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I {hlld \

Queen Victoria's

• f\lllt'\t .IJllluul..llrt"tI.I,");lllll,"U" Illjotlll,IIUI ....llU.. ,"lll ,Inml\ Illlt ..

. ...,..IIIOd..
-ruAJIT "l!IO'" """'""""_
M+ohr WNI , . .-In Ivn.. ..
• Lur~h!kIlJHII .U1d .llll.d~un,llhm - Ih.. C';;mhu"lI• .:-tl.;ml.." .1011
Ulll(lt"I"rdllllll.. l~i:!","""",1
• \·HIUIllI,~I ... IN'lI ·ltWI,lol
1ftt.......... "'~liU!.,..
19V1Ant\IdH.T'lMIn 1 • ·Ur.. \!.' IIJs,:hl.Ulfl \11-11 - I t'..:hur'lII,d In 'Ullllll·tll
• l _ l r - . ....... .....,........ .1'IIM" ....
wha -.-d IrIIt1e 8riil1ih
An-tst..-lU•• a..t I.....
.1C:IIJ~~Hlllal\1l • 1\lItlnt'h
_1flI . . T ...... ~
• Ju·L.rr:
PrwbHl-rb lOI"~.,
• Nll~ pl.tilb .UUllln\'
~j~KilJvO'O'V' ..
.,.,u.....,..~ • !i;1):.U"
t140-UtllJ. • Sjll)lTOm~

I·",hll ...."n ",llll1lhlrtn ~n't rl,-glmcnl.11 ,h,llud..:.n ..
7~lb I . ullcnmllllKhl.mdcn. I 3th
• U. 'jIlIIJlf\llll.mdt;! .., 1,H.lo-.
AII",ut\-"l 111'j(lll"I(ld':-I", 1)I,j4~
• l.: 721111 (Illll,t.·
• U;~:!lld ((tOnlurl) 111~111.U1d ..... IK(
• ..... ~hl 1.\rK'1U II\; ~t~rd j~Hthcrl;JIld1 I hlolhJ.Lml.-r~. Uiitl!i.
.... _I.u,I(I.W,llth.l~
• C,;. ;donll IliRI.I;uulf'I~. ltortil'k
, It 1h~hl.uullJ~llI In'.unn, IUU'....
Q,(RRY {:"'O\CTON l'aa " " "
• .....,.",~\n[of.aNI
~.t . .teriuI
t;. . IWM "'*' 11M .'1011, Mdi
ru.llhalnd. . .",..wrltlwl
.. ~
0Il. fIIriM
_ _ UloM2Cl

...- Iont-U!;InItItr
,",,".ItdI UI«Il~ on I
........ ~abG~
.... UtDwftfOf-... _
_ \l. . tll..... ~ ..
Men·at-Arms • 4,12

Qu n Victoria'

Stuart Reid . Illustrated by Gerry Embleton


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ArU.t'. note

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:-. ~ U\IlOI ~!006. cllr l.L\1 tH lht' KnlL,h l\rlll'"

O~"1flmf'n1 or.
rt'Killlt"lI" offid;llh 1J"l-\"L't.I oul ur rxi!>tl"U(t'... LN.ubt,"t1 whl, tJl(·iJ
1~IJ.nti ('t'MIn'''.,..,an.. iOf() ::l "'··W, a.1I"-1It'C'lnlpib,lllJ,t Rr. ';II
lbnd ,1\,. b:uuhnn liltOng. "mm the" f1 t p::ar.aiko nllh \\011 h .. 1 ¥\lJofckl in 17·tO,lu t.h"'t(.CIC"lIlUll, 1.41 I:AinbulKh Ik
~'fJl'i )"1'";1" bl,..r. lhfJSt' IIIg11bnd rt]{lmrrH.\ h;ul ...·rn"fl Ih~ c:H...... n ""hll
nlOI'f' rh. n "OIl'i(lH"l)OIL' g:atl~nlrv in ""Tn rornt"r nr lIu' glnhr. rmm
Jloden Muur lO &.m-.... 'rl .h eu Init" hnm\ ullqur!oOliomlhh' I;,n
durin): III r'ei/illl M Qt..M:rn \1"'h,IMA. In Ihr h.U'r c('oll,ln ,hoi' p.arnln't
Ih 00111 (11 \\")1 tI '.l1tl \1('0
\\',ucrloo helped. of COllrx; bin ..he rrOlI C'.1l.ah"l 1D lurnlll.g I1lcm
IIllu l.-nnJ., Icximcllb "'.u.. fint. d "'fIoil I Dublin ~ KInK Ccu'KC 1\' in
lH21. ",hl h 'r;uurnl .. g",nd rt'd~ o. ~II hUI onr of Iht" "'1 1('fl
hau:lhnn :Iood:l ~~ vi ", In &(Huntl hvlrlhil" 'flllffllo;ng \ ar. w-hit'h
jim h~llJK'lItd 10 t:nincidr wilh dlr publialif.U1 of:l lauwuor\ hi~lOn
"r the l-li~hl.Il\(1 t"q:ill nl4 b) lun I D.nid Sl~",n of ..-.rlh Th~
king hill1~lr ,,~ prRl.Laidtd 10 '" ;;Ir .I. LIII. and II ighblld rq;""enu
A-udtlrnl)' lxc-..... nr. f.~IIIUlL1Iblr.
QIII:~qU~llh. ill \I.udl I 2S 111(" 'Midl-1.lIlJ'iHI
~fV d.i rl\l Tht"lor~~ r.rt '\' ~1 rllll~ tN'('Ird«l
Ih31~ 'W~ h \ :in t'\ 111 In our f'Amlh' rn~rr h
gvt .. l-qiu 1l1-.lIlipt ptr ~UIl~-l1tlc:vtIlIU'
1;M:.aulirul lIiglil.H'ld R~gim "b Ih.&I .... ("r ..I
Un~ l~ Qu:;urr Ur.L'\ ;md W;u....rloo.· I hI'
IIppoinlIl~1II Dr
'fcrtl.'V· - or 10 l-'l\T hnn hn. full
dur, LtCc=n " Run.lld Cr .. ufmd F4"IKmOn-lv lie
f~1 " 1 In Gh1d t"Iof .hC'" 7t Ih (Colin r('ln
t-hghlJand""" w:u ind«'d :II m1t1tr f(V relcbr.uinn,
fur \h~ ~hcd lC1(i'IM:II~'" 'c ,d.t'ild lK:Hillllill~ lu
~H~ .111 hUi Ihl" (;u';lI'lii. In rwtl)ll!;u;n.
"hrlr dLliunt:ln-r dr~ IInOOUbll'dt\' l'omnbmnl
10 ttl" ~r otodWinY'l105,jll~l:iU~ muJandi:\llk
dobhinl{ ul'lirMrn<lo of lhilt"' Ilu~~ hiKI ('atU~t 11\;-vk
1Mom lh(" rQrUn (II Ih ron In; I hi" "I'('nch in
JMI tKu1.u iiWg (uwtd lhe &.Quhh H'8hl.u~n
f.L: in;[\.IIIj\ lUld. h.&\1I1j( h~nlc(l 10 1)("ld
III~rnvhn "illl ...n t"fJuRdlt"r11 in Iltr nnlir.lll\
dJ'1':W'd 'l.ou;:nT rt=gIlIlC11LS. thf."\' thrn 1001-. C\~n
opfJOl-lulJit, 10 porlfilV thr l\IoU 'Ioitlr 11)' o.idr_ Rolh
c mb,"~ a qriJ,;illg 1~r:lJl(' ...........,. n Hm
auppo!alh not fuund 111 urdlUMl rq{IITlCllb 0( lhl;;
1.JJ11:'. I huw\ r l'~
IIIll'aU ""err Cnll"lonILlenth
\lo"IU It) ~tull1bh: ,h.:u Iht"
lll~hl,lnrl n,.rfl1H'lll~ (:.111t.
!lIe ZOlIOl\nl "t,'t'rr lhe U1th
up illlhr lit'"'"
1IIll", "1 iUI'1I
IMIWI'. hr"'p«lh of bh!'l
luc1"",UI.I1J\tt.U\(' 1110/' ,,'Orlo:...
~C1oCI tJ..;J",,~_> lin'l\" ......._
nu d"lLlJhll~ Ihr io\o;olluiuC'
1"11)111..11,\ of Ih~ Illiothl;:mri
tl"l:::illwnI'" In U1l.lIld
ibt'H. _ Iidirrillg tlu.·[[· h.ld
"1'1\.1\.... been r~1 tillite'
hl~hl\ r H.It'tled Ih:m III
bl~l.lnd UI Ir~I.IIld. In tin"
191.h (eUIUr, l,he III.H,hliU1U
tt'J,(llllt'tib Itoo~, ~t1 h\ tht"

..1ht1ll' ...... OM,TIiMIt
Of'Mo~ _ _ thM.""W

..o-.lIt'pktl... u....".
t .... ot'jtft C. . --.U..
't"ki1<lf'lolrt 1t*r~
__'-no C~ ..,. •...,. In
fNft)' ~ NIMH,. 1M MI
H lift Kftoot.. IIbrWIH II'llII
.ttvr pubIo In.lHUUoiN.


DwlIIlotCllllb... ".,ItIMI .....
nw oMtd'I C1111'\to ~
*InII ... It.
t.IIwwb . . . . IV

tM ~ . . - -wMllbi)'

111l11~h pnhlu' m :l \('11'"\ dltl~1Ill 11101:111 r~nm ,ht"
1(:"11 llr du; (hill .. h \J un. Tlli.......Ol~ th,U1U lu "11111;110
'\-\III.-h ..... '!'IIi, " .. Ikl 'X.llt .Iml ""l... ".,.ul 1.11 (".,ul.h.
tMnllhll~ WI ;] IrlD~1'\whh'tlu-d nlllllllr.1ll lrolllun)!)
1U die Illllturm:e uf IIiRlll.lml "4JC1CUC'\ (nut Ir;Dl
lhe (:"u:Ut "i(,l\ \If Ime"-,,",,,l; .1I1li, i'l"/H; "n. hI
till.' .tnh .. JIVJ hl};hh Ik'i ~{lt).ll h'h."r'~,.l .lIld
M.ll'puri til QuCf.:1I \'lClUrIl..l hcl"wU ~'rH[[, lin 01
HIJoI,.hlmH..1 t1.1(,lIllrlll '"""' n:Sllnh:d -Ib WIll1Crlll11N,
..ldmholblt' Jnt! ... nll~ thillK rUI 41 \lJ(IIlK IlIJ.,
,n .1"f1'irc: In, r;uhi"t ,h~I),,~ ,h I .... r ftlSl: nf tht'
d rt",lr ur dl",-t1ullr, ;\":;llurnlh Ihh ~ .... :1[....
U:n"'l:ll:d In-ldt' un: I('~illll:n~ lh(,lUkh aJlc..1. u.~
U.K~·t)H \hU1I\lltrth~ .<\Jr:\I1~ r.."<.,dIIl:'4J. 'hllh~
11111' III~ht.llul 1l'J{illwnhl Illf'll" ll,'''' .1 frl"llllI~
hHIlU:ln· two',",1'" n OJl1Cf"l""i :lml mrn • .,.;Iurh 11'\'
. . ,.-..,,<:,.. . 1l11.ll'ht lK lvu~td UI>Vll iO r"llli'l.arm. b1,1.
~llli(.h il<l.~ ii, ll'.tlh, tht' t,>\'idrll«(' llf ~"'Clll .UU.!
rOf1firl..nll~ 11l1"M"h 1Ilhc-r \Oo11l(h I.nll"'\'o nil h'M .lUd
\1'3-i ,hl' rf"iull. nO! ont~ 01 long coml'3.nlonshjp.

1,.11 or •• (r:rIiUR,Ur.t.aUUll.ttill"
11,('\ ""elf: - ,uul illllt'rtl "'Iill .Ut" - IK'clid ll.1t~
.n,... nt~ r\';Jl~lth~.uU1In~ .111 lht'll ,UU..t lgJIl1M(ji;\n,
.uul diwndll1K'I; bm Ihr'lr I1"lluLOmoll r.UHr' ,II ~ pnn".. I hcry.- Il.;ud II III
~_IIlUo.--..,tiMI blood. Ull I~Ulfr'ndd !10m Ltll' ",indw,·I:lI't .idge' ~hm",·llalld.I\';,J Ullhro-
e.- h ..... , .
hllrnln~ pWm or
IlIth.... BId\·ill", M-LthIMliNl .. rl"puLuliulI 11) ~[UllU~~,
Ilu: 11i~h1~od rt",";uh;11I"lo feh 111\.'1I\.".,.1\t"" ohlil:cd "~.1 11,,~u('r or honollr
....-..-oIIeMo.. tIMtrwI,,_
1IM1f'cn' , """
llJ Il\r up 10 th.u rt'pul.lulJll - bulh In hdplllg 10 crr;ur tht" llnw.h
oI.IDrl".n~opeoltdPOl' hmplre. aJH..I .da',\\:.ud\ III lh.. mud of fol,mdrn. .1I1d lhe' Lilling-fic:ll.b- ur
... " - - . - . ltInIuIIh wflicn ,..II" mUlll"
DrtMIhM dWtM IINIIM, ....,.

MuIIIOftiiNt1 .... ~1bI1WI II ,JIlHJlrl OrLl1llt"t' 1.Jl" nnlt(l llhll .hl, [" ,I ,rcunl \lilll['"h ur Illr""l \Ii t'\ ~II
WMlUfiIL&arIIM.toRNand. 1hMi'" r~lrnt'nt .. dl"'\oIK1,;,,~...1 !'lot 1hRhl:mrl uniu, :uu1 rll;,r .hn~ lii-INI
~M..Ioorn."ttM' __
htolml.' fhd 1101 m!Jrch :tlmll".'

.d.... __ ............... ~

,~I«;I UOI}(.UIIl..iIIHU..llllolllC"I", 11 ~huuld .u.'ll-I1x 110\«(1 tJlJt .. ldjl,;u~h

. . Nt
.....JIl1I1: ...1 the d...'e) IJC'~ 111;1.11(' 1(1 lJ)r prQIl'tIIif-lliUn
\\'. rrnOli I'nn, m,"J.: ,JI(" t'~;.bh~hm("m or IIF::'poUt :lm:tJg-.un;u.irmji o(
or oretll;"-~ .Ul.:!

v-d--.b Ino...,.....


by his
h:r.IDJiom. ::uul Ihl' ar=rordIHJ( or Highland ~utw to f~illlenlS. [I
(rr;flu lll..h Iw}., ,,\!l11(:' tim.: ror 1I1~ t" 1.1t..c .:rrecl - pJ,rticul. rh ir thC'\
~.'IIIWI"IftI~. . ~
t,., Ie" llllIJ'lJI)' Ffll' hHI"I!(e. lin. bt'llllo; (k~I~Il"lt<I ,. III hllln~..,.
1'md:O . . ~ ~ 1 l a 111 N"m mllCll (~,~ The 74th R~'1I1lc:'lH .uluptr:',l lhf'"rr nrw undonn
~ ....... JI'MI'I:........ lIJUnrdl.Ul:'I\· l"oel" l"i~t.e B): but lhu ,..,-,", UllIDou..ll. WI'll un lI~"t:l"Oll''' II
..... 1IIIIM.M4,,.gw~ • ;l,Jpt=-.JJ'" I... ha\t:' IJ.l\.;CII Jt lc.BlI",rl~t:".I.f"lror ,ruu3cl~d l~hllC"nl' lu .1_IUIl(

'Il~hl.:uld IllilfMrlllUld "(('('1110-111('01 Thil' 7~nci. f('tr :unpllt, bt'c;lrn,.
~'-.,..--.. "'- llighll:'nrltt'\ hl Ilf- ,·mtJ.!.·r I 21 hilt ,Ud nl 1 pm':llle tn I Hghl:llld dn
...... Bl'IQroI;cM'I GatOMI!MCNN wllil AugLUI Ut1.5 It !llmc-ttLlClItI, bct:..UIIC (hl; 1'1 B..uudiun or 1.11
~~fi "11 1hghJ:;uulrn in I I. htu Ollr-C ~.un
dId nvt 11,111",1(\< iIi Iht," Ill;\'> un.rl)rlll U1ltil 188.\\.
·1IIfI.1r1t. lht' 7~llh tlll1(:ulh 1'lt"C•• mt· I lolltd.u\'
011 I Juh IKH1. lnll .lid nOl p.u'KIr: m I h~h111l1U
dn=\.... uIlllll8Junr I 1..·c=nt."lv. '\11111:11 L1iUb-
(VI ffic'd inlf> lite ~nd Ibu.di(.n (".f lh('" lH~hl;U1d
L1AIIl lnlJIIIf"\ II, 7011h (l,·h.u"o .utnpllflg
Ih(' ,\I.ICL.t..'llll: IATWIl ur LIn: IIU lur .U IQIlS
.U 1IUI1IIlh.'.•lIuJ .)UII ~1.nUoldcI d Lh'Clll~·hC'..
•1 )oC1"'1r-.Il~ rt1thl1t"1U (IU"1 IllI.' I... nil (lhr 01lt
7lQlllJlllllh", \\ rrrtl.J",n,If'fI-in HJ.:47..,

