Legalization of Lethal Firearms For The Purpose of Self

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Legalization of Lethal Firearms for the purpose of self-defense?

Hi! My name is Insha-ur-Rehman and my speech topic is the legalization of lethal firearms for
the purpose of self-defense. So basically whenever we talk about legalizing weapons most people
creep and that’s completely normal because our society has highlighted more of its cons than its
merits. Now Starting off with why do we people really fear guns that’s because we really don’t
really understand them, most people own a firearm because they use it as a tool or for a sport so
by getting to know a firearm and learning how to use it responsibly so then being around a gun
doesn’t need to be a fearful experience. Furthermore Banning firearms will likely create a black-
market where it is accessible to every individual without looking into their criminal record rather
than when you’re buying it legally, this has happening in Pakistan where there is a huge black
market for guns since they were banned, while the government has also lost the opportunity to
tax such firearms and earn revenue. Although by the grace of Al mighty we have been able to
fight terrorism and defeat it but such elements still lie in our society however every citizen
should learn self-defense with a firearms to protect themselves from any mishap. This can further
help women who can conceal carry a weapon to protect themselves from sexual harassment or
However the history of mass shootings in the United States is one that tells a dark chapter and a
different story if these lethal firearms are legalized then there is a high possibility that incidents
of mass shooting with increase. While having a firearm in a home increases the risk of a
homicide or a suicide occurring and that increase remains no matter how many guns are owned
or how safely they are locked in a gun safe. So when will we break the stereotype and use these
firearms for a better cause?

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