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Task scheduling based on Ant Colony Optimization.

Submitted By

Anuskha Mukherjee Ankur Saini Abhinav Rana Anirudh Lather

R110217030 R110217023 R110217005 R110217021

Under the guidance of

Dr. Shamik Tiwari

Associate Professor

Department of Virtualization

Cloud Computing & Virtualization Technology

Department of Virtualization
School of Computer Science
Aug-Nov, 2019
School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Petroleum & Energy Studies, Dehradun

Project Proposal Approval Form (2019-20)

Minor I

Project Title: Task scheduling based on Ant Colony Optimization.

1. Abstract:
Task scheduling is a very big issue in the today’s growing IT world. So there should be proper
management of the tasks so that tasks can be handled properly and efficiently. Task scheduling on
the machine is a very important task and is also a very difficult job to handle. As the IT world is
growing rapidly so the task should be scheduled in the dynamic ways so that if the number of tasks
increases then there is no problem in handling them. There are many task scheduling algorithm
but in this project we have implemented Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm which is the
optimized task scheduling algorithm. With the help of this algorithm, task can be scheduled
efficiently and in an optimized way. This algorithm is also used in load balancing. In this algorithm
all the tasks are scheduled in such a way that system can perform all the operations of the task in
the efficient way.
Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm, Task Scheduling, Load Balancing.
2. Introduction:

Effective task scheduling algorithm increases the experience of the user on the system but it also
helps in increasing the efficiency of the whole system. If there is effective task scheduling
algorithm then the work can done in the faster way and load over the system is also balanced and
the system can work with its full efficiency. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm is a
dynamic task scheduling algorithm which can efficiently handles the tasks. With the help of this
algorithm, we have to find the shortest path so that maximum work can be done in minimum time.
With the use of this algorithm, we can find the shortest path so that minimum distance is travelled
so that time can be saved.
How Ants Work?
These ants deposit pheromone on the ground in order to mark most favorable path that should be
followed by the other members of the colony.
Pheromone does not stays there forever , it evaporates but When more numbers of ants move
through the same path the pheromone increases , more pheromone levels means greater
probability of getting food.
How we apply it in algorithm?
Ants navigate form nest to food source. Shortest path is discovered via pheromone levels in
trails. Each ant moves at random in beginning. While ants follow that path based on more
pheromone levels.

3. Problem Statement:

In this project we will design a code which will help in finding the shortest path with the help of
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. This project is based on how ants finds the shortest
path so that they reach to their destination (food) in lesser time and from the shortest path.
With the help of this project, we will design a code which will help to find the shortest path form
source to the destination.

4. Literature Review:
5. Objectives:
Implementation of Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.
Using Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Task Scheduling

6. Methodology:
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a population-based metaheuristic that can be used to find
approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems.
In ACO, a set of software agents called ants, these ants search for good solutions to a given
optimization problem. To apply ACO, the optimization problem is transformed into the problem
of finding the best path on a weighted graph. The ants incrementally build solutions by moving on
the graph. The solution construction process is by a pheromone model, that is, a set of parameters
associated with graph components whose values are modified at runtime by the ants.
Our Aim is to Implement Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to _________.
Feasibility and Resource Analysis: Understanding the working of Ant Colony Optimization
algorithm and analyzing if it can be adjusted and used with our problem statement.
Design : After analysis of Problem Statement and the algorithm this phase lays emphasis on how
the ants acts on the scene how the pheromone levels are controlled and manipulated , how the
optimum path is decided . The Flow of Program is decided in this phase.
Implementation: In this phase the final program is created in fragments. Each fragment has a
specific function. This makes testing and debugging easier and organized. This makes
Integration of all the functions more organized which is done in next phase.
Integration, Testing and Termination Analysis: In this phase all the fragments are integrated and
combined with the main function and the program is tested for any failures.
Improvement Phase: In this phase the code is analyzed for any improvements that may have been
seen possible in Integration and Testing phase.

Understanding Algorithm
Feasibility Study

Implementing Functions

Implementation Testing Functions

Integrating Functions

Analyzing Performance
Figure 1: flow chart

System Requirements:
 Operating System: Windows®98/2000/XP/VISTA/7/8/8.1/10
 CPU (Processor): 800 MHZ Intel Pentium III or Higher/ 800 MHZ AMD Athlon or
 RAM (Memory): 512 MB or greater
 Keyboard and Mouse
 Total Hard Disk Space: 128 GB or greater
 Additional Software: Dev C++ compiler
 Screen Resolution: 800 x 640 or higher
 Internet Connection: Not Required

PERT Chart:


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