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Asset Accounting

Define Chart of Depreciation

Assign input tax indicator for no tax acquisitions
Assign Chart of Dep to Co code
Asset Class
Define Account Determination.
Specify Screen layout rules.
Define number range intervals
Create GL accounts required for Asset Accouting
Define Accounts Assignment
Depreciation Key
Define Base Method
Define Multi Level Methods
Define Period Control Method
Determine Depreciation Areas in Asset Class
Define or Assign Form
Assign Settlement profile
Asset Accounting Entries and Transactions
Asset Acquistion F-90
Fixed Assets - Acquisition Cost AC Dr
To Vendor A/c
Asset Disposal -Sales to a Customer F-92
Customer A/C Dr 1000
Accumulated Dep A/C Dr 100
Asset Sales A/C Dr 1100
To Fixed Assets-Acquisition Cost A/C 1000
To Revenue for Asset Disposal 1100
To Gain/Loss of Fixed Asset Disposal 200
Asset Disposal -Scrap without Revenue ABAVN
Accumulation Deprecation A/C Dr 100
Gain / Loss of Fixed asset disposal Dr 900
To Fixed Assets -Acquisition Cost 1000
Depreciation -AFAB
Asset Accounting VS Internal Order
Internal Order as InvestmentMeasure
1. Define the AuC Asset Class (with investment measure) - OAOA
2. Define the Asset Class – for Main Asset - OAOA
3. Define Investment Profile - OITA
a. Assign the AuC AssetClass(Step-1)in the Investment Profile
4. Assign Investment Profile to Model Order - OITA
5. Define Order Type (Investment) - KOT2
a. Settlement Profile - OKO7
b. Maintain Allocation Structures - OKO6
c. Planning Profile - OKOS
d. Budget Profile - OKOB
6. Create an Internal Order - KO01
a. With the Investment Profile (Step-2)
b. AuC automatically created by the system using Asset Class given in the Investment Profile
7. Post the amounts to IO - FB01
8. Settle the amounts to AuC from IO (Prcg type: Automatic) - KO88
9. Create the Main Asset - AS01
10. Settle the amounts to Main Asset from AuC (aiab)
AuC using Line Item Settlement:
1. Define the AuC Asset Class (with Line Item Settlement) - OAOA
2. Define the Asset Class – for Main Asset - OAOA
3. Define Order Type (Overhead) - KOT2
4. Create an AuC-Asset (using Step-1 Asset Class) - AS01
8. Create Main Asset (using Step-2 Asset Class) - AS01
5. Create an Internal Order - KO01
a. Assign the AuC – Asset in Settlement Rule in IO
6. Post the amounts to IO - FB01
7. Settle the amounts to AuC from IO - KO88
10. Settlement AuC – Line Item List - AIAB
11. Settlement AuC - Receiver - AIBU
Parallel Ledger in Assets Excise Transactions
1. Define Depreciation Areas OADB 1) Goods Receipt (MIGO)
Bood Depreciation Area f- Area Post in real time Inventory RM A/C Dr 100
Valuation area for no leading ledger - Area post dep only To GR/IR Claring A/C 100
Delta Depreciation Area-Area Post only APC Directly
RG23A BED A/C Dr 8
2. Setup Areas for Parallel Valuation (OADB_WZ) To Cenvat Clearing A/C 8
Delta Depreciation Area-Area Post only APC Directly 2) Invoice Verification (MIRO)
GR/IR Clearing A/C Dr 100
3.Deermine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class (OAYZ) Cenvat Clearing A/C Dr 8
Depreciation Key Vat Receivable A/C Dr 4.32
Usefull life To Vendor A/C 112.32
Screen layout for Deprecaiton area 3) Sales-Sales Billing
Customer A/C Dr 1283
4. Integration with General Ledger (Ao90) To Sales 1000
To Cenvat Suspense 140
5. Speicfy Document Type for Periodic Posting Asset Values To VAT Payable 142.50
Periodic posting from fixed assets (ASKB) 4) Excise Invoice creation (J1ILN)
Cenvat Suspense A/C Dr 140
Cash Journal To Excise Duty Payable A/C 140
Create G/L Account for Cash Journal 5) PLA Deposit
Amount Limit PLA A/C Dr 150
Define Document Types for Cash Journal Documents To Bank A/C 150
Define Number Range Intervals for Cash Journal Documents 6) Excise Utilisation
Define Numbering Groups Excise Duty Payable A/C Dr
Define Number Ranges for Numbering Groups To RG23A BED A/C
Set Up Cash Journal FBCJC0 To RE23C BED A/C
Create, Cha, Del Business Transactions FBCJC2 R/E/D/K/C/B To PLA A/C
Set Up Print Parameters for Cash Journal RFCASH20
FBCJ Print Excise Registers J1ILN

Uploading Asset Balances Procedure

1Deactivate Reconciliation A/C OAMK
2. Upload acquistion values and dep
Values AS92
3. Activate Recon A/C OAMK
Parallel Currencies in ledgers
Specify Area Type =Group Valuation
Specify Transfer of APC values
Specify Transfer of Depreciation Terms
Define Depreciation Areas for Foreign Currency

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