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City of Wheaton Building and Code Enforcement


The water service supply line delivers potable water to your home from the city water main. The
water service line for a residential home is typically a ¾” to 1” pipe that can be seen entering your
building near the water meter. If you are proposing to add plumbing fixtures such as a new shower,
new sink, new toilet or similar, it is required by the Illinois Plumbing Code that the water service
supply line is large enough to accommodate the capacity of water that is demanded from all of your
plumbing fixtures combined as established in TABLE N (Flush Tank) or TABLE O (Flushometer)
of the Illinois Plumbing Code. At an existing residence several conditions can affect the capacity of
the water service line including pipe size, length of water service line and condition of the pipe. To
determine if the existing water service supply line is adequately sized you will need three pieces of

1. TABLE A - Water Service Line-Sizing Worksheet – is attached and allows you to calculate
the number of existing and proposed plumbing fixtures within your home as well as any
possible future plumbing fixtures. For each fixture there is a corresponding Water Supply
Fixture Unit (WSFU). The worksheet will allow you to calculate the total WSFU’s by
multiplying in each row the number of fixtures by the WSFU’s and then adding all the WSFU’s
in the right hand column. The total will then be compared to TABLE N or TABLE O.

2. TABLE N or TABLE O which is also attached is from the Illinois Plumbing Code and
identifies the minimum water service line or “pipe size” (third column) based on the total
number of WSFU’s calculated from TABLE A. Please Note: TABLE N should be referenced if
toilets are tank type and TABLE O should be referenced if toilets are flushometer type.

3. PIPE SIZE of the existing water service line to your home is best determined by measuring the
pipe where it enters the building. You may also call the Wheaton Water Division at 630-260-
2090, who may be able to confirm the size of the existing water service line.

If the proposed addition of plumbing fixtures to an existing residence results in more fixtures than
supported by the water service as determined by TABLE N/O the capacity of the water service line
is undersized and does not comply with Illinois Code. Please forward TABLE A to the Wheaton
Building Department and staff will forward to the Water Division to confirm if the existing water
service line is in compliance with Illinois Code.


Option 1 – Replacement. If the proposed addition of plumbing fixtures to an existing residence

results in more fixtures than supported by the water service line, the line shall be replaced from the
City water main to the meter. Prior to commencing the installation of any new, repair or
replacement of any existing water service line a permit is required to be issued by the Wheaton
Building Department, see handout titled Water Service Line – New, Repair, Disconnect”; or

Option 2 – Pressure Test. If the proposed addition of plumbing fixtures to an existing residence
results in more fixtures than supported by the water service line the capacity of the water service line
can be evaluated by an alternate method and that is by having your plumber perform a pressure test.
The pressure test may have been stipulated when the Building Department issued the building permit
Water Service Line - Sizing

to you. Section 890.1210c of the Plumbing Code requires a minimum constant water pressure on the
discharge side of the water meter to be at least 20 p.s.i. The water distribution system must be
adequately sized to provide a minimum constant water pressure at each fixture of at least 8 p.s.i. The
pressure test is conducted after installation of the additional fixtures, and must be conducted by a
registered plumbing contractor and witnessed by the City’s registered plumbing inspector.

The pressure test shall be conducted as follows:

1. Notify the Building Department at least one day in advance that you will be performing a
pressure test with your Plumbing Contractor and pay $40.00 to have the City Plumbing
Inspector witness the pressure test. Pressure tests are typically scheduled on each Tuesday
at approximately 9:00a.m. Pressure tests shall be performed no sooner than after the
plumbing rough inspection and can be done on the same day as the final plumbing

2. On the day of the pressure test: locate all water outlets and toilets in the house.

3. Find the sill cock or drain cock located closest to the water meter and attach the pressure
gauge. Open the sill cock fully and record the static pressure.

4. Turn on all plumbing fixtures, both hot and cold. Start in the basement, if applicable, and
work up to the top floor. Do not open other sill cocks or yard hydrant.

5. Flush all toilets and record the residual pressure while the toilets are still filling.

If the pressure falls below 20 p.s.i., the water service must be replaced, see Option 1 above.

If the pressure test finds that the water pressure at the water service entrance is maintained at no less
than the 20 p.s.i. at peak demand the water service line size complies with State Plumbing Code and
does not need to be replaced. Money that was collected by the City for the installation of the
proposed new water service line may be eligible for a refund. These fees may include costs for a
larger water meter, inspection fees, cost for replacement of a water service line from main to B-box,
restoration bonds and others. To initiate a refund send a copy of the inspection report that indicates
the pressure at the water meter exceeds the required State Plumbing Code pressure to the Water
Division. The Water Division will review your request, identify all fees that can be refunded and
will then forward the information to the Building Department for processing of the refund.

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Address:_______________________________________ Date: ______________

TABLE A allows you to calculate the number of Water Service Fixture Units for any existing and proposed
plumbing fixtures within your home that is associated to any proposed addition or remodeling.
Where existing fixtures are only being replaced with no other work involved, the fixture is to be included only
as “existing”, do not add these fixtures as “proposed”. If your plans depict “future” fixtures, they are to be
included as “proposed fixtures to ensure that the water service line is properly sized.