7 i\,"illd09 'n.,d. 7'~d. 7·11h. iSlh IBid ~lI"l

R ~IUCUI~ V1(It'f\"f1 10 KiH' up
1111' .. Ill
IKJunr 1~15 l\'upolmmf" Ulln c=nd 04.1 W•.nnloo
1819 ,..;ftb &[fir lU.,. -
7'lnd Jkt,;.i1llCIH
IY I 1.tl2~ 72nd K<'gilllt'lIl b«('Illl" i",l.l(l or
l)uLc or Alba.1n ':\ (,h,,"
25 i\pI I ~a Rt'u Lib dt"I)t)l). Hrdcfw IU lJc
.\0:111 AnJftr nrJ'r_ 7l?ml
I hshhtmkllo Olud ?atll ~C'8llllof;llt
CAmuluni ~/nm -71 ...t iIIlU ~n1
1lil-":hbllflet 7~fd R~im .. 1U
1H4!\ (J(fUll!""-'W .\tAli" Jo3/WdUUl~ -!J 1 I Krgunrl\l
I Nu~ '~"5 701th Rcgilll lI\ baOlll jo1th (Hi~hl;u,d) Rcglm\."f1L
lti'li 17 • "",'1r KrlIJir 1\(1, nrd .llld 9 hi Rq;(i1l1ell L!j
11'1:.0-.'\:\ l\J~hJJi KJljfi' U,U -7"111 I hghlandt''''' 7t1rd ;&l"ld
lUg IlloglmcllL~
1851-56 Cnw;nr Ui:rP" - "2nd, 71.'01.., 72ml, j~h:h, 92nd Wld lj~nJ
t Ii~hli.mde ......
~J,ll"t I ~ 1·1J1'C'"''I''I.~r' ,lnd h~ pipt't'CfilhCI:.n~ ::\U1hllti7A"f1 fot ~d'l.h
DepoL 8.llwliull tu kK' (unned i.tI n:'tt"UlL pooll', ~ch rUI"
!'''l''''U'JIJ Ui!r-7l4lh IliRhl:mdf>t"l
(!lIIMn 11J1lt11-71n, 7~nrl. 7"1lh, 7&h, 7Thh.IIJ'1nt1.lru:l
9,,,:1 Hi~hl.uult"I"'; 73rd a.lld 7ulh R~IUl 'lib
OrtkL...1;unhmir.lll.-,H r,..," ral..inR 'Rin~ \'tllLllll("(.'1 LI.Jrp~
'a'J.ft-m~J ":mntln MlfIJNup-7hol. 70th and ~31'd
,,\til,.l~ 91q (AfI;;)·ll~hir ) ~n\ellt be-cvll\(:I!lI~Il\l)nJ 1111
:.'9 July 18'i2 l.oGLH:!ii:ll.ion l\a hUM luu;lliun!o a.ud l.'3QW"hn brig;ul'"
Yumll Uin- '1211t11f1)1;1JI.llldcn. 01.,.1 dct..!thlrH:lll rmlll
7Ulh 111~hl.lrul"='N
IUJul\ IX7~ 'i~hh hef'On1c-cQuun' 0...-.1 C:ulW'"mnlll.ghl tid\"
18iB-79 Smmd silkol,(fll mn - '72nd, 78th ljUltl !)2mll·...i,KIII;lIId1:'n.
'H?<J /.lJ/o mil -91-.;r lI'J:hl:;lIIflf'l'l.
hn' lINT Uin'_ tl"lnd 111,Rhbnrll"r'll
~1IC"I.d nJel Nu."1 lUJ1.~lg.uIW.1 tMtLilJolb UltQ .. ~
n"lfllC!U J~U'l;"u,,", to l..lJ..e t"ll I rrum I Jul\

J~ptNUI Ua,--I\l.l.-I.. \\';m:h. I ILl (7"llIl. ,s.·,lrHnlh,
Wrtll'rolU. oQrdDnJo
I fill 1-80 ""~I SIU/Uli t\fU - 6101.· ... \\''ololl,.!l, 1It(;IUIl>.l;""ltJOll)
\"QIIIfII\n:rl,,,tI'l>" OldUlull- - .lfonh..
IH'JI j\tJP1!l·Ui.v Imll',"(I'a:~mJl-Sv.;ul)nIQo
11'!I!i Xmll-UioJ hrlld.,.,.((JuimJj - St-;tlunhs
1 .\p' 18'J7 2nd B.ltlitllon UulletUll lIiJ.;IlIOlJlden: rormnt
1~7-9R "Mtll Un.t F~""',,.,.- {:or(!tI1l5
1II'1II "'mml.\uIJIIJt 11;",- .·~.":"n"lh (:;-nM."ron
18'J'J-1W'1 ¥Cfmd fMxr Uilr-IlIIIJlghLlmi rl':lflIllC/lb (Ill(~ \'IJIUllu:er
~1 \H.:C tUllllU-llial
1901l o\"QflJ, W"" ,"'f1Jlltk? {MoNMlHWj - St:..forlh~
Jql< OUlI)N.'~k nl Wof'lll W;wr I

OftliclW'IoI"'2ffld~ ihr pnX'cu or:UrulpnuttiOiI ....'luch n~lllu.lllyntlmltlJucci in lhren:d..
.... lt40.~'" I[j,hlllll:::lll OJr I' iUIl,le :'Ullbh rqciment in 200G ww... ol h..uK Ullt,,', ,.\. the
AliLMMA. Not.- 'IN .,all. '"'tUlo O~ll'\Cl 01 'hc N,1poiMIllC \\.,...... wi,1 h hlJoCIl'l."dlhc 191h}'. J 1/J1\I.1
.. the~ ... u.. .........
oWM. fCo/Ilc)IN UIMI _ _ wtUl of II rl"gubr """"lrnC'nL!! ,,"'Cu' oflici;lll)' rffognvMI 0\-, 1hghl:lflllt!N., lUll

... ,-.
""'"-Ct• ...-un. .. ..mcetln I»· IlUS only Ii\~ oj tlu:m (willi mlo. K1\'fillll lllt' Ann)' UAl for U~ll
)'e"J.r) stili n=hl.lurtllhc ruB ll~ltlJ.t.lll1 drrss~
42:nd (RI)'Ullllghl.lndl Rt1;Im III
78t.h (I hghbJu.I) krgt.llI~nl (KmKlurr UufM
79lh RcHil11CIlI (c...llll"IOIl thM;hhwdcn.)
92m.l Rqcimclll
9~1'd Rr-gim nl
xlh l'('glm('lll - rll 7hl p IIRhl:Wd)
RCSllm::1I1 (ughl InLUlu») - h,ul-Ki\CIl lip iu kdu
un tkilll( com fl".,j tu III liKlu' rule,-
In tHOY. tUll IlI"~tnh("It'(~ Yo"=')
~lm officially
rN"Ogl1r.lNI :L'\:' Ilighl~nd ('QI'(H.
nd "'a!! ,hct',.'ort"
prrmium 10 conulIlIt! W~lIS'" -&Ountt L'od:.m
rM ,JI Rqculliliol) p', ilnJ Lu Ila, pipc::N in
·llIghl'~d f!Mb·
Fl'II"t' or..lla n~gllmmUilmdal~ IWillhr:ll' ktlL'lLD
lB&.:!. bu1 01 lhd.- ClUr 1.I1D; GUilt" aboUI w. lht'
rC1Ult Mill p~n'Lu.lil; de(:i:J:iOI) b).' 111 ~O\"('nllnclll
Ih ...1 11 (Jorder II) en('(\lll':tgto ~ hUllt:erirlg Ir'om
Englw.ll11lJjlJ;l r~imcnLl.:I number ort-hghlaml
UlliLa. ':llihuuhJ d.i~ulIllllU~ IU 'I'1C"ooU' ill [uluJ'c dn~
dl<=:» b)' 'M.'hldi His M..jC~')'30 Rcgh11<=nl30 uf
IIIKhl::mdl!:" ~~ dillingui~hed.·1bl.'1(' -.w:.-r Ihr
7"100 (Hlghl:md) ~mrnl
?SId (I-I~hlliJ,d) Rqitl~n\.
74"1 (llighl.m") R~imcnl
75111 (1IIghbnd) Kq;lmf'n1
I) hil Rqc.iml::1ll
(hMh ,.IU,lIl</:h, :II "jluh
1f"R,HlU'1l1 In ",hkh 1111\ nrdCl"
w. .,Il1plle-d - dl(" ~11111 tUIIU'-"
I'f~ 11 .1"- Ih,,· .m-h HI-j~,I~lt·)
- ,,-~ :II l.o""l.U1d "'~J;11l1t"11I
r.u:w=d ill t79j••,hidl I...d
nl"'f'r ",nUl thl" ~Ih. "11ft II"
IllrlH\I~n m~, Ilwrt"tllrt' h;.~f'
IA·!.:II ... 1Il1~L1lM- lor lilt· 'J3rr,J
H~hl.Uld~·I" 'Ill~ l04U't"r 1I1.1'
Ihu'\ It,l~(' ~'~I)rtl t1 L.lhm~
IhnluGh.1 lmlll(' burt u·r.U1f'
~I-mr. Dc tll,1I ll."- II 11I..1', ",hltC'
Ih~ illl~IHillll or nl.t'killlot IhC'<'
lllllt~ mnrr .lUlo1(lh II!
Lu~ll.!h n::cnUL... \'\~.t... .....-••
In IJ1<:' "-hUll thl" unJcr
In Ill.
",I" fl;C"lItr.llh unpol) ...·hh
III ...~mC'lll~r(m('c:rllN't H\('
vf litem "'till "rtiuollh ICl.lIillCd
IhC' I hKhl.lHlI dt""l)llll.uion. IIV
m.m...... \'Ih •• 1 1111'1....'Ihnir
m.d.e·up; .md mOM SC"I abum
rC'duimiJlK Ihdr ollhh
hC'rltii'j{(' ol1o ...non .. ~ Iht"
N=-pNfflnlr \\;u·... h:v1 rnd('(l
r.. .
.. h1Juu~h l IIOml: It 1l'Il'il.ll ..... lx..
,I IUIl~ .uull"ru"u-.. tlllli;. \Jr U{('...'\.,
II' I ~. ,h... 91~ nbtO\inl-rl
ufnd:ll ~llllrtjnn Inr Ihe
'A'I(\lI~hlr("' title. ",hidl ill
1)I';I4;tl(' il h ..d U14.'(1 for tH;,..n
'."MS', ;Illd In Itrl1i lhr "int!
diu um:: Ocllr.... gUUllIlR both Ihe Lllit" 'DuLe: or .\Jb.uw·.\ U'rII1l Of'Ik«lIMlIilWMliyotlM
lii)chl•• rldC"l'l;·r alld .. '\ull,lbl, wUdliK UlIirl., III III 111..111 h, ",hIt II IIllifllld\ "I.l~~l,

(,()lnbln rI 111~hl:.nd fiH\lh{'r II b!"J,UI 10(, .....· hh rf"d Wliurl'" CIMfh.... ~..-o.. '''''''''' ~'-V c.nnor...
t:rl"'~.J.rd ~llWnlll'C!'\\"'nr I...n.·m 1...fW,l " - n,l' 11 I, lOF.l.n",..lnl,.. fflnllnul'rl
''''' 1II,"1r.. I.!locil II~hl..ulCl ~"ILli' In III " "lill~ (1(l.h 11 llniq"~ II ·.. deL ~~ !fl,..OW """-ratt- ... ~ ..
When the r I...,.rlh~ i1lr..IHI) .. t1.tpted .J.lx-II"-0tlp..'fl dl.lJ.o h,1 ' h,d...,·). wfIIU 11Im IdIMt IIbooUUotr Mh.

Ih" loll(l\\"",d ,\UI1. hili rt'ldln~d Ihd... dl'Ollnf"uomi - ... blllr ('Imh l)Ofh
ntlhc... dlolll bbck rrlt. lhe dicnl wm.l ~lnJlllu.1lhl' OOIlUJII. cmd OJ. 11011.11 81~~aftMUwo
"nctl ft(llvurlc til' tup.
In Arnl l~"\lf. Ihl['" 7hl
were .. l pe:l"Dlillc=d lu
u:pI;t."ll' lhell 1'l.l1U 1J'!,Hl\CUo
",hh l\I.lrLrllllr: I,.n.m
1m\: :md lhl'" nflir-"n ......('H'
illlu'III"Cd the Highl:lnd
, • rr Ilr Ch~lldc='1 pl.,ld .
• lN~q1.t.Ewt,
_ ... ~o..
tQIInorI . . _ .......
- . . . _ _ ........ ao"f .....
~tIl . . ..."",...,
n.'l! 7'.'. ',-..I'\," III,.' I. 1.\1'ld'l;.I1~I~ Il"l;"II"'e,"\l.\....
III):hl.ul(I.. ~ in 'm"t."mhc-I 1~.Jj. 11n:"\ ;uIUI'lrfl ;l
\;nu.lll\ illl"lIllenl U11114frm "'llh ',u-c.tlJ("{II~I1I01U
l.u WI IJ~~ ( .... Ilkh h.t'\o 1~.ilJh 111c olt\t=nlllll:1II
'101:1\ \\llh .1 ",hik {l~l·n.IIip'·I; ;11 Ihl:' o..)1)W Ill1il:'
11JC'~ ;Jl'"qmn."lIlhil"' ,",UIl(" "1~lr ullll.lLo;,t........ nrn h:o
lJl{" 71". r.Jlhn lhlom 111e: [r.llhl("/ 1.t\'IIIWI ~IKJr1cd
b\ II Ie 7:tllll II 'I", 11118"('\('1. 111.\\11'" lYOJ\ d~.u
Ih,lllhl.,.~ ..."cnn,llrltul.lllm Ihl'" r-PJ:iIllt'tU finfllng-
(Illtit'lf"nJ. Ol IT,,""1Il to Ill,nh lht' Itltl:r.trlnll:
'1IU1 (.1;(:( /the Oll~ or \\clltll-';I\JIl] 4..U1uul
~t"\'I' 'JUt "r 11("'11 lh-: I.Il.t th,.1 It 1\ ril'*lltl ~ .,
flLnlfllll lU fUlHlllrlr thl' Ill1lhl;md I(ll"),oillll'Ul!\
aln:;Kl\ un the t...'il;lblt'ilIlJlr'11\ ~ Ihe Au", ",th 01 t"\('t1 .sculI.. h I~' Uib WIU lhl\ ,u.ur: of
lhin"".... h.." u~·ndt'rt'(1 il (.IC("\aJ" n«<""low, II.
C"MC"nd their rnnuullJe to (JIlin ')'1J"\1l uJ lilt" Lnl1l.-'d
hJllfl;dlJlu.:\.\ 1I0\1t'\C'1 lic.'\IlC' :uluucl C.....bhc:'
hokb. ()lIl \••Ill,Kuill4.· 0lM"1 ~li'll1\ n( 1.. ·lnK ","llle III
kt'c1' lip the' ,...,..;,''IIi~hm m nlthr 7'llh 1'1\ mt'.IlI~ nf
It' ~11nnl~ntTin. Olbnd.. lht' Carnnmndl'r In
ClIlt.:'f )l~hh lu lhC' Urtll. t..ultlllfl\ .~ U1iUltn
Ulltlt'l 1I'.11 11,-",1(1. bUl\\.llh 11K' dJIe,"t:! ul\d"'N.lIl(/ill~

Ofl....... u..l':rtMI
iltllc;fUJ1I e.nrtodI HUrMcaI
~ CIDPitolJ from UII' "U.iMon
(If!'WllNOl! { _ .... 7] .1'"
rwo 6ffteM'1 nw\1lOOMtI.

7.u..H~ tuo., ' -
RIcl'IM1lI CMftotI"I HimIIfUJI
tM CWIM/ffII Nl~·\ftt «lICUloMd

Int"'.... tlnv lip.... thIII' p'p-.
Cumllfoe ,",*,1,It '-'0"'"
-m. rMI -.1.-. INt. PMrrw

tll.l.' huukJ lIK"1I OfJe"CLlUUfn. IX" lh....IPltHUUL't1. thr o;pL·t.b("IIL~ rt':VlnNIIO
hi Ihf' ('.lI~.:if II... utll" ltl); 1q....lI1rnb \innLlrk C1JLUIll\WJlct.. ..l. ""'l.lJ
No r~nl'fl In in lht', I r .h.. 71th Rej;II1W"nl, Ih.. l 11. rfTk-kl1'" hr
flUlnhrn II1llS1 1'r l1uim::l.l.nrr' fn~m llmt'"' llll'ol" l", tl'k flit", r "'1{':l1l'
,dlutled ll,'l iI !Jut ifw.l~r"'''lblt: ........' , hUJIIt~ l~ .. ILulled 11\ dlC' nnuom.
01 115. 0\ll,'f1 fn"nllllng P;U1.~
~ II luppenr.d. I..ICnl Cr.lbbr ll'h Ih f'1!."l.lnt'1lI JII'\I ,J mnnlh", '('k 001 hl~ $U( ~I. 'Jod: Fun.hcr. lIM)L WdIiIlRlOIl', Iw.lll1oniunn
'>C'1'"\ ~uu ..h ind("fll. "no Oli ~I)t oint Itl.ll~ ~1,,('J,..i, rem mb<:l~
'\\11,." (.nlMl.t'1 f-nr(h'r(' jl)ln('lt Ihlt' ;41h ~, \I.dJor. dill=' "-l.'lnh:!I1t
hold u:a:nth Ix; n rlt<lt"d.4 I h~hLlUd Corp:\" .md ... hen he ool;llllro hLII
l.InllCl'oInl ~)Iull k' "llId 1hC' ~UlIIll"U1" urthC' ~lIllClIL. lu Il 111m
.11n11 S(oll,--\h lAlfll'. hI" g..\r;:.t por~i(1II uUI of III.. pt.J(J,rlllj ",11 0.(11
rrc:nJl~ Jotmns... Soan of thr rt' nll~ ht' gOt "t"n" nor of Iht' mn:q
Kcrlil18 s.lufT_ dllt' frrruitinK p:arUo kidn!lPlliIlg wl\-.hinK Sm[l!'h IItn'
ould );(1 th Ir han(li UPO" ..1)0411 Ih r l"tJlllin , .!.ut/i0''Io VI 1)('lcl Ct~dl'l.
GIOl.."'&\JW lbuth th ""'-'1
lI."t'Tt:' nntllrluu!lo dnnLmg drm.,:
Pcrhllpt'l1lJl u'JlfuiJlfth. lhC',~ l'<l!i Ilu:'n !KIfllrthll1K ur II. hr;lIw In thr
~~ "- r"oc~" III l8iJl II.c i ld 11Ild 75lh Urr.llUC' 11)C' 'Pc-Ilhshirl:"' ll.m.l
irll .... OrI
liWI .....
f*'IUIO" 'Slirllng'{hin" r gfm"nl I'f'''p''''''lhrl,,: ~II ,h~'\t' 1111(" - .. hh~llll:h
R"flrcling lhri..-ncu-,(orgOlu'n nngtn _ lilO HOI ron(t'f I hghbnd ~;ml
~UtId,.~r. Jlnd dl Ull" (IMnK~ tv th i, Ulli(UI In,) lit:; til· dddllJUII y( dn:ni lMml
. . . . . . -.11-",,_ ro.. thtolr r(......-g~ ~I" ",hilt" th~ 1)r1'krn uftJu: 1!i,d "crr.J.1w pellllill~c.I
................ ,....,IMftGle to pbcr Ihe :trilL' ut I'enh on lht"tr '3pJlolmln nl~' •
........... ~ 7 in_

Fut.tlh. 1lV"l'C',"1. on 3 ,\I." 18M. lhr UI I (..~-1b1l1frJ H.q;unMll
. . . . . . . 7'1fl .....
t"M .. l)I:"CdJlll:: thr 91\1 ~1I",ia' lIiJ.thl.mckn. 1114=' th.ull(t' io lilJt' "'lU
,..,..,.~ 7'1iII1fICII :it Juhllr "'nr, hUl II ~ ~Umcl("nllr,jlh(i(\ th.. ,l(lnl)don orC..-mpbr-ll ()(

..tlv..- LLl~1 lr~~ (WCrluucut Jell ",Ih In! .U1d IIghl b1u~ 0'.....-..
l'I)n) lJ').;all f.Ul .uul ..
iJl........II.IoJf1flulllh.d, "I.dr.......
llJ..r 111':'1 "''nm h\ Ih 7hl
;t.lld i lin t"hghbndtT".

