Eat Junkfood Smoking Drink Alcohol Sleep Less

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Addiction to Gadgets Not drinking enough water

Exercise less. Exercise not only melts stress away but it also helps protect against heart disease by lowering blood
pressure, strengthening the heart muscle and helps you maintain a healthy weight. It also releases mood-boosting
chemicals called endorphins.

Eat junk food. When you are stressed, a burger or pizza may sound good at the time but it is important to know what
these types of foods are doing to your body over time. These foods are high in sodium and fat, which the American Heart
Association (AHA) recommends avoiding. Consider swapping out fast food for whole grains, lean meats, nuts, fruits and

Sleep less. Sleeping too little can overwork your heart and can cause you to be more stressed. You can prevent heart
disease by sleeping between seven and nine hours every night. You can help accomplish this by skipping that afternoon
cup of Joe.

Stay plugged in. After a long day you may think that sitting on the couch in front of your television or with your phone in
hand sounds great but it could be doing more harm than good! It is impossible to escape stress when it is constantly with
you. Take some time away from your phone, computer and television to decompress. Use this time to read, listen to
music or take a bath.
Smoke. When you smoke, you deprive your heart and blood of oxygen, which is vital for your body to function. Smoking
also ignites the growth of plaque in your arteries. As plaque builds, it can block your arteries which may cause a blood
clot. If the clot is big enough, it can block blood flow through your artery. This results in a heart attack or stroke.

Drink alcohol. Drinking excessively or consistently over time hurts your heart. The AHA recommends not exceeding two
drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. The more alcohol you consume, the higher your risk is for
increased blood pressure and stroke.

Salt and Sodium. ... It is estimated that we need about 500 mg of sodium daily for these vital functions.
But too much sodium in the diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. It can also cause
calcium losses, some of which may be pulled from bone.

The study evaluated exercise and television-watching habits and their impact on cognitive function. ... The
study indicated a relatively sedentary person who engaged in minimal exercise and watched a high amount
of television was two times more likely than an active peer to perform poorly on cognitive tests in midlife.

Gadget Addiction. ... Increased usage of gadgets has its consequences on both physical and psychological
health. Interestingly, the issue has become so grave that even a term is coined for the same “Nomophobia”
meaning a form of anxiety disorder. Other psychological terms used are obsessions and inpulse control

Not drinking enough water can cause an overall fluid loss in the body. ... Lack of water can cause you to
experience periods of fatigue and low energy as your body tries to function without enough water.

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