Data Analysis For Management: Online Certificate Course

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Data Analysis

for Management

Learn the skills you need to analyse, interpret and communicate data

with confidence and impact within your organisation.

As the world becomes ever more data-driven, analytical skills
are in high demand but in very short supply. Organisations across
the world are racing to gain a competitive edge by building
their internal expertise to exploit quantitative techniques
to their full potential.
7-10 hours per
week of self-
Guided by LSE experts, this eight-week online course provides paced learning,
you with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to entirely online
increase your ability to understand, interpret and communicate
data relevant to your role and organisation. During the course, 8 weeks
you’ll develop an understanding of how data-driven models can excluding 1 week
inform managerial strategy and decision-making, and learn how orientation
to extract business insights from data and predict future trends.

The course emphasises a hands-on approach to learning data skills, and you will have the
opportunity to apply the tools and techniques you learn. You will also be introduced to Tableau –
an industry leading business intelligence and analytics software – and how it can be used to
produce insights and high impact data visualisations.

“Despite data-driven companies being 10% more productive than

those that do not operationalise their data, most companies estimate
they are analysing just 12% of their data.”*

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

This eight-week Data Analysis for Management course equips you with the skills to make
data-driven decisions, giving you and your organisation a competitive advantage in any industry.
Guided by an LSE expert, you’ll:

• Gain an understanding of how data-driven models can improve your ability to make decisions
in a fast-paced and uncertain world
• Learn to assess the reliability of data, extract strategic business insights, and use modelling
to predict future trends
• Develop data visualisation skills with which to clearly communicate your findings
to all stakeholders
• Develop a working understanding of how to use Tableau to gain insights from data,
and communicate these insights
• Complete a capstone project to demonstrate your ability to leverage data for insights
to inform business strategy and gain a competitive advantage

You’ll also get the opportunity to network with like-minded industry leaders and professionals,
and grow your global business community, all while earning a certificate from LSE.

Each module is released weekly, allowing a flexible but structured approach to learning. You’ll be supported as you engage

in individual activities and group discussions, ensuring you feel confident to submit your best work at each weekly deadline.


You are a working You want to make You’re seeking data You’re interested
professional wanting smart and informed analysis techniques in earning a
to become more decisions, and be that can be used certificate from LSE
data-oriented able to communicate to gain invaluable to validate your
and develop the skills these with insights, inform new knowledge.
to analyse, interpret confidence, impact business strategy and
and communicate and credibility. predict future trends.
data effectively.

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

This course is certified by the United Kingdom CPD Certification Service, and may
be applicable to individuals who are members of, or are associated with, UK-based
professional bodies. The course has an estimated 70 hours of learning.

Note: should you wish to claim CPD activity, the onus is upon you. The London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE) and GetSmarter accept no responsibility, and cannot be held responsible, for the
claiming or validation of hours or points.


This course is designed for anyone interested in enhancing their qualitative skills and awareness
related to corporate decision-making. Professionals from a variety of different sectors – including
marketing, financial services, project management, and information technology – will benefit from
this course if they’re seeking the ability to independently identify insights from data. You’ll learn
to communicate data-based insights within your organisation with impact, in a way that brings the
data and your findings to life. The course will also enable managers to enhance their ability
to critically assess and evaluate data and insights presented to them by others.

This course will also benefit those wanting to learn to analyse and interpret data using Tableau,
the data visualisation and business intelligence software used as an industry standard worldwide.
Participants will be provided with a student license to download and use Tableau free of charge
for the duration of the course.

There are no formal prerequisites for this course, but numerical and computer literacy is
advantageous. Students will also need a basic working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

Professor Paul Kelly

Pro-Director, Teaching and Learning, LSE
Online education allows the London School of Economics and Political
Science to make our state-of-the-art social science research accessible

to the widest possible audience, in a format which is practical and will have
real world application and impact.

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

What is LSE?

