable Estate of Norma Wiggins De- extends Northwestwardly and Stewart C.P. January Term, July Term, 2018 No. 02566
ULE OF DISTRIBUTION  cember Term, 2009 No. 03464
is registered on a property at entities having and/or claiming ceased C.P. October Term, 2018 Southeastwardly from the said 2018 No. 01989 $78,269.12 $241,036.76 McCabe, Weis-
The Sheriff will file in his $110,705.34 KML Law Group,
the sale. any right, title and/or interest No. 02933 $154,637.13 KML Memphis Street to Aramingo McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway, berg, & Conway, LLC
The first bid or opening office, The Land Title Build- therein, therefrom and/or there- Law Group, P.C. Avenue. PRCL# 25-1-4848-00 LLC 1910-351
bid on each property shall be ing, 100 South Broad Street, under and Kai T. Hakim-Lewis 1910-324 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 1910-341 1422 Imogene St 19124
5th Floor, a Schedule of 3232 Emerald St 19134 45th wd.
set by the City of Philadelphia. individually and as Heir to Ta- 3081 Agate St 19134 25th wd. STY MASONRY Pennington 3445 N Orianna St 19140 19th 23rd wd. 666 Sq. Ft.
Distribution Thirty (30) Days 1,263 Sq. Ft. OPA#452333600
In no event will the successful heera W. Hakim a/k/a Taheera 702 Sq. Ft. OPA#252332800 189 Management LLC et. al. wd. 928 Sq. Ft.; Row Two Story OPA#234033900 IMPROVE-
from the date of the sale of IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-
bidder be allowed to settle Hakim-Robinson, Deceased IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- C.P. November Term, 2014 No. Masonry BRT#193085900 IM- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
Real Estate. Distribution will TIAL PROPERTY Pennington
on the property unless all the C.P. April Term, 2016 No. DENTIAL PROPERTY 02112 $96,937.56 Anita J. Mur- PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- PROPERTY John K. Campbell
be made in accordance with 189 Management, LLC C.P.
Sheriff’s costs are paid not- 02221 $49,516.62 KML Law Omayra Santiago C.P. March ray, Esq. TIAL DWELLING Luis Ramos C.P. February Term, 2019 No.
August Term, 2012 No. 03282
withstanding the final bid. the Schedule unless excep- Group, P.C. Term, 2018 No. 00266 1910-332 $65,476.53 McCabe, Weisberg, 02924 $16,734.97 KML Law
$83,877.24 KML Law Group,
The deposit by any bidder tions are filed thereto within 1910-313 $49,430.32 KML Law Group, 3439 N 17th St 19140 11th wd. & Conway, LLC Group, P.C.
who fails to comply with the ten (10) days thereafter.  2559 E Ontario St 19134 P.C. 17,033 Sq. Ft. OPA#776615010 1910-342 1910-352
above conditions of sale shall The name first appearing 45th wd. 1,100 Sq. Ft. 1910-325 IMPROVEMENTS: COM- 4448 N 19th St 19140 13th wd. 1024 S 22nd St 19146 30th wd.
in each notice is that of the 4523 Marple St 19136 65th wd.
be forfeited and the funds will OPA#451044000 IMPROVE- 1000 N 46th St 19131 6th wd. MERCIAL BUILDING 1,435 Sq. Ft. OPA#132211600 1,457 Sq. Ft. OPA#302296800
defendant in the writ whose 1,117 Sq. Ft. OPA#651110700
be applied to the Sheriff’s cost, MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1,342 Sq. Ft. OPA#062379100 Hero Incorporated C.P. Oc- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
property is being sold. All IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-
then to any municipal claims PROPERTY John Wendrycho- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- tober Term, 2015 No. 03440 DENTIAL PROPERTY DENTIAL PROPERTY Nicho-
Writs are Writs of Executions.  TIAL PROPERTY Donna Pren-
that the City of Philadelphia wicz, Jr. C.P. December Term, DENTIAL PROPERTY Rob- $1,276,334.45 Drew Salaman, Sering T. Whitehead C.P. las A. Offenbacher C.P. De-
The letters C.P., Court dergast and Michael Siemien
has on the property. Finally, if 2017 No. 02776 $174,438.38 ert K. Potts as Executor of the Esquire January Term, 2019 No. 03020 cember Term, 2013 No. 00110
C.P. January Term, 2015 No.
a balance still remains, a Sher- of Common Pleas; O.C., KML Law Group, P.C. Estate of Rosa Mae Potts De- 1910-333 $70,624.16 KML Law Group, $308,921.71 Meredith H. Woot-
02895 $65,429.24 KML Law
iff’s Distribution Policy will Orphans’ Court; Q.S., Court 1910-314 ceased C.P. November Term, 3900 Ford Rd, Unit 4C 19131 P.C. ers, Esquire; Manley Deas Ko-
Group, P.C.
be ordered and the money will of Quarter Sessions; C.C., 3414 Cottman Ave 19149 2018 No. 03132 $92,775.79 52nd wd. Park Plaza Condo- 1910-343 chalski, LLC
be distributed accordingly.  County Court - indicate the 55th wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft. KML Law Group, P.C. minium: 1,206 Improvement 4224 Levick St 19135 55th 1910-353
837 S 58th St 19143 46th wd.
No personal checks, drafts Court out of which the writ of OPA#551517400 IMPROVE- 1910-326 Area Sq. Ft. OPA#888520039 wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY 2118 Robbins Ave a/k/a 2118
execution issues under which 1,700 Sq. Ft. OPA#463285400 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
or promises to pay will be 7536 Brentwood Rd 19151 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- MASONRY; 1,324 Sq. Ft. Robbins St 19149 62nd wd.
32 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 PGN

1,588 Sq. Ft. OPA#621276700 $57,495.13 Justin F. Kobeski, ka Bailey C.P. March Term, RAS Citron, LLC, Robert C.P. March Term, 2019 No. assigns, and all persons, firms, from or under Franklin Weir 03016 $130,809.76 Phelan Hal-
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Esquire; Manley Deas Kochal- 2017 No. 02716 $116,556.25 Crawley, Esq 00622 $197,191.84 Phelan Hal- or associations claiming right, a/k/a Franklin E. Weir, De- linan Diamond & Jones, LLP
DENTIAL PROPERTY Teresa ski LLC Justin F. Kobeski, Esquire; 1910-384 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP title or interest from or under ceased; Unknown heirs, succes- 1910-425
Cruz and Francisco Rosa C.P. 1910-363 Manley Deas Kochalski LLC 5313 Walnut St 19139 53rd wd. 1910-395 Catherine J. Kitz, Deceased sors, assigns, and all persons, 421 E Rockland St a/k/a 421
May Term, 2017 No. 02094 1032 N Orianna St 19123 5th 1910-374 1,187 Sq. Ft. BRT#603023300 6337 Mershon St 19149 C.P. July Term, 2018 No. 03131 firms, or associations claiming Rockland St 19120 42nd wd.
$150,836.88 KML Law Group, wd. Land Area: 1,216 Sq. Ft.; 1328 N Alden St 19131- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 62nd wd. 1,029 Sq. Ft. $59,141.70 Phelan Hallinan right, title, or interest from or 1,728 Sq. Ft. OPA#421124500
P.C. Improvement Area: 2,043 Sq. 4114 4th wd. 1,218 Sq. Ft. DENTIAL DWELLING OPA#621585400 IMPROVE- Diamond & Jones, LLP under Josephine Woods a/k/a IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN-
1910-354 Ft. OPA#057095420 IMPROVE- OPA#043119900 IMPROVE- Arnett Arthur Woodall C.P. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-406 Josephine W. Woods, Deceased, TIAL PROPERTY Terrence
5814 Belmar Terr a/k/a 5814 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL April Term, 2018 No. 00996 PROPERTY Lisa M. Balthaser 3914 J St 19124-5408 33rd wd. Heir of Franklin Weir a/k/a Redding a/k/a Terrence S. Red-
Belmar St 19143 3rd wd. 1,088 DWELLING Sharon McPher- PROPERTY Abraham Chester $109,535.03 Martha E. Von C.P. April Term, 2017 No. 1,054 Sq. Ft. OPA#332226700 Franklin E. Weir, Deceased C.P. ding a/k/a Terence Redd C.P.
Sq. Ft. OPA#034106600 IM- son; Joseph Steward a/k/a Joseph C.P. February Term, 2019 No. Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von 00463 $92,657.47 KML Law IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- March Term, 2019 No. 03450 March Term, 2019 No. 01019
PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- Steward III C.P. April Term, 00946 $71,415.79 Phelan Hal- Rosenstiel, Esq, Lorraine Gaz- Group, P.C. DENTIAL PROPERTY Alan $35,826.93 Phelan Hallinan $155,427.36 Phelan Hallinan
TIAL PROPERTY Mitzie Ly- 2018 No. 03477 $454,369.21 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP zara Doyle, Esq 1910-396 Brown, in His Capacity as Heir Diamond & Jones, LLP Diamond & Jones, LLP
ons-Foster, a/k/a Mitzie Lyons RAS Citron, LLC, Robert Craw- 1910-375 1910-385 5817 Henry Ave 19128 21st of Jason Brown, Deceased; 1910-415 1910-426
Foster C.P. November Term, ley, Esq. 12734 Hollins Rd 19154- 423 Fern St 19120-1813 wd. 4,329 Sq. Ft. BRT/OPA# Unknown heirs, successors, 1708 S 16th St 19145- 1947 Bridge St 19124-
2018 No. 01554 $58,570.85 1910-364 1510 66th wd. 1,360 Sq. Ft. 61st wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. 871527960 Subject to Mort- assigns, and all persons, firms, 2245 36th wd. 1,352 Sq. Ft. 2126 62nd wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft.
