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Complete transmission through a periodically perforated rigid

Lin Zhoua兲
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711

Gregory A. Kriegsmann
Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, Newark,
New Jersey 07029

共Received 2 October 2006; revised 1 March 2007; accepted 5 March 2007兲

The propagation of a normally incident plane acoustic wave through a three-dimensional rigid slab
with periodically placed holes is modeled and analyzed. The spacing of the holes A and B, the
wavelength ␭, and the thickness of the slab L are order one parameters compared to the
characteristic size D of the holes, which is a small quantity. Scattering matrix techniques are used
to derive expressions for the transmission and reflection coefficients of the lowest mode. These
expressions depend only on the transmission coefficient, ␶0, of an infinitely long slab with the same
configuration. The determination of ␶0 requires the solution of an infinite set of algebraic equations.
These equations are approximately solved by exploiting the small parameter D / 冑AB. Remarkably,
this structure is transparent at certain frequencies and opaque for all others. Such a structure may be
useful in constructing narrow-band filters and resonators. © 2007 Acoustical Society of
America. 关DOI: 10.1121/1.2721878兴
PACS number共s兲: 43.20.El, 43.20.Mv, 43.20.Bi 关RMW兴 Pages: 3288–3299

I. INTRODUCTION electromagnetic wave. Since the two-dimensional electro-

magnetic and acoustic problems are mathematically equiva-
The propagation of acoustic and elastic waves through lent, the phenomenon will be the same. This is true when the
periodic structures with different mechanical properties has grating is composed of a periodic array of closely space hard
received considerable study.1–9 These phenomena are similar cylinders.15 The purpose of this paper is to show that our
to the propagation of electromagnetic waves in photonic three-dimensional structure has the same feature of complete
crystals. The existence of pass and stop bands is a common transmission at certain discrete frequencies.
feature shared by all. These are observed both Our structure has been studied16 for a slab of infinite
theoretically1,3,7 and experimentally.5,6,8,9 In electromagnetic length, with circular holes; it was used as a model of a
applications these photonic structures are used to construct
simple porous medium. Reflection coefficients over a wide
frequency selective filters. Similarly, their acoustic counter-
range of frequencies were investigated in detail to the first
parts are used in constructing vibrationless environments,4
cutoff frequency by using perturbation analyses.
building ultrasonic transducers and filters, and designing new
In this paper, we apply a scattering matrix technique to
acousto-optical devices.9
theoretically find the acoustic transmission properties of a
In this paper, the propagation of acoustic waves is inves-
rigid slab with periodically arranged air holes. Specifically,
tigated for a particular periodic structure. It is a rigid slab
the scattering matrix of the structure is derived for arbitrarily
with periodically perforated holes. The motivation for this
research partly comes from the analogy between the periodic shaped holes. It is found that this matrix depends on only one
elastic composites and periodic dielectrics. Recently consid- parameter. Under the assumption that the incident wave-
erable attention has been focused on the propagation of elec- length is of the same order as the spacing of the holes and is
tromagnetic waves through a particular two-dimensional, much bigger than the hole size, the total transmission and
metallic grating.10–12 This grating is a perfectly conducting total reflection properties of the structure at certain frequen-
metallic slab of finite thickness in which slits are periodically cies are obtained for circular holes. In constructing the scat-
cut through it. It was found that at certain frequencies there is tering matrices to show this interesting phenomena we revisit
complete electromagnetic transmission through the structure the problem considered in Ref. 16 and re-derive some of the
although the width of the slits is much smaller than the inci- results contained therein. However, the derivations in this
dent wavelength and the spatial period of the structure. Sev- paper are more straightforward and the results are obtained
eral explanations of this phenomenon are given.13,14 The for general hole shapes. In this paper we show that our pe-
acoustic analog of this problem consists of a rigid material, riodic structure possesses very sharp pass bands and very
which plays the role of the metal slab, and an incident plane, broad stop bands. That is, only certain discrete frequencies
acoustic wave, which takes the role of a properly polarized pass through the slab. This feature may be exploited to build
filters and Fabry Perot resonators, the latter being con-
structed by placing two parallel slabs a few wavelengths
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3288 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121 共6兲, June 2007 0001-4966/2007/121共6兲/3288/12/$23.00 © 2007 Acoustical Society of America
FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of the periodic structure
considered in this problem.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In sure U satisfies Helmholtz equation, ⵜ2U + K2U = 0 both in-
Sec. II we present the mathematical formulation of the prob- side the pores and outside the slab. The constant K in the
lem and our assumptions. This is followed by presenting Helmholtz equation is the wave number defined by K
modal solutions for each part of the structure. The form of = 2␲ / ␭. The boundary condition is ⳵U / ⳵n = 0 on the rigid
the solution outside the slab is explicit. The solution inside portions of the slab, where n denotes the normal direction to
the holes depends on their shape. However, the lowest eigen- the rigid surfaces.
value and the eigenfunction for different shapes are found to We assume that the hole is small compared to the size of
be the same. In Sec. III we present and discuss two auxiliary the fundamental cell, that is, D Ⰶ 冑AB. Under this assump-
problems, which are to construct the scattering matrix S for tion, it is intuitive that most of the incident wave will be
the structure. This allows both the transmission and the re- reflected from the slab and only a small remnant of the wave
flection coefficients to be obtained using S. We find remark- will be able to reach the region Z ⬎ L. However, as men-
ably that the transmission and reflection coefficients of our tioned above, we shall show that complete transmission is
structure only depend upon one parameter, ␶0. This param- achieved at certain frequencies and slab thicknesses.
eter is the transmission coefficient of the first auxiliary prob- All upper case letters used so far represent dimensional
lem. In Sec. IV we present a Green’s function argument in parameters and variables. We will use lower case letters to
conjunction with a modal analysis to derive an infinite sys- denote the corresponding dimensionless quantities. We scale
tem of algebraic equations whose solution gives ␶0. In Sec. all lengths by 冑AB. Therefore, the fundamental cell has
V, we exploit the small parameter D / S to obtain an approxi- length a and width b, and ab = 1. The slab thickness l
mation of ␶0 for the circular holes. In Sec. VI, we show that = L / 冑AB and the dimensionless wave number k = K冑AB are
our structure possesses the complete transmission property both order one parameters in our problem. The dimension-
described above. Finally, we present our conclusions in Sec. less size of the hole is d = D / 冑AB Ⰶ 1 by our assumption that
VII. D Ⰶ 冑AB. The pressure U is scaled by the amplitude of the
incident wave. After nondimensionalization, the governing
II. MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION equation and the boundary conditions become
A schematic diagram of the structure is shown in Fig. 1. ⵜ2u + k2u = 0,
It is a rigid slab, infinitely long in both X and Y directions. In 共1兲
the Z direction the thickness of the slab is L. Holes are ar- ⳵u
= 0.
ranged periodically in the XY plane, and the cross section of ⳵n
the hole is uniform along the Z direction. All the holes are of
the same shape. Since the structure is periodic, we consider a Since the structure is periodic and the incident wave
fundamental cell, which is also shown in Fig. 1. The length strikes it normally, it is expected that in regions z ⬍ 0 and z
and the width of the fundamental cell are A and B, respec- ⬎ l, both u and its normal derivative are periodic functions of
tively. For an arbitrarily shaped hole, we define D, the square x and y with period a and b, respectively. By applying the
root of the hole’s area, as the characteristic size of the hole. boundary conditions, the solutions in regions z ⬍ 0 and z ⬎ l
A plane acoustic wave with frequency ␻ is normally can be written as eigenfunction expansions,
incident on the perforated slab. The incident wavelength ␭ is ⬁ ⬁

