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CHAPTER’ CHAPTER TWO . OBSTETRIC MEGS ~ QUESTIONS OBSTETRIC HISTORY AND EXAMINATION “The flowing associations are appropriate: (@) Liz cephalic (by Presentation: Hexed © {o) Station ache level ofthe spines {a} Engagemene rwo-fthe palpable } (0) Presenting pare shoulder 2 with regard eo pregnancy dating: (a) The lastmenserual period (LA) used in preference ro leasoune (b) The LAMP relale ever if eles are regular (6) The LMPcan be wed pregnancy as due acontacepive pill faire» (a Bevsseeding makes LMP dacig inaccurate (@) The EDs elelated as LMP +12 months ~ 3 months «7 days Genii nd pas. (6) Gravis ecards che real nrber of pregnancies excluding the () Pasty efi ro che numberof leet and sc (@) A ptegnane woman with + previous Teck G20" () A pregnant woman could be G2 P3 (6) Ate nr realy clineally eleva 2 (a) Tre Unless cere isa significne discrepancy berm the so dates. 3. (a) Fake Gravity includes the curren pregnancy i eee 750 1G) False Cephalic deseibes presentation. (b) Fale Fevion desabes che arstde. Presentation mould be S ‘xphalicbreech, 2 (©) True Incicaces that dhe presening part has ueached the ischial 5 spine, (a) True Foe descnpeve purposes the fetal hea is divided into Bhs (@) Thue Theshouldc can penne witha transverse ie (b) Falbe Cjles need ro be regular and of normal length (False The contacepive pill nduees withdrawal bles and not rmenstral Heed (4) True The ane of evalarion is unpredictable eve ifthe woman is menstruating while breasteding (©) True Thisis eed Nagele's ule () Fale Party includes vests respective of gestation and sells afer 24 weeks. 2 (© Thue See above definition of pay (@ True Lae had ripe in et last pe gnancy (6) Fabe Many ebseric ris facts are lated to paiy and gravid, BEE) tsrres rwo - onstermiclicas © quetrions | MATERNAL AND PERINATAL MORTALITY 4 Maternal mortality: (a) Now stands a rate oF than 0.1 pe 1000 cal bichs (@) Does notice death from ehetapeutie abortion (6) Muse be eported tothe Coroner (@) ls subjected toa Confidential Enguisy (e) is moscoften caused by sepsis Perinatal moray: (a) clades al sibs (b) elder al omar death in he Rest month oF fe © (e) sineeased in socal clases and § (a) Inhigher for mothers aged under 20 years than for those oer 38, (©) The perinaal morality rate is around 1 per 1000 roca bets 6 cESDE {2} Seands for Confidential Enguity inc Suen Deaths in Infaney {) Includes only dost afer 24 woo! gueaion {@) Late neonatal deaths occur after the fist month of ie {@) Ie pieipally caused by congenital abaormaliy (0) Was see up ivetgat bop medical ease CHAPTER TWO OBSTETRIC MEGS . ANSWERS 4 [Tru Theta oh am 4 per 100 es evt00 (Fas rats om rin ihe spontaneous or herp se included. : 7 oo (Fae Thee eu ete0 posing othe Coroner ae wh anpopeot dec (@ Te Tart tonal ue which a done much fc ‘enon onsets ub mands fcarcanbtnproe (Fae Tiortneih dee te eonmonca cane aed by typecenve dace () True siilbieehs ar any gestation at inched, () Fae On ey acnal ea he is sk are inelade. (0 Tue (4) False Howes, both groups have an increse risk of petinatal mori, (©) False The rate is approximately 87 per 1000 teal birch in the UR. 6 (0) Fa estan or Confident ng ino Sebi nd Desh init. $ (Fale Iinlaes death er 20 wees gesaon (6) Fale Lae neonatal er cu ow 27 completed days ar bicth, es (4) Fae The principal cause spear, lowe by cogent sonal (© Tw Theor dase ecoring the pe of tae fayneed sg EE EE CHAPTER TWO | OBsrEraie MeQe Questions EARLY PREGNANCY ~ CONCEPTION, IMPLANTATION AND EMBRYOLOGY chANFER TWO! OBSTETRIC’ mcQs — Answers ~ 7 During the development oF ovarian flies (a) The fist polar bod is exeraded before vation 7 (a) True The primary oocyte des by miosis wl ist in the (6) Meiosis is teaumed 1 week before ovation See ms ; ovart. {c) Theowum is exruded at che peak oF he LH surge (©) False eis resumed 36-48 hour after the peak an 36 hours afer the {G) Progeerone secretion stares to incest before ovation sare dhe LH urge, - (©) Granulosa cells inthe corpus leu ar responsible or (©) alee Oruaton occurs 12 hous afer the peak and 36 hous ser seroidogensis he star of ehe EM surge, (2) Thue doesnot peak unl? dys fe ovulation, bus begins © fea bebe @ 15 Thea phase ofthe menstrual jl associated with (0) True They become granulo tei alls and provide sero FG High progesterone ees 1 (0) True Progesterone ees reach a peak a mid uta phase : 2G rahi {0 Fale The Lit pak ocespone Sons {© Low basal body temperate (6) False The basal emperatae rises after aulation, 5 SE @ Implaneaton (@) True The blasonyat starts plane 7 day afer ovulation. (6) Rigg FSH heels (6) alee The FSH lel sein the folcular phase 9 Meiosis and mitosis z =) Mose human cells contain aucosmnes 9 (a) Truw Calls contain 46 chromosomes (44 autosomes and 2 sex \ (h) Manurespeam coneain 23 cromouones ehromonones) 5 (6) Mics rato stag process (b) Tue “This is apt cl {6 Meonsprodceshaploit easo pes (0) Fale Meiosis a ewostae process 5 {@) Theoium determines the exo the chi Tre (6) False The speem muy contain cther aa Xchromosome oF Y-chromosome, thereby determining the sex BED) vvrren wo. onsrersie cas aunsrions (6 eho 0 my ee Sf atecay 6 tewopn etn rng ie pf rng soins (6 ltd psc (2 damn of 11 ae cine and nemtslpel cane (5 Tachacogn cman nicl eds {0 Theayaoysedmenoa iat {6 theomaerune mane © Php saeco manera Sener acteer mee gerne FE io Se tet (9 eaten cae fees {Shel bemmsed nym dope (9 Shalt woe rym conn sctepemee ree Siena ee © ciate wo oasvemic eae — Answers 106 tow 1 Tue The prem enim cine tein ce asta ie inpocton (6 Toe Mtr tmnt sop ota yhe rong ees (2) Tonga soon of be psig 289 bie ee (9 re Teoma ppg {8 ie Tos Teasley gyno 2 {3 Ye Teale ena con pe 129 eB ice pa erp (9) ow Thc emo adh hed ond (6 Pte Ba liens 3 bes ow Sooo (4 ease Travia ff pape (6) Fale Diao sd tr mech me lon fo 136) te Rese ne eh ny enc, {Pa Meng iy mney nee (oe Agu rrr song mayne (630 Degeesson oe Sconce np CHAPTER TWO | OnsTETRIC mw 14 The wees and cervix in pregnancy: 3 {2} Uterine growths by hypetzmphy only es (©) The lower uterine sogmene forme ae 20 weeks ¢ (6) Infieqoene painful conettions are termed Branon- Hicks! (a) Cervical eeropion it sen mon frequently (©) Prostaglandin are prodaced in the serie 15 Reeroversion of the uterus in pregnancy: (@) tsa common cause of recuntentaboction © (b) May cause aca reention of urine {@) Should be cortected bythe insertion of Hodge pessary / (€) Usually comects itself spontaneously ser week 2 (©) soften associated wich stresinontinence EEE EEEEETT'SSS STZ ee 14 (a) False Hypertopty 2a! hyperplasia both contribute towards uerne srowh in pregnancy. (&) Faso The ower Segment forms ee late svond vans. I extends ftom the pertoneum oF