Learn more about

The London School of

Economics and Political
Science (LSE)

This online certificate course integrates rich, interactive media such as videos, screencasts and
infographics, as well as traditional didactic components such as written study guides (course notes).
There are also opportunities for collaborative learning through discussion forums. The following
modules contribute to the holistic approach your learning path takes:

00 O
 rientation Module (1 week): Welcome to your Online Campus
This essential module is released prior to Module 1 and sets you up for success in later modules.
Explore your analysis environment, become comfortable with your new online classroom, meet
your Success Team, and get to know your fellow classmates.

01 Decision-making under uncertainty

Outline why managerial decisions have uncertain outcomes which require the
quantification of uncertainty, and highlight how data driven models can impact
managerial decision-making.

02 Data
 visualisation and descriptive statistics
Illustrate and calculate the principal attributes of datasets ahead of deeper empirical
investigation. You’ll explore why visualising statistics is beneficial to managers,
as well as learn to apply the essential functions of Tableau to summarise and
illustrate a data set.

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

03 Quantifying
 risk through probability
Identify how probability distributions can help inform decisions by quantifying the risk
of particular outcomes. You’ll get to think about your own probabilistic beliefs and how they
can be updated in light of new information, as well as explore real-world examples of how
probability distributions have been used in informing managerial decisions.

04 Data integrity and statistical inference

Assess the reliability and validity of data, and how potential problems like selection, response
and non-response biases can lead to incorrect conclusions. Explore case studies as real
world examples of the integrity of data, and the business impact of incorrect predictions.

05 Evidence-based
Test theories or claims via statistical significance, and explore the impact of effect size
and sample size on statistical significance.

06 Understanding
 the causes of things
Explore the fundamentals of regression analysis and identify some of the challenges and
assumptions associated with this. Analyse the results from a regressions analysis to
conclude what drives the variation in variables.

07 Time
 series forecasting
Introduction to the purpose and application of time series forecasting. Learn to predict
future time series and assess forecast performance, and explore the components of a
time-series, indicating the trends, seasonality, cycles and black swans. In addition to this,
you’ll navigate the steps of constructing a simple forecasting model in Tableau.

08 Delivering
 insights through storytelling
Complete a capstone project in which you’ll be supplied with a data set and will use
Tableau to manipulate, analyse, summarise and visualise the data in order to produce a
presentation and summary report communicating key insights extracted from data.

GetSmarter, with whom LSE are collaborating to deliver

this online course, provide a personalised approach
to online education which ensures you’re supported
throughout your learning journey.

section assesses relationships and shifts in power

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course
between key international actors, as well as the
This course has been designed by Dr James Abdey – a subject matter expert from
LSE who will feature in many of the course videos and screencasts.

Course Convenor

Assistant Professorial Lecturer in Statistics at LSE

Dr James Abdey gained his PhD in Statistics at LSE, and has taught at LSE since 2008. He teaches the
Department of Statistics’ undergraduate courses in mathematical statistics and quantitative methods, as
well as elective courses in market research. His research interests include market research techniques
and forensic statistics – the interplay of statistics and the law. James has extensive experience
developing learning resources for LSE’s distance learning and summer school programs in Economics,
Mathematics and Statistics, and regularly teaches in Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the Far East.

Outside of academia, he has also worked on various quantitative-based consultancy projects in areas
including the art market, the World Gold Council and has given seminars at the UK parliament.


GetSmarter, with whom LSE are collaborating to deliver this online course, provide a personalised

approach to online education which ensures you’re supported throughout your learning journey.


A subject expert who’ll guide Your one-on-one Available 24/7 to solve your

you through content-related support available during tech-related and administrative

University hours queries and concerns
(9am - 5pm UK Time)
to resolve technical and
administrative challenges

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

The London School of Economics and CERTIFICATE
Political Science is collaborating with online
education provider, GetSmarter, to create
a new class of learning experience — one that
LSE is dedicated to addressing global issues
is high-touch, intimate, and personalised for
through research and education, and is the most
the working professional.
international of all British universities. By offering
online certificate courses, designed by expert

WHAT IS LSE? LSE faculty members, the School aims to make

its state of the art social sciences research and

The London School of Economics and insights available to a wider global audience.