of the same order as A and B. We assume that the viscosity of u共x,y,z兲 = eikz␺00 + 兺 兺 Rmn␺mn共x,y兲e−i␤
m=0 n=0
mnz , z ⬍ 0,
air is small enough so that the boundary layer on the surface
of the hole channel can be neglected. Then the acoustic pres- 共2a兲

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure 3289
⬁ ⬁
u共x,y,z兲 = 兺 兺 Tmn␺mn共x,y兲ei␤
m=0 n=0
mnz , z ⬎ l, 共2b兲

where we have suppressed a time dependence of e−i␻t. In the

region z ⬍ 0, the solution consists of the incident wave ui FIG. 2. A typical component of microwave circuits.
= eikz and reflected waves. The unknowns Rmn are the ampli-
tudes of the mnth reflected modes and ␤mn are the corre-
sponding propagation constants. In the region z ⬎ l, the mnth ˜ /d,
k p ⬇ i␭ p p = 1,2, . . . , 共7兲
mode of the transmitted wave has an unknown amplitude
Tmn. In 共2a兲 and 共2b兲 ␺mn are normalized eigenfunctions of with ˜␭ p being order one quantities. This means that all the
the periodic structure. If we choose the origin of the coordi- higher modes in the hole channel are highly damped.
nate system to be at the center of the fundamental cell, these
eigenfunctions can be written explicitly as
␺00 = 1, 共3a兲 III. THE METHOD

2n␲y 2m␲x A. Scattering matrix method

␺0n = 冑2 cos , ␺m0 = 冑2 cos , 共3b兲
b a In Sec. II, we derived solutions of the slab problem in
terms of eigenfunction expansions. By finding the unknown
2m␲x 2n␲y coefficients of each mode, the problem will be solved com-
␺mn = 2 cos cos , m,n = 1,2,3, . . . , 共3c兲
pletely. One way to find the unknown coefficients is by using
a b
the boundary conditions that connect the three regions, z
and the propagation constants are ⬍ 0, 0 ⬍ z ⬍ l, and z ⬎ l. This can be attained by using

␤mn = 冑 k2 −
4m2␲2 4n2␲2

, m,n = 0,1,2, . . . . 共4兲
Green’s function arguments to derive two integral equations,
one at z = 0 and the other at z = l, and substituting these modal
solutions in the integral equations. Then, by exploiting the
In the channel where 0 ⬍ z ⬍ l, there are waves in both z orthonormal properties of eigenfunctions, two coupled infi-
and −z directions. If we can find the eigenvalues and eigen- nite systems of algebraic equations can be derived and
functions corresponding to a particular hole shape, we can solved numerically to obtain the transmission coefficients
write down the solution of the Helmholtz equation in terms Tmn and the reflection coefficients Rmn.
of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in this region, just as The other approach to solve the problem is by the appli-
we did for the regions outside the slab. We know that for the cation of scattering matrix theory. In microwave circuit
Laplace operator with a Neumann boundary condition, all analysis and design, the scattering matrix is widely used to
the eigenvalues are real and positive, therefore the eigenval- characterize a component, such as an amplifier or other cir-
ues can be ordered. Let ␭ p denote the eigenvalues and ␸ p cuit elements.17 As shown in Fig. 2, a two-port circuit has
denote the corresponding eigenfunctions, where p two input voltages, a0 and b0, and two output voltages, c0
= 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .. Then the solution in the channel can be ex- and d0. These are proportional to the strengths of the incident
pressed as and reflected modes, respectively. They are connected
⬁ through the scattering matrix S, which is often obtained ex-
u共x,y,z兲 = 兺 共A pe−ikpz + B peikpz兲␸ p共x,y兲, 0 ⬍ z ⬍ l. perimentally, that is, the inputs and the outputs are related by
p=0 the following equation,

