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Fins. 1-2, ..TUNE, 1970


Geology Department, Stanford University, California

The determination of detrital modes in graywackes and arkoses, here grouped as subquartzose sandstones,
requires special attention to the identification of detrital grain types, as defined operationally, and to the
recognition of detrital textures, as opposed to textural elements of diagenetie origin. Accurate detrital modes
can yield specific information on provenance that can be gained in no other way. Reserving the terms gray-
wacke and arkose for imprecise field descriptions and abandoning the proportion of matrix as a prime means
of classification, subquartzose sandstones can be described adequately using six numerical grain parameters.
Three primary parameters summing to 100 permit quantitative serial designation of rock types in the form
Q~F,.L~, where Q is total quartzose grains, F is total feldspar grains, and L is total unstable lithic fragments
in the framework. Three secondary parameters in the form of ratios permit desirable refinement within each
primary parameter: C/O where C is total polycrystaIline quartzose grains, P / F where P is total plagioclase
grains, and V/L where V is total volcanic litbic grains. Stable grains, whose sum is the parameter Q, are
essentially pure silica in mineralogy, and include both monocrystalline quartz and polycrystalline lithic frag-
ments. The latter are gradational to less quartzose types and difficult to distinguish from felsite grains, which
display relict textures of volcanic origin and internal relief owing to their polyminerallic nature. Lithic
fragments are subdivided at two levels into four main categories within which are various subcategories:
(a) volcanic fragments include felsitic, mlcrolitic, Iathwork, and vitrlc types; (h) clastic fragments include
silty-sandy and argillaceous types; (c) teetonite fragments include metasedimentary quartzose types and
metavoleanie feldspathic or ferromagnesian types; and (d) microgrannlar fragments include hypabyssal,
hornfelsic, aml hldurated sedimentary types. Interstitial materials include (a) exotic cements like calcite or
zeolite; (b) homogeneous, monominera[lic phyllosilicate cement displaying textures indicative of pore-
filling; (c) clayey detrital lutum called protomatrix; (d) recrystallized lutum or protomatrix called ortho-
matrix with relict detritM texture; (e) murky, polyminerallic, diagenetlc pore-filling called epimatrix,
whose growth is accompanied by alteration of framework grains; and (f) deformed and recrystallized lithic
frawnents called pseudomatrix. Extensive albitization and other alterations complicate the interpretation of
detrital modes in many rocks, but potential errors commonly can be avoided by close attention to mineralogy
and relict texture except where tectonite fabrics disrupt or transpose the original detrital framework. Most
subquartzose sandstones were derived from one, or a mixture, of three salient provenance types: (a) vol-
canic terranes, yielding fddspatholitbic rocks nearly free of quartz, (b) plutonie terranes, yidding feld-
spathic rocks with few lithic fragments, and (e) uplifted sedimentary and metasedimentary "tectonic"
terranes, yielding "chert-grain" lithic rocks with few quartz and feldspar grains except where recycled
volcanic or plutonie detritus is abundant. Many voluminous accumulations of subquartzose sandstones near
continental margins had as their provenance complex volcano-plutonic orogens representing ancient mag'matic
arcs analo¢ous to modern arcs associated with trenches.

INTRODUCTION proaeh. Detailed interpretations of original de-

The purpose of this paper is to focus atten- trital modes in orogenic graywaekes and arkoses
tion on aspects of graywacke and arkose petrog- can yield insights into geolog.ie history that can
raphy that have received inadequate t r e a t m e n t be gained in no other way. On the other hand,
in most textbooks. W i t h o u t a firm interpretive interpretations that are too superficial or gener-
base from which to advance, many workers alized no longer have the potential to stimulate
have failed to take fn]l advantage of opportnni- fresh thinking. Tn many cases, the inherent
ties for petrographic examination of these prot~lems of sedimentary petrography are com-
rocks. Petrographic criteria applied to the study plicated by overprints of incipient metamor-
of the more quartzose sandstones and carbonate phism.
rocks, which continue to hold the primary atten- T h e r e are three facets of g.raywacke and ar-
tion of m a n y sedimentary petrologists, have kosc petrography that particularly require fuller
reached a ]eveI of sophistication beyond t h a t analysis than has usually been accorded them :
which many workers bring" to the study of gray- (1) Identification of detrital grains: particu-
wacke and arkose. Yet adequate descriptions of larly with respect to fine-grained lithic frag-
the varied less qnartzose sandstones of the oro- ments, published identifications are commonly
genie belts demand a comparably rigorous ap- over-generalized, non-reproducible, or both; in
this paper, an attempt is made to outline a hier-
* Manuscript received September 12, 1969. archy of nested categories of grains which can
6% ¢4'1L1.I:1.1I R, I ) I C K I N S O N

