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On The Cover:

The stunning front cover of the battle of two iconic figures from HORDES and
WARMACHINE, was done by Chris Walton.

About Chris Walton

Chris Walton is a freelance illustrator working in the wild suburbs of New Jersey.
He has recently worked for Privateer Press as a concept artist and illustrator on
Warmachine:Superiority. When not slaving over a hot drawing board, he enjoys
throwing the metal down with his Khador army.

Privateer Press Copyrights:

Many referances to Privateer Press properties are made in this magazine. No challange to the
ownership of these trademarks is intended. Trademarks owned by Privateer Press include, but are not
limited to: Privateer Press , Iron Kingdoms, The Witchfire Trilogy, WARMACHINE, HORDES,Warcaster,
Warjack, Cygnar, Khador, Cryx, Menoth, Protectorate Of Menoth, Protectorate, Trollblood, Circle Orboros,
Legion of Everblight, Skorne, Full-Metal Fantasy, Steam Powered Miniatures Combat, Monsterous
Miniatures Combat and all other character names, their distinctive likenesses, and faction symbols are
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Handcannon Copyrights:
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Hand Cannon
issue 9
Fully Loaded

Changing of the Guard...

As most of you will realize by now, Hand Cannon has once again undergone a
change in editorship. this has no doubt prompted many questions and concerns, and
the fact that I’m writing this in the front of issue 9, instead of issue 10, makes it all that
much more bittersweet. First after having spent that about 40 hours working on squar-
ing up this layout should give a very solid understanding of why Hand Cannon is so hard
on the editor. So before I get to far into this, I feel I need to bring up a couple of very
important points.
First to all the guys who helped make Hand Cannon what it is today,

Corbin Cook, Chris Houle, Lucas Smith, Anthony Bouvier, Patrick Taylor, Brian Solo-
mon, Jason Lang, And everyone else who has contributed to Hand Cannon both past and
present. Past and present.

Second, I’m not too sure how many folks realize this, but Hand Cannon is over 3
years old. The first issue was released back in the first half of 2003.

And through it all, Hand cannon has burned through quite a few editors, and during that
time the folks before have managed to always put out a great fan based (read free)
magazine for everyone clamouring for more and more stuff for the Iron Kingdoms.
So without further adieu, I present to you, the very next issue Hand Cannon #9

Matt “Teknomancer” Kutchins

Editor #7(I think)

Hand Cannon
issue 9
Editors and Layout
Lexington and Matt “Teknomancer” Kutchins
Words Contributed
St. Jason, Llael Resistance, Matt “Teknomancer”
Pictures Contributed
Colleen “Murasaki 99” Winters

Dedicated to
Known by many, missed by all.

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Table of Contents
What’s Inside
Blighted Nyss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Llael Resistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Troll Whelps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Black Troll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Hand Cannon
issue 9


Hand Cannon
issue 9

Blighted Nyss
By St. Jason

With the release of Hordes, it brings forth a cache of new critters and situations
for your PCs to encounter. Here is an exploration upon one of these, the Blighted