冋册冋 册冋 册 冋 册
c0 S11 S12 a0 a0
In Eq. 共5兲 the propagation constants k p are defined as k p = =S . 共8兲
d0 S21 S22 b0 b0
= 冑k2 − ␭2p, and the amplitudes A p and B p of each mode are
unknown. Although the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions de- Once the scattering matrix S of the device is known and a0
pend on the shape of the hole, the smallest eigenvalue and its and b0 are prescribed, the scattered amplitudes c0 and d0 are
corresponding normalized eigenfunction are the same for all found from 共8兲.
shapes. The smallest eigenvalue is ␭0 = 0 and its correspond- We are going to construct a scattering matrix for the slab
ing eigenfunction is ␸0 = 1 / d. Therefore, we have problem, which connects the lowest mode of transmitted and
k0 = k, 共6a兲 reflected waves to the amplitudes of the incident waves. In
order to do so, we will divide the slab into two parts at z
l = l / 2. A scattering matrix for each part will be constructed
␸0 = . 共6b兲 individually. Then, neglecting the evanescent modes at z
= l / 2, a very good approximation by Eq. 共7兲, we can combine
All the eigenvalues ␭ p for p ⱖ 1 are greater than 0 and of these two matrices to construct S for our slab structure.
order 1 / d. 共The proof is given in Appendix A.兲 Since ␭ p As a consequence of neglecting the exponentially small
Ⰷ 1, k p = i冑␭2p − k2 for any fixed k as d → 0. Therefore, the evanescent modes the acoustic field in the channel near z
propagation constants k p can be approximated by = l / 2 is given by

3290 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure
FIG. 3. Schematic diagram illustrating the structure and the incident, re- FIG. 4. Schematic diagram illustrating the structure and the incident, re-
flected, and transmitted waves considered in the first auxiliary problem. flected, and transmitted waves considered in the second auxiliary problem.

u = 共A0e−ikz + B0eikz兲␸0 . 共9兲 1 − r00 = d␶0 . 共13兲

We now assume that k ⬍ 2␲ / a if a ⬎ b, otherwise k ⬍ 2␲ / b. Equation 共13兲 is derived in the following way. To the left of
Then from Eq. 共4兲 it follows that all the ␤mn are purely z = 0 共at z = −␦兲, we differentiate u1 with respect to z, then
imaginary except for ␤00, which is equal to k. Thus, at a multiply ⳵u1 / ⳵z by ␺00. After integrating it over the area of
distance several wavelengths to the left of the aperture z = 0, the fundamental cell and using the orthonormality of the
the field is eigenfunctions, we obtain
u = 共eikz + R00e−ikz兲␺00 .
Similarly, the transmitted acoustic field in the region z ⬎ l is
冕 冕 冉冏 冏 冊


⳵ u1
⳵z z=−␦
␺00 dx dy = ike−ik␦ − ikr00eik␦ .

given by 共14兲
u = T00e ␺00 .
共11兲 Similarly, to the right of z = 0 共at z = ␦兲 we have
As we shall soon demonstrate, there exists a scattering
matrix S1 that connects the amplitudes of the outgoing waves 冕 冕 冉冏 冏 冊
⳵ u1
⳵z z=␦
␸0 dx dy = ik␶0eik␦ , 共15兲
R00 and. B0 with the amplitudes of the incident waves 1 and
A0. The scattering matrix S1 can be considered to character- in which the double integral 兰兰H is over the area of the hole.
ize the first half of the structure 共− ⬁ ⬍ z ⬍ l / 2兲. Letting ␦ → 0, the region of integration in 共14兲 will coincide
We shall also show that there exists another scattering with H because ⳵u1 / ⳵z = 0 outside the hole. Equation 共13兲
matrix S2 that characterizes the second half of the structure now follows from the facts that ⳵u1 / ⳵z is continuous in the
共l / 2 ⬍ z ⬍ ⬁ 兲 and connects A0, B0, and T00. A combination of hole at z = 0 and ␸0d = ␺00.
the two scattering matrices S1 and S2 yields the scattering The second auxiliary problem has the same structure as
matrix S of the slab. the first one. However, the wave is incident from the channel
and is transmitted into the air region, as shown in Fig. 4.
Therefore, the modal solution to this problem is
B. Two auxiliary problems ⬁ ⬁

In order to determine matrices S1 and S2, we consider u2共x,y,z兲 = 兺 兺 ␥mn␺mn共x,y兲e−i␤

m=0 n=0
mnz , z ⬍ 0, 共16a兲
two auxiliary problems. The structure of these two auxiliary
problems is the same as that of the fundamental cell, except ⬁
that the channel is infinitely long 共l = ⬁ 兲. This is the structure u2共x,y,z兲 = e −ikz
␸0 + 兺 ␳ p␸ p共x,y兲eikpz, z ⬎ 0. 共16b兲
studied in Ref. 16. p=0
In the first auxiliary problem, the wave is incident upon
the periodic structure and is transmitted into the channel, as Using the same argument as in the derivation of Eq. 共13兲, it
shown in Fig. 3. As before, we can write a modal solution of follows that the first transmission coefficient ␥00 and the first
the problem as follows, reflection coefficient ␳0 in the second auxiliary problem are
related by
⬁ ⬁
u共x,y,z兲 = e ␺00 +
兺 兺 rmn␺mn共x,y兲e−i␤
m=0 n=0
mnz , z ⬍ 0, ␥00 = d共1 − ␳0兲. 共17兲
The two auxiliary problems are not independent. In Ap-
pendix B we prove that

␥00 = ␶0 . 共18兲
u共x,y,z兲 = 兺 ␶ p␸ p共x,y兲eikpz, z ⬎ 0, 共12b兲
p=0 Equations 共13兲, 共17兲, and 共18兲 form a system of three
equations in four unknowns. Thereby, we are able to express
in which u1 denotes the acoustic pressure in the first auxiliary any three parameters in terms of the fourth. We choose to
problem. The first transmission coefficient ␶0 and the first express ␥00, r00, and ␳0 in.terms of ␶0. Explicitly we have
reflection coefficient r00 in Eqs. 共12兲 are related by the
simple equation r00 = 1 − d␶0 , 共19a兲

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure 3291
FIG. 5. Schematic diagram illustrating the structure and
the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves consid-
ered in the slab structure.