be distinguished directly in descriptive fashion, By the action of these two kinds of snrficial
yet have appropriate genetic connotations. processes, detritus can approach in parallel, but
(2) Recognition o~ detrital textures: particu- in general at different rates, two different end
larly with respect to fine-grained interstitial ma- states :
terial, many lmblished descriptions are either (a) a grain assemblage that is resistant to
too facile or unconvincing: in this paper, an at- further chemical change,
tempt is made to establish some guides to in- (b) a grain aggregate that is well sorted
terpretation that may help clarify communica- ;lnd rounded.
tion of obserwitions made by different workers,
(3) [nterpretations of pro~,emlnce: particu- The extent to which each approach is realized
larly where source rock terranes have under- by the detritus of a given sandstone forms the
gone rapid erosion, detritus in graywacke and basis for the twin criteria of compositional sta-
arkose can provide surprisingly complete infor- bility and textural maturity, respectively (Dott,
mation about provenance, and this information 1964, p. 627).
is unique in common cases where source rocks (2) A practical nomenclature must be simple
are now buried beneath younger strata or were enough to depict with triangular volumetric
literally destroyed to feed sedimentary se- coordinates for composition; textural variance
quences; in this paper, an attempt is made to can then be handled hy multiple diagrams or
classify hroad provenance types as an aid to pa- auxiliary terminology. The three poles are not
leotectonic reconstructions. identical in all schemes (e.g., Klein, 1963, p.
The guidelines suggested here stem mainly 568), but the following three are most commonly
from experience with rocks in western North used (McBride, 1963) :
America anti the southwest Pacific region, espe- (a) the pole Q, meant to represent greatest
cially in California. Oregon, New Zealand, and stability, is the sum of quartz and chalcedony
Fiji. grains of all kinds ;
(b) the pole F is teldspar grains, most
N O M E N C L A T U R E OF SUBQUARTZOSE SANDSTONES abundant of the unstable single-crystal grains ;
Despite the puhlicatiml of several dozen (e) the pole L (or R) is the sum of all
schemes of sandstone nomenclature during the unstable polycrystalline grains (lithic or rock
past two decades, the basic classification of fragments), which are the aphanite grains less
these siliciclastic rocks has not been stabilized. chert and quartzite.
The choice of alternative names is especially
wide for fragmental rocks composed in large By these conventions, calcarenites, unusual
part of nnstahle silicate sand grains. These are rocks like greensand, and minor constitnents, in-
the various kinds of graywackes and arkoses cluding heavy minerals, are ignored. Rodgers
defined in slightly different ways hy different (1950) noted the potential for quantitative se-
wmkers. \Vith reference to most classifications rial designation in the simplified scheme. For ex-
in current use, we can consider these rocks to- ample, a sandstone whose detrital framework
gether as a group of subqnarlcosc sandstones in (Nanz, 1954,, p. 108) is equal amounts of quart-
which less than 75 pereent of the detrital grains zose grains (Q), feldspar grains ( F ) , and llthic
are qnartzose, a term we shall have to define fragments ( L ) can be represented as Qs3FasL3s.
strictly in a later section. Even though the no-
menclature remains unsettled in detail, most
schemes approach consensus on two points of Much of the present confusion in sandstone
principle : nomenclature stems from failure to agree on the
(1) Aspects of mineralogy must he kept sep- meaning of the terms graywacke and arkose
arate from aspects of texture (e.g., Folk, 1954). (e.g., Huekenholz, 1963, p. 182).
This dual approach recognizes that detritus is Graywacke was defined by Jameson in 1808 as
modified in the snrfieial environment by two dis- a kind of sandstone composed of grains of saml
tinct trends of change: of various sizes hound together by a d a y paste
(a) chemical processes of oxidation, hy- (Bailey, 1930). The presence of interstitial fine
drolysis, and solution tend to destroy constitu- clayey material in immature rooks imparts a
ents that are nnstahle in hydrous systems at low dark color to them, and prevents the resolution
temperature ; of grain boundaries with a hand lens in the
(b) physical processes sort detritus by field. In common field usage, graywaeke is thus
grain size, disintegrate weakly coherent materi- an imprecise term for dark gray or green, firmly
als, and round detrital particles of sand and indurated sandy rocks with obscure grain
gravel. boundaries but without much calcareous cement.

Unfortunately, sandstones rich in aphanitic rock L > 3), lithofeldspathic (3 > F / L > 1), feld-
fragments may look similar even if well sorted. spatholithic (3 > I , / F > 1 ), and lithie ( L / l : >
These circumstances have led to two definitions 3).
of graywacke. The majority usage ("textural For clarity, it is well to point out that the
~]r~tywacke") is for any nnstable, immature subquartzose sandstones, containing less than 75
sandstone containing an interstitial matrix, percent quartzose grains, include all the unsta-
mainly microcrystalline phyllosilicates, in excess ble types of most classifications. Semistable
of some stated volumetric proportion. The mi- types, for which names such as subarkose, suh-
nority usage ("compositional gr~o,wacke" ) is graywacke, protoqnartzite, etc. have been intro-
for unstable sandstone, whether immature or duced, include rocks containing 75 to 90 or 95
not, in which unstahle lithic fragments are more percent quartzose grains in many classifications.
abundant than feldspar grains. Many "composi- My own experience with such rocks has been
tional graywaekes" are not "textural gray- slight, and I have never dealt in detail with
wackes," and vice versa. problems of the stable quartz sandstones or
Arkose was defined by Brongniart in 1823 as orthoquartzites.
being "composed of . . . qnartz and of feldspar,
mixed together unequally and including as for-
tnitous constituents mica, clay, etc." (Oriel, The use of a stated proportion of matrix,
19401. In common field usage, arkose is still an dominantly phyllosilicates, interstitial to the
imprecise term for quartz-feldspar(-mica) framework grains as a primary means of divid-
sandstone of gray, green, or red color. In this ing sandstones into two great classes has proved
sense, most geologists agree with Harker (1895, less successful than its original proponents had
p. 193) that "arkose is . . . derived front . . . hoped. The concept was based upon the prior
granite or gneiss . . . . " Among nnstable sand- assumption that such matrix represents the fine
stones, those rich in quartz and feldspar mineral grained extremity of the detrital grain popula-
grains point to a pl~ttonic source, whether igne- tion, or its recrystallization products (e.g., Gil-
ous or metamorphic, and those rich in lithic bert in Williams and others, 1955, p. 292). As
fragments including chert point to a supracrus- such, the proportion of matrix is regarded as an
ta! source, whether metamorphic or volcanic index to the degree of sorting of the rock as a
(Pettijohn, 1957, p. 286). Qnartzo-feldspathic whole. The critical proportion of matrix to be
arkoses may be "textural graywackes," but can- used to separate moderately well sorted sand-
not be "compositional graywackes." stones from poorly sorted ones is commonly
To make the term arkose reflect all igneous taken as 10 percent, or even 15 percent, al-
sources including volcanic ones, some geologists though I have found that a lower figure of 5 per-
(e.g.. Folk, 1954; Hubert, 1960) pitt feldspar cent makes for a more useful split among sand-
grains plus igneous rock fragments together at stones I have examined. Even so, there are
the F pole, thus leaving a restricted assemblage three outstanding obstacles to the diagnostic use
of rock fragments at the L pole. As defined in of matrix in this fashion.
this way, arkoses can be "compositional gray- First, it is clear that a given percentage of
wackes" as well as "textural graywackes" in the fine silt and clay in a very fine-grained sand-
terms of this discussion. stone has different implications for sorting than
In view of the many contradictions in usage, the same percentage in a very coarse-grained
it seems wise to me to ahandon any precise pet- sandstone. This is entirely a procedural prob-
rographic definition of the terms graywacke and lem, and can be circumvented by suitable calcu-
arkose, reserving them instead for imprecise lations, but cannot be ignored.
field descriptions in their respective original Second, a serions practical difficulty arises in
senses given above. In practice, this kind of defining the upper visual limit of matrix in
loose usage has survived all attempts to control terms of grain size. Counting modes at different
it by rigorous application of petrographic crite- magnifications can operate to augment or re-
ria. Where specific detrital modes are known, duce the amount of matrix perceived and re-
or closely estimated, I find it equally convenient ported, as an artifact of the specific technique
and less misleading to supply simple percentage adopted. To avoid this anahignity, Dot( (1964, p.
subscripts for Q, F, and L, together with auxil- 630-631) has suggested the arbitrary conven-
iary indices introduced later in the discussion. tion that the maximum visible grain diameter of
Where general reference is made to subquart- matrix be fixed as the thickness of a standard
zose sandstones (() < 75), the adjectives intro- thin section; namely, 0.03 ram. in diameter. This
duced by Crook (1960) permit adequate dis- procedure atttomatically forces counting at the
crimination without confusion: feldspathie ( F / highest convenient power, hence as a bonus in-
698 WILLI:i31 R. L ) i C K I N S O N

