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Ten-minute Image Talk.

•What do you think the drawing wants/intends you to believe?

I think the drawing wants/intends me to believe that it’s not bad to dream no matter how high it is
for you to know how to work hard and to study well so as not to neglect all your own dreams and to
accomplish it all by doing good not in a way of cheating.
•Does it suggest an answer to the question: What roles can I perform that will make a difference in
my life?
Yes, Through your roles in life your life will be change way example of like good student and a bad
student if you choose to be a good student your life will be change and you have a good future and also,
you can fulfill your dreams and it will be come true because of good role you choose in your life.
•How closely do you think the drawing matches your mental image of recognizing and performing roles
in life? Prove your point.
I think that we’re so closely matches with the drawing by mental image of recognizing and
performing roles in life by having same roles in life example of like role as a good student and study well
to be able fulfill our dreams and it will become true and have a good future. Also, we’re the same role as
a youth, a good daughter/son to our parents and to be obedient to our teachers in the school.
•What details of the drawing tell you about recognizing and performing roles in life?
The details of the drawing tell me about how to perform and recognize your roles in life,not look
down yourself, and also always choose the way to have a good future.Actually, it’s not bad to dream no
matter how high it is.
•How well do you think the drawing fits the value of recognizing and performing roles in life?
I think by the drawing as the bpy looking at the ship that someday he wants to become a seaman
but first he has to recognize and perform all his roles in life to have a better future someday.

•How does the drawing make you feel about recognizing and performing roles in life?
As in the picture of a boy looking at the ship that someday he wants to become
a seaman and he has to perform and recognize all his roles in life to be fulfill all his wishes or dreams in
life and also have a good future.He has to choose the correct way to be able complete all his roles in life.

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