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Schwerpunkt Konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Influencer Marketing

The Big Four of

Influencer Marketing
A Typology of Influencers

Selecting the right type of influencers for an influencer campaign is a challenging

task. This article introduces a typology for influencers presenting four distinct
types: Snoopers, Informers, Entertainers, and Infotainers. Temporal dynamics
and influencer type transitions based on social presence and domain breadth are
shown to provide a guideline for companies to successfully scout influencers.

Jana Gross, Florian von Wangenheim

30 Marketing Review St. Gallen 2 | 2018

Schwerpunkt Konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Influencer Marketing

he proliferation of digital social ers exist and which one will be effective Jana Gross
media platforms, such as YouTube in which situations and for what purpose. Graduate School of Management
or Instagram, has given rise to a Because of the dramatic growth and at ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
new phenomenon in marketing: Influenc- diversity of influencers, one core chal- Chair of Technology Marketing
Tel.: +41 (0) 44 6338494
ers. While there is no general definition in lenge is to identify and select the right
the extant literature, the term of influenc- type of influencers for a given campaign.
er refers to an individual or a group of Influencers differ in content, social pres-
individuals who built their own audience ence, actionability, and reach. Addition-
through social media platforms. Techni- ally, influencers within the same vertical Florian von Wangenheim
cally speaking, in times of social media distinguish themselves through personal- Department of Management,
Technology and Economics at
everybody can be an influencer. Further- ity, domain or topic. For example, vertical
ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
more, influencers are individuals who can refers to the broader area influencer’s con- Chair of Technology Marketing
influence others. Examples of influencers tent is belonging to (e.g. sports) and do- Tel.: +41 (0) 44 6326924
are YouTubers such as Felix Arvid Ulf main is a particular subvertical within the
Kjellberg (Kjellberg, 2018) or Eva Gu- focal vertical (e.g. angling). However, a
towski (Gutowski, 2018). Felix Arvid Ulf clear and consistent identification of in-
Kjellberg’s worldwide most subscribed fluencer types is fundamental for a suc-
YouTube channel, PewDiePie, and Eva cessful influencer campaign. The present
Gutowski’s channel, MyLifeAsEva, pro- article offers a systematic understanding
vide a wide range of entertaining videos. and a recipe for companies to select differ-
Influencer marketing focuses on us- ent types of influencers.
ing social media influencers as a com- There is a considerable amount of lit-
munication channel in the marketing erature on social influence of key indi-
mix. Companies communicate through viduals such as celebrities or opinion lead-
these influencers to a larger and targeted ers (Katz, 1957; Ohanian, 1990). Influ-
audience. Marketing with influencers on encer marketing became mainstream only
digital platforms has become a frequent- recently (AdWeek, 2016). Hence very lit-
ly discussed topic over the past years (In- tle is known about influencers. One main
sights, 2017). In fact, 63% of the compa- difference between influencers and other
nies in the United States increased their key players is that the border between
influencer marketing budget in 2017 content creation and consumption van-
(Bloglovin’, 2017). However, despite the ishes. In contrast to celebrities or opinion
growing public attention of influencers, leaders, influencers create content for
influencer marketing is still in its infan- their audience and consume the traffic
cy in both research and practice. So far, generated by their content. They highly
most research has focused on other well- appreciate audience comments and take
established concepts of social influence audience feedback very seriously, thereby
such as celebrity endorsement or market being influenced by their audience. For
mavens (Erdogan, 1999; Feick & Price, example, Sarah and Dominic Harrison
1987). Moreover, companies are still (Harrison, 2018) returned a baby carrying
cautious when it comes to influencer bag after the audience warned them about
marketing for several reasons. The chal- posture issues with that carrying bag. An-
lenge many companies face is that they other difference is that influencers exert
do not truly understand how to approach high influence on specific topics or do-
influencers, although they recognize the mains on social media and are not neces-
need to be active in influencer market- sarily global celebrities (Williams, 2016,
ing. At the same time, there is a limited pp. 158–160) or opinion leaders. Another
understanding of what types of influenc- difference is that influencers exert high