duces more accurate grain determination within grams for the classification of sandstones;
the framework as well. namely, Q, F, and L (or R). They are defined
Third, Cummins (1962) compromised the in detail as follows, where Q, F, and L are re-
utility of the matrix concept itself by success- calculated to 100 percent (Q + F -I-- L = 100)
fully challenging the premise that all or most regardless of matrix, cement, heavy minerals,
matrix is detrital, or is derived from ancestral and exotic constituents (glauconite, fossils,
detrital lutum. He showed that much matrix is etc. ) :
probably a diagenetic textural element that (1) Parameter Q is the total of (a) mono-
comes to fill interstices only with the alteration crystalline quartz grains, (b) polycrystalline
of unstable framework grains. Where micas, quartz or chalcedony fragments, (c) crypto-
feldspars, ferromagnesian minerals, or volcanic crystalline opaline fragments, (d) quartz within
rock fragments have undergone extensive alter- microphanerite litbic fragments, and (e) micro-
ation, any" assumption that all or most of the in- phenocrystie quartz within aphanite lithie frag-
terstitial silicates were originally present in the ments; the last two categories are included be-
interstices at the time of deposition is surely cause these crystals would be counted as quartz
weak. Nor can one assume, on the other hand, grains within the sand fraction, and not as lu
that none were, for Kuenen (1966) has recently turn or matrix, if the lithic fragments had dis-
shown that lutum transported with sand grains integrated during dispersal; the first two cate-
can be expected to form a detrital matrix of gories are the most common in most graywackes
modest proportions, generally less than 5 per- and arkoses.
cent. (2) Parameter F is the total of (a) mono-
There are observational grounds, discussed crystalline feldspar grains, (b) feldspar within
below, for accepting the Cummins analysis of microphanerite lJthic fragments, and (c) micro-
the meaning of what has been called matrix in phenocrystic feldspar within aphanite lithic
many sandstones. Moreover, Hawkins and fragments; the last two categories are included
Whetten (1969) have lent some experimental for the same reasons as the analogous two of
support to his inferences. Consequently, the the previous parameter; the first category is the
matrix problem, and all its implications for the most common in most graywackes and arkoses.
rocks classified as "textural graywaekes," is (3) Parameter L is the total of polyerystal-
added cause to ignore the rigorous distinctions line aphanite lithie fragments, less (a) micro-
of the recent past in the usage of "graywacke" phenoerysts and (b) quartzose, ehaleedonie, or
and "arkose." opaline aphanite lithic fragments; the subtrae
tions are required by the conventions adopted
above to calculate parameters Q and F.
The ambiguity of the matrix problem cannot
be fully resolved, hence the presence of intersti-
tial phyllosilJcates cannot be attributed with TABLE 1.--Primary detritM grain parameters
confidence to either detrital or diagenetic p r o
cesses in every case. This uncertainty forces re- (Q, F, L where Q + F + L = 100)
liance on the surviving framework constituents (1) Q is sum of:
as the primary petrographic means of classify- (a) monocrystalline quartz grains
ing subquartzose sandstones. Conflicts in past (b) poiycrystalline quartz or chalcedony frag-
nomenclature, and the advantages of quantita- ments
tive serial designations, lead me to suggest a (c) cryptocrystalline opaline fragments
*(d) quartz within microphanerite lithic frag-
skeletal classification based on three primary ments
proportional parameters, expressed as recalcu- *(e) mlcrophenoerystic quartz within aphanite
lated percentages summing to 100, and three lithic fragments
secondary ratio parameters to qualify the pri- (2) Fis sum of:
(a) monocrystalline feldspar grains
mary three (Dickinson, 1969). Accurate deter- *(b) feldspar within microphanerite lithic frag-
minations of the six parameters require rigor- ments
ons modal point counts (Chayes, 1956), or com- *(c) microphenocrystlc feldspar within aph-
anite lithic fragments
parable volumetric compositional data. How- (3) L is aphanite rock fragments less:
ever, approximate applications are at least as (a) quartzose, chalcedonic, and opaline aph-
feasible as with any of the more complicated anite fragments
schemes of classification in the literature. *(b) microphenocrysts
The three primary parameters (see Table 1)
* Note: possibly controversial, hence optional, re-
are the same in principle as the most commonly apportionment of counted points; only sand-sized crys-
selected apices of triangular compositional dia- tals in these categories are to be reapportioned.

TABLE 2,--Secondary detrital grain parameters

(C/Q, P/F, V/L where each is =<1.0)

(1) C/Q = ratio of: (a) polycrystalline-eryptocrystalline quartz-chalcedony-opal lithic fragments (C)
to: (b) total quartzose-chalcedonic-opaline grains (Q)
(2) P / F = r a t i o of: (a) plagioclase points (P)
to: (b) total feldspar points (F)
(3) V]L = ratio of: (a) volcanic rock fragments (V), with igneous aphanite textures
to: (b) total unstable aphanite rock fragments (L)