␶0 2d
␳0 = 1 − , 共19b兲 ␶0 = , 共24兲
d 1 + d2 + i␩

␥00 = ␶0 . 共19c兲 where − ⬁ ⬍ ␩ ⬍ ⬁, which is just a conformal mapping of the

real line onto the circle.
The above result that any three of the four fundamental re- We now derive the scattering matrix S2, which relates
flection and transmission coefficients can be written in terms the amplitudes of incident and reflected modes at the channel
of the fourth coefficient is also derived in Ref. 16, in which, opening z = l. We introduce a new independent variable z̄ = l
a more complicated integral representation method is in- − z, which maps the second half of the structure into the first
volved with the results holding only for circular holes. half. Using the result of S1, we deduce that

冋 册
These two auxiliary problems and their simple results
enable us to find the scattering matrix of the slab, which 共1 − d␶0兲e−2ikl ␶0
S2 = , 共25兲
depends on only one parameter. ␶0 共1 − ␶0/d兲e2ikl
where e2ikl and e−2ikl take into account the physical location
of the channel at z = l. Therefore, the amplitudes of outgoing
C. Scattering matrix of the slab structure
waves T00 and A0 are related to the amplitudes of the incom-
Now we consider the slab problem. The scattering ma- ing waves B0 by S2, as follows,

冋 册 冋 册
trix for the first half 共− ⬁ ⬍ z ⬍ l / 2兲 is derived by linearly
combining the two auxiliary problems, since both the Helm- T00 0
= S2 共26兲
holtz equation and the boundary conditions are linear. From A0 B0·
Fig. 5 we observe that the first half of the structure can be
One of the input wave amplitudes is 0 because there is no
viewed as having incident modes with amplitudes 1 and A0,
incident wave in the region z ⬎ l.
and reflected modes with amplitudes R00 and B0. Hence, the
To determine a scattering matrix of our perforated slab
results of the two auxiliary problems imply that
structure, we first solve for A0 in terms of B0 from Eq. 共21兲.
R00 = r00 · 1 + ␥00A0 , 共20a兲 Then we substitute A0 in Eq. 共26兲 and find B0. The transmis-
sion coefficient T00 and the reflection coefficient R00 are de-
B 0 = ␶ 0 · 1 + ␳ 0A 0 . 共20b兲 termined from 共21兲 and 共26兲, respectively. These results are
summarized as
Rewriting Eq. 共20兲 in matrix notation and using the relations
given in Eq. 共19兲 gives
冋 册 冋册
R00 1

冋 册 冋册
=S , 共27兲
R00 1 T00 0
= S1 , 共21兲
B0 A0 where

冤 冥
where the scattering matrix S1 is ␶20共1 − ␶0/d兲e2ikl ␶20

冋 册
共1 − d␶0兲 +
1 − d␶0 ␶0 M M
S1 = . 共22兲 S= , 共28兲
␶0 1 − ␶0/d ␶20 ␶0共1 − ␶0/d兲
共1 − d␶0兲e +

The scattering matrix S1 represents the first half of the M M

slab structure. In Appendix C we prove that S1 is unitary, i.e., and M = 1 − 共1 − ␶0 / d兲2e2ikl. The scattering matrix S connects
S1S̄T1 = I, where T denotes the transpose of the matrix, the bar the reflected and transmitted waves of the lowest mode to the
denotes the complex conjugate, and I is the 2 ⫻ 2 identity incident wave, as long as k is restricted to ensure single
matrix. From this relationship it follows that mode propagation in the regions z ⬍ 0 and z ⬎ l. It is impor-

冏 ␶0 −
1 + d2
冏 冉 冊
1 + d2
. 共23兲
tant to note that S only depends on ␶0, which, from 共24兲, is
completely specified by ␩. Therefore, the reflection and
transmission coefficients, R00 and T00, only depend upon this
The locus of Eq. 共23兲 is a circle in the complex ␶0 plane. This one real parameter. This feature arises in the two-
circle can be equivalently expressed by dimensional grating analyzed in Ref. 14. In the following

3292 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure
sections, we will approximate ␩ numerically and find the resentation. From this result we will deduce an infinite sys-
transmission properties of the slab structure. tem of algebraic equations for the ␶n from which ␶0 will be
IV. THE DETERMINATION OF ␶0 The Green’s function we employ satisfies
ⵜ2G + k2G = ␦共x − x⬘兲, z⬘ ⬍ 0, 共29a兲
The diagram of the first auxiliary problem is shown in
Fig. 3. A part of the normally incident wave is reflected from ⳵G
this structure and the rest is transmitted into the channel. The = 0, z = 0, 共29b兲
modal solution, Eq. 共12兲, of this problem was presented in
Sec. III B, where the reflection and transmission coefficients which is periodic in both x and y directions and represents
are unknown. We shall now derive an expression for the field outgoing, or evanescent, modes as z → ± ⬁. It is explicitly
u1 in the region z ⬍ 0 using a standard Green’s function rep- given by

⬁ ⬁
cos ␤mnz⬘ 2m␲i共x−x⬘兲/a 2n␲i共y−y⬘兲/b −ikz
兺 兺
−⬁ −⬁ i␤mn
e e e , − ⬁ ⬍ z ⬍ z⬘ ,
G共xជ 兩xជ ⬘兲 = ⬁ ⬁ 共30兲
cos ␤mnz 2m␲i共x−x⬘兲/a 2n␲i共y−y⬘兲/b −ikz⬘
兺 兺
−⬁ −⬁ i␤mn
e e e , z⬘ ⬍ z ⬍ 0.

