A Time To Kill

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A Time to Kill

The movie A Time to Kill is from a novel by John Grisham, A Time to

Kill. The movie is portraying the problems that African Americans
encounter particularly in having a fair trial before an all-white jury.

The movie started with 2 white-Americans raping a ten-year-old

daughter of a respected African-American family in the northwestern
Mississippi town of Clanton. The ten-year-old back girl named Tonya
Hailey was walking home from the store. She was on an errand for her
mother, when she encountered two drunken racist white men named Billy
ray Cobb and Pete Willard. The two men brutally gang raped and beaten
Hailey, eventually left her for dying. Fortunately, Tonya survived and
immediately after being found was rushed to a hospital. Upon being
checked out by doctors, Tonya was okay but had been told that she had lost
her ability to bear child.

With a very disappointing news about Tonya medical condition,

Tonya’s family was worried about the impact of the incident on her long
term psychological and emotional development. Meanwhile at a roadside
bar, Tonya’s missing shoe was found in the back of a yellow pickup truck
decked out with Confederate flags which Pete and Billy Ray were joyfully
riding and were speeding though black neighborhoods throwing full beer
bottles at people and houses, until they come across ten-year-old Tonya.
Pete and Billy Ray were both arrested and were charged for rape and
attempted murder. Upon the arrest of the two suspects, the father of Tonya,
Carl Lee Hailey, remembers a case, when four white men raped an African-
American girl in a nearby town and were declared not guilty and was
released. With this in his mind, he decided to take matters into his own
hands. The day when the two suspects was being brought to the court
room by deputy Dwayne Powell Looney, Carl Lee appeared from the
building’s basement with a rifle and killed both suspects who raped her
daughter Tonya. As a result of the shooting, the Sheriff Deputy Looney was
unintentionally hit on one of hit legs below the knee. Carl Lee was then
arrested for his acts and he confessed to the murder and said that he had
nothing to do with the two white men until they messed with his little
daughter Tonya and also that he deeply sympathizes with the family of the
two men but did not regret his actions.

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