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Assignment No.

 Date of Submission: 7th October 2019 to 9th October [No more extension]
 Email your softcopies to:
 Subject of email must be: Assignment 1 [your section e.g. BBA1A]
 Copied assignments will be given zero
 You must mention your student id and name on the title page of the assignment
 Every page will have name of student on header and page number on the footer
 Page size will be A4 with narrow margins
 File must be saved with group members names [fazal, Maryam, ..]
 Every group must be of four to five members.
 All questions must be in one file

Q1: First page of the assignment is a title page, you can design as you like but it must have: [2]
 University Logo and Name
 Date
 Course Instructor Name
 Assignment Number
 Students’ Names and IDs

Q2: Write following content and headings from the internet source:
 Use Heading system
 Number the headings
 The first letter of the text will be Drop Cap
 Text of the article will be in 12 point font
 Heading 1 in 18 Font, Heading 2 in 16 Font, Heading 3 in 14 Font. {font style, color, bold
and italic is your choice}
 Add Footnotes for additional references in the article
 Add relevant picture in the document
 Add table of content and start page numbering from content page

Q3: Draw an organizational chart of 3 to 4 levels for any existing organization. [3]
Format is attached in Picture (Don’t copy attached one)

Q4: Draw the attached flowchart, choose your own format. [3]
Q5: Draw the attached table [7]

Q6: Search the internet for weathers of 4 different cities of Pakistan and draw a bar chart with cities on
X-axis and weather on Y-axis [2]

Q7: Use Mail Merge option to create 3 letters.

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