LocaU ••UOfl and

TIIC= lIot ,l1li"'I.htJKC=lhrr
IIlOft' ""NIlIO(.II)' \trp;1I 1I1l'
l'"\'Ohllinn of Ihf" IllJ,rhL''lUtl
rq{iDlntIS aIJ'W" in I Ri2,
""llh lh(' Itlltudu ,iflll r.en
nl1\--"'"lfl... IW:hL'mr Cdl!t'd
In 1820. ({,IIU1.d.IIK Lhr
'::tpol eml \\';;11'. Cr.. . a.
f'm;dn h:td hN:'fl dh11tMi
UII into ... 1I01ll1x, or
f('("'nlllil1K dl u'j'b, olCh
"'I.h 1'--11 0'1'1'"11 1I1j,p"'nlll~
o[fi(cn: bUI ~H fim: nn
1:tt14='lfIpl "".1.\ lIh1de:' to link,.
ugilll .. nh perm:.).nend'
.0 ,,~th 1.••1.1 tiwJr.-r "Ii lncu.
....... """'-r....-..
..... Uon to ~~. fWl
................... - 0 -

. . . tI'Ie . . . . . . . . .
~ ~ ....... .,1ltIII
.. ..,...,..,.211II.

'de~pftt' 1I1~ I":uhcr hopeful :a.UoCl.Iion of C"OIIIH~' th..lo to .wme £JIRI~h

1..-gIHlC'II1>..." lunS -'KU lIS Ii .. ), Ill~ ~d the- Urilhh \nm''\ ",~lOl("nl$
It''m:.Jnro r~ hJ t\"(fUlI.ll\\.... hc-fC th 'pll:,l~, \!t.ilh(wlll"f'ptd t lJ ~
titlCll; not ulIl~ 'Ad!. 111 whole 0.1 ~otbnd de: g11dtnl a:t. d iug,I~', orth
BriUlih' dn..riu. but Engh.ill UlUb til.... holplX"nJ lu be I.UNnnlllv,tJl
The hn.m 1151 bill .... Of
of til bortl.("r w I"eju~~; IIkek If) ftc1'uh (hl['~ a C"I~'" "'
-.--1MUCft ItnIoIICIfl
Gi~f'n Ih~ ... d gt"o"'G"--ph I ~ 01 thr- lUlh amidl Illurkt. tI'Ie~ 1IMI
II "l'Io.a. my,tuprwllgk, further dMdaJ mlu (" ",_.b-<Iisul b luxd vn ~-.dMldlMlnlWWilllll~

'&Jillbtll1(h. CI""Jol,\1W'. Pc,th. Im:fJl ;,Iud ~«,n 01\ ;ag;lin. ... .. wu.."-"' _
h.-"'C' ..r. Ihl." "~rUhl1lrtu "r 111"0 "';thin dl~ dl~tnns ",~.u;l VlRlniIoh.u . , .. IfM il;k.
till Mt::toll;ur. flit" l':Q3hll,hmf'R1 or IIK'III tk!l 'A"M further hlUl1pt".. rct: fiBl!v ... lIoJ'---....e--une

by i.h~ foci th..u throughout I.he. fil~ hillf ur thr. 191.h CI:lItUl")' ..II . . . ......, ....... r.urw-U'IM
otlhC' lI1~hl. nd l'q;:llll('l1t'1iW(n" in" ri... ~~. d n...,Hn Ir",,1: I"jl'h,hm fl~1 "'IIiUfI,~.......
-e.entng ~bro.:ld: ;md "'C" nl"ldl) n, Ih. ~onU::lnl nerd 10 bring
rcgtlll~l~ up to .lotTC.Il lh ax-ron: gUII18
...b1wd. by <.Inuti118 ill n)t:1I rl\l'lII \.Ithct
mlil.'\, \\11 n('\~ Pfr«lhl~. of n;l1ll'Y. Ihi"'it"
dra!~ \o!,'~rr CIoken fmln och~r Hqchland
rcgillu:n btu it .. ~ 1M 1;11....-01\.... pltKliQ.l
1(11 dQ Ioi'). Un tJ I ~ O\ubr"e.n. of ,h Crin'l(".Oln
\\l;(r rnml. of dl lII~n in thif:' trlnd depot
\ulunln=n.-u inlo lhe .2nd and lJlr. 79th.
I'ut lh(" )1", "II.II:' t:Ulllpout~ .)f lh,. Iq(Jtur;"1U
:u Gibr.llm... ", 'SIrippt"t'llo:l h:,N' r.:wllV" in
ortil"rlo fill otlllh" r.rnbnrlhrrr ·...nIf:Ii~h·
fq,lilllIl;'Ub.. TIl" VloK~t" I,..b\:iowh C"C'dlc-d
gt ;u dillle"tlili Iv" Ih~ Ullil" being
1D11icd 01 thc:11" Ix:g llH"1I - ~Wlr lr!.ha
~)O\"(' ;u,
.."'t'r~ "u~lucndv unlc:ral 10
.,.........,t .. the~~ llDlfing ""'::I~ n"l~' •• ~h(\r1'lt"rm .....huu;m lit1 111 plol)klll, :Inti .,~ lh.,..

~'"'w'MOI tnJlIC...l \\'.... t ' ) r••li,ut"(l :m t':ll,IKIIllU'.HI .... ol..-... lnro uf gt'OLlplIlg Ih.. clrp:tl

~ ....
tf"I okIlGotthn ~ _ of

(tIlnp.UUl'A hJ1ol:l'lh.., mlo lklJUl R.~u,J,IIOIl" n l r InICUlJUll \o\.l-~ Lb..llthell
..-....-ruh~ \1o\JuhlllwJI-t.1') ~ IJllllllffi. 0'IJl{1 '\01"'"
10 ""hl(hc\(", urlhl" IMtCOnl
llllh~ ft"f1ult'r'd 11.,.111, I~ll'\. 'l\""1fUn~ tht" nffd 10 .ho;lh ml"" fmfl1 olh':f
Ulill-'!, TIlljo llHM.R"IOOll prU\ro ~llU~~~rUJ. Fur c~ulJpk. III 1003 l.hc
MIII~~"'''' bconl n Ik-IJOI B..IU.lhull .......... ~ 'l-' '.. rl'l:l: lUlil" "QUlp1 ~1l1~ c.:UltllJ:ll'lc.'"
from .ill (If Ill... 11lK,llI;Ulll rl1;im"-n!'\ 1t"X(l'PI Ih... ;'11h

i IIlU. lhe NtWIor ~ llUicor"l.l"I"rl.IIlI, ""IUlJ;h, m::h Ia~r- dt'llOU ",,-ru' lolltul In 1)(" IW10lh
. .1bIIen " ' - tIloII CM1NNII ll",~iel.h unll dlmL-uh 10 lICllllllllt(-.du.r CollJCqllClllJ~ in 1 7n a nM""
e.n.dl. . . . by ,'- T~ .,,"tt"m 1'( p,)hln~ "'il~ IlHrt... llIor~ ..... hetdJl, the depot Il:vmp.l:ulp vr
~1lI...,,1Nf1M1Ing ~nK1Mx\ll;lIL(\n r"Ghth~r.L.. ."r\1ng M(lrv~'\. \;.(·rt' ;Hl"u::hl.'(1 to l'jilltr:
.. Dw""-"'~ (hOcR"1lI rql;lll1t"liU, M"'nlng .Il hOIllC'. ",'illl ..lie llHl'llUUn lh,;u 'hl" hll'il
l~illl\"'ll \o\onld lX' flnllll lill~ lU plU"id\" oUl) l.11idilltmoll n:lnfurcCllll'lU
t:!rah--, _-\llht ,Im('. rIJft:''i:JlI1plt'.lhr 7 Ih 1-II~hl..ul,Il"I("rlt""Iulhmcrl in
C".antld.1.. hill Iht'lr d"fl('lr rnlnpan!t"j, ""rm Ul Illr f).'1nt I n~!Ib"tl.i N "II
lX"rdct=n: "\lmililrl) rhr- 79111, 'ulI,iuntd 10 Illdill, tUld Ihf"11'i. lIl{uh""d
r llle 4~nd ,:u Idr:t'hut" .-\lIhNI 'h illll-"h.,l ~tl:l) fO,-fIr,.utl. nu I)IIC' ~c=n",
10 h;nc 111r'I"n pdllinJl"lrI.. h"lflln wllh ,hl'W' "lndngt"ll1i'nh, '1inc(' lilt"' ~11Il
led lU Ihl· d.-alung 01 lOrn frum 11,1:' K'r\"Ic-r 1:0111p.;trUr~ ok lhl" homt'
u,.~imC'llL III ful~ Ul72 Ilmrll •.K, 'i\~.~ 'Ioupct-...rt.lro b..' Echl,o;ml (;.lHhn:U'..
'I nnlll"" I nn' ~helnt

C.rdw.lI. $'.nl••• nd, 1812-81

l.'nd~1 lhi.. n~ .chcniC' IHJ r~ r thim 70 h,r",mr 1~1l11C'nI.olJ I\\lu.
d1vrin'\ \\'f"r(' fnrm fI lhlOllll:hOll1 {;rral Urlr.J1n, N(h lI)ror~r("'nl1: ..
I:nlIlH\' 01' grnuJ) 01 rmnuu''li ~llpp0!ilt'dl\ rUlH:llnlnj; 3 liiulfirkml) l;a"X""
pupuLtLlolI 10 ..m.liIin 1\l;0 ooUnlfolU. The 25 mm:1 ~niar '"9PmcnUi
alrt' d\ (' mpriJed tj"O b;utuJIM~, no'" the ollu:n., Indndlu/o; .Ill the
Iltghhmu rcg-UJIl"IlI..!l. 'I'ln~ linked mlU fldll"'l" !Ilh'lnn~ otpllU "Urig;u.lf'
\)q.Klt' FUI HLM.llllt". ~O~,~ ub-J)l.\lIlU ('umprL"("d
lIn' 'IJUIltit'" or II1\Mnt'~. l'.cul. ~"'lrJl. Ru~ .Old
Cl<llll,ut\. ")Ulht·rl.uul "nd < \, 1',,",C'lhc-r "'1111
llh' Urlru"\ .lnd 'h('!I;mft hl-m(h; "I th", ...-girtn ."' ..
.t.lJOllrt.l fur IrtHlIllllM V\utJ'IM-'" (0 ,lit' 1"'1 .lJld i Ih
I '~hl,Uldt'l 'n1(' 1\1l).,r,tttl" Dt<I,.)1 1,\.,,, nl••hlh.h ....d
oil fnn'. Ant ni"r: • nd In ,uldidnl1 10 lhl"
141llr depol ~mnr).,... ni" hclnnJtiuK 10 Ihr IWO rClol"br
I('JI(lnl('llI", II nl\.ludcd Ihe h .tllqulut I" OIl1d
pt'1111.u1~1U .. wjr nUl ollh uf th", h<.t.l ~liltu"" llllll",
hUlIIIl.' Mdl \nhuUlnl);1I1.11LOn'" .. ", .. II (-.rr hrIO\\).
'lr.;o IjU()lIf:'. """" lht' L.umu'll Whl-'111C" III pbtC" ;lud
~II to 1.Jr -.UIIJU\.t - .tll....h nOI I.'1lurt'h 10 Iht' liliJl)t
or ~)"l(' of Ihn-.e tvm toed - "t)('tl in lfiii r] nN
(l'I'Ulh, ~1lR8"(liol1 ....--:1 In:-c'I M Ih,. '''1111",
C.olllllllllt1:' ,h... l 11K: pi ~ ouglll tu bt' ..tJ..t'11 Iu iu
1t~lr,ll (UIlI' 11NUIl 'n"" n:llllmlll~ "1~Nt'lllh,;j1 ,I...
If ,I hntr-trll No h."nt'f"lorth """." d a, hili' ~n'Wn,.
~uch rqcimt'1l1 l....... ullllC II 1('rt'h.n1i::11 dNRtl:lI'on: duo
Lil\c IJ.llWtlHIl) tx-i111t "'0: 1 ~ .lIId 2'lId: 11K' 'hllti..
1}.I\t.t!i.llh th(' :\rd,md oIlh',

HIoPtI..-oree!-u. ...,..
. . . . 1D . . . . 1IlM"......

_.,........ .. _~to~

dI4....,_~ll ..
;.n.m tIrd "'- , lUolI. TIw
tl28 (M'I,...., .. wtW.....t wfUI
MIghIMIG unlfomt ~ IIIUW


_ _ _ .-nL - . . - . ..... iICl

Wolf - . - . ' 'C"-r-'.
. . . . ~...tkw
OrvmrMr'IMid ~-.MIl

~Iau~ 13
LIldcr ..hI:' ~".U11q proJJOSt.I til<' 12nd and m.J1 Ill'J(hl.mdcl bod. DPP08IIl: . . . . . . . . ~
u.v..-nt..cokwMl a..c......
ur ~h.ith \<,'t.'lt' R~.d 'titUJ1t'Ub (lhe' 19lh ''''''111)( IJcot;Ulll~' ltlt' QuC"eIl'~
~11' .... 11 111J?1tI.mdt:« In 1K7'). ""'1(" III lw.ClIIl.. llu· 'nb,.L. \\'.luh 00f-.'I~1I'l1 .. _
and Camrmn RO\~lllit:hlanri Rrgtrnrnl (,luN"n'. (:h\l1r, "'lh:, dt"POI :u .1NI1k"'*", ""-1liOfVWt.
11(,llh. II 1IlC r~
of II lhi~ ~ " .. N,..a.¥.hd'vt 'IOi.utl cmM'Kh pt'os:",NI• .................... ir1
but ...1 tin:' IlAmihon Ot'pc'tI in LUl.aI .....·ltil the' ~t.1l1l1l{hh 101M ~ TM !MaIO bn:IocJ\ ..
'.11'1h (C.... mrmnl;m) K'lttmcm 'IOi-a.-, 'iup~I"" 10 be- pnnl "'1h lhr eft__ ~""""""_l'"
...... lfte~, ............
7 Itll I-hghbuukn.. to lonn lhf' 'uunnullun I hghland Rq(unclll"; "hut'
thr 73rtlllm! 90th Rq(1mtltl\ wc:rC' t..lLh 10 ~ llleir ohtinx. Pt·n..h~tifr ~""""on,,",~
IhlM tn b«oOW' ~n1~lh nit ,.IINt the"" 'RO)",' I,O\n:'l'L.qlil't' U5thl 'nf,lnt'" .... ltIMrIucI"..- . . '1Ul
I ronnm rU..lll\'. It 'IOi'=' Pffl~~ Ih:u 21 FOri (;.rnl"Jtf' ltlt' 71 l.:lonrl ......... NMI..,.. ...
'; dl lumltl be: (unnil.ll, t:lHubmcd "" ill(, '111\t'. II .anti Ron Rqr;ul1clIl ..., .. ~ l I n n...
,..... ..... ~'"-o-- ......
lHiJ\hl~.nd t~hIIMiUlU~'l·._ll1k ott Sllrltn~ Ih(' 7ZlId ....od 91'>l ""("It' 10
~MtI'- .....
brmmr!' Ill" 'Arg)Il'\hlrl" Rcglm('OI', flrLllh. lhl" 9"ll1d anti O:'lrd hQUld br
rcolidC'·t! lh~ 'Gordun and SUlhl"rbnd HIghbud Kt~gllnt'"IIl·. tnV'd :u
bcn.lecll, ~fi~nj( (rol11 dlC'X' p,vpcl\;ih ~lU ...he 151h F<Kil.. ~hic.h
d6pilC' its :WOPOOI~ Oflht' "){irling,hll"(' 111.1.. in 1k62 "'~I..' Mill wn~l(I('mt

~ 11IM MfIIN NCOt. c.rMcI

tt..w ~

MIq ~• • 1Ihown
'--o1lllKlo tt.rora.p Ii UWII
~ UMd W..,."
. . .tllI lluff~.

~ ........
-.... ew .. HCo.. ,..... .aNt


_~_ ..
~WMlo., ........

0f'P0$I'T'f 0lIklw -"-.....t..

CMt1OWl'I ~ IfIOO.

~Md . . . CNl


INI" tIIid M o..ver-.


