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Behind-the-head lat pull-down

2. The Smith machine
4. Leg press
5. Ab machines
7. Romanian deadlifts
8. Kettlebell swings

9. Bent Over Rows

10. Overhead squats
11. Backward medicine ball throws
12. One-Legged Pistol Squat
One way to develop a killer set of arms is to incorporate the lat pull-
down into your routine, but make sure you’re performing the exercise
correctly. One way to completely screw it up and put your body at risk
is to bring the bar down behind your head, rather than in front of you
— much like a pull-up. There’s risk of shoulder and back injury when
you bring the bar down behind you, so be sure to always pull it straight
The Smith machine is the squatter’s favorite helper. While a Smith
machine is a great way to start squatting, doing so with traditional free
weights and a barbell is probably a better and safer bet. Basically, the
Smith machine limits your range of motion and allows you to perform
squats with improper form, which can lead to injury. It can be a good
tool, but you’re better off just hitting the squat rack.
The leg press is a fixture in many gyms and can be beneficial for many
people. But it does have some problems, and when used incorrectly or
without proper form, you can end up hurting yourself. And that’s the
key — you have to make sure you’re using the machine properly. The
whole point of the leg press is to alleviate pressure on your back, and if
you’re not on the machine in the correct position, it’s a bust.
Researchers suggest you just do squats instead.
You’ve seen all of those ab machines at your gym, with people twisting,
turning, and contorting themselves in an effort to build a six-pack. Yeah
— avoid those. Using them can lead to poor posture and muscle
imbalances. These machines don’t provide many benefits.
Improper execution of this exercise is super dangerous. Most people
don’t properly distribute the weight across their body and some even
round their backs as they are lifting. Keeping the back straight and
lifting with the legs and butt is the only way you should ever do this
This exercise is really popular with CrossFitters, but newbs can cause
some serious damage. The exercise is meant to exercise the hamstring
and glutes, but some people put a lot of their arms into the action. This
can lead to a lot of shoulder injuries.
Building up back muscles is extremely challenging. That’s why a lot of
the exercises associated with those muscles are pretty
dangerous. Rows are no different. That position is kind of awkward with
your posture and improper execution can lead to some pinched nerves
or back injuries.
Squats are a great way to get a full body exercise. However, the
keywords in there are “full body.” When you try to do a squat and one
location of your body isn’t as strong as the rest, you’re risking a lot of
injury in that area. It is best to reserve complicated squat positions for
when you’re a little more advanced in your training.
These types of throws are great for improving your jump speed and
height. Coming from a squatted position and thrusting upward to toss
the ball behind you has the potential to take you out of training. That
sudden and sharp bend of the spine can slip a disk or pinch a nerve.
Form has everything to do with this exercise. People tend to roll their
shoulders into the dip which rounds the back. They also don’t get the
dip low enough to the ground which makes the exercise a little less
effective. Your thigh should be getting parallel with the ground.

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