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You are born to be a Legend

By; Sohail Khan

BS 3rd Semester,

Media and Communication Studies,

University of Swat.

We all are human, we are the same species we share the common interests. That we
all want to be best in our lives. No one wants desperation for himself. Each human being
wants to be free. We all want the same thing in our lives freedom and our wishes to come
true. Then there is a question. Why aren't all humans are the same? or why some are
successful while others are deprived ? Why the things which happen with you are destined?
There are a lot of other questions like these mugging around-the-clock in each individual
minds. And only legend knows the answer to it. The answer to these questions is that you are
truly responsible for whoever you are. Your present is the effect of your past. If you are
25years old the food you have eaten all these year made your physical body like the way you
are now. The thoughts you hold in your mind from all those years defines your personality
and mind-set today. So you can start today for your better tomorrow by making commitment
with yourself. That, I will make great choices from today to help me achieve my goals of

If a person wants to be a doctor he can only be a one if he passes all the exams of the
degree. Than after 5 years of struggle he will see himself as a doctor .From the first day of
university he made up his mind that i will be a doctor and each person starts to call him a
doctor. His friends, family everybody who know that he is studying to become a doctor, he
might be in first year of his studies but even so everybody will treat him is a doctor. But he
won't become a one until he realize and made a true commitment that yes I am a doctor. And
we have seen a lot of great and legendary doctors in our lives they didn't became doctors with
a shortcut but the hold this thought that i will be a thought and they had chosen a good way
for that. Bill Gates was not born with golden spoon. He was a matches and cigarette
salesman. Nothing more than a common men but why he flew this high. When he was kicked
out from university he made a commitment with himself. In his words i studied failure for my
success. He learned from his every mistake that’s way he is what he is today. So it’s never
late to make a commitment with yourself, it’s your day start from now. And always convince
your mind that yes i am lucky to have these hard problems today. I will learn from it. If you
want to be anyone you want than treat yourself like that person, because this will make you
true to yourself and true friend can lead you to your goals, be a friend with yourself. If you
treat anything any way it will become like that. For example if you took someone is a
criminal and you thought he can harm you, yes he will bring you harm. Because scientifically
you will show wrong emotions towards him and this because your wrong emotions and fear
will lead you to being harm by his hands. So if he brings any harm only you are responsible
for it you shown the wrong emotions and expressions. Don't be afraid of any problem
because problem brings solutions, a person with a lot of problems today, when he thinks and
solve those problems made him a solution maker tomorrow. If you became a solution maker
to 90% of your problems than no one can stop you from whoever you want to be. The person
who stands in storm being strong enough to fight it back is remembered is a legend. Every
individual holds analytical mind and each person is a problem solver to his problems your
problem won't solve until you accept it .So life is simple just say I am a legend and will make
myself the best. Start from today you have a long life ahead.

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