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TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

UNIT 1. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1: Tag questions

I. Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.

1. Luisa ______ breakfast at home, didn’t she?

a. had b. hadn’t c. has d. did had

2. I’m going to the beach with you, ________?

a. am not I b. aren’t I c. am I d. are I

3. ___________ participate in the contest, can’t they?

a. They can b. They can’t c. They will d. They won’t

4. We will have a big graduation party, ________?

a. will we b. won’t we c. do we d. don’t we

5. There are a lot of people in the bank, _________?

a. are they b. aren’t they c. are there d. aren’t there

II. Circle the letter that best completes each conversation.

1. A: Mayra wasn’t in class, __________ 4. A: I’m too impatient, _________

B: I don’t know but I didn’t see her. B: Yes, you are.
a. was she? a. am not I?
b. wasn’t Mayra? b. am I?
c. wasn’t she? c. are I?
d. did she? d. aren’t I?

2. A: You have a big family, ______ 5. A: Carlos bought a new cellphone, ______
B: Yeah, we’re seven in all. B: No, it was his brother’s.
a. have you? a. did he?
b. don’t you? b. wasn’t he?
c. do you? c. didn’t he?
d. haven’t you? d. was he?

3. A: It’s been a great day, _______

B: Yes, I’ve had a good time.
a. hasn’t it?
b. isn’t it?
c. has it?
d. is it?

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


I. Circle the letter that best completes the statement.

1. You should follow the local ___. When in 5. His ____ behavior was the reason why he
Rome, do as the Romans do. got fired.
a. manner a. polite
b. customs b. offensive
c. costumes c. terrific
d. habitat d. kind
2. A: How do you prefer to be ___? 6. In that culture it is ___ for friends to hold
B: Please call me Teresa. each other’s hands. It’s normal there.
a. found a. taboo
b. assigned
b. etiquette
c. addressed
c. offensive
d. ringed
d. customary
3. ____ is very important. You should never
be late for your classes. 7. Would you ___ if I call you Margaret?
a. Tardiness a. rude
b. Honesty b. impolite
c. Punctuality c. mind
d. Justice d. address
4. In Saudi Arabia drinking alcohol is a ___. 8. I’m prohibited to go out for a month. I’m
You just can’t do it! ____.
a. tragedy a. grounded
b. offense b. hosted
c. taboo c. a couch potato
d. easygoing
d. tradition

II. Give examples for each category from your own culture.

Etiquette Table manners Punctuality Offensive Taboos

Don’t put
your elbows
on the table
while eating

Calling an
older person
by his/her first name

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

UNIT 1. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2: The past perfect

I. Read the sentence. Choose the alternative that best explains the order of events.

1. Gabriel went out to play because he had finished his homework.

a. First Gabriel finished his homework. Then he went out to play.

b. First Gabriel went out to play. Then he finished his homework.

2. Aneta couldn’t remember the poem she had learned the week before.

a. First Aneta learned the poem. Then she couldn’t remember it.
b. First Aneta couldn’t remember the poem. Then she learned it.

3. After Antonio had spent a week in Brazil, he wanted to learn Portuguese.

a. First Antonio spent a week in Brazil. Then he wanted to learn Portuguese.

b. First Antonio wanted to learn Portuguese. Then he spent a week in Brazil.

4. The waiter forgot a drink that I had ordered.

a. First the waiter forgot the drink. Then I ordered it.

b. First I ordered a drink. Then the waiter forgot it.

5. Before Peter sang a song, he had played the guitar brilliantly.

a. First he played the guitar brilliantly. Then he sang a song.

b. First he sang a song. Then he played the guitar brilliantly.

