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How does israeli government’s view to peace settlement is affected by the ruling party?

Israel, since it’s was founded it had close relationship with its political party and leader(prime
minister) just like any other countries.

Likud is a current ruling party in israel within current prime minister and president. It has several
alliances with other right wing parties when it was founded and currently owns 120 seats. It’s
ideology is nation liberalism and zionism. As it’s located in right wing party and emphasized
national security. It has shown its reluctance to negotiate during peace settlement with their
neighbor however it haven’t prevented other parties to argue in peace settlement.

Benjamin Netanyahu:
Benjamin Netanyahu was born on October 21, 1949 1, in Tel Aviv, Israel and grew up in Jerusalem. He
spent most of his teen years living in the Philadelphia area, where his father, noted Jewish historian
Benzion Netanyahu, worked as a professor. In 1967, he returned to Israel to serve in the Israeli Defense
Forces' elite unit, "Sayeret Matkal," and took part in a number of military operations, including the
dramatic 1972 rescue of a hijacked Sabena passenger jet. Codenamed "Operation Isotope," the rescue
was led by future Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.1976, he was employed by the Boston Consulting
Group, but returned to Israel following the death of Yoni, his eldest brother, who was killed while
attempting to free hostages from a hijacked Air France airliner in Uganda. He joined the Israeli military in
1967, moving into the special operations force that rescued a hijacked airplane at the Tel Aviv airport in
1972. Mr Netanyahu set up an anti-terrorism institute in his brother's memory and in 1982 became Israel's
deputy chief of mission in Washington. Overnight, Mr Netanyahu's public life was launched. An articulate
English speaker with a distinctive American accent, he became a familiar face on US television and an
effective advocate of the Israeli cause

Mr Netanyahu was appointed Israel's permanent representative at the UN in New York in 1984.
Netanyahu became leader of the right-wing Likud party in 1993 and has gone on to serve as
prime . When Sharon left, Benjamin Netanyahu was chosen as his successor, and after three
years in opposition, the Likud headed by Netanyahu returned to power in 2009 and the second
Netanyahu government was inaugurated on March 31, 2009. Netanyahu’s second term as
Prime Minister was characterized by intensive activity and far reaching changes in numerous
aspects of life. Among the measures taken by the Netanyahu government to date we can
mention: the Free Education Law for children aged 3 and up, extensive reforms in the cellular
network industry, free dental treatment for children to the age of 12, tax benefits for working
parents, constructions of tens of thousands of housing units that reversed the trend in prices of
new apartments in Israel, the creation of 300,000 new jobs since the start of the present
government, and more.minister for multiple terms, winning reelection in 2015 in a tense
campaign. Until now, running as prime minister for 10 years.


This is Benjamin during military service, Mr Netanyahu was

a captain of the elite Sayeret Matkal commando unit. He
took part in a raid on Beirut's airport in 1968 and fought in
the 1 In 1972, sabena flight 571 was hijacked by 4
members of black september. His squad led by Ehud Barak
“Sayeret Matkal” was deployed in Lod airport. Operation
Isotope. He also fought in 1973 Middle East war.He was in
military for 15 years. This shows reasonable assumption
that he had antagonistic view against Palestinians.

Operation Entebbe was carried out

successfully and rescued many hostages but
not his brother, Yoni Netanyahu who was killed
in action. He had quite strong relationship as
he sended multiple personal letters to his
brother Benjamin. One example is: Letter to his
brother Benjamin, December 2, 1973:
"We're preparing for war, and it's hard to know
what to expect. What I'm positive of is that
there will be a next round, and others after that.
But I would rather opt for living here in
continual battle than for becoming part of the wandering Jewish people. Any compromise will
simply hasten the end. As I don't intend to tell my grandchildren about the Jewish State in
the twentieth century as a mere brief and transient episode in thousands of years of
wandering, I intend to hold on here with all my might."It seems Yoni’s death had significant
impact on his family because he was eldest son. It’s also effectively shown after his death.
Benjamin came back to Israel although he was offered a job in boston consulting group.
Than he made anti terrorism institute with his brother’s memory. This also backs up his point
of view was specifically antagonistic to Palestinians.
Following to this interview. He also makes solid
statement to Palestinians that they should
“abandon the fantasy that they will conquer
Jerusalem”. He points out it’s impossible for
israel to allow regim to jerusalem when hole
country, government is based in Jerusalem but
what if we become great alliance against
regime. He says Israel has no problem
whatsoever with people but it’s regime.

It’s true that he has background that might have affected him in a negative way against
palestinians and arabs and he has close relation with US from his early life time. We can
designate that from his distinctive American accent unlike any other politicians in Israel. All
these fact based assumption might be true but he’s recent moves show that he still tries to seek
peace and communication based diplomatics.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Benjamin Netanyahu.” Encyclopædia Britannica,
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2 Jan. 2019,

News, VICE. “Netanyahu Says Palestinians Should ‘Abandon The Fantasy That They Will
Conquer Jerusalem’ (HBO).” YouTube, YouTube, 15 May 2018,

“Lod Airport Massacre.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 9 Nov. 2018,

“Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu: Commando Turned PM.” BBC News, BBC, 16 Nov. 2018,

“Benjamin Netanyahu.”, A&E Networks Television, 8 May 2018,

“Yonatan Netanyahu.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Dec. 2018,
“Sabena Flight 571.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 3 Dec. 2017,

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