Meredith H. Wooters, Esquire; 3437 N 6th St 19140 43rd wd. OPA#663338600 IMPROVE- OPA#612205000 IMPROVE- gage IMPROVEMENTS: S/D or associations claiming right, OPA#365139600 IMPROVE- OPA#622117400 IMPROVE-
Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 1,120 Sq. Ft. OPA#431109500 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OFF 2 STY MASONRY Purple title or interest from or under MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
1910-355 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- PROPERTY Renee Stieffen- PROPERTY Tyrone Alston; Door Investments, LLC C.P. Jason Brown, Deceased C.P. PROPERTY Frank M. Mc- PROPERTY Lillian Ford C.P.
1527 S Carlisle St 19146 DENTIAL PROPERTY Wanda hofer C.P. February Term, 2019 Tracey A. Alston C.P. May March Term, 2019 No. 001219 February Term, 2019 No. 02739 quilkin a/k/a Frank Mcquilkin February Term, 2016 No. 02014
36th wd. 1,336 Sq. Ft. Reyes, a/k/a Wanda Villanueva No. 01953 $118,548.21 Phelan Term, 2017 No. 03121 $196,364.08 Daniel D. Hag- $39,521.82 Phelan Hallinan Di- C.P. March Term, 2019 No. $87,055.39 Phelan Hallinan Dia-
OPA#365021400 Subject to C.P. February Term, 2019 No. Hallinan Diamond & Jones, $126,597.33 Phelan Hallinan gerty, Esquire, Kang Haggerty amond & Jones, LLP 02253 $58,506.87 Phelan Hal- mond & Jones, LLP
Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 02071 $52,416.93 Meredith H. LLP Diamond & Jones, LLP & Fetbroyt LLC 1910-407 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1910-427
RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Wooters, Esquire; Manley Deas 1910-376 1910-386 1910-397 5838 Oxford Ave 19149- 1910-416 1318 Greeby St 19111 53rd wd.
Mary A. Faustino C.P. Febru- Kochalski, LLC 5068 McKean Ave 19144- 2015 E Firth St 19125- 5629 Pemberton St 19143- 3722 35th wd. 1,100 Sq. Ft. 41 N Paxon St 19139-2749 1,272 Sq. Ft. BRT#531141500
ary Term, 2019 No. 01351 1910-365 4125 13th wd. 1,714 Sq. Ft. 1315 31st wd. 786 Sq. Ft. 2419 46th wd. 1,194 Sq. Ft. OPA#352341200 IMPROVE- 44th wd. 2,108 Sq. Ft. IMPROVEMENTS: ROW B/
$58,743.41 Justin F. Kobeski, 5946 Christian St 19143 3rd wd. OPA#133151200 IMPROVE- OPA#314058100 IMPROVE- OPA#463060600 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OPA#441108000 IMPROVE- GAR 2 STY MASONRY Randy
Esquire; Manley Deas Kochal- 1,695 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Jonathan O. Addo; MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Tai-Nin-Chan C.P. March Term,
ski LLC 1,412 Sq. Ft. OPA#033065100 PROPERTY Alesha Jones C.P. PROPERTY Jon B. Batista PROPERTY Nasiybah Sayful- Celia Cruz a/k/a Celia S. Cruz PROPERTY William Reid C.P. 2019 No. 03442 $17,462.28 Mil-
1910-356 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW / April Term, 2018 No. 01424 C.P. November Term, 2013 No. lah C.P. April Term, 2019 No. C.P. March Term, 2019 No. May Term, 2018 No. 03003 stead & Associates, LLC
1216 N Frazier St 19131 4th wd. GAR 2 STY MASONRY Rosi- $170,285.65 Phelan Hallinan 03079 $137,251.48 Phelan Hal- 01169 $148,441.49 Phelan Hal- 00620 $96,436.61 Phelan Hal- $194,489.38 Phelan Hallinan 1910-428
1,282 Sq. Ft. OPA#043076800 land West C.P. June Term, 2015 Diamond & Jones, LLP linan Diamond & Jones, LLP linan Diamond & Jones, LLP linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Diamond & Jones, LLP 2910 W Flora St 19121-
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- No. 01431 $107,177.24 Robert 1910-377 1910-387 1910-398 1910-408 1910-417 4509 29th wd. 940 Sq. Ft.
DENTIAL PROPERTY Patri- Crawley 901 N Penn St Unit R2604 919 N Front St, B 19123- 6022 Locust St 19139 3rd wd. 1011 Lorraine St 19116 6624 Edmund St 19135 41st OPA#292189600 IMPROVE-
cia Owens (deceased); Falisha 1910-366 19123-3160 88th wd. 731 1715 5th wd. 2,491 Sq. Ft. 1,392 Sq. Ft. OPA#031093900 58th wd. 1,652 Sq. Ft. wd. 1440 Sq. Ft. BRT#41- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
J. Owens; Phillip Owens C.P. 3948 Lawndale St 19124 Sq. Ft. OPA#888062288 IM- OPA#057019120 IMPROVE- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- OPA#582213000 IMPROVE- 1398000 IMPROVEMENTS: PROPERTY Unknown Succes-
June Term, 2018 No. 02963 33rd wd. 1,138 Sq. Ft. PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DENTIAL PROPERTY Ca- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL ROW/ 2 STY MASONRY sor Administrator of The Estate
$40,751.32 Cristina L. Connor, OPA#332256800 IMPROVE- TIAL PROPERTY Matthew PROPERTY Sean F. Mc- mille Fowler C.P. April Term, PROPERTY Kristen Sanchez; Estate of Mary Ann Levans of Ethel Mabel Brackett a/k/a
Esquire; Manley Deas Kochal- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Blum C.P. January Term, 2019 cullough; Christina M. Spicer 2017 No. 00076 $145,174.21 Michael J. Sanchez C.P. Au- a/k/a Mary A. Levans C.P. Oc- Ethel Brackett a/k/a Ethel M
ski, LLC PROPERTY Ivano Berta, a/k/a No. 00302 $236,872.23 Phelan C.P. December Term, 2018 No. KML Law Group, P.C. gust Term, 2012 No. 02337 tober Term, 2018 No. 00797 Brackett; Myron Jones, in His
1910-357 I. Berta C.P. October Term, 2018 Hallinan Diamond & Jones, 03520 $407,975.57 Phelan Hal- 1910-399 $267,570.44 Phelan Hallinan $66,739.85 Emmanuel J. Ar- Capacity as Heir of The Estate
6829 N 17th St 19126 10th wd. No. 04064 $86,233.72 Meredith LLP linan Diamond & Jones, LLP 749 Magee Ave 19111 35th Diamond & Jones, LLP gentieri, Esquire of Ethel Maebell Brackett a/k/a
1,145 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: H. Wooters, Esquire; Manley 1910-378 1910-388 wd. Land Area: 2,340 Sq. Ft. 1910-409 1910-418 Ethel Brackett a/k/a Ethel M
1,224 Sq. Ft. OPA#101048900 Deas Kochalski, LLC 8607 Brierdale Rd 19128- 4603 Lansing St 19136- BRT#353109401 IMPROVE- 5627 Catharine St 19143- 221 E Upsal St 19119 22nd wd. Brackett; Esther Jones-Woodrit,
IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 1910-367 2002 21st wd. 1,570 Sq. Ft. 3202 65th wd. 1,024 Sq. Ft. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 2814 46th wd. 1,320 Sq. Ft. 1,666 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: in Her Capacity as Heir of The
B/GAR 2 STY MASONRY 237 E Haines St 19144 22nd wd. OPA#214248100 Subject to OPA#651177800 IMPROVE- DWELLING Tatyna Petrosov OPA#463096300 Subject to 960 Sq. Ft. OPA#221092900 Estate of Ethel Maebell Brackett
Marcy Townsell, in Her Capac- 2,560 Sq. Ft. BRT#592002800 Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: MENTS: RESIDENTIAL and Dmitriy Koslov C.P. Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: IMPROVEMENTS: SEMI/ a/k/a Ethel Brackett a/k/a Ethel
ity as Adminstratrix and heir of IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- RESIDENTIAL PROP- PROPERTY Joseph Loughlin July Term, 2013 No. 04445 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY DET 2 STY MASONRY M Brackett; Unknown heirs, suc-
Morgan Townsell a/k/a Mor- TIAL DWELLING Dana Y. ERTY Richard A. Pacell C.P. C.P. July Term, 2016 No. 03209 $214,085.16 Martha E. Von Latanya Holmes; Kenya D. Justine Harmon C.P. Decem- cessors, assigns, and all persons,
gan Townsell, Jr., Deceased; Robinson C.P. July Term, 2018 April Term, 2016 No. 03377 $109,592.15 Phelan Hallinan Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Holmes C.P. September Term, ber Term, 2018 No. 02960 firms, or associations claiming
Unknown heirs, successors, No. 00633 $43,054.32 Martha $138,184.30 Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP Rosenstiel, Esq, Lorraine Gaz- 2018 No. 00005 $135,306.42 $110,352.22 Robert Flacco right, title or interest from or un-
assigns, and all persons, firms, E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha Diamond & Jones, LLP 1910-389 zara Doyle, Esq Phelan Hallinan Diamond & 1910-419 der Ethel Maebell Brackett a/k/a
or associations claiming right, E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq., Lorraine 1910-379 6328 Newtown Ave 19111 1910-400 Jones, LLP 6518 N Bouvier St 19126 Ethel Brackett a/k/a Ethel M
title, or interest from or under Gazzara Doyle, Esq 413 E Sharpnack St 19119 35th wd. 9,362 Sq. Ft. 1221 N 53rd St 19131 44th wd. 1910-410 17th wd. Land Area: 1,292 Sq. Brackett, Deceased; Kennethia
Morgan Townsell a/k/a Mor- 1910-368 22nd wd. 1,181 Sq. Ft. OPA#353184500 IMPROVE- 1,155 Sq. Ft. OPA#442319400 9338 Academy Rd 19114- Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,246 Brown, in Her Capacity as Heir
