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This chapter concerned to explain the methodology of research. In research

methodology, there are several considerations, namely place and time of the research,
variable of the research, population and sample of the research, the method of the research,
and technique of data collection. Those considerations are in the following explanation:

3.1 Place and Time of the Research

This study was conducted in SMAN 1 Kasokandel Majalengka of academic year
2017/2018. This research needs three months to be investigated since writing research
proposal until thesis revision. This research started from November to March 2018. The
following table shows time of the research:

Table 3.1 Time of the Research

March April Mei
No Activity y
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Preparation √
2. Observation √
3. Consulting the Instruments √ √ √ √ √
5. Collecting of Data √ √ √
6. Data analysis √ √ √
7. Finishing Thesis Writing √
7. Thesis Examination √
8. Thesis Revision √

3.2 Variable of the Research

Basically, variable applied as what the researchers can observe in research.
According to Sugiyono (2015: 60), stated that variable means anything that consider by
researcher to be examined so that getting the information then finally concluded. Thus,
variable is what researcher examined in the research.
Actually, there are several types of variable in research. Regarding to Sugiyono
(2015: 60-64), asserted that there are several types of variable namely dependent
variable, independent variable, moderator variable, intervening variable, and control
variable. Meanwhile, the researcher will be focused on:
3.2.1 Independent Variable
The independent variable commonly called as free variable which the cause
of the existence of dependent variable. The independent variable in this research
was local wisdom based speaking instruction.
3.2.2 Dependent Variable
The dependent variable emerged as a response variable or output. The
dependent variable in this research was students’ motivation.

3.3 Population and Sample of the Research

The population and sample of the research was explained as follows:

3.3.1 Population of the Research

Population of the research is related to subject or object which have the
certain characteristics. Population means the generalization area involves the object
or the subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics regarding researchers
consideration to be studied and drawn the conclusions (Sugiyono 2015: 117). The
population in this study was all students of XI grader in SMAN 1 Kasokandel
Majalengka of academic year 2017/2018. The population of the research showed in
the following table:

Table 3.2 The Number of Students of XI grader in SMAN 1 Kasokandel

No. Class Number
Male Female
1. XI MIPA-1 8 26 34
2. XI MIPA-2 8 24 32
3. XI MIPA-3 9 25 34
4. XI MIPA-4 8 26 34
5. XI MIPA-5 10 25 35
6. XI MIPA-6 8 25 33
7. XI IPS-1 11 26 37
8. XI IPS-2 11 26 37
9. XI IPS-3 11 27 38
10 XI IPS-4 11 26 37
The Number of Students of XI Grader 95 256 351

3.3.2 Sample of the Research

Sample of the research is the part of population. According to (Sugiyono
2015: 118) mentioned that research sample means the part of number and
characteristics of population. Precisely, if the population is large, the researcher
can be used the sample of the population. Hence, the sample of the research used
simple random sampling. Simple random sampling is one of the probability
sampling which the sample of population randomly chose without considering the
stratum in the population (Sugiyono 2015: 120).
Actually, the sample in this research was students at grade XI in second
semester in SMAN 1 Kasokandel Majalengka of academic year 2017/2018. It
consists of 2 classes namely XI MIPA-4 class as control group and XI MIPA-6
class as experimental group. The sample of the research showed in the following

Table 3.3 Sample of the Research

No. Class Number
Male Female
1. XI MIPA-4 8 26 34
2. XI MIPA-6 8 25 33
The Number of Sample 16 51 67

3.4 The Method of the Research

The method of the research in this research was quasi experimental research design.
Quasi experimental research design used because of there is difficulties to get control
group of the research (Sugiyono, 2015: 114). Actually, the quasi experimental method
considered as the appropriate research design method for this study. In the treatment
group (experiment) implemented the learning process by using local wisdom based
speaking instruction, while the control group carried out the conventional learning
process by using textbook. Thus, the research design used Non-equivalent Control Group
Design where there are two groups namely control group and treatment group. The
research design showed in the following table:
Table 3.4 Research Design


Experiment Q1.1 X1.1 Q2.1 Y1.1

Control Q1.2 Q2.2 Y1.2

3.5 Technique of Data Collection

Technique of data collection in this research proposal was observation and
questionnaires. The explanations are:

3.5.1 Observation
Observation is a way that researcher use to obtain the data. Precisely, it is
related with the use of local wisdom based speaking instruction to improve
students’ motivation. Observation applied as systematic observer of the
investigation phenomena. Then, observation conducted to observe human
activities, the process of work, and the natural indication if the respondent is not in
great quantities (Sugiyono, 2015: 203). Observation of this research was conducted
by observing student activity during the learning process. In order to limit the
observation, this observation used an observation sheet precisely observation of
field note. Then, the observation sheet contains time, observation, and reflection in
order to observe the activity in the classroom.