1'fCo. . . . ~ ........
OfIoltliW~ .....,."
-.....a- UDIb.,....,. _ . - - ,
t-.....w- __ ..
ufnrl"'OIh ~'Jlj,tll\h ..I I1d' Illtl(" 1(1 be' primed
"i,t! lht· "llh ~, I. "'nrl lI11f I I dr(l(ll ...1
Out h Le, III 'oUII'fI\ '" [)onel.
fll1m .. "'r....bLoil 1IU1Il\ ul 'I~ Cul SWII'C")·•
..-("cOIllInrndtulon" h. rl vunC" Incorh ahhnllgh
mmt or thc p«!.in"t d titJn "'('t'C r.l.lhrr I.ftn ,.llIm,\,
I(~ ~lll \/lId!> .,,(';«1 .... 'C'p'.. lll.. C'. \t tHhd ".
",h('On 'h.. ht"l11r "J\ m (Ie !'t':1JII", b\ hi""
.. U....OM)l ." ~CI""'\ nl 1.111' rot'" \\M. Ilugh
ChiJd"T:o. III I, I••m ("ll1l1rh dJlTarUl an of
p.urluX\ _.;)hlr .molll - ~ ~ dh{,,(1 '1("'0[111 uf lhr
Inlr·.modgf"nt'1.' nf ,h i'hh IlIghl.1ntt,""
TI1C t1nd :and th,. 7!J1h h •.d htrn dn h' m.o ~
cio\lC'd rOt 'i',)lIlC Om('. "..,d \ Roul rqriUlcn
IMII' ~ .,m.tlhr;t,nI.. ltOn \1Il<k'r thco origin..)
c.ard~dl /lCh"lIK" much 10 ..-nommrnd u; bul
1I~ ..mUn" point lu..-nm 001 10 ~ the bJ"tm In
nli('iJ Imn Qr thco pr<'Ip(l'!OM ~~oon, rm I~t Ih .\djllanl C",.n 1":'1 rnq""'t"d
Un ldq(14fJlt) uf thC' 79t.h. if Ihe" \III~ 10 be
pconn';U1C'IIlI\ tu thC' 12nd. '\liill Wlil
Kll'g1mrm ;adopt: r.arun or 42nd Rrgimrm.. UnLNI
R'Kuncn~ nunl "C'
r QJllC" U,J1;Ul: hom thr
'el.llhe ~rf) ufCitJlf"alIM.lhe fnlXlUXO (otp-in bt'
ft'~ph) ....,.. ;In Immcrlii.'U(' n;al"l.1: ' '0-
Thr Co ~n HiRhbndf"" \o-ill tWll'd('lPI 04~nd Clrt1n: h('n th~ (4tobc
Sut:,ct, uf h,,\'"1''' "I'fil)'I.q(n1 Iv KCI ludf Jm-ul\~ III Ihe llullcr-. lind
a thoruuKhl\ h;ar.L~1 (:tlikkn \ul~lIC"llh (fJrnlllaillNI 10 III.. IIUlM'
ol (Aunmt')I\'! tl';tl ~ I hr o4Ul\h rrgUl1t'nl' r qUhT p',nlf'ubor 'rt'Uill'l\fnl~
'illlllC 'llOliJ nl' oIUnUllilq mJ~on('"rlltIH", "ppnr '0 obi abum pnit-cu
'\fTd1in~ 11w:nl ,,,HI lh('ir' untft\tm' w.M,..h lle'lo r ntc-r«l 1m- mind:
\\n ~ltI. 11M" \t~Jt'Q\ htnt-If. _hfl hlt(! a p.lnK"llbr :tltinl') t r- the
lqj:lIllt::llt• .;Wo tooL all unhelpful 11111"1"01 In
Ihe ." .,owb.•md VI,,-h h('1 oKU''C' wIlPOn lhe
(~rrH'mo~ .... f·UIUJlh ..... ' hOlh thdr'
11Id""prml,..I1,... luui IIl, m...mll. In 'In dnlng
lht.") sel ill Ir.,in 01 COluplc.·x lUlU kllllrlim~ C:Of'"
frC;'l\ 1"'\1.11 hl,ln ur h,Ul$C
hN. III ..:lnd ... ,·rr m I fl JnHH'd ...'tth lhe
7SI'tI (Ile1 tJulllrcl Rq;lIl1rlll tu bttullIe lht" Bbc::k
W.lrrh Ou paper lIl!) ""~.»(tllhr ~tl1JbpiJro fuU'lF:'.
rnr nhhollgh nn InnJt(,f' a R~'al rcogtm~ru, nor
c=\rn ill lliRhbnd nn (bdng prrdoRlin::mIl'
En~Ii.~1 in rompoooilion). tllC i~rd h.-d vrigir~lh'
bt_ n ~."I"d :. crl1lun (")f1l r. In litIl, lh~
'2 12nd. I tm lli auirkM>-..n lo O\"1."f'CDlDC :Ill
ml'K"ltlM! ",bout the \uuOn. ;and 1l1C"oUII l!1..t ib
flri~in.11im"ml...t1 pou UlL'r. ,h,. 901h. ""'d~
rnmbmrd II1MI·:.d wuh lh~ ~'6th tOOl :l! In
Camnonwu t ouhh Rinn) Thi.~ in IUrn mcIlnt
Ih~u J n~ polftn t \lob now rrqllll'e-c:t for the 7 hh;
Ih., M::rcJUlI1nllll-Oitad 1" lhl: 71 to Jonl1 lilt:' HI
l-hlthLlIld uJ,(hl InrllHlJ' - ol-lIft"ph tllll"'V"l.u tnlJ'It; i'nthcl h,dl.lllull
1('11.111\ ..lliml' j'~1 III' '>lh", ••lml l)l>th hollkll' l_~'nl\ I bt'lnll, t'l,N,'"I1 t
II;unlltun. UUI\ulc G1zt'Kt'M, r.uht·f Ih.m III .. III hl~utl,u".I.
OUlhe! "lIlt'1 hWIIlJ. lIfI ,11 FUll {1l."'U1)1.C' tJl(' 78(11 '1~t'rl' tllt'll lU1l1!Jllll"t1
Mlh lht 7:Jn.1. .ilut ~il'u.o holh h.ul.lllulI" h.,d ""!,,n.ll" ht·tll r.ll,.... t
~ .'IM ...
kwUI I..", 4di.flrrl'n1. \1.u-kt'nll \ nr f nh 'hM '1Hiu,' naUlr:.lllt lIlId hallrul,
Lrt.uu..: tin: 'ioroll(tllih 1-lllCllt.u14\ l~ "''''tll~ 111(" ;'!nrl ("111I ~trl1n.llllwll
nlf-.tnt tll.U .1 flt"ll p.Hlnrr' '-.l'I rrqulI__ ,1 hl( lilt' 1)1.1. to lht' ll:'rd

tlrTr hrought dU,.,11 Imm \lJ,l7ldt.·..n. 10 rnlll "uh 111\'111 ...... Ihl" \ .....,,11
TtI!ITttorW 1I*t.1MlOft .. 1M ,'lid "'itl1ht't1,1111,1 IhH,"I'. nil' lef' ,h~ !.J:!nd lu 11\" fSoUit'd il'I,'h tin,'

~~c..t .... pltf'lomill.nuh I ngll~h 7!hh 1(1 filnn lh.. Gurdun III ·1d.ln ....·.\,
MafWdctay.""lIBfew OlJki:l1h. Ihl' tong·hrr.a.tdNl .1fn:;IIg~ll;1unn loW.. ('If rl un I Juh

...... .........
e...~~ u.t-d:
1 I TIlt' 1l11."";IJll'l t:'\cllinlot the ufficr-t" of liu:' 9'~nd ht'ld '" "" ..le.
~ 1"1IImln=tIIIlR:;'IT 111111t\iJ:hr "'lIh:l tlj'",)'l);'I1 '" 11\ I'll"("h-II, h1l\( ~I prl~( ...,Inl).
~,," .. ntOfMnft.~.
~ _ _ .~ln.tibo~ :md. thr huri:tl 01 ~ IUn::!1I nMlin ('n-nr:::umnR .1 mp rnttlur btr.rnnR tht"
1ftIktt~,.... tHlll,L-:..- 9"1. "'\Q.I 1ll1l'lliu~ it ",'~' di\l;Q\dnl to Mcut'"r..llillltl....I1lC1I. Ih..!l

.. ---.~

MIdMn"'CioIIf!OlltC1'-~ 111t" cullin h;rd hi'cn f'.xhnmL'tl. ";1.nd "un:~ h.KI hr('Tl .Mlrlf'd to lh~ Illg
wtrl' dIe' I1Lnnbc:ol~ 'Imd no dC'K! \"d'. h W4' ;;1.11 uld l~imell..a1 jukc:o.lHn
.. 1)lullhrli. l.IIl' Q\lillf:' (1I1orldt'IIl.llh. f:\ (~mIlIMII\ IIr lilt" nih h;ttl .Iho
..., ..... In.....' * G I ~
....... .....-tnllwNI' . . . . . . . htld .. Rlae'L Iunn:ll Ih.1! nighl. :Illd ("\ II t'rt"nfl-d :a Jtr.1H·..Uli\(' In th,.
1ntMt...-.IlI~tuII~ flori.m .. liDO ";11 \t..ll;I, ""hh th~ imuiplion:

11m I...... l/w f-." ./,1 \" ...",,,, , ,'I~
U"',lu,dnr.. .,f,"'uh't1J<t1t1
IAn'IJ nWIf(Q'" "' Jull artJ Iww
, k",HI'If' "'~"""'tMI!
"or" 'N "d"~1'"f"t*'Ir
n.. "''"',At- . . ."",ftJ.
'.J n" 'Iw \"Irl\./~I'

\1 fil~ ..,
Itt It 11l~ht h..t,~ II,"",IC' 11l'JIC' "C1l~
III Ir,ur Ihr Uit'-d .1I \hrUlrrll, til nd
the- 1!uh 10 "'lurhnl( Rlher Ih,m lur"lIJ~ II
inlo .. Hi ·hl..lUd rrxil11CIII (01 II _-" plrtknlli
n-"nlh r nlltNt anll kod '" tll~h""rN'n: .u
(>T no. oUlerr mllttk ('nmmtnlC"rl•• hrtr
\UII"<1IUC111 "1'VC..,JJ.t.(" iu}",J .\IIl ..... UK" utJ.t«t.;(
mllrb utrmmnlf ' .... rnh..l 'hi' IWunJW
;anWJroU1UlIun IUrnnt out In he .. con PWUOlL~
~lM.c.~,,"1I1 IIl1r I h"ulI in o( the Cunl'lII
Jlijthl.lntlrr... rom nlll.,... lh hc,,:in 'lithh .h"
Dilin nf Ibt- lJ:lnrl (or lUnd, Ih Ih«On \illeR')
"' Ii'..... .u,d ",Iuk the- 11M mflr ;j~ h
gDoou..h ,lit "'fl(..-I~ '('d
I" h..:t\ been"" itWl
rt.·)tIUICI1I. comp;u4lU\"'I,h lmJr Ijo n-c-mdrd 01 1IICU·

.... ....,.......
. . . . . . . . U.*-1AW11IIa
tI«'Cb pnUf 10 lhl' ~m;'ll OUll.olllQII.


........... .,..,...........

-..-r--.n .


rn- ...
....... -...c..............
-*~ ...
t .... n.. ......

..,. ---.... ..... .....

Th,... ~Ulpn~n'1J1: rr,.,lm........ t~r ,hi' 7;,h
'IIrUI1Jt..hl · l(l i"nlhr:w-o' ,..1 khtllt'llt',lMrdl, lh.'
cd,u, 01 IIIKhl.uld It"Klll1t"1I1 '1'1.0 \\IIIIJlt,h uf
llit· ~Illu(: PllN;II;"'~ Thf' llll1(I.:" ~h"lHl' III .....
Imal \t"f'\mn - 'f~m I .lllrU"r en....·lul ["on~UI&lIlOn
..... illt lhil" Cumlfl.ounJinJ,l OflicCI nr lhf:' "KutCh
Rc'):.iri)ot'nl~ ,ulll ~I)t'd,d (t)l.lul lit thil" \lnlll)C
t("dHl mt'ft.-UntO tl' _ht 1I,I"n (11 ",trit)lI rl:m..
Ill' lh't"ll 'IK~l'" 00\.1111\ , "",clli loU" hCHiud 111':1
bUltoolUU.illil 1"Il\I,'I1IClltll'. Tll~ 1~1e'le,'((' lli .........
r.LIh·d 'd.w' l;'lrl;J,II'\ '\lhI.... ~ 110\'10 IhamllJlhh
lMmlxHulC"d Cluhlcf"li h~d br.'fI b\ lIu~ ..turn1 ur
plftlC'1 (.Kl..urnpomicd I" mi\ChiC'\"UIIS HlIllIJUI'\,
{Ir .) prflpn,<tI lltli\(','\,,1 'C'hiMt'" ,.. r'.1n1
l"ltlm:itolf.'h", 110\\,."", Ih,. rr'>;1l1t or
all Ihl
I ,llUmill.K "" ..... 1I1.l1 elll(h l.f lhe l.lhed J.:gimcoL"
In lhr nllnhrrn 11('1:101\ h"llh Ih,. "'iCr'IIUm or
Ill(· Md..:;l,..,' (';"lflrmm) ""'a.~ IHJ\\ p;1ilt:'d ....,1..11 II
Iluu·lJ1,('(1 UUt' \\1Ii... "0/$ mOlt'. irrMpt:'fUl" ur
wol"r1" In rh(' Unt", In ""'('1'\ ,~II l.l: .... Ih
unifonl1_::mcllo:l "f'~ LUll" t')(h"nllh klrnn,,·-
v Ih· ihl'll IMIL.1111Ul 'hloll "'''" iKluPh:d in il'
lI."nlil('l\ b' lht-' new ~ill1('nl (II.., dOHhl 1ft rll'l'
grrou ,.,Ut.oJ,lCUOU 01 Lhl" l-;';u:~hr :-.on"l}).
(.ull\l"I~11t all Lht ll;tm.tJlun IkIKJI lllCOn" I'I"~
1111 ~lIch hlolPI.J\ uWI~I"lh.l') bt'.""ff11 the (....·0
1);41mlillm, of 11If' n""", Ilighbl1fl II~t.. Inr::uur)·.
fur "'VillI; till! IhC\ poilHct.lh i~lltJIcd 4;J.l.h uLJI~I.
;lIld'l/11IJ~I.lIpm.u't1~ r I 11t'(lh>,th ~."'
11\\, Nih IIllulllli", '....·rt' ·~mt.)d f1fl\l;n' -riLwndffi
~.1Mlt Mf9NtIIo. ~ III 19-17, In f.w::l 14 \\.I.!ll1UI unlil HlO6, .. full ~ \roan. .JR'.. lin:: 1II11...lH,d-
1Il.MJow.t~-'rl""''' 1l1ol.lnll ow.t\ Irlll)!; th",l ,I 1('~lm,.l1l.iI tUlIllIlIlIC'C" ~., .. Iin.lll) "ll)ll!' III
e.t0ll WoodvtIe; IIh.r _

lI~rf'I' on h.lrmnnl;,(nl!: thl:' "m ~lltlH'(~ln~h I1rrr.. rll'nl tlrt'''-'' :ltui
II*"'d ordn IIIlIII odn 0IMr
illJI)llinmWnD of lhe [!oil'" b:IIU1limu_

~UwIy. N&b 1M ~

rtw.o DOIM at "'* ".... ftI

, Valunl •• r,
III 'I." 185'(1 lll,," gu",::nullcHI h;ld, ot louch n:!un;ulll)', glH:n olliot:ial
.....lIl1.dou h.. lh... (.. i~il'~ (tr Rill \'uIWll'-'C'1 ,"u'IJ\. IUtcmlcod rl'( ltt(,u
dl!tl'l1c III "IlIpp'l)l"I or lh(' n ,lr-tnnrUlIlnrl \WIII;! Inhl~ll) hllh" mo.....
IllllIIl);]uiDlJatlh ;ndlllni !lhOOUIIA: rlull', Ihl"'W' \·oltffil f"n.fJui(,kJ).Jtrt."'Mo
11110 1.1 J:t'lIl1lllc" IJI('pu11ll u ... tk,m;;d tIkI"! menL ,. fi,-"l .1",11 l;VI"p'\ "'"
In 11t't'1 311 Irlflql('''~(·'U ('nmp~n~·. hill ,,"rh 'h':\'" Ih.~ r.:lpid gtfMIh rol
III - 111'-"1;'1111;111 t1ldt ..II "Lm«::1 n U tlllldJ, .. pp.t'cIOltcd thl' .Hh,UlIOlf(
Hr ~'Tvllpill~ II;· \ ....i.J{1 ""'lp,llII~ IIllo wu~.lIuli 111<:' firsl 10 be-
rnnnni nonh nf Ihf' "'nnh Ih-;t\ 1111" Olh fl~If"( 1,.11 ;\htH'l"ru~hif1" KIth::
\'uhmlccn. III Mwch ISbV. In ltel l:n1l1ml o( Iht:' \'ollllllrc=n fJiL"o!Ied
fl'-llIl Ih~ ulul 1..h ,·url·lI,m/.) ur 111l" C:"mnLin in ",hkh lhn \1,("11:0 '"<li:~d
rn rlU' S(llTf·l. n no! SI::JU' for-\\'.\r Th:Ulll1nl\h'r ,...... nl\ ,Imt=' in ;m. ('h1n~
lhem (0 Itlt' uno. I\"lr-lftc IJI"pnu. Ihl(" lolln\lt1n~ ,or "ilk Ihe 1n1f'IIHnn
IWI flllh .~r britlJ.:illJo; lhc(l1 lIu(h:'r II1lJlr: dl li'( ,.-unUtJI. 001 rll:'lt-10r
l1l:'tlns: r"gul,)t hhtnl("lt," .'l\;IlI..Nt' 1(, hUpu" Ihl:"II' 1Ii..-l1'1l('\. 1111
'8 utllUhlld~ t1WII uxruln~ .. 'i,
I:h IHftI ...II_Jllht:: Kll1r \uhmlt('" h.u.llunlll"ti pmfXl b..i,uJ,on,. ,1l1d
.11 IlloA11UH't'" - 111 olU.1Ul.IIIU· ~,Ih lhc- r-.1l1u:'1 '-lL.LlIln 1""\UIllIllt'lItLn),Hl"
Ih.. 111£1 ,\UllIllln \Il1I1LI h.;1I1.II!Ulh III I, .... h 11I~"tI ~l·tl· III-rIl1.IIII["IUI\
lmLed 10 lUi regutlr rf:'l:,:lmf'lII ,1nd 11J11l ;lfloru d I,,, 1II1110ntl.
TIlf' hU.:lI1 Rifle Vohlll!I;'''' BoIIl.,t.. 'n, ..1." ot.ltt(1;"i1 14' dll 1I~ "ol1lK";
IIUkl't1, ,h.." \Io('r ht!('11 ,,('J\~'M,'unu'h l.t' n I.j flu "'1. Ilh'llI~h Ull'I,I,-,
Ih,lI !hp illHuth p,mulnl thnr ("'" mul(H"nh mr.ull Ih.u Ihn ,1111
.",I..,llt.'ll .If,lir (h,~l'(-(, uf Illdj~Khl.1h" ~IJI .1l1 (.llh\:,,11 ",dup,nJ Iht' I.lh,
:lnltJCrnrr.,lh ,h.. r.lrll~,dn "''';h "unl In".'.I.,
ul 1111' lII{Jr~ 1"llrfh!\r
I ;U.h1:'lni. hnnnrl. On ,ht" othn m I ul Ih \ollll\t~r hau.1ll.nn",
u-t1.,.nllC'rllll Iht:' ul'll~I'c1I1U !Iulll" Lh~ lilt; ulI~,I"I~ Ih~ 6lh U in or
(~I;I"I:f",,1 Un, \ ... n pr"po'rh .... rW'(' llit" tq:im(·nl·~ ~I,lcL"n/i(" 1""1.411, hili
Ihl' !hh (LIDRO\" I U~hl;IIHI",1 h...wI nn~III:JIl\ ml"WI("1! tllhdr unljnrm,
vll Iho.... lIt Ihe." 12m" J.nd ... {!tUlIo: .,n 1'1 lh~" 61.Kl. \\',u..h WL.....
'.U1l1-;l1t\, Illl' 1't1,"111,u'''1 II", qHf"II'/nf!'ll tJlt' dl\'(fj\('o ... vt ,I~
,uhuUtt1 IM.lwbon~ lttn lhe (lunuulI "ftd ,1mph OlI1D1rl I dunnJ:
1111" l\tllr'r \\'.11, "hen "t"l\ic~ (UJJlINnIC'io flr.""n (rom tJlt' \hluul~c="n ".-"n'

t,.'U.J.!l'l'tIU ~ I
Ih,.l" ~mH"'II'd rt"Jtul.u IUlll~ ~t 'U4"("("~,rul ".l' Ihi,
llla( unrlt:'r Ihe 1I111t1.:mr rr-tOlrll of IljI'~ Ihl' \111I11;t
("fTt:t:li, ....., tli~h,md"'l ;jlJltl IlICfl{ro "ith dk' lkp.' 10
....... .,.-u- .. ........,.....Mft,.
...,., AMH. Irl DM:"""",, ttoO
"'Till 'fW'<'LII Il..·.;c,or\ B.'II.II~~1I. ~1 ....oi'I.· 40(,1(' rundjoltl -'.1.< , .. 1'11l(l'"
....... IIof. tM 1'-" •..,.....
rnC"l\ iUld tI:crulU lor lh~ rexu1ilT llral1.rlIOIl-", I h \ollml.. n- ., doth .. Vie .nlV ~
1.I:.uWHtJll'" ~ 1(" tJIC41 t~ IMIIJIC"'d ~ Tn,ilotl.lh. 01,1141 \('1 I!lUIl" tJlM.'h
111I~r.uro ""'hh lIu·l, P.'11"1l1 11011."" 11m\ Ih[' hI ·\hr-,drl,'lhhir", JUO<"
-. ....
\;-dIllHC:t."D. "hn h.ull1n'ttmr Iht' I I \rnllIllN'l' Un
(.onloll 'IiKhI.Uld~D in 1 •• "C':'t.... mm urfllC'\lI
1r'II' tht" 1111 Un (~rdf'o" 11ls:h\'-U1dl'" in 11)()8
"itUIIIIlII. lhe: h, lrl\('", llU(' kat).. \olUHlttn
~u t:c,,..\c-I\ !Jet... n lh~ I~ ",hIlHt"~1 Bit Qt,C(''U'fl
{)11.11 Carnf"mn III~hl;u1ft to" and dtL"u 1I111h nn
(bll'''''' 'J OWI1 (~mr'ml1 IliJ:hliind f'L