II. Circle the letter that best completes the sentence.

1. Luisa was nervous because she ___________ 4. The children ________________ their
abroad before. homework so they _________ dessert.
a. hadn’t been a. had done – hadn’t
b. hasn’t been b. had did – didn’t have
c. weren’t c. didn’t have – hadn’t had
d. hadn’t was d. hadn’t done – didn’t have

2. We were late for the flight because we 5. The guests ____________ dinner when Lucy
__________ our passports. _________.
a. had forgot a. had finished – arrived
b. had forgotten b. finished – did arrived
c. have forgotten c. finished – had arrived
d. were forgotten d. has finished – arrived

3. When I got to the theater, the concert

a. hadn’t started yet
b. hadn’t yet started
c. hadn’t start yet
d. hasn’t yet started

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


Read. Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. What is the text about?
a. Citizenship and the bad citizens’ traits.
Citizenship is a sacred honor, a plaque we carry
b. Good citizens’ traits.
proudly on our chests and a burden pressing hard c. Citizenship definition
on our backs. Citizens are members of a country. d. B and C
They have the right to ask for protection, and the
2. What does the text say about citizens?
duty to protect their country and obey its laws and a. They only have rights
rules. In other words, citizenship is the relationship b. They need to give up some rights
c. They have duties with their countries
between individuals and the State they owe
d. They are only eldest
allegiance to and in exchange are entitled to its
3. What is true about being citizenship?
protection. Fortunately, being a good citizen doesn't
a. It’s about making big efforts
stop at the exchange of rights and duties, it b. It’s about making the difference with
requires a lot of civilized behavior, and responsible simple but meaningful actions
c. Voting is not part of it
acts. Simple acts to do in your daily life.
d. It’s about caring for people’s houses
All the members of our community, from the
4. What’s is said about voting?
youngest to the eldest, have to cooperate. This
a. It is a simple act
cooperation does not mean making huge efforts. b. It’s a duty and a right
Instead, simple acts and easy behavior that help us c. It is makes people conscious
improve our level of life. As citizens, and students d. It’s good for tourism

in particular, we only need to follow simple steps 5. What CAN NOT be inferred about citizenship?
such as: starting with our own home - cleaning a. It does not require big actions
b. It starts from childhood
it regularly, and taking care of our front door area -
c. Its starts when an individual turns 18
being a good neighbor - by caring about others - d. Age is not a limitation for it
avoiding water and electricity overuse,
making people conscious about littering,
acting nicely with tourists - to make them
promote our culture with positive comments -
taking seriously our right and duty to vote,
etc. A simple act can place the right person in the
place of a good citizen.
When you become a parent, teach this to your
children. Citizenship starts from childhood, and only
ends by the time we die.

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


I. Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

1. The guests are talking about history in their countries. T - F

2. Jettrin comes from Dubai. T - F


3. Sujeet is from Nepal. T - F

4. Arturo is travelling to Thailand on vacation. T - F

5. Jettrin suggests not touching anyone’s shoulder. T - F


II. Listen to two audio segments and circle the correct answer.

1. Where is Hiroko travelling to?
a. Thailand
b. Dubai
c. Uruguay
d. Canada
2. Why is Hiroko going to that country?
a. on tourism
b. on business
c. the flight makes a stop there to change planes
d. none of the above
3. What can a woman NOT do in that country?
a. walk alone
b. wear a miniskirt
c. drive a car
d. wear sandals
4. What language is spoken in the country Hiroko is
a. French
b. English
c. Arabic
d. Japanese
5. Where did Nadia learn her English?
a. at high school.
b. at the university of Wisconsin.
c. while she was working in USA.
d. at the university in Virginia.

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

UNIT 2. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 1: Drawing conclusions with must

I. Complete the sentences with must/mustn’t and the verbs in the box.
hurt be feel think have

1. A: The doctor told Mateo that his mother’s health hadn’t improved.
B: I’m sorry to hear that. He _______ _________ well.

2. A: The children are still watching the cartoon show.

B: It _______ ________ really funny.

3. A: Mr. Rogers just hit his finger with a hammer.

B: Oh, that ______ ______.

4. A: My neighbor wants to talk to me. He looks really worried.

B: He _______ _______ something important to say.