For the primary parameters, the procedure of with the feldspars ( F ) to emphasize inferred
recalculating" points counted within microphan- igneous sources, rather than with other lithic
erite fragments and microphenocrysts of aphan- fragments to contrast monocrystalline grains
ite fragments out of parameter L, and into pa- ( F ) from unstable phanerites with polycrystal-
rameters Q and'F, may prove controversial. If line grains (L) from nnstable aphanites.
so, the procedure can be modified without any An objection may be raised to the exclusion
fundamental change in the design of the present of heavy minerals, especially micas, from the
classification, l have adopted the procedure to skeletal classification. There is no doubt that
insure that parameter L represents aphanitic de- they are significant constituents in many rocks.
tritus only. The minimum size of quartz and However, their distribution in detail is closely
feldspar microphenocrysts within aphanite lithic controlled by hydraulic properties related to
fragments and crystals within microphanerite their density and shape. To include them with
lithic fragments to be recalculated with Q or F the population of roughly equant light grains,
is taken to be the lower limit of the sand range, with densities generally in the range 2.5-2.75,
or 0.06255 ram. in visible diameter. would introduce such extraneous influences
For each primary parameter, there is a secon- on the basic modal variations that clarity is best
dary parameter (see Table 2) designed to iden- served by their omission from the six parame-
tify the most significant variables hidden within ters. This example illustrates well the fact that
the primary parameter by the conventions pro- no simple list of parameters can encompass all
posed above : pertinent modal variables. Each individual suite
(1) Parameter C/O is the ratio of (a) poly- of subquartzose sandstones enconntered may
crystalline and eryptocrystalline quartz-chalce- have special attributes that can only be handled
dony-opal lithic fragments, here grouped to- hy special classifiers that are inappropriate
gether as parameter C, to (b) total quartzose- within an overall outline such as this one.
chalcedonie-opaline grains, defined above as pa- Indeed, to carry the grounds for classification
rameter Q. The parameter C/Q reveals how far as far as has been done in the scheme presented
a plotted point in the Q F L triangle would move raises a number of problems of grain identi-
parallel to the O-L side if the stahle lithic frag- fication. These are discussed systematically be-
ments (C) were counted with the unstable lithie low, together with means to resoIve salient diiZfi-
fragments ( L ) to emphasize supracrustal enlties.
source rather than stability, the factor that pa
ramatcr Q is designed to reveal. Where most
stable grains are monocrystalline quartz, as is The dominant stable grains (Q) in many
common, then the parameter C/O is consistently graywackes and arkoses are monocrystalline
low. quartz grains of eommon plutonic type (Folk,
(2) Parameter P/F is the ratio of plagio- 1968, p. 67-77) with trains of vacuoles and
clase ( P ) points to total feldspar ( F ) points, slightly undulose extinction. Clear, unstrained
hence is some reflection of the relative propor- volcanic quartz with bipyramidal habit, re-
tio~s of plagioelase (soda-lime) and alkali sorbed margins, or bleb inclusions (originally
(soda-potash) feldspars in the source rocks. glassy) can be identified in some rocks, and is
(3'1 l'erm, eter T'/L is the ratio of volcanic the dominant quartz type in quartz-poor vol-
lithic fragments ( V ) , with igneous aphanite canic sandstones. Composite vein quartz or
textures, to total unstable aphanite lithic frag- multi-crystalline metamorphic quartz may occur
ments ( L ) , which also include, elastic rocks, tec- in some rocks, but there are probably no infalli-
tonites, hornfelses, etc. The parameter V / L re- ble criteria to distinguish between monocrystal-
veals how far a plotted point in the O F L trian- line quartz sand grains of igneous and metamor-
gle would move parallel to the F-L side if the phic origins. Paradoxically, the large, intersti-
volcanic lithic fragments ( V ) w e r e counted tial quartz crystals of igneous phanerites are

commonly more strained than the small, an- planar, criss-crossing veinlets visible under
nealed quartz crystals of most metamorphic crossed nicols.
rocks. Polycrystalline chalcedony and quartz
Iithie fragments are mainly chert and metachert FELDSPAR GRAIN T Y PE S
in most rocks, although other varieties of quart-
Most petrographers are familiar with the var-
zite occur in lesser abundance. ious means for distinguishing optically between
A clear distinction between stable quartz-
plagioclase (soda-lime) and orthose or alkali
chalcedony aphanite fragments (C) and unsta-
(soda-potash) feldspars. Individual grains can
ble aphanite fragments (L) is impossible to
be placed in one group or the other by the prac-
make in principle, hut can be made with diffi-
ticed eye with few errors. Identifications of this
culty by convention. Gradations exist between
kind can be reduced to rote by fuming with hy-
the following types of detrital aphanite grains:
drofluoric acid and staining (Laniz and others,
(a) argillite and chert, (h) metatuff and recta-
1964). To separate individual detrital grains
chert, (c) micaceous phyllite and met~Nuartzite,
within each broad group into separate catego-
(d) silicified volcanic rock (secondary chert)
ries requires the use of refractive index oils or
and felsite, and (e) microgranular elastic rock
the universal stage, and is beyond the scope of
and orthoquartzite. In cmmting modes, the only
most routine modal anal)scs. An exception is
workahle distinction is between essentially pure
the case where subdivisions of grains are based
quartz-chalcedony grains and all other kinds in
on degree of alteration. In some cases, also, vol-
the various gradational spectra. For example,
canic feldspar can l~e distinguished from plu-
chert or quartzite may be tinted by cryptoerys-
tonic feldspar by the presence of once glassy
talline impurities, but murky or birefringent op-
bleb inclusions.
tical effects of clays or micas should rule a
/n general, the difficulty of distinguishing
grai~a out of the stable class.
different varieties of plagioclase and orthose in
The distinction between chert and fetsite or
sandstone thin sections can hardly be over-em-
felsitie tuff is an important one, but must not be
phasized. The only relatively easy identification
taken lightly, for close attention to detail is re-
is albite, which can be distinguished readily
0uired for consistently correct identifications.
from other plagioclase because its refractive
Under crossed nicols, both types of grains can
indices are below the usual mounting media.
present to the viewer a micro-mosaic of anhe-
The other plagioclases are a thorny problem,
drM crystals with consistently low birefrin-
particularly because the optical properties at a
gence. In chert, all the crystals are quartz or
given composition vary with the degree of or-
chalcedony, but many are feldspars in felsitic
dering, as between plagioclase of volcanic and
rocks of voleanie origin. Felsite sand grains can
plutonic origin. Among the alkali feldspars, san-
be recognized hy the following criteria, in order
idine can be spotted in favorable instances by its
of increasing difficulty:
limpid clarity and low optic axial angle, but cau-
( I ) under crossed nicols, the presence of sub- tion must be used to avoid confusion with vari-
hedraI to enhedral microphenocrysts of feld- eties of orthoclase. Polysynthetic twinning is
spar or other minerals set in the anhedral mo- characteristic of much mierocline, but is not
saic; present in all crystals. Rather than simplifying
(2) also under crossed nicols, the presence of feldspar identification, mineralogical research
crude feldspar laths (mainly plagioclase) or of the past ten years has shown the inherent
blocks (mainly orthose) in the anhedral mosaic; complexity of the subject. Sedimentary petrog-
(3) in plain light, the presence of faint curvl- raphers should beware spurious inferences.
linear outlines of relict glass shards;
(4) also in plain light, internal relief, within L I T H I C GRAIN TYPES
the grain, between quartz and feldspar having a
difference in refringenee in exess of the slight The recognition of different categories of
difference between the ordinary and extraordi- lithic grains, which are fragments of aphanitic
nary refractive indices of quartz: rocks, must be based on specific operational
(5) finally, a yellow or red stain where the criteria, else data will not be reproducible. The
thin section has been fumed in hydrofluoric acid operationaI criteria must be mainly textural, for
and treated to stain for feldspars as discussed mineral identifications of tiny crystals within
below. sand grains are dubious unless tedious observa-
tions are undertaken repeatedly. A first-level
Contrasting features diagnostic of chert include split into four categories is satisfactory in most
¢~void or reticulate relicts of radiolarians, diatoms instances (carbonate rock fragments are a fifth) :
or spicules visible in plain light, and networks of (1) 17olcanic rock fragments have the tex-