IDra ...e Highland Men' - reglll'le,.,.1

'01'" ...1l1O••.Jili411\ \)r 1',mlll'on in t....uMI ~hllC: the-
(h:pnl t(ll lhr 'lij;hl,llld Ujchl 1,,1.1011" IniKht h.;l\('
be,," a bIUC"T dl\,;lppolnLm~nl 10 IIt..- nn
1qi;llJl('lll, C'pc=<i.aJll 0&1 II Wilt Il ,,~ rouU
,lrnlt'(1 Ih... LIll, hili II "-J..1o .,I~ .1 I ',t)CIlI.ltir'
d,.rl~inll VI'hl h Tf"IIt"t"1 II Iht" rr 111\ oj th("
~llIJ.ILk,n n)cr "14) '" limit lO thl;" "limbo ur
rt'C'rllll' .... ht. (QUlft ,JIll bi:' j"lInd ~nwng tJlt:"
rt'LtuH:'I) ~p.lTM' popul;t,rJon of th~ Illghbmls,. bUl
Ihc:'lC' 'IIIt"IC IIIUle' tJl.4l1 l."Iluuj{h IIK"11 III GI~\I'W
\\illl .1 III~hl.uul h,~1 l.Ktllllnd IIr (IInl'""lllIlI\
In be,. ,hI:" rh.w.lrl,.,. and l'onrposllibn or th
l'ii~hl md lL""&i1l1~Ul\ \Ii.~ l.n III. m~ioIn'\;...,. daT,all
.1' (}11 ·111 •• 1 fitlll tll>pt'.u Orl(1" all the." I1l.1Jll,·
m:ujo.,~ Iud tv-f'n (':fIrri II Ihmllflh 1111"'" ,.: ".
.. IHl.1I l.r , II ~ Ilth,h In(J,ml \.. i¥lKliU (nul
Cnll 11111 I , 1Ih' \(:'.Il~ (,_II..Ild: 1. ,of ",hid. fht:. fit
Uou:K'n ,Uld fl\(' \'I"l::R" ldu"(l. .~ Ciln be- rn on 1D
,h.. ,('t'nmp.1mJnI: nmp, lh('tc I,'a~ ,) \. 1"\ "'l~I~hIIHI'",·.mllJ1:l·'-~I)h.r.l1
rIll tllf"f\oi 1"1IIh,.m~ .. 1I 01 nllllnd un'-Ih nJ IIll' A.i'(I" f'onh lind fJ'lil'
.... "p .. du~iH;-l, joll' II U\ I .... th.: lalhro IIl.Mhholl1d Il;)(illl\:"lIb. "hd lhe
l~i""bnd I' glm("nt( tN"nlllttd ,.-)fIlII hlliWI1l
It ~1Uultl tK 1111lt llh.hnuJl:h n:'l:rUll!o ""'rrr U11l10U~h
I:IH lIUr.I)!;n1111 j~lill Illt'lt local ,qcimcm. lhl'Ir 'IOU no 'lun4iun urlhl"h
brlnR; ('(lm"",lh"" 10 tI", 'itJ. 1\'PI("'""II~, (;it t"\;.II,w1t'.ln IRfUf"lul\ q-j fl\ll nf
Iill! nocnlll~ '3'
J\bc=rdul1 \o,'rnr In Ill(' (.orrinn IIIKhlJmrlt'n::II lurtllf"r
55 .... Wl \1,) Illh r mroUltn IXtoIIo(I",..i'll~ .. lid 12 lu lll" vu COiU""I.., w.,h
InlW. 01 th~ '('lltJlndc-r gUHlJ{ llJ Un'!· '",\,1lr'. Ilo'l.d }\JtUlt'r~ ·:Uld Ro\-al
Lnglllccn. ~\t hne-mOt>" b)- (,Onlra..~L, .h['rt" "lnt" onh 4b (CcrUll.: til .. I
ur .... hum... 101llcd lhe (';"U1CIUIU.. 10 "t'UI lu uthel u;uulJurl~
(mahtl) lhe ,tf,mhs), .md one 10 lIle' &ou
Ahhnllgh n:'Lllnlng lnt SlUh"r1and nllme, rh(" nt"W J\1J01I :.nd
. ulhf'rl:ilnd IliKhlaudrn (AA.·,M-t" bJuc-d lit Slirling ~dr:. ~'-'CI("
liIHV<rilCd lhe .... h(ll(' ur lhe' 1oUut1FY.CttClfl Ilighl"ruh i1ltlutJing
Arg)ll\hlrl'", 'UKclhn wuh ITlfXI nf Ih" Innr-r I rrbndn - .ithhtlugh 111
0tf'Iun Of "'" ~ utM IH'~li(e lh~)' OKIUo1lh ubtamcd m~l or thdr (C'ltUIF.! much c!()M', tJJ
1lnt... .",o..IICIO. ....t.MrtJy 1I.llld, r ..q,t;lln S'II,ln cUllIpl,unt"ll in 1&91 lh'" ,11('1t' .... .t) .. \ltt"n",
~tWM .. b9+oontlntlo prrJlldlff :l~in~t thf" arm\ If'! A~II. 'lnfiollh' ,unnnl': .hr pldf"T pt'Ofllf'
UMI .......~., \Mir """-
NIt. . lN"/NMI---'n.omoet
who brin-R. \l.n:mR ramU), inOucnN' '0 bear on 1\ nr lhe ~'flUIl8 nwn
Oftlhe"' _ _ 'lN'~ ""hCHtl(' dl J)Oi(."(IloClllhl',
NI'..-d....,. . . . ,..... ~.n. l't'rtl,IP~ lilt" btu II'H'hOIIU €M '" ht'r(' Ih~ 'Il..... · I hghl.lntll"t'1,""11 n,
did lind thetr (['crUll~ I) lhe th.!lU'llJuUUl1 uf lh~lI
\'ululltC't':( Of Tl'.mturlill tr.l.U...i.liUllJri, Th'!:' AIK}lb
h;ul nu fl':'Yol"1 Ih.m n'l' \'olulItt't't h:lIl~llonl(, ""'ilh
lWl) 11't'loNl III R,.nr'j"W'l;hlrr on lhr nunh 'Ujlt" 01
Ihe Fillh II} UII!: h...Hlqu,ul.crwlIIl P.~~,I
m L.\Jl:ll'l.~hil'\·, Jnd .tIlllth r;u "'U1'ling - all fmlr
or IhOt' ~Crt nm 0111 plcdUllllndnll) t...mral:lIld
"'COn" bill nulu lnill UI 2rrC'1ll1-l1Idu~.u, Onl)
III Aflt>lI~hlll' h.III,lllulI, h.lW"t'1 ,11 I)UlhJIIII hili
m:alnralnlnlt tlf'I,II."httu"nl :. Far nUl :u lh,. l~l:uut
or Jul"il.,. rould pmpt"rh- hr c:olI~idrrrd Illo
r filiOn r.... lI1l.) lIi$:hl,;md ,,If('Ol
l'l,d<r tllto ItlKl ffll)trIl Q Lilt" "t::llllmh.., fQr
Iht'lf parI. '-'l.'(e IIl1lKJltcd Un: ",.-hol", WlIlllr)
IU'oldl IJr 111~'=IHl"'''' 1~c-lhC'1' ... illl til'!:' ;l(lJol«'C01U
cmuul ar M01:lr :tJ1d ""l:llm Ii) .hr' ,..l'\l. ",i~ nm
ullly rompriloNllht" rr:glm['n1', ori.lJ1nJ11 ~crmuJlg
ar .l' in R~h;re "'Uti Ihe nordlt'fll 1)aJ I i"r
Olllil"r I rehrkl.. htUI I..." In hldNt.I'l (',"ItIII11\' ftl
lhcTland. whkh lhcn:b) 1001 IU kms·wlIIdJll
1l1lIl<."(,(JUll \Io~lh Ihe 9'ro Hi~hI4Ildel"', 8) ~"''' I;)r
llfHlrrllnJrlJ: Ill,. r:tn. Ih... ~lI1hf"rl:lnrl Rrnf!
\'olunlcl'I'!Ii, 1Q.."ird:1f (;.oL~..pir.. lh['n" a p;;~n
I,r I.Ile oUurtJlS_ ""lLlIOUJeh IJIO' dcfi.1JIlh II,"'d
lUi r~("illll'l" th(" Snlhrrlnnd r. rI.tlJ\ Th ....
rqflm('nl' '''VI ftlll"r \'hlnntll"tl" b:m;allnn" ,,"("no
~d til' Oilllofl'l.tJ1 ;And Ell4itl t\."'IJIC(.\i\'C'h, C'd.rl~,
th.... rt'giIlICII' '1''')'11(1 h;a~t hJ(I Ill, dillirldl, In
.0 fiUmg lUI r;1IIIk..~ ",itJ, 'rral' IIIl=hloandcB.
Oil t1j~HlJln holllu.lhc .11I~~ll.lhun l..;llllcium -,v(JfI CIlI.OUlllcrro
~ldlntklllot ,,('1hll'Ill" rh", .... ~. ..lllK,llt'tI.1 LUI; """"I.hl: ur l.uulllH 11II1IIItUI.J.tC'.h
HleNMII ~ ......., . . t.
iii ,he- lOulh .1ond '1\1."<\1 ul Imc-me Inchullll)( rhr 1..1t'" III Slt.U" .11111
11I' . . . . 1It~.............. the wUlht"1 n l"lId 01 lilt" 1..lIllK ' .. 1oL' wt'll "" l.nch...brr, ~hl'rt rni"
~IN...,.,'III~'. t fT\r-n~ h:vl ON hr",1 tI In Ijq' II."",-t='\t·r. 'ltI,d "''' Ih .'(',1 'ltI ...,
scGtiMlllll'lof'll'lor lite
lilt IISK.' ii~fUrl'll Ulolo. I.'l-U II pro"l"rl tMrkll1l (.~ lind fI\3fl\ ft'tnJlLo;


th"f 'n Ifl9l. I.ttnl LoJ,C j(IlJlfILl:\l In Uu: \\',un.'Rc (.,olllmlllcr on

~"--'''''''IM t .-nlhlllg Ih,ll.:

........... ""'"
4l'IItMI\t'r .trt<Ut9fr' IMQIM lU\C'lnC"'_tlllC' .n 3 rq(lInC'f1t..LI dlllnl:l I ulIK'rab(c In ,U,
.. m.....-~a­ llOlU'(II(!t1l (i\~u~'\ ... lhe- distri( I" .uc- cl,Jn~n.Ic=d. the Hl~1I arr
m.IJ'\lo'WC\OOIUII~iICl dilttl1et ;l.ddktrd In li,l 11\[1.11"1·.... :\ncl 1\;\\(' ;t l~\~ t-"firm" InrHn:tou",n

.... -......

moreo\~ Iht" Ic:lChUl~ ur the Frrc Unnh !inn thr pollU . I
"~II.II')I"'" h\l~rr: rC' ,,"ilh tll-Ir rC'Cruilinl{ em.)1 In "IO)C' di.. trk~ <»
ilnIHJ, __iIIIIo~,*..- ....1I :tI'l'UU rnit 'lh~f'(".;'l(t"lntlnUn\fI'\"I)rt"lh (h",n(1~,J1nd' I
~lnkotl.-ncl. tllC'\''I\ill f1{)I("UIUI.

\\1,:l1li" , lilt" 1("llih nf thh"

il _'3S lLlllnrrnl Ih:u WlIhOiIl
;I rqc\ll.n 21ld Rll (.lIId with
Huh IUl(' \rdllnl cr 1)011-
t.tIl~n) Ihe I~ Inl!;IU ~-;u.
.UU~ll1lJ( l(J m,lilllolll! Ib
0(X'r.uloll.d 'Ilrrnglh_ fo'or ;t
IImr lh~n' "'t=fC' penU.!llt"nl
Il.IUIUUO 1I1~1 (.lit' CulUl:tull~
m1li:hl ~rtcr .,11 Itjl"i(' Ihdr
IIIdt'fK'lIdcJlcc. tv bc:<:VIUC'
Ihe ~rd Sn, Xul'\ CUiAub.
J It,..... nllOUUA analurd
Mlt1I~ Ub.'..ulJlCI: III 1l:l9~ "'hrl1
thr \\'.,IfllilKC' wlIlIlIiurr,
('lInldt"rlflJ: hooth I tr..... 1
vult'" Ilhnlimon wd lhr
di'lIlalln, uillnlJ, n~Ut th...
.1(" nfllJl.JnJ('(1 I( prop-<l\Cd
lhol.l d,c rqullcl1l elmer IX"
di'«l 01 _U'lol,R.lIIl,I(ed
'l\hh th,. au (:u.;J,ro"i -
'nr:lbm lJ1~lUUI'l" lt4"Ould
prl)"'.. bh n(ol be nn.\~
(t"pl 1'Jo1t'" ',"0 th... C';ltrl t',11 oD II ""uuld. ~i\~
.hcom In rcol 0 p.1\ "lid
pmlclll~L"(1 IJlr.nnth ill hnmt'
!In'"\·H:r.' 1-IO\\r'Iotl', UI(' t::om-
mitt", did .I(hllll ~hh ..
t'n'....ln t1t"IICOIn, gh n Ihl"
ullonhoon WiI'· u( r".l.llimM
..IltJo~lXhvtd b.m.lltvn - Ih.11
"I hlf'f' "'(lliid dOUbtlton
br dlfficuh,r" II pcrounoaJur :11
Lh.u,IUCI 10 v\C;-ltOlln:' I h~ ".... nlnlJ!I... '1'1,,1,
h.l\1l1J< nUIIC (Ir II. ,tml ~lIl~l;' ,1~,Jhl Ill" \1 ..J....1\
1Il1~1 \I'lINI In
pili" ~UIP III lht, IllUIJO\;Jllmlt.".IIL
111 \ I lt7 IIl1lhonl\ "'.0; lIn.loll, ~1\C'II'U l.ll'lot.'
.. ~mllll1 fUI .ht" U"~lllh-liI. dli(l III U"[( ·1I111 n III
rhr fPllIu-uh'.'. In ftlltflfl" ~uflu'jtnr nl n 1II
l!n...-rnc.--'''lIIlR II iIII,n ...1l1)iI\\,d til I .. luH
.11I\",hl:'''' III .. vll,tH\!_
"'i1l111l.lIh. Ihe lU.u I. \\~udl "01.~
a l·t·nh~lnrC" 1«1(llnml. btll 10. I1l!iU'1 .lIul lU'l:'n
Illu(';jt!JoiHl{h Ullll:." f'HIll the ... dillhllll~ flllllllJ)
or F"f"f,lI .uul nl\t'C"i.lll\ .ltmuu1 Illlrukr- :.1Orl
\I'htn.uh .mrl lfW'rh;lp" mprl ill~l\') hom
111<= 0111 hlll~dtjlll uf Fif......, ""ell Of it, (llIH
\t)rllllH.·\,1 rt<lIih;.n,ll IJJU.1I1111l Imh nllt" ~olj.
r.u~t UIl't'TUI ... IIlrl" .;and Lilt" Ol1lt'I' ""rrc b.L'"Cd "II
Olludct"', \rIJl(l;U__h .0111 "Oil \mln"\\.' 1I."'1)t"f Il\rl\
Llt..f'\\.-i'll, .h,. (~,,'un" \<Ifrll'" ftlrtlllllllr II"noHgh
10 n'13l1n lh". old t)~nrl'" Ilnlu 10 \lJ,l"'nlrf'u"hirC"
,Wtllh" ulhe'l lUUIlII~ Hf lwnh-e,hl ~'lIIJ.,d.
11m IIIH.t" Jg.lill lht"" (1f"A;r« tIl ~hfrh flli~ (I')"td
bt: mn\I(!I'rcd ,J, I Itghl'lUd .u--~ \<l-ol.'I ~I bnl
(IUC'.!IUUlhlblf'. Of 'hcit rlJllt \'UllllHt"t"1
r("Hilllll .. 1 h.III.1110n\. nut" flhr Iflrml"r 1\1
\Iwnh·t"nd,lrf' Ihn,. \'nlunlcC"B) ,,~ (1r.'IVI1
rlnm tilt' [in (If \hcn:lol"rn llM'lr: ~ .ouluu'" (ol.~
th("\ b(-fMnc-) "'("J'C rrtrllikd in Uurh,lfl .mft
"'orm.uunt'. a Lowland .u~.l III lhr llUllh uj
lilt:' ell" 6 lnlldulHll f6J.llff ,JIld DOll'idC'I h.ld
In'lh,II.I' lhll'r rnlllll.tlllr, (IOttl r-ll..:hl.ll1d ,11 .. a~.
""·hl1,,.. lhl' rt'maininK 11\... wrrll" t:.hlt"l1\ r-c'['nlllrd
rrlJm co:uUll O\hiu.K \iIIR~r-1o lmll'L1I>',
j )tduu.. (Ot'"("' rtlfl:hhll~d nil] had nl"l"
rhrt' on'p:lll~lh ""Iut'll ('ould Rflnulllt'ly 1'It"
1~d:Uollr." '" R"("tUHciLI. iu the' 'hglll,UI"b. llu (If:
nll~cl t....H llp.ulln \\. 1<:' b.I~1 in lhc- \IC,.\III~ ••l
cO;:l'(lal Imll=tQd art'.JI 10 l.hl" "ialllh 01 AtKon!e:['n,
•.lud lh[' rC"m:mlln~ twu III uullul1g» uf
Ottdh'. Ih no k fll \1t~
1111: I.... n ~hll:lhlnri
(Om~;r.l;lc~. t\' Qulin! Iv h.l(;i.ll I~cnd. 111..-
.1I1uU(I0I1 vllhe -h... rl.'od,," ,It ~ r cnlhlnJ;
Mt';;l rOT" Ihl" (IordOlu c.lmr 300Ul bC"GlU'lC un
IiHI,;1 Itnll~ or 8nll,UIl l.hC' I !;mO" - 1'1llJ( ell
fu lite uuTlh IJf IhC' lHoIllIl,llal - J.,l;" t1l"ld(le'll
""'I.,IQ in~I' pJ.lC'frl nn lilt" P:lKII' rlO1l"h' :,1(t.fU~"TlI
"~~tI1ltk:/UoId Ii] ~\bcTdrcn, ConH'(ILllI:mh, Ihll: 'lIor. gOC1. lhr \\OIr rfkc= dr=:rks
c..I... .. ...
(.ltd~h ran~d tfl rll:'.ili,~ lhut lhq (,hllllh Ii(' lH1I,dred~ 'Jr 1'Il1I(';. If)
~ _ ~