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onymizing identity is that interviewees

tend to express more openly their opin-
Management Summary
ions (Belk et al., 2012). All interviews
This article identifies four different types of influencers: Snoopers, were held in German and have been
Informers, Entertainers, and Infotainers. Influencer types can further be translated into English. Based on in-
distinguished by domain breadth, defined as the extent to which the depth analyses of the interviews, four
influencer creates content in multiple domains, and social presence, distinct types of influencers could be
defined as the intensity of audience contact fostered by the influencer. identified: Snoopers, Informers, Enter-
Influencer types might evolve over time based on audience feedback. tainers, and Infotainers.


influence on specific topics or domains aimed to understand the current activi- Snoopers are discoverers of
on social media and are not necessarily ties of the influencer. The third section social media platforms.
global celebrities (Williams, 2016, pp. explored how and why content evolved They are motivated by pure amusement
158–160) or opinion leaders. over time. The last part mainly captured and fun from making and sharing con-
This paper is organized as follows. the position and importance of the audi- tent. Creating content is their hobby or
Section 1 presents four distinct types of ence in the eyes of the influencer. passion, which they like to share with
influencers. The second section further Personal interviews were conduct- a like-minded audience. Motives for
identifies two key factors determining ed in 2017 with fifteen German-speak- creating content on social media are
these four types. Moreover, Section 2 ing influencers. Interview partners self-expression, sharing and experi-
explains the temporal dynamics and were people who build their own audi- encing with others, or building and
influencer type transitions. In the last ence from the ground on social media. managing a social network of friends
section, conclusions are drawn of which Additionally, interview partners were and contacts (Heinonen, 2011).
influencers companies should best se- selected by doing social media for liv-
lect for their influencer campaigns. ing, aiming for doing social media for “I followed many people and then I felt
living, and doing social media as a that I would like to try it myself.”
1. Four Types of Influencers hobby. Interview partners included in-
fluencers differing in content, activi- “Originally, it was an additional hob-
An exploratory study design was imple- ties, platform, and age. The interviews’ by. [...] We did it out of fun. [...] We
mented because of the scarcity of re- length lasted about two hours each and started because we were up for it.”
search on influencer marketing. To were audiotaped. Interviews have been
group and distinguish influencers, in- fully anonymized to keep interviewees’ “My motivation or the reason was the
depth interviews were used. Interviews identity private. The advantage of an- uplift of [platform], which originated.
are particularly fruitful in this context [...] I just kept going as a hobby.”
because they reveal insights into how
influencers differ in activities, motiva- Snoopers are They are curious to explore new tools
tion, content, and audience. Moreover, discoverers of social such as cameras, cutting tools, lights
interviews are insightful when deepen- and experience how different content is
ing the understanding of interviewee’s
media platforms. perceived by their audience. In addi-
perceptions and behavior (Belk, Fi­scher, Motives for creating tion, Snoopers explore content through
& Kozinets, 2012, pp. 33–56). The inter-
content on social knowledge-sharing, emotion-sharing,
views were based on four parts to iden- or entertainment-sharing. Snoopers of-
tify main types of influencers and to media are self- ten share deep private insights with
generate the corresponding identifica- expression, sharing, their audience. For instance, what keeps
tion factors. The first part focused on them engaged or what keeps them busy
motivations behind creating content on
and experiencing in their everyday life, thereby being in-
a particular platform. The second part with others. spirational, personal and encouraging.

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Schwerpunkt Konzeptionelle Grundlagen des Influencer Marketing