tures of igneous aphanites, and include altered TABLE 3.--Lithic grain types (exdush,e of chert,
or recrystallized volcanic rock fragments where and poIycrystalline quartz)
relict textures are preserved ;
(2) ctas*ic rock fragments have fragmental (1) Volcanic
(a) felsitlc
textures ; (b) microlitic
(3) tectonite rock fragments have schistose (c) lathwork
or semischistose fabrics; (d) vitrle
(4) ,nlcroyramdar rock fragments, whose (2) elastic
(a) silty-sandy
identity is the most diffienlt to specify, are made (b) argillaceous
of roughly equant, well-sized grains. (c) voleanlelastic (?)
These textural groupings do not depend on (3) Tectonite
(a) metasedimentary
degree of alteration: in many subquartzose (b) metavolcanlc
sandstones, it is nearly impossihle to judge (4) Microgranular
whether a given alteration occnrred in the (a) hypabyssal--group with (1)?
source or after deposition. Each of the four cat- (b) sedimentary--group with (2)?
(e) hornfelsic--group with (3)?
egories of lithic grains includes several discrete (5) Microphanerlte (count each internal crystal, each
types whose recognition requires a second-level of sand size)
split (see Table 3).
Volcanic rock fragments can be divided con-
veniently into four main types, of which the types contain abundant feldspar or, more diag-
first two are most important : nostic, assemblages including chlorite and am-
(a) FeIsitic grains are an anhedral, micro-
Mierogranular rock fragments include three
crystalline mosaic, either granular or seriate,
main types that can be distinguished only with
composed mainly of quartz and feldspar, and
difficulty as sand grains, even though they are
represent mainly silicic volcanic rocks, either
quite different kinds of rocks :
lavas or tufts.
(b) Microlilic grains contain subhedral to (a) Hypabyssal types are hypidiomorphie
euhedral feldspar plates and prisms in pilotaxi- igneous rocks commonly low in quartz and rich
tic, felted, trachytic, or hyalopilitic patterns of in feldspar; where they can be recognized, they
microlites, and represent mainly intermediate can be summed with volcanic rock fragments, to
types of lava. which they have a close genetic affinity.
(c) Lathwork grains contain plagioclase (b) hrornfelsic types contain a metamor-
laths in intergrannlar and intersertal textures phic mineralogy, commonly including abundant
representing mainly basaltic lavas. quartz, and can be summed with the tectonites
(d) Vitric to vitrophyric grains and shards as metamorphic rocks where they can be iden-
are glass or altered glass, which may be phyllo- tified with confidence.
silicates, zeolites, feldspars, silica minerals, or (c) Sedimentary types include pressolved
combinations of these in microcrystallinc aggre- and indurated aggregates whose originally elas-
gates. tic textures have been modified by diagenesis or
metamorphism, but they can be summed with
Clastic rock fragments can be somewhat arbi- elastic rocks where their true nature can be dis-
trarily divided into silty-sandy types lacking cerned.
clay except interstitially, and argillaceous types
in which clay is dominant or prominent. The ar- Any attempt at classification has its effective
gillaceous grains include shale with mass extinc- lim:ts, and the mierogranular rock fragments
tion from which slaty tectonites may not be dis- stand at one limit. Where distinctions among
tinguishable in every case. More massive mud- them cannot be made with confidence, they be-
stone and argillite grains are more common in come a left-over category of indeterminate sig-
most rocks. The presence of a large proportion nificance. As their crystalline aggregates coar-
~f ;'olca~iclastic rock fragments can be a potent sen until each internal crystal has a visible di-
source of ambiguity. Provided they can be dis- ameter within the sand range, I prefer to call
tingnished from non-volcanic silty-sandy and them microphanerite rock fragments, and to ap-
argillaceous types, it may serve some purposes portion points counted within them according to
to group them with volcanic rock fragments. the crystal beneath the cross-hair. So defined,
Tectonite rock fragments can be split into microphanerite rock fragments will clearly be a
two broad classes. Mctasedil~2eutary types arc minor constituent of any sandstone because of
characterized by quartz and mica. MetavoIcanic the inherent relations of grain size.

