Letter Application

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Dear Sirs and Madams,

I have much pleasure to learn that you are looking for a right person
to work as a Game guide for Macau Club.
As you will see in my attached C.V., I am 24 years old and
I’ve graduated from Vietnam University of Commerce.
About working experience, I have worked in an English
education branch, for multiple months as a teaching
assistant, in charge of helping foreigners teachers, taking
cares of classes; I’ve been a tour guide, tour seller, and talk
with foreigners everyday for a hostel, etc... After that,
passed a long road to strive, I am, now, have a lot of
experience in working with foreigners, please see details in
my C.V.
I’m even used to the work under high pressure, I believe that
I will meet your tough requirements. Besides sincere efforts,
my experience of working with foreigners, enthusiasm,
activity and creativity, surely, all my background is quite
completely valuable for your company.
I do hope that my letter of application will be accepted by
you for an interview. I am, now, waiting for your information
at tel. # 0347671696. Thank you for your kind taking time to
consider my C.V. and letter of application
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,

Duong Minh Hai

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