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NKB40503 JULY 2019 SESSION 2019


Utilities component in plant consists of the following: -

1. Water Systems (Process water, 5. Industrial gases (oxygen, nitrogen and

boiler water hydrogen) as both gas and liquid
and cooling tower make- up products.
water). 6. Electrical Generation and Distribution
2. Steam generation System System
3. Air Compression System 7. Wastewater treatment system.
4. Cooling Tower system

In group of 3 or 4, visit Pilot Plant to trace out the utilities system. Draw out the system in
block diagram/ PFD/ P&ID for the system. PID should include:
 Equipment specification
 Pipe material and size
 Piping components.
Discuss the functions and operation of the utility system in the pilot plant. Each group
should prepare a Report and Presentation for the utility system in the pilot plant. Report
1. Main equipment specification for: boiler/ air compressor/ cooling tower/electrical
incoming devices/ waste water system/ industrial gas cylinder etc.
2. List and show in the drawings 3 or 4 components is the current system. Explain
the application of the components.
3. Suggest 3 or 4 components to the system to make the system better. You can
consider future expansion or better safety feature. Explain the application of the
4. Total components from 2 and 3, should be 5 or more.
5. Overall system schematic for system you work on can be in block diagram, PFD
or PID. Information in your schematic diagram should include: flow direction, size,
components’ tag (if no tag, you put a new tag for the components).

Presentation will be during TUTORIAL’s slot. Report to be submitted after the

presentation for each group.
Group 1: Steam generation 1 & 2 (Group of 4)
Group 2: Cooling tower system
Group 3: Compressed Air system
Group 4: Boiler make-up water system
Group 5: Wastewater treatment system (group of 4)
Group 6: Industrial gases: O2, N2 and H2
Group 7: Make-up water system and Electrical System

Submission Date:
Presentation Date:

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