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Aniqotuz Zahro
English Department – University of PGRI Semarang

This research was aimed to improve the students’ writing ability in writing
procedure text by using media “CD Interactive”. There are three conclusions that
the writing achievement of the students before being taught using media “CD
Interactive” was faire. While the writing achievement of the students after being
taught using media “CD Interactive” was good, and the hypothesis was accepted
because there is a difference between the students before and after being taught
using media “CD Interactive”.

Keywords: CD Interactive, Writing, Recount Text


Language is a tool of communication and it is very important. It has

central role in the development of intellectual, social and emotional. It conveys
some massages in the spoken and written form. Language also helps people to
share their ideas, feelings and helps them to participate in society.

English is one of foreign language taught in Indonesia. It is an important

subject in school and must be learnt in school since kindergarten level until
university level. As foreign language, it is considered as a difficult subject for
Indonesian learners because it is completely different from Indonesian seem from
the structures’ system, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

In this study, the researcher will focus on teaching writing in junior high
school. Writing is one of the four skills which is taught at school. Writing skill
needs several addition potential in order to master it. It needs seriousness,
willingness, hard working, and continuously, so someone can increase their
writing skill by practicing. At school we can find some kinds of texts which can
help the students to increase their ability. There are two main categories of text –
literary and factual. Literary texts include : Narrative, Poetry, and Drama. While
factual texts include : Recount, Explanation, Discussion, Information Report,
Exposition, Procedure, and Response.

The writer chooses the topic of procedure because nearly every day we are
faced with many kinds of procedure, for example are how to make fried rice, how
to operator computer, etc. Procedure is important to be taught to the students, for
that reason the teachers are demanded to find the creative method in teaching

“CD Interactive” is one of interactive multimedia aids which can be used

as media to teach procedure text. Students can see the steps how to make or to do
something. They will understand the steps and it also will help them to write the
text. Actually, using that video can make English teaching fun. The writer tries to
explore teaching media through computer program.

There are a lot of definitions of the keywords.


According to Patel and Jain (2008: 125) writing is essensial features of

learning a language because it provides a very good means of foxing the
vocabulary, spelling, and sentences pattern.
Writing is speaking to others on paper or a computer screen. Writing is
partly a talent, but it’s mostly a skill, and like any skill, it improves with practice.
Writing also an action, a process of discovering and organizing your ideas, putting
them on paper, and revising them.
Boardman and Frydenberg (2002: 11) stated that writing is a continuous
process of thinking and organizing, rethinking and reorganizing.
Writing is usually thought to be the most difficult skill to acquire and
should only be taught after students have learned the other skill. Writing is one of
the language skills which need a physical and mental process of the students to
express ideas, feelings, experience, message and opinion through words.

Procedure Text

Gerot and Wignel (1995: 206) stated that procedure text is kind of text which
is aimed to described how something is accomplished through a sequence of
actions or step. The purpose of procedure text is to give instruction to do
something through several steps.

The language features usually found in procedure text are:

1. Use of technical language

2. Sentence that begin with verbs and are stated as command.
3. Use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the
4. Use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done.

Procedure text has three general characteristic, they are:

1. Objective of the text

The purpose of procedure text is to show how something can be
accomplished a series of steps or action to be taken.
2. Structure of the text
a. Goal
Name of procedure to be carried out
b. Materials
List of materials needed
c. Step
List of step to be followed
3. Linguistic character
a. Focus on generalized human agents
b. Use of simple present tense
c. Use of mainly matrial (action) clause

CD Interactive

There are many Interactive Multimedia technologies that are available for
teachers to use to create innovative and interactive course. One of them is CD
Interactive which can convey information using video, audio, sound and text. CD
Interactive is one of the product from ITC that use as introduction media or
promotion which have advantages on visualization, animation, and content, so
that the people who see it can feel and can do the direct interaction with the media
(Rinjani, et al. 2013: 02).
CD Interactive is effective designs which include texts, sounds, pictures,
photographs, illustrations, animations, videos, and other multimedia modes
(Eristi, 2005 – 2008: 03).
CD interactive is one of the fun way media in teaching English. It can help
the students to be more understand the material that we explain. Many studies
investigates the effect of multimedia and their potential for learning and teaching
have focused on students’ knowledge gains as well as on issues concerning the
effective design of the media environments.
The design of CD Interactive is constructed on the principle of user
centered instruction. This principle requires interactive instructional CDs to
provide students with individual excitement along with triggering their sensation
and perception. Through this excitement, interactive instructional CDs provide a
well-qualified instruction as well. If these tools are prepared with these
instructional purposes in mind, interactive instructional CDs encourage students to
learn more effectively.
Stepanoviene makes some reference to this quoting Suvorov (2008), a
video clip is more effective in teaching unknown vocabulary word than a still
picture. The factors that explain such a result that a video better builds a mental
image, better creates curiosity leading to increased concentration, and embodies
an advantageous combination of modalities.
From that statement, we know that using Interactive multimedia such as
CD interactive have a positive impact for the students. They can be more
interested in learning English. They can be more easy to understand the material
that we taught using media ‘CD Interactive’.

