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Date of referral Name IC Age MRN Diagnosis Transfer to 1F/ 2D Remark

Aug - Oct 18
mannar A/L moorthy 480314-05-5203 HTJ 218498 deconditioning secondary to general medical illness
paruvathy A/P manikam 470424-02-5272 htj 861746 decondition secondary to general medical illness
chan yeng 301116-10-5082 deconditioning
rokiah binti mohamad 441111-03-5366 htj 976670 mild cognitive impairment/decondition 2 medical illness
halima a/p din Mohamed 380912-10-5524 htj 238016 cva right hemiparesis
paruvathy A/P manikam 470424-05-5272 htj 861746 decondition secondary to general medical illness. Readmitted for hap
khadijah binti Ngah 461121-06-5292 htj 941158 cva with right hemiparesis. Meningioma. Refused intervention
lachmeey a/p L kothandaraman 380627-05-5150 htj 866316 acute delirium
ibrahim bin abd rahman 470915-07-5091 htj 433514 acute delirium/ tro vascular dementia
yenamala ratnamma a/p chinniah450210-71-5222 htj 229714 mild cognitive impairment/recurrent fall.
mohammad bin nordin 470818-05-5355 htj 717319 cva with right hemiparesis.
ng chan chin htj 836654 meningoencephelitis
lee kim loong htj 895952 severe sepsis secondary to cap
wong ah wah htj 284459 acute stemi and stroke 2 cardiac emboli
maimunah binti mohd zin htj 578138 sah ppt by hypertensive emergency
saadiah binti selamat htj 749136 delirium 2 cv a with left parietal icb
phang see sang htj 90649 aspiration pneumonia with age
hendry stevens htj 485347 urosepsis with mods
tan swee kak htj 403824 recurrent ischemic stroke
margie suares htj 148754 infected heel sore with megaloblastic anemia
rajmah binti jahudin htj 241861 aspiration pneumonia
parvathy a/p keppusamy htj 143166 cva
cheng ah koh htj 289748 recurrent cva
janagi a/p kunjambo htj 895090 cva with high risk of fall
chan mu kang htj 216570 recurrent cva
chandri a/p R narayanan htj 499450 acute right cva
lim kim hwa htj 154638 recurrent cva
kandan a/l govinathan htj 174316 delirium hypoactive 2 cva
saad bin md diah htj 828709 delirum and ccf
che lah bin kidam htj 274866 infected chemo port
puvameswary a/p nagalingan htj 434148c cva left hemiparesis
syed ibrahim nin syed mohd htj 874344 acute cerebellar stroke
sin ah koo htj 837088 post infarct seizure
sadiah binti m kolam htj 971808 resolved delirium 2 sepsis
lee sai muui htj 344788 urosepsis
paltma waihi htj 355446 cva
khoo hoon chan htj 164083 cva right hemiparesis
masnah bin arshad htj 87611 left mca infarct
yap ah kaw htj 651966 hypokalemia
lim ah seong htj 378598 severe pneumonia
azhar piliang htj 71546 cva right hemiparesis
khalid bin kasim htj 973723 cva left hemiparesis
tasum bin tayib htj 748606 chronic sdh
gan fook ling htj 655028 cellulites

5/11/18 Rukumoney A/P K Kandasamy htj981721 learning disability No Discharge

5/11/18 Saring Bin Derakim htj283340 CVA with left hemiparesis for rehab Yes
5/11/18 Siti Binti Salleh htj237775 acute delirium secondary to post-infarct seizure Yes
5/11/18 Siti Hawa Binti Abdullah htj27969 CVA with left hemiparesis. underlying dementia Yes
8/11/2008 Jeliah Binti Jamin 440521055074 74 HTJ234753 Old cva. Recurrent fall yes
8/11/2018 Wong Kwee San 350323715175 83 Htj335642 Acute delirium 2 infection/hypoglycemia Yes
