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Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.

M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Setting


There are a lot of theories when it comes to Clothing but according

to Henderson (2013), one of the earliest theories which formed the

hypotheses of wearing clothes was the modesty/shame theory. This

theory is also known as the fig leaf theory which is based on the story in

the Bible. Genesis states that Adam and Eve realize that their state of

being naked when they consume a fruit from the knowledge tree. And in

shame they both stitched clothes out of fig leaves, hence the name fig leaf

theory. Many people started considering shame to be the only reason

behind clothing, but as time flew by people read more and more hence

offered a lot of other theories. Arguments said that clothing was merely

because of protection of one's body from the threats in the environment.

Other arguments stated that clothing was created to create sexual

attraction or to display beauty of one's body.

Scotty Henderson, 2013also states that clothing in some societies

is as functional as language. It represents a person's age, gender, marital

status, ethnicity, social status and occupation. Clothing reveals some

information about an individual's personality, and economic standing. If a

woman is dressed in blue jeans and is wearing a frilly flowered top, she is

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

probably trying to state that she wants to look more traditional. On the

other hand a person wearing a T-shirt which a rock band's name on the

shirt, then its very probable that the person is a rock band fan. Clothing

has now extended to a much diverse meaning. In high schools, the most

desirable students wear something extraordinary which makes them stand

out as opposed to the teens called nerds. This difference demarcates the

boundaries between these two types of group.

It's been well-established—in the scientific literature and real life—

that what we wear affects how others perceive us. Women who wear more

masculine clothes to an interview (such as a dress suit) are more likely to

be hired. People dressed conservatively are perceived as self-controlled

and reliable, while those wearing more daring clothing are viewed as more

attractive and individualistic. We've recognized these distinctions since

childhood—we learn what's appropriate to wear to school, to interviews, to

parties. Even those confined to uniform convey their own unique style in

an attempt to change how they are perceived by others (Jordan Lewis,


Dressing to impress can influence how others see us, but what’s

perhaps less obvious is how it can affect our own sense of self. Some

psychologists think that physical objects, like clothes, can be used to

change our internal mind-set, allowing us to transition more easily into

roles that are unfamiliar by first dressing the part (Solomon, 1983).

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

According to a study conducted by Holloman, et. al. 1996, many

urban and sub-urban school system have experienced problems among

students that involves dress and appearance. At the end of the spectrum,

these problems, which frequently include factors related to students'

ethnicity, social class and neighbourhood residence, include peer

competition, ostracism, and teasing about dress. They also include poor

academic achievement and attendance resulting from dress-related

concerns. At the other end, serious threat to students' health and safety

include those related to gang-affiliated clothing and clothing theft that may

be accompanied by violent assaults and even murder.

Upon observing how the Senior High School Students are wearing

their clothes during free uniform days, the researchers found out that the

students have different fashion styles. The way students get dressed can

affect how people treat them, how they are being judged and criticized and

how they can build their self confidence. Because of that, the researchers

will seek to answer if where do the students are buying their clothes and

what are the factors that can affect the students' buying behavior when it

comes to clothing.

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study will determine the Factors of

Clothing Interest on the Buying Behavior of Senior High School Students

in Marvelous College Of Technology Incorporated. Specifically it seeks

to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the Senior High School Students

in MCTI in terms of:

1.1 Name

1.2 Track

1.3 Grade

1.4 Section

1.5 Age

1.6 Gender

1.7 Status

2. Where do the Senior High School Students usually buy their


2.1 Department Stores

2.2 Online Stores

2.3 Ukay-ukay

3. What are the factors affecting the clothing interest of the senior high

school students?

3.1 Buying Capacity

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

3.2 Quality

3.3 Self-concept

Scope and Limitation

This study is entitled “Factors of Clothing Interest on the Buying

Behavior of Senior High School Students in Marvelous College Of

Technology Incorporated.”. The research study will be limited and will be

conducted at the Marvelous College of Technology Inc. The respondents

will be random senior high school student, both grade 11 and grade

12,during the 1st semester of SY 2019-2020. This will be used in order to

formulate an effective study regarding to the factors affecting senior high

school students on buying clothes. The researchers will conduct a survey

by giving questionnaires to gather the data needed.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that the results of this study will be useful

and beneficial to the following individuals:

Students. This study will tackle their understanding about the

Factors of Clothing Interest on the Buying Behavior of Senior High School

Students in Marvelous College Of Technology Incorporated.. It will give

awareness to the students in terms of the place where they are usually

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

buying clothes and if it can affect the way they are being treated by others

when it comes to one of the the factors which is the self-concept.

Administrators and Staff. This study will provide a sufficient

number of information to enlighten and give insights for the factors of

clothing interest affecting the students when it comes to their behavior in

buying clothes. For them to know the place where the students are usually

buying and to supervise the students if the clothing style is one of the

reasons for bullying and rape based on the factor which is the self-

concept, for it includes the enjoyment, socializing, risk reduction and new


Future Researchers . The results of this study hope to encourage

other researchers to conduct similar study for the enhancement and better

understanding about the Factors of Clothing Interest on the Buying

Behavior of Senior High School Students in Marvelous College Of

Technology Incorporated.. Also to give additional knowledge and

information related to this topic.

Definition of Terms

To understand fully the directions of this study, the researchers

defined the following terms operationally.

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

Factors. In this study, it refers to the cause why the students are buying

clothes. It includes Buying Capacity, Quality and Self-concept.

Buying. This term refers to the purchasing act of students.

Clothes. This term refers to the wearing apparel of students.

Clothing .This term refers to the covering that is designed to be worn by a


Interest. This term refers to a reason for wanting something.

Behavior. This term refers to the way students behave towards their

clothing interest.

Students. This term refers to the respondents.

MCTI . This term refers to Marvelous College of Technology Inc., the

locale of the study.

Department Stores. This term refers to the sector or a section of a store

where the students can buy clothes.

Online Stores. This term refers to the stores in the global village, which

means you can buy clothes through online buying.

Ukay-ukay. This term refers to the stores where you can buy second

hand clothes in a lower price.

Marvelous College Of Technology Inc.,
M.H. Del Pilar St., Zone IV, Koronadal City
South Cotabato, Philippines 9506

Buying Capacity. This term refers to one of the factors that can affect

students on buying clothes. It includes ₱50-₱100, ₱101-₱150, ₱151-₱200

and ₱201-₱250.

Quality. This term refers to one of the factors. It includes color, design,

features and brand.

Self-concept. This term refers to one of the factors. It includes enjoyment,

socializing, risk reduction and new trend.

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