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Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

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Review article

The effect of clay minerals on the process of flotation of copper ores - A T

critical review

Ricardo I. Jeldresa, , Lina Uribeb, Luis A. Cisternasa, Leopoldo Gutierrezc, Williams H. Leivaa,d,
Julio Valenzuelae
Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Procesos de Minerales, Universidad de Antofagasta, PO Box 170, Antofagasta, Chile
Department of Mining Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Talca, Chile
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
CSIRO Chile, International Center of Excellence, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile


Keywords: The presence of clay leads to low recoveries in the process of flotation of copper ores which is also reflected in a
Clays decrease of the concentrates grades. Due to this, the scientific interest in studying the effect and mechanisms of
Copper action of clay minerals in the flotation process has increased, which has resulted in a better understanding of the
Flotation physicochemical foundations behind. This paper reports a comprehensive bibliographic review in which the
mechanisms through which clay minerals cause harmful effects in the flotation process are explained. The main
studies reported to date are systematised and classified in five topics in this paper: i) rheology of clayey pulps; ii)
specific reagents for dispersing clays; iii) interactions between clays and valuable minerals in saline media; iv)
mechanical entrainment and v) copper oxidation on clay coating. The strategies currently used to improve the
processing of clayey mineral pulps have been insufficient to achieve optimal operational results, so the following
work is intended to promote the development of new technologies that allow improving the performance of
these processes. In this review, research opportunities which consider the use of nanoparticles, based reagents
organic polymers, technologies using seawater inter exposed.

1. Introduction pH (Lagaly, 1978). Clays can be classified in two types according to

their ability to absorb water, swelling and non-swelling clays. Kaolinite
The mining industry is continually facing operational challenges is a non-swelling clay mineral, which adopts layers with a 1:1 structure
that threaten the sustainability of the sector. It is common that the and has a general composition of Al2Si2O5(OH)4. It is characterised by
grade of minerals has decreased, so their processing becomes more the predominance of Al+3 in its octahedral sites, where isomorphic
complicated. In many cases, it is necessary to perform demanding substitutions occur with Mg+2, Fe+3, Ti+4, and V+3 (Rand and Melton,
grinding to achieve an adequate liberation of valuable minerals, which 1977). Another clay mineral like montmorillonite has a 2:1 structure
inevitably brings unfavourable consequences such as high energy con- with a general composition described by the following composition
sumption, and generation of significant quantities of fine and ultra-fine (My+x nH2O)(Al2−y+3Mgy+2)Si4+4O10(OH)2 (Lagaly, 1978).
particles. The gangue also contains complex minerals like clays that are Processing of high clay ores is usually related to negative effects in
part of numerous deposits, including copper, platinum, nickel, and particular in the flotation stages. A good description was made recently
potash ores (Senior and Thomas, 2005). Clay minerals are phyllosili- in the work by Chen and Peng (2018), who developed a general review
cates that have an anisotropic structure and usually encompass col- about the mechanisms and behaviour of clays in mineral flotation. The
loidal sizes. They are composed of tetrahedral silica (T) and octahedral background they presented is general and useful for any situation in
alumina (O) layers, which join with specific proportions 1: 1 (TO) and which clays appear since most of the challenges are transversal for any
2: 1 (TOT) (see Fig. 1), presenting two surfaces that are crystal- valuable mineral that is processed. In this sense, the issues are generally
lographically different: the faces, which tend to show anionic charge, related to the froth stability, overconsumption of reagents, mechanical
and the edges, that present anionic or cationic charge depending on the entrainment, or even the pulp rheological properties can change to

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (R.I. Jeldres).
Received 5 July 2018; Received in revised form 15 January 2019; Accepted 20 January 2019
Available online 25 January 2019
0169-1317/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

modifiers and/or the use of reagents that adsorb on the surfaces of clay
particles thus preventing them to attach to valuable minerals. A dif-
ferent alternative is to lower the pulp solids concentration to obtain low
viscosities and yield stresses. However, this methodology may lead to
reduce metal production. Using physical methods to remove clays be-
fore the flotation stage is another possibility. Recent studies conducted
with coal showed that a high intensity agitation during conditioning
improve the performance when kaolinite is present (Yu et al., 2017a,
2017b). On the other hand, Oats et al. (2010) and Quast et al. (2008)
found that the desliming by hydrocyclones could be more effective than
the addition of dispersants. However, a huge amounts of valuable mi-
neral may be lost with the slimes, so the recommendation is that the
method can only be applied when the quantity of valuable minerals is
negligible. In the case of ultrasonic treatment, Celik et al. (1998) stu-
died showed that for boron flotation in the presence of high con-
centrations of clay minerals ultrasonic pretreatment showed promising
benefits in the lab trials, but they indicate that the application of this
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of clays with structures 1:1 and 2:1; O and T technique at an industrial scale can be challenging when compared to
refer to octahedral and tetrahedral layers, respectively. intense agitation and hydrocyclone desliming.
An additional challenge is to understand the clays interaction in
36 saline environments, like seawater (Uribe et al., 2017; Hernández et al.,
2012, 2015; Ordóñez et al., 2013; Cisternas, 2014; Goñi et al., 2015;
34 Jeldres et al., 2016, 2017a, 2017b; Quezada et al., 2017; Cisternas and
Gálvez, 2018; Costine et al., 2018; Romero et al., 2018). A highly saline
32 environment modifies the inter-surface interactions that govern the
pulp stability, and the impact is mainly reflected by the changes in the
Cu grade, %