19/11/18 Mustafa bin hussin 490718055081 69 htj285082 Delirium secondary to recurrent cva Yes
22/11/18 Charan Singh a/l Assa singh 320915715083 86 htj790426 Hypoactive delirium No
Saripah binti nordin 470518055038 71 Htj836688 Fall risk precaution No
Ataniah binti daron 440604085173 74 Htj982711 Acute delirium 2 infection Yes
301227055006 87 htj150070 Pneumonia Yes
Che zawiyah binti abu bakar 470828035438 71 htj698446 Acute delirium post stroke
Lee kee young 400324105267 80 htj986536 Sdh

17/12/18 A Kudus Bin Alias 490608055013 69 Hth412539 ? Normal pressure hydrocephalus

Lum Ah Moi 370831055044 Htj203670 acute delirrium secondary to SDH
Narayan A/L Perumal 381031085281 HTJ986951 Deconditioning secodary to ACS/CAP/sacral sore
3/12/2018 Look Kin Thai 451101055143 73 HTJ985799 Right cerebellar bleed with MCA territory infarct-intubated No
4/12/2018 Zainuddin bin Abdul Malek 480503055309 70 HTJ95268 Parkinson plus (progressive supranuclear palsy) with dementia No
7/12/2018 Chee Nyun Ying @ Chee Yoke Lan
390918055184 79 HTJ287268 Right femoral AVN with pneumonia and delirium
3/12/2018 Sharifah binti Hashim 550515055278 63 HTJ985311 CVA with right hemiparesis with polycythemia No
10/12/2018 Fam Sip Yip @ Fam Mok 350101065031 83 HTJ530329 Deconditioning secodary to medical condition (high grade glioma of basal ganglia)
10/12/2018 Wong Kun 320604055145 86 HTJ846280 Old CVA with right hemiparesis - admitted for HAP (already under Geri clinic)
17/12/2018 Saad bin Idrus 540420055313 64 HTJ153570 Recurrent CVA. Infected right thigh hematoma. Acute delirium. Yes
17/12/2018 Suppramaniam A/L Yellppan 450125055127 73 HTJ177982 Recurrent CVA (old) with acute delirium. Fall with right periorbital hematomaYes
20/12/2018 Rasli bin Kader 531107055291 65 HTJ876512 Right MCA territory infarct with pontine bleed Yes
11/12/2018 Tepit bin Marop 530804055241 65 HTJ334975 Acute delirium TRO dementia No
13/12/18 Low Chai 400108055074 78 HTJ350627 Hypertensive urgency, AKI secondary to traditional meds No
28/12/18 Abdan bin akin 370530055155 81 HTJ344198 Infected pressure sore with hypoactive delirium No
31/12/18 Tan goo tee 450722055061 73 HTJ89535 Recurrent cva Yes
3/1/18 Ta Sang 410420105653 77 HTJ 602842 Right DFU with high risk of fall Yes
7/1/19 Ng chong aoo 441122055039 74 htj902561 Parkinson disease tro vascular parkinson Yes
7/1/2019 othman bin saidin 351103715127 83 Htj219544 Right mca territory infarct Yes From ward 3a
22/1/19 Ong tong siah 330128075151 85 Htj343321 Deconditioning tro recent CVA Yes

11/6/19 kamariah binti latip 410110055048 htj389820 left MCA infart with NSTEMI no refer for Rehab input
11/6/19 yang yik ling 310629055070 htj112119 mixed AD/ vascular. laceration wound at forehead transfer to 2D from Surg ward
10/6/19 ibrahim bin abd rahman 470915075091 htj433514 acute delirium 2 hypoglycaemia. vascular dementia transfer to 1F from Ortho ward
11/6/19 Raemah binti bidin 440810055118 htj589407 bronchitis and uncontrolled DM to 2d
12/6/19 siti aishah binti yusop 410813105160 htj314579 alzheimer's with hyperglycaemia discharge
11/6/19 moo ji @ foo choon lun 300612055008 htj1014397 aspiration pneumonia/ UGIB (I?indication) discharge
11/6/19 zaleha binti ahmad 341221015114 htj996716 pneumonia (? missed appointment) to 1F