he Wreroweial pout superony the ieral cel oie (©) Falea These consactions are painless and refs che mauration of cellar gap junctions (2) True The cervical columnar epithelium i estrogen-dependent (@) True They are produce increasingly cowed erm, 15 (2) Falue This misconception was abandoned mary pears ago. (©) True causes retention becwoen weeks Zand 16. (©) False This stot generally neesay, asthe retovesion comets and (@ True Oniy ee arly does ncrsetstion ecu (c} Fake If incarceration occurs urinary retention with overflow cinrren wo + eosverie Nga QUESTIONS NORMAL FETAL DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH 16 Fetal see: (a) ‘The average wsighe a er is 3k (b) Sie ncrssed in mparous women {) Maleinfantsare usually smaller can female infarns (Sines inezeaue in heavie mothers (6) Smoking 10 cgarees day decreases birth-weight by an average of 100 17 Fetal development: (2) Pecl haemaropoisis stares in the bone martow ac 6 weeks © (©) Fecal breathing movements ocrarbeore birth (© Theimmunesjstem is uadeseloped, relying on passive immune proweron (a) Fetal movements bein from around 18 weeks (0) Amniotic equted for normal lang development 18 By the dimea Fetus ie mature itis usual for: (@) Meconium co have been passed (6) Pulmonary surgacean eo have been produced {c) Theductusarceisus to have closed (@) The hepaccucuroaj ransferase sgrtem to be adequate (6) Feeal haemoglobin ro be 16-20 g/100 mL 19 Inthe fetal ciel (@) Onygenated blood eaves along the umbilical areres (©) The ial lange are bypassed by means of the ductus venosus “ (6) Theforamen ovale connect the to ata (@) Mos of che blood that enees che right atrium Hows igo the (©) The blood in che descending sora i more dessrurated than that in sbeasending aoc - CHAPTER TWO OBSTETRIC MCQS ANSWERS 16 (2) False The average weigh iS. (6) True Fecal weighs ssaly increases with each pregnancy, (6) False Mae inane ae approximately 60 hea (@) False Marna heighe, noe weight, i associated with fal growth (@) False Smoking 10 cgareess day deceses fetal weight at term by 200, 17 (a) Falee Haematopoiesis stars in the lier and eplesn at 6 weeks (0) True Breathing movements occur increasingly fequely cowards (6) False Celuiar and humoral immune activi detctable fom 18 wes. (@) False Movements begin much ear, but may nor be fle wl 18 weeks (6) Teve The absence of amniocic id pessposes to plnwonaty hypoplasia 18 0) Fae ncn puede bith aly ain of () True This is normally present From weeks 32 0:34 of gestation, (6) Falke Ieusally cose some tine after beh (@) Trve The inadequacy ofthis enzyme system isthe cause of physiological jundice (e) Trwe Fecal plyythaemia aids maternal eo Fetal oxygen ean 19a) False Deoxygenated blood isretumed ra dhe placenta va the ‘umbilical arteries (©) Fao Ieis he dace raion. (©) Trve Blood passes from theme tothe eft eta. (@) True Blood fom the inferior vena cava pasts through the foramen ale (@) True Mining with blood flo the ducts artcoms causes the lower ‘agen sorstion a LUM BE) cvsrven two onsrerat ANSWERS 20 The fees Z (6) temose lacie o rerarogenic agents beween 1a 12 weds 20) alee The moat ercl pron the easy Sse times — during (0) tiully weghonee Tegat 28 weeks orsanogense {6 Develops reroute eternal genitalia at 14 weeks (0) True The average Fetal weight a 28 wks 1100. {@ Can sore hypo frlonger han an ale (6) we Mover ltzaound equipment il often pena dagnoss of {©) Wal del aera the mocherisionedcens hese of he fees 2 14 wee. (4) Toe {@) Fale The eal serum ron concentration wil be maincained a he expense of ha the mothe: NORMAL ‘ouanree fo Joustevaie MEOE)” QukeTion® om al) eee kre win ean bee nt 6 commit (0 Sina cee (6 Nalanda (0 Geran sew (@ Yexnerahme odd wh ype Sion 19 eta dr etd for ee anc get oma anonyme (TE. (2 Thebes en nity 0 ete & Mestad ‘ovseret HB» onsTeTHie Me AMswens 2149 Tom Tang nd chemin cb Se (bats cursed Soe 6 Fe Tilmerngnr m na nae (0 tw Hee cue gh mame rs? fe Tt ng fa an 22.64 Yee Tass morc an ek (6 Pend a daca pte a pase ems (2 te Thinley pga (6 rote taya ts autre cae wel ch 236) fe hig pene ep (te (6 Fe re om ne ih pedi clin. (6 Fate rel ppt mot an oa {tar Tanna rttn me (Pal Toe diet rae ee eters cen (0 Pabe enapon he fagug bane eg lena ese el pe {dsm oe ore 26reat od 1 Ay te prvi ei rvs 1 atic ed pea ati et 8 tuntoncatrater cmp etic (8 Slo acne (9 ayecarinawe ara 27 epic pele (artes ea meant Deper (9 trea araia (6 Amend meine of he eae ined (6 Shep ofan emmen png (hese senate (3 ft decane ain ncn, (6a Thy poste read lp 26 Toe Conran Siting mde ibe (9 tae Ent morc ra eae ee (e) Ye Tent doco 7 (Tue Guys anh (9s Sister ue, 2709 etal ptt yr (9 he sl tt rn (Fle ting ny a0 mnt an (eT Hwee tes cen cen pw ite ‘Sainte CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC MCQS QUESTIONS \ ANTENATAL CARE 28 Asymptomatic acts fa) Occuesin 10% of pregnant women (b) Tons eo inferion in mos eases ile unereted {6} Occuesinpatenes with renal ace abnormalities {@) sassociated wich premaruse delivery (6) Causes an increas inthe macenal white cll count 29 Smoking in pregnancy ix associated with: (2) Low bin weight (6) Naernal unemployment {c) Ineeaed likelinod of childhood respnaory disease (@) Decreased incidene of bressfeeding (e) Incase Uikehood oF preeclamps 30 Ancenaa ere {@) as been shown cayorcaly 20 improve pregnancy outcome ‘@) sessenially a steenng proces {@) Works independeney of antenatal education {@) Unbooked pregnancies have che west outcome (6) The key good care is istory-taking 31 Routine booking bloods: (a) Maceeal anaemia i defined ana haemoglobin 1) concentration oF <10 gat. () Ufthe mothers rubella noe immune, vaccination shouldbe dered saul afer birch (6) HH sereningis unjustified as the pregnancy outcome i unlikely 0 be altered (@) Tosoplasmasi nd cyomegalosinis re ously serene or (6) Hepatitis Bsexeoseg is now rcndane Weliderek two onsrermic cos answers 28 (a) False Occurs in lass than 54 oF women. (@) False Teeurs co infection in 30% of cases. (@) True Teis moe kay to occur in shes women, (True (c) Fala This occue with vet infection 29 @) True Aveage birthweight is 200g less in smoker, (©) True Unemployed women a mcr likely co be smokers (@ True Mor women continue to moke after che delivery. (@) True Smokers ae les ky ro breastfed (6) False This may occur les fequendy in smokes 30 (a) False However lack of antenatal care hasbeen show 9 worsen pregnancy outcome (©) True Anronacal care svelte screening heslthy women for pregnancy complications. (6) False Antenazal education cannot be separated fom good ancnatal (a) True Onbooked women unforcunatly require antenatal cate che {¢) True The fous of ancenaal care is ode high ie’ ese rom the harry. 