30 electrostatic and hydration forces. A strong compression of the ionic

cloud surrounding the active sites, either from the particle surface or
chemical reagents may act, but also, the water molecules undergo a
rearrangement that depends if the ions have a maker or breaker char-
Illite acter (Hancer et al., 2001; Jeldres et al., 2014). Maker ions like Li+,
24 Kaolinite Na+, Mg+2, and Ca+2 are small and have a strong electric field, causing
Muscovite that the water molecules around these ions to become highly struc-
22 Montmorillonite tured. Otherwise, breaker ions like Cs+, K+, Cl− and I− generally have
Talc a larger size and weaker electric fields, which is considered insufficient
20 to provide any structure to the water molecules that surround them
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 (Moreira and Firoozabadi, 2010; Ozdemir et al., 2011).
Phyllosillicate addition, % There are some important differences between the flotation of
copper ores and other applications. First, several types of mineral spe-
Fig. 2. Effect of phyllosilicates on the copper grade in chalcopyrite flotation cies that contain copper can be found (CuFeS2, Cu2S, CuS, Cu5FeS4, and
(adapted from Farrokhpay and Ndlovu, 2013). Cu3AsS4, among others) which respond differently to the oxidizing and
reducing conditions of the particulate system. As a result, some ions
prohibitive conditions for the operation (Bulatovic, 2007; Goh et al., such a copper, iron and arsenic can be released and induce hetero-
2011; Ata, 2012; Ndlovu et al., 2013; Gutierrez and Melipichun, 2014). coagulation between clay minerals and valuable species. Secondly, the
In the particular situation of copper flotation, various minerals can be presence of pyrite in copper ores requires the use of lime in such a way
found like chalcopyrite (CuFeS2), chalcocite (Cu2S), covellite (CuS), as to avoid the flotation of this iron sulfide mineral. Previous studies
bornite (Cu5FeS4), and enargite (Cu3AsS4). Farrokhpay and Ndlovu show that calcium generates an effect that boosts the negative effect of
(2013) found that the chalcopyrite recovery is affected by phyllosili- clays in the flotation process of copper ores. This is an important dif-
cates in the following order talc > montmorilonite > muscovite > ference compared to other applications. Finally, copper ores contain a
kaolinite > illite, with talc and montmorillonite being the ones that great variety of different types of clay minerals and phyllosilicates,
have the strongets negative effect, most probably because of the sig- which implies a complex system which is different to other applica-
nificant differences in crystallinity, cation exchange capacity, and tions. In the present review, we analyse the principal researches de-
swelling degree (Farrokhpay and Ndlovu, 2013) (Fig. 2). Uribe et al. veloped to date, which deals with the impact of clay minerals on the
(2016) studied the depressing effect of clay minerals on the floatability flotation of copper ores. Particular emphasis is placed in five issues: i)
of chalcopyrite using PAX as collector through flotation tests, induction rheology of clayey pulps, ii) use of clay-specific reagents, iii) clay in-
time and settling-turbidity measurements. It was found that the de- teraction in saline medium, iv) mechanical entrainment, and v) impact
pressing effect of clay minerals was stronger at pH 10 which was cor- of copper oxidation on clay coating. Finally, the main research oppor-
related to a possible effect of Ca+2 from lime on the process of het- tunities offered by this subject are presented.
erocoagulation between clay minerals and chalcopyrite. Coating of
bubbles with clays was also detected and proposed as a mechanism that 2. Impact of clays on copper ore flotation
might explain the depressing effect of clays on the floatability of chal-
copyrite. Further research is needed to propose a mechanism that ex- 2.1. Rheological behaviour of clay suspensions
plains this phenomenon.
Some strategies to reduce the negative effect of clay minerals on the The presence of clay minerals leads to rheological challenges, which
process of flotation are the use of a variety of reagents such as rheology are generally a significant problem in flotation operations (Schubert,
2008; Ndlovu et al., 2011; Farrokhpay, 2012). When mineral pulps

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

display a non-Newtonian behavior, properties like viscosity and yield 100 100
stress have a significant importance in the hydrodynamics of the pulps,
and consequently in all the physical sub-processes that take place
80 80

Apparent viscosity (cP)

within the flotation cell, which ultimately control the process effi-

Copper recovery (%)

ciency. Bakker et al. (2009) and Shabalala et al. (2011) showed that
both bubble size and gas hold-up decreased significantly with the pulp 60 60
solid concentration. The authors explained this finding by indicating
that the high value of yield stress led to the formation of a kind of ‘pulp
40 40
cavern’ around the impeller. This logically generated a poor bubble
dispersion through the cell. Additionally, an interesting relationship
was found between the pulp rheology and the froth stability, wherein 20 20
Farrokhpay and Zanin (2011) found that froth stability increases at
lower pH values, which agrees with the increase in pulp viscosity.
The rheological behaviour of clayey pulps varies in terms of thixo- 0 0
0 5 10 15
tropy, viscoelasticity, and yield stress, and fundamentally depends on
the type of clay, nature of the interchangeable cation, and medium Clay mineral concentration (wt%)
conditions (Paineau et al., 2011; Jeldres et al., 2017c). For example, Fig. 4. Effect of clay minerals concentration on copper recovery (empty sym-
some papers indicate thatpH and the presence of salts substantially alter bols), and apparent viscosity (solid points) of flotation pulp: snobrite (circle),
the rheological behaviour of different types of clayey slurries like, kaolinite (triangle), bentonite (square) (adapted from Zhang and Peng, 2015).
montmorillonite and kaolinite among others (Brandenburg and Lagaly,
1988; Cruz et al., 2013; Tombácz and Szekeres, 2004; Basnayaka et al., during the test due to fine mineral drag or even disturbances for an
2017; Jeldres et al., 2017c). Cruz et al. (2015) showed that the main eventual sediment at the bottom of the cup; nor was the value of the
rheological differences between clay minerals are explained by ana- shear rate determined in which the Taylor vortices could appear. For
lysing how the particles are associated. With the support of Cryo-SEM this reason, the results should be analysed with caution; however, at a
images, the authors show remarkable structural differences depending qualitative level, the information is useful.
on whether they correspond to bentonite or kaolinite. While the ag- Farrokhpay et al. (2016) indicated that the main parameter to
gregates formed by bentonite are structures in the shape of ‘honeycomb’ evaluate the difference between clays is through their ‘swelling’ or ‘non-
or ‘houses of cards’ where the E-E and E-F bond dominate (Fig. 3a), swelling’ properties. The authors found that clays that have a higher
kaolinite aggregates mainly show structures of FeF and E-E types capacity to absorb water and increase their size are the ones that reduce
(Fig. 3b). No honey-comb-like network structure was observed in the the efficiency in the flotation stages, while clays that do not have this
pulp of ore-kaolinite mixtures. quality (such as kaolinite) generate a minor impact either in rheology,
Zhang and Peng (2015) performed rheograms for mixtures of copper froth stability, or recovery of valuable ore. However, these results are
minerals (chalcopyrite) with three different types of clay minerals, in not a general trend, since other authors have shown a considerable
this case, bentonite and two kinds of kaolinite. The first result, and as it impact caused by kaolinite. For example, Forbes et al. (2014) conducted
was expected, was that the highest increase in pulp viscosity generated copper flotation studies using synthetic minerals composed of mixtures
by bentonite which was explained by the 2:1 structure that produces a of quartz, chalcopyrite, and kaolinite, considering the concentration of
higher viscosity than kaolinite (1:1 structure). Regarding the two kao- the latter as the variable. An increase in the proportion of kaolinite
linite types, the one whose structure was less crystalline generated in meant an evident reduction in the chalcopyrite recovery (Fig. 5), but
turn higher rheology. The authors found a direct correlation between this also caused an intense increase in viscosity, moving away from a
the viscosity of the pulp (at 100 s−1) and the copper recovery in flo- Newtonian behaviour. The authors also observed that the detrimental
tation tests, with bentonite causing the most damaging effect (see effect of kaolinite is exacerbated at pH < 6 (Fig. 6); however, only a
Fig. 4). In any case, some issues in the rheological measurements sug- 30/70 ratio of quartz/kaolinite was used, so it is possible that the ef-
gest that the reported values are debatable. For example, the timing to fects are different with other gangue compositions. For that matter, it
perform the rheograms was very short (only 100 s), so thixotropy could would have been interesting to apply techniques to obtain a statistical
hide the real rheological values; no treatment is mentioned to avoid the model like soft computing technique or even a factorial experimental
effects of coarse particles sedimentation, which could have an impact design. These techniques allow the analysis of each variable in different