13/6/19 zainudin bin zakaria 330828055063 htj1015098 acute delirium 2' sacral sore. tro vascular dementia to 1f
13/6/19 kuppu a/l ganesan 331118715033 htj832443 post stroke rehab
17/6/19 meenachi a/p subramaniam 540124055108 htj779335 LACI rehab 2d
17/6/19 maharum binti abd hanid 450327055192 htj75215 esbl k. pneumonia with renal abscess deconditioning rehab 1f
17/6/19 tunku habibah bt tunku yaakob 261218055000 htj113789 acute on chronic dural bleed rehab
18/6/19 alan de silva 351225055091 htj375471 haematuria tro prostate CA; hyponatremia discharge
19.6.19 salipah binti yunus 191124055148 htj226993 cva with right hemiparesis 2D
19.6.19 zainap binti ujang 561111055398 htj627071 pneumonia with acute delirium
20.6.19 wong yok lin 450819055076 htj155597 left humurus fracture, left IT fracture 2d
20.6.19 a kudus bin alias 490608055013 htj412539 cummunicating hydrocephalus
21.6.19 goh chok ching 430918055137 htj549100 CVA with left hemiparesis
24/6/19 tee yoke khen 400311105196 htj994193 persistent complicated candidaemia with deconditioning died
24/6/19 sethckarasi achi 320330715184 htj102651 pneumonia with deconditioning
25/6/19 chin yoke sang 510519055105 htj433100 tro dementia
25.6.19 rosnah binti don 540801045362 htj420969 cva with aspiration pnuemonia
25.6.19 habsah binti mahat 350428035168 htj778019 infected sacral sore 2D
25.6.19 mustapha bin alias 351111055165 htj347201 mixed dementia with acute delirium
28.6.19 yeow poh choo 240729055042 htj393044 infected sacral sore
1.7.19 choong khin yoon 331001055000 htj520080 recurrent cva 2d
2.7.19 low kim mi 410519105477 htj120426 cva
3.7.19 siti rohaya binti abu bakar 580511055390 htj1018628 LACI with right hemiparesis 2D
3.7.19 lim jooi
9.7.19 ong tick yong 280223715281 htj1019177 cva with acute delirium, chronic subdural effusion, AUR
8.7.19 kowi yong 361020055038 htj987980 cva with right hemiparesis
8.7.19 maimunah binti mohamad 420501055204 htj545132 CVA 2D
8.7.19 batamany a/p nagappan 561206055294 htj252351 deconditioning post-CVA 1F
8.7.19 ah moi 320203055064 htj1018996 post dengue fever with deconditioning 1f
4.7.19 zainab binti che wain 580227085656 htj807417
4.7.19 halimatun binti mohd salleh 370802055264 htj694836
11.7.19 nyunya binti md dros 481130015404 htj248298 left NOF fracture
11.7.19 tom binti abdullah 400528055142 htj1007367 DVT, sacral sore
15.7.19 le yau lim @ liau chin shern 371103055147 htj435810 acute delirium with AKI. renal abscess
16.7.19 mat sah MRSA pneumonia social welfare for placement
22.7.19 kim gee moi 361123055276 htj44062 cva with left hemiparesis; high risk of fall
22.7.19 S Letchumy A/P Samikanu 541125055286 htj1021559 cva with left hemiparesis
22.7.19 Che Su binti Talip 510606075446 htj679810 cva with right hemiparesis and expressive aphasia
22.7.19 Saroja left mca CVA
25.7.19 kerpal kaur A/P Sarban singh 361021055160 htj587020 multifocal cva from 2C
25.7.19 maimunah binti jantan 290614055064 htj503188 TRO UGIB
29.7.19 chong sam UGIB with post cardiac arrest
26.7.19 lee wat choo 401106055104 htj1022475 left basal ganglia bleed 2d
29.7.19 adznan left frontal parietal bleed with dysphasia 1f
31.7.19 khalijah binti shahbuddin 401221085632 htj941340 deconditioning sec. recurrent fall and bilateral hip dislocation 2D
