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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 10 27 September 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the tenth issue of my  Sowing parsnips. For a guide to
Blog growing parsnips, see page 3 of
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
last week’s newsletter.
Newsletter back issues
I hope you have all had a good week.
Facebook  Sowing carrots
Daylight saving
Instagram  Sowing miners lettuce (sow
Daylight saving begins this Sunday seeds directly where you want
Twitter 29 September. Don’t forget to put them to grow)
your clocks forward one hour on Sun-
Linkedin day morning.  Sowing radish
Pinterest I’m so excited that daylight saving is  Sowing microgreens. If you wait
finally here, after what seemed like any longer, they will bolt to seed
an endless winter. Daylight saving very quickly as temperatures
means longer days, which I think all increase
Contact me
gardeners will be grateful for. With
 Feedback extended daylight, there will be even  Sowing coriander, parsley and
more time available to spend in the dill (remember to sow them di-
 Newsletter input garden. During summer, I particular- rect)
(tips, recipes, gar- ly appreciate the longer days as the
den photos etc) best time to water the garden is in the  Planting celeriac. It may be
early morning or evening. necessary to spray it for rust
 To be added to my
mailing list September checklist  Spraying fruit trees (including
passionfruit) with liquid copper There’s just a couple of days left in to prevent brown rot, leaf curl
September and that means just a lit- and other fungal diseases. Liq-
tle bit of time to do tasks that are best uid copper is an organic spray
done this month. September is a busy
month for gardeners—perhaps the  Spraying roses with liquid cop-
Inside this issue:
busiest month of the year—and there per to prevent brown spot
are some tasks that really ought to be
 Spraying garlic for rust. I’m
done this month. Here is a checklist
going to continue spraying our
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 of things to do for you to run through:
Anita’s Garden garlic right up until harvest be-
 Sowing seeds undercover. It’s cause we have had very bad rust
not too late to sow tomatoes, these past few seasons
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 chillies, capsicums and egg-
 Covering strawberries with net-
for the week plants but don’t wait any long-
ting to keep birds out as berries
er. It’s a good idea to get start-
ed in August but it will just
Tips for growing corian- 2 mean that your crop is ready a
 Watering the garden. It has
month later, in late summer/ been quite dry lately, so this has
early autumn become necessary
How to grow potatoes 3  Planting potatoes. For advice Thank you for your continued support.
on growing potatoes, see page 3
of my newsletter this week. Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 0

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Planting more potatoes Planting beetroot
I harvested more potatoes—
Liseta, Heather and Jersey Benne, I planted 29 Liseta seed potatoes. I continued to plant beetroot seed-
each from a 1 kg bag of seed pota- lings into 35 litre pots containing
toes. Sowing parsnips old recycled potting mix from our
I sowed Hollow Crown seed tape capsicums and chillies last year.
and traditional loose seeds from The seedlings from Awapuni which
Egmont Seeds. For advice on how are planted in two containers are
to grow parsnips, please see page 3 looking really good.
of last week’s newsletter. Planting celeriac
Sowing more seeds I planted twelve celeriac seedlings
I sowed more vegetable seeds— in the area next to our parsnips.
celery, silverbeet, spinach, leeks Strawberries
and spring onions in punnets for
transplanting later on. We harvested our first three
strawberries over the weekend.
Sowing herbs Mum and I covered our strawberry
I sowed more herbs in our herb patch with netting to keep the
patch —coriander, dill and parsley. birds out and secured it to tunnel
hoops with pegs.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Plant potatoes centre Lentissima a Montare and the

lamb’s lettuce varieties D' Olan-
It’s not too late to have homegrown 3. Sow herbs
da A Seme Grosso and Verte De
spuds on the Xmas table but don’t
Dill, coriander, parsley and chives Cambrai.
delay. Seed potatoes at garden
centres have probably already can all be sown now.
5. Sow microgreens
sprouted, meaning that you can 4. Sow lettuce
pop them straight into the ground. Now is the perfect time to sow mi-
This year I’m excited to be growing crogreens while there’s still some
2. Plant celeriac a few varieties from Franchi, in- rainfall. I sow ours in a foil roast-
cluding Rocket Coltivata, Degli ing tray purchased from the super-
It’s hard to grow from seed so pop
Ortolani, Romana Bionda market.
in a punnet from your local garden