Fig. 3. Comparison of the structural networks formed by a) bentonite-ore mixture and b) kaolinite-ore mixture, in flotation pulps (Cruz et al., 2015).

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

100 8
Cumulative copper recovery (%)

7 a)

Shear stress (Pa)

60 4
40 Natural pH 7.6
2 NaOH pH 10
Lime pH 10
Quartz/kaolinite ratio 1 Na2CO3 pH 10
20 0/100 0
0 100 200 300
0 100/0 -1
Shear rate (s )

0 2 4 6 8
Cumulative flotation time (min) 1.8
1.6 b)
Fig. 5. Cumulative copper recovery with time, as a function of different quartz/ 1.4

Shear stress (Pa)

kaolinite ratios in the gangue phase, at pH 8 (adapted from Forbes et al., 2014).
100 0.8
Cumulative copper recovery (%)

Natural pH 8.7
80 0.4
NaOH pH10
0.2 Lime pH10
0.0 Na2CO3 pH10
0 100 200 300
40 -1
Shear rate (s )
Fig. 7. Rheograms of clay suspensions in the presence and absence of pH
pH 4
20 modifiers: a) kaolinite 30%wt; b) bentonite 5% (adapted from Cruz et al.,
pH 6
pH8 2013).
pH 10
flotation operations. However, the knowledge that has been generated
can be of great help to propose new guidelines regarding the handling
0 2 4 6 8 of reagents. For example, Goodwin and Hughes (2008) showed the ef-
Cumulative flotation time (min) fect of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTAB), which corre-
sponds to a cationic surfactant, on the rheology of two different sus-
Fig. 6. Cumulative copper recovery with time, as a function of pH, at a 30/70
pensions of kaolinite with a volumetric fraction of 0.02. In both cases,
quartz/kaolinite ration in the gangue phase (adapted from Forbes et al., 2014).
the suspensions without surfactant showed a pseudoplastic behaviour,
with the appearance of yield stress, due to the particles networks gen-
zones to which the experimental assays were performed. For example. erated by interactions between the edges and the faces of the clays.
How do the tests respond to the quartz/clay ratio, but at different pH However, the addition of HDTAB changed the aggregation mechanism
values (beyond pH 8). by increasing the face-face interactions and caused the suspensions to
The complexity of the rheological behaviour is increased when behave under a Newtonian regime. Abu-Jdayil et al. (2016) found that
considering the interaction that arises between clay particles with the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was very effective in modifying the
reagents used in flotation. This aspect has been little explored, although bentonite rheology. The authors found that in the range of concentra-
the selectivity and recovery of minerals could be substantially improved tions close to the critical micelle concentration (cmc), the suspension
if suitable rheology modifiers are selected, as well as dispersants that showed an increase in viscosity and even a certain degree of thixotropy.
can control the clays detrimental effects (Section 2.2). Cruz et al. (2013) However, the addition of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)
showed that the use of different pH modifiers could alter the rheological significantly reduced the viscosity and changed the behaviour from
properties of clay suspensions very differently. The researchers used shear thinning with yield stress to a pure Newtonian fluid. Desai et al.
lime, sodium carbonate, and sodium hydroxide to reach pH 10 in sus- (2010) studied the effect of the surfactant concentration (including
pensions of kaolinite and bentonite. While lime promoted the kaolinite anionic, cationic, and non-ionic) on the viscosity of pyrophyllite sus-
aggregation, sodium carbonate disperses them (Fig. 7a). On the con- pensions. The viscosity, measured at a fixed rate of 60 s−1, depended
trary, sodium carbonate acts as a coagulating agent instead of a dis- fundamentally on the surfactant charge. The authors said that when the
persant for bentonite suspensions, even generating a more significant reagent was anionic (sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate - SDBS) or non-
effect than lime. Sodium hydroxide also induces aggregation in bento- ionic (TX-100), there was an increase in viscosity with respect to their
nite suspensions but is having a minor impact on kaolinite (Fig. 7b). concentration, although the change was much more significant with
While literature offers a wide range of reports that show the effects TX- 100 (see Fig. 8), in fact with SDBS a plateau was reached. While
of surfactants on clay rheology (Güngör, 2000; Abu-Jdayil and with the cationic surfactant (Cetilpiridinium Bromide - CPB) there was
Ghannam, 2014; Abu-Jdayil et al., 2016, Magzoub et al., 2017), un- an increase in viscosity, but after a specific value, this began to de-
fortunately, no systematic studies integrate this behaviour with crease. According to the authors, this was due to the formation of