gan Townsell, Jr., Deceased 3447 Emerald St 19134 45th wd. OPA#221129300 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 3523 57th wd. 1,712 Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. OPA#172230700 IM- of Dandrea Brown, Deceased
C.P. September Term, 2018 938 Sq. Ft. BRT#452323900 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Terrence J. Bishop DENTIAL PROPERTY Lester OPA#572337300 IMPROVE- PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- Heir of The Estate of Ethel Mae-
No. 00513 $87,807.49 Robert IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- PROPERTY Michele Burnam a/k/a Terrence Bishop and Carla Young and Shirley Young C.P. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL TIAL DWELLING Betty J. bell Brackett a/k/a Ethel Brackett
Crawley TIAL DWELLING Antonio Ser- C.P. February Term, 2019 No. Laverna Bishop a/k/a Carla October Term, 2016 No. 01422 PROPERTY Luis S. Fuentes, Knox C.P. March Term, 2019 a/k/a Ethel M Brackett; Leonard
1910-358 rano, Jr. C.P. March Term, 2018 02932 $116,967.96 KML Law Bishop C.P. February Term, $74,506.97 KML Law Group, Jr. C.P. October Term, 2018 No. No. 01788 $59,639.54 RAS Strong, in His Capacity as Heir
4130 W Girard Ave 19104 No. 01535 $59,692.85 Martha Group, P.C. 2016 No. 04556 $368,966.14 P.C. 03361 $258,585.51 Phelan Hal- Citron, LLC, Robert Crawley, of Dandrea Brown, Deceased
6th wd. 3,102 Sq. Ft. E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha 1910-380 KML Law Group, P.C. 1910-401 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Esq Heir of The Estate of Ethel Mae-
OPA#062168900 IMPROVE- E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq, Lorraine 1210 Alcott St 19149 35th 1910-390 6627 Hegerman St 19135 1910-411 1910-420 bell Brackett a/k/a Ethel Brackett
MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Gazzara Doyle, Esq wd. Land Area: 1,103 Sq. Ft. 5634 Thomas Ave 19143- 41st wd. 2,250 Sq. Ft. 8663 Gilbert St 19150- 1115 W Chelten Ave a/k/a 1115 a/k/a Ethel M Brackett; Javan
PROPERTY Shirley M. 1910-369 BRT#352067000 IMPROVE- 4645 51st wd. 1,230 Sq. Ft. BRT#411387000 IMPROVE- 2703 50th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. Chelten Ave 19126 49th wd. Cain, in His Capacity as Heir of
Ross, a/k/a Shirley Ross C.P. 2817 Benner St 19149 62nd wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OPA#513092000 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OPA#502141400 IMPROVE- 5,022 Sq. Ft. OPA#493059000 Dandrea Brown, Deceased Heir
April Term, 2018 No. 00649 1,224 Sq. Ft. OPA#621153400 DWELLING Brian Dructor MENTS: RESIDENTIAL DWELLING Edwin Martinez MENTS: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- of The Estate of Ethel Maebell
$167,898.94 Justin F. Kobeski, IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- a/k/a Brian M. Dructor C.P. PROPERTY Colleen P. Good- C.P. December Term, 2018 No. PROPERTY Charita Worthy DENTIAL PROPERTY Diana Brackett a/k/a Ethel Brackett
Esquire; Manley Deas Kochal- DENTIAL PROPERTY Kelly July Term, 2018 No. 03343 wyn a/k/a Colleen Goodwyn; 03879 $89,076.82 Martha E. C.P. February Term, 2019 No. W. Campbell C.P. June Term, a/k/a Ethel M Brackett; James
ski LLC Buettler; John A. Buettler, a/k/a $37,288.10 Martha E. Von Bernadette M. Goodwyn a/k/a Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. 02249 $83,004.27 Phelan Hal- 2018 No. 01699 $127,026.10 Brown, in His Capacity as Heir
1910-359 John Buettler, a/k/a John A. Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha E. Von Bernadette Goodwyn C.P. De- Von Rosenstiel, Esq, Lorraine linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; of Dandrea Brown, Deceased
1803 73rd Ave 19126 10th wd. Buettler, Jr. C.P. August Term, Rosenstiel, Esq, Lorraine Gaz- cember Term, 2017 No. 04066 Gazzara Doyle, Esq 1910-412 Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC Heir of The Estate of Ethel
1,141 Sq. Ft. OPA#101349000 2018 No. 03016 $128,719.85 zara Doyle, Esq $89,785.58 Phelan Hallinan 1910-402 8242 Williams Ave 19150- 1910-421 Maebell Brackett a/k/a Ethel
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; 1910-381 Diamond & Jones, LLP 5545 Miriam Rd 19124- 2011 50th wd. 1,464 Sq. Ft. 1416 Friendship St 19111- Brackett a/k/a Ethel M Brackett;
DENTIAL DWELLING Joyce Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 121 S Redfield St 19139 3rd 1910-391 1715 35th wd. 1,340 Sq. Ft. OPA#502246700 Subject to 4208 53rd wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft. Unknown heirs, successors, as-
Gilliam C.P. December Term, 1910-370 wd. (formerly 46th wd.) 1,040 1406 E Sharpnack St 19150- OPA#351414200 IMPROVE- Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: OPA#532300100 IMPROVE- signs, and all persons, firms, or
2018 No. 03580 $68,255.94 532 E Brinton St 19144 59th wd. Sq. Ft. BRT#031133500 IM- 2108 50th wd. 1,084 Sq. Ft. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL PROP- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL associations claiming right, title
RAS Citron, LLC, Robert 2,951 Sq. Ft. OPA#592171000 PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- OPA#501471400 IMPROVE- PROPERTY Marie Angerville ERTY Octavia Rosser C.P. PROPERTY Anne Edouard or interest from or under Dandrea
Crawley, Esq IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- TIAL DWELLING Lorraine MENTS: RESIDENTIAL a/k/a Marie S. Angerville; Sam- March Term, 2019 No. 00617 a/k/a Ann Edouard; Dimi- Brown, Deceased Heir of The
1910-360 TIAL PROPERTY Monique S. Young C.P. October Term, 2018 PROPERTY Ricardo A. Forrest uel Florent C.P. February Term, $149,211.22 Phelan Hallinan tri Joseph; Gina Joseph C.P. Estate of Ethel Maebell Brackett
4313 Ludlow St 19104 27th wd. Bennett, a/k/a Monique Bennett; No. 03701 $85,771.88 Martha C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 2018 No. 00073 $94,026.24 Diamond & Jones, LLP March Term, 2014 No. 01713 a/k/a Ethel Brackett a/k/a Ethel
Land Area: 1,204 Sq. Ft.; Im- Carlton J. Bennett, a/k/a Carlton E. Von Rosenstiel, P.C., Martha 00811 $119,496.49 Phelan Hal- Phelan Hallinan Diamond & 1910-413 $217,870.81 Phelan Hallinan M Brackett C.P. January Term,
provement Area: 1,006 Sq. Ft. Bennett C.P. April Term, 2017 E. Von Rosenstiel, Esq, Lor- linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Jones, LLP 7140 Jackson St 19135- Diamond & Jones, LLP 2019 No. 02680 $67,180.49
OPA#272006800 IMPROVE- No. 02521 $40,927.47 Cris- raine Gazzara Doyle, Esq 1910-392 1910-403 1219 41st wd. 1,324 Sq. Ft. 1910-422 Phelan Hallinan Diamond &
MENTS: RESIDENTIAL tina L. Connor, Esquire; Manley 1910-382 6059 Lawndale St 19111 3208 Holyoke Rd 19114- OPA#412309800 IMPROVE- 3202 S 20th St 19145 26th wd. Jones, LLP
DWELLING Bashisha Sherrod Deas Kochalski, LLC 9028 Ashton Rd 19136 57th wd. 35th wd. 1,646 Sq. Ft. 3522 57th wd. 2,080 Sq. Ft. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1,534 Sq. Ft. OPA#262166710 1910-429
C.P. January Term, 2007 No. 1910-371 7,150 Sq. Ft.; Improvements: OPA#352324900 IMPROVE- OPA#572112100 IMPROVE- PROPERTY Jean M Bonnet; IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 8541 Agusta St 19152 57th wd.
01374 $68,697.74 RAS Citron, 3234 Rhett Rd 19154 66th wd. 1,296 Sq. Ft. OPA#571311500 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Wesnelle St. Louis Bonnet C.P. DENTIAL PROPERTY Martin 3,201 Sq. Ft. BRT#562356300
Robert Crawley Esq. 1,788 Sq. Ft. OPA#662469400 IMPROVEMENTS: DET W/D PROPERTY Niyah Smith- PROPERTY Phyllis M. Livezey April Term, 2016 No. 01628 A. Janco and Mary C. Janco IMPROVEMENTS: S/D W/B
1910-361 IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- 2 STY MASONRY Warren G. Walker and Sheldon Walker C.P. October Term, 2017 No. $247,599.69 Phelan Hallinan C.P. September Term, 2018 No. GAR 1 STY MASONRY Mel-
8342 Williams Ave 19150 TIAL PROPERTY William P. Geiger, Jr. C.P. June Term, 2018 C.P. January Term, 2017 No. 03436 $186,170.57 Phelan Hal- Diamond & Jones, LLP 02717 $573,934.94 KML Law vin E. Robbins a/k/a M.E.R. and
50th wd. Land Area: 2,004 Sq. Weissinger, Jr. C.P. August Term, No. 01777 $122,222.90 Robert 02611 $162,539.40 KML Law linan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1910-414 Group, P.C. Martian Robbins, Deceased C.P.