5. A: My teacher posted my essay on the school bulletin board.

B: She ______ _______ it’s really good.

II. Circle the letter that best completes each conversation.

1. A: Sarah falls asleep in class every day. 3. A: Lynn has lived in this city for many years.
B: She ________ have poor sleeping time. B: That’s right. She ___ know a lot of people.
a. mustn’t a. can’t
b. must b. will
c. can c. must
d. can’t d. mustn’t

2. A: Diego has a bad stomachache. 4. A: The teacher is wearing her winter coat.
B: He ________ want to eat dinner. B: She _______ be cold.
a. must a. will
b. could b. can
c. must not c. must
d. couldn’t d. can’t
5. A: Who’s knocking the door?
B: It _______ be mom, she’s still at work.
a. must
b. can’t
c. can
d. will

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


I. Circle the correct answer for each item.

1. I have a ___ tooth. It moves when I touch 6. You should take some __ for your allergy.
it. a. antihistamine
a. lose b. allergens
b. lost c. acupuncture
c. loose d. EKG
d. loss
8. A. Are you sick?
3. I’ve been ___ all afternoon. I think that B: No. I’m just going for a ____.
meat I ate wasn’t fresh. a. operation
a. nausea b. checkup
b. vomiting c. disease
c. wheezing d. X-ray
d. short of breath
9. I regret to inform you that there is no ___
4. He has a running nose and he is ___ all for your illness.
the time. a. priest
a. sneezing b. symptoms
b. jogging c. sickness
c. filling d. treatment
d. pain
10. I tried taking some ____ for my
5. A: She has a strong pain in her ____. stomachache, but it didn’t help.
B: It might the symptom of a heart attack! a. antacid
a. rib b. acupuncture
b. dizzy c. ointment
c. hip d. dosage
d. chest

II. Match both columns writing the letter on the line. More than one match for the
same expression on the left is possible.

1. I have pain in ____________ a. a painkiller

2. I broke _________________ b. my arm
3. I took __________________ c. weak
4. I feel ___________________ d. sneezing
5. I’ve been _______________ e. my hip
6. I need _________________ f. vomiting
g. an X-ray
h. a blood test
i. nauseous
j. vitamins
k. an antihistamine
l. an appointment
m. pain

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

UNIT 2. GRAMMAR BOOSTER 2: Will be able to. Modals may / might

I. Complete the sentences with will be able to/ won’t be able to and the verb given.

will be able to make a cake if I have all the ingredients. (make)

Example: I ___________________

1. You ___________________________ to the teacher, he won’t come tomorrow. (talk)

2. Peter has drunk too much beer so he ________________________ his car home. (drive)

3. Leyla __________________________ in the kitchen because she’s not busy. (help)

4. The weather will be nice tomorrow so we __________________________ soccer. (play)

5. I’m short of cash so I’m afraid I ____________________________ you for the party. (join)

II. Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. I made some mistakes in the exam but I 3. My dad will probably buy lunch today so my
______________ pass it. mom _________to cook.
a. might be a. can not needs

b. might be able to b. will be able to need

c. be able to c. might not need

d. am able to d. mustn’t to need

2. My boyfriend is sad because he ___________ 4. Mr. Duran has been saving money for several
play in the championship. years so he ___________ buy a new house.
a. be able to
a. don’t be able to
b. may not able to
b. can’t be able to
c. must be able to
c. mightn’t be able
d. must can
d. won’t be able to

5. The dentist ______________ see you at 8:00

because he has a cancellation at that time.
a. might be able to
b. might can
c. might be able
d. might able to

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


Read the ads. Then circle the letter that best answers each question.

Are you tired of working and working? 1
Are you tired of not being able to do what you
Learn how to make money online.
It's easy anyone can do it.
Just email me and I will show you.
Contact Houston Business opportunities
Tired of your job? Still waiting for your promotion?
at Can you take off when you want?
Looking to make $200 and up

MOM’S TO WORK AT HOME 2 a week or more? No Schedule.