31) False Maternal anaemia is defined as an Hi concentration of < 11 zat. (©) True The rubella vaccine live vaccine which shouldbe deftred sana ater birch, (©) False Maternal healch can be improved and wericalransiston of HiVean be redced (a) Fae Routine tering aoided boause of che low prevalence and high False poste rte (0) False Hepatic 8s more senprevlen a HLV. g (tic aren cet e 10 gore {5 Mitac pao (6 Sats combate inte (6 the acteurs vnin Sens inckdeersenibionmes 33 on ene ape, (6 Thema cp meats UC on ea ete e aig ee @ Theehan tact cx eee 2 fae iinet mon 10g ae tamer 8 gi (0 en fmm pale (0 enn ate inane de 9% megane tenements arrears oe ‘chartee rw onsvernic meas» querrions 1a Enemy the eon ain ex rae 15 elrspd oem eos ane igi rome inmi eid eg (9) hyena eps ae 3 ype gm fe cot faerie Bsn tote 1 Alvcte mn {6 Song ofc (6 Disc ca (8 Speman psec fo Neco conale (Sens nama 0 Sb 8 setenirnte el “cidbren Two! © obstetric Wcas — Answens 1 te Miser wih ppv ei aed Goan. (eae Ps rege pola che mdi te aie (1m (OTe atecenpgmer, elated mabe sony 3510) ale the may song pps pe (6) rat The sto eal tee aoe bee (9 Wom Tan heii ts (205 fom ell oman Seley (9 Fae Trt cng eine rem on 3E(9 Te ena sh em ae oe (tte Tee Secreta sre othe horn (9 Tye trp ndega bp mpc cia {ets Gears pp ven lar 0 ‘itemise Stacia peo (0 ane Se pepo eye e £719) Ne ot son hier in pe (Yue Re tp op en be (@ fae nara ec neni seni (G See tt afsteee natant peers (6s Sohn acy ane ate ape ed cher r0o - onsretic eat (tnt Mare Dan td (9 Maree mero oie (6 tnt ets er i be eel (ine heh peas aap (0 Nagra ook Ip en ene (6 tec aa (0 Soci ating Bierman Stent mod age (9 Sateen, 6 fatter (0 Gena lee 20, (9 tcntetan cf ne {1-7 loving rea iy psrnan hme 12 Aino poppin shes {6 apy pty me ty {2 Thompson (0 Supa hedge yi arson eae ig 2» eg dah id aa (6 Roce nar ekg cn eer tou ac Tsp fat ng prone ng epee pt el ea ¢o Fai ict a wi? 3 es 38. fale Tia exponen ny heen {8 tenure peyote So (9 tm Tm pra tring pe it (0 ran sede h (6 Fae ge dye si Se 94 Yon te crevice arta amc, {9 us nano nay seg haan pgm ‘esoenp aera (0 rae ein tea he (@ Fat icone ce (6 te Tormcd-apemsy ony fovmnelamulspne [Fab cgr hp mente ee oma ive Raw lero rs (Fats Memento (0 tne 16 rata iin slim pape $9 ew oreninattncbeenrer Sareea bboes 1 ite Teen heron 209) Toe Gina omni pie anne (0 Fae erent pine pla he rin ty ase Taye eu So epee dye Bimnabaensteenieaptiamrantante ‘chabrer Two oxtveraie MESS GUbstions $8 cng ed dey 10 Eps elimi bie rhe (Thi cara erm neh cig (6 Aas deco bial at of bev na pit ce fae (lle oa psn mrp tion (Coton eocoon yma ousinney Fate bed 48 Thelen soe counts eg {2 geen hese {Poet Spee pmo (Ime nal nian (8 fama a dace (5 Sirens pipe (6 sarin gece Bip “Y Giarhcte oaatetig Mead anewens 9.6) ee shoal pra abc ie he ra (0 tae Hhrpary He wi pm ofeach. (9 tab ete ih Cran on we (fab Mar spear ea den of 19 fe Aero ey, “0 Fate nme ar cl anon ne et ober aetna gh ee (0 Fate Priory pty chs ain (gfe Tin sia smile top (6) Te Caer fie fie ea ing he tes a ep ran ingen anne (0) Te A aaa alpine mm ep ces {ew Schaap solshng pe 0 a el hi ip (0 a a eyo eae 15 (fle tonicinin oconmoninipr en {9 Seo Cae sneer ss re peed tw Pipinames ken snc ie gu Mc mc tn ee ‘rated ctr py (6 Ye Tama bps fai ‘Strat ome ny mad em ace, CHAPTER TWO. oASTETRIC MEQS — QUESTIONS 47 Fat posse dung he i sage of abou: (2) Alwayzconses pelt dips ate desleracions) 1 (©) Can bedlagnosed wich a high depzeof confidence if meconium i pact (@) Teatsocited with an accumlasion of acti acid in ee eros (G) Should ke ated wich sp infsion of bicarbonate (6) Can be helped byonygen ani plcosein the shor cee, while making preparation for Casares cn 48 The following predispose to Feral hypoxaemia i labour (4) The supine positon (©) Prelampsia. (@) Renal disease . (@) Lupus eeychemarosus (© Pethidine administation ¢ 49 Prior vo engagement of the ftal head: (a) The head usualy ener he pelvis in an acipto-ransvese position (b) A til of freee may be caried out provide chat the vereex his passed the plane ofthe pein inlet : (c) Thefts or mare of the head ar palpable abominally {@) lnduction o uous should not be perormed (©) Spontancous labour is unlikely eo sare 50 Prolapse of the umbilical cond: (a) May occur while dhe membranes aesllincace ¢ (©) Isa risk of indcton of labour with proseaplandin pssaries {@) Hasan inedence of 1% of labore {@) Iemorecomman in singer than ino delves (©) Causes severe repiseory sides inthe fetus) | cuaeteR TWo - Oastermic McQs — Answers 47 (a) Falee Although sype I dips ace often cause by fetal hyporacia, oehe eardoracogtaph cages (eg bradycardia, lu of shore term variation) may als occu (b) Falae ‘The patige of mesonivian dus co vagal stimulation and «contraction of the bowel may occu i fetal hypoxaemis, bt the association isnot song (© True Peal hypowacmis eases anaerobic metabolism and lactate sccumilation. (@) Fale Aldsough the Fetus is acidic bicarbonate not hep as ie does not cross the pacenta wl. (@) Fase Ouygen is of benef bu ghicose compounds lactate accumulation inch er 48 (a) True Presute onthe inferior vena cava diminishes venous return to the right side of the hess, causing hypotension and reduced placental blood flow: (©) True Rarowing of the spiral aries and vasospasm reduce placental blood fae (9 Te (@) Trve Patients wit che lupus anscoagulane develop placental rmieoehcombs (c) Fale This predisposes co poor respitaory efforeaftc delivery. 49 () True This is she usval posiion a engagement, (©) Falae This may sll bes high head A auch, a il of forceps is inadvisable (Te (@) False Provided that che head ic tably ove he bit ofthe pos, induction with prostaglandins may beaten (©) False In 60% of malparous cares and 40% of primiparous cases, che heal does noc engage pir eo labour 0 (a) Faleeto.aninace bag of membranes, this cord preseneaion. (0) Fale lisa nsk of artical peace of membranes witha high presenting pare (Fale Amore acurate gure would be 038, (@) Fale Ieis very common wth the second evi, especialy the ‘marsbrancsruperebefove contractions resuine o the presenting par descends, (6) True This is the ial fie of rapid accumulating carbon diode Laver che hyponia wl lesd ro a superimposed smenbolic acini, CHAPTER TWO OBSTETRIC McQs | QUESTIONS. S1 The ecipito-posterite postin: (@) Ioan eampleofamalpresnesion - 51 (a) Fale Irisa malposiion. Breech an face re malpresentaions () Usually turns to delver a the occpio-anreiorposiion (6) Truw This happens inabour 8% of cases (@) May proceed wo deep transverse ast (6) Trus This ocurs when rorton of the eecpurisarested in he (@) Isassociated wid proanged Breage T ranaveree position, (©) associated wih a prolonged second sagt (@) Tras The hea rnd tobe defend inthe suboccpio frond (00m) diameter. (e) True Rozaion rakes place in chelate isan second stages, ‘CHAPTER TWO. OBSTETRIC McQs | QUESTIONS ‘THE PUERPERIUM 52 After delivery: (@) A vlvoraginal haematoma should noe be incised fr fear ofesing anabocess £ (©) Thied-eree ear usually leads co rectal incontinence despite immediare sire” (6) Bimansal compression i wel for expelling retained placenta (@) Amuch more concanerated oxytocin insion maybe used than wexinlicer (@) Maternal pyresia may bea physiological occurrence '53-The following onganiane ave secognized causes of puesperal pelvic sepsis: (3) Exerc co (b) Hacrotyi stepececocus (group A) | (6) Heemophis fee (€) loadin lcs (e) Staphiomen cares ‘4 Pusyperleepis du to haemolytic Saposcoe (group A (a) May cause rigors {b) Inthe commanes cause of maremal moreaty (6) they eo be cated by endogenous inion {2} Hatmoglobinara unl (e) Hs oeaned with etaecline '55 Breasfeding has the following advantages over bot feeding (a) Homan mil contains more protein {() Hlaman mill contsine more carbobyrace © a {@) There ies Lover ncidnce of cor dat in breastfed infants {4 Ther isa lower incidence af arope condicions in reused infants {@) Tenet tobe given les Grequently CHAPTER Two | OBSTETRIC Megs answers [ETI 52) False Ifense, painful or enlarging, ie bese eo decompress iand lige che Bleeding vse. (0) Faso The prognosisisexellene with adequate reps. (@) Fale A renined placenta shouldbe removed manly. Bimansal compression i seul fr atone postpartum haemorchage. (@) True Inthe reatmene of aconic paspartum haemorshage,dosee such s 30 units in 00 mL may be given at a ate of 30-60 Aeops/minatewichou thers of utsine upre, (c) Fake maernl pyreia shuld be rete sei 5% (2) Truo This isan endogenous organism and 3 common cause of local pecineal infection. () True This san exogenous organism and 2 cause oF severe infection, (© False (G) True. Clostridia nfcron i extremely eve, butt may occur with extensive tase damage, (o) Tewe Spinco saa increasing problem, di othe development of reistane stain St (a) True eis nocintiequenly sociated wich rigors. (by Falke te is now aninftequene cause of maternal mortaleyin the UK {c) Foes The source ofnfcrion ikl co be fom atendanes, [Fale This ocaurs in loser infection. (©) Flee Peicilin x the ereatmene of choice, 55 (2) False There i roo mich roti in cow’ mil. © te (6) True However, caus and fer are unproven, (i True Cow's mille protein provides a powerful anigenie staal (c) Fae Boule feeds may be gen les frequen because larger volumes canbe phen. ‘56 Engorgement ofthe breast in lerating mother is treated by: (a) Stopping feeding for 24 hours ©) Giving diussien {6) Manual or mechanical expression (4) Discarding eases (e) Analgesics 7 puceporl breastabscess: (a) Steptococ’ are she commonest infecting enganiams (b) Suppression of lactation isadvisble* (6) Satya drainage irazelynecenacy (a) The whol brea is afer {©} Ancibioces should alway be given answers: 56 (a) Fl Encouragement ofthe ow isimporant {Fae Din re pes fe baby. {© Tro Thismay be he oly wayne he dcr. (@ rae i epporisimporane (0 Tom S? (a) Fale Stpiyoocn sures he commonest organist, (b) True tr masts cemporay suspension oF brearteding may sufi, but ifthere isan abscess, cessation of laracion is nvaiably ecesay. (6) Fale leis always necessary once an abcess has ocurred (@) Fase Ie is erally segmental (@) True CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC McQS QUESTIONS PRE-ECLAMPSIA AND GROWTH RESTRICTION ‘58 Small or date babies ae partculsly lable to develops (3) Hyportyeseni (b) Hypothermia (6) Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) = (@) Anaemia" {@) Poeamnenie 59 In eclampsia: (2) Lange doses of neravenous sedation ae giver (8) Carsrean section munt be performed whether the Fut is ded or ale (6, Hyporensive digs should noc be used {) Bxgomerine shoud be avoided in che hi erage of above > (@) Usinaryourpucisincresed 60 In preeelamptic toxemia: (6) There isan increas in extracellular sodium, 7 (@) Proceinures he ealee ign (@) Serums uric acid lel tend to decrease {G) The pare lesion shows pathy haemorrhage and necrosis ©) Theres disturbance of che coctng mechanism {51 There ean increased risk oF developing preeclampsia wit (6) Hreceatng narra ge () High parity # (9 Hydatidiform mole > (@) Mavernal eatdae disease + ( Diatees CHAPTER TWO. OBSTETRIC McQs . aNsweRS (a) True Because depletion of acogensotes has occu in ter (6) True Because che lack of subcurancous far impits heat (6) Fae Precerm babies, ne small-fordates babies, develop RDS. (@) Fase Precarm babies are susceptible eo anaemia, (6) False Smallordaes babies ae noe paticlarl prone tinction. 59) True Maguesium sulphate infusion isincreasingly accepted as the secaie of coe (©) Fale che feasts dead or the cervix Evora, induction of labour may be atempred, (e) Falae Hyporaneves ate sno reduce the isk fees ‘haemorrhage (@ True The vaoconsrior effect riss the blood pressuc syenocinon is pefele, (6) Fase Thete is lig, which may progres to rena lars (0 (a) Teve Theres rerencion ofboth ware and sodium. (b) Fabs Weight gain, codema and hypercension usualy preede proteins, (c) Fae Lvels merase asa enuf an lettin in ena tubule Function (4) True Characteristic ed and yellow focal area are seen (©) Tie Theres alin he namber of platelet, and an increas inthe level offibrin degradation product, G61 (a) True te is more common in women owe 35 yest of ae. (©) Fale lei more common in primagtsvd women (c) True The hypertension ie sree and ic often stats scaly 8 16-20, wicks (a) False Theze sno elationship wih cardi disene (6) True This is assumed ro be due eo diabetic vascular disease ESTRIC WTH R GRO! CLAMPSIA AND 2 Inmpsieed fetal proms (a) Issymmetia fe ea bead and abdomen ae equally reed in (b) Hat ong crm effec on postnatal growth ifitis aymametscalin ype (6) Israrely asociaved with hypoxia and acidosis is symmecial i pe (2) Maybe due ro maternal heron abuse ifs asymm in pe (May be asessed witha single ulrasound examination in the eed (55 Antenatal management of an asymmetrically small fers should neue: (9 Uneaound examination to measure growth 7 (0) Maternal scoring of fetal movements 7 (6) Serial measurement of plasaa oestradiol or hata plaeatal lactogen (HPL) 1 ( Cardiotocosraphy (6) Fetal sap sampling ¢ “ossrertic mcgs . answeas (ERED {2 (a) True All pares of fecal growth velocity are aected equal. (©) Fale This eles an inadequate supply of matin Postnatal catchup growth wil occut (© True Teis mor likely co be consticutional or due toa specie problem (aneuploidy) (@ True Heroin abuse slohel consumption and smoking all use suymmerial growth impairment (e) Fake Serial ulerasound measurements ste necessiy to conten imputed fetal