Applying standard Green’s function arguments, using the pe- ⬁

riodicity of both u1 and G, their behaviors at infinity, and 兺 ␶p␸p共x,y兲 = 2␺00 −

p=0 H
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0兩x,y,0兲
boundary conditions at z = 0, we find that

⫻ 兺 ik p␶ p␸ p共x⬘,y ⬘兲 dx⬘ dy ⬘ . 共33兲
u1共x,y,z兲 = 共2 cos kz兲␺00 p=0

− 冕冕 H
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0−兩x,y,z兲
⳵ u1
共x⬘,y ⬘,0−兲 ds⬘ .
Multiplying both sides of this equation by ␸q, integrating the
resulting equation over the surface of the hole, and using the
othonormality of the eigenfunctions yields
共31兲 ⬁

␶q = 2d␦q0 − i 兺 k p␶ pZqp, q = 0,1,2, . . . , 共34兲

Equation 共31兲 is our integral representation of u1 in the re-
gion z ⬍ 0. The first term in Eq. 共31兲 is the sum of the nor- where
mally incident wave eikz and its rigid reflection e−ikz. It is the
field that would occur if no holes were present. In the second
term, the integration is over the surface of the hole. Since the
Zqp = 冕冕 冕冕
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0兩x,y,0兲␸ p共x⬘,y ⬘兲
hole is small, the second term can be considered as a pertur-
bation to the field in the region z ⬍ 0 due to the existence of ⫻␸q共x,y兲 dx⬘ dx dy ⬘ dy 共35兲
small holes in the structure.
and ␦q0 is the Kronecker delta function. We recall from Eq.
Setting z = 0− in Eq. 共31兲, we obtain the field at the in-
共7兲 and our limit d → 0 that k p = i 兩 k p兩 for p ⱖ 1. Using this
terface z = 0,
observation we rewrite Eq. 共34兲 as

␶0 = 2d − ik␶0Z00 + 兺 兩k p兩Z0p␶ p ,
u1共x,y,0−兲 = 2␺00 − 冕冕 H
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0−兩x,y,0−兲 p=1

⳵ u1
⫻ 共x⬘,y ⬘,0−兲 dx⬘ dy ⬘ . 共32兲 ␶q = ik␶0Zq0 + 兺 兩k p兩Zqp␶ p, q = 1,2, . . . . 共36b兲
⳵z p=1

The equations in 共36兲 form an infinite system of algebraic

Since both u1 and ⳵u1 / ⳵z are continuous across z = 0 on the equations with unknowns ␶ p. The quantities Zqp are defined
surface of the hole, we let z = 0+ and substitute the modal in 共35兲. If the eigenfunctions ␸ p are known, Zqp can be found
expansion 共12b兲 to obtain either analytically or numerically for each p and q. There-

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure 3293
fore, each ␶ p can be solved for approximately by truncating truncated in order to obtain an approximate solution for the
the infinite system. ␣q. Once these are determined, then Eqs. 共42兲 and 共43兲 can
Before truncating the algebraic system 共36兲, we simplify be truncated to yield an approximation to ␶0, and this in turn
it further, so as to find an explicit representation for ␶0 that is will be used to approximate T00. It is interesting to note in
comparable to 共24兲. Setting ␣q = ␶q / 共−ik␶0兲 for q ⱖ 1 and sub- closing this section that our truncated approximation of ␶0
stituting ␣q in 共36b兲 gives satisfies 共24兲 regardless of either the truncation level or the
⬁ accuracy used in computing the Zqp. However, the accurate
␣q = Zq0 + 兺 兩k p兩Zqp␣ p, q = 1,2, . . . . 共37兲 location of ␶0 on this circle requires careful approximations
p=1 and truncations.
The same change of variable applied to 共36a兲 yields
␶0 = . 共38兲
1 + ikZ00 + ik 兺 p=1 兩k p兩Z0p␣ p


Thus, ␶0 can be found explicitly provided that Eq. 共37兲 can In the expression for ␶0 in Eq. 共42兲, the real number ␩
be solved for the ␣q. needs to be computed. Since ␩ is a function of Zqp and ␣q
The quantities Zqp depend upon the shape of the hole. 关Eq. 共43兲兴, we shall first evaluate the parameters Zqp and ␣q
However, the first eigenfunction ␸0 = 1 / d is the same for all in order to determine ␩ and hence determine ␶0. In this sec-
shapes. Therefore, we deduce from Eq. 共35兲 that Z00 is given tion, ␶0 is determined for circular holes.
by If the dimensional radius of the hole is R, then the char-
acteristic size of the hole is D = 冑␲R. After nondimensional-
Z00 = 冕冕 冕冕
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0兩x,y,0兲
dx⬘ dx dy ⬘ dy. ization, we obtain that d = 冑␲r. Therefore, the eigenfunctions
corresponding to the circular hole can be easily obtained as
共39兲 follows,

Now, G in Eq. 共30兲 can be rewritten for z = z⬘ = 0 as

⬁ ␸0 = , 共44兲
1 2 2n␲共y − y ⬘兲 d
G共x⬘,y ⬘,0兩x,y,0兲 = − 兺 cos
ik n=1 兩␤0n兩 b

2 2m␲共x − x⬘兲 1 J0共␭ pr兲
− 兺
m=1 兩␤m0兩
␸ p共r兲 =
d J0共␭ pd/冑␲兲
, p = 1,2, . . . , 共45兲