Win all paid vacations for 2 for all
A Nationwide Health Benefits Company currently your hard work?
interviewing to work from home! Classes are every Thursday
at 7 pm.
If you are looking to spend more time with your Call to get in.
Diana Ayala 210-392-3386
family! then this is perfect for you. Two positions
available: Training Specialist and Benefits Specialist

Contact us at : 5 CONSULTANTS
We are looking for consultants to market our
gorgeous accessories.
We are searching for for energetic, self- 4 Candidates must be well-spoken, energetic and
motivated individuals.
motivated individuals able to work at least 10- Places to sell our jewelry: Online, kiosks, flea
20 hours a week. markets, office or home parties, Fundraisers,
salons, spas, consignment stores, Events.
Computer skills, helpful, willing to help others CONTACT:
required. Experience in sales PAPARAZZIACCESSORIES.COM

LONGVIEW PHONE: 903-330-5938

1. Which ad offers work from home? 3. Which ads provide information about
a. 1 schedule?
b. 2 a. 2 and 4
c. 3 b. 3 and 5
d. 4 c. 1 and 5
d. 4 and 3
2. Which business offers training as classes?
a. 1 4. Which jobs requires people with certain
personality traits?
b. 2
a. 3 and 1
c. 3
b. 5 and 1
d. 4
c. 2 and 4
d. 4 and 5
5. Which job requires experience?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 11


I. Listen to two audio segments and circle the correct answer.

1. Where is Mrs. Gilles?
a. at the doctor’s office
b. at the dentist’s office
c. at the psychologist’s office
d. at the pediatrician’s office
2. What is NOT Mrs. Gilles’ symptom?
a. dizziness
b. weakness
c. short of breath
d. vomiting
3. How long has she been feeling that bad?
a. since yesterday
b. for the last few weeks
c. for the last few days
d. since today morning
4. When did Mr. Backer start feeling that bad?
a. since yesterday
b. since this morning
c. for the last few days
d. for the last few weeks
5. Where is he feeling pain?
a. in his head.
b. in his shoulder.
c. in the back of his neck.
d. in his stomach.

II. Listen and circle T (true) or F (false). Correct the false information.

1. Acupuncture originated in India. T - F
2. It started 5000 years ago. T - F
3. Some believe acupuncture may help people stop eating. T - F
4. Herbal therapy is often given in shots. T - F
5. The world health organization claims 80% of the world’s T - F
population uses herbal therapy.

TOP NOTCH 2 Basic 11


Circle the letter that best completes each question.

1. Susan is looking for a new apartment, 6. My son didn’t sleep well because of the
_________? noise, he _________feel exhausted.
a. she isn’t a. must not
b. isn’t she b. can
c. she is c. will
d. is she d. must

2. To enroll in the class, students should fill 7. My neighbors _________ out of town, I
in this form, __________? haven’t seen them for a week.
a. shouldn’t they a. must be

b. don’t they b. will be

c. should they c. can’t be

d. do they d. must are

3. We watched a movie after the children 8. I’m busy right now but I ___________
______________ to bed. help you in an hour.
a. did gone a. won’t able to
b. had gone b. can be able to
c. had went c. will be able to
d. have gone d. will can

4. Tania ____________ on the TV before she 9. We _______________ visit Prague, we

finished cooking. won’t have enough money to go there.
a. did turned a. won’t can
b. had turn b. won’t be able to
c. was turned c. mightn’t be able
d. had turned d. can’t to

5. You _______ very tired because you 10. If I get in time to the bus terminal, I
_________ too much. __________take the 7:30 bus to Lima.
a. were – had study a. might be able to
b. had been – studied b. can be able to
c. were – had studied c. will be able
d. had been – did study d. might are able to

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


Circle the letter that best completes each item.