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

2.5 application of lignosulfonates was popularised to the point that nowa-

days they are commonly used in the industry, highlighting in nickel,
potash and talcflotation. (Crozier, 1992; Wellham et al., 1992; Pawlik
2.0 et al., 2003; Song et al., 2006; Ma and Pawlik, 2007; Peng and Seaman,
2011). However, the application in the copper industry is recent and

the first systematic studies emerged from the work of Seaman et al.
1.5 (2012) who used three polymers (polyacrylate, modified carboxylic
acid, and lignosulfonate-based polymer F-100) to improve the recovery

of copper and gold ores in Minera Telfer operations, Australia. All the
1.0 dispersants showed positive results, being the biopolymer F-100 who
achieved better recoveries, in particular, the secondary copper sulfide
chalcocite. Unfortunately, the promising results obtained in the la-
0.5 TX-100 (non-ionic)
CPB (cationic)
boratory were not able to replicate in-plant trials, and the main reason
SDBS (anionic) was attributed to the differences in the grinding media. Corrosion-re-
sistant stainless steel grinding media were used in the laboratory, while
carbon-forged steel media that corrodes quickly when exposed to air
0 2 4 6 8 10 and moisture was used in the plant. This is a critical consideration for
Concentration (mM) flotation efficiency, given that the conditions under which grinding is
carried out, including the type of mill, the gaseous atmosphere, and pH,
Fig. 8. Viscosity of 55 wt% pyrophyllite suspensions at a constant shear rate of
lead to electrochemical behaviours that can significantly modify the
60 s−1, in the presence of TX-100, CPB, and SDBS (Adapted from Desai et al.,
hydrophobicity of the copper minerals (Bruckard et al., 2011). Based on
the previous observation, Wei et al. (2013) studied the impact of lig-
nosulfonates on a low clay ore and a high clay ore, obtained from un-
bilayers between the molecules of the adsorbed surfactant. They also derground and open pits of Telfer operation, respectively. The analyses
explained that the increase in viscosity produced by the anionic sur- to determine the nature of copper ores indicated that both ores contain
factant, SDBS, could have been caused by the formation of bridges copper associated with oxides, secondary copper minerals, but mainly
between two particles due to the possible presence of calcium ions, primary copper minerals (over 65%). The different grinding media
which would be released by the clay. Unfortunately, the authors for- demonstrated the enormous influence of comminution stage. For ex-
mulated their explanations considering different concentration ranges ample, Fig. 10a shows the results obtained by using a mild steel
for each surfactant. For example, the non-ionic reagent TX-100 was medium, where there was no improvement in copper and gold recovery
analysed regarding the range 0–2 mM approx, but what would have after applying the dispersing reagents (F-100). The explanation was
happened if the concentration reached the same value that was reached that the steel medium produces large amounts of oxidised iron, which
with the cationic reagent CPB (0–10 mM)? For this reason, we believe depresses valuable minerals independent of the presence of dispersants.
that the explanations proposed by the researchers should be re-ana- On the contrary, when using a stainless steel medium, the products of
lysed. iron oxidation are minimised, facilitating the activity of the clay dis-
Undoubtedly, a deeper understanding of this matter is necessary for persant. The radical contrast in the performance of the biopolymer is
the application in flotation operations, where industrial waters usually evidenced in Fig. 10b, where the floatability of copper, gold and mass is
have significant levels of hardness, and the primary reagent to modify shown as a function of the water recovery after grinding in a stainless
the pH is lime (CaO). steel medium. After the application of 100 g/t of F-100, the copper
In general terms, the effect caused by surfactants on rheology is recovery increased by 7% while that of gold by 20%.
diverse and in some cases difficult to understand. These could cause the Important work was recently published by Wang et al. (2016). The
system to acquire a Newtonian behaviour, while in other cases a sub- researchers considered an aspect that had not been reported in the
stantial rheology increase appear. However, this not only depends on literature, where they quantified the surfactant properties of some
the surfactant characteristics, but also of the nature of the clays and on dispersants, especially when they interact with the frother. For this
the medium conditions. study, three lignosulfonate-based polymers (DP1775, DP1777, and
Section 2.2 delves in one of the leading strategies to face the clays, DP1778) were analysed for the flotation of copper minerals with the
which is using polymeric reagents that can coat their surfaces. Although presence of kaolinite. The three polymers improved the copper recovery
this technique has been useful, few studies have examined the results and in turn decreased its grade, with a tendency that was strongly de-
caused by the polymer addition on the pulp rheology. Amarasinghe and pendent on its structural characteristics such as the content of func-
Abelev (2015) found that small doses of guar gum significantly in- tional groups, molecular weight, and type of counterion. However, one
creases the viscosity of clay suspensions, although the effect was much of the main conclusions was that the surface activity of the biopolymers
higher in suspensions of montmorillonite compared to that obtained could play a preponderant role on their performance, mainly when they
with kaolinite (see Fig. 9). interact with the frother since essential changes in the froth properties
can be generated, with consequences in the mechanical entrainment.
2.2. Specific reagents for clays For example, in Fig. 11a, is observed that the froth height has little
sensitivity to the frother (DSF004) and the biopolymer DP-1777 dosage,
A strategy used to counteract the damaging effects of clays is but in the case of the biopolymers DP-1775 and DP-1778, the behaviour
through the use of specific reagents, which exert a dispersing role be- was different since there was a gradual growth of the froth height. On
tween the clay and the valuable minerals. These reagents usually cor- the other hand, Wang et al. showed the synergistic effect that can arise
respond to polysaccharides (e.g., carboxymethylcellulose, guar gum, when mixing a biopolymer with a frother. For this, 10 ppm DSF004 was
etc.) that can adsorb onto the particle surface, creating electrostatic applied, and the biopolymer dosages varied. The results, presented in
and/or steric repulsions that stabilise the suspension (Pawlik et al., Fig. 11b, showed that the joint action of the reagents could cause more
2003). One of the first studies reported dates back at the beginning of intense changes than when they act separately. This synergy was very
the 80s, when Edwards et al. (1980) proposed the use carbox- easy to detect in the biopolymers DP-1775 and DP-1778.
ymethylcellulose (CMC) to improve the recovery of pentlandite, after An issue of great interest is to identify how these reagents behave
reducing the effects caused by the serpentine sludge. Since then, the when operating at different types of waters, especially those with high