Method is the way of doing something (Bull, 2008: 277). It is also quality
of being well planned and organized. This was quantitative method because it
tried to investigate the students using experimental research in the statistic group
comparison. They were before using of media “CD Interactive” and after using
media “CD Interactive” as learning technique in teaching writing procedure text.
MTS Nurul Huda Dempet Demak was the subject of the research.
In this research, the writer used pre-experimental research involved one
group of the students. Here, the writer wanted to use media “CD Interactive” in
teaching writing procedure text as treatment. Thus, the writer wanted to see what
happened to the students’ achievement when they were taught by using media
“CD Interactive”. The writer chose one-group pretest-posttest design, gave
pretest before treatment for this study, and gave post-test after the treatment.
According to Urdan (2010: 1), “A population is an individual or group that
represents all the members of a certain group or category of interest”. The
population of this study was the ninth year students of MTS Nurul Huda Dempet
Demak in the academic year 2014/2015. The populations of the research were the
ninth year students of MTS Nurul Huda Dempet Demak because the material of
procedure text which was going to be observed was given to the ninth year
students of Junior High School.
“A sample is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans
to study for generalizing about the target population” (Creswell, 2012:142).
Sample is a group of people or things that is chosen out of a larger number and
tested in order to get information about the larger group. In this research, the
writer used purposive sampling because the writer discussed to the teacher
before getting data. This technique used to determine sample if object that would
be research was very big. Teacher took one class as sample. It is IX A because the
class has low input in writing recount text. The classes has 36 students, so the
amount of the sample was 36 students.
The instruments used in this study was test. According to Cresswell (2012:
14), “An instrument is a tool for measuring, observing, or documenting,
quantitative data”. There were three kinds of test. They were pre-test, treatment,
and post-test.
Technique of data collection is very important for the research study. In
this study, the technique used to collect the data was test. Test is a method of
measuring s person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain
(Brown, 2004: 3). To find the result of the students’ ability in writing recount text
the writer used written test, and the writer was doing research. The first way the
writer gave pre-test to the experimental group. The next test was post-test given
after the writer gave treatment to the experimental group.
Then, the writer got score of each student in composition; the writer used
the formula as follows:

S = E1+E2+E3+E4+E5


S = Total Score

E1 = Score of Organization

E2 = Score of Content

E3 = Score of Grammar

E4 = Score of Mechanic

E5 = Score of Vocabulary

To make strengthen the data achieved from the field, the writer used a set
of data analysis method and in this study, the writer used t-test formula by using
SPSS 16.0 (Statistical Pocket of Social Science) for windows to know whether
there was any significant difference of the students’ ability in writing procedure
text before and after using media “CD Interactive”.
After putting the data into SPSS 16.0 program and it was analyzed by
independent sample t-test; the t-value was found automatically. Beside t-value, in
SPSS 16.0 program also found mean score of the students’ pre-test and post-test,
the standard deviation of the students’ pre-test and post-test, the standard error
mean of the students’ pre-test and post-test, and the difference of standard error
between students before and after using media “CD Interactive” found.
Then after t-value known, the next step was to compare t-value with t-test
table. If the result of t-value was higher than t-table, we said that the result of the
test was significant. On the other hand, if the result of t-value was lower than t-
table, the result of t-test was not significant.

The important way to make descriptions of the students’ achievement is

grading. In this study, the students’ grades were excellent, good, sufficient, fair
and fail, as the following:

Table 3.1
The Category of the Students’ Score

Level of Master Criteria

90 – 100 Exellent
80 – 89 Good
70 – 79 Sufficient
60 – 69 Fair
0 – 59 Fail

(Brown: 287)


The mean score of students before being taught using media “CD
Interactive” was 60,28. It could be said that the ability of students’ in writing
procedure texts in pre-test was categorized fair.

Table 4.1
The mean of the students’ scores of pre-test

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

PRETEST 36 53.00 68.00 60.2778 3.66926

Valid N (listwise) 36

And the mean score of post-test was 79,53. It means that the ability to
write procedure text of ninth grade students of MTS Nurul Huda Dempet Demak
after being taught using media “CD Interactive” is good by referring to the table
of the achievement. And the score of the post-test is higher than the pre-test.