groweh, (63 (a) True A flloffin ronch ace ay prompe delivery, (b) True reduction in Fetal moversents ray incieat eal bypass (©) False Placencal hormones ae now known to bean iuensitive tet oF Feral wellbeing (2) True This che most popula method offer assessment. (©) Falue This can only be done in labour. CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC McQs QUESTIONS PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS (64 The following statements are true of tere use in prenatal diagnos (@) Serum biochemistry is supesioe wo matenal age asa seening test {ar Down's syndrome (0) Materal serum alph-Froproein isa diagnos est for neural-nbe dehes 7 (©) Chononic vila sampling (CVS) ha lowes pregnancy loss rat than (@) Tests sing DNA technology can be peforted on ammiocentess specioens (Chorionic vilus sampling can only be performed before 12 week? gestation! (65 Biochemical screening for chromosomal abnormalities (a) Can prove risk etimates fo crisomy 18.7 0) Incas HCG, ow levels whic aston with Doss syndcome v {2 Henman ben furlong sed sce gata sf (@) Can bean indicator oF ther poor fel outcomes (6) Does noe cake matemal age nro acount {6 Congenital abnormality: (8) i bois isa congenial ator file Hugs (0) Down's symdrome is mote coon than congenital heat defects {e) Tisomies 13, 18and 21 ae equally common st conception 1 (ch The prevalence of sex ehromoromesbnontnalities ds not depend ‘onmaremal age (0) Rage Xsdrome can bein rom a ey ea ci 67 Neucabeube defects (a) Occur because oF poor pesoncepeual maternal dice {b) The majvity ofthese defers occ ache cra dof the spine > (©) The prognosis for spina bifida depends othe spinal ee ofthe lesion (@) With previous aTected sibling, che recurence ais 186 (© Asupplement of 4g folic ac daily signal rede dik fofrecuerence CHAPTER TWO - OBSTETRIC MCOS - ANsweRS 654 (a) True Biochemical screening asa sensiity of 60-70%, compared co 30-40% for mareroal age () Fale eis.aserning test, etn confiemation by ulrasound (Fale 16-0eekammiocencss has the same procedceslart loss rate as CVS. (@) True The argeramounes of DNA in CVS make eh the prefered rmethod of smpling (@) Fale ie ursally performed berwees 8 and 20 weds, but she sl of fetal damage increased before 10 week 65 @) Tre Although the testis designed for screening for Dow’ syndrome, low eel of HCG is a marker for tesomy 18, (©) Fale HCG levels are raised in Down’ drome (©) False Femur Teg is shorerin Down's feuses, thus reducing the seit oF che test (4 Tove Elevated lpa-erprotein vel indice increase ak of neural defies and placenral dysfunction, (6) Fate Maternal age and weight are included in the risk ealelation. 6 (9) Flee ‘Congenital means conferred by birt, regards of the age of fb Fale The prance of Downs drome (15/1000) ies han thar of hese defects (6/1000). (True The ineraueeinelechaly (90-956) of rsomy 13/18 reduces thee prevalence a bik (© Tewe Astosomal, not sex chromosome, abnonnalites oerease with acvancing maternal age (6) True The fragile X gene may hypermethylareoom mulkple epeats ‘naffected male offspring of « normal mae paren 67 (a) Falee There are environmental, genetic, pharmacological and geographical aeologies (6) Tewe Around 70-40% of newal- tbe defects ave nencephaly of cephaloceles, (6) Tive The spinal level and numberof aegmencs involved determine the prognosis. (a) Fal The recuronce risk wl eas high a (©) Fabe Adailysupplemencofdmgis required eoreduce the recurrence couarsen two. asreinié mead! questions i MULTIPLE PREGNANCY {68 The incidence of multiple pregnancy is increased (3) tn Afo-Caribbeans 168 (a) True In some West Afican tribes the incidence is in 30 (cE. in 90 (h) tn women reated with BeomocrpeneForinfeeliy © in Caucasians. {6} Inwomen treated by is sin fereization ~ (b) Fake Bromocripsine doer no induce multiple ovulation. (@) With advancing maternal age (6) True The eplacemenr of srl embryns les toa greater risk oF (6) Ine pregnancies = raleipe pregnancy: (2) Thm Binovalar wining increase with age up co sbout 40 yes (69 tn win delivery (6) Fake teiscommonestn multigrid women (a) The Best ewin is at grazer risk dan che second 69 (a) Fale Fatal morale and mosbidiey re greater inthe second wie, (by Labour usually oecune before tern > (0) True Overdicension ofthe uterus leads vo pre-e abour, (c) Epidural analgesais hes avoided (©) Falbe Epidural analgesia is ideal, i preparation for any second. sage (4) There isan increased ssk of postpartum haemorrhage aicuties. {@) Thecommonest presentation ir one cephalic ome breach = (a) True The large placental ste and ureine over-dsenson ae axtiologial cor {6 False The commonest presenasion is cephalic-cephali (45% of 170-Twin sygosicy and chorionicise ane (a) Chosionicie i derrmine by vlesound, while sygosity usualy 70) True Chorionic i determined from the number af placentas and reguices DNA testing. ‘membrane characteristics, (©) Chovionisty doesn afc pregnancy our f (©) False Peisatal mocaliy is significantly higher in monochorionic (©) Plaoncal insoficiency ecure more Frequently is than in pregnancies singletons (© True Approximacely 25% of eins wll develop a sigiicane grow (@) Congenical abnormalities ae evice a ikslyin monochorionie twine sdserepancy, sin dchovionie one (8) True. Congenial abnormality ie leo rece a ikly in chorionic (©) Twin-tvinransfsionsyndeome (TTTS) can occur in daminiotc ‘eins compare eo singletons wins (@) True TTTS can only occurin monschorionic eins regardless of sion “CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC McQs QUESTIONS. ANTENATAL OBSTETRIC COMPLICATIONS. 71 Coagulation flue i an importa common complication of (3) Placenta praevia (6) Abrupeo placeneae (0) Ampiogc Hid embolus (@) Gram-negative sepiaemis (© Uterine rapeare 72 The following may cause nteaucerine death of the fecus: (6) Diabetes melius (©) Respieaory diverse syndrome (RDS) (©) Hydeops feais (@) A sudden emoconal shock ro che mother (6) Syphiis 73 tn ete of incrauetine death (@) Induction ofabour should slvays begin immediately 1 (©) leis always best a gv the pares immediate, dete information about the pose cause (c) The baby mare abway be sho to the parents (a) Tis importaneso discuss contraception prior to hospital discharge (0) Laceaton is Heely co occur and become ditessing* 74 When intrauterine death of the Fes occurs in the thd trimester, (a) Casarean section should be performed ro deliver the ferus (b) There sx eendency to chromboemibolisny [c) There ina danger of ansctobiciafson (4) Laceation wll nee occur ater daivery (©) The bie ofehe baby mas be neitred 175 Poyhydcamnios i atsoiatd wich the following! (a) Chorioangioms of the placenta 7 {b) atzernl diberes (©) Hydatidioren mole 9 (G) Hyaops