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

2.2 2.2
Apparent Bingham viscosity [mPas]

Apparent Bingham viscosity [mPas]

2.0 a) 2.0 b)

1.8 1.8

1.6 1.6

1.4 1.4

1 g/L 1 g/L
1.2 3 g/L
1.2 3 g/L
5 g/L 5 g/L
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Total guar gum content [g/L] Total guar gum content [g/L]
Fig. 9. Bingham apparent viscosity as a function of the guar gum and clay mineral content: a) montmorillonite, b) kaolinite (adapted from Amarasinghe and Abelev,

salinities. Unfortunately no studies were found to evaluate copper mi- increased markedly (Fig. 12), but as stated above, the carbon recovery
nerals; however, it is worth mentioning the work of Liu and Peng decreased for all range of dosages. The authors indicated that low
(2015), who assessed the flotation of coal minerals with high clay polymer dosages would not be enough to generate a steric repulsion.
content, both in freshwater and in saline water (processed water). The Meanwhile, increasing the doses would expect steric repulsion among
dispersing agent (lignosulfonate) showed results that much depending the minerals, but the carbon surface begins to lose hydrophobicity
on its dosage and the medium conditions, moreover, the only case which directly affects its floatability.
where the biopolymer showed good results was when it was applied in Recently, Ramirez et al. (2018) published results on the interactions
small doses (< 100 g/ton) in deionised water. For example, the addi- between chalcopyrite and kaolinites of different crystallinity, over the
tion of 50 g/ton of lignosulfonate increased carbon recovery from 45% pH range from 7 to 12, in both fresh and seawater. The effect of the
to 63%; but when 200 g/ton was applied, the recovery fell to 26%. dispersants, sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP) and sodium silicate
However, when using industrial water, the beneficial effect of lig- (SS), was evaluated in this work. It is shown that both tested dispersants
nosulfonate was not observed, in fact, the coal recovery decreased to all are able to restore the chalcopyrite flotation in the presence of kaolinite
the dosages used. The researchers correlated the behaviour with in- in seawater over the pH range from7 to 11. These authors also report a
terfacial studies that allowed to establish the mechanisms by which better effect when a poorly-crystallized kaolinite was used, which was
these reagents act. Then, measurements of adsorption isotherms the one that caused the stronger depressing effect.
showed that the affinity of lignosulfonate with the surfaces of kaolinite Another type of reagents are the so-called ‘clay binders’, developed
and carbon depends fundamentally on the type of water employed by Giorgia Pacific (Tao et al., 2007). The goal is that the reagent can
(Fig. 12). The proposed explanation was that in the deionised water adhere to the clay surfaces and promote their agglomeration to act as
there is minimal adsorption of the dispersant onto the clay mineral, but depressants. Tao et al. (2010) showed the performance after using them
it can adhere onto the carbon surface generating a better electrostatic in phosphate flotation, whose pulp had high contents of insoluble clays.
repulsion between the minerals. This reduces the heterocoagulation, The results were very interesting, where the use of the reagent im-
improving the coal recovery. A subsequent increase in the lig- proved the recovery between 5 and 7%, under a fixed grade of con-
nosulfonate dosage is counterproductive since it continues to adhere to centrate. At first glance, it is appreciated that the clay binder made the
the valuable mineral surface, giving it a higher hydrophilic character flotation faster, in fact, Tao et al. determined that the reagent increase
that reduces its floatability. In saline water, the situation was different the flotation rate by 17.1% (this when fitting a first-order flotation
where the lignosulfonate adsorption on the surfaces of both minerals model).

100 100
Mass recovery with F-100 Mass recovery with F-100
Copper recovery with F-100
a) b)
Copper recovery with F-100
Cumulative recovery (%)

Gold recovery with F-100

Cumulative recovery (%)

80 80 Gold recovery with F-100

Mass recovery without F-100 Mass recovery without F-100
Copper recovery without F-100 Copper recovery without F-100
Gold recovery withou F-100 Gold recovery withou F-100
60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
5 10 15 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Water recovery (%) Water recovery (%)
Fig. 10. Cumulative gold, copper, and mass recovery, as a function water recovery in the flotation of a high clay ore with F-100 dispersant and without dispersant
after grinding with a) mild steel and b) stainless steel (adapted from Wei et al., 2013). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article.)

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

Fig. 11. Froth height in steady state, as a function of the frother or biopolymer concentration: (a) pure reagent; (b) biopolymer mixed with 10 ppm of frother (Wang
et al., 2016).