1. We are on the first name ___. 6. This tooth is ___ me. It hurts so badly!
a. basic a. hurt
b. calling b. killing
c. basis c. loosing
d. tuition d. swollen

2. Would it be ___ to call you Paco? 7. When I went hiking in the mountains, I
a. rude was completely short of ___.
a. breath
b. formal
b. tired
c. prefer
c. hurt
d. mind
d. wheezing

3. She is ___ beautiful. She won Miss

Universe in 2015. 8. You should watch out for any ___ effects.
It’s a very strong drug.
a. petty
b. unbelievably a. dosage
c. hardly b. warnings
d. such c. side
d. danger
4. You should learn some ____ manners!
Don’t eat with your mouth full! 9. Try some ____ for this sneezing.
a. eat a. painkillers
b. bad b. nasal spray
c. food c. vitamins
d. table d. cough medicine

5. My parents gave me a 10 o’clock ___. If I 10. Her ___ are swollen ___. The dentist
come back home late, I’ll be in trouble. should see her right now.

a. curfew a. teeth
b. time b. tooth
c. permit c. gums
d. prohibition c. candy

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


I. Circle the letter that best completes each question.


Health is the general condition of a person's mind, 1. What does the text say about health?
body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from a. It includes having illnesses but no pain
illness, injury or pain. at all
b. It includes physical and mental welfare
Generally, the context in which an individual lives is
c. Quality of life regarding to economical
of great importance on health status and quality of wellness is included
life. It is increasingly recognized that health is d. It’s only about physical wellness

maintained and improved not only through the 2. What are the main factors of health
advancement and application of health science, but according to WHO?
also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle a. The physical characteristic
b. The environment and behaviors
choices of the individual and society. According to
c. Social as well as economic
the World Health Organization (WHO), the main
determinants of health include the social and d. a, b and c
economic environment, the physical environment,
3. What is NOT true according to the studies
and the person's individual characteristics and that have been made?
behaviors. In fact, an increasing number of studies a. Lifestyles are important for health
and reports from different organizations and b. Physical exercise is a factor
contexts examine the linkages between health and c. Personal behavior is determinant

different factors, including lifestyles, environments, d. Jobs and career are included as factors

health care organization, and health policy. 4. How can people improve their health?
Focusing more on lifestyle issues and their a. Taking care of our bodies
relationships with functional health, data from b. Having a good diet is enough
different studies suggested that people can improve c. Drinking alcohol is important
their health via: exercise, enough sleep, d. Avoiding smoking in closed places
maintaining a healthy body weight, limiting alcohol
5. What are some other components?
use, and avoiding smoking.
a. Losing weight
In addition to that, the ability to adapt and to self-
b. Having a social life
manage have been suggested as core components c. Adaptation and self-management
of human health.
d. None of the above

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

II. Skim through the ads. Circle the letter that best answers each question.

You are the only one who has to take care of your AFFORDABLE MEDICAL
skin! Get the consultation from the expert at University
Park Dermatology & medical spa & make a difference. BENEFITS
Call us at (941) 360-2477 to schedule your Affordable Medical Benefits With *Dental
appointment today or visit: *Prescription *Vision *Chiropractic $25.00 Month Entire Household
Contact: Brian Gilley
2 We offer great customer service, professional
drivers with license, insurance and type II
background check.
Hello, my name is Edna I'm a Foreign Registered
Let us help get the meds to your patients home Nurse, home health personal care and
hassles free at a fraction of the cost you are companionship senior.
The service that I supply are assisting with bathing,
administering medication, stretching,
Call us for more information. (305) 594-3700 transportation patient to doctor appointment ,
preparing meals, and general tasks.