For your PCs, a nemesis Dex, +1 masterwork); Enemy (human), Socially

or ally. The lamentable 3- Damage: 2d6+1 Clay- isolated.
stage progression of one more, or 1d8+1 comp
Nyss with a wee bit o’ the longbow; SV Fort +3 (+2 Gear: Shas typically has
Blight, Shas Larysar. base, +1 con), Ref +5 his Nyss Claymore (+1 to
(+2 base, +3 dex), Will hit, 2d6 dam, 19-20/x2)
Shas is a young, inex- +1 (+0 base, +1 wis), and his favorite bow (MW
perienced scout for his Immune to magic sleep Compound Longbow (+1
Shard. The blight has not effects, +2 vs. Enchant- to hit, 1d8(+1) dam, x3)),
hit yet, but the rumors of ment, +4 vs. cold, -2 vs. and at least a dozen ar-
something dark stirring in fire/heat; AL LN; Str 13 rows. Studded leather
the north continue. More (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con armor (+3 AC), while
pressing are the constant 12 (+1), Int 10 (+0), Wis hunting. Shas may also
Khadorian timber parties 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1). carry additional supplies
coming onto Shard ter- to make traps or to sabo-
ritories. Shas has become Languages: Aeric (spo- tage, depending on what
quite adept at hunting ken), Khadoran (spoken) he may be doing.
them down...
Skills & Feats: Hide +9 (4 The worst has happened.
Shas Larysar, male Nyss rank, +3 dex, +2 race), First it was strange crea-
Ranger1: CR 1; Size M; Listen +6 (3 rank, +1 wis, tures found in the forest.
HD 1d8+1, 9hp; Spd 20’; +2 race), Move Silently Nuts and berries were
AC 16 (+3 dex, +3 stud- +7 (4 rank, +3 dex), found, blackened and mis-
ded leather); Attacks: Search +4 (4 rank, +0 shapen Then the children
Claymore +5 (+1 base, int), Spot +7 (4 rank, +1 began to change. In less
+3 finesse, +1 master- wis, +2 race), Survival +7 then a month, half the
work), or composite long- (4 rank, +1 wis, +2 race). Shard had died from the
bow +5 (+1 base, +3 Weapon Finesse, Favored changes. The ones who

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Hit Dice 1d8+1 (5 hp)
Initiative +1 (+1 dex)
Speed 30 ft. Nyss Traits (Ex)
15 (+1 Dex, +4 natural), Note that Nyss do not re-
Armor Class ceive elven traits from the
touch 11, flat-footed 14)
PHB. Instead they get the
Base Attack/Grapple +0/+0
following benefits;
Nyss claymore +2 melee
(2d6); or short sword +0 +2 racial bonus to Listen,
melee (1d6); longbow +1 Spot, and Hide checks.
ranged (1d8); or bite +0
melee (1d4); or claw +0 me- +4 racial saving throw bo-
lee (1d4) nus versus cold-based spell
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft. attacks.
Nyss traits, Scent, Blighted
Special Qualities Nyss are resistant to the
effects of cold weather and
Saves Fort +1, Ref +2, Will -2
do not suffer penalties from
Str 11, Dex 13, Con 13, Int cold conditions until 40F
10, Wis 5, Cha 10 lower then normal
Survival -3, Hide +4, Lis-
Skills ten +2, Ride +2, Spot +0, Immune to sleep effects,
Knowledge: Nature +2 +2 vs. Enchantment spells
Martial Weapon Proficiency or effects
(longbow), Exotic Weapon
Feats Proficiency (Nyss Claymore), -2 racial saving throw pen-
Weapon Finesse (Nyss Clay- alty to heat or fire attacks.
more), Alertness Nyss are vulnerable to hot
weather when wearing any
Environment Cold mountains
armor greater then stud-
Patrol (2-8), Hunt (9-16), ded leather, suffering hot or
Organization war band (12-60), Shard extreme heat conditions at
(80-200), or tribe (200-800) 20F lower then others.
Challenge Rating 3
Alignment Usually chaotic neutral Socially Isolated: -2 to
Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather
Advancement by character class
Information, and Sense
Weapon Finesse (Nyss Clay- Motive against non-elves.
more) Against Iosians, this pen-
alty is -4