⬁ ⬁
4 2m␲共x − x⬘兲
− 兺兺
m=1 n=1 兩␤mn兩
where J0 is the zeroth order Bessel function. The correspond-
ing eigenvalues are found to be ␭ p = j1p冑␲ / d, where j1p is the
pth root of the first order Bessel function. Note that only the
2n␲共y − y ⬘兲
⫻cos , 共40兲 radial eigenfunctions are employed since the incident wave
b impinges normally upon the slab. As mentioned before, for
where we have used that fact that ␤nm = i 兩 ␤nm兩 for our re- d Ⰶ 1, the propagation constants
stricted values of k. Substituting this into the expression for
Z00 and integrating the first term implies that the first term is k p = 冑k2 − ␭2p 共46兲
d2 / ik for any shape of the hole. Hence, Z00 can be rewritten
in the channel can be approximated by
Z00 = + Z̃00 , 共41兲
k p ⬇ ij1p冑␲/d,
p ⱖ 1. 共47兲
where Z̃00 is real. Finally, substituting this result into Eq. 共38兲 Now, the quantities Zqp can be found explicitly using the
gives explicit expressions of the Green’s functions and the eigen-
2d functions. The integral in Eq. 共35兲 is computed by inter-
␶0 = . 共42兲 changing the order of integration and the summation. The
1 + d2 + ik共Z̃00 + 兺 p=1 兩k p兩Z0p␣ p兲

results of these calculations yield

Equations 共42兲 and 共24兲 are identical with

冉 冊
⬁ ⬁
⬁ d2 − 8 J21共␮1兲 − 8 J21共␮2兲
Z00 = + d2 +兺
␩ = k Z̃00 + 兺 兩k p兩Z0p␣ p . 共43兲 ik m=1 兩␤m0兩 ␮1 2
n=1 兩␤0n兩 ␮2

⬁ ⬁
− 16 J21共␮3兲 d2
Thus, ␶0 lies on the circle given by Eq. 共23兲 regardless of the
shape of the hole. We observe that the system 共37兲 must be
+ 兺兺
m=1 n=1 兩␤mn兩 ␮23

+ d2S00 , 共48兲

3294 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure

−8 ␮ 2J 2共 ␮ 兲
Zqp = d 2

m=1 兩 ␤ m0 兩 共 ␮ 2
− j
1 1
兲共 ␮
− j2 兲
1 1p 1 1q

−8 ␮22J21共␮2兲
+ d2 兺
n=1 兩␤0n兩 共␮22 − j1p
兲共␮22 − j1q

⬁ ⬁
− 16 ␮ 2J 2共 ␮ 兲
+ d2 兺 兺 3 1 3
2 ⬅ d Sqp ,
m=1 n=1 兩␤mn兩 共␮ − j 兲共␮ − j 兲
2 2 2
3 1p 3 1q

p2 + q2 ⱖ 1, 共49兲
where ␮1, ␮2, and ␮3 are defined as
␮1 = 2m冑␲d/a, 共50a兲

␮2 = 2n冑␲d/b, 共50b兲
FIG. 6. The behavior of S00 for small values of d.

␮3 = 冑共2m冑␲d/a兲2 + 共2n冑␲d/b兲2 . 共50c兲

We observe that in Eq. 共49兲, the quantities Zqp are symmetric ␣ˆ q = d2Sq0 + O共d3兲, 1 ⱕ q ⱕ N. 共54兲
and hence S pq = Sqp. Substituting the new notation in Eqs.
共37兲 and 共42兲, respectively, gives Substituting this expression into the truncated version of Eq.
⬁ 共52兲 we obtain the approximation to ␶ˆ 0:
␣q = d2Sq0 + d2 兺 兩k p兩Sqp␣ p, q = 1,2, . . . , 共51兲
p=1 2d
␶ˆ 0 = . 共55兲
1 + d + ikd 兵S00 + d2 兺 p=1 j1p冑␲S0p
2 2 2

␶0 = . 共52兲 As d approaches 0, the second term in curly brackets is much
1 + d + id 共kS00 + k 兺 p=1 兩k p兩S0p␣ p兲
2 2 ⬁
smaller than the first term. This is because the S0p are of
O共1兲 and S00 is of O共1 / d兲 for d Ⰶ 1. Therefore, neglecting
The infinite system of equations 共51兲 cannot be solved the second term in 共55兲 we obtain
exactly; it must be truncated to obtain approximations to the
␣q. For a fixed N we denote by ␣ˆ q the approximate solution 2d
of 共51兲, which satisfies ␶ˆ 0 = . 共56兲
1 + d2 + id2kS00

␣ˆ q = d2Sq0 + d 兺 j1p冑␲Sqp␣ˆ p , 共53兲 This approximation satisfies the constraint 共24兲 and, more
importantly, is remarkably accurate. It agrees to within three
where 共47兲 has been used for simplification. The correspond- decimal places of the numerical results obtained from solv-
ing approximation to ␶0 is denoted by ␶ˆ 0, which is obtained ing 共53兲 and the truncated version of 共52兲.
from 共52兲 by truncating the series at p = N. We have solved
共53兲 for values of d ranging from 0.01 to 0.1, for several
values of N. We have found for these values of d that the
corresponding values of ␶ˆ 0 are accurate to four decimal
places when N = 3, i.e., increasing N does not significantly
alter their values. These results are similar to the trends seen
in the related problem of Ref. 14.
We will now derive an approximate solution of 共53兲 and
the corresponding approximation of ␶ˆ 0 by exploting the
smallness of d. Before doing this, we first check the order of
Sqp as d approaches 0. Figures 6, 7, and 8 show this behavior
for S00 , S0p, and Sqp, respectively. In Fig. 6 we observe that,
as d approaches 0, S00 increases and behaves like 1 / 2d. In
Figs. 7 and 8 we observe that the S0p and Sqp are very small
compared to S00, and both the S0p and Sqp are order one
quantities as d approaches 0.
Using the fact that both the S0p and Sqp are of O共1兲 for
small values of d and the fact that d Ⰶ 1, a simple approxi-
mation to Eq. 共53兲 yields FIG. 7. The behavior of S0p for small values of d.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure 3295
FIG. 9. Transmission coefficient T00 versus the thickness of the slab l for
FIG. 8. The behavior of Sqp for small values of d.
d = 0.05, k = ␲, and a = b = 1.

