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[COMMON CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS]  Plaintiff’s doctors testified that Samson was suffering from cerebral

PAL vs. CA (1981) concussion as a result of traumatic injury to the brain cuased by this head
July 31, 1981 | Guerrero, J. | hitting the windshield

Doctrine: Issue #2: WON PAL was grossly negligent for allowing Captain Bustamante to fly
despite him being sick? – YES
 Jesus Samson, the private respondent was a co-pilot on a flight from  Bustamante had a tumor in the nasopharynx who complains of pain in the
Manila to Legaspi with Captain Bustamante as commanding pilot for PAL. face which causes him sleepless nights.
 He avers that due to Captain Bustamante’s slow reaction and poor  Samson’s observation of Bustamante was reported to the Chief pilot who
judgment, Bustamante overshot the airfield and as a result the plan crash did nothing about it. There were a couple of times when
landed beyond the runway. This causes Samson’s head to break through
the windshield and gave him a severe brain concussion. Held:
 PAL merely referred him to the company physician, who was a general • As a common carrier, defendant-appellant PANTRANCO was duty bound to carry
practitioner and limited the treatment to the exterior injuries without its passengers "safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using the
examining his brain concussion. He was not given expert medical utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the
assistance despite his requests. circumstances.” (Art. 1755, NCC)
 Samson ended up getting periodic dizzy spells, general debility and • Finding of CA that the accident was caused by a fortuitous event is in large
nervousness and was discharged on the grounds of physical disability. measure conjectural and speculative
 Samson filed a case for negligence against PAL in the RTC. PAL denied • As held in Lasam v. Smith, an accident caused by defects in the automobile is
averments and said it was caused by unforeseen circumstances, plaintiff not a caso fortuito. The rationale of the carrier's liability is the fact that "the
sustained superficial wounds, and that Samson’s symptoms were due to passenger has neither the choice nor control over the carrier in the selection and
neurosis because he couldn’t pass the required promotional course. use of the equipment and appliances in use by the carrier.”
Further PAL alleged that by the very nature of its business as a • When a passenger dies or is injured, the presumption is that the common carrier
common carrier, it is bound to employ only pilots who are proficient is at fault or that it acted negligently (Article 1756). This presumption is only
and in good mental, emotional and physical condition; that the pilot, rebutted by proof on the carrier's part that it observed the "extraordinary
Captain Delfin Bustamante, was a competent and proficient pilot, and diligence" required in Article 1733 and the "utmost diligence of very cautious
although he was already afflicted with a tumor of the nasopharynx persons" required in Article 1755 (Article 1756).
even before the accident. • CA considered presumption rebutted on the strength of PANTRANCO’s evidence
 RTC and CA – Ruled for Samson that only the day before the incident, the crosspoint in question was duly
inspected and found to be in order.
Issue: • It does not appear, however, that the carrier gave due regard for all the
#1 W/N There is a causal connection between the crash and Samson’s symptoms – circumstances in connection with the inspection.
Yes ◦ The bus in which the deceased were riding was heavily laden with passengers,
and it would be traversing mountainous, circuitous and ascending roads. Thus
 PAL only showed physical examination results conducted on Samson that the entire bus, including its mechanical parts, would naturally be taxed more
suited their narrative. heavily than it would be under ordinary circumstances.
 The fact that the doctors could not determine what was causing Samson’s ◦ The mere fact that the bus was inspected only recently and found to be in order
dizzy spells cannot be used as a sound basis for finding against Samson would not exempt the carrier from liability unless it is shown that the particular
and in favor of the defendant. circumstances under which the bus would travel were also considered.
 Whatever the cause may be, it was the after-effect of the crash landing to
which Samson must be indemnified.
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the judgment appealed from is
modified as indicated above, and defendant-appellant PANTRANCO is ordered to
pay to plaintiffs-appellees the amounts stated in the judgment appealed from, as
damages for breach of contracts, with interest thereon at the legal rate from the
date of the filing of the complaints.

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