matrix is abundant, the framework is visibly

poorly sorted and grades imperceptibly into the
surrounding detrital paste, not only by inter-
growth at grain margins, but hy size as well.
(5) Epimatrix is a term introduced here for
inhomogeneous interstitial materials grown in
originally open interstices during diagenesis, but
lacking the homogeneity and clear textural evi-
Fro. 1.--Criteria for recognition of phyllosilicate dence of pore-filling needed to classify inter-
cement (see text; criteria a, clear transparency, and
b, mononfineralogy, not shown): (1) criterion c, stitial paste as phyllosilicate cement. Confusion
radial crystal platelets; (2) criterion d, concentric with orthomatrix is a constant problem. Where
color zonation; (3) criteria e, medial sutures. the framework is well sorted, and the matrix
lacks evidence of relict elastic texture, the pres-
T Y P E S OF I N T E R S T I T I A L C O N S T I T U E N T S ence of pore-filling epimatrix must be suspected
even though the interstitial paste is murky and
The interstitial constituents of graywackes polymineratlic. Especially in rocks where dla-
and arkoses can be grouped into six categories, genetic alteration of the framework grains is
altb~)ugh ambiguous interpretations cannot be well advanced, these circumstances point to epi-
avoided in all cases: matrix as a more plausible interpretation than
(1) Ccme~t of calcite, chalcedony, zeolite, or orthomatrix.
other minerals uncommon in the framework can (6) Pseudomatrix is a term introduced here
be recognized with comparative ease. for a discontinuous interstitial paste formed by
(2) Ph~,Itosilicate cement is commonly con- the deformation of weak detrital grains (e.g.,
fused witl~ matrix, but a number of criteria, ob- Dickinson and Vigrass, 1965, p. 18). ]In many
servable singly or in combination, serve to dis- sutmuartzose sandstones, grain shapes have been
tinguish inhomogeneous matrix from elear-cut modified extensively by compaction and presso-
phyllosilicate cement whose growth pattern in lution. Ouartz and feldspar grains are not com-
open pores is reflected by its crystalline habit. monly distorted, but are locally fractnred (e.g.,
Reliable textural indicators of interstitial phyl- MaxwelI, 1960). Mica flakes are commonly bent
losilieate cement include the following (e.g., and wrinkled, to display a characteristic
Carrigy and MelIon, 1964 and figure 1 ) : crimped appearance megascopically. Less com-
(a) clear transparency indicating absence petent lithic fragments, argillaceous and microl-
of minute detritus or murky impurities, itic grains as examples, are commonly mashed
(b) monomineralogy indicating restricted and squeezed between more competent grains,
composition, chert grains and mineral crystals as examples.
(c) radial arrangement of crystal platelets By psendoplastic flow, the weak grains in ex-
imlicatin~ growth inward from surrounding treme cases conform to the outlines of the
framework grains toward the centers of inter- stronger grains, and assume irregular, attenu-
stitial voids, ated shapes occupying" volumes interstitial to
(d) concentric color zonation indicating the rigid grains. Failure to correctly interpret
successive compositional changes in minerals the resulting texture leads to gross overesti-
grown in voids from interstitial fluids as coat- mates of matrix abundance and severe bias in
inas built on framework grains, the observed proportions of framework grains.
(e) medial sutures within the interstitial Alteration of the deformed lithic grains adds to
phyllosilicates indicating the lines of juncture the potential for deception, but observers must
of pore-fillinff crystals growin~ inward from take care not to disregard any pseudomatrix
surrounding framework grains. present, for it was part of the detrital frame-
(3) Protomatr:a" is a term introduced here work. There are several reliable criteria for the
for unrecrystallized clayey lntnm in weakly con- recognition of pseudomatrix (see figure 2) :
solidated rocks, and is as much an idealization (a) Flame-like wisps of crushed lithic
as a description in my personal experience. fragments extend into narrowing orifices be-
(4) Orlhomolri.r is a term introduced here tween undeformed rigid grains.
for recrystallized detrital lutum or protomatrix. (b) The pseudofluidal internal fabric of
Definitive reco~znition of orthomatrix requires lithic fragments deformed by pseudoplastie flow
the perception of a relict elastic texture within commonly conforms to the margins of confining
it, and an appropriate inhomogeneity of its com- rigid grains as concentric drape lines.
position contrasting, for example, with the hom- (e) Large "matrix"-filled "gaps" in the
offeneity of phyllosilicate cement. Where ortho- framework suggest pseudomatrix, and the sug-
INTEI~I'I,~f!TIN(; 1)ET"/CIT.VL M O D E S OF G R : i Y W : t C K E A N D ~IRKOSE 703

gestion is strengthened where each "gap"-filling (c) veins, filling quasi-planar structures
is semi-homogeneous but texturally distinct formed by disruption of the framework.
from other "gaps." In assessing the effects of alteration on detri-
Close observation of suspected pseudomatrix tal texture and mineralogy, veins can be dis-
will be rewarded hy the recognition of discern- counted as a clearly secondary feature. Cements
ible relict lithic fragment textures and fabrics are visibly distinct from the framework in most
unless metamorphism has ohliterated part of the cases, although confusions between cement and
detrital framework. matrix, as well as between deformed framework
CO~[MON ALTERATION TEXTURES and matrix, are common. The varied replace-
ment textures, discussed in the next section, are
Extensive alhitizatiou and other recrystalliza- the features that must be interpreted plainly if a
tions have affected many graywackes and ar- detrital mode is to be determined sueeessfnlly
koses that appear nnmetamorphosed on the out- for a graywacke or arkose in which recrystalli-
crop. Where the aim is to assess the detrital zation is widespread.
modes of the rocks, a petrographer must peer The progressive development of tectonite fab-
through this screen of alteration, as it were, to rics in subquartzose sandstones in the eastern
perceive the original nature of the detritus. The axial facies (Dickinson, 1968) of New Zealand
composition of original detrital frameworks can was studied in detail by Hutton and Turner
commonly still be determined routinely within (1936: Turner, 1938; IIntton, 1940), whose
useful limits despite wholesale reerystallization work has been extended by Reed (1958, p.
so long as a tectonite fabric has not destroyed 20-25) and others. Within the chlorite zone of
the original grain outlines. Original grain boun- greenschist facies metamorphism, these workers
daries may be obscured to varying degrees, established three mappable subzones recognized
however, by intergrowth with interstitial con- on the basis of textural reconstitution:
stltnents. Where alteration products adopt unusu-
(1) Rocks of subzone 1 are mineralogieally
ally cloudy habits, the task of interpreting detri-
reconstituted, but relict detrital textures are
tal modes may be too time-consuming to ade-
faithful, hence detrital modes based on routine
quately reward the painstaking effort required.
interpretations can be determined with confi-
In any case, sedimentary petrographers should
note that cmmting volumetric proportions of al-
(2) Rocks of subzone 2 are commonly semi-
teration products is not a means of establishing
schist, although they may be massive in outcrop.
directly the detritaI mode of a rock. Routine in-
All display semischistose fabrics in thin section.
terpretations of the original nature of frame-
Newgrown minerals are aligned in linear or pla-
work grains must underlie a point count, else
nar patterns but the disruption or transposition
the work becomes an exercise in metamorphic
of the detrital framework is incomplete. Approx-
petrology, rather than sedimentary petrology.
imate detritaI modes commonly can be inferred,
The habits of the alteration minerals in sand-
but rigorous point counts founder on multiple
stones fall into three categories (Crook, 1963):
(a) newgrowths (cement), which fill pores (3) Rocks of snbzone 3 are fine-grained
interstitial to the framework; schists in which textural reconstitution is thor-
(h) replacements, which may be pseudo- ough and detrital modes can be inferred only
morphs of whole detrital grains, or irregular by recalculation of chemical data.
lpatches including several remnants of detrital
grains, or scattered inclusions within detrital Blake and others (1967, p. C3) have intro-
grains; duced a strictly analogous textural terminology
for rocks of the blueschist facies in the Francis-
can assemblage of California. Their textural
zones 1, 2, and 3 correspond morphologically to
the subzones 1, 2, and 3 in New Zealand except
that cataclasis is possibly more evident in the
California rocks. Penetrative reerystallization
may have played a larger role in the fabric
transposition within the New Zealand rocks.
Nevertheless, the extension of the zonal termi-
Fro. 2.--Criteria for recognition of pseudomatrix nology to incipient teetonites of varied mineral-
(see text): (1) criterion :1, wisps extended between ogy offers a means to systematize petrographic
rigid grains, (2) criterion b, concentric form of descriptions of metamorphosed graywackes and
pseudofluidal internal fabric; (3) criterion c, gaps
in framework with relict lithic fragment textures. arkoses from scattered regions. Wider use of
704 W]LLL.I:II R. D I C K I N S O N

