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Exercise 1: Examples of topological spaces.

(i) Call a subset A ⊆ R2 radially open iff it contains an open line segment in each direction about
each of its points. Show that the collection of radially open sets is a topology in R2 . Compare
this topology with the usual topology on R2 (i.e. is it weaker, stronger, the same, or none of

(ii) If A ⊆ X and τ is any topology on X, then {U ∪ (V ∩ A) : U, V ∈ τ } is a topology for X.

Exercise 2: An open set G ⊆ X in the topological space (X, τ ) is regularly open iff G is the
interior of its closure. G is regularly closed iff G is the closure of its interior.

(i) Show that the complement of a regularly open set is regularly closed and vice versa.

(ii) Find an example of an open set in R with the standard topology that is not regularly open.

(iii) Show that the intersection of two regularly open sets is open. The union of two regularly open
sets need not be regularly open (find examples).

Exercise 3: Do problem 4A.

Exercise 4: Do problem 4B, part (1) and part (2). Additionally, compute the interior and closure
of the set A = {(q, 0) : q ∈ Q}.

Exercise 5: Do problem 4D.

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