4 also been used for coal and potash flotation (Tao et al., 2007, 2010).
Polymer adsorbed/Substrate (mg/g)

LS on kaolinite in deionized water This is interesting since the efficiency is fundamentally determined by
LS on kaolinite in saline water the physicochemical properties of the polymer, such as the molar ratio
LS on pure coal in deionized water between formaldehyde-urea, the addition of functional groups, the
3 LS on pure coal in saline water
degree of functionalization, the molecular weight, and the cross-linking
density. The mechanism with which these polymers act is very well
exemplified in Fig. 13. The first phenomenon that happens is the
polymer adhesion onto the clay surface, which occurs mainly by dipole-
dipole interactions and strong hydrogen bonds. After its addition, two
significant consequences arise: first, there are fewer available spaces on
the clay surface for the collectors to deposit, which are used to cover the
1 valuable mineral. Moreover, these hydrophilic polymers have a floc-
culating effect, which promotes the clay aggregation and depression,
decreasing the number of them that adheres to the valuable mineral
and/or bubbles.
0 100 200 300 400 500
2.3. Clays behaviour in flotation with saline water
Lignosulfonate concentration (mg/L)
Fig. 12. Adsorption isotherms of lignosulfonate in kaolinite and pure carbon in Clays are active from the physicochemical point of view. The che-
deionised water and saline water at pH 8.5 (adapted from Liu and Peng, 2015). mical reactivity is related to the internal and stoichiometric structure
and is a consequence of the small particle size and its predominantly
laminar morphology, which give a high surface area. Likewise, the
external and internal surface charges attract ions and water molecules,
giving rise to significant desorption characteristics and cation exchange
In particular, it has been proposed that the phenomena of hetero-
coagulation are the primary responsible for affecting the flotation
performance. This refers to the generation of a hydrophilic coating
formed by a layer of fine particles that adhere to the surface of the
valuable mineral, preventing the interaction with the bubbles and/or
with the collector. Due to the anisotropic characteristics, clay coatings
can occur in positively or negatively charged minerals (Peng and Zhao,
2011), and different researchers argue that the formation of this coating
is due to electrostatic attractions. For example, in the case of minerals
like chalcopyrite and chalcocite has been reported that their interaction
with kaolinite is due to an attraction between the negative charges of
the clay and the positive charges of the sulfide mineral (Gan and Liu,
2008; Peng and Zhao, 2011; Farrokhpay and Zanin, 2012). However,
the occurrence of chemical interactions between the species is not ruled
out, and the pH and the presence of soluble ions influence this coating
Fig. 13. A mechanism in which binders interact with clay particles (Tao et al., to a greater or lesser extent (Liu et al., 2002; Holuszko et al., 2008;
2010). Gupta and Miller, 2010; Peng and Zhao, 2011; Zhao and Peng, 2012).
On the other hand, the adsorption of metal ions depends strongly on the
The clay binders correspond to low molecular weight polymers that hydrolysis capacity of the cations. Studies carried out by Gan and Liu
arise from the condensation of urea and formaldehyde. An advantage (2008) showed that the presence of multivalent ions (Ca2+, Mg2+,
mentioned by the researchers is that the polymer properties can be Fe3+) generated a high heterocoagulation between kaolinite and bi-
adapted depending on the desired application, that is, they might pre- tumen, due to a decrease in the magnitude of the zeta potential and an
pare reagents that work for copper ores, in fact, the clay binders have increase in cation adsorption metallic on both minerals. Mpofu et al.

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

(2003) evaluated the effect of chemical adsorption of the hydrolysable

cations of Mn2+ and Ca2+ on the kaolinite surface at pH 7.5 and 10.5.
They found that the ion adsorption behaviour led to significant con-
sequences on the zeta potential, shear yield stress, flocculant adsorp-
tion, and dewatering behaviour. Liu et al. (2002) described an inter-
esting methodology to analyse the phenomena of heterocoagulation
from measurements of zeta potential. When a system is composed of a
mixture of two minerals, it is common for the zeta potential to present
one or two picks, depending on the chemical condition of the suspen-
sion and the type of clay present. With this, the difference between
kaolinite and montmorillonite could be established in terms of its in-
teraction with bitumen. When adding a small amount of calcium ions
(1 mM), a single pick was generated in the zeta potential, which was
considered as an indicator of heterocoagulation, with negative con-
sequences for the bitumen floatability. For kaolinite, the addition of
calcium ions did not lead to significant changes in the bimodal form of
the zeta potential, considered as no heterocoagulation.
The heterocoagulation affects the subsequent interaction of the
mineral with bubbles (Laskowski et al., 1989; Johnson et al., 1998;
McFarlane et al., 2005; Elmahdy et al., 2008; Gan and Liu, 2008;
Farrokhpay and Zanin, 2012). For copper flotation, the electrostatic
attractions between fine clay particles with chalcopyrite and chalcocite
minerals affect the interaction with the collector and bubbles (see
Fig. 14) (Peng and Zhao, 2011). Likewise, evidence of an analogous
phenomenon was found, in which clays can form coatings on gas Fig. 15. Effect of kaolinite in the recovery of chalcopyrite in chloride salts:
sodium (11,000 ppm), potassium (400 ppm), calcium (400 ppm), magnesium
bubbles, decreasing or preventing the adhesion capacity between the
(1300 ppm), using collector KAX (40 ppm) and MIBC (25 ppm) (Uribe et al.,
bubbles with the minerals (Gutierrez and Melipichun, 2014).
Uribe et al. (2017) studied solutions with high ionic content, in-
cluding seawater, on the chalcopyrite floatability in the presence of
kaolinite. Interestingly, the significant copper depression at pH higher particles is the high gangue entrainment (Liu and Peng, 2014). The
than pH 9 (Fig. 15) was related, in no small extent, with the presence of hydrophilic gangue is easily dragged in the interstitial fluid film be-
calcium and magnesium ions since they have the ability to hydrolyse tween the air bubbles that form the froth layer (Warren, 1985), which
and hydrate, forming Ca(OH)+, Mg(OH)+ and Mg(OH)2(s) species. The intensifies when the particle size is < 30 μm (Trahar, 1981; Smith and
authors suggested that these complexes adsorb onto the surfaces of Warren, 1989). In copper and lead flotation it has been found that the
chalcopyrite and kaolinite particles, favouring their heterocoagulation recovery of non-metallic gangue is increased between 5% when having
(Gan and Liu, 2008; Ozkan et al., 2009; Uribe et al., 2017). We must a particle size of 40 μm to 20–30% in particles of 10 μm (Liu et al.,
emphasise that although sedimentation tests reinforced the authors' 2006; Wang and Peng, 2013).
argument, there was no evidence or demonstration through micro- Wang and Peng (2013) analysed the carbon flotation and found that
scopy. With the technologies currently available for the minerals a saline medium increased the gangue entrainment for any particle size,
characterisation, the development of this type of experiments is pos- however, the effect was more evident for particles smaller than 38 um.
sible. In general, the tendency is that the clay entrainment is more significant
in saline water, which could be closely related to the higher stability of
the bubbles and froth layer (Craig et al., 1993; Henry and Craig, 2008;
2.4. Mechanical entrainment Wang et al., 2013; Wang and Peng, 2014). On the other hand, studies
carried out by Cao and Liu (2006) and Liu et al. (2006) showed the
One of the enormous challenges in the flotation of fine and ultrafine feasibility to reduce the flotation entrainment, either by using inorganic
depressants or high molecular weight polymers, which allow coagu-
lating the fine gangue particles, forming more massive structures that
sediment by gravitational effects. In this sense, Gong et al. (2010) de-
monstrated that by applying PEO in the flotation of copper‑gold ores,
less quartz entrainment was achieved, and it also improved the re-
covery of the valuable minerals (Fig. 16). The phenomenon was asso-
ciated with the selective adsorption of PEO on the quartz surface, al-
lowing the vast floc generation enough to overcome the resistance to
the fluid. The size measurement was obtained by using a photometric
dispersion analyser (PDA) which is a technique capable of monitoring
the state of aggregation of suspended particles. According to Mpofu and
colleagues (Mpofu et al., 2003), PEO produces better inter-particle
bridges, a higher sedimentation rate, and a higher compaction beha-
viour of flocs than traditional reagents like PAM.
The presence of some divalent cations allows better flocculation
when using high molecular weight polymers (Mpofu et al., 2003), in
fact, Liu and Peng (2014) evaluated the PEO to reduce the entrainment
of Q38 kaolinite in flotation processes, using saline water and fresh
Fig. 14. Chalcopyrite or chalcocite recovery as a function of flotation time in water (Figs. 17 and 18). The recovery of kaolinite increased linearly
the presence and absence of bentonite (Peng and Zhao, 2011). with the water recovery, which is consistent with the observations of