fee (© Inteauterine growth retardation of che fetus [) ciiarten two opsrernic megs answers 71.) False There i sraigheforwardl haemorthage in this condition. (6) Te. Diseeminaeed inemaaculae coagulation x thoughe ro occur 38 ‘areslr of thromboplasin less rom the placental ste (0. Tue There ie widespread Sisminated intravarcuar coagulation. (G) Tue Endotosins kinins nd complement simulate the clotting mechanism Fae Although using pure may lad to shock and collapse, ‘iseminated intravascular coagulation dows noe usually occu io 72a) True Poorly controlled diabetes maya to adden fetal death (@) Fale This a cause of neonatal death, {9 Tue. ydrops felis wharever che case, may lead eo eal dec (G) False This only ocewss in tion. (©) Tue Uneeated syphilis one ofthe are causes, 73) Falea Unless chee ae good medical eatons, parenscan been ramet take inthe nev (@) Fale Patenc are shocked and unable ocak a detailed information iramediacely (6 Falue This shouldbe offered, bur some parents will noc want ro se the baby. (8) Tr This ice and often fongoen bi should he discus (9 True The moter needs zo be waned ofthis and offered sngppentin aceon. 74) Fe Vaginal vrs fr pf (eae ppt eying Sic oa caplet (0 True Ae eran ope saree (@ Fale Sappresin ef aceion shoul be coer {0 Troe teonebe gtr ars 31 ideal cule medium for 75 (9) True hist a rare ea xe. () True This is kelp sce caer is poorly concoled, andi is due ro fea pou. (0) Falue The uterus filed wich molar eisue {) Toe Thies ofthe cee in svete thes insmmunsaton, (©) Fale [cis often assocored with ligohyerarnix. CHAPTER TWO. OBSTETRIC MCQS . QUESTIONS 76 Oligohydamnios is asociated with the fllowing fetal conditions (@) Tracheo-oesophagesl fra. | (©) Talipes (6) Powers syndrome (4) Incauterine grow retardation (@) Anencephaly 77 Ancepareutn haemorthge: (a) Is defined as bleeding fom dhe genital rcs in preyany (@) May be complcaed ty ypofbinagenaemia () Reguies astesemenc by vaginal examination (@) May be caused by emia etcnowa (© Tsaloays pastes 178 To prevent rhesus disease io:immunizason at-D should be given to hens negative women (a) Wichin 72 hours of delivery of shea poiive cud = (B) Whoare known to hive rhesus antibodies, within 72 hours oF delivery (6) Following a termination of pregnancy even when the father is known tobe hecrexygos (a) When an exwenal esphae version has heen performed {@) Following a small (< 30 mL) antepartum hasimerthage 7 79 in thesusiso.immunization the following tests may be helpful (a) Rhesus anibody sie in Liquor {by Liquor Eubin lve {) Macenal serum blrsin {@) Direct Coombs’ est on cord blood. (©) Rhesus genorype of fther | cliapree two = oosternic meas. answers (EPEI 76 (a) Falee Ths canses polyhydramnios de ofailuce of wallowing, (b) True Limb deformations occur bose of lel pressure, (o) True Repal agenesis resale in lack of Liquor. {c) Teue Poor placental faneson is axsciaed wth lgoydramnios (@) False This soften associated with polyhydramnios duce inability ofthe feu to svallow 77 (a) Flo Tis bleeding fom che etal race after Fetal viability (¢-24 week) () True This occurs in placental abrapeion, whichis one cause of antepartum hsemomhage. (6) False Vaginal amination is dangerous uni placenta prvi hat been ruled out (i) Tews This is an incidental ease of antepartum haemorchage (e) Fale Pacenalabrapeion i sally painful whi bleeding from placenta prac i pails. 78 (2) True ‘This wil preven iso-nnmanization (©) Fale Giving anciD once there are shesus anodic is ueess (6) True A heteromygous father as a 50% chance of producing a hess posiv alfspeing. 5 (4) True The trauma of version may proce feo-maternal z haemorthage, {¢) Tee Anpamount of aneparrum haemocthage may cause hess 79 (a) aloe Rhesus ancibody cine in maternal Hodis peered sutinely nd maybe sel, (by True This is measucedspectophorometezallyon liquo obained at (©) False The materalilinsbin lvls mot lene in hess iso- (a) True This est confems whether the bby sft (©) True IFehe parmer is heteronygous, ther isa SDS chance thatthe bby ll be unaffected CHAPTER TWO — OBSTETRIC McQS - QUESTIONS: 80°The following predispose to deep venous thrombosis: (@) Cacerean section (@) Ameena bed est 7 (@) Bressfeding () Varieose veins (@) Pabicinection 7 |81 Venous tromboerboisn (0) the commonest cause of mara death in the wrt {0 Pregnancy essa an nla berween he hromboltic and fro ates (0) Cauda romophia may be asucae wth eeurent (4 Pept women sith lf pain should hae thromboprphylais tales lvestigaed (o Hepa canbe gen indi asc dos neous the placenta 0 (a) True Abioinal delivery considerably increases the risk of dhombe- fembolizm (t) True Ifother risk actors are presen eg, age, csi, anticoagulants should be considered. (0 False Suppeston of lactation with oestrogen peeigposes 0 thrombi, (a) False Varicose ens incease the risk of opr chrombophlebii (6) True This applies eo postpartum infccon in maceniy patienes 1 (0) Falg Tis che commonest cause of matenal destin the UK (0) True Pregnancy isa hypercoagulable state (0) True Thrombophiliasinclade protein S, protein Cand sneichrombin If defceney : (i) Tewe Heparin canbe stopped if venography Doppler res the diagnosis of deep venous thrombi z (0) False ledoes norcross the placenta, bur long-erm therapy cass Done demineralization, CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC MCQS © QUESTIONS PERINATAL INFECTIONS £82.The following may cause congenital infection of de feu: () Cyromeguoviue (by Vancells (6) Hepatitis B (a) Herpes (@) Paryonres 83 With sega ro HIV resting in pregaane? (3) The ansibody tee may cake I month to become positive ater spore (6) The time to development of AIDS is 10 years withowe eeatment (6) The vertical eansmisson rae approximately 15% {€) With inerveatioa, che vertical tanemision rate can be reduced ro » (©) Stopping breascteding is he moseelaive way to prevene vertical {84 Hlexpes infection in pregnancy (6) iFinfecton osu in he fe trimester termination of pregnancy should be offen vw of che risk of congenital infection, (by Topical acyclovir i efecrve inthe retment of genital herpes (6) Netnaca infecion has a merely of 0% (a) Cacsatea section i recommended s there is evidence of active priaty herpes in labour (@) Caesatean section i recommended itheteis evidence of active secondary herpes in aboot 1) charree two ossrermic meas answers EFT 2 a) True Iecauses microcephaly lindnets and developmental delay (he temas yop ty si sing ang NS (0) alee Te may cause neonatal infcion. (4) ewe Theresa raze drome tha causes mro-ophthalia and sieroephaly (6) True Te can cause eal paneyropenia and hyde 1 a) aloe The cst may eake 3 monshs to become wae, (hy True Tes possible ro seman healthy for 1S yes with