ONLY $24.94 per month, Includes Whole Household CALL ME AT 95768 32 85
(related or not). SAVE Up to 80% on Dental
Includes Free Vision, Prescription, and Chiropractic
Care. Cosmetic, Orthodontics, and Specialists are also
Start Saving TODAY & Enroll at: /ElizabethL
Listen to details at 857-957-1876

1. Which ads include the cost of services per 3. Which services are provided for the whole
month? household?
a. 1 and 3 a. 1 and 3
b. 2 and 5 b. 2 and 4
c. 4 and 3 c. 3 and 4
d. 5 and 1 d. 4 and 5

2. Which service is provided at a spa? 4. Which ad provides information about the

a. 1
a. 1 and 5
b. 2
b. 2 and 5
c. 3
c. 3 and 4
d. 4
d. 4 and 5
5. Which services are offered to help people at
a. 1 and 5
b. 2 and 3
c. 2 and 5
d. 4 and 5

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


PART 1: Listen and circle the letter of the picture that best answers each question.

1. What country is she asking about?


2. What is the girl talking about?


3. What is his problem?


4. What object can predicts richness?


5. What event are they talking about?


TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

PART II: You will listen to two PART III: You will listen to two
audio segments. Circle the letter audio segments. Circle the letter
that best answers each question. that best answers each question.

1. How does he define his day? 1. Who’s the patient?
a. unusual a. Ms. Patricia
b. busy b. Ms. Pearlman
c. cool c. Ms. Pearl
d. None of the above d. Ms. Pearl Ross
2. What had he NOT done by 9:00 am yet? 2. When did she start feeling bad?
a. registered for class a. since today
b. bought his books b. since yesterday
c. taken the placement test c. for the last few weeks
d. had breakfast d. for the last few days
3. When did he have the meeting? 3. What symptom does she have?
a. at 9:00 am a. She has been wheezing.
b. at 10:00 am b. She has been sneezing.
c. at 1:00 pm c. She has been feeling weak.
d. None of the above d. She has been feeling nauseous.
4. Who taught Teresa the “wai” greeting? 4. What symptom does the woman have?
a. her colleague a. She has been sneezing.
b. her mother b. She has been vomiting.
c. her father c. She has been feeling dizzy.
d. her friend d. She has been coughing.
5. How does Teresa prefer to be called? 5. Where does she feel some pain?
a. Tese a. in her back
b. Terri b. in her neck
c. Tere c. in her head
d. Techy d. in her stomach

TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11


Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Teacher’s name: ________________________ Room:________________ Time: __________








TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11




























Content Organization Grammar Vocabulary Mechanics Total

6 6 5 5 3 25


TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11



Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Teacher’s name: ________________________ Room: ________________ Time: __________

Based on your teacher’s feedback, write the corrected version of your first draft.


























TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11



























TOP NOTCH 3 Basic 11

S Incorrect spelling / Palabra mal escrita The book Inglish
Wrong word order / Orden incorrecto de la Always I am happy here
W.O. palabra (s)

W.T. Wrong tense / Tiempo incorrecto She swims yesterday

W.W. Wrong word / Palabra incorrecta I made my homework

Subject and verb do not agree / No hay S-V

S-V concordancia entre sujeto y verbo You is a student.

She can plays tennis.

WF Wrong form / Forma incorrecta WF
Singular or plural form wrong / No hay S/P
s/p concordancia entre singular y plural There are hospital.

Meaning is not clear / El significado no está claro ?M

?M I like to me much house.

P Wrong punctuation / Puntuación incorrecta Whats your name.

Add or insert a missing word / Agregar o

^ insertar palabra(s) que faltan I read ^ book

Not necessary (No es necesario) Carlos went to the Lima every month.

Start a new paragraph / Empezar un nuevo Whenever there are two very different
( párrafo ideas in a paragraph.
there is a chair.
Cap Capitalization / Mayúsculas
The weather is nice here it’s warm all
. Start a new sentence / Empezar una nueva
oración the time
I live at Trujillo
WP Wrong preposition / Preposición incorrecta
Carlos and Jose are students. He live
WPN near here.
Wrong Pronoun / Pronombre incorrecto

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