the approach would improve communicatiou he- of the mineral zones take their names. These in-
tween those working in such terranes. clude: (a) zeolites, notably heulandite and lau-
montite, of low refringenee arrd birefringenee;
(b) prehnite, pumpellyite, and clinozoisite of
Systematic analysis of diagenetic or meta- moderate to high refringence and low to moder-
morphic mineral assemblages in graywackes and ate birefringence; and (c) lawsonite and epi-
arkoses was placed on a solid footing by the dote of moderate to high refringence arid biref-
wt~rk of Coomhs (1954), who first recognized ringence. Some alhite formed by alteration may
the existence of heulandite-analeite and lanmon- be flecked with inclusions of calcite with ex
tite zones of the zeolite mineral facies in rocks treme birefringence, or with flakes of platy seri-
of the western marginal facies (Dickinson, cite or pyrophyllite with moderate to high biref-
1968) in New Zealand. Coomhs (and others, ringence. In some rocks, plagioelase is altered to
1959, p. 6.%68) later also recogni:,ed a prehnite- one or more zeolites without the presence of al-
pumpellyite zone intermediate between his ini- bite, and in others, to the pyroxene jadeite with
tial two zones and the ffreensehi~t facie, within or without accompanying lawsonite. The altera-
the eastern axial facies (Dickin,o-, 10681 of tion to sheaves of jadeite with low, a'mmahms
New Zealand. hi California, McKee (1962) re- birefringence may thoroughly obscure the detri-
ported within the Franciscan assemblage the ex- tal texture, but the other replacements com-
istence of lawsonite and jadeite mineral zones monly do not.
of the hlneschist facies in sandstones giving lit- Metasomatism associated with mineral re-
tle indication of metamorphism in hand speci- placements may be local, as between different
men. The petrogenesis of these and other low- textural components of the same rock, or may
grade metamorphic mineral assembhtges is riot involve varying distances of transport by inter-
folly tmderstood in terms of stability relations stitual fluids (e.g., Dickinson, 1962a, p. 492-495).
within a petrogenetie P-T grid (e.g., Coombs, The growth of epimatrix composed of various
1961), but their widespread occurrence i1: cir- phyllosilicates and calcium aluminosilieates is
cure-Pacific graywackes and arko,es is well- characteristic. Widespread intrastratal solution
documented. Probably few thick ser'uences of of detrital grains has not been demonstrated,
graywacke and arkose containing reactive a~- but may complement metasomatism in some
semblages of detrital minerals have escaped rocks. The possible removal of alkali feldspar
wholly from mineralogical alterations that can has never been adequately tested, although seri-
be regarded as incipient metamorphism, cite is widespread in some rocks, and not only as
whether or not severe textural changes accom- inclusions in alkali feldspar. Possibly of great
panied the recrystallization. significance is a study by Glnskoter (1964), who
The most common replacements encountered reported clear evidence for authigenic growth
are those of plagioclase, ferromagnesian miner- of orthoelase in graywackes of the Franciscan
als, and volcanic rock fragments. Volcanic rock assemblage, and strong circumstantial evidence
fragments alter to microcrystalline mineral as- for intrastratal solution of orthoclase as well.
semblages in harmony with those replacing ac-
companying ferromagnesian and plagioclase
grains, hence need not be discussed separately. Subquartzose sandstones, in contrast to more
Relict textures are commonly preserved in lithie stable types, are commonly composed of first-cy-
fragments of all kinds, so that alteration is not a cle detritus that is subrounded at best and com-
major obstacle to identification, provided the de- monly is subangular, Graywackes and arkoses
vitrification of glass to microcrystalline aggre- of the orogenic belts were typically derived
gates is not overlooked. Ferromagnesian miner- from highland sources within the orogenic
als commonly alter to chlorite or other green to belts. The sources represent some one, or a mix-
hrown phyllosilicates with low to moderate bi- ture, of three main provenance types (see Ta-
refringence. In calcaremls rocks, either calcite or ble 4) :
aragonite may replace parts of any detrital (a) volcanic, typically andesitic-dacitie vol-
grains. Where carbonate other than interstitial canic chains.
cement is abundant, point emmts are unreward- (b) plutonic, typically granitic batholith
ing, for accurate assessments of detrital modes belts.
prove imposssible. (c) "tectonic," typically sedimentary and
Altered plagioclase is most commonly re- metasedimentary uplifts.
placed by optically continuous or checkered al- Subquartzose sandstones derived exclusively
bite containing inclusions of one or more hy- from volcanic provenances are typically fehl-
drous calcium aluminosilicates from which many spatholithic rocks ( 3 > L / F > 1). The parame-

"I'AIqI.F.4. Typical values for grain parameters .in subquartzose sandstones derfi,ed from
'z,olcanic, plutonic, and "tectonic" provenances within orogenic belts

Volcanic Plutonic "Tectonic"