1.8.19 avadiammah a/p krishnan 380607105122 htj1023058 acute delirium with cardiac event 1f
1.8.19 patimah binti sulaiman 290129045022 htj561148 hypoactive delirium sec orthostatic pnuemonia geri clinic
5.8.19 ellamman a/p mankkam 351227105398 htj541754 cva
5.8.19 mai salamah binti omar 370704055236 htj988986 post CVA. recurrent admission for UTI
5.8.19 arumugam a/l maniam 480217105125 htj310785 post icb, tro dementia
6.8.19 lee hoi poh 340616055079 htj559057 delirium tro dementia. ?liver carcinoma
13.8.19 lew wan moi 460929035104 htj840766 hypokalaemia secondary of inappropriate NG feeding
15.8.19 leong kim lai 440501055093 htj546158 subdural haemorrhage
15.8.19 usman bin samsudin 450509715163 htj332170 TRO UGIB
19.8.19 abdullah bin ahmad 340811055103 htj896987 neurocognitive dysfunction TRO VAD
19.8.19 ng min wah 480110065047 htj676113 multifocal infarct with VAD memory clinic
22.8.19 wong mun 420104055091 htj1026027 acute delirium sec CVA 1F
22.8.19 lee mooi chai
23.8.19 tipah binti mamat 361011045030 htj732030 osteoporosis with high risk of fall
23.8.19 angelina selvam 350508055054 htj139983 acute delirium secondary to hypertensive encephalopathy/ hyperglycaemia
26.8.19 gan seng tian 341224055015 htj592864 delirium secondary to left LL cellulitis
26.8.19 Asad dullah murza bin marza aziz 440115055239
beg htj305320 deconditioning secondary to immobilization/ multiple comorbidities
29.8.19 Herdial Kaur acute delirium secondary to sepsis
29.8.19 siti salbiah binti musa 410930105282 htj342156 CVA
29.8.19 wan yunus bin wan yusof 270109055049 htj43761
30.8.19 selamah binti bulat 391201055106 htj352738
3.9.19 chan yit subdural haemorrhage
3.9.19 siti rohani binti jahis 530321055300 htj153674 CVA
3.9.19 munniammah a/p vadivelu 290322055140 htj450974 fall TRO cardiogenic cause
5.9.19 tan soo luan 500115055118 htj290371 deconditioning post ventilation
5.9.19 yan yang 331010055029 htj18575 acute on subdural haemorrhage
6.9.19 abdul latif 390114055111 htj957198 decontitioning
6.9.19 puasa binti ibrahim 390717055268 htj926994 post IT fracture for rehab; admiited for ascending cholangitis
11.9.19 md shahid bin abd rahman 220109085111 htj1029107 aspiration pnuemonia with delirium
12.9.19 gopi a/l bhakaran memory impairment TRO chronic liver disease
17.9.19 lee ah piew 560628105023 63 htj1020834 deconditioning secondary to immobilization liase with MAIS for placement while awaiting transfer to jelebu
17.9.19 ramulu a/l gunayah 380629055189 81 htj227896 recurrent hypogylcemia tro neurocognitive decline transfer to 1f
17.9.19 zainab binti yassin 381006045026 80 htj957156 hyperacute delirium with nstemi aor discharge
17.9.19 govindan deconditioning post ventilation with fournier gangrene
17.9.19 johara binti usop 430715055006 76 htj30763 stroke rehab aim wheelchair ambulation-transfer 7c-kiv withdrawal of dialysis
19.9.19 norani binti mansor htj573627 infected sacral sore grade 4 with orthostatic pneumonia meet carer for expectation and care
19.9.19 leaw cheng po htj805021 sepsis sec to rt pyelonephritis with AKI transfer to 2d
19.9.19 rusmah binti kidam htj 394580 acute gouty arthritis ith posterior circulation stroke gout treatment -balancing
