The Parental Motivation Effects To The Students Having To Pursue Their Studies

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Parental Motivation effects to the Grade 12 STEM Students of St.

Augustine School of Nursing having to pursue their studies.



It is undeniable that almost all parents/guardians want to be a part of the students’ life because
they consistently support their financial situation on the daily plus the obvious moral that parents
has to care for their children is a really strong culture.

According to Benjamin Osawaru (2010) Education is the best legacy parents can give to their
children. The development of the nation starts from the family. When the family succeeds in
teaching and impacting good values in their children, the country becomes a better place to live.
It is generally believed that the basis for any true development must commence with the
development of human resource.

Formal education is the demonstration of such desires to effectively and efficiently build a sound
and strong economy. Numerous factors have been identified in various research studies to be
responsible for the continuous declining of our educational system. Various factors such as
classroom size, poor teacher-student ratio, in-adequate instructional materials, attitude of
teachers towards work and lack of seriousness in part of students.

Also as the simple argument of how students essentially need a guardian to support them and to
rely on to make their life as convenient as possible but also remembering the values and morals
of their responsibility as a student.

University of Tubingen (2007) Suggests that whether parental help has positive or negative
effects on students’ academic outcomes depends on the motivation and involvement of their

Results of a new study suggest that students whose parents are interested in math and perceive
their own math competencies to be high perform better than students with parents who show a
low interest in math and regard their competencies in the domain as equally low – regardless of
the intensity of the help students receive at home.

There are many perspectives when this topic comes to mind, for example, each and every student
has their own opinion about their parents as their reliant. The parental inclusion has positive and
negative effects and what it causes the students’ performance in school to either escalate or

Studies revealed that the students’ brain is easy to destruct and some of the reasons are stress
levels and personal life problems, but, it will usually depend on the student. Although, there are
some aspects that majority of students tend to have similarities in experiencing their school life.

The generality of students’ has many underlying support regarding their motivation on schooling
and to actually pinpoint the effects and causes the guardian/parent brings to its child that it’s
taking care of.

The typical argument of students’ whether the inclusion of the parental guidance is basically
good or bad for the student. It might come to a shock that a surprising number of students rather
prefer that they want their life at school be confidential and tend to not share information
regarding that matter.

The researchers felt the need to determine the impact of the inclusion of parents in their daily
school life and how it positively or negatively affects them in terms of social behavior, academic
performance, and their mentality as a human being.

The purpose of this study is to actually pinpoint and find out the implications of parental
management and their motive to make their children pursue their studies.


This study will address the problem of whether parents actually motivate the students or become
a hindrance to their studies. If it can identify the tendency to proffer solution on how parents
should motivate their children towards academic excellence.

The academic performance of secondary school students in recent time has been a source of
concern to all. Parents, teachers, counselors etc. have expressed considerable concern about the
deteriorating student’s performance.

This poor academic performance of pupils has continue to raise its ugly head despite the measure
put in place by the Federal Government in ensuring effective teaching and learning.

Common concern and complain of SASN teachers have been on poor academic performance and
low attention span arising from a steady decline on students motivation and interactive learning.
As a result, SASN students get involved in problem behavior such as dropping out of school,
truancy, bully and social receptiveness.

The main problem of this search is to find out if there is an existence of relationship between
socio-economic status of parents and students’ academic performance.

This research can be a help to answer our questions and makes us realize the impacts of the
things that parents do to the students’ overall affectee.

Queries regarding the research topic are as follows

1. What are the profiles of students respondent in terms of:

a. Age
b. Sex
2. What are the impacts of Parental Inclusion to the students in terms of:
3. Based from the finding, what will be the outcome of the study?


The study will focus on the G12 STEM students of SASN, The research will be conducted to
selected G12 students’ year 2019 – 2020 to gather enough substantial information to make this
research complete, also having to keep in mind that it will be accurate and credited enough to be
a conceptualized study.
The gathered information/data that were based from the students’ response and was analyzed and
carefully put together based on their academic performance, behavior, etc. regardless if it’s a
positive or negative effect.

this research was conducted at St. Augustine school of nursing. This study limits its coverage on
students on grade 11 and grade 12 only. it's main purpose is to identify the common problem that
they encounter and purpose the possible solution regarding this problem.


The significance of this research work in the educational system cannot be over-emphasized.
Having it pinpointing the argument of how parental motivation can be a good thing or a
hindrance to the students.

by Learning Liftoff May 27, 2015 J. D. Hull, the first female governor of Arizona, once said,
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive
involvement of parents.”

Learning Liftoff (2015)

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