Ft.; Improvement Area: 1,152 2018 No. 03123 $151,066.14 Crawley Group, P.C. 1910-404 328 N Redfield St 19139- 1910-423 October Term, 2018 No. 00139
Sq. Ft. OPA#502250800 IM- Cristina L. Connor, Esquire; 1910-383 1910-393 734 S 58th St 19143- 1227 4th wd. 1,080 Sq. Ft. 4216 Sheffield Ave 19136 $162,456.61 Milstead & Associ-
PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- Manley Deas Kochalski, LLC 4601 Oakmont St 19136 65th 2458 Cedar St 19125- 2432 3rd wd. 1,304 Sq. Ft. OPA#042252200 IMPROVE- 65th wd. 2,069 Sq. Ft. ates, LLC
TIAL DWELLING Phyllis 1910-372 wd. Land Area: 1,892 Sq. Ft.; 3020 31st wd. 900 Sq. Ft. OPA#033181800 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OPA#651129400 Subject to 1910-430
Small, in Her Capacity as Exec- 150 Covington Rd 19120 Improvement Area: 1,132 OPA#312034000 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Lasawn C. Woods Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: 4912 N Hutchinson St 19141-
utrix of the Estate of Joyce But- 61st wd. 1,944 Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. OPA#651082900 IM- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Sir Andre A. Hall a/k/a Lasawn Woods, in Her RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 3916 49th wd. 1,224 Sq. Ft.
ler a/k/a Joyce Marion Butler OPA#611442000 IMPROVE- PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- PROPERTY Robin Currid C.P. C.P. January Term, 2018 No. Capacity as Administratrix and Michael Murphy a/k/a Michael OPA#491323900 IMPROVE-
a/k/a Joyce Marian Butler C.P. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL TIAL DWELLING Helen Ann August Term, 2017 No. 02512 02102 $37,636.65 Phelan Hal- Heir of The Estate of Franklin T. Murphy C.P. July Term, 2017 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
February Term, 2019 No. 00905 PROPERTY Roudy Rympel C.P. Scola, in Her Capacity as Heir $152,188.58 Phelan Hallinan linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Weir a/k/a Franklin E. Weir and No. 01939 $189,135.07 Justin PROPERTY Iveania R. Hill a/k/a
$152,595.60 RAS Citron, Rob- March Term, 2017 No. 02490 of Dolores A. McGovern a/k/a Diamond & Jones, LLP 1910-405 in Her Capacity as Administra- F. Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Iveania Hill C.P. January Term,
ert Crawley, Esq. $97,307.28 Cristina L. Connor, Dolores McGoveren; Unknown 1910-394 5911 Saul St 19149-3446 trix and Heir of The Estate of Deas Kochalski LLC 2019 No. 00306 $95,750.47
1910-362 Esquire; Manley Deas Kochal- heirs, successors, assigns, and 7219 Marsden St 19135- 62nd wd. 660 Sq. Ft. Josephine Woods a/k/a Jose- 1910-424 Phelan Hallinan Diamond &
5916 Henry Ave 19128 21st wd. ski, LLC all persons, firms, or associa- 1224 41st wd. 1,440 Sq. Ft. OPA#621471200 IMPROVE- phine W. Woods Deceased, Heir 5140 Pennway St 19124- Jones, LLP
1,711 Sq. Ft. OPA#213247200 1910-373 tions claiming right, title, or in- OPA#412392200 IMPROVE- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL of Franklin Weir a/k/a Franklin 3021 23rd wd. 1,327 Sq. Ft. 1910-431
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 5939 Malta St 19120 35th wd. terest from or under Dolores MENTS: RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY Karen Essig, E. Weir; Unknown heirs, suc- OPA#233100300 IMPROVE- 7537 Woolston Ave 19150-
DENTIAL PROPERTY An- 1,058 Sq. Ft. OPA#352285500 A. McGovern a/k/a Dolores PROPERTY Farzana Chughtai; in Her Capacity as Heir of cessors, assigns, and all per- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 2611 10th wd. 1,224 Sq. Ft.
thony Wychunis C.P. Janu- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- McGovern C.P. February Term, Mohammad Amir Chughtai Catherine J. Kitz, Deceased; sons, firms, or associations PROPERTY Ricardo I. Lopez, OPA#102424100 IMPROVE-
ary Term, 2019 No. 02953 DENTIAL PROPERTY Tome- 2019 No. 01372 $135,439.93 a/k/a Mohammad A. Chughtai Unknown heirs, successors, claiming right, title, or interest Jr C.P. February Term, 2015 No. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 33

PROPERTY Joseph A. Taylor, Phillips, Deceased; Unknown SONRY DWELLING Jamar W. 1910-460 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- C.P. June Term, 2018 No. 3926 Frankford 2,576 Sq. Ft. as Heir of Sarah J. Bryant and
III a/k/a Joseph Taylor C.P. heirs, successors, assigns, and Sutton C.P. March Term, 2019 2420 S Arcola St 19153- DENTIAL PROPERTY Pedro 03323 $76,505.52 Phelan Hal- OPA#232465500 IMPROVE- Sammie L. Bryant Deceased,
February Term, 2019 No. 03109 all persons, firms, or associations No. 01220 $32,583.06 Jay E. 1305 40th wd. 1,056 Sq. Ft. Carrasquillo Jr. C.P. May Term, linan Diamond & Jones, LLP MENTS: STR/OFF+APT 3 Garfield Bryant Solely in His
$139,428.43 Phelan Hallinan claiming right, title or interest Kivitz, Esq. OPA#404156274 IMPROVE- 2018 No. 01601 $85,166.53 1910-481 STY MASONRY Abhigyan Capacity as Heir of Sarah J.
Diamond & Jones, LLP from or under William Mckinley 1910-449 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL KML Law Group, P.C. 6545 Walker St 19135 55th wd. Singh C.P. September Term, Bryant Deceased, Kevin Bry-
1910-432 Phillips a/k/a William Phillips, 2936 N Howard St 19133 PROPERTY Christopher A. 1910-472 1,330 Sq. Ft. OPA#552331100 2018 No. 03021 $119,863.89 ant Solely in His Capacity as
1528 W Oakdale St 19132- Deceased C.P. January Term, 7th wd. 960 Sq. Ft. Smith C.P. February Term, 2019 3908 N Darien St 19140 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Hladik, Onorato, & Federman, Heir of Sarah J. Bryant and
3921 16th wd. 1,120 Sq. Ft. 2019 No. 00103 $54,360.59 OPA#071076200 IMPROVE- No. 00185 $76,216.00 Phelan 43rd wd. 720 Sq. Ft. DENTIAL PROPERTY Law- LLP Sammie L. Bryant Deceased,
OPA#161317200 IMPROVE- Phelan Hallinan Diamond & MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Hallinan Diamond & Jones, LLP OPA#433130300 IMPROVE- rence Brown C.P. July Term, 1910-493 Patricia Bryant Solely in Her
MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Jones, LLP PROPERTY Emmanuel Her- 1910-461 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 2011 No. 01640 $169,411.18 127 W Godfrey Ave 19120 Capacity as Heir of Sarah J.
PROPERTY Unknown heirs, 1910-440 rington C.P. August Term, 2018 5861 Woodcrest Ave 19131 PROPERTY Andy Martinez KML Law Group, P.C. 61st wd. 1,050 Sq. Ft. Bryant and Sammie L. Bryant
successors, assigns, and all 6607 N 21st St 19138 10th wd. No. 00260 $40,964.30 KML 52nd wd. 1,575 Sq. Ft. Solely in His Capacity as Heir 1910-482 BRT#611286600 IMPROVE- Deceased, Sean Bryant Solely
persons, firms, or associations 1,188 Sq. Ft. OPA#102086900 Law Group, P.C. BRT#522160100 IMPROVE- of Elina Morales, Deceased, 6846 Guyer Ave 19142 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL in His Capacity as Heir Sarah J.
claiming right, title or interest IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- 1910-450 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Edward Martintez Solely in 40th wd. 1,184 Sq. Ft. DWELLING Dana Fluellen, Bryant and Sammie L. Bryant
from or under Ella M. Jordan TIAL PROPERTY Ronald Ed- 4523 N Broad St 19140 49th DWELLING Rose D. Flambert His Capacity as Heir of Elina OPA#406330500 IMPROVE- Personal Representative of Deceased, The Unknown Heirs
a/k/a Ella Mae Jordan, De- ward Potter, Jr, in His Capacity wd. Land Area: 1,064 Sq. Ft.; C.P. February Term, 2019 No. Morales, Deceased, Eileen MENTS: RESIDENTIAL the Estate of Johnnie Fluellen, of Sammie L. Bryant Deceased
ceased C.P. January Term, 2019 as Heir of Ronald T. Potter, De- Improvement Area: 2,544 01962 $122,939.30 Powers Kirn, Martinez Solely in Her Capac- PROPERTY Ruguatu Fanday Deceased C.P. February Term, and The Unknown Heirs of
No. 00075 $11,018.75 Phelan ceased; Lisa Monet Potter, in Her Sq. Ft. OPA#491540300 IM- LLC ity as Heir of Elina Morales, C.P. January Term, 2019 No. 2016 No. 04790 $81,503.44 Sarah J. Bryant Deceased C.P.
Hallinan Diamond & Jones, Capacity as Heir of Ronald T. PROVEMENTS: ROW CANV/ 1910-462 Deceased, Tamara Martinez 02679 $56,206.59 KML Law Law Office of Gregory Javard- May Term, 2018 No. 03015
LLP Potter, Deceased; Brianna Potter, APT 3 STY MASONRY Deb- 6156 Lebanon Ave 19151- Solely in Her Capacity as Heir Group, P.C. ian, LLC $3,493.17 KML Law Group,
1910-433 in Her Capacity as Heir of Ron- bie McElveen C.P. June Term, 4508 34th wd. 2,092 Sq. Ft. of Elina Morales, Deceased, 1910-483 1910-494 P.C.