** PLEASE NOTE: If this worksheet is to be used for Commercial projects – Commercial Load Values
must be provided.

EXISTING FIXTURES Load Values No. of fixtures WSFU Count

Kitchen sink 2
Dishwasher 1
Washing Machine 2
Laundry Tub 3
Toilet with flush tank (refer to Table N) 3
Toilet with flush valve (refer to Table O) 6
Bathtub/shower 2
Shower stall 2
Lavatory (sinks) 1
PROPOSED FIXTURES Load Values No. of fixtures WSFU Count

Kitchen sink 2
Dishwasher 1
Washing Machine 2
Laundry Tub 3
Toilet with flush tank (refer to Table N) 3
Toilet with flush valve (refer to Table O) 6
Bathtub/shower 2
Shower stall 2
Lavatory (sinks) 1

TOTAL Water Service Fixture Unit Count for existing and proposed fixtures
Water Service Line - Sizing

TABLE N – Flush Tank


Section 890.APPENDIX A Plumbing Materials, Equipment, Use Restrictions and Applicable Standards
Section 890.TABLE N Water Service Line-Sizing for a Supply System with Flush Tank.

Pressure Loss
Pipe Size Velocity Meter Size
W.S.F.U. Demand (GPM) (PSI/100'
(Inches) (Ft./Sec.) (Inches)
of Pipe)
2 2 ½" 4.2 2.7 ⅝"
4 3 ½" 8.7 4.2 ⅝"
6 5 ½" 22.5 7.0 ⅝"
8 6.5 ¾" 6.3 4.3 ⅝"
10 8 ¾" 9.0 5.4 ¾"
12 9.2 ¾" 11.5 6.1 ¾"
14 10.4 ¾" 15.0 6.9 ¾"
16 11.6 ¾" 18.0 7.7 ¾"
20 14 1" 7.2 5.6 ¾"
25 17 1" 10.0 6.6 ¾"
30 20 1" 13.6 8.0 1"
35 22.5 1¼" 5.8 5.7 1"
40 25 1¼" 7.0 6.3 1"
45 27 1¼" 8.2 6.9 1"
50 29 1¼" 9.5 7.4 1"
60 32 1½" 5.0 5.8 1½"
70 35 1½" 6.2 6.4 1½"
80 38 1½" 7.0 7.2 1½"
90 41 1½" 8.0 7.5 1½"
100 43.5 1½" 8.7 7.8 2"
120 48 2" 2.7 5.0 2"
140 52.5 2" 3.1 5.4 2"
160 57 2" 3.6 5.8 2"
180 61 2" 3.9 6.1 2"
200 65 2" 4.5 6.6 2"
225 70 2" 5.2 7.1 2"
250 75 2" 6.0 7.7 3"
275 80 2½" 2.6 5.5 3"
300 85 2½" 2.9 5.8 3"
350 95 2½" 3.5 6.5 3"
400 105 2½" 4.2 7.1 3"
450 115 2½" 5.0 8.0 3"
500 125 3" 2.3 5.9 3"
600 145 3" 3.1 6.8 4"
750 170 3" 4.0 8.0 4"
1000 208 4" 1.5 5.7 4"
1250 240 4" 1.9 6.4 4"
1500 267 4" 2.3 7.0 4"
1750 294 4" 2.8 7.8 4"
2000 320 6" 0.36 3.7 6"

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Water Service Line - Sizing

TABLE O - Flushometer

Section 890.APPENDIX A Plumbing Materials, Equipment, Use Restrictions and Applicable Standards
Section 890.TABLE O Water Supply Fixture Units (W.S.F.U.) for a Supply System with Flushometers.

Pressure Loss
Demand Pipe Size Velocity (Ft. Meter Size
W.S.F.U. (PSI/100'
(GPM) (Inches) of Pipe) /Sec.) (Inches)
10 27 1¼" 8.3 6.8 ¾"
12 28.6 1¼" 9.2 7.2 ¾"
14 30.2 1¼" 10 7.9 ¾"
16 31.8 1¼" 11 8.0 ¾"
20 35 1½" 6.0 6.4 ¾"
25 38 1½" 7.0 6.9 1"
30 41 1½" 8.0 7.4 1"
35 43.8 1½" 8.8 8.0 1"
40 46.5 2" 2.5 4.7 1"
45 49 2" 2.7 5.1 1"
50 51.5 2" 2.9 5.4 1½"
60 55 2" 3.4 5.8 1½"
70 58.5 2" 3.7 6.0 1½"
80 62 2" 4.0 6.2 1½"
90 64.8 2" 4.6 6.5 1½"
100 67.5 2" 5.0 6.8 1½"
120 72.5 2" 5.6 7.2 2"
140 77.5 2" 6.3 8.0 2"
160 82.5 2½" 2.7 5.7 2"
180 87 2½" 3.0 6.1 2"
200 91.5 2½" 3.4 6.4 2"
225 97 2½" 3.7 6.8 2"
250 101 2½" 4.0 7.1 3"
275 106 2½" 4.2 7.3 3"
300 110 2½" 4.6 7.6 3"
350 119 3" 2.1 5.5 3"
400 126 3" 2.3 5.9 3"
450 138 3" 2.7 6.3 3"
500 145 3" 3.0 6.8 3"
600 160 3" 3.6 7.4 4"
750 178 4" 1.1 4.7 4"
1000 208 4" 1.5 5.6 4"
1250 240 4" 1.9 6.4 4"
1500 267 4" 2.3 7.0 4"
1750 294 4" 2.8 7.8 4"
2000 321 6" 0.4 3.7 6"

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