“For me, my channel is a representa- “I started [domain] on [platform]. [...] “Credibility is always important to
tion of my life and what interests me at I really want to do something good me. [...] I definitely want to have the
the moment. [...] I try to do things that I somehow.” predicate “safe source.”
like to do and that I like to watch.”
They actively support intensive and Informers include influencers such as
The motivation of amusement, creativ- frequent contact with their audience. channel Der Biograph, who tells peo-
ity, and self-expression allows Snoop- ple’s life story to inspire and motivate
ers to expand their social circles. They the audience for their own lives (Bio-
foster frequent and intense contact Informers aim to graph, 2018). Another example is chan-
with their audience. Close contact in- share their know- nel Matheretter providing simple and
cludes answering individual com- short e-learning videos in mathematics
ments or having a one-to-one conver-
ledge, thereby filling (Matheretter, 2018).
sation with members. important domain
gaps on social media. Entertainers
“I have contact with my [audience] on
all my channels. [...] I am trying to al- Their audience seek Entertainers provide amuse-
ways answer the comments.” advice and help when ment, enjoyment, and relaxa-
tion to their audience by creating enter-
A typical example of such influencers
handling domain- taining content. Entertaining content
is Irene with her channel The Green specific issues. spans from music, drama, acting, hor-
Spirit creating diverse content follow- ror or comedies. Content varies with
ing her philosophy of enjoying life influencer creativity, innovativeness,
(Irene, 2018). Another one is Nadine Answers to comments are often pieces visions, and narrative storytelling. Op-
with her channel, naddinontour, who of advice and suggestions how to deal posed to Informers, Entertainers are
creates and shares content around her with domain-related issues. giving their audience a good time and
life (Nadine, 2018).
“I really do bother to read every com-
Informers ment and to answer it.”
Lessons Learned
Informers aim to share their “I have always exchanged, always
knowledge, thereby filling written back. Partly very detailed. [...] I 1. If companies are not yet considering
important domain gaps on social me- try to give an advice or a tip [...] I am influencer marketing in their marketing mix,
dia. As opposed to Snoopers, Inform- very present, really answering every- it is time to do so.
ers’ motives are to provide informa- thing, very diligent and fast.” 2. In most cases, it makes sense to distinguish
tional, educational, and supportive influencers based on a content factor and a
content that is searched for. They con- Informers care to be perceived as a social factor, and the last chapter gives a
tribute through their high degree of trustworthy and credible source of in- guidance on when to focus on each factor.
competence, expertise, and domain formation. They are aware of their re- 3. Companies should consider influencers with
knowledge (e.g. drawing, baking, med- sponsibility and appreciate audience narrow domain breadth (i.e. high level of
icine). Their audience seek advice and feedback regarding content quality. In- influencer expertise) when their influencer
help when handling domain-specific terviewees stated that high quality con- campaign aims to target an audience in a
issues. Informers satisfy their audi- tent is carefully investigated, prepared, credible and compelling manner.
ence’s needs, curiosity, and interests and finalized. Informers demand a 4. If closeness and approachableness are core
with their content. great deal of themselves, also aiming to targets of the influencer campaign, compa-
constantly improve themselves. nies should collaborate with influencers high
“There was no one dealing with [do- in social presence (i.e. frequent and close
main] topics and spontaneously [...] “It has got around. [...] People now contact between influencer and audience).
made and uploaded my first video.” believe and trust me.”