615 Robbins St 19111 35th wd. ald T. Potter, Deceased; Bruce D. 2011 No. 00337 $116,123.20 OPA#342127200 IMPROVE- Miguel Martinez a/k/a Michael 3304 Fairdale Rd 19154 638 E Thayer St 19134 33rd 1910-503
3,031 Sq. Ft. BRT#353031200 Potter, in His Capacity as Heir Robert Crawley, Esq. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Martinez Solely in His Capacity 66th wd. 1,800 Sq. Ft. wd. Land Area: 637 Sq. Ft.; 1914 Rowan St 19140 13th
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- of Ronald T. Potter, Deceased; 1910-451 PROPERTY Karen D. Evans as Heir of Elina Morales, De- OPA#663022100 IMPROVE- Improvement Area: 784 Sq. wd.(formerly the 38th wd.)
DENTIAL DWELLING Shawn Mark A. Potter, in His Capac- 4258 N Reese St 19140- C.P. October Term, 2018 No. ceased, Jacqueline Y. Martinez MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Ft. OPA#331136900 IM- ROW 3 STY MASONRY;
Davis C.P. September Term, ity as Heir of Ronald T. Potter, 2531 43rd wd. 1,036 Sq. Ft. 02461 $224,350.76 Phelan Hal- a/k/a Yvette Martinez Solely in Michael V. Johnson and Hilda PROVEMENTS: ROW 2 STY 1,958 Sq. Ft. BRT#131354500
2018 No. 02506 $154,341.76 Deceased; Unknown heirs, suc- OPA#433239800 IMPROVE- linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Her Capacity as Heir of Elina Baez C.P. December Term, MASONRY; RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
Powers Kirn, LLC cessors, assigns, and all persons, MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-463 Morales, Deceased, India Mon- 2018 No. 03098 $167,906.90 PROPERTY Piper Investment DENTIAL DWELLING Law-
1910-434 firms, or associations claiming PROPERTY Willie L. Robin- 118 E Tulpehocken St 19144- tanez Solely in Her Capacity Jill M. Fein, Esquire Group, L.L.C. C.P. April Term, rence Washington, Known
11715 W Centennial Sq right, title, or interest from or son C.P. January Term, 2019 2030 59th wd. 1,280 Sq. Ft. as Heir of Elina Morales, De- 1910-484 2018 No. 01588 $48,125.44 Surviving Heir of Mamie
a/k/a 11715 Centennial Sq under Ronald T. Potter, Deceased No. 01194 $2,342.10 Phelan OPA#592102700 IMPROVE- ceased, Abner Nazario Solely 5743 N 13th St 19141 49th wd. Ryan A. Gower & Joseph J. Lee Washington, Ronald Washing-
West a/k/a 11715 Centen- C.P. July Term, 2017 No. 02829 Hallinan Diamond & Jones, MENTS: RESIDENTIAL in His Capacity as Heir of Elina 1,501 Sq. Ft. OPA#493201100 1910-495 ton, Known Surviving Heir of
nial Sq 19116 58th wd. 2,881 $70,067.45 Phelan Hallinan Dia- LLP PROPERTY Wanda Ross C.P. Morales, Deceased and Edwin IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1922 E Madison St 19134 Mamie Washington, Yvonne
Sq. Ft. BRT#582539859 mond & Jones, LLP 1910-452 January Term, 2019 No. 00637 Nazario a/k/a Raphael Nazario DENTIAL PROPERTY Seth 45th wd. 1,453 Sq. Ft. Washington, Known Surviving
IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-441 2650 S 66th St 19142 40th wd. $68,050.23 Phelan Hallinan Dia- Solely in His Capacity as Heir Asmar Davis-Glenn a/k/a Seth OPA#452012500 IMPROVE- Heir of Mamie Washington,
DENTIAL DWELLING 6635 Blakemore St 19119 1,609 Sq. Ft. OPA#406021700 mond & Jones, LLP of Elina Morales, Deceased A. Davis-Glenn C.P. Novem- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Kevin Washington, Known Sur-
Thomas T. McHale, IV a/k/a 22nd wd. 3,172 Sq. Ft. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-464 C.P. December Term, 2018 No. ber Term, 2018 No. 00570 Socorro Gonzalez C.P. Oc- viving Heir of Mamie Washing-
Thomas P. McHale, IV a/k/a OPA#221288120 IMPROVE- DENTIAL PROPERTY Edith 111 W Abbottsford Ave 02533 $43,625.92 KML Law $174,108.73 KML Law Group, tober Term, 2018 No. 02450 ton, Steven Washington, Known
Thomas McHale, IV C.P. Feb- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Pender C.P. September Term, 19144 12th wd. 1,747 Sq. Ft. Group, P.C. P.C. $118,082.07 Jill M. Fein, Es- Surviving Heir of Mamie Wash-
ruary Term, 2019 No. 01343 PROPERTY George L. Brown 2018 No. 01412 $32,604.76 OPA#123016300 IMPROVE- 1910-473 1910-485 quire ington, and Unknown Surviving
$240,971.62 Powers Kirn, LLC C.P. September Term, 2016 No. KML Law Group, P.C. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 5702 Sprague St 19138 59th wd. 2905 Elbridge St 19149 1910-496 Heirs of Mamie Washington
1910-435 03590 $87,265.06 KML Law 1910-453 PROPERTY Mitchell Shepard 931 Sq. Ft. OPA#591210500 55th wd. 1,271 Sq. Ft. 6649 Algard St 19135 55th wd. C.P. January Term, 2018 No.
1040 Alcott St 19149-3608 Group, P.C. 5837 Theodore St 19143 C.P. January Term, 2019 No. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- OPA#551026300 IMPROVE- 1,398 Sq. Ft. OPA#552373800 0378 $62,068.93 McCabe,
35th wd. 1,192 Sq. Ft. 1910-442 40th wd. 1,040 Sq. Ft. 03329 $168,853.86 KML Law DENTIAL PROPERTY Tina MENTS: RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Weisberg, & Conway, LLC
OPA#352061100 IMPROVE- 3660 N Hereford Ln 19114- BRT#402243900 IMPROVE- Group, P.C. Marie Hall-Jordan Adminis- PROPERTY Jennifer Wible DENTIAL John M. Moore 1910-504
MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1909 66th wd. 1,260 Sq. Ft. MENTS: ROW B/GAR 2 STY 1910-465 tratrix C.T.A. of the Estate of C.P. February Term, 2019 No. and Carol Richardson C.P. 9003 Brous Ave 19152 57th wd.
PROPERTY Roosevelt Small- OPA#661253300 IMPROVE- MASONRY Marshari Cham- 6226 N 20th St 19138 17th wd. Debbie A. Downing Deceased 02952 $114,612.34 KML Law March Term, 2018 No. 00767 2,917 Sq. Ft. OPA#571233100
wood, III, in His Capacity as MENTS: RESIDENTIAL bers FKA Marshari Hamilton 1,600 Sq. Ft. BRT#172386000 C.P. October Term, 2016 No. Group, P.C. $149,623.47 Jill M. Fein, Es- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
Administrator of The Estate of PROPERTY Christine B. Moan, C.P. September Term, 2017 No. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 01256 $26,513.94 KML Law 1910-486 quire DENTIAL PROPERTY Un-
Angela P. Martin a/k/a Angela Individually and in Her Capacity 02503 $118,836.53 Milstead & DENTIAL Shenia C. Leverette Group, P.C. 6301 Revere St 19149- 1910-497 known heirs, successors, as-
Martin; Unknown heirs, succes- as Administratrix of The Estate Associates, LLC C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 1910-474 3038 62nd wd. 1,332 Sq. Ft. 5623 N Fairhill St 19120 signs, and all persons, firms,
sors, assigns, and all persons, and Heir of The Estate of John 1910-454 02178 $144,473.54 Stern & 2401 Pennsylvania Ave Unit OPA#621560500 IMPROVE- 61st wd. 1,569 Sq. Ft. or associations claiming right,
firms, or associations claiming Maguire a/k/a John D. Magu- 608 Brill St 19120 35th wd. 900 Eisenberg PC 11B-7 a/k/a 2401 Pennsylvania MENTS: RESIDENTIAL OPA#612306100 IMPROVE- title, or interest from or under
right, title or interest from or ire a/k/a John D. Maguire, Jr Sq. Ft. BRT#351170400 IM- 1910-466 Ave Apt 11B27 19103 15th wd. PROPERTY Louis F. Dupre; MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Mary Anne Campellone a/k/a
under Angela P. Martin a/k/a C.P. November Term, 2018 No. PROVEMENTS: ROW B/GAR 3701 Clarendon Ave 19114- 0 Sq. Ft. OPA#888150796 IM- Marie Dupre C.P. Septem- PROPERTY Niambi Teki Bur- Mary A. Campellone, deceased,
Angela Priscilla Martin, De- 01965 $194,522.88 Phelan Hal- 2 STY MASONRY Michelle 1920 66th wd. 1,260 Sq. Ft. PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- ber Term, 2017 No. 00066 ton C.P. July Term, 2018 No. Mary Anne Campellone,
ceased C.P. April Term, 2019 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP Reid C.P. December Term, OPA#661263700 IMPROVE- TIAL PROPERTY Jacqueline $118,801.97 Phelan Hallinan 00236 $122,593.97 Shapiro & Known Heir of Mary Anne
No. 00343 $106,958.19 Phelan 1910-443 2018 No. 00794 $76,732.27 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Guynn C.P. December Term, Diamond & Jones, LLP DeNardo, LLC Campellone a/k/a Mary A.
