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RELEASED 08/04/2009

Newly supported features and functions for Version 1872/B


Improvements for Version 1872/B


The change of contents for Version 1872/B

1 SATA HDD blockade during subsystem boot without one controller

Phenomena During subsystem booting without one controller, "HDU spin up failed" occurs and
SATA HDD are blockaded.
Severity Middle
Conditions of Occurrence When SATA HDD is spun up in case of the conditions below and then broadcast
notification that indicates "SATA HDD Link Up" is notified to the controller during
backend discover process, the problem may occur.
- SATA HDD spin up except system HDD during subsystem booting
- SATA HDD spin up when additional units are added
Cause There is a bug about backend management process which cannot recognize the broadcast
notification that indicates "SATA HDD Link Up" during backend discover process.
Affected Products/Version SA800, First version or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: 1865/E or later
Category Backend SAS
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

2 Outage occurs when Soft Reset for ISCSI chip is executed

Phenomena When Soft Reset for ISCSI chip is executed in case that the failure occurs during host
I/O, the both controllers are blockaded with Micro program error[ISM] and subsystem
outage occurs.
Severity High
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all following conditions are met.
(2) Cross call access is executed between the both controllers
(3) Failure occurs. The failure should be recovered by Soft Reset for ISCSI Chip (No
response for data transfer request)
(4) When only one request to execute the command is set on the controller, Soft Reset for
ISCSI chip occurs.
Cause There is a bug about command execution process which causes logical inconsistency in
the specific timing.
Affected Products/Version SA800/SA810, First version or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: 1865/E or later
Category ISCSI
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

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3 Controller blockade with "pair create -split"
Phenomena Controller blockade with message "Data transfer check error [CCPLUNERR]" occurs
when "pair create -split" command of Shadow Image is executed.
Severity Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all following conditions are met.
(1) Shadow Image is used
(2) One or more pair of Shadow Image that belongs "CTG (consistency group)" exist
(3) Host I/Os are executed to a Shadow Image pair below. The pair belongs to the
different controller from the controller to which a pair (copy status) belongs.
(4) Pair operation command is executed below
pair create and split command (pair create –split)
or suspend command (includes "for quick mode") during pair creation
or suspend command with quick mode during pair-resync
or suspend command during pair-resync with quick mode
Cause There is a bug about pair status management process which executes illegal status change
when CTG function is used.
Affected Products/Version SA800/SA810, First version or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: 1865/E or later
Category Shadow Image
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

4 Access lost during online firmware update with path failover

Phenomena During online firmware update with path failover, SNM2 detects a session timeout of
Account Authentication (DMEG000212) and the path online process on the controller
where the firmware is just updated fails. And then when a firmware update for another
controller is started, an access lost may occur.
Severity High
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all following conditions are met.
(1) Current firmware version is before x862/A and new version is x862/A or later
(2) DF800H/M/S, SA8x0
(3) Dual controller
(B) Conditions:
(1) Account Authentication function is enabled
(2) HSNM2 server is connected to LAN port of both controllers
(3) Execute online firmware update with path failover
(4) At (3), a mode where the path online is triggered by the HSNM2 operation is
selected. In particular, "Yes" is selected at the following dialogue:
"When the micro program replacement starts, the controller stops accepting any access
from the host until the replacement completes. If you select YES, access from the host
will be again possible right after you select the OK button on the message that will be
displayed when replacement is completed. If you select NO, access from the host will be
possible as soon as the micro program replacement completes and selecting the OK on
the message will have no action", in the firmware download window of HSNM2 GUI–
Advanced Settings. ("Yes" is the default in this dialogue.) Note: This issue does not occur
at a non-stop firmware update.
Cause The countermeasure against the issue "A session from SNM may encounter invalid
timeout while using account authentication (Appendix A #1 of ECN DF800-100
(V6.2/A))" was inadequate.
When firmware version is mixed, the check logic of a session timeout becomes
unmatched and a session timeout occurs. In the result, the path online process fails.
Affected Products/Version DF800H/M/S, SA8x0, Ver. x862/A or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: x865/F, x872/A or later
Category Firmware Update
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