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often attach a personal touch, connec- and comedy content attached with a Scientists creates informational and
tion, and insight to their content. personal and private insights (Hein- entertaining content about a life as a
icke, 2018). Another example is Marcel scientist (Nguyen-Kim, 2018). Anoth-
“I also want to put a smile in people’s Eric from MontanaBlack, he creates er Infotainer is Sophia Thiel who spe-
face or make someone laugh. [...] I am gaming and lifestyle content linked cialized her content around body-
very creative. [...] There are no limits.” with private connections to his life
(Eris, 2018).
Entertainers are often influencer-
Infotainers are
entrepreneurs who have teams in the Infotainers
background supporting them in con- a hybrid version of
tent creation and maintenance (e.g. Infotainers are a hybrid ver- both Informers and
cutting, filming, managing social me- sion of both Informers and
dia). Even though Entertainers might Entertainers. Infotainers are well-read
have a team supporting them with experts in their domain. However, do- They create purely
audience management, they are per- main-related topics are secondary in
ceived as one entity and the audience the sense that content includes a higher
relates mostly to the one in front of proportion of entertaining elements. content, entertaining
the camera. Thus, audience contact is Entertaining topics include personal- content, and content
less frequent and close. The contact ized and emotionalized elements, such
as video blogging (i.e. vlogs). Yet, en-
including both
tertainment remains always connected elements.
Entertainers to their focal domain. Infotainers cre-
provide amusement, ate purely informational content, enter-
enjoyment, taining content, and content including building and dieting. Her channel
both elements. The proportion of do- SophiaThiel additionally offers enter-
and relaxation to main-related topics to more entertain- taining content of bodybuilding life-
their audience by ment-related topics depends on each style and personal insight into her
single influencer. workout (Thiel, 2018).
creating entertaining Domain-related and entertain- Table 1 summarizes the four types
content. ment-related content attracts a diverse of influencers based on motivation,
audience: some relate more to the influ- goal of content, and audience contact.
encer as an expert in his or her domain, Snoopers’ motivation is the explora-
happens on an aggregate level through others relate more on the personal lev- tion of both social media platforms
Q&A videos, live-stream videos, el. Thus, similar to Entertainers, con- and creating and sharing content. They
meet & greet, or asking for feedback tact with the audience is less frequent give people private insights into their
in the content. and is often happening on a more ag- lives and enjoy close and frequent con-
gregate level (e.g. meet & greet, live- tact with their audience. Informers are
“The stupid thing is, you do not want stream, Q&A). motivated by sharing their knowledge
to be rude, but you cannot answer eve- and expertise. They aim to provide
ryone. [...] I do my best, I try to do as “You are getting bigger and it is then high-quality information and foster
much as possible.” also the question what do you do with individual and frequent contact with
that. Certainly, good are events. [...] their audience. Entertainers are in-
“I once did some kind of audience You have to be present and you have to spired by giving people a good time. In
meeting.” meet your fans as well. [...] Do Q&A.” contrast to Informers, content is main-
ly entertaining often combined with a
Influencer of that type is for example An example of Infotainers is Mai Thi personal touch. They engage on an ag-
Bianca Heinicke. Her channel Bibis- Nguyen-Kim who has a PhD in chem- gregate and moderate level with their
BeautyPalace offers beauty, lifestyle, istry. Her channel The Secret Life Of audience. Lastly, Infotainers are driv-

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en by both sharing their knowledge Domain breadth is defined as the extent cators for influencer type identifica-
and giving people enjoyment. Content to which the influencer creates content tion. Within this scheme, influencers
is a combination of information and in multiple domains. Entertainment decide on the extent of breadth in a fo-
entertainment within a focal domain. levels are low when audience is looking cal domain and on the closeness of con-
Similar to Entertainers, they exchange for educational and factual information tact with their audience. Interestingly,
on an aggregate and moderate level (Heinonen, 2011), thus domain exper- the interviews revealed that social
with their audience. tise or specialty is more relevant for presence and domain breadth influence
narrowly defined content. Domain reach, another widely spread term
2. The Influencer Scheme depth outweighs domain breadth when when talking about influencers. We de-
judging the value of information fine reach as the number of members in
Building on the typology discussed (Weiss, Lurie, & MacInnis, 2008). Yet, the audience (i.e. number of subscrib-
above, two factors identify and distin- narrowly defined domain breadth with ers). Reach is a relevant metric for so-
guish the four presented types of influ- high domain knowledge and expertise cial media performance objectives such
encers. First, domain breadth presents requires a certain knowledge from both as brand engagement (Hoffman & Fo-
the scope of content created by influ- influencers and audience. dor, 2010), but social media encourages
encers. The second fact or, social pre­ Social presence refers to the influ- to capture and continue attention
sence, indicates how present influencers encer’s willingness to connect and through engagement instead of focus-
are within their audience. These factors exchange with members in his or her ing solely on reach (Hanna, Rohm, &
were supported in the interviews. As an audience. Social media platforms dif- Crittenden, 2011). Hence, reach is con-
example, influencers stated: fer in their degree of social presence sidered as an outcome of influencers’
they support (Kaplan & Haenlein, chosen levels in social presence and
“If you want to stand out there, you 2010). Drawing upon this idea, influ- domain breadth.
probably have to do that [via social encers differ in contact intensity with
presence].” their audience members. Furthermore, “The [entertainment] attracts more
social presence is linked to conversa- people than the [domain], that requires
“Content is king. Content has to con- tions and relationships, two important some background knowledge. [...] which
vince so that people watch.” characteristics of social media (Kietz- gave me less subscribers, namely the
mann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Sil- [domain].”
“You can shine with knowledge. [...] vestre, 2011).
You have to have knowledge, the viewer This then suggests that social pres- “Half of my clicks comes from my sub-
can tell.” ence and domain breadth are key indi- scribers. This means that this care, to