1M ~I If! 9\IMO-fM4lf'l,11"lO~.
Ih.. nor~h II 14 :II gONI le,r\:, h'll Ihf' t'l)On' rMi::dt' rrillliv t Ihlll
.. 1'IKl:l
...... . , .
.,.. ........... 1Ien
- . . .. bor-.. lite SIt<=t1ultb ilJ( IIUlllloUl~ lIIUI~ ~h olt. C" b\ III ilh' lh~ or
~1w,,*"""1Nn 'IIvI,h OO.. l· ..,.i1illg hUIII ~rd r:n Ih",n l}to tll(' hill o~ rl.-u",,,
2.2 wN:I--rhlfl'. Joum("'\ lrom IIlH'rnr
I'llX'I ,lh\.n" been Inlqc;I>l111J lhe.-lh.u-.lI WI nllhlthLmd 1q(lIl1rtll'
'Io('llill~ Rmdl ,If lh(" h'Ut" Hr illfti,~.III,11 'lII.I', ,Inlt h. ill\: c"n MIl-"IC;1
...mlll"" ~l 111~hl;li"(!r'1I"'~ ", \",,11 ~ • .a 1p"rIor,r d",...~ HI tl11l~Il"I;Ul Ilw
(Ullin." \llie' bn.l.1I1C 1IIC1(" III~h IIllfJurt.lnt ~ lht" prupUllJUII uf
~l"nllll,r'll~hL'\n/lft"-III[I, ii' mu.. ll'l"].:ilHl-IlI"'flilllhll,.Jwd \\.,lck.I'1II11
III Ihl" l:.lnd n,,.ardt"ri htW. In I .~ br ;mrndl'd a • IlrnpctllKJn nf Lh."
l'ilX'n. J liJ.:ht.uul (,,;,Imn t'1f" ' 'III lhr t~lillJl .K"=~n _II -l\lirlin~ (":"1.'-1le.
III ''It'l NI)(' 'f~tor \ld.£0111 ,in,1 Rt....~ "'il"n- thc- (\.. , I",~ "11(' ;9,h
1"Il(- "-bjnr turi nil .. h~ll Ihi" Ibu,.lIt~ ....... ~pJ("ntHtI ;.Inti 11,(,
t"lM4.h""l~fd \1;1.... guod.'
~~('llht'IN'o. lhe- hl..II'O _lI Illfk'i III Ifj~hloli.\lIq;lIIt,,'1\(,.'"Ill.t .....
1l,IIR:tlllofl'hml;a." II lIIlJ:bl.ippt",U: I hn' .In:- ~:ud III h.IW lJnon ullkull\
.uuht.HlInl ;u !..aIr il.'i );Ulll;ln I • I••1IthoURh pnoT IU lh.n d;ne.- th('I'-
"1~1lr-r:." \\.l" u!oUJlh (bul Iltll I'J\.J'lJhh) tulll:'l'lIlcd 1ft lll!olX"tlill,l{
OOlfJ"r"'\. In 1,.It'I, In tlu" \ r1~1I .. 1111"'" nl 'rni ~mNt lor Ih(- r:11\lng
of Ih" t!;)l.un II\.) ill III 17~Mh.lliP'""" .,,,- n.lulJIH-h "",lnolUIc\l rut' '.... 1 fir("f' l)(IiU.'Iih oiUlh.,r1/t"'tI .... poll' vrtl. ,,,,hh..hnl('lIll.flh{" ~wrWb.r.t"IIlMa4..

~Illcn..u JtTCru.d'CT("nmp;:lm, In pi'"Mlln'.nJ ("rHIN·.lhcrr,",cn" ;dw;"" tNA.yyII-.doht~

mOlt:' th...u Iv.:O plpt'l m c..cb u--gnllt:'m" .and """"t

rulllllollUl" pn,holbh "~fI9I'I'I0JhrMrl..
iI,ld JII,..tjl on.. 'nll;"'\ "-t"Yt' ofU"" r.1I rif,! utllht' l.jUl.... '."1" b."t" 'tI1ldlr-n
rlf" ' U h hm m:llnt:1lnNl m Mpltnn rnivtt ;AmnII\<: tltt' loronk,," ~ •..,.,.O'W 11:S....' . . . LMn
1.O"fN:l:lnl . . IMMtI~
thr r~UrJK)loe -llbl conlributl.'t:1 a." a m;lII{"r of ('ou~ Ul"''Ullb ,ht' ~-... ... ...,.-"tt""
(' ....Inflht'homd ~""'ClIf'N;",,\loluI;...,

In l\m mhttr I :')~ Ih \ttjut3n, ( ... 111 f,,1 (Hlllmt>nu"tllh31 ,ht'r. . .\,... ........ ..tIf!I
,..,.c ~c""-+tM1_
' .. 110 dt'1tllc 10 dl Ilunut' 01 C'('n tv fWU((' tlK' numlK. of,1I If pillen, WWIlI)nII Aln.
l,ltU1,i~lt(l lh~ 1II1UIll't', vf lUt'll. ",nt~l:'tl til IJ,e cllI"IV\1:11 .1\ t1lU'oiU..lI'l., VIIWo...,." Ilft,...., WttI'I .....
~h.dl nUl 1)(' MCt'.. t"drd, :md 1113L 11\('\" art' :ulillllilX"n, 10 rruJ'lIm !C'n mc-n tw.w.-.clf"MI r....,... 111
pt"O'idcd 11\('\, «'f1ner: the numOO orOnunmtn fmm 17 In hI, ~h.'"""'''­
.411d lh(' 'hl.. ld.\Il~ lil Ihl' l,;llltl I.; IA. in "I.kl' nr 21 • 011 ft-Ot..... lluli wttft,...~ tIiI~.., ..
.......SH, ~ ...... IID
Ihl, .;trr:l"Kc!n. tH~. I'O""Id,... It III t)(' , 11111.· I(\(\ ,"t(lrnul, ntt ••n
, ...... but ""- *"""
~'aj.llIU.t.l\ I ~ "'U1IK'ilIlk""llIllh~'oItltlIUUluJ PI~' \Ol..,-t;ull'tu.dh
,nuJll'lih"d Ole- t""Wbli..hlllt'111
01 I hghl;\IId rrglm..m .. ""';I
IIUKIllt'1ltni '" 'du' lldd..luon
ur Ol~{" Plpt' M,ljOl III mH'
,hllJlng and I ..n f"t'nl" I r
diem; .md fi.,r Pipen. Dol nne
~11l1li' ill p.;llm C.lCit jX'1"
dlrm', NOI\lluh!\l;lI1dmg llll~
ofl1cll.ll .mdHJor'IJ'.... Uoll. t1~ pn~
Inirturbl hlll'l,"",,' "hid, lhe:
nfllt'('1"5 (".3I:t'Tf'iV'rl Mt'r Ih('
plJXT' tunnm in the nrnnm
or p-"r-ntluIIJ}:; l.:1I1}l.ah'.. or
('()IIlI):rn1 II) 1-'1. ~ ,h.'lr
~n.u""llJ.)onl1t<:1 ul
'lit' pip.."'h;U11k'f"t di'~nJ Vll
Cl"'rMllwl..... OCCl.'iIon
1I00\UIj{ l.hlll KolIlloai offitul
"-lIlulfl\l ;u 1,1\1 Ihr f,iJK""
Ihll'n rrorl'.r(t~d 10 1ll,Urp Ihr 23
~l JiltfMs IIwItNdMtJ

'tol'I'I ~1nMth
Sc.Dtr-.d'tt.l'CJ).. SUtIW'Iand
.. -mv"" julnMn

......, .............
_ r TIH ~ .. N IM-CaIIH
""" ...".,
... N i l " " .twr ll'tt:tM WO'fII
IrII tM e--. wM • . . -

h""l)()rl,mrr nl rhC" t~1n(1 II, Oldh'" I't'tim('"m~ (If Ihr' Un. lh..
drumm4"'n \1. I'I!' prtm:ml\ (lRn~lk,.,,:.. di'q)('"f'NI IIAtH lnt.:unn>i"~l·
I,K"tl/"~ 1(1.I(h",lh lJn••.wc I.hro Ullnn u\.-cr LIn: U'U1~ QI lin: Hhh 1.l.'lltun.
thl;'\ .idoptt'<1 hi:I\otI'~ fil)r'th.., Jllll~ 41bl ....n1, ,lllll\lU~IJ )1111 ~UlJtill\lIt\.I;.
In hi' c-",Iltd dmmlllt.-.. .u141 1l"r.lInlnx Ihrlr drum\. 1m U'Tt"IIlDni31
ucra~lonJ. \\"hl"ll mmK "':;Ij, rt'~lm..("{1 lilt I"t'glmt-.... IlIrn~d 10 115 b;md.
r I.J.KhLllu.I "-"NIIIU'llb ultll hinfC" r.uht"r .lifl't=.Il."llI.h til .he finl piau:" IJ l"lll\
urlht'" , .dl~" \\."I(h fil;1~\j"",~1 dllih rulltill fl'\J1ll I"r;'\cllh'ln Hl=ht, flOl,ln
:i:I1 ..\' I'w'f.-m Ih ,,'id( ~1)tt.wl Q\<o'Tn'r'\hlp III "''31ch,' , ....'t"h' pt'rtornl d 1'1'0
plfK"h r.toIho Ih.ol IJu: t!! 1I11lTnl'n; IXH Ihe mo~t ("h"'I1""(' tt"""J.
.,I,t(C' 11111,,: !lC'Ctmd h"ll or l.h~ 1~lth l..r:lIlm \."
Alrt'r Ih.. !)IIlt'..... \\t'r(" Hnlc1.llh .lrld..d hI llll" r\1,1h-
lishmcno. in I .' (ami thlt'l I n,t1il"nt'r' 111';11 Ih,. prnrrll:'I" rn:n h:i\'t·
bt)l:i:Jll ('\ u C',nlicll. Ill('\. klIld [hit' dltlllllllr;:l-;' dr:'\eIUJ)(d Ih h..-bit \/f
pl"\\lf1G \'1Igf"1}'t'" 'pipt" b.:!.ld" in l..\lInl;k.·II(l\jIJl t" th(' rcglm",'nl.ll ~Ild
lrnlll-pnwlg,(l" lhc= I)JIX"I qllirkh "tchil"'\l"d .111 nLrnd.lnn O\IT .he
IUI1~~1 Oll.ll.tluh~"lIlIl~lJuJn."Dmh~L.~.On l \ugwl I 71.1"U1t1mg rdn
rur IJlr' Ill ... d(" Iillft"fllhtll: "th'J\'.*"\4\ thr QIIn'1I h,nitlK dirnlrd Ih..1
Iht' Rq;-lmt"nt "",ill,w dl1('1t .,-.i.n""IU.)r\"h p..t\ol rn III r·l~ thl'f."illl;tM.("
l~m"CI (mm rhh d.m,·. \\'U'11 m::ir,.hillg tull Ihl' l'lpt"" '0\111 b.1t In In fmm
or Ihe- 1.lud: nle b.lllthlJlCIl HLln Ut'l lhHIt' il bIll" ... lll.vuM,h the
p"1-"CC'~ ".t,- ~«<lIh',,\l. Ihi.. cdi"l 11\ ••• (11 .... uIJlt'"(l h) .111 .jr lih·' IhllllH"nd
IrglJllCnU lh.u ~U11lJJl\:r, Ihrrr,llu"r, Ih,' Ilipe' h.-md~ D.-n"'r loulnl hJCL

7"th foIGHt.A,"\iOERS. '&&01

Cnc:t iOClRDONJ t«lHl..ANOE:AS.


'1~ ~ At4) ba (5Ur1'tEfl.NCl


OuJlUk lilt' ~"pcllnm~ \'.u\ lhl:' UlllrUml .lUd
nl"1r'Hlt'U' ~.h(" I hKhl.UltI,t')tUl"K"llb c.unfvlll1nl
\t'1\. dn.,h III 111.11 uf "Ihr. luf.IOIt' IIllit "'1111
lh" ob...,ml'l dlllr,-rn r Ib.n L.lh ~nd M ~f'n
(u"...II,) \lIh'Iitlltnt (u,- IflIuw-, .md II fr..illhM"t"d
ht""\I"' fHI lh_' mlllt.-n ,.ilP lOf """"'1\ t "~1 t"1.
,lll( r lh.. n'kb..",uM '"'.11
01 "-tn$t (~(" 1\ ".
"'-tn.Lu,u III I :t! ..nd lin,' MJ1t~'t~IK"f1t ",.n ut
rtllll.u'Uci~nt ..hhut 1/C1,lnd III M('n~.,...1 ...lId lhe
IllghblKh In p.trurul;ar. lilt IIt~hbnd umrorm
d('\t'"lulk'd uno 1ot11tk"lh1llM 1~U111" 1II1KflW.

nit" di\lmUnr fe.nhncd bUTlI1C"1 "' ... Uti lI1.t1h
I••n"",," ol.: lhr NIIH,U'nt!d. h(~llIrl Imlll al\ p1~~
01 1n.;uwIMuul". ;uul 1x-g-.II1;,t ;,t r.llthrr hr..n.
round. n~ QP, L.Ullln'l.lJld fcllnt f,um wrL blut"
nuol III I •• \t"'P.IUII (If I!lito fI~. hOnnrf \11"--\
n ,nuuflllt"t'd to f't"1)jMt' tht' fllllfl.. h.-1m.', ,11m
\lo'Orn .,.. ttar 1..ll\llo,lanfl,.I' or tht' Rtnilll Oh 1llld
Ih~ KiIlJc"~ II S<uuhh ~Iltkrc~. ,,"u 'he-
A~_""'.e..,t (l~in.ll "",\ '~,lin"l'l4"d .U1d '("L.N!. "I) Inlu .1 flnu" ..h.:.pto. ",,11Il:h h\.
~a-..'M .hl" t"';lrl\ 1~lh cemun h=ad xqUJrcd .. UI I'd fir du:tlurn·tI b.r.nd .uuund

,., ~-
111.(" bl)Ultm h.lit \1 lilt' '!o.unr umC:'. hlt'llnrl. lht" «)'\1111 h frollh("l'\
Ilrt~ni.llh "'lfiVhNl twohintt Ihf' (ot"J,.:utt" h;ut f'ITt·tli\t·1\ O\..-,-.I1",IOINI

.........1"' lJOo UlM .. me t2nll

.... Ihl' 11.10 b(o nlDt" In , ''',UII1'(' ('.nn'llfi!uf'llIh I~ thr Ix:'\tt. the
Hlilo\in'" poiU III KiluklfllUII.L.. ')(11111(1 h..d 1Jc."c'1l ,II"'-;lld;-d .-lId I fl1j.p:d
,",'ilh ... ,rN()fll,J Ihe' ..IUL.,I.h "lOW tr. Iht' 7ht .m4'l 7-lIh 1111.. ~';I\ iJl;)dt"
.mcetI. 10" OOI'IIIIIIIi• • lICI uj doni.. blur dl.llll ~Irrll:-hro UUT.1 "1fl" frollnf'. ~'Uh ... h.lI1\J.l..munl dlLrd
1INI~tart.tu-{ illUUJld ahe:' bouum. l:llli~(' un:- ~h ..Lo. IUJ\I!O"\'l"I. Ull" L'U\l,1l ".
eftlocHYillI'llHHIIiN\Nt~ ... .h_mMI .n 11\(' '''-.V• ... ,u1 "ncr IhC:" 'Nlifh rl".Hht'N \IIel't' .m~rllt'd. fllUlUI
-,.. .......u-t ..........-- Iht" 1111' ... lflt", 111(- n"mll "',;\\:l Rlllt'h '\h::t,::&u'r' IIpJW"::trnnl"r' liMn hrron"-
~.IM~~ ~lmCllmn mi.\!:llcll ro,- .rdl I..Ul.
• .. ~ef'HeIn"""" Tlu; t'\~lri(h r~th~~ Ihtn1"Ch IIlrT(" Ur'''lll\.1X'"' thll" fC"1;Uh I~ " 11
·n.II~· l.tll"h It/fJft("tl Ilh 1)fJd~·. ::.,,(1 .lIt' 1.lIlft"r run d 'ffl\.oQU'· \ llIth
~ ,*U AndIlloIedL INltf\!ll
1IlII1rIlMr~·.1lMIr'" InUlM dU\<l1l un-:,.lhC' T1~11I r'".H, lllt·IJ.l~:1.. W.uch wllllel.J "JKtllC't1 fuu,.tor
Ul...,' "" ~
..... lh~ wTl1:"1 ",1111.. lh.. Sr·.)lulth~. C~U1U""Il~ .mrl COwllnll h;ul 0\1:"•• mil
Ihll" .\'l:'II1i nn fM\"("r Ihan Q'\: til :ulrluion, ;:, ~'f'n I.""lllt(" "dtu..,...kadu',-
_ ...-u.....
h..dJr ~~ "'-om lIbo\l" tJlt" 1("(1 t"'".lr: l..hi~ ~...... IlllnTulh ,,"'hhr, lMll Ihr-
121'11:1 I\JJtL Woll h f.1D1Hllil\ "'OJ-:- •• \(,.,.1,"1 h.I('L.IC'. "tiifl V'ttt\.~
rlnunm(" ..nil ttllh.('bn~~ rh""r r"~Rl("fu
\\llhUUllhc- .addJuon of th,,~ fc:,.lhcn UIC 1.l11~lIuJ ""'lll.Ull«~ ".0
"'"(""H .hol'hlllnnwi [luII11111,. I)nllnt" nl~ l.. n("l" It"nu dlrl nnl d('nr,lC"
;( panu-ubr d~ btu \11Df\h "1('.1111 ;:, plam hcmnrt. .am
fC"ioldu:n u, olhC'r Uf"IIOUlJf"'nl lJc.-,olld l.hl" ml..lOl1 dltnl !.Mnd - "'lid "C'u
IhOlI "'''--'' ""dun! til. LJII,' l:rlllt... hu \II",,, .. '-IIJI: oonllt"I'" Ihurun..l
Mnn.. " \ON,- g n."r:.lh ""nrn 3. 3. btlttt1t' ,tr undl"M np dunnliC lh,. fina
la.tlf ..llh(" 1!hJI"nh,n. bill ""'llC" ttl bC(.tm..uJclcd ltMh ...ud unmiliwn. 33
III till' IrI!r{)) I1JC'·lJqc"".U1 to lK:o ....I)IC'I"C....I\'\Il1\ lll'
IIHllh UII"'.llt>f GIf'H~."". ,11l1luu~h rh;tl rlld nut
h"'i"nmt< N1:ul.IIJcJn f,}roJl rl"g,iml·IH'IIIRtiIIH7·1