Table 4.2

The mean of students’ scores of post-test

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

POSTTEST 36 73.00 85.00 79.5278 2.86343

Valid N (listwise) 36

Then the writer used t-test formula to know the difference of the students’
writing ability in writing procedure text before and after being taught using media
“CD Interactive”. It was employed to measure the difference of the students’
ability who were taught before and after using media “CD Interactive”. The
writer used SPSS 16.0 program to calculate t-test.

Table 4.3

Paired Sample Test of T-Test

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence
Interval of the

Std. Std. Error Sig. (2-

Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T Df tailed)

19.250 3.166 .528 18.179 20.321 35 .000

The mean score of the students’ post-test and pre-test was 19.250. The
standard deviation of students’ post-test and pre-test was 3.166; the standard error
mean of students’ post-test and pre-test was .528 and the result of the t-test was

The result of t-test has to be conclude to t-table with significant level on

5% to know whether there is any significant difference between the students
before and after being taught using media “CD Interactive”. T-table from df 36
(N-1=35) for α 5% was 2,03. Based on the result of t-test composed into t-table
value, it could seen that there was higher than t-table (36.485> 2.03). Therefore,
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, it means that there is significant
differences of the students’ ability in writing procedure text after and before being
taught using media “CD Interactive”.

After getting the result of the research, the writer discussed the data from
MTS Nurul Huda Dempet Demak. The writer discussed about the the writing
ability of the students’ before being taught using media “CD Interactive”. From 36
students as sample, there are 23 students categorized into fair and 13 students
categorized into fail. The result got from the pre-test of the students. The mean of
the pre-test was 60,28 and it was categorized into fair.

The result of students’ pre-test shows that the score range of students level
achievement was fair. There were some problems of the students’ ability in
writing procedure text in the pre-test. There were some problems of the students’
writing procedure texts in the pre-test. The first problem is that the students did
not remember what procedure text was. The students were also still confused how
to write procedure text; the students forgot generic structure and language features
of procedure text as well.

The students did not know about the definition, generic structure and
language feature of procedure texts. They also had the difficulties in writing
procedure text.

After giving the pre-test, the writer gave treatment to the students. In the
treatment, the writer taught procedure texts using media “CD Interactive” to
interest the students attention.

The next day, the writer gave post-test to the students.From 36 students as
sample, there are 19 students categorized into suffiecient and 17 students
categorized into good. The mean of the post-test was 79,58 and it was categorized
into good. It means that the students’ writing skill was increase after taught using
media “CD Interactive”. It shows that there was any significant between pre-test
and post-test. So, teaching after using media “CD Interactive” did effective than
teaching before using media “CD Interactive”.

The media “CD Interactive” did help the students in learning procedure
text. The students can be more focus on the lesson. So that, their abillity in writing
procedure text in the post-test was increase than the pre-test.

According to the result of pre-test and post-test, it shows that the

effectiveness of using “CD interactive” in teaching written procedure textsis
effective. Based on the computation, the result of t-test is 36.485and the
percentage of t-table value for α 5% was 2,03. It showed that the result of the t-
test is higher than the t-table (36.485> 2.03). It means that the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) could be accepted. So, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted.
The result is that media “CD Interactive” could help the students learning
writing procedure text. It is more easier for students to study with media “CD
According to research findings, the writer found that media “CD
Interactive” made students more enjoy learning English, specially writing
procedure texts. Using media “CD Interactive” in teaching procedure texts more
effective and made students interested. They were more pay attentionwhen the
writer played the media “CD Interactive” in the class and it can increase their
ability in writing procedure text.

Based on the study about the effectiveness of using media “CD Interactive”
in teaching written procedure texts: the case of ninth grade students of MTS Nurul
Huda Dempet Demak in academic year 2014/2015, the writer concluded the
results of the study as follows:

1. The writing ability of the ninth grade students of MTS Nurul Huda
Dempet Demak in writing procedure texts before being taught using
“CD Interactive” is fair. It can be known from the mean of the pre-test
score. The mean of score is 60,28. According to the table of
achievement, it is in the level of fair.
2. The writing ability of the ninth grade students of MTS Nurul Huda
Dempet Demak in writing procedure texts after being taught using “CD
Interactive” is good. It can be known from the mean of the post-test
score. The mean of score is 79,53. According to the table of
achievement, it is in the level good.
3. There was a significant difference of the ability in writing procedure
texts of the ninth grade students of MTS Nurul Huda Dempet Demak
before and after being taught using media “CD Interactive”. Thet-test
value was 36,485 meanwhile, t-table from df 35(N-1=35) for α 5% was
2.03. So,t-test is higher than t-table. It means that (Ha) was accepted.
4. It could be concluded that there was any significant difference bettween
students’ ability who were taught before using media “CD Interactive”
and those who were taught after using media “CD Interactive” in
writing procedure texts at ninth grade MTS Nurul Huda Dempet

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