Table 1: Summary Typology

Type Motivation Goal of Content Audience Contact
Snoopers • Discovering social media platforms •P
 ersonal insights • Individual & frequent
• Creating and sharing content

Informers • Sharing knowledge • Information & education • Individual & frequent

and expertise

Entertainers • Giving people a good time • E ntertainment • Aggregate & moderate

•P  ersonal insights

Infotainers • Sharing knowledge • Information & education • Aggregate & moderate

and expertise • E ntertainment within focal domain
• Giving people a good time • ( Personal insights)

Source: Gross / von Wangenheim, 2018.

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Table 2: The Influencer Scheme Table 3: Influencer Type Transition

Domain Breadth Domain Breadth

Wide Narrrow Wide Narrrow

Social Presence

Social Presence
Entertainers Infotainers Entertainers Infotainers

Snoopers Informers Snoopers Informers

Source: Gross / von Wangenheim, 2018. Source: Gross / von Wangenheim, 2018.

write comments, etc., seems to be presence, Informers score higher than sciously. But, most of the influencers
worthwhile. [...], [audience] sees “ah, Infotainers, as the former socially clos- stated that they were unaware of how
(s)he reads that, (s)he took the trouble er connect with the audience by an- this initial hobby-based experiment
to answer.” I think that’s rewarded.” swering single comments or cultivat- would develop.
ing back and forth contact with
“You have to have a certain reach. [...] audience members. Finally, Snoopers “I did not expect the stuff to shoot
You’re more likely to follow one with enjoy a higher level of social presence through the ceiling like that.”
many K-subscriptions. [...] The higher than Entertainers because the latter
the number of subscriptions, the more fosters audience contact on an aggre- “I did not think about distribution at
credible you are and people will make gate level. For instance, summarizing the time. So, it was completely clear to
faster a subscription.” several comments and questions into a me, I get 10 or 15 clicks on it [...] and
Q&A video. The next section discusses the theme is through.”
Table 2 presents the influencer scheme the temporal dynamics and transition
based on the two presented identifica- of influencer types. “The comments are the most impor-
tion factors. Each box in Table 2 pre- tant thing. [...] It’s the only feedback
sents the type of influencers and the Temporal Dynamics and that we get. [...] We have changed ex-
cor respond ing levels of doma in Influencer Type Transition tremely [...] and that is through the
breadth and social presence. With re- comments.”
spect to domain breadth, influencers Every influencer starts as either a
such as Informers and Infotainers can Snooper or an Informer. Both Snoopers Content evolves into two directions: (1)
be assigned as narrow, because they and Informers later evolve themselves information or (2) entertainment. The
require domain-specific knowledge further based on audience feedback former offers additional learning ben-
and hence focus on creating content in and reaction. Most of the interviewees efits through domain knowledge and
their domain expertise. On the wide reported that audience comments are expertise (e.g. angling, physics, sew-
level are Snoopers and Entertainers, highly valued and the comments sig- ing). Another form of factual informa-
which create content in multiple do- nificantly helped them to improve and tion is sharing experiences of particu-
mains by being entertaining or present- transition themselves. The transition lar life stories (e.g. coming out,
ing current activities. Regarding social happens either consciously or uncon- disease). The main purpose is to pro-