Jhl" ""flhllInn oj ,11(' llrgh!.mdpdf'11 dL'iC"U,'...."(.
In llnnlf" rl.·I311ln lilt ('ntlltll~nl.. .Jin LQ lhe n}!uur
p1;n~.l·p WlliJ I r.,:j il ".~ iurutk.lIlu 111.41 \\11111
I'" .. {,rdilliilln rq:1mil:'l'Ih r~rll1<' I '1(", l:'!rI:4"q'Jot rh, r rllf'
dJrts ,Ir tJ:1I~ ... rt" ....In\f·... h~' ~honf"r. In J=trUlan-
ul lha. ~C'.lI' the- uld W-;tl "-"'.u ol\lnc\l til he-
lcopl..\.rt.1 ".ILh .. multI! 1114)1 I1lUI,lt:tu I.kmlJI
I".,..,l}lt"l! luult fOI 1")llnWllhl)llh\·IJ'Il;',.md ""illl
.. unlqul" dnuhlc-bn:~ lrd ·dOllhl.·I' for "hghbnd
I~mnlls Ill'c PI;;uc Cj. "0,(' doubl~ illITeu....1
(rolll 111 hmi in tiM Ill": ,Io..iro Ioot'rt" r'l."pl. ('H'
I)) luur v:H""",ulrd '1II\l"rnr'-5 1I~Ib" nu..l"e ~l tin:
from .....rrt" FKJ"ShlOlU."t.1 MAllid(,lId~ f,:111 Iolp.ut ll)
:\t(Ull1lUtj(i.U~ the ~)UII.UI III he·."""""l!. ",hl1.. rhl'
(f"lrrespl"H'I(flnl; Jr-lP AI Ihf' ~r ",,-a 01101"(1 h) r\\f1
mll("h ..m:lll('f din: or rlll,.. All hll11on~ ""'Crt'
dlrtIIlOnlkhilpt.-Y nHher l.h,lIlIUUlld.ll'(;It" \II," nil
hhllJl iol.u' pH!("",ll'f11 (01 1111.) g;,tflll~nl (IJ ror Ih"~
hllunn, hili il ""-a,, I"\"-Illu;tlh' ;,dDpU:-d b) :lIJ
!w:nu.J.!ih UI1Ullot ""I1C"lhrr or 1101 d~gnllu:-d ""
1ft,1"''lMl.l~ IhKhllllltk..... IUUJ ll ..till ~lIl"\i,'1':'Jl ill !$Ulllr rormlo'.
JIUn.~t_~ .... 111 dOllb!Mn:'=-~C'f1 rleURI' \II,", iIIh red tn ill ,"r'lR;1 hr.1 1 ,1 nn4'" \110'1",11
round bl.luorn JIl 11:456: and In uns .. plalllCT \"fiM01I UI 'bud: m..dr
~-.t,.... _lo!rItHoIo

{I'helI....... e f L ~ ~
[rtHn iIlCl}(t' ~." itHI'Utiu~d fur Wt'.11 III hOI ",('•• lIle'I .. t hU1II1[' oIWJ ..htu",«
DilMath~t6. . . . .,.,... (\("'t' (:1), t\hlulllJ(h rf:'lollllll1~ 1114'" K"oIlInl1(" 4.1111, uf th.. duuhh:'1
, ...........l .. ~ ........ ( lbeh "'~Ihl)lt' lh.. r~ring ("(IIlnnr, ",,1,1 h W':\! n~' ,ll~I.I\"f',1 nnl,· or\ .ht"
1.-11 In , - " ~ U...-1
.. mlb.r). 1}1l~ 'Tl)t'IL".,';1I rut IllQr nt.,..:t limit'. t":i:l'rpl [h:;1I "'~ rrom ""-~ em
Lt) ~ JJ'C <tVnl' II) I tl';;U;: umnlud.Ja'it tht" 1,1(,111"'1, 1111 b•.l~k d~iW'
r"rtntd III ll.l~i or Ih ••.h ~n 1(1.' dl"M) :;I(h)PI~1 in ,h... moo~..
~1Mt. . . . ~ . ~ . :\.tll IIndrrlll fOf"dnll, r.lllgue'\Clrl:w""r.K""dr~ I hl;.hlW1dR"gllllClIl.lo
(hkt' IhCl Foolgll.ud~) ""'()n" pktm ""hire ..!rdl ,at.k~L.~. Willi d l.II1Uill.K
t.ul1.u F'U1 mO\t of Iht" r~lioo ill tluntkm uN'K.c.... I....Uol{lf~tI 11l .1 I1dll
1.I(kt>1 (.r ~lrnUar C'm, m:ult I'llr 1'1"1 m.' rl:ll "'ilh rMins: rnlnlln on I.hl'
l"nJLlr :1IIlt! pomlf'd rufi.... hll1 In IQ(JtI rhry mn I1.doptl::d .... Ilo!" j:at'kclL

Kills. pl.-Id. and lrewa

Ilu~ kilt 'Ill-a m:ldr Imm ;I, 'l.mgle- Irngth of llIn;m pl;mlmg wm'ell 011
~ 27m (&')011 ",idth - h... lrlh~l nrhro;Jdclul.h. Wbrn Imd uut !Jpr"uxJ..
rndlt"h ....."O-lhinJ~ i'If Ih Jo1;.mnent b nitl lIlld lilt' r:'l.'iltt:ll ollll:"tkird
J'l'1 ;:u rl I t1.r pit' ff'tl 11(>11 l~ '" Iht l"f':'lr, ....hl1(' 111(' I""'" Hal turn.
;uc fuhJcd td1. U\ I rigl'll.o (unu the frunt ·01proll'. :'>Ivd In IuhJl I ulJ
t., lJC' lit ..... i\h " luW ~·.ti","1., UI r"~rldlng lu lVm('lllplti ....) rd,.'l:hkm f,.,r
llfill'lrn.. lUll Ir.ldldrill;tlh lilt' rull Il\({hh nr lIu' m;lIl"n.l1 "";I~ IL....·d.
r~'I"lIlflng an :l \\dL~lb:lml .... hi,.h rr:W"hl"d Ihr. I~-t"r "')Ii. Olnd prm'llh'd
,)mper pml('(:UI)II (or Iht' 11.Idm.. "..
Orlgindlh ,III ..II" "o:"rt' OOlri'pIC.llt"d "I th... kar, ThC'\(" r't':'l'lo "'.... rt"
cw"IIWtlly JfAlhcn. XWIl ;u l.hf' ff)1J <and pT't"MCd ftl' Ixknri. lJIII 1II "hit
I~::.ifh lin .. h.:loL.Ul h) 1110"·'l ~ilh 111,- 14th I Itll"t' 'fn.t"UI I..llIft....
1th-.llln~ w,hl..-h ~1\t'''lhl;' lll' II..."n"'I . . .~ill~:: "'he:" 1ll.lIdllUg
Iltt\u."1t.f. 111(" ~.Ilonll", (.;Ullrlum .md .\&....,11 (;11)0,"1111("11 llll, "'nIl
.1 11\1"ItIIJIU' 1,1".11. ",!tltll "001)- l.ull..... ucu.,·d In dlt· ....1II1c.- _.n oL'i 1..1111
"h·,'lh.~ "'hill' 1\r~'M.lll~ 111 0.•1 nU~.'Itt f.'1(r ')' Ih~ nl't~lIl•• 1tllli pl.u
- .dlhou~h Ihr""f) .r\l.-. ("'.,innl\4 he.- 111111 ;Ill-In ,11.111\ dl••• II.(". I h". m ..,L
\\,11111. (""Il,thll~ Imt.l \&--'IIl",ll'O ~I IJk.Il~a1.1 IIw " ....r.lh . ',c:O&Ionh
IMeI .H .md Iht C~unt:II)II' JU.l2:!

I Ii" plr.ulnJ: ,,--;1\ nil" lint" I,." 01 ;ldllr-\lIlg ,I t11Q.lllnltl;" .Ip~.)1 .lnl"lI"
\!\nll!f"I. t.llhc.-r IIl11rr Il11pon.UlI nuil" "~'" In Ih, Ml.luI.lrr.lng nU'fil hi
rhr Loll (1111 u\\.,1 (ll 1II..1L: l.he=> l..ilL The."' BI..arJ.. Walch .uul . II bmh II d
til€" ... tlll(' 1.ln.lll •• I1...." illn ,_ ,II lI'h tl.ltl.c:-r lion!;, rOIl Ih.· r.. . r-m 1 ,.Lnlllll.
ll(1 In Ih"lf 'h1.lrk· ""'lntlbrh, lilt III I _Jlltllh. .II nh, !)hlh l.lo,t-(l thr
\l.R"~lllJC" "'11 [.\11. ""11,11 ".j:~ ,I. WCl1ll11-'l.·1II "c."lt "llh the ..ddlllOIi of
t"t.' '1\1;!'IIIV'!-"" .unl un I I 'ftt:""lJlpc. TIl oUunlu lUI lhc.-II
~lll~ 'In Ih,II •• ~i.n~ll· Irdlr\ "triP"" rom (l,mll IhC" "' ..m ..... of Ihl1' ~pllln.1t
Ihe (mill tK't" PblC" (.:-\J, "hil~ Ihl" 111....1 hMi 1\41) \,,"in.! rrd unp<" .......... ~U!IItI
"11 tilt" iolprUIl f'lol"~ Pl.H~
l"II(IQ"~. r('

Ih'IUlLlJuli IIJ
II:.!), TIl(' kih,.IH.'nl b\ Qfl~ct"o ollld
~hnU,'l'h 41!'UIlIglll,hl'1lln'lIl ('~"'h IIUII:'(, 1\\ "' ..\ llf ..
I..lll\ l\Unl In oIfiCr1 .md ~Ilnlt' ....Olur S(.(h "'"IT nm
IU't"" urll,~
.-...~ ......
w..try 0Ml0nIl~. Ule
0I'~1IrI1. .,k-'IItN.tltll1rll
plIht"ll bf ...o..tIofL
.riM •
unl\ tn.-de fWIIl .- 3UJX'f101 ~rOK1l" uf dOlh. bill ",--rrro ..1<00 IIIl1ch hKIIle-r 1fI
11111('. i.1llf''''lll~ Ilw
dl'"I;U"1 ,tfille '0('11 II' be di."linX1l1'ol1('lt m(llc.- dt.ul-,
In OltldllKJn 10 Ihnr n,:imt'ntal tll'("..., . II \0 n,mllll\ln I.,.r nllk.."
II) J'W~'u \(~Ikd -mlilli' l..iIUi (or \\(':Irnll-dul\ :11 IIiJt:hbnd g:uh"n"t!
................. TheftllllWlN&lnl

~ . """"'"""~.

_ " ".. H1.H.wahottlill

"luillir tll.(' nlt~ "("II: 1oUI11C"lhtk" nUlk lip M-wldillJ,l, lu lite indllluu.aI
..Uift'r\. 1.Ulf', I r1l.-p-. In hi' 'tLln l.aft.1Il Allel .. ttcU(hn~ .I11l)Chl.lnd CIltfltNftce M1WMlIINl
.pwr_wiUtdwMlWacIt. ......
l.;uhcnnR;t.\ (Jlultll.UH l ~,mp UI IlG~.Juhn \\''fldrrbum.;t U1:Irk \\.llf"h erwIltwI.,tM~"'
lllnu·r, ~lllll,hkod lhal hI: t1JmnLlUWUK ullk"" ''1)tAr tel mr- ;t.!loul 1IM""-

""t'.lll"jt llw ,nulu Lllr :h h,· llu..... llnf Ii~"" II . ..0 I "l.Ill tHl\\ t\Mrr ;lppr,:u
".n hi tllllltwm' On Ihll" I~Ih,'r lunrl. .1' 11 "'':U nm p,ln of thrll nffiuOII
UlIL!UIUl it "'PP'""o4I' ,1I ..l ,,'fill;l Ilr UtW"<'1 1 1Cl:l4ll\ltlll." ""lll('tJl11~ h.)ll
m\.llj '-.111'\ 1I1 (h~lr fII.-1oJ'oJm""lf" l,.J1j,,1Il
Oril;lulIlI\ IlHlJi Ylt"n' lh, 'Wllt" mran~ al ,wllUtmrm. IdMt='n1l1K ;lml
~lIrplln ffl..- rllt=' 1J1J, f1l1h1Ul,ffh huumn ~In' Il'lol.'d Iu "'("('IIrt' ')1,. ..... hlbulll
urt\'l'U ..ur\hIH,Ir: 't',l..-l~ f ..l n,l Ir.dl\ Nt·hh,·I' lI,rlh(1(I11o ('IUlf,'h \oulq,lrlnn,
~mc:(' 1111" tlIIIH)I\ fhl nhl ,.llf'l\!, Iflr ;}fljll..lm nt :1IU~ fill' \.111 d.lm.ljlt' Ilu·
fOlbnc.:. {AJII:'I4:tju'C'nd}. '\tl olIp"'illul hlKkln ~CI~ Ilue'I .... uu: \'I,LL"t VII ~llhll:l
~dt" u[ Ull: ''I"'''''' \\lwu dll' dlollll)('l" f..InW 04buul j .. '11U('(.hIUt'd. "'1\
h IUIIIJ,.llll~ 111"" dl1rw'dl''1.1 un (.nlfl'n· Llh~, ~lIu1 "".L'l; lI.... ct 1:" •• 11 r.m).~
nl IfIn~ I'C'1:lmruL'\ I", lilt" M'lfl nl QlIN'11 \'u.-tnru'!Io 11'11;11. \11 ["u.C"lulon
t,l"U1lhe BI:Il:l Windl. "h'j rnnlmued lOll\£'"'l, IJln~ 01' the IoIJ oll1d
l.'Oltulll nr III lilt "'-'\ l'llC Ill' 1911, hUI Ihi.. ~m' 10 hu\ htoil'1l II
....1;IIIIil' 111.1' Itr'('l;'llnn, C>tht'l'\o.l'\t" lilt' "" ¥',l~ nm.. :t dM'l)I':tlll't" hrm.
lL'lllIJl)' Inl.ellcu IU lIle' QUII''!" lI(Knn onh-, and UI ~1IlC" rt.'MimCll!.!1l1l.u Ql
..he office.... ,did "C'ltiHr ~C ......"" C'lllbt'tll\he'l "1111 !o:H't"lI rihh'lIl'\, lIu.'
\&·SI.'., ONUIls:.-nwm ""'h1" panl(1II.,rI\ ,.r.IMr::IlC' ('1M" I'hll(' E2),
OIO("lJIll), ::11I lh... rnd or IhC" '\:ltpol,.nnlt \\'11" Iht' I hghlllnd UlMnrm
~.u IJlIlhc (lId bellC'd 1JLa.KJ r...../icl Ih,," lh lYh. olnod IlldcC'\lthe h:rlll
Ull \L\N unlilll..: "IHI 01 \1C101 i••" 1t'IJoII1, III 1t';lIl" the tliloll·likor pl.llf'
briW~INMM'" h,l(1 our l'K"I"o "TIm ror \ ...a", hill II appc'alOllnrll" ""~" procnnl on
~UItt ...... ,..,,", ...... rannul pmulo ~ ,he "'('".tJJI1j; of Ihe '11\ pbld' -,.,I IC'hlu,clt ~uwJl pirtc
w!ff'l.dlllMlNI'ICIIIfl....wlt.. uf Inflilll llI,u('rilil pillllrtl Ill' t.he IrA <d14mld,.. OIlIfl h.llI~ill:ll: ,llm11
NO. IMCl ...-n .. blurW;doM
~hilld \/tilh olI1nl1:IC trh'J:C" "I ,h.. lxJ,IU'Ul1 (vt" I'll 1 AI. In Ihr ('am" d:.l~
11111 t\:'Ir,n"'"Or"lk("thrt:lltl",ilh.hl('l.llll~II((lorl" mQ\lp:1flthb,,,,..,
~'- ............
it ...... h6N ... fhIp&alftcw

gnKlu.dh "u~lX\kd lrt. lh.. ·1I1",hlol.J1d ",-.ur UI
A 111114 h 1.IIJotN 1,l«r Ur.,III.IJllh,lIi Ih,. Rtl pl•• ld, Illl~,,';L' 1l~lll() rlllLh-d
'~Inmldcf pt 1<1'

tM-.tdcII~~ in lllt" mitldll" (I;mnh ",i1h Ih rnld" 'it'Wn t1Cl'W11 ror nt"lIt11L"e lUllJ
.......... 0.. . . . 0 - ......
!"ftll\--rni,.,u·c). 1,a-\.\inR unflt'r 11101' "Khl linn IIl1ft cru"ill~ CI\'t"r Ihc Idl