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

electrolytes again increased the kaolinite entrainment.

In Fig. 18 it can be seen that in saline water the lowest recovery of
kaolinite is obtained when using low PEO dosage. However, upon in-
creasing the polymer concentration, the effects were reversed, with the
same entrainment occurring in the absence of this reagent. The authors
recommended that when PEO is used, the aggregate growth is not the
only property that should be considered since the froth stability can
present changes that might decrease the performance.

2.5. Effect of copper sulphide oxidation on clay coating

Different studies have analysed the influence of the mill type and
grinding media on the sulphide ores flotation (Heyes and Trahar, 1977;
Gardner and Woods, 1979; Adam et al., 1984; Yelloji Rao and
Natarajan, 1990; Peng et al., 2003). Mild oxidation results in a surface
that is rich in polysulfides with some metal hydroxides, mainly due to
Fig. 16. Gold and copper recoveries, depending on the silica content in rougher the dissolution of metal ions from the surface and near-surface layers, as
and cleaner flotation concentrates. Molecular weight of PEO 8 × 106 (Gong observed in air, acidic and alkaline conditions. Peng and Zhao (2011)
et al., 2010). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, found that the oxidation of chalcopyrite and chalcocite had a different
the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) effect on their interaction with bentonite. Under normal grinding and
flotation conditions, chalcopyrite displayed good floatability reaching
91% recovery at the completion of 8 min, meanwhile, the chalcocite
presented at lower recovery corresponding to 75% at the same flotation
time. When bentonite was added, both minerals reduced their re-
coveries; however, the decrease was much more significant with chal-
cocite (Fig. 14). The results were attributed to the strong surface oxi-
dation that takes place in the chalcocite surface, which is
electrostatically attractive to bentonite resulting in bentonite slime
coating. The results were complemented with zeta potential measure-
ments, where at pH 9.0 a slightly oxidised chalcopyrite is electro-
statically repulsed from bentonite, while oxidised chalcocite is strongly
attracted to bentonite (Fig. 19).The argument was then confirmed by
EDTA extraction and XPS analysis (Zhao and Peng, 2012). In the EDS
analysis, Si and Al signals from bentonite were detected on the ran-
domly chosen chalcocite particle. Meanwhile, in the case of chalco-
pyrite, the signals from bentonite were not detected, confirming that
bentonite particles coated the chalcocite but not the chalcopyrite sur-
face (Fig. 20). Recently, Zhao et al. (2017) showed through electro-
Fig. 17. Recovery of Q38 kaolinite as a function of water recovery, in the chemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) the way in which electrolytes
presence and absence of PEO, using fresh water (Liu and Peng, 2014). reduce the kaolinite coating on chalcocite minerals. Interestingly, the
authors found that the ability of the ions to mitigate the coating effect is
related to the Hoffmeister series since larger ions reduce more the slime
coating than smaller ions.
Few studies have reported to date which consider the effect of

Fig. 18. Recovery of Q38 kaolinite as a function of water recovery, in the

presence and absence of PEO, using saline water (Liu and Peng, 2014).

other researchers (Trahar, 1981). Under the PEO addition, lower kao-
linite entrainment was achieved in both media, while in a PEO-free
medium, a 30% of kaolinite was obtained in fresh water and 36% in
Fig. 19. Zeta potentials of chalcopyrite and chalcocite after grinding, and zeta
saline water. Consistent with what we have seen, the presence of
potentials of bentonite (Peng and Zhao, 2011).