19.9.19 che esah binti jusoh 480130035152 71 htj1030040 cva with rt sided neglect transfer to 2d
19.9.19 muthayee a/p karuppan 511226055122 67 htj1021135 NSTEMI with subarachnoid bleed trasnfer to 2d
19.9.19 rokiah binti husin 460201055268 73 htj477183 delirium sec to subarachnoid bleed transfer to 2d
19.9.19 abu samah bin ali 350914055009 84 htj846367 fall sec to hypogylcemia tro vascular neuro cognitive decline discharge with tca geri
19.9.19 hariah binti mohammad 520305055248 67 htj131692 idiopathic parkinson discharge with tca geri
Date Ward/Bed No. Name HTJ IC Diagnosis Plan
5/3/19 6B/38 Maani bt Baasirun 717227 351005055364 cva,asp pneumonia
6/3/19 6B/37 Lee Lum 171831 370615055066 left mca infarct t/o 2D
8/3/19 6B/C8 Wong Woon Chow 229677 390721055236 cva,tro depressiondischarge over weekend to kk
11/3/19 6A/29 Mazlah bt Kayom 539234 330206055026 cva
8/3/19 6B/27 Rasimah bt Mohamed 561077 400412045110
14/3/19 6B Yong Siew Ken 1001267 310825715160 cva,cap,hhs t/o 2D for rehab
15/3/19 6B Yong Ooi Tee 575151 271107715458 cva,coad t/o 1F
15/3/19 5B Nordin b Sani 320184 510901085751
19/3/19 6B Hapsah bt Abdul Aziz 1002858 531113715022 cva with aspiration pneumonia
21/3/19 6B/37 Fatimah bt Hussain 260504 400525055032 cva, pneumonia t/o 2D on 010419
25/3/19 6A Plumg Kodie A/P Govindasamy 313782 571019065066 pneumonia,U/L CVA
dc on 30/3/19
6A Herdial Kaur @ Pee Took A/P Ran
Singh 340503025068 cap,deconditioning
to bed bound
on 28/3/19
x 8/7
26/3/19 6B Low Swee Lui @ Lau Mie 217718 340503055080 constipation uti,u/L
2D on 26/3/18
28/3/19 6B/35 Sarasvathy A/P Munisamy 206864 550207055014 cva,pressure soredischarge on 010419
6B/C34 Ng Kwee Yeng@Ooi Kim Kuan 424466 350626085342 recurrent stroke tot/oaspirin
2D onfailure
6A/39 Tang Fong Kiow 750303 390709715166 acute delirium secondary
dc on 08/04/19
to sepsis (cap) and pain,exogenous hypo
29/3/19 6B/28 Habsah bt Mahat@Awang Hamat
778019 350428035168 depression,knee OA
t/o 2D on 020419
1/4/19 6A/22 Yong Bee Kiau 452230 480330055166 acute delirium secondary
t/o 1F onto5/4/19
6B/22 Noridah bt Nor 903998 580513055300 stroke(icb&infarct t/o
on 020419delirium secondary to sepsis,Clo
4/4/19 6B/29 Rokiah bt Awang 777393 490514025462 CVA for rehab t/o 2D on 6/4/19
5/4/19 6B/11 Rosnah bt Noh 420969 540801045362 cva for rehab t/o 1F on 7/4/19
5/4/19 6A/cb8 then tai moi 915583 380215055146 mca infarct for rehab
t/o 2D on 11/4/19
9/4/19 6B/38 Ng Moi@Chong Ng Moi 202957 431001055244 cva for rehab t/o 2D on 10/4/19
18/4/19 6B/8 Sivagamy A/P Sithamparam 116133 450315055056 recurrent cva secondary
t/o 2D on
to 18/4/19
non-compliance to aspirin
18/4/19 6A/C34 Lee Lai Lin 1006333 330217715130 pneumonia t/o 1F on 20/4/19
18/4/19 6A/C31 Katijah bt Taib 13170 340518055040 left hip fracture,pneumonia,type2resp
passed away on 21/4/19
19/4/19 6B/C35 Katijah bt Draman 806570 410619045264 cva, depression,constipation,uti
t/o 2D on 24/4/19
23/4/19 6B/34 Raja Hayati binti Raja Yahaya 1007705 500721105584 cva t/o 2D on 24/4/19
26/4/19 6A/24 Chen Lin Chein 872399 370604085374 cva,tb larynx and t/o
8c on
29/4/19 6B/39 Wong Yu Lian 245475 321012715474 nstemi, intertrochanteric
t/o 2D on
01/05/19 infarct

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