ceatment. {o) Fake Verccal wansmssion occurs in 25-40% of pregnancies, (i) Tewe These interventions include aterovrl digs, Casares section and avoidance of beasteding (0 True Aboae 18% of vertical transmission is thought co be dus ro reasteeding 11 (a) Falbe Congenital abnormal i sery rae with herpes infection. {ty Fake [c) Fale Morley is 70%, ands reduced ro 404 with neonatal inraveneus agro: i) True Unless membranes have been rupeurd for longer than 4 hours (6) Fale Regardless of membrane rupee CHAPTER TWO ORSTETRIC MEQS QUESTIONS MEDICAL DISEASES COMPLICATING PREGNANCY 8S The following are comet associations (6) Anencephaly and face presecation (@) Advaneing maternal ageand Turners gnome (6) Hyd mole and preeclampsia (@) Diabetes mallius and neonatal ypergeaeria (6) Preciptae abou and pospsream haemorrhage {8 Hyperthyroid in pregnancy: (a) Should be rested surgically rarher than wih erbimazse {b) Nay ead vo neonatal yperthytoigism even chough che mothe’ sess sersted (@) Should not be reted wich ane-hyroid drugs {G) Can be diagnosed by rol T, measurement (6) Tealvays associaed woth increased lrgactng thyroid seimulacor 7 a siclecll disorders: (3) Theres fire oF Formation ofthe beechai of haemoglobin (©) Theaemoglobin lvl rarely alls below 9.0 g/l. (6) There ina high incidence in Afo-Canbbeane and Asians {8 Irom deicincy i usual (6) Casi uabely 0 occur wit the eae ‘88 Diabetes mous in prognancy i associated with che following: (a) nereased ncdence of congenial defects (by inereased nslinrequiremencs (6) tnceased sk of placental abroption (a) A high incidence f vaginal Tritomonarinferion (e) Fetal macrosomia [iliciorrsitvaronsseeeietcee’ aecwens EAI 1S (a) True ‘The abnormal head faces downwards, making Face presentation more Hay (0) False Unik risomieg, Turners syndrome i not dependent on areal age (6) Trwo In this condition, preeclampsia occurs eatlyin pregnancy (at 16-20 week) (@) False Hypoglycemia is a problem because of Fetal byperinsulinaemia (6) True This usually outs ina grand mulkiparous patent and thete is cine nig (a) Fale Tis asl rested medically wil the postnatal hyo surge (0) True Because longaccing Hyeod-aimalasng hormone may ers te placente (0) Fase Alchough chese drugs cross the placenta, they rarely affect Stal ‘hyroid function. (4) Fae Total T, levels ave noumally essed in pregnancy. ree tyroxine levels ate required (0) False Longactig thyroid scimlacr is nly rarely presen 7 a) Flee tartan far, dete san leration in dhe amino-acid structure ofthe chain, (0) Falke Severe anaemia may occur in scklecell disease (0) Fase Theresa high incidence in Afvo-Canibbeans, bac notin Asians. {Fab tron stores are usualy adequate 40) True The concentation of haemoglobin is usually too low for sickling co occur, Wl) True Theis of congenial sbnormalic i elated ro che degree of yorconceptanl omer (0) True The inselin equrements eequently double (0) Fale Aldhough te placentas larger there so increased rk oF sbrupeon, (False Ieis vaginal Cand infection which i associated with diaberes. (0) True. Pooriy contol abet es ofl macrosomia risk ofobstuere labor CHAPTER TWO. OBSTETRIC MCQs . QUESTIONS — y B9 ta ace pyelomephritia in pregraney: (a) The ee kdnay is ffecead more oftn than the right (0) The comperunie rarely exceeds 39°€ (e)Aniibiote ould be tated before bctrilogical eultsare available (a) The incidence offal growth cetasdation and peter labour increased" (©) Iuzavenous pylography shouldbe performed prompaly 90 cardiac disease in pregnancy: (2) Congesielheae disease sche commonest cause (©) Candis are should noe be ees with goin (6) Delivery should be by planned Caesarean section (6) Candisesugey i abaotey contraindicated (©) Eeyomuutine should be svosed in he third sage 91 The following drags are known tobe teratogenic: (a) Phenobarbitone (b) Diaspar (e) Alphameryldops: {@) Bajcheomycn (e) Thane daretcs 92 The following condisons ate saualy exacerbated daring pregnansy: (0) Pepa ulcer (©) Mueplscterosis (©) Neuralgia parastherca (@) Denea cates, (©) Procass [/ ouerés rio omsrenmie wees answers 189 (a) Fale The righe key is ffeted mone often san the lf (b) alee Fevers of 395°C and above are common and are offen sociated with goes (©) True Treatmencis sated promptly because of che sk oF sepricamia and prceom labour, (a) True Eecal growth raacon s more kel ifchere x craic renl disease (@) Falbe This tweatmencis ony indicated for reurrenearacks of pyelonephriis (asslly performed postnatal), 90 (a) True Today, rheumatic heart disease cause Tess chan 50% of valvular abnonaliis (by) Fake Digonin ie ptecaly stein pregnancy {c) Fala Caeraran scion only adie for observe reasons (e) Fale Cardiopulmonary bypass and open-heart sugey ati considerable risk of eral ioss, but closed heat surgery maybe performed wid reasonable sft (e) True Eryomutin, by causing an increase in blood pressure, may precipice cade fire 91 (a) False Phenyoin, usualy given with phenobarbtone, may cause ‘hondeodyspasa puncata (b) Fale Diszepama may cate cardiac and respiratory depression, bucis nor erarogenic (6) Fala This drug and bees blockers ae ee most widely used treatment fr hypertension is prep) (@) Fale Eechromycin,penicllin and cephalosporine are sfein prepnangy Sulphonamides may aggravate neonatal jude, ‘etracjelines damage eth and bones, aminoglycosides ‘ccasonlly damage the Vth nerve snd terhoprin ‘nagonizes flare snd therefore constitutes theoretical teratogenic ike (© Faso However, they may aggravate neonatal ehrombocytopen 92 (a) Falee Gasrc acidity ie ofen reduce, buc etl oesophagitis is more (&) Fale Relapor may occur afer delivery. (6) Thue This condition i caused by enttapmnent of he ater cutaneous nerve of he thigh (True Gingivitis common in pregnancy, and this exacerbates dental (6) False The increase in oreo eel ofr improves psoriasis ANSWERS 93 Cholestasiain pregnancy: (a) Characeeristialypresens with proritus an « macolopapular rsh 9 9) alee There is no rah in cholestasis (acepe excoriation). (b) Presents ache a second eimeser (©) Fale Ieually proses nthe lace Cin rise. 2 (@) le weaed by the use of rsodeongcholic aid (UDCA) (@) False UDCA provider symptomatie elie ony Fea sks remain © {@) Delivery is normally indicaed ac 38 weeks in view of the fea sks swalrere, ‘ 2G) Maternal oral vamin Ks usually pesrbed (8) True In view ofthe isk of unexplained stich & (6) True Vien Ks choughr co reduce he sk of postpartum snaemorhage e E ISEASES. CHAPTER TWO OBSTETRIC MCQS QUESTIONS E ChaeTER Two. OBSTETRIC Megs ANSWERS SECOND-TRIMESTER MISCARRIAGE AND PRETERM LABOUR 94 Second trimester miscanige: © Mig a¥ mnie 94 (a) Fale Backache contractions and vaginal beeing ar pic (©) Occurs bere 12 and 26 weeks gestation > (b) True afer 24 weeks, he same symptoms/signs would be teed (© Can be associated with uprue of membranes paca ba (a) Isdagnosed after ecusion of infeton, haemoctage and muliple (0) Tom pear of menbranes maybe the presenting ympcom pregnancy (@) alee Thee ae presumed atlogical factors (0) Anctioreprophylasis is umually gen {o) Fabe Anionic ar only anf there rongevidence of 95 Spontaneous preterm labour (@) Mop prepnancy is he commonest cause . 