Political Science (LSE) is the world’s The supported, interactive online learning model

leading dedicated social science university. allows students to study from anywhere in the

LSE was founded in 1895 with the aim of world, at times of their convenience, whilst still

understanding the causes of things for interacting with peers and teaching staff alike.

the “betterment of society”. This is still at

the heart of LSE and we seek to make our
research and teaching practical and relevant
to the real world. The School counts 16 Nobel
Prize winners and 34 world leaders amongst
its alumni and staff. The most international of
all British universities, LSE has students from
over 160 countries, and over 100 languages
spoken on campus. Graduates of LSE earn
higher incomes, on average, than those of any
other university in the United Kingdom, and
the School has educated more billionaires
than any other in Europe.

Why LSE?

Learn more about

The Prestige of LSE

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

GetSmarter, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 2U, Inc., is a digital education company that partners with
the world’s leading universities to select, design and deliver premium online short courses with
a data-driven focus on learning gain. Technology meets academic rigour in our people-mediated
model which enables lifelong learners across the globe to obtain industry-relevant skills that are certified
by the world’s most reputable academic institutions. 

Get recognised for your knowledge when you earn a certificate of competence from the London School
of Economics and Political Science – the world’s leading social science university – and use it to validate
your newfound data analysis knowledge and skills.

Assessment is continuous and based on a series of practical assignments completed online.

To be issued with your LSE certificate you’ll need to meet the requirements outlined in the course
handbook. The handbook will be made available to you as soon as you begin the course.

Your certificate will be issued in your legal name and couriered to you at no additional cost.
All certificate images are for illustrative purposes only and may be subject to change at the discretion
of the University.

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

HOW YOU’LL in the form of a downloadable PDF transcript if
you’d prefer not to use Flash.
Access to Microsoft Excel will also be required,
This course is broken down into manageable,
as well as access to a computer with the system
weekly modules, designed to accelerate your
requirements to download and operate Tableau.
learning process through diverse learning
You will be provided with a student license to
download and use Tableau free of charge for the
• Work through your instructional duration of the course.
material online
• Collaborate with your classmates on projects Browser requirements
via the discussion forum and online hangouts We recommend that you use Google Chrome
• Enjoy a wide range of interactive content, as your internet browser when accessing
including video lectures, live polls, scenario the Online Campus. Although this is not a
simulations, and infographics requirement, we have found that this browser
• Investigate current, real-world case studies performs best for ease of access to course
• Apply what you learn each week to material. This browser can be downloaded here.
quizzes and ongoing project submissions,
culminating in a capstone project Additional requirements
demonstrating your enhanced ability to Certain courses may require additional software
analyse, summarise, and report on insights and resources. These additional software and
extracted from data, for more effective resource requirements will be communicated to
business decision making you upon registration and/or at the beginning of
the course. Please note that Google, Vimeo, and

YouTube may be used in our course delivery, and
if these services are blocked in your jurisdiction,

REQUIREMENTS you may have difficulty in accessing course

content. Please check with a Course Consultant
before registering for this course if you have any
Basic requirements
concerns about this affecting your experience
To complete a course, you’ll need a current
with the Online Campus.
email account and access to a computer and
the internet. You should be familiar with using
a computer and accessing the internet, as you
may need to read documents in
Adobe PDF Reader, view Microsoft PowerPoint
Learning online
presentations, and read and create documents
in Microsoft Word. Installing Adobe Flash
Find out what it’s like
Player will give you full access to certain course
Take a tour of your
content, such as interactive infographics.
However, you’ll still have access to this content Online Campus

LSE Data Analysis for Management online certificate course

Data Analysis
for Management

Ready to make better, data-driven business decisions?


UK: +44 2038 568 850 | GLOBAL: +44 2038 236 998

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