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

Emerging techniques that could be explored to evaluate the feasi-

bility of their implementation are:

3.1. Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles present great capacities to modify the physicochem-

ical nature of clay surfaces. Studies like Bailey et al. (2014) have shown
that silica nanoparticles alter the stability of clay suspensions, with
important consequences in their rheological properties, which can in-
crease or decrease depending on the surface charge. Currently, no re-
ports show systematic studies on their use in mineral flotation with high
clay content, however, the possibility of manipulating the phenomena
of particle aggregation/dispersion at convenience, put this issue as an
interesting point to be addressed in future research.

3.2. Rheological modifiers

Greater depth and systematic studies are required to extend the

knowledge on the rheological implications involved in the selection of
flotation reagents. Several studies have shown that pH modifiers,
frother, depressants, and eventually collectors, could have a significant
impact on the pulp rheology, although the effect is diverse and chal-
lenging to predict. For example, some surfactants could cause the
system to acquire a Newtonian behaviour, while in other cases a
rheological raising may appear showing even certain levels of thixo-
tropy. However, this not only depends on the surfactant characteristics
but also on the clay nature and the medium conditions (e.g., pH, sali-
nity, etc.). In general terms, it is proposed that when systems have
complex mineralogies, which generate rheological challenges, an ade-
quate reagent selection should include their implication in the flow
properties within the flotation cell.

3.3. Organic reagent

Fig. 20. The EDS analysis on the randomly chosen particle (bottom) of the
chalcocite (a) and chalcopyrite (b) samples ground in the presence of bentonite
Organic reagents, such as polysaccharides, have shown promising
particles (Zhao and Peng, 2012).
results for flotation operations since they can act as clay (Liu and Peng,
2015) and pyrite (Mu et al., 2016) depressants. However, the reports
copper sulphide oxidation on flotation performance, and its interaction published to date have considered few systems, focusing primarily on
with clays. However, they have been enough to prove the importance of phosphate, carbon, and potash minerals. As for copper mining studies
this phenomenon (Peng and Zhao, 2011; Zhao and Peng, 2012). We are scarce, it is attractive to deepen the research on this subject. Of
suggest that this topic should be considered in future research, in order particular interest is the behaviour in seawater and its implication on
to find alternatives that mitigate these detrimental effects. Peng and mechanical entrainment (Liu and Peng, 2014).
Zhao (2011) showed that it is possible to overcome the slime coating
when the oxidation is reduced in the milling process but it is necessary 3.4. Seawater flotation
to evaluate if this alternative is feasible in plant conditions with real
ores. As previously stated, a high ionic content can increase the hetero-
coagulation between the valuable mineral and fine clay particles.
3. Research opportunities However, fundamental studies are required to evaluate the effect of
each type of clay and each primary ion in solution separately depending
In the last years, significant advances have arisen on the clays on the different minerals of interest, to achieve a broad knowledge
handling in flotation operations. Among them, the following stand out: about the interaction mechanism between the species. This fact is of
i) the use of physical methods to mitigate the adhesion of clays to va- particular importance in operations that use seawater, where the con-
luable minerals, such as intense agitations prior to flotation, the use of centrations of divalent ions are sufficient to generate heterocoagula-
hydrocyclones, or ultrasound treatments; ii) use of specific reagents tion. A strategy that has been proposed in the last years is to perform a
that can cover the clay surface avoiding the slime coating effect and pretreatment to seawater, where only the calcium and magnesium ions
reduce the excessive consumption of collectors; iii) use of rheological are removed, which has proved beneficial in copper‑molybdenum mi-
modifiers, either inorganic or polymeric dispersants; and iv) decrease neral flotation operations. Considering that these divalent ions also
the pulp solid concentration (Celik et al., 2002; Papo et al., 2002; Tao promote the clay heterocoagulation with valuable minerals (Uribe
et al., 2006; Oats et al., 2010; Cruz et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2017a). et al., 2017), it was proposed that an attractive option is the use of
However, the processes continue to be inefficient and in some cases pretreated seawater in systems with high clay contents (Cruz et al.,
unsustainable. That is why the invitation to researchers is to address 2019).
this issue, introducing modern and non-conventional technologies that
can transcend beyond the limited improvements that can be obtained 3.5. Industrial trials
by optimising traditional methods. In literature, there are many ex-
amples of researchers who have innovated flotation operations, ob- Significant knowledge has been generated about strategies to im-
taining promising results (see Calgaroto et al. (2014)). prove the treatment of mineral flotation in the presence of clays.

R.I. Jeldres et al. Applied Clay Science 170 (2019) 57–69

However, in the vast majority of cases, the studies have been conducted that in most cases involve extra costs for the process, or even sacrifice
only on a laboratory scale and have not faced the challenges involved in part of the production or product quality. For this reason, the invitation
the industry. A good example is a study conducted by Seaman et al. is for researchers to address this issue and include modern and un-
(2012), who found that lignosulfonate reagents might significantly conventional techniques in their researches that can transcend beyond
improve the copper and gold recoveries in the presence of clays, but the limited improvements that can be obtained by optimising tradi-
when tests were conducted in Minera Telfer, Australia, the results did tional methods. Attractive alternatives for exploration include the use
not show the same efficacy than in the laboratory. The reason was that of nanoparticles, and new organic reagents. Reagent selection meth-
a significant variable like the grinding type was not considered in the odologies should also be expanded to understand the rheological im-
study. Logically, this was not a positive result but generated a new plications that this entails, and of course, the suggestion is that the new
matter of study. In the same way, all the potential benefits of new findings obtained at the laboratory scale must be submitted to the
strategies like the use of nanoparticles, organic reagents, new rheolo- challenges involved in industrial scaling.
gical modifiers, pretreated seawater, etc., should offer their industrial
validation. Acknowledgement

4. Summary The authors are grateful for the financial support of CONICYT PIA
ACM 170005. RIJ thanks CONICYT Fondecyt n° 11171036. R.I.J. and
When mineral deposits present high clay contents, significant L.G. thank the support of Centro CRHIAM through Project Conicyt/
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