Hallinan Diamond & Jones, 5927 Newtown Ave 19120 Milstead & Associates, LLC PROPERTY Christian Denofa 2018 No. 01106 $141,906.30 1910-487 1910-498 Campellone, deceased, Francis
LLP 35th wd. 1,200 Sq. Ft. 1910-455 C.P. January Term, 2019 No. KML Law Group, P.C. 310 Robbins St 19111 35th wd. 7531 Bingham St 19111 J. Campellone, Known Heir of
1910-436 OPA#352216200 IMPROVE- 108 N Ruby St 19139 44th wd. 03011 $159,656.41 Phelan Hal- 1910-475 1,504 Sq. Ft. BRT#353016300 56th wd. 3,165 Sq. Ft. Mary Anne Campellone a/k/a
3900 Ford Rd, Unit 5L, Park MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 885 Sq. Ft. OPA#441202100 linan Diamond & Jones, LLP 2725 Mercer St 19134 31st wd. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- OPA#561022900 IMPROVE- Mary A. Campellone, deceased,
Plaza Condominium a/k/a 3900 PROPERTY Anthony Jones C.P. IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-467 938 Sq. Ft. BRT#312103900 DENTIAL DWELLING James MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Reverend Joseph Campellone,
Ford Rd, 5L a/k/a 3900 Ford January Term, 2018 No. 00879 DENTIAL PROPERTY Vasco 7731 Overbrook Ave 19151 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 Wall and Ambrose Wall C.P. PROPERTY Lorraine D. Rus- O.S.F.S., Known Heir of Mary
Rd, Apt. 5L 19131 52nd wd. $41,090.72 KML Law Group, D Slayton III, Solely in His Ca- 34th wd. 1,776 Sq. Ft. STY MASONRY Dolores Steer October Term, 2018 No. 00974 sell C.P. August Term, 2016 Anne Campellone a/k/a Mary
986 Sq. Ft. BRT#888520066 P.C. pacity as Heir of Vasco Slayton, BRT#343262100 IMPROVE- C.P. August Term, 2016 No. $103,975.16 Law Office of No. 02992 $68,046.18 Justin F. A. Campellone, deceased,
IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- 1910-444 Jr., Deceased and Frank Welsh MENTS: COMMERCIAL 01902 $137,375.69 Milstead & Gregory Javardian, LLC Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas Beth Ann Woods, Known Heir
TIAL DWELLING Glenda L. 1324 Locust St, Unit #1407 Solely in His Capacity as Heir REAL ESTATE KGCC Proper- Associates, LLC 1910-488 Kochalski LLC of Mary Anne Campellone
Custalow C.P. March Term, 2019 19107 5th wd. 318 Sq. Ft. of Vasco Slayton, Jr., Deceased ties, LP c/o Gregory Pellathy, 1910-476 604 Walnut Ln 19128 21st wd. 1910-499 a/k/a Mary A. Campellone,
No. 01423 $54,057.76 Powers OPA#88-8-1158-44 IMPROVE- C.P. November Term, 2018 No. Managing Member of KGCC 5839 Ludlow St 19139 60th wd. Beginning Point: At a point 91 E Duval St 19144 59th wd. deceased and Michael Campel-
Kirn, LLC MENTS: RES CONDO 5 STO- 01774 $30,740.28 KML Law Properties GP, LLC, its General 1,304 Sq. Ft. OPA#604146400 on the Northwesterly side of 1,557 Sq. Ft. OPA#592162800 lone, Known Heir of Mary
1910-437 RY MASON Ammar Marwan Group, P.C. Partner C.P. April Term, 2019 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Walnut Lane (70 feet wide) IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Anne Campellone a/k/a Mary
5118 James St 19137 45th wd. Hemoalyounes and Alaa Refat 1910-456 No. 00760 $132,442.80 Stern & DENTIAL PROPERTY measure North 62 degrees 42 DENTIAL PROPERTY Iva- A. Campellone, deceased C.P.
1,105 Sq. Ft. OPA#45-3-4120- Somaia C.P. November Term, 2544 S 61st St 19142 40th wd. Eisenberg PC Tammi N. Washington C.P. minutes 14 seconds East along nette Carter; Charles A. Rivers November Term, 2018 No.
00 IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 2018 No. 02550 $7,232.87 Jen- 1,096 Sq. Ft. BRT#402065400 1910-468 March Term, 2014 No. 04487 the said northwesterly side of C.P. November Term, 2014 02079 $193,489.39 Shapiro &
STORY MASON Elena Yakov- nifer D. Gould, Esq., Stark & IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 5326 Vine St 19139 44th wd. $75,705.16 Shapiro & DeNar- Walnut Lane. BRT#213085815 No. 01454 $55,862.09 Justin F. DeNardo, LLC
lev a/k/a Elena Sklyar, Execu- Stark, P.C. 2 STY MASONRY Shirley 1,470 Sq. Ft. BRT#441040200 do, LLC IMPROVEMENTS: ROW 2 Kobeski, Esquire; Manley Deas 1910-505
trix of The Estate of Kostyantin 1910-445 Leverette, Deceased C.P. Feb- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-477 STY MASONRY Karen M. Kochalski LLC 1255 Gillham St 19111
Sklyar a/k/a Konstantin Sklyar, 5119 Saul St 19124 62nd wd. ruary Term, 2018 No. 01152 DENTIAL Brenda Pitts C.P. 2403 Duncan St 19124 23rd wd. Browne C.P. May Term, 2015 1910-500 53rd wd. 1,222 Sq. Ft.
Deceased a/k/a Adminstratrix 1,520 Sq. Ft. OPA#621461000 $106,842.27 Milstead & Asso- February Term, 2019 No. 00622 2,250 Sq. Ft. OPA#231013000 No. 02566 $398,200.86 Rich- 5702 N. Marshall St 19120 OPA#531171800 IMPROVE-
C.T.A. of The Estate of Kosty- IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- ciates, LLC $20,687.18 Stern & Eisenberg IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- ard J. Nalbandian, III 61st wd. 1,206 Sq. Ft. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
antin Sklyar a/k/a Konstantin TIAL PROPERTY Kia R. Hol- 1910-457 PC DENTIAL PROPERTY Joseph 1910-489 OPA#612253200 IMPROVE- PROPERTY Carnesta Midgette
Sklyar, Deceased and Elena land and Charles W. Stone C.P. 4714-20 Oxford Ave 19124 1910-469 Lawless C.P. February Term, 725 N. 44th St 19104 6th wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL C.P. March Term, 2018 No.
Yakovlev a/k/a Elena Sklyar, October Term, 2018 No. 00994 23rd wd. 2,974 Sq. Ft. 1916 Evarts St 19152 35th wd. 2016 No. 03941 $197,850.62 2,707 Sq. Ft. OPA#061297110 DWELLING Tara Evanson, 01979 $36,159.53 Shapiro &
Individually C.P. March Term, $61,182.02 KML Law Group, BRT#871108950 IMPROVE- 4,125 Sq. Ft. BRT#562241500; Shapiro & DeNardo, LLC IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Co-Administrator of the Estate DeNardo, LLC
2012 No. 02086 $104,338.68 P.C. MENTS: MIXED USE Paul PRCL#157 N 10-50 IMPROVE- 1910-478 DENTIAL Theresa and Lamar of Clive Clavert Evanson and 1910-506
Jennifer D. Gould, Esq., Stark & 1910-446 Croll and Delroy Forrest C.P. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3339 Princeton Ave 19149 Simpson C.P. June Term, 2011 Eyan Evanson, Co-Adminis- 245 Rochelle Ave 19128
Stark, PC 2541 N Marston St 19132 May Term, 2019 No. 01739 DWELLING Joseph Waldman 55th wd. 1,778 Sq. Ft. No. 02133 $175,423.94 Jill M. trator of Clive Calvert Evanson 21st wd. 2,007 Sq. Ft.
1910-438 28th wd. 1,160 Sq. Ft. $152,828.64 Weber Gallagher and Hannah Waldman C.P. OPA#551397400 IMPROVE- Fein, Esquire C.P. September Term, 2018 No. OPA#213013300 IMPROVE-
6205 Morton St 19144- OPA#281084100 IMPROVE- Simpson Stapleton Fires & New- January Term, 2018 No. 02282 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL Seth 1910-490 01628 $64,642.85 Lyndsay E. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
1612 59th wd. 1,920 Sq. Ft. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL by, LLP, Sarah A. Elia, Esq. $120,698.65 Powers, Kirn & As- Goki and Patricia Piazza C.P. 729 E Allegheny Ave Rowland, Esq PROPERTY Aimee E. Pil-
OPA#592208900 Subject to PROPERTY Rannie Henley Sr. 1910-458 sociates, LLC December Term, 2018 No. 19134 33rd wd. 798 Sq. Ft. 1910-501 germayer a/k/a Aimee Pilgar-
Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: a/k/a Rannie M. Henley Sr. C.P. 4608 Conshohocken Ave 19131- 1910-470 03305 $116,788.23 Jill M. Fein, OPA#331040900 IMPROVE- 4408 Vista St 19136 41st wd. mayer; Benjamin J. Sheaffer
RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY March Term, 2019 No. 02855 2703 52nd wd. 1,328 Sq. Ft. 1905-1907 Orthodox St 19124 Esquire MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 977 Sq. Ft. OPA#412195600 a/k/a Benjamin Shaeffer C.P.
Donna Marie Lane C.P. Janu- $49,899.90 KML Law Group, OPA#521187200 Subject to 23rd wd. Beginning Point: Situ- 1910-479 PROPERTY Javier Rivera- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- February Term, 2016 No. 00434
ary Term, 2017 No. 04102 P.C. Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: ate on the Northeastwardly side 2326 Mercer St 19125- Mercado C.P. August Term, DENTIAL PROPERTY Mi- $266,305.16 Phelan Hallinan
$124,422.67 Phelan Hallinan 1910-447 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY of Orthodox Street (as shown 3625 31st wd. 738 Sq. Ft. 2018 No. 01479 $52,667.72 chael L. Winston and Jean M. Diamond & Jones, LLP
Diamond & Jones, LLP 4787 Richmond St 19137 Terrence Williams C.P. Oc- on side Plan 40’ wide) at the OPA#312095600 IMPROVE- KML Law Group, P.C. Winston C.P. September Term, 1910-507
1910-439 45th wd. 1,721 Sq. Ft. tober Term, 2018 No. 03362 distance of 41” Southeastward MENTS: SINGLE FAMILY 1910-491 2016 No. 00303 $164,555.29 6935 Shelbourne St 19111
3123 Camac St a/k/a 3123 N OPA#453324600 IMPROVE- $58,666.61 Phelan Hallinan Dia- from Southeastwardly side of RESIDENTIAL DWELLING 7116 Ogontz Ave 19138 10th KML Law Group, P.C. 35th wd. 3,048 Sq. Ft.
