Excerpt Windrider Fighter Subclass PDF

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by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.

last updated on September 17, 2016 at 14:09:18 PM

Windrider Non-elven windriders

The Windriders are an elven knighthood of griffon In the various Dragonlance novels, windriders have
riders founded over 2,500 years ago. Their numbers always been elves, but in your campaign you may see fit
are diminished due to the twin tragedies that struck to relax this requirement, allowing half-elves and those
the elves in 421 AC (38 SC), but they remain that have served the interests of elvenkind to join this
formidable both in the air and on land. Scattered august body of aerial cavalry.
across Ansalon, the Windriders seek to regroup the
disparate elven races and bring all elves together
beneath one banner for the betterment of all. Windrider feats
If feats are allowed in your campaign, it would behoove
Roleplaying Windrider membership
the windrider to take the mounted combatant feat.
The Silvanesti senate had once mandated that
Windriders be drawn from the high-caste ranks of
Griffon Mount
House Protector. During the Third Dragon War, the
senate decreed that highborn members of House At 3rd level, you gain a griffon mount (see the
Mystic could join the wizard division of Windriders Monster Manual for your griffon's base statistics).
as long as they possessed the appropriate magical The movement cost of mounting your griffon is 5
- feet.
Enthia largely respected Kith-
allowing all elves to join the Windriders, provided Griffon Wizards
they possessed the requisite skills.
Now that the Windriders have unified, their Many elven wizards that multiclass into the windrider
recruiting process is markedly similar to that used subclass come to be known as griffon wizards. These
by the Qualinesti. Any adult elf who is not devoted wizards are almost alwayss White Robe Wizards of High
to another organization (such as the kirath) can Sorcery.
simply ask a ranking Windrider if he may be tested
for the order. Windrider tests involve rigorous Mount Attack
martial and endurance training as well as a
personality test to ensure that the aspirant will be Starting at 7th level, when controlling your mount, it
able to get along with a griffon. Those who fail are has the option to Attack, in addition to Dash,
politely but firmly offered a position in the Disengage, and Dodge.
Wildrunners. Unfortunately, the number of Mount Scout
Windrider recruits has sharply dropped since the
Starting at 10th level, when controlling your mount,
separation of the Windriders from the bulk of the
it has the option to Search, in addition to Attack,
elven population in Khur, and some Windriders are
Dash, Disengage, and Dodge.
approaching prospects instead of waiting for their
order to expand. Mount Evasion
Beginning at 15th level, when your mount is
subjected to an effect that allows it to make a
Restriction: Elves Only Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it
Only elves can be windriders. The windrider is a instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the
uniquely elvish concept. saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the
campaign. The restriction exists for Dragonlance. It
Griffon Lord
Starting at 18th level, while mounted on your griffon,
version of Dragonlance. you have advantage on ranged attack rolls against
any unmounted creature that is smaller than your
by Ray Cordova, iltharanos@yahoo.com
last updated on September 17, 2016 at 14:09:18 PM

Improved Griffon Mounts

As the windrider levels up, she will find her mount

becomes comparatively less impressive. One way to
alleviate this is to take advantage of the new animal
training downtime activity.

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