-- . \hl)llidd 10 I"Ul~ dm.,'n ilIl1ll0 , Iv \..11(; 1e"'~lh front ,md 1l;.11 A. nl~l It
.....-...., tft
f;_.~.t'btd "".~ .... \lrn "'Ith 10"\1. , hUI Lllt..- "'11" filii' Ull A~ 110'1'11, m...Uk.·"" 1It11lW
Ij(9nlur fllprn and Il.lfId...IlFn.
The lI"C"'I'Ji. ""um rOI .JJI dU'H..·~ b} nOll \Ulh,"\I
,,,~hnellb .l' ,III 11l1lh("\'10 rut ~lIu>(1 nnMo, :UII!'
rr;tll, rolf",n ITftllolif"('lI, mlhl"f Ihan lilt" onlo,'1n,11
do'S('>lilllflM h'UJ'Ju.. &oinK ",'nrn CUIIllKUOlIlhch
Ivo) ull 1I1C' I~ m ..m Ihlll thel(- i 1)(' Ilt'<-tl
In III 111 n1.lIt'l'i;a1 Uf'l, t1U' ..-no.lI lur Ih(' ql.A: t
nrxiblhl), thu.. 'Q\'lflg 011 IWllen;d••l.1Id .... nowill~
tlll' cheLu lU be- dhpLr~cll \cllkulh ,un]
hnri!ulllolih fi-\ on Ihf' .>ill, tollhtt' Ihan tI'llg(lon~lI)
::11I ""U th.. ....'Uh r)l~ t'::t.rtlr't' fnuMt
Nt:\'\7l1n:lel.!i. Un,. cUII,)U'ocuun W'",u ..till wbth
dilr~I'C'IH III th.d dlt' tJllI" ~"llled IIp th('"
'" '1
ilMldr 't'1t in hr(lt"f" In prop"'!"h d."pla) lhr ~It ml
lhe DlIL""d.C.
ull[,1"h lurl.1II ·1'Olnwlutm..• "'II:'.TII:' \IoU'1I "'~
nll}UfHetl omccl"iI - th.ll h, I]if' IIl('lri Umt
llIt~lU.~n1 :and 1T\('Ill11M n~mr-n1:11 fa,r Omnf'J;
,"u... 11 IU III 'lu.. ~nnl""'~f. Unlike UCW'. ,hetc'
•• p.llll,dllrlli"; ....~..-I;' CIIl;)C-flllll1j:, ",ilh ",r.I(l'\ IInd!"1
lilt, rrt"1 ,III" n\lwlh ",ur n
HU \..ed lIl..lri.· \\'11"111"):1'111 A
hllhl r.\d1l"r lh,1I1 nlll kif"
11",-" ,l'\ '1\'" Ihe:" loL"""
htth u,"",
Ho ••
[l.c~ "" 11K' Nl«.....ltcrl 1
1I11,·nl\ Ir~llh"I",Il\ \0"'"
d.,d tMWO, ur1l.1Il.l1h 'l\lmr
t'll1h .. ""lK1wm·bl.£- ptl.lL. rn:I
mw"ul thtd.•&utlUI.l hum
\.. 1\ nlww rl(.. h' .... 'lkr
dWl LnlllM. ~_ h ""hom
lit(' dlo&.l~C"U'a to NlIunt
hl'""f; l1ttuI'n:d ~ wrr; .."fUUl
(iroc'r.dl\ II ~ tv1.t In h,70\
mmt' ..lifO DI the" ldr lS-llh
lout ""lI'1t aulkt pl.rtl;Ul..
""Ill .... h,""t ""lUI thor IlW"lll"tJ..
ll'ln q» lalg!h .wcl(1OW"t1 C
"'lilt lilt" Ll1Illni \<&11("1\
\I olIt\ I,~, 'II...Il11(' lUlrt'ldk'l.1
ha.....nn itt r-oluurlng
:11"", IDol pl' r ~mund Ih:u
lillie. ul\lIId \I.IUI (
'Ilr ~Ih CC;;.lJU('lHlI) Ih\l;h
l.lnd,'n, .11"".u Lr II In
t"n..urC' Ihill hi, f1."J{1mrnl
"" .." ""l:'('f'1 ..' .... mclhillw,
01",-o~l, (h""l~t'(1 Ih(' 00""1"
«)IUlU uJ hi" IIlnt', hlN"
"J Klft'11. lilr their £lIt:il~
r..lkMIIIK hk. ,","UlIl,lt" 1114:"
I~'nd nnd Il'....'d :U'wt Ih
fl'pc'N nt lhe- 7'..1fJJ1. ,.h.. u~1
r•• "bL."tI"kl,r...J.~I'I\' I ·If~
~"Alu"If'~ lhr .tdf.pliCtI) tit IhC'jl IJtll;'"rll dd\II)I('", 111 IH::iori. I,ll, IJlp""h
In Vlm", r''KirnrIlL' 1001. III h anult ht.W" l.nill.~1 In fh,. rr"Rhnt'lIl.1l
ldll,;tl1- \wdu.'Iuir rut lllC' i dl
runll' ;U1d ihJ IJRht
m(II;I"I 011..., muk hI"" •• rilll{ Ihe-c l.ut.lll 11l\~." om uudrc..)
rot Int mil hi in .hl I hlh. dnd, ill Ihl' .....:,;\ pi 1111n~~, lh~ ",,'r,' ,II... ,


IIndIC1Cll1Mar ....... CIenkIrI

w:nnctuIlC) Adupu:d m ... mol SLO~ bCIlIU;a11\ pbm W\';ll t..rccn hoM"
""uhl br ,UllJpltd fUI undu<» l1\ ..1.11 '.111 ilhJlOUxh tim. ¥l Ol) nul
Ilmd.~lh .... 1l0hUlt'1lllllfJl.Utrl' Will hi W.If II

Durin\; Ihe '''Jll,It'unit '\""0 II illr,lIUH r~ill'\clI .' ~h,"""lh('1 l,lI(:u 41
1,lIl1hlnoih"lI II. J'~"""t .. hl)ll."'" oiltd "Jll.'t l.;1~ III hi.......
I'H.t, .... t~I't:,)
ROUlrl but til I .!j lrou~·rrc.1 rC"glili lit! .,dopfed luall-boot'li III pl.K'I· 01
\.hUl."••lmJ I....ppll\ dLliIf.:oI,dnllhru K..ur..... for 01 luur. llrn\C'\\"', ",hnl
f..-,:'"' flh (('I,lin", Ih In" "'1~. ~nH· Iht' ("0I1111)iIlilIHJII~' tM... ,t~ ,utd
....... .mcet ...

..... 4Iwrti .........~

_1Ur/ . . ~ ...«nMH'.
I ... nw ......"""-t'-"-

~ .. ~·,......,.1ftM

.................. -...'.,

'lIrr"d hn..,. 'h. ~ il'oll\lfl,·r..-tt lUl'l,;hll\, h nln.lI\ Ih('\ rOlllp""ml"Ot'illl\

"'t""~riI1K hoou . .m d '" hilt" ~lht'n III "luI,\. ;,tllhtM'f(h 'hlRhblltl ,,110('_'
to'Il;n- I'"("IOl.i.nw rill "("IUlII. 4).dC-I'" I" Olt' " l"l:c l'lAlc H11.
nit: ~u br'c.lmt".m lmptll.....lll fr;tluI'"C" III II4thl~ml drn..\ in IlIrll Im'l
"lOthl••1Ild IXhrL'<olnurrd olin ~ ...r....L....) ,",urn Cln ..c-uw 'If'nyr'' umil
1t~1'1.1£a.l1-", plJltct."o III 1~1. 15 Th.. "or-.mnM 01 g.:u1C"n III >111 W!".A.\;tifU :Ibn
l.~lh.\wd lht: U ufh\ tl~' 04'f,)I.,ttc...... IM • in .... "nhinAlH~n ...."h
nn1l1un l ;u; An "("f)hnm\ me' ulr

Sporr.. n,
.\lU"(' lh~ I;lrun. in "h;lII"\I'I'" rom,1t lot...... f1l~\"-1 11K' 'fW11r".IIMII\fdrd
1H1~ ollh~ IflO'T't' dL\llllMnl" fJl(';U~ of ttlrnnfunt.: "1:f"\N\~ -htHh nn ,h.,.
.,....Jc.-p:JUUlW .111m 111 bl.w:1.....uklult> phol~~1bc ~ U: II W';tj
nt'W:in:llh ~ ko.lltk-rt) un 1I~ (wnll,(thc U. In lk'tl • .(puckt but
~ "'=1'0 oj lmpr-Il\tn It, ,;}PfX"=lDOt'. U r:ln hi tJIt' f.K((1 (1N ....lth ~l""'n
.&lId thC'n ",th hu~houl'", <>U,\\,udh u c:ompnOC'd thr-r-r ItloMn drmnJu;: 'hr
,,,,1111,' JHlh; lht' 11111. u",Lllh f1f 11I,,&\1 hur SC1D1rtnnM p;1I.-11l h·.uh....1
Iht' Ixxk, onillch lor.1 tlmt" ,1!iSlIlnor« Ihe drJfl{"ll!IIOf'L1i :md rll'pr"ar.mno nr
.1 puw1m~ wut the hrlk.l~t~ illHI Lub 'l,'ihidl Ut."l1.II.ltnlll
\ Ilum1x-1 iI.'( ~"tri.. liom ('UI' bl: 1«'11 In both Ih(' (1)lnUt pi,,\(."'!; "lJul
lllhr" i111l'llr"lIoll~ ill IIII!! boo/"'. bow Ihe 1ll0~t dllrcrl"nn·~ If.r
ullul"n;\'Ien'SC,"luullII tht" IIJUO DII~ K~ul.lllUlu.:

!nlh'!" 11,-.\. 111~hl.,ndN" IRlad. \\';uchl- \\1,lu' hnr"lll--h.J.!r 11111" "lfXln,u~

h'P I" rll 11"I)o,I1'd ~h nW"ul. l'dgt't'l 'loI"lh 1111 11M. I1mlk-o It"".I\'C",.a1 r,v/\ ~HW
.1Ild III th~ U::llU • ,\bt,l\C' the ttnu tlli'\llc ~ \m,hl;'l'l ",uti ",Iv fl\ IJ;lJkI
bulll..,ll w~"C'l" ~~t~ll't'lldl"tl1", [wpl.. 1Kuld llH(\
'hI lh.. St-;dutllr 1-lllothLlIIltt"'r~- \\1Ih.. hur'il"h;lir. I h .. 1","rrr.1ll rtllJ ,~ lIt
11lIml~hn1 gllr mrl.ll Ml,h."T.I\Td Wllh:ll Ihmlt' IlII .."hrl' iUdt'. IlIlh,. r,.mrt'.
III ~i1u:l" l,,"U p,.,n or lhi~lIt" .....i lll thl" !lCIolls llllcrilxd uklkh'n RiKh"
011 I.hc:-l0"""l=f hell" Ou 11Il> h'I' ur Ih~ ~r."" lhc i(wlh III rilxd 'l'>ilh
.....m\" ~ Ih\' hnnnuJ'li "I Ihe.- ~og1ll1t'm [~l\o,t-t'" lh(' 'j:m,)'.. ,I .. I.~·I\. h'l-".ld
\lxnr thr Wlg'!l he-.ui 1\'10'0 ullin KraUs uliCn1.M:tl \'IoHh the rf'ln;unill~
h(lnuun. or (he RegilllClll 'T\J,u IUIIK hl..w.k hUI'IC"-h.. ul w~"C'b \\0;111 gilt
~1(:1o. llo Sfw'" "o)(f';\\('d "ilh lhi"'lln .l1\d 1,,,.1\ ome...·2ftdIoHth~!t~
1n lIlt' (~mlon IlightllU1t - \\ hLI(' ht,rv-I\fIlr. (.i1t. f»J'I,d It'll
....VM. . n.w~lfKfIIliIlJlHo
rllgl.... \1:d ""'UI tltCHJc""1lI1l1 OllloUUC111W cdg lJl LIre' (.('lIue. tJ04dS('~ ,.." lor , ....... MIl,...-.dI ... ,o-o l;t,.
.......Dludl III\'t"r. VJ\C" fl:CJkJ lJIIllhull t.l~' h;'U~UIK f'Ulli lw~ I(ukl undo 1tIOf""'""""'"h"OftI\M~
TI,e.- 11C-'oIll}V/ fh"I:t~v'l\ III 11C'•..-I<.lIulluight J{llitl ~.,.....,t'"""ft,

'In lhr (~,"u'ml1 Illgl1l,lJulf'l"i - (,f-M' h(lN':'-h."lir

"'(ltlmtIJ It'll in rml('(1 Kilt mend. In lilt" ct"nlrt". ::til
dhpll'0111 lill-fl. luil.lilx-d .'T'h~ Qlln-U', 0""11
(.:"'111 ("n It"hl•.mll..... -, '-lilllll1 ;m IM~-h:',lt """'JIll
Wilh-Ill Ihf' nng. on II hW"UL"hcd gdl grmmd...
l..hbtlto wnnrnmu..d l~' .II cn.'l\\TI an \iln'T Oll
o.i~C" . . . r lhe \It,\L.-1c;d 'o("LI.)11'" ~.. \" I;jlf lhl.. tlt--;
01' Ih(' I"", r ponl~rl IJ,I lht, \l:'l'\~1Il .lIld ,pr.t. ~ •
•~ Jll.rolJ ullCIlbnl -1'("lUlllilU., ~pL W.uelluo-.
l.~ gohJ w1lioll w.."M"b. illlK",.tlnJ"" IJluC' i.U,U K""ld
'In lh(' r\~1l • ntl SUlht'fbnrl IIIRhL'lU1,.1"fI; -
t.nwn''C'f1 fl:ill 1°1'. ~J ~h11I)C (fl\~dM) \fIuan"
nlu;n "0'1111 ~Cl1lJ' ill ~lIllllKl n the \("1)(,(". lin;
bl~·.. 11':.1(1 .u\<I u-wll. tJl~ tor,mfl \O.lth t..",ph~t.
.mll rhl" r,1.l .md qroll -umi!;;lr III dr-ugn W Ihr lull
r1rC"ft 1\1:' ","~11 gold buUiulll:.r I, \\;,lh
11 "Wlltold "'l..~lldw h-. 1oi""1:M:d ~vkll,,4'Hl....:

nl~ rq,,'liliinom abo IIIllMm thai lJle bullioll

w.¥.ct \\"'["I'C onh l.a be '1\01'11 III ~,C\\o OfdCl ,l.IId
had lu be n:'IIIU'"hlt" IH f~hl1C'nb ""1 .lllllplhl)(
;,\Il ul'ld~ ~>orml' In rl. nlNo :111 11\ r"C1tltl~nl'"
drt! "0'

'In ,hll:' RO)}olllliw.hl~11<1 .... - \\'.ilr;<- Ih)r-.c-h;.lif" H,p

.1: 101'" Iht" lull drrM II'pnrr.Jn, hn" \han lllilcl;

hm¥-hmr rn..'i...d~ In bl..n::k IMIl:IU 1C';uhl."T !lOd;.f'~

'hllh~ St'".uOflh Ilil/:hL-mf!C'"" - \" ror ruu dk" 3.
U.lMI.,._!1K ~
to- u.AIb'y MIftt'
"m.tN,On-c'oM • .,~
.... UI~1e~" .. ~
lhIolUlhbioll _ _ 1nIdIwI

MfMoIllJ'OOOM ....... tftC1Hi

In til (;ardon lllghl;uult'" - \\1lllt" hnrv-h;dr, rl1p ,,(nr (llll tlr •

TIi\U JOllie bl"u L. IJO~h:air Lw...h. lilfip-:"fldl"d (fUrn Kill metal ~W'"kl,"l'" lIud
(hail" ~L.(",.. rnxm\t'd "'11h Ihl"llt"
"In lilt' C'..; unt'ffln t1iA:ht:mdrn - Obil"k hUA<" UI d .. tt;uh~"r Itlp
Il dK" Il)p.lll •• h.:'l. ~ .\lIdll;'" lUI "IU. bc'~"11 "pi 01\ ur llll~l1C" TIi\{)
long "hilt" h~l;lll w........ 1\ an IJbc L Ir.IlIWI '\CtC~l"
'In 11"." ,A.X'lI ,md 1I1hrrLllld J-11j;.lll;lIId l"i - "I badgrr hC';ltl fnnm; lhr
IIII' ' "hull \\hhr IMJI'!oI"-holir til ~I,. 'IIIith thiuJr lraJ 'KK'ULli 111 telh
Int'raJ. sU'lvondw t)'. 1i; .. ),W"fI ~ 1(1 ",irt (()m .

Thlt" ~h uf Ih lolJlk l'ik- "~fC nut (.v\lI,:1cY 111 Ih~ lq(1d•• ltlJn",
",hkh nnt\ . pph('(1 It. filii.- • nll1f(lfIll.... ',"If gt'1'i('"I".l1h f(,llllM~ th
uffiu:r"" undi~)lolu nu. QC.qJt 111 tJlC' ~lb. 'hl~ Wdgn hr.vh 'lflt=R.'
f~l~ U.:\:C . "'OinllJ.u'h.lIH 1It.,llfo.1n u ""Ideo ur HU JAMtufll '\inn""
ollkg,l". nonr 01 Iht' ("Omrniwon("d olnc~" "'on" LJIL"i ItI) dim .11 IIll'\,
~JUd. diuoUlk. 11O'\·t"\-n~ Io-IU pt."OOnlld \\oC',,,LnJl~ kJ.It!- had n ",Jute
hor'll"-h"IfT <\flOCr;I:'l 'o\ilh d11~ 'UIlS!: hI..::., '" h(Jl~h.lh lt~h
_ _-
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~IIlld\lldMll,"",e-I'tu'y.. ~ , I'I'Ilty mllnlle." u.t OM rA trW Plpan now 11"1 1M
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GWtnpny. not.1tlt tltMNtcIon Ifte ngN Wit_ tf'll'f'lltl@otlett thIi~'1d~'''lMCed~''u...Qtn'.t9~

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tho new urvts. RayW ~ ,..,.., hIr cNrk blue makIta. ~ 01'1.
grcq:l photogrllph. (CJI WIWII.
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$alQ f~. N KiflQ'" o.w. SC:ClnJIn 8clrdIl'W'J, me "'"

lli.cj,; Watd'l ana lt1It o....n's Own Cwneton ~ HI HIGHLAND LIGHT IN.-AHTAY. '.00.
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1Iho ...... . , ~.. ~ __ ..... lIfCiU'1dhllIllQl.WId ~...-.poMdMl8S' ........ ~lOtNf~'»OIdI
dgojm by IN rfW1Ii hlp. In Apt '110 h 7111 t.d bMn
bulI"'1900,IInd .. t/"It1.thhld""'~~
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onet.hll'I ~l'nNnflNttNHU""~1N nne.d pMi. . . . ., -.0. Waldl cftMMd •., . . . . . ill

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iIl\il , QQ6 hi • ~ 0' ofIIcn, cftM\ floom bolh ,...." ................. ~ ..... W"'-.-.r.MCII
twlotltlonlo agtIled on !'lOW ttIII!I two UNfom. tI'lOl.'d be ....... *-"~...,.,......"".., .. ~e.n
hIrmoruId. Tht: ~ ot tt. omc.a' .-1d HCOa' "'~.·"'"" .. 'ThoI,".-...Irtu..~I.oon .... ~
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illlJllOlrT'llWlt1lo- . . tI'oClrowfI.,.... ~ I!8OGlIlw. IiljItMdNtIt
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~~theltIW~. .
"""" 'llOOONu_
MW\~.... P(lrd~OI~Itlt
~buethiltb~*."';·onothw . . *'-waa~~tDbe'Mmantybvu.'*-'
IIIClCiIIIIClnlI aDM-bat nil'. the ClI'O• ..,tIll
'f4It tJdr.". 'III(lr'ft Ol.".,.""..,~$IrcI....... Oflllhal~&1UJ
by rill 111 8n.. DI'ficw'I nw ~ till 2HU lMdIeam NrlIatrw~tn... ~dNJ.tIidlaftM'lIftIft
DMiIditlQ OW • DMA*l an trlW Hits Plitwn an h.-mn bun ttw .am ~ II» ~ lG2l. vnlh two
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D)'lIft'IOIndtldhbAlUlanl.. t'lOMMlkt'lIn.cIl'l_~..-un.
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diI\IngUiItI bIitwwn u..1IJtI 04 It-. s.tanhI and of n HU Catan ~Md ~ ol8007 Pta..1adt W&cIn.
ppIl"I. ...... ~lnmotM:ll'lngOltne .IIt'Id He WNratrle la WIMlnt;A I~ ~ ... ..." lJP unu 191.
~Mwomb7ItleHU •• whIllr~ I ... rhitWP .... h1M2~I/Wlo-.t:It1II~WICh.
'I'WlkaIy dgwnu. ~d-=h~ ....m.,.,tnea:ltw btlickDlllwft.~tICt'OJltINWUcl'llingl!!ld

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