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vide transparency and to offer online time, entertaining content addresses a Domain Breadth
support communities for people in different audience than informational
similar situations. Entertaining content content. As a result, audience is more A narrowly defined domain contains
serves the purpose of amusement, re- diverse. However, these four types influencers with high domain knowl-
laxation, or escape often attached with are not mutually exclusive. Influenc- edge. These influencer experts enjoy
a personal touch. The content includes ers might or might not jump back and trustworthiness and credibility with
broader general human interest topics forth in types over time. Taken to- their audience. Domain knowledge re-
such as “gossip” or “pranks.” gether, influencers’ transition de- quires more background information
pends on their ultimate goals. from both influencer and audience and
“It’s almost like an online support is particularly important when audi-
group with people, many people write to 3. Advice for Companies ence is seeking for advice. Higher lev-
me personally and then I answer and then Selecting Influencers els of domain depth affect information
the back and forth contact comes up.” to be judged more valuable than higher
Influencer marketing is a highly dynam- levels of domain breadth (Weiss et al.,
“Maybe there are other people who ic, fast moving and growing channel. 2008). The advantage of a broader do-
have [disease] too and who think it’s When examining the trend of influenc- main is that it potentially influences
great when someone talks about it on ers, it becomes clear that new influenc- reach. Reach creates impressive
the internet. Maybe someone has expe- ers emerge every day. It is therefore im- amount of awareness and electronic
rienced a story like me, I’ll just tell it.” portant for companies to have a guideline word-of-mouth, which was found to
that can be applied when scouting influ- have a significant impact on company
Table 3 shows the possible temporal encers. So, this article is a recipe for performance (Chevalier & Mayzlin,
transition of influencer types through- proper influencer type selection for a 2006). Companies should consider in-
out time. Assuming influencers start successful influencer campaign. Given fluencers with narrow domain breadth
as Snoopers, they can transition fur- that influencers distinguish themselves when their influencer campaign aims
ther into Informers, Entertainers or through a content factor and a social fac- to target an audience in a credible and
remain Snoopers. Informers and En- tor, advice is split into two parts: domain compelling manner. Influencers with a
tertainers can then further transition breadth and social presence. broader domain should be considered
into Infotainers. Interviews revealed when creating awareness is one goal of
that Snoopers transition not directly the influencer campaign.
into Infotainers because they first fo-
cus on either informational or enter- Social Presence
Main Propositions
taining content. Infotaining content is,
in a second step, the response of both 1. A successful influencer Influencers high in social presence
audience feedback and influencer’s campaign needs a clearly foster a close and approachable rela-
own desires to create such content. In defined goal, message to tionship with their audience. Social
a similar spirit, Informers can further be delivered and relevant media platforms differ in the degree of
transition into Infotainers or remain insights regarding the social presence (Kaplan & Haenlein,
Informers. target audience. 2010), so do influencers. The higher
Once influencers are of type Info- 2. Companies will face both the social presence, the more influen-
tainers, they have no interest in tran- social- and content-related tial the conversations (Kietzmann et
sitioning into another type because challenges when scouting al., 2011). Moreover, speed of re-
they enjoy the freedom to create both influencers. sponse, frequency of dialogue, and the
content based on their domain knowl- 3. Instead of focusing solely amount of information provided play
edge and content aiming to giving the on reach, marketers should an important role when judging the
audience a good time within their do- distinguish influencers by value of an information in online dis-
main. Infotainers offer the additional domain breadth and social cussions (Weiss et al., 2008). If close-
value the audience searches for presence. ness and approachableness are core
through their expertise. At the same targets of the influencer campaign,

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companies should collaborate with in- achieve the stated goals. Once the fo- first step towards a deeper understand-
fluencers high in social presence. cus is defined, companies should iden- ing of selecting influencer types for suc-
In sum, it is recommended that tify which of the four influencer types cessful influencer campaigns. Future
companies should first define the tar- best matches. Lastly, companies should work should empirically test the pre-
get audience to be reached. Secondly, start looking for influencers within the sented identification factors and further
on the basis of this, they should define identified type. define influencer characteristics of each
the goals of their influencer campaign Although Snoopers, Informers, En- type. This work is a starting point for
and the message to be communicated. tertainers, and Infotainers are all part of properly scouting influencers. Return-
Based on the goals, target audience, influencers, that typology might not be ing to companies’ cautiousness when it
and message of the influencer cam- conclusive. Due to the high degree of comes to influencer marketing stated in
paign, companies should then decide dynamics on social media, new influ- the beginning, companies should keep
whether to put a focus onto domain encers appear every day and thus, the in mind what Theodore Roosevelt once
breadth or onto social presence, de- presented typology might be extended said: “It is hard to fail, but it is worse
pendent on which helps to better by various subtypes. This study was a never to have tried to succeed.”

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38 Marketing Review St. Gallen 2 | 2018

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