95 (a) Falee Unesplained/iopsrhic causes ar by fr dhe most comm {by Iedefned as labour before week 34 (0) Fate Ieis defined alow bore week 37. (©) Does noe tend ro reeurin subeequen pregnancies (6) Fale A prosious history of premarare delivery sa sk Fact or {a Isthe commonest cause of perinatal mortality Sorher preterm deiey. (@) Iecommon in preempt (@) Tre (c) lee However, early labour is often ince fortis reason 96 The Following sre conta stimulane therapy cations w intravenous beta-adrenergic (a) Preeem thor 6 (a) False Tis isthe primary indication for his herapy. (hy Real dissin labour © (b) Falen This therapy may be uel in cerain stations (e (e) Previous Castrean section spear (0) Asha 7 (aru (6) tnsolindependene dabers {@) Faloe This ic an indication foe bora adrenergic smal the) Cardiac disease, especially aortic and mitral sensi. conteindiation, () True The insulin roquisemene increases about ve fld on thi “CHAPTER TWO . OUSTETRIC MCQs QUESTIONS CHAPTER TWO. ossTErAic Mcas . answers [EET OPERATIVE INTERVENTION IN OBSTETRICS 97 The following ate alnay indications for Caesarean section: 6) Hydrocephalus 97 (a) alee Fetase with yerocephalus can usualy be delivered vaginally (©) Type tplacenrs praevia (esr ones) ith or without decompression ranscenécally oF (abruptio placentae ‘ransabdomnly. (@) Uneeated wage I cance of the crv (b) True This is dhe safes method of delivery, even if the Ferus is dead (e) Act primary genial herpes (6) Faloe Vaginal delivery i preferable, unlestthe fetus or chemother becooe compromised, (a) True Cervical dtaion an vaginal delivery are houghe co Aisseminare cance celle, (c) Tewe ginal delivery increases the sk of congenial herpes ‘encephalitis ulese ore than hos have elapse nce Seupbiooucy rupeue of the membranes Q (3) Allows widening ofthe birch canal (a) FaleaKpicotomy widen the wala outlet only. {b) Canbe midline or mediolateral insite (b) True Medioaterl episiotomies are prefered an the UK. (c) midline Bleeds ls ease co spain heals more quickly (6) True However tis mare italy extend eo velve the anal (@) Mast be performed for shoulder dystocia and snseramenral delivery shinee (e) lnvohement ofthe anal sphincter i cassfid as defourth degree’ {@) False These are elacveindicavons only. : (0) Tue Z 99 Insteumnencal vail delivery: (@) Theonly prerequisite i full erie laeation 99 (a) Falea Adaquate analgesia, an engaged head and an empty bladder are (©) Forceps may be used sche veneouse Fle requiced. (6) Venrouse anor be used foe preter deliveries (< M weeks) (6) False This snot recommended practice (a) Fotcep ae used in breech delivery {6 Thus. There tea inerested incidence of eraial trauma wich thie {e) Vasoute eannoe be used for rotational (ociptosransrerse/ method posterior deliveries (8) Tre They are used to deliver che afte-coming headin a controled (Fale Selection ofan appropciate cup permits rotational deliveries wich the venous CHAPTER TWO | OBSTETRIC MCQS . QUESTIONS NEONATOLOGY 104 Cephathaematoma: (a) Iecaused by oodema of the subsutancous layers ofthe scalp (0) Should be tated by sapiration {o) Mose conimoaly Kes ove che ociptal bone (4) Does noc vary ension with eying [e) May esc is ossiicaion snd asmmeny ofthe kell 105 Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) {a} Usually occurs in infnes born before wee 34 of gestation {) Ismore common in babies born by Caesarean section {@) lemore commen in babies bonne diabene women (@ Leas toeyanois (6) Is erested by giving 100% caygen 106 The following ate thought to protect agrns hyaline membrane disease inthe neonate (a) Incautesine growth retain (&) Severe preelamps [c) Heroin adcieron (@) Prolonged uprur of the membranes (e) Diabetes = (ly essen i ontrernie et svawens 104 (a) False Tis a soperosea haematoma [by False This may lead co infection. (c) alge fis usually ever ehe paral bones. (eh True |e) True More commonly complete absorption occurs 15 a) True Afr 34 weeks, the eal ung is generally marae. (©) Fale Aslonga delivery term, Caesarean ection does not predispoae to this condition. (True Maternal diabetes predisposes wo fetal lung immanuigy (a) True This is cue r shuncng of blood dhrough unvenciaed areas. (© Fao The oxygen concentration shouldbe kept the minimum necesaty relieve janosis 106 (a) Tre (b) True These conditions all stress dhe fees ad promote surfactant production. (Te (a) Tee {c)Fabe Sucfcran production is recarded in this condition, HD) ctisrren Four . ossteraic sags | Questions ‘THE PUERPERIUM 4 Awoman becomes pyevial (387°C) 5 days aftr an emergency (Carsaean section, i (@) What are the posible causes of het pyseia? 6 marke ©) What symprome may she have? 5 marke © (@) Whar clinical signs may be presen? 5 mare (@) Whar invesdgations might you perform? 4 mare PRE-ECLAMPSIA AND GROWTH RESTRICTION, 5 Aprimigravid womans adaied 2 28 weeks' gestation with a blood pressure of 160/105 mailigand procinura, Her pre: pregnancy blood presrure was 110/60 moni. (a) Whar isthe ily agnosie 1 make (b) What smprame sy the have? S marke {¢) What investigations would you wan to peor? Smack (€) What hematological complications may the psn develop? 3 marke (6) Whacis the cure fortis condiion? 2 marks PRENATAL DIAGNOSIS. 6 Chromosomal sbnormal pregnancies, (a) What screening tse ar avalible for Dawn's syndrome? mar (©) What diggnastic ests are available for dhs condition and when are they performed? 6 mare (6) What are the complications of invasive prenatal esting? 4 marks (@ Name some common aneuploid, S marks (9 Biarite oun Sonatina sage answers “+ () Infection of che bres, chest, mou, endmesium or inary ac, ‘ordeep vous Somers (©) Brea engorgement and psn, donna pin, pin inthe Caesarean sea dischging wound offensive lca usnayfequeny and yar cl pun oeling chest pai and cough (6) gorge and ener bea rendre sn charging wound, sll, ender cates, ender oer (4) Unine oe MCS, woud swab, high vaginal ab, blood euler, Doppler thecal ches ry snd 5 (a) Precelampsa or prowinuse pregnancyinducd hypertension. (b) Headaches, visual discorhaces, abdominal pi, suses ant omaingconfision andra (©) Blood ws: Fl blood coun, urea and elecrolyes, lve faneron ‘ests, coagulation pref. Urine 24 hour callction for protein

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