Q low, <25 high, 50_+25 mod, 25-50
F rood, 25-50 high, ~50 h)w, <25
1. high, 50 75 low, <25 rood, ~50
C/Q ' low, near IJ low, near 0 high, 0.5-1-
I'll" high, 1.0 0.75(?) variable variable
V/L high, near 1.0 variable rood, ~0.5
Special pyriboles mica "chert-graln"

ter Q (quartzose grains) is low (typically < 25) grained schists and gneisses. The parameter Q
and the V / L ratio (volcanic lithic fragments to (quartzose grains) is relatively high ( > 25)
total unstable lithic fragments) is high, ap- and the C/Q ratio (polyerystalline quartzose to
proaching unity. Vitric shards, representing ju- total ¢nuartzose grains) is low, approaching
venile ejecta, may be abundant or rare, but are zero. The P / F ratio (plagioclase to total felds-
commonly present. In most eases, the prove- par) is variable, depending upon the type of
nance is dominantly pyroclastic blankets, rather granitic source rocks and upon the degree of
than htvas (e.g., Dickinson, 19621)). Andesitic weathering in the provenance. The V / L ratio
provenances yiehl detritus with the following (volcanic lithic fragments to total unstable
salient characteristics : lithic fragments) is also variable, depending ol/
(a } Microlitic grains are the dominant vol- the nature of the wall rocks in the provenance.
canic rock fragments, with felsitic and lathwork The parameter L (total unstable lithic frag-
Krains subordinate. ments) is less than 25, and commonly less than
(b) The P / t ; ratio (plagioclase to total 10. The quartz content is most commonly near
feldspar) is high, approaching unity, because 50 percent, and the mica content is high, com-
few alkali feldspar phenocrysts exist in the monly 5 to 10 percent. The abundance of quartz
provenance. and the low C / Q ratio underscores the fact that
(c) Quartz is absent, or nearly so, because the amount of quartz grains within most unsta-
quartz is occult in the groundmass of source ble sandstone suites is controlled more by the
rocks, even in those containing normative quartz. proportion of phanerites among the source
rocks than by the degree of weathering of the
1)aeitic and rhyolitic provenances yield detritus
source rocks. Source rocks containing sand-
with the following characteristics :
sized or larger quartz crystals can contribute
(a) Felsitic grains are equal or greater in
monocrystalline qnartz grains to sediment, even
abundance than microlitic grains.
when rapidly eroded. Source rocks whose only
(b) The P / F ratio ranges downward from
quartz is microcrystalline or occult cannot con-
1.0 toward perhaps 0.75.
tribute monocrystalline quartz grains to sedi-
(c) The parameter Q (quartzose grains)
ment, even if weathering prior to erosion is
ranges upward from zero toward 25, or even 50
where reworking is at strong factor in sedimenta-
Subquartzose sandstones derived exclusively
tion. from uplifted "tectonic" highlands of snpracrus-
Reworking in the absence of quartz can concen- tal strata are typically lithie rocks ( L / F > 3)
trate feldspar: andesitic volcanic sandstones in which the C/Q ratio (polycrystalline quart-
commonly have compositions near Q0 F:~0 Lzo, zose to total quartzose grains) is high, ranging
but hydraulic concentration of crystals gives from 0.5 toward 1.0. The parameter Q (total
rise to associated rocks with compositions near quartzose grains) is commonly between 25 and
Q0 Fs0 Ls0. In most volcanic sandstones, the ratio 50. The parameter F (total feldspar grains) is
C/Q (polycrystalline quartzose to total quartzose low, less than 25 and commonly less than 10.
grains) is commonly low, but can he grossly The V / L ratio (volcanic lithic fragments to to-
overestimated if felsite grains are mistaken for tal unstable lithic fragments) is variable but
chert grains. In many volcanic sandstones, commonly near 0.5 +_ 0.25. The source rock are
pyribotes are more abundant than quartz. mainly chert and sedimentary or metasedimen-
Subquartzose sandstones derived exclusively tary strata of argillite, slate, phyllite, etc. with
from plutonie provenances are typically felds- variable amounts of intercalated volcanic and
pathic rocks ( F / L > 3). The quartz and felds- metavoleanic strata. In sandstones derived from
par grains may be derived in part from coarse- such terranes, inherent problems of distinguish-

ing between grains of chert and felsite, meta- certainty of identification is less at each succes-
chert and metatuff, chert and argillite, shale and sively lower level, affords the best means for ac-
slate, argillite and tuff, etc. become acute. ~In the curately communicating and comparing detrital
field, "chert-grain sandstone" is an apt term for modes.
many of these rocks (Dickinson and Vigrass, (3) Attempts must he made in future work to
1965, p. 18). Clearly, the presence of recycled distinguish on empirical grounds between sev-
sand grains of originally volcanic or plntonic eral categories of interstitial materials of both
derivation can also be expected, and give rise to detrital and diagenetic origins. Failure to report
feldspatholithic rocks of various kinds. In some explicitly the texture and mineralogy of these
suites, detrital fragments of carbonate rocks are materials greatly reduces the value of published
important constituents of sandstones. descriptions.
The three provenance types are plainly ideali- (4) For many graywaekes and arkoses, detri-
zations, and mixtures from two or more must be tal modes can be perceived only by mentally re-
expected, yet the ideals come close to realization versing the production of alteration minerals
in a surprising number of instances. The most and textures. This task can be pursued success-
significant form of mixed provenance indicators fully in many cases of interest to sedimentary
are mixed voleanic-plntonie sands derived from petrologists, but only if the need to do so is un-
the erosional destruction of voleano-plutonic oro- derstood.
hens or magnatic arcs and deposited in adjacent (5) Interpretations of provenance based on
oceanic trenches and associated troughs (Oja- detailed modal point counts can be specific
kangas, 1968; Dickinson, 1970). enough to exert a powerful influence on major
paleotectonic reconstructions. This fact should
assume added significance in the future as geol-
In this paper, I have tried to emphasize the ogists come to assess in detail the motions of
following points of view useful for the study of continental drift and seafloor spreading envi-
graywackcs and arkoses exposed in the orogenic sioned in the concept of plate tectonics. Where
belts : once adjacent provenances and basins are now
(1) A practical nomenclature for unstable, apart, or once distant provenances and basins
subquartzose sandstones, the graywackes and are now close together, detritaI modes of sand-
arkoses of various kinds, can be achieved by the stones from sedimentary sequences may afford
definition of six semiquantitative parameters the most direct means of testing different hypo-
that permit serial designation of rocks and nu- thetical movement plans.
merical manipulation of modal data. The pigeon-
hole classifications of previous workers are
unnecessary, and the terms "graywaeke" and Ideas presented here stern partly from discus-
"arkose" are best retained as loosely defined field sions over the past decade with students work-
terms only. ing on problems of graywacke and arkose pe-
(2) Categories of detrital grains must be trology at Stanford University, and matured to
recognized on striekly operational grounds if their present form during research under Na-
interpretation is not wholly to supplant descrip- tional Science Foundation Grant GA1567 for
tion in the sedimentary petrography of gray- study of the sandstone petrology of the Great
wackes and arkoses. A hierarchy of nested cate- Valley Sequence and correlative strata of the
gories of grains, within which hierarchy the Franciscan Assemblage in California.

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