VI. TRANSMISSION PROPERTIES kl ⬇ M ␲ + 2d2kS00 + O共共d2S00兲2兲, 共61兲

Through the analysis in Sec. V, we obtained an approxi- where M is any positive integer. Using the these values of kl
mation of ␶0 for small values of d. We are now ready to in Eq. 共60兲, we deduce
numerically approximate T00. From Eqs. 共27兲 and 共28兲 we
readily solve for T00 and find 兩T̂00兩 ⬇ 1 − O共共d2S00兲4兲. 共62兲

␶20 Therefore, for these values of kl, the slab is almost transpar-
T00 = . 共57兲 ent. This transparency is caused by a resonance phenomenon
1 − 共1 − ␶0/d兲2e2ikl
in the small channels. Although only a small amount of the
Substituting the approximation ␶ˆ 0 from Eq. 共56兲, we find wave propagates into a channel, ␶0 = O共1兲, it constructively
that reflects back and forth within. This reflection is almost per-
fect within the channel because ␳0 = 1 − ␶0 / d ⬃ −1. The lead-
兩T̂00兩 = ing order approximation of kl from 共61兲, kl ⬃ M ␲, would
冑共2d2␯1兲2 + ␯22 , occur if the channel openings were replaced by sound soft
surfaces. Thus, the result given by 共61兲 shows the channels
␯1 = d2kS00 sin kl + cos kl, 共58兲 behave as leaky resonators. The numerical results presented
in the next two paragraphs support this interpretation.
␯2 = 共1 + d4 − d4k2S00
兲 sin kl − 2d2kS00 cos kl. The transmission coefficient given Eq. 共58兲 is plotted in
Fig. 9 as a function of l for k = ␲ and d = 0.05. It shows that
We note here that the formula 共58兲 for T00 can be ob-
T00 is almost 0 for all thicknesses l of the slab except at l
tained by carefully summing up the internal reflections
⬇ 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , where T00 ⬇ 1. Actually, the peaks occur just to
within the slit using the reflection and transmission coeffi-
the left of these integers. The difference agrees with our ap-
cients from the two auxiliary problems and their relation-
proximation for l. This agreement is also seen in Fig. 10,
ships to ␶0.
where k = ␲, S00 = −4.33, and d = 0.1. In this figure, the peaks
From this expression of the transmission coefficient, we
appear some distance to the left of l = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , and the
observe that if kl is such that ␯2 is an order one quantity, then
difference is 0.086, which equals 2d2S00. Also, Figs. 9 and 10
T00 is O共d2兲, which is very small and there is very little
verify that, away from the peaks, the values of T00 are O共d2兲.
transmission into the region z ⬎ l. This agrees with our intu-
The resonances shown in these figures are very sharp due to
ition, because when the holes are small, most of the acoustic
the fact that there are no losses in our model. We can relax
wave reflects back into z ⬍ 0. However, there exist values of
this idealization in a phenomenological way by making the
kl such that ␯2 = 0, that is,
wave number k slightly complex. The result is shown in Fig.
2d2kS00 11 where the dashed curve corresponds to Im共k兲 = 0.05 and
tan kl = ; 共59兲
1 + d4共1 − k2S00兲 the solid to Im共k兲 = 0.01. In both cases Re共k兲 = ␲ and d = 0.1.
It is clear that increasing the imaginary part of k diminishes
then, in this case, the resonant peaks and effectively spreads out the response
1/cos kl as a function of l.
兩T̂00兩 = 1/␯1 = . 共60兲 Similarly, we can fix the thickness of the slab and solve
1 + d2kS00 tan kl
Eq. 共59兲 for k to find the frequency at which the structure is
Using the fact that d Ⰶ 1, the values of kl that approximately transparent. Since S00 is also a function of k, it is not easy to
satisfy 共59兲 are find an explicit expression. However, it is easy to check nu-

3296 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure
FIG. 10. Transmission coefficient T00 versus the thickness of the slab l for
FIG. 12. Transmission coefficient T00 versus wave number k for d = 0.1, l
d = 0.1, k = ␲, and a = b = 1.
= 1, and a = b = 1.

merically that, when k ⬍ 2␲ / a , S00 is not a sensitive function For certain frequencies, energy is transmitted almost 100%;
of k. Thus from Eq. 共61兲, k can be approximated as for other frequency bands, almost all the energy is reflected.
M␲ Also, the widths of the pass bands depend on the dimension-
k⬇ . 共63兲 less radius of the holes. If dimensions are reintroduced, then
l − 2d2S00
these widths would depend upon the porosity of the rigid
For these values of k, T00 ⬇ 1. The behaviors of 兩T00兩 as a slab. However, it is also clear from our figures that the prac-
function of k are illustrated in Figs. 12 and 13, where l = 1 tical use of this structure, as a filter, will be limited by the
and 2, respectively. The peaks occur just at the position es- losses present in a real application.
timated by Eq. 共63兲. The number of peaks increases as l Finally, we note that our results can be extended to non-
increases when the upper limit of k is fixed. Again, the reso- circular channels. The calculations become complex, even in
nance shown in these figures is very sharp. These can be the case of square crossections. The reader is referred to Ref.
smoothed somewhat by taking into account a small amount 18 for the details of this case.
of viscosity in the acoustic fluid. This amounts to letting the
imaginary part of the wave number depend quadratically on VII. CONCLUSION
frequency, or equivalently replacing k by k + ik2⑀, where ⑀ is
a small number depending upon viscosity. The results for this In this paper, we have analyzed the transmission prop-
case are shown in Fig. 14. The resonances become less pro- erties of a periodically perforated rigid slab under normal,
nounced as ⑀ and the frequency are increased. plane wave incidence. We have assumed that the character-
It is clear from these figures that the perforated rigid slab istic size of a hole is much smaller than the spacing of the
behaves like a narrow-band filter, in the absence of losses. holes, while the incident wave length is of the same order as