Tips for growing coriander

 September is a good month
 Coriander hates being  Coriander bolts to seed easi-
transplanted, so always sow ly in warm weather, so try
to sow coriander as the soil
seed direct. to grow it in partial shade if
is still cool and there is
some rainfall. It is much  Alternatively, you can start
more difficult for seed to with plants from the garden  Water regularly, especially
germinate when it’s dry. centre. For some reason, I as temperatures increase in
 Coriander seeds have a hard have never had issues with spring.
growing these despite them
coating so soak them over-  At the end of the season,
having to be transplanted
night prior to sowing to aid you can save seeds from
into the garden
germination your plants for next year.
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 0 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow potatoes

For me, the summer garden Tips for growing potatoes
wouldn’t be complete without the
humble spud. Potatoes are easy to 1. Water your crop regularly.
grow and have a high yield for the 2. Keep on top of weeds. Al-
space that they occupy. They are a ways weed by hand to avoid
staple in the kitchen and can be damaging any potatoes.
used in many dishes. The trend Take care not to damage the
nowadays is to avoid carbs but I tops of the potatoes.
don’t think I could ever do away
with potatoes, especially when 3. After they have surfaced,
they’ve been grown in our garden. sprinkle a little more potato
They are low in fat and highly nu- fertiliser around the plants.
tritious. With the help of this
guide, hopefully you will feel in- 4. So far, I haven’t encoun-
Always start with seed potatoes tered any diseases or prob-
spired to add potatoes to your gar-
den, too. lems with growing potatoes
5. Be careful not to knock off
therefore I haven’t had to
any sprouts as you lay the
Growing potatoes spray them. If you are wor-
seed potatoes sprouts facing
ried about the TPP (Tomato
Although you may see cute con- upwards, in the trenches.
Potato Psyllid) do what I do
tainers for planting potatoes in, as Whatever you do, don’t cut
and grow your spuds in
a root crop they do tend to fare your potatoes up to try and
spring so you avoid the heat
better in the ground. However if increase your stock as it
of summer. I always get my
you are short on space or live in a quite literally opens them
spuds in the ground on the
townhouse or apartment, by all up to diseases.
shortest day and harvest
means don’t feel deterred to give them around Labour Week-
6. Cover with dirt and water
growing them in containers a go. end. This frees up space for
Things to bear in mind: other crops,
1. Always start with certified 5. It’s a good
Potatoes can be di- idea to rotate the
seed potatoes. This helps to
vided into two cate- “Potatoes are easy to area where you
ensure your crop will be dis-
gories—early and grow and have a high grow potatoes to
ease free and the potatoes
main crops. Early yield for the space that avoid the build
will be true to type.
potatoes are typical- they occupy” up of diseases in
2. Chit your potatoes, that is, ly ready between 60 the soil. Don’t
put them in a dark place (I to 90 days and are plant tomatoes in
spread mine out in trays waxy in texture. the area where
and leave them under the They are best boiled and eaten you grew potatoes to avoid
bed) to develop sprouts. soon. They don’t store well as they diseases.
have soft skins. Examples of early
3. Pick a sunny site. Potatoes potatoes include Swift, Rocket, How to prepare potatoes
need at least six hours of Jersey Benne, Heather, Cliffs Kid-
sun per day. Potatoes can be enjoyed in many
ney, Marais Anchor, Llam Hardy,
ways. We enjoy new early pota-
Nadine and Liseta.
4. Prepare the soil well. Pota- toes boiled with a bit of mint and
toes are gross feeders so Main crop potatoes are usually butter or in potato salad. For our
work loads of compost, ready between 100 and 150 days main crop, we enjoy roasting them
sheep pellets and potato and are floury in texture. They and eating them along with other
fertilizer into the soil prior are best eaten baked or roasted veggies in a roasted vegetable sal-
to planting and store better than early varie- ad or as potato wedges to accompa-
ties. If you want to store your ny homemade hamburgers. You
5. Dig trenches for planting can also use them to make chips.
main crop potatoes, wait until the
your potatoes in. If you
tops have died down before har-
want, you can line the Have a great weekend
vesting them. Examples of main
trenches with comfrey
crop varieties include Agria, Rua,
leaves, which is said to help
prevent the potato worm.
Summer Delight and Moonlight. Happy gardening!

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