Camac St 19133-1311 43rd wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL mond & Jones, LLP Tackawanna St in Frankford Patrick J. Miralles C.P. De- wd. Residential Row 2 Story 1910-502 BRT#353210100 IMPROVE-
1,396 Sq. Ft. OPA#431153500 PROPERTY Terence Allmond 1910-459 OPA#871108700 IMPROVE- cember Term, 2018 No. 00938 Masonry BRT#102015600 IM- 5804 Catharine St 19143 MENTS: APT 2-4 UNITS 2
IMPROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- C.P. April Term, 2019 No. 00009 2023 Ripley St 19152- MENTS: DET OFF/STR 2 $198,746.87 Hladik, Onorato, PROVEMENTS: ERECTED 3rd wd. 1,240 Sq. Ft. STY MASON Dmitry Ko-
TIAL PROPERTY Shaquetta $208,273.67 KML Law Group, 3208 56th wd. 1,632 Sq. Ft. STY MASONRY Verna Barnes & Federman, LLP THEREON Vermelle Thomas OPA#033000300 IMPROVE- zlov and Tanya Petrosov C.P.
Phillips, in Her Capacity as Heir P.C. OPA#561579800 IMPROVE- C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 1910-480 and Luther W. Thomas C.P. De- MENTS: RESIDENTIAL June Term, 2013 No. 02639
of William Mckinley Phillips 1910-448 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 03369 $79,817.32 Patrick J. 6243 N Broad St 19141- cember Term, 2016 No. 00502 PROPERTY Chrystel Bryant, $140,238.10 Milstead & Asso-
a/k/a William Phillips, Deceased; 1328 Narragansett St 19138 PROPERTY Roy J. Goldwire Wesner, Esquire 2007 49th wd. 2,706 Sq. Ft. $50,875.68 Christina J. Pross, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir ciates, LLC
William Mckinley Phillips, Jr, in 59th wd. 15 feet by 71 feet C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 1910-471 OPA#493254100 IMPROVE- Esquire of Sarah J. Bryant and Sammie 1910-508
His Capacity as Heir of William OPA#591144900 IMPROVE- 00623 $412,683.43 Phelan Hal- 863 Foulkrod St 19124 35th wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-492 L. Bryant Deceased, Darryl 661 N 63rd St 19151 34th wd.
Mckinley Phillips a/k/a William MENTS: TWO STORY MA- linan Diamond & Jones, LLP 1,581 Sq. Ft. OPA#351080710 PROPERTY George R. Battle 4312 Frankford Ave 19124- Bryant Solely in His Capacity 1,702 Sq. Ft. OPA#342357400
34 Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 PGN

IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Capacity as Heir of Doris M. Subject to Mortgage IM- 03208 $61,441.56 RAS Citron, TIAL DWELLING Janelle 2006 No. 1238 $1,250,000.00 STY MASON John Edward D. Parrilla C.P. November
DENTIAL PROPERTY The De Carlo, Deceased, James De PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- LLC, Robert Flacco, Esq Robinson, Known Heir of Matthew A. Lipman, Esquire Lee C.P. March Term, 2019 No. Term, 2018 No. 0016 $6,143.66
Unknown Heirs of Lottie G. Carlo, Jr Solely in His Capacity TIAL Frank J. Brusco and 1910-519 Mitchel Robinson; Lysa Rob- 1910-525B 01716 $117,178.72 Michelle McCabe, Weisberg, & Conway,
Green, Deceased, Doris Green as Heir of Doris M. De Carlo Linda G. Brusco, h/w C.P. 750 Kentwood St 19116 inson, Known Heir of Mitchel 2350 S Woodstock 19145 Pierro, Esquire LLC
Solely in Her Capacity as Heir Deceased and Leeann Elsom August Term, 2018 No. 1565 58th wd. 2,849 Sq. Ft. Robinson; Michelle Robinson, 28th wd. 1,036 Sq. Ft. 1910-528A 1910-531
of Lottie G. Green, Deceased, Solely in Her Capacity as Heir $66,072.16 Matthew A. Lip- OPA#582034200 IMPROVE- Known Heir of Mitchel Robin- OPA#262175200 IMPROVE- 4007 Lancaster Ave 19104 3405-09 N 16th St 19140
Elysee Green, Solely in Her of Doris M. De Carlo Deceased man, Esquire MENTS: RESIDENTIAL son; Mitchell Robinson, Known MENTS: ROW 2 STY MA- 6th wd. 1,617 Sq. Ft. 11th wd. VACANT LAND
Capacity as Heir of Lottie G. C.P. March Term, 2019 No. 1910-515 PROPERTY Darren M. Price Heir of Mitchel Robinson; Pa- SONRY Michael V. LaScala BRT#774211010 IMPROVE- COMMER; 9,506 Sq. Ft.
Green, Deceased, L. Jacinta 00078 $132,954.93 KML Law 1630 Murdoch Rd 19150 Sr. C.P. September Term, 2018 mela Robinson, Known Heir of and Vincent LaScala, Jr. C.P. MENTS: HSE WORSHIP ALL BRT#871402535 Subject to
Green, Solely in Her Capac- Group, P.C. 50th wd. 2,181 Sq. Ft. No. 02288 $181,081.42 KML Mitchel Robinson; Unknown September Term, 2006 No. 1 STY MAS Rasheed J. Lewis Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS:
ity as Heir of Lottie G. Green, 1910-511 OPA#501504800 IMPROVE- Law Group, P.C. heirs, successors, assigns, and 1238 $1,250,000.00 Matthew and Gwendolyn Lewis C.P. VACANT LAND V V Con-
Deceased, Olivia Green, Solely 2015 68th Ave 19138 10th wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 1910-520 all persons, firms, or asso- A. Lipman, Esquire October Term, 2014 No. 03042 structors C.P. March Term,
in Her Capacity as Heir of Lot- 740 Sq. Ft. OPA#102439500 PROPERTY Eugene Adderly 1832 Ashley St 19126 10th wd. ciations claiming right, title or 1910-526A $319,177.03 Milstead & Asso- 2018 No. 0113 $2,935.17 Mc-
tie G. Green, Deceased and IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- C.P. March Term, 2015 No. 1,239 Sq. Ft. OPA#101358300 interest from or under Mitchel 8036 Fairview St 19136- ciates, LLC Cabe, Weisberg, & Conway,
Edward Green, Jr., Solely in DENTIAL PROPERTY Robert 03443 $197,112.77 Shapiro & IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Robinson C.P. January Term, 2202 64th wd. 1,850 Sq. Ft. 1910-528B LLC
Her Capacity as Heir of Lot- Tucker C.P. February Term, DeNardo, LLC DENTIAL PROPERTY Peter 2018 No. 04149 $105,146.20 OPA#642013400 IMPROVE- 4009-4011 Lancast- 1910-532
tie G. Green, Deceased C.P. 2017 No. 03500 $97,641.77 1910-516 G. Graham C.P. February Term, RAS Citron, LLC, Robert MENTS: RESIDENTIAL er Ave 19104 6th wd. 333 Shawmont Ave, IG2 19128
January Term, 2018 No. 04277 KML Law Group, P.C. 6226 N 20th St 19138 17th wd. 2019 No. 01348 $95,709.59 Flacco, Esq PROPERTY Michael Farrell; 2,288 Sq. Ft.(4009-4011) 4th wd. RES CONDO 3 STY
$132,297.46 KML Law Group, 1910-512 1,600 Sq. Ft. BRT#172386000 KML Law Group, P.C. 1910-523 Regina Ann Farrell a/k/a Re- BRT#774212010 IMPROVE- MAS+OTH; 1058 Sq. Ft.
P.C. 9241 Crispin St 19114 57th IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- 1910-521 183 W Wilt St 19122 19th wd. gina Farrell; Loretta P. Farrell MENTS: HSE WORSHIP ALL BRT#888210654 IMPROVE-
1910-509 wd. Land: 3,650 Sq. Ft.; Im- DENTIAL Shenia C. Leverette 5135 N 10th St 19141 49th wd. 560 Sq. Ft. OPA#183038400 C.P. July Term, 2014 No. 04007 1 STY MAS Rasheed J. Lewis MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
7035 Cedar Park Ave 19138 10th provement: 1,060 Sq. Ft.; Total: C.P. November Term, 2018 No. 2,255 Sq. Ft. OPA#492165800 IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- $229,288.32 Phelan Hallinan and Gwendolyn Lewis C.P. DWELLING Paul J. Sullivan
wd. 1,600 Sq. Ft.(land area); 3,650 Sq. Ft. OPA#572355700 02178 $144,473.54 Stern & IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- DENTIAL PROPERTY Wilson Diamond & Jones, LLP October Term, 2014 No. 03042 C.P. October Term, 2018 No.