FIG. 11. Transmission coefficient T00 versus the thickness of the slab l for FIG. 13. Transmission coefficient T00 versus wavenumber k for d = 0.1, l
d = 0.1, Re共k兲 = ␲, and a = b = 1. = 2, and a = b = 1.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 121, No. 6, June 2007 L. Zhou and G. A. Kriegsmann: Complete transmission through a periodic structure 3297
which is defined as the square root of the area of the hole.
We assume that the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions are
␭ p and ␸ p, respectively, with p = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . .. They satisfy the
following equation:
ⵜ2␸ p共x,y兲 = − ␭2p␸ p共x,y兲. 共A1兲
Let x⬘ = x / d and y ⬘ = y / d. Then x⬘ and y ⬘ are O共1兲 variables.
After changing of variables, the eigenvalue problem be-
⳵ 2␸ p ⳵ 2␸ p
+ = − d2␭2p␸ p , 共A2兲
⳵ x ⬘2 ⳵ y ⬘2
where the domain is independent of d and is thus O共1兲. The
eigenvalues for this problem are ⌳ p = d2␭2p and these are O共1兲
quantities, which depend upon the geometry of this scaled
domain. Hence the ␭ p = O共1 / d兲 as d → 0.
FIG. 14. Transmission coefficient T00 versus Re共k兲 for d = 0.1, l = 2, and a
= b = 1. APPENDIX B
the hole spacing. We have also restricted the range of the To prove ␥00 = ␶0, we consider the equation
incident wave frequency such that only one mode propagates
outside the slab and inside the holes. The length of the slab ⵜ · 兵u2 ⵜ u1 − u1 ⵜ u2其 = 0. 共B1兲
in our problem is long enough so that all the evanescent Integrating it over the cube 兩z 兩 ⬍ z⬁, 兩x 兩 ⬍ a / 2, 兩y 兩 ⬍ b / 2 and
modes are negligible in the middle of the hole channel. Un- applying the divergence theorem, we obtain

冕冕 冉 冊
der these assumptions, we have considered two auxiliary
problems. Both of the auxiliary problems have the same ⳵ u1 ⳵ u2
u2 − u1 ds = 0, 共B2兲
structure as the slab except that they are infinitely long. In ⳵n ⳵n
the first auxiliary problem, the wave is incident from the air;
where the double integral is over the six surfaces of the cube
in the second auxiliary problem, the wave is incident from
and n is the normal direction of each surface. The integrals
the hole. The relationship of the transmission and the reflec-
over four surfaces cancel off with each other because of the
tion coefficients of the two problems were discussed in de-
periodic boundary conditions. Therefore, only the surface in-
tail. The linear combination of the two auxiliary problems
tegrals over the top and the bottom remain, which gives

冕 冕 冏冉 冊冏
gave a scattering matrix S for the original structure. Through
this matrix, the transmission coefficient T00 and the reflection
a/2 b/2
⳵ u1 ⳵ u2
u2 − u1 dx dy
coefficient R00 of the slab were found explicitly. We have −a/2 −b/2 ⳵z ⳵z z=−⬁

冕 冕 冏冉 冊冏
found that, for arbitrary shaped holes, the coefficients T00
and R00 depend only on one parameter ␶0, which is the trans- ⳵ u1 ⳵ u2
= u2 − u1 dx dy. 共B3兲
mission coefficient of the first auxiliary problem. This coef- H ⳵z ⳵z z=⬁
ficient was found to lie on a circle in the complex plane.
Numerical values of ␶0 were found for circular holes. After substituting infinite series expansions for u1 and u1 in
Specifically, an infinite system of algebraic equations was this equation, most terms cancel off. We obtain
derived from the integral representation of the solution of the 2ik␥00 = 2ik␶0 , 共B4兲
first auxiliary problem. The coefficient ␶0 was explicitly ob-
tained from these algebraic equations. By using the fact that which yields the result ␥00 = ␶0.
the hole size is very small compared to the spacing of the
holes, ␶0 was obtained numerically. The plots of 兩T00兩 were APPENDIX C
given for circular holes. The plots showed that for fixed Suppose we chose k properly such that all the higher
thickness of the slab, the function 兩T00兩 is O共d2兲 quantities order modes are evanescent. Then, generally, we have u1
except at certain frequencies, at which the wave can transmit = a0e−ikz + b0eikz at z = −⬁ and u1 = c0eikz + d0e−ikz at z = ⬁. Con-
almost completely. On the other hand, if the frequency of the sidering ⵜ · 兵ū1 ⵜ u1 − u1 ⵜ ū1其 = 0, which is equivalent to
incident wave is fixed, by adjusting the thickness of the slab, ⵜ · 兵I共ū1 ⵜ u1兲其 = 0, by using the same procedure as was done
we can have either completely transmitted or a completely in Appendix A, we obtain

冕 冕 冏冉 冊冏
reflected wave. We have also considered the effects of losses
on the resonant behavior of our structure. If these are not too
a/2 b/2
⳵ u1
I ū1 dx dy
large, then our structure may be potentially useful in con- −a/2 −b/2 ⳵z z=−⬁

冕 冕 冏冉 冊冏
structing filters and resonators.
⳵ u1
APPENDIX A = I ū1 dx dy. 共C1兲
H ⳵z z=⬁
In this appendix we will find the order of eigenvalues of
a general hole shape. The characteristic size of the hole is d, Substituting the expression of u1 at z = ± ⬁ in Eq. 共C1兲 yields

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