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5 Subsystem outage when SNMP function is disabled.
Phenomena When SNMP function setting is changed online from “enable” to “disable” and then the
subsystem is continuously used without system power off and on, controllers connected
to LAN are blockaded. As a result, subsystem outage may occur.
W01300 CTL alarm(CTL-0)
H90210 CTL failure
HZ0N00 Kernel processing error(CTL-0)
H90320 Watch-dog time-out
Severity High
Conditions of Occurrence May occur if SNMP function setting is changed online from “disable” to “enable”, and
then “enable” to “disable”, and then the subsystem is continuously used without system
power off and on. (This failure doesn’t occur in case that SNMP function setting is
“enable”. This failure doesn’t occur in case that system power off and on is executed
after that SNMP function setting is changed online from “enable” to “disable”.)
Cause There is a bug in SNMP control process which consumes memory resource for LAN
illegally and causes that internal OS cannot run because of resource lack.
Affected Products/Version SA800/SA810, 1860/A or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: 1865/E or later
Category Common
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

6 I/O error after CTL blockade and recovery

Phenomena Error response (04/4400 hardware error) issued for I/O after CTL blockade and recovery.

- If connected to host, and if a failover software is used, the I/O will be processed on the
other CTL after the failover.
- If connected to DF or SA (by copy function), the pair will become PSUE or the path
will be blockaded.
- If connected to RAID (by UVM), the path will be blockaded.

In case of firmware update (either nonstop or path failover) instead of CTL blockade, this
issue doesn’t occur.
Severity Medium
Conditions of Occurrence The problem may occur when all following conditions are met.
(A) Configurations
(1) Firmware: 1850/A or later
(2) DF800H/M/S, SA8x0
(3) Connected to higher-level devices (hosts, DF or SA for copy: TC/TCE/SimpleDR,
RAID for UVM) through Fibre Channel interface
(B) Conditions
(1) Plural write I/Os from higher-level devices are processed by Active-Active (cross-call
among CTL)
(2) Then the CTL receiving write I/O is blockaded
(3) Then the CTL of (2) recovers
(4) Then plural write I/Os from higher-level devices are processed by Active-Active
(cross-call among CTL).
Cause After the CTL is blockaded, internal resources (DMA) may be left blockaded (by timing
issue). After the recovery of the CTL, if such the resources are assigned to the (new)
write command, the firmware issues the error response to the higher-level devices.
Affected Products/Version DF800H/M/S, SA8x0, Ver. x850/A or later
Fixed Product/Version Version: x865/F, x872/A or later
Category Active-Active
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

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7 Account Authentication initialized if updating to firmware V7.2/A.
Phenomena The built-in account (root) of Account Authentication is initialized when updating the
firmware to V7.2/A. As results, its role becomes "Account Administrator (View and
Modify)" and its password is initialized.
Severity Low
Conditions of Occurrence The problem occurs when all following conditions are met.
(A) Configurations
(1) After the update of the firmware, the version of the firmware is V7.2/A(x872/A)
(2) DF800H/M/S, SA8x0

(B) Conditions
(1) Firmware version is less than or equal to V7.2/A
(2) Account Authentication P. P. is enabled
(3) Change the password and/or the role of the built-in account: "root". (Its default role is
"Account Administrator (View and Modify)")
(4) Update the firmware to V7.2/A
Cause The maximum number of the accounts (for Account Authentication P. P.) is expanded to
200 at V7.2/A. In that modification of firmware, a bug is added to the process to expand
the information table of accounts on updating the firmware. Due to the bug, the
firmware initializes the password and the role of the built-in account.
Affected Products/Version DF800H/M/S, SA8x0, Ver. x872/A
Fixed Product/Version Version: x872/B or later
Category Account Authentication
Changed Part MICRO-Disk

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