1,200 Sq. Ft.(improvement IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Eisenberg PC DENTIAL PROPERTY The Santiago C.P. October Term, 1910-526B $319,177.03 Milstead & Asso- 0546 $6,340.58 McCabe, Weis-
area) BRT#102510300 Sub- DENTIAL PROPERTY Dennis 1910-517 Unknown Heirs of Reginald Jo- 2018 No. 01192 $72,809.94 8040 Fairview St 19136- ciates, LLC berg, & Conway, LLC
ject to Mortgage IMPROVE- Grzeskowiak and Constance 1226 N. 52nd St 19131 44th wd. seph a/k/a Reginald L. Joseph, KML Law Group, P.C. 2202 64th wd. 1,850 Sq. Ft. 1910-529 1910-533
MENTS: ROW B/ GAR 2 STY Grzeskowiak C.P. March Term, 1,600 Sq. Ft. OPA#871400490 Deceased, Aretha Joseph, Sole- 1910-524 OPA#642013500 IMPROVE- 300 W Chelten Ave 19144 163 W Godfrey Ave 19120
MASONRY William F. Bond, 2019 No. 02406 $258,982.87 IMPROVEMENTS: MIXED ly in Her Capacity as Heir of 6639 Erdrick St 19135 55th wd. MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 12th wd. STR/OFF+APT 2 61st wd. ROW B/GAR 2 STY
Jr. and William F. Bond, Sr. Richard M. Squire & Associ- USE (COMMERCIAL/RESI- Reginald Joseph a/k/a Reginald 1,303 Sq. Ft. OPA#552277300 PROPERTY Michael Farrell; STY MASON; 7,845 Sq. Ft. MASONRY; 1,350 Sq. Ft.
C.P. February Term, 2019 No. ates, LLC DENTIAL) Funtimes Maga- L. Joseph, Deceased and Sherri IMPROVEMENTS: RESI- Regina Ann Farrell a/k/a Re- BRT#871080200 Subject to BRT#611288400 IMPROVE-
00216 $76,807.39 Jennifer 1910-513 zine, LLC C.P. August Term, Joseph, Solely in Her Capac- DENTIAL PROPERTY Joshua gina Farrell; Loretta P. Farrell Mortgage IMPROVEMENTS: MENTS: RESIDENTIAL
Hiller Nimeroff, Esquire; Weir 220 E Hortter St 19119 2014 No. 00007 $115,006.60 ity as Heir of Reginald Joseph L. Dicupe and Corrine N Di- C.P. July Term, 2014 No. 04007 RESIDENTIAL DWELLING DWELLING Jeffrey Mermel-
& Partners LLP 22nd wd. 1,802 Sq. Ft. Matthew A. Lipman, Esquire a/k/a Reginald L. Joseph, De- cupe C.P. March Term, 2018 $229,288.32 Phelan Hallinan Hwa Soon Lee and Ki Won stein and Pedro Miangala C.P.
1910-510 OPA#221166400 IMPROVE- 1910-518 ceased C.P. April Term, 2018 No. 00143 $137,871.11 KML Diamond & Jones, LLP Lee C.P. October Term, 2018 November Term, 2018 No.
6310 Crafton St 19149 MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 3549 Tulip St 19134 45th wd. No. 01599 $76,894.80 KML Law Group, P.C. 1910-527 No. 0559 $19,156.22 McCabe, 0013 $9,328.53 McCabe, Weis-
62nd wd. 1,373 Sq. Ft. PROPERTY Geraldine Terry Land Area: 1,303 Sq. Ft.; Im- Law Group, P.C. 1910-525A 1631 E. McPherson St a/k/a Weisberg, & Conway, LLC berg, & Conway, LLCº
OPA#621538800 IMPROVE- C.P. May Term, 2018 No. provement Area: 754 Sq. Ft. 1910-522 1629 S 25th St 19145 36th wd. 1631 McPherson St 19150 50th 1910-530
MENTS: RESIDENTIAL 01087 $107,918.43 Shapiro & OPA#451426900 IMPROVE- 1170 E Upsal St 19150 10th 1,755 Sq. Ft. OPA#882969505 wd. 2,901 Sq. Ft.(land area); 6431 Tulip St 19135 41st wd.
PROPERTY Anthony De Carlo DeNardo, LLC MENTS: RESIDENTIAL wd. Land Area: 1,306 Sq. Ft.; IMPROVEMENTS: AUTO 1,400 Sq. Ft.(improvement SEMI/DET 2 STY MASONRY;
Solely in His Capacity as Heir 1910-514 DWELLING Brian Geist; Di- Improvement Area: 1,024 REPAIR MASONRY JR Haul- area) BRT#501499700 Sub- 1,280 Sq. Ft. BRT#411448300
of Doris M. De Carlo Deceased, 2005 S 28th St 19145 48th wd. ane Connell; Christina M. Geist Sq. Ft. OPA#102331800 IM- ing Co. Inc., C/O Michael V. ject to Mortgage IMPROVE- IMPROVEMENTS: RESI-
John C. De Carlo Solely in His 1,439 Sq. Ft. OPA#482346000 C.P. September Term, 2017 No. PROVEMENTS: RESIDEN- LaScala C.P. September Term, MENTS: APT 2-4 UNITS 2 DENTIAL DWELLING Jose

Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office

Sheriff Jewell Williams

Overview of the Sheriff Sale Process

There are two types of Sheriff Sales. The ance must be paid within 30 days of the sale. How are the properties identified before and What should you do before you bid?
Judicial Mortgage Foreclosure Sales and the An extension of time to pay the balance is rare during the sale? Take a close look. It is strongly recom-
Tax Sales. The Tax Sales include Tax Lien, Tax but may be granted by the Sheriff upon written Each property has an identification number mended that persons planning to bid at the
Collection, and Tax Delinquent Sales. request. called the writ number, which is listed in the news- sales make a site visit to the property prior
paper and on our online listing before the property to the sale. Many persons have bidded on
Tax Sales The second bidder address. This number is used together with the vacant lots thinking that they were bidding
When the owner of a property located in the If you have been out-bid on a property, you can property address when the property is offered for on a property containing residential struc-
City of Philadelphia fails to make a payment have your name recorded as the second bidder. sale. The sale is conducted by an auctioneer who tures. The City is not authorized to permit
arrangement on municipal debt levied on his/ If the highest bidder does not pay the balance in calls out each party by writ number and address. or arrange for entry into properties listed for
her property, that property may be sold at the 30 days, the second bidder shall be granted the Sheriff Sales.
Tax Sheriff Sale to allow the City to collect on same 30 limit to make settlement with the Sheriff IMPORTANT: Notice of owner’s Right of In order to buy a property from any tax
that unpaid debt. These debts can include out- on his/her second bid. The second bidder must Redemption after a Tax Delinquent Sale sale, you must be tax compliant. Proof of
standing water and sewer bills, School District be registered on any property immediately after Even if you win a bid on a Tax Sale property, compliance must be provided at the time of
of Philadelphia taxes, and city property taxes. it is sold. The second bidder must present the within nine months of the acknowledgement of final settlement. You can print a certificate of
The sales also provide individuals the oppor- same amount of deposit that the highest bidder the deed, the owner of record can go to court compliance by visiting the website of the City
tunity bid on and become the owner of tax delivers to the Sheriff at the stage. An extension and get permission to recover the property by Revenue Department. Once at the site, you
delinquent properties, thereby acquiring lots, of time under no circumstances will be granted or paying all back taxes and the money paid by will have to accept the terms of the website,
houses, or commercial and industrial build- honored by the Sheriff whenever a second bid is the winning bidder. This is called the Right of then choose “Sheriff Sale” as the compliance
ings. registered at the sale. Redemption. Therefore, if purchase a property type. You will then need to enter the name
through Delinquent Tax Sheriff Sale and invest and tax id number of the person or entity pur-
Judicial Mortgage Foreclosure Sale How do I learn which properties are to be funds to improve the property in the first year, chasing the property. If the person or entity is
The Judicial Mortgage Foreclosure Sherriff sold? beware that those funds can be lost. The right tax compliant, you will have an opportunity to
Sale is the process by which mortgage com- All properties that are court ordered to be of Redemption is only applicable if the property print out a compliance certificate. Print this
panies and other financial institutions seek sold at Sheriff Sales are advertised in the Legal scheduled for Tax Sale is determined to be owner certificate out and bring it with you when you
to collect debts owed to them, particularly in Intelligencer and on a rotating basis in a paper occupied 90 days prior to the sale. If the property pay final balance of sale.
instances where a homeowner defaults on his/ of general circulation. You can also view a list is unoccupied or abandoned, there is no Right of Make sure you have a form of government
her mortgage payments. As with Tax Sales, of properties to be sold at Sheriff Sale online by Redemption. issued identification. You will need to present
Foreclosure Sales allow individuals the oppor- clicking here. The Right of Redemption does not apply to any this ID at the sale in order to bid.
tunity to bid on properties and become home- property sold at the Mortgage Foreclosure Sheriff Consider the rehab costs. While there are
owners. When and where do the Philadelphia Sale. One way to protect yourself is to contact the some bargains to be had at Sheriff Sales,
Sheriff’s Sales take place? City’s Department of Licenses and Inspections to potential bidders, especially those seeking
How much will a property cost? The Judicial Foreclosure Sale is held on the determine what outstanding code violations, if any, residential properties, are cautioned that the
The lowest bid that can be offered is $600 first Tuesday of each month. There are also four exist in the property. condition of properties may vary widely.
and each successive bid must be made in $100 different Tax Sales conducted each month and Any work done to correct these violations must City loans and grants for income eligible
increments. The highest bidder will win the one on a quarterly basis. Click here for a list of all be reimbursed to you if the original owner reclaims owner occupants are available for Sheriff Sale
property and must be prepared to make a $600 Sheriff Sales currently scheduled. All sales will the property during the Right of Redemption properties only after the Right of Redemption
or 10% deposit (whichever is highest) with a take place at 9:00 AM at the First District AME period. Therefore, make sure you get and keep period has expired. The City has set this pol-
certified check or money order made out to the Plaza located at 3801 Market Street on the 3rd detailed and accurate receipts for code related ren- icy to ensure that its limited resources do not
“Sheriff of Philadelphia.” The remaining bal- Floor. ovations. benefit original owners.

Did you know the Sheriff’s Office gives free seminars in English and Spanish on “How To Buy A Property at Sheriff’s Sale”?
Check out for the schedule of upcoming seminars.
PGN Philadelphia Gay News Sept 27-Oct 3, 2019 35

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