3.5.2 Questionnaire
Questionnaire used to find out student responses in the learning activities. In
this case, questionnaires emerged as the technique of collecting data by submitting
the list of questions and then filled by respondents (Arikunto, 2005: 177). In this
study questionnaires due to find out students responses in using local wisdom
based instruction in the learning process. The questionnaires in this study used
Likert scale. Likert scale used to measure behavior, opinion, and perception of
individual or group on social phenomenon (Sugiyono, 2015: 134). Hence, Likert
scale was proper to measure students’ motivation in learning through local wisdom
based speaking instruction. Thus, questionnaires are completed after the end of the
lesson. The following table showed the guidance for scoring Likert scale:
Table 3.5 Guidance for Scoring Likert Scale
Positive Score Negative Score Score
Very Agree 5 Very Agree 5
Agree 4 Agree 4
Quite Agree 3 Quite Agree 3
Disagree 2 Disagree 2
Very Disagree 1 Very Disagree 1
3.6 Technique of Data Analysis
The most important stage in a research was the stage of data processing, because at
this stage the results of the study formulated. After the data was collected as a whole, it
was described the research data with the following stages:

3.6.1 Normality Test

Normality test can be used to measure whether the data distributed normal or
not so that can be used in inferential statistics. In this research, the researcher
examined normality data by using Shapiro-Wilk method (because the number of
respondent 200) and analyzed by using SPSS program (Riduwan, 2012: 38). The
formula of normality test is in the following description:

T3 = [∑ki=1 ai (Xn−i+1 − Xi ]
ai = Shapiro Wilk coefficient of test
Xn−i+1 = Number to n – i + 1
Xi = Number to i on the data

D = ∑(Xi −  )2

D = Depend on the formula below
Xi = Number to i on the data
X = The average of the data

Actually the steps are in the following description:

1) Hypothesis
H0 : Population is from normal distribution
Ha : Population is from normal distribution
2) Score  = level of significance = 5% = 0,05
3) Make helping table
4) Input the data from the lowest to the highest
5) The formula of statistics:
The first stage is measured D score
The next stage is measures T score
6) Compare with the table score (from Shapiro-Wilk table)
7) Determine refusal area
8) Concluding
Meanwhile, for normality test that using SPSS software exactly using
Shapiro-Wilk formula. The result of normality test can be seen from the output Test
of Normality. If the score is significant precisely more than 0,05, so that it can be
concluded that the data distributed normally.

3.6.2 Homogeneity Test

Homogeneity test is the test whether a sample with the other sample have
similarity (homogeneous) or not homogeneous. Actually, Homogeneity of
Variance test used to measure homogeneity. Homogeneity test in this research used
SPSS software by seen levene test. The result of Homogeneity test can be seen
from the output Test of Homogeneity of Variance. If the score is significant that is
more than 0,05, so that it can be concluded that the data is homogeneous.

3.6.3 Analysis of Students Data Instrument

There are several steps of analysis for the instrument that has given to
students. The steps are in the following explanation: Questionnaires Response Analysis on Local Wisdom-Based Speaking

The data analysis used to analyze students’ response on local
wisdom based speaking instruction by calculating the average for each
aspects then the formula is:

∑ 𝑥𝑖
𝑥̅ =

𝑥̅ = The average
𝑥 = Respondent score to-i
𝑛 = Number of respondent
Then, the researcher changes the average score of students’ response
questionnaires into the following qualitative criteria:

Table 3.6 Data Conversion from Quantitative to Qualitative

No. Formula of Interval Score
1 x > Xi + 1,80 Sbi Very good
2 Xi + 0,60 Sbi < x ≤ Xi + 1,80 Sbi Good
3 Xi – 0,60 Sbi < x ≤ Xi + 0,60 Sbi Sufficient
4 Xi – 1,80 Sbi < x ≤ Xi – 0,60 Sbi Less
5 x ≤ Xi – 1,80 Sbi Poor
(Widoyoko, 2009: 238)

Xi (Ideal average) = × (maximum score+ minimum score)
Sbi (standard deviation) = 6 × (maximum score – minimum score)