Hand Cannon
issue 9

remained were darker, rank, -1 Cha), Hide +9 (4
meaner, and tougher. The ranks, +3 dex, +2 race),
hunt against the Kha- Jump +2 (1 rank, +1
dorans began in earnest str), Knowledge (geogra-
phy) +1 (1 rank, +0 int),
Shas Larysar, male Knowledge (nature) +1 (1
Blighted Traits (Ex) Blighted Nyss Rang- rank +0 int), Knowledge
Due to the touch of the er3: CR 5; Size M; HD (tactics) +1 (1 rank, +0
dragon, Blighted gain the
(2d8+2)+(1d8+2), 20hp; int), Listen +6 (3 ranks,
following abilities
Spd 20’; AC 16 (+3 dex, +1 wis, +2 race), Move
Darkvision 60’ +3 natural); Attacks: Silently +7 (4 ranks, +3
Claymore +7 (+3 base, dex), Ride +4 (1 rank, +3
Immune to fear, sleep, and +3 finesse, +1 mas- dex), Search +4 (4 ranks,
paralysis effects. terwork), +4 claw (+3 +0 int), Search +4 (4
base, +1 str), +3 bite ranks, +0 int), Spot +7 (4
Regeneration: Fire and acid (+3 base), or composite ranks, +1 wis, +2 race),
inflict damage normally, all longbow +7 (+3 base, +3 Survival +7 (4 ranks,
other damage regenerates Dex, +1 masterwork); +1 wis, +2 race), Swim
at +2hp a round. Damage: 2d6+1 Clay- +2 (1 rank, +1 str), Use
more, 1d4 bite/claw, or Rope +4 (1 rank, +3 dex),
Spell Resistance: Equal to
their hit dice
1d8+1 comp longbow; Weapon Finesse, Point
SV Fort +5 (+3 base, +2 Blank Shot, Favored Ene-
con), Ref +6 (+3 base, +3 my (human), Favored Ter-
dex), Will +0 (+1 base, rain (mountains), Socially
-1 wis), Immune to sleep, isolated, Alertness, Scent,
fear, and paralysis effects, Darkvision 60’, Regenera-
+2 vs. Enchantment, +4 tion 2, Spell Resistance 3.
vs. cold, -2 vs. fire/heat;
AL LN; Str 13 (+1), Dex Gear: Shas typically has
16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int his Nyss Claymore (+1 to
10 (+0), Wis 9 (-1), Cha 8 hit, 2d6 dam, 19-20/x2)
(-1). and his favorite bow (MW
Compound Longbow (+1
Languages: Aeric (spo- to hit, 1d8(+1) dam, x3)),
ken), Khadoran (spoken) and at least a dozen ar-
rows. Studded leather
Skills & Feats: Climb +4 armor (+3 AC), while
(3 ranks, +1 str), Crea- hunting. Shas may also
ture Lore +1 (1 rank, +0 carry additional supplies
int), Handle Animal +0 (1 to make traps or to sabo-

Hand Cannon
issue 9

tage, depending on what AL LN; Str 13 (+1), Dex
he may be doing. 16 (+3), Con 14 (+2), Int
10 (+0), Wis 11 (+0), Cha
8 (-1).
The Truth is known. Shas Enemy +4 (human), Fa-
has travelled north and Languages: Aeric (spo- vored Enemy +2 (trollkin),
seen Everblight in all His ken), Khadoran (spoken) Favored Terrain +2
glory. Dropping to his (mountains), Endurance,
knees, he was greeted, Skills & Feats: Climb +4 Woodland Stride, Socially
and indoctrinated into the (3 ranks, +1 str), Crea- isolated, Alertness, Scent,
growing Cult of Everblight. ture Lore +7 (5 rank, Darkvision 60’, Regenera-
The Skirov have a real +0 int, +2 synergy), tion 2, Spell Resistance 7.
blight upon their villages, Handle Animal +0 (1
as he leads his Nyss and rank, -1 Cha), Hide +9 Gear: Shas typically has
Dragonspawn into battle. (4 ranks, +3 dex, +2 his Nyss Claymore (+1 to
race), Jump +2 (1 rank, hit, 2d6 dam, 19-20/x2)
Shas Larysar, male +1 str), Knowledge (ge- and his favorite bow (MW
Blighted Nyss Rang- ography) +5 (5 rank, +0 Compound Longbow (+1
er7: CR 9; Size M; HD int), Knowledge (nature) to hit, 1d8(+1) dam, x3)),
(2d8+2)+(4d8+8), 48hp; +5(+7) (5 rank +0 int, and at least a dozen ar-
Spd 20’; AC 16 (+3 dex, +2 critters), Knowledge rows. Studded leather
+3 natural); Attacks: (tactics) +1 (1 rank, +0 armor (+3 AC), while
Claymore +12/+7 (+7/+2 int), Listen +6 (3 ranks, hunting. Shas may also
base, +3 finesse, +1 +1 wis, +2 race), Move carry additional supplies
focus, +1 masterwork), Silently +12 (9 ranks, +3 to make traps or to sabo-
+8/+3 claw (+7/+2 base, dex), Ride +4 (1 rank, +3 tage, depending on what
+1 str), +7 bite (+7/+2 dex), Search +5 (5 ranks, he may be doing.
base), or composite long- +0 int), Search +4 (4
bow +11/+6 (+7/+2 ranks, +0 int), Spot +7 (4
base, +3 Dex, +1 master- ranks, +1 wis, +2 race),
work); Damage: 2d6+1 Survival +13(+15/+17) Finally, should it intrigue
Claymore, 1d4 bite/claw, (10 ranks, +1 wis, +2 your players enough (and
or 1d8+1 comp longbow; race, +2 nature, +2 to not give your DM’s head-
SV Fort +9 (+7 base, +2 find tracks), Swim +2 (1 aches), a PC race version:
con), Ref +8 (+5 base, +3 rank, +1 str), Use Rope
dex), Will +4 (+4 base, +4 (1 rank, +3 dex), Blighted Nyss PC class.
+0 wis), Immune to sleep, Weapon Finesse, Weapon
fear, and paralysis effects, Focus (Nyss Claymore), “You hear it a lot now.
+2 vs. Enchantment, +4 Point Blank Shot, Far You know what the Skirov
vs. cold, -2 vs. fire/heat; Shot, Leadership, Favored call them? Drakol-aelf.

Hand Cannon
issue 9

grees lower then others.
Movement: Medium crea- Scent
ture, base speed 30 feet. Darkvision 60’
Regeneration: fire and
Dragon-elves. Sounds like Bonus Feats: Nyss re- acid heal as normal. All
another fairy-tale to me.” ceive the following: Martial other damage regenerates
- Conversation overheard Weapon Proficiency (long- at 2 hp a round.
in the Trovicholvik Tavern, bow), Exotic Weapon Pro- Spell Resistance: Blighted
Porsk ficiency (Nyss claymore), gain spell resistance equal
and Alertness as bonus to their hit dice.
Blighted Nyss can also feats. They are also profi-
be a PC class, though not cient with their new natu- Favored Class: Ranger
recommended. Ask your ral attacks (bite, claw)
DM first. Social Flaws: Socially
Automatic Class Skill: Sur- isolated (-2 to Bluff, Diplo-
Alignment: While PCs can vival macy, Gather Information
be of any race, the blight and Sense Motive checks
inevitably creeps into the Skill Bonuses: +2 racial on non-elves. Against
soul. Blighted Nyss begin bonus on Hide, Listen, and Iosians, a -4 penalty in-
with any Evil alignment, Spot checks. stead)
though they can attempt
to change their alignment Special Qualities: Automatic Languages:
over the course of adven- Immunity to fear, sleep, Aeric (spoken)
turing. and paralysis effects, and
a +2 racial saving throw Bonus Languages: Aeric
Ability Adjustments: +2 bonus against enchant- (written, clerics and sor-
Dexterity, +2 Constitution, ment spells or effects. cerers only), Cygnarian
-6 Wisdom Nyss are resistant to the (spoken), Khadorian (spo-
+4 racial save bonus ver- effects of cold weather ken), Shyr (spoken)
sus cold-based spell at- and do not suffer penalties
tacks. for cold conditions until 40 Base Height: Male 5’ 5”,
-2 racial save penalty degrees lower then nor- Female 4’ 11” (+2d8 in)
versus fire or heat-based mal.
attacks. Nyss are particularly vul- Base Weight: Male 143lbs,
+4 natural armor due to nerable to hot weather Female 83 lbs (+ height
leathery, scaly skin. when wearing armor mod. x1d6 lbs)
Claws and a bite, which do heavier then studded
1d4 damage leather, suffering as if
enduring hot or extreme
Level adjustment +2 heat conditions at 20 de-

Hand Cannon
issue 9


Adventure Hooks

Choosing Sides
While wandering the wild areas, the players overhear the sounds of battle. They
close to find a Legion force battling a Skorne/Troll/Circle/Khadoran/Cryxian force. When
the battle sweeps over them, which group do they help? And can they extract them-
selves before the victor turns their attention to them?
Dude Looks Like A Monster
While dragonblight eventually turns all but the most strong-willed to darkness,
what happens to those strong wills? A priest of Nyssor flees persecution of his own kind,
his skin slowly crawling with scales, but is still obliged to do good. What happens when
the players come across a
hideous monster healing
a child, visiting the sick?
What if he has begun a
small clinic hidden near civ- i-
lization (the Corvis under-
city, for example), helping
the poor, downtrodden, and
destitute? And how long
can he resist the corruption
of body and soul? Is there a
If one of the players
is a Nyss, what will be their
reaction when they learn of
the problems up north? Are
they prepared to face their
people corrupted by the
dragon? Are they prepared
to face their family? Deep Freeze Meets Replication

By Colleen “M99” Winters

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms

Llael Resistance
By Matt “Llael Resistance” C.
“The sovereignty of Llael ended harshly in the winter of
604 AR when, in a lightning attack, Khador invaded and
caught its people and their Cygnaran allies off guard.
A few months of fighting later, Llael was an occupied

-Iron Kingdoms World Guide pg. 238

The country of Llael has always been grandfather’s vision of a new Khardic
a peculiar country. Its customs and empire, was determined to annex Llael
traditions are unique and, some would no matter what the cost. The military
say, more civilized and enlightened than might of Khador has risen to impressive
the other kingdoms of Immoren. Despite proportions, greater than any other
all of its nobility and grand history, the of the Iron Kingdoms. With Cygnar’s
country of Llael was no match for the attention divided between its northern
iron might of Khador. In modern times, and southern borders, its military is
the population of Llael is not renowned stretched too thin to press a counter
for its strength of arms. Since the peak attack aimed at driving Khador out of
of Rynnish power during the Orgoth Llael. For now, they are more concerned
rebellion, Llael has become complacent. about containing the Khadorans and
Its military power has slowly withered shoring up their own borders. To
to no more than several hundred Royal complicate matters more, activity in the
Guards backed up by hired Mercenary Thornwood Forest, long a place of dire
Companies and its long time ally, Cygnar. warfare, has further weakened Cygnar’s
Although Llael has been the scene of ability to confront the Khadorans in
numerous battles against Khadoran Llael. As it stands, Llael will remain
aggression, the rapid Khadoran assault under Khadoran occupation for the near
was a surprise. future, perhaps longer if measures aren’t
Even if there had been some taken to reduce the potency of Khador’s
advance warning, it’s doubtful that military might.
Khador could’ve been repelled for long. The situation among the Iron
Queen Ayn Vanar IX, driven by her Kingdoms is tedious to say the least. The

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
level of aggression has been escalating
for many years, culminating in all out
warfare. Now is a time of woe for the
Though she has no love for the
people of Immoren, their livelihood
Protectorate and blames Cygnar’s
threatened on multiple fronts. Many
withdrawal for Llael’s defeat, she
citizens have been pressed into fighting
gladly accepts their gold. The coin from
at the behest of their royal leaders.
these enterprises goes to rebellious
In Llael, the people are undergoing a
groups in the homeland, and to support
paradoxical change, their culture of
her own operations. Vengeful and
frivolity and excess harshly suppressed
independent enough to accomplish
by their new Khadoran masters. The
anything, she wages a guerilla war that
country of Llael has become a virtual
costs Khador thousands in supplies and
slave of Khador. The wants and needs of
stolen funds. Though only biting at the
the Llaelese are considered immaterial
Motherland for now, Ashlynn hopes not
to the greater goal of strengthening the
only to repel the invaders, but one day
Motherland and its vast armies. Valuable
to drive her saber through the heart
material goods and natural resources
of the man who robbed her father of an
have all been diverted to Khador. The
honorable death with indiscriminate
businesses and institutions of Llael have
mortar fire – Kommandant Gurvaldt
either been abolished or confiscated.
Irusk himself.”
Many Llaelese citizens have suffered
under the oppression of Khador. Family
estates and fortunes that have existed -No Quarter #1 pg.31
for centuries have been liquidated to
appease the Khadoran throne. What was
once Llaelese is now Khadoran. For several months following the
defeat and occupation of Llael, Ashlynn
found employment with both Cygnar and
Warcaster Ashlynn the Protectorate, aiding each faction to
D’Elyse, Lady di la their own ends. Despite her work for the
Protectorate, Cygnar found her to be a
Resistance valuable ally. However, once they found
out she was revealing Cygnaran troop
locations to the Protectorate; she was
ejected from all Mercenary contracts
“Though forced from her with the Cygnaran crown. Also, after
homeland, Ashlynn has not lost her the destruction of Myrr by Protectorate
fight. Since the occupation she has forces under Priestess Feora, Ashlynn
turned to freelancing to fund her no longer had any desire to fight for the
ongoing operations against Khador. Menite kingdom. Finding this turn of

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
606 AR
events more of an annoyance Malleus 4th, Rowen
than anything, Ashlynn used
the bulk of her own funds The Highborne Covenant including over
to hire Rhulic warcaster 1200 mercenary soldiers, 18 warjacks, and
Gorten Grundback and form 20 mechaniks enters Llael south of Merywyn
the Highborne Covenant and confronts Khadoran border guard
Mercenary Company. units stationed along the Great Northern
Together, Ashlynn and Gorten Tradeway.
marched into Llael during the
summer of 606 AR to harass
the Khadoran garrisons in the
southern provinces. Malleus 7th, Rowen to Donard 2nd,
The following Following several days of skirmishes
is a timeline of with the Khadorans, the Highborne Covenant
moves quickly into the Voxsauny Province
events chronicling
and the city of Rhydden, which is unoccupied
the Highborne by the Khadorans. Along the way they raid
Covenant’s supply trains traveling on the Merywyn
– Rhydden Short Line and sabotage the
actions in Llael. railway, wrecking several locomotives.

Vendarl 6th, Katesh

The Highborne Covenant starts building
a secret base camp outside the city of
Rhydden. From here the Mercenary Company
plans to send out war parties to harass the
Khadorans. Upon their arrival, about 300-400
Llaelese refugees join the Covenant, sparking
the first of many feuds between Ashlynn and
Gorten over money.

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
Donard 3rd, slaughtering all of
Katesh them single-handedly.
Afterwards, she places
Khadoran the decapitated heads
Khadorans are killed.
garrisons in the cities of the slain Winter
Even though the
of Leryn, Merywyn, Guards in a sack of
mercenaries suffered
and Rynyr are put on horse manure and
more casualties,
alert. The presence leaves it hanging
the Khadorans lost
of the Highborne from a sign along the
a large number of
Covenant is reported Tradeway. This action
seasoned Winter
to Kommandant leads the Khadorans to
Guard and Iron Fang
Gurvaldt Irusk declare the lives of all
Pikemen as well as 9
who dismisses Highborne Covenant
heavy warjacks. The
them as a weak Mercenaries forfeit and
battle was considered
threat. Khadoran all enemy mercenaries
neither a win nor a
Winter Guard units in their custody are
loss by either side,
throughout Llael summarily executed.
but after the battle
are ordered to hunt Kommander Sorscha
the frequency and
down and kill any Kratikoff vows to hunt
strength of Highborne
mercenaries not loyal down Ashlynn herself
Covenant attacks
to Khador. to avenge the defiled
decreased. During
Winter Guards.
the battle, Brogan
Blackheel, a long
Malleus 4th, 607 AR time friend of Gorten
Doloven Gorim 5th to Gorim Grundback was
slain. Gorten begins
The Highborne 7th, Casteus to accumulate more
Covenant suffers its The largest battle disdain for Khador
first major defeat of the campaign occurs leading him to draw
losing nearly 200 near the town of more of his personal
soldiers and 4 Iryn on the northern resources into the
warjacks in a failed border of the Southryne conflict and rejecting
ambush near the Province over the course all Khadoran
ruins of Riversmet. of two days. During contract offers.
During a fit of rage the battle, over 500
Ashlynn engages Highborne Mercenaries
a patrolling unit and nearly 400
of Winter Guard, Vendarl 2nd,

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
Vendarl 1st, Solesh is either destroyed
or disabled. The
Nearly one year 5th Border Legion
Cinten after the start of troops, including a
Ashlynn receives the campaign, the full unit of Man-o-
a large sum of money Highborne Covenant war Shocktroopers
from a refugee group scores its first and are utterly defeated
of Llaelese nobles. She only major victory with nearly every
immediately hires against Khador. Khadoran being
more mercenaries While escorting a either killed or
from Cygnar and Ord, large contingent wounded. This
having to offer double of approximately victory gives Ashlynn
wages for their service. 300 Kossite recruits more confidence
Ashlynn also buys a from the north, the that Khador can
number of retired 5th border legion, be defeated. This
Cygnaran warjacks under the command confidence will
to reinforce her army. of Orsus Zoktavir gradually work
Gorten receives word “The Butcher” is against her in the
that an alliance of attacked along the months to come. At
Rhulic clans is offering road from Laerdy to this point in time, the
secret support for their Rynyr. Through good Highborne Covenant
campaign against reconnaissance and Mercenary Company
Khador. The Rhulic careful planning, is at the peak of its
clans are upset about Gorten and Ashlynn power.
the lost trade with attack the heavily
Cygnar and have not armed convoy
been able to make simultaneously,
resulting in a Donard 3rd to
headway with Khador
over the issue. Gorten muddled response Donard 6th,
accepts their support, from the Khadorans. Katesh
and from this point on, During the battle,
which lasts only a few Kommander
no longer fights under Sorscha Kratikoff
Ashlynn’s command but hours, nearly all of
the Kossites are either finally engages
remains allied with her. the Highborne
killed, wounded, or
flee. Every warjack in Covenant as they
Zoktavir’s battlegroup are performing

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
raids against the directly. Fortunately
trains carrying for the Covenant,
troops and supplies both warcasters were
between Elsinberg present, and despite
liberate the city of
and Merywyn. The a fierce battle, the
Merywyn by year’s
mercenaries are Highborne camp was
end. However, her
without a warcaster successfully defended.
overconfidence has
at this point and However, it was obvious
blinded her to the
are decimated by to Ashlynn and Gorten
obvious. She has
Sorscha’s forces. Every that the Khadorans
a shrinking pool
mercenary, over were determined to
of recruits and
100 of them, are all completely destroy
she is nearly out
killed. Unknown the them. Gorten makes
of funds. Despite
Ashlynn or Gorten, plans to move his forces
Gorten’s advice, she
brutal interrogations north to the mountains
continues to push
following the battle around Leryn and the
into Southryne. She
give the Khadorans Rhulic border. Ashlynn,
even sends word to
valuable information refusing to give in,
Cygnar and Ord
about the Covenant insists on staying in
that she needs more
and their