X = (the average score of implementation) Calculating the Percentage of Students’ Response

This step due to know the percentage of each item which chose by
the students such as very agree, disagree, and so forth. According to
Sudijono (2013: 43), stated that the formula of calculating the percentage
of students’ response is:
𝑝= × 100%

f = Proportion of students
N = Number of respondent

Meanwhile, the process of data analysis by using score

interpretation showed in the following table:

Table 3.7 Criteria of Questionnaire Score Interpretation

No. Number Criteria
1. 0% - 20% Very Less
2. 21% - 40% Less
3. 41% - 60% Good Enough
4. 61% - 80% Good
5. 81% - 100% Very Good
(Riduwan, 2012: 4)
3.6.4 Hypothesis Test
1. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
Menurut Supardi (2014: 341) mengatakan bahwa Ancova adalah
penggabungan antara uji komparatif dan korelasional. Ancova merupakan
perluasan dari anova dimana main effects dan interaksi antara variable bebas
diselidiki setelah score pada variable terikat atau variable criterion di “adjust”
untuk perbedaan-perbedaan yang disebabkan oleh satu atau lebih Covariats.
Pengujian ini dilakukan menggunakan software SPSS 23. Rumus dasar Ancova
pada prinsipnya sama dengan Anava, perbedaannya adalah jika pada Anava
hanya dikenal JK, maka pada Ancova selain JK dikenal JP ( Jumlah Perkalian),
dimana JP memenuhi persamaan:
JP(T) = JP(A) + JP(D)
Sumber varians dalam Ancova adalah Total, Dalam, dan Antar dengan
menghitung JK dan JP untuk berbagai hal. Dalam Ancova ada JKy, JKx dan JP,
dengan rumus sebagai berikut
1) JKy
JKy (T) =  Y 
 Y  2 T

n T

 Y }
JKy (D) = { Y  
2 i

i 1 i

a ( Yi ) 2 ( Yt ) 2
JK y (A)   {  }
i 1 ni nt

2) JKx

 X  2

JKx (T) = X 2
T 

JKx (D) =  { X 
 X  }
2 i

i 1 i

a ( X i ) 2 ( X t ) 2
JK x (A)   {  }
i 1 ni nt

3) JP

X Y   n 
( X )( Y ) t t
JP(T) = t t

( X i )(  Yi )
  X Y
JP(D) = i i  
i 1 i ni

  i  i 
a ( X ) ( Y) ( X t ) ( Yt )
JP(A)  
i 1 ni nt
Selanjutnya akan dihitung JKy terkoreksi yang biasa juga disebut JKy
residu, untuk keperluan ini terlebih dahulu dihitung koefisien regresi Y
atas X yang diberi simbol ŷ = bx. Selanjutnya dengan menghitung JK
reg untuk berbagai sumber varians:
bxy(T) = , maka JK reg (T)  b xy (T) JP(T)
JK x (T)

bxy(D) = , maka JK reg (D)  b xy (D) JP(D)
JK x (D)

bxy(A) = , maka JK reg (A)  b xy (A) JP(A)
JK x (A)

Selanjutnya menghitung JKy residu untuk masing-masing sumber varians:

JKy res (T) = JKy (T) – JKreg (T)
JKy res (D) = JKy (D) – JKreg (D)
JKy res (A) = JKy (A) – JKreg (A)
Menentukan db :
db (T) = nt – m -1
db (D) = nt – m -a
db (A) = a -1
m = banyaknya cacah kovariabel (Covariats)
a = banyak kelompok
Rata-rata Jumlah Kuadrat masing-masing jumlah varians diperoleh
dengan membagi JKy residu dengan db masing-masing.
Nilai Fo diperoleh dengan rumus :
Fo =
JK y res (A)
Dimana RJK(A) 
JK y res (D)
RJK(D) 

2. Independen Sample t-test

Hypothesis test is used to test hypothesis which has formulated by using t-test.
In this study, the researcher used Independent Sample T-Test of software SPSS
23. The formula is:

𝑥̅1 − 𝑥̅2
𝜎1 2 𝜎2 2

𝑛1 − 𝑛2
t = t-test
𝑥̅1 = The average score of students in experiment class
𝑥̅2 = The average score of students in control class
𝑛1 = Number of students in experiment class
𝑛2 = Number of students in control class
𝜎1 2 = Variants of students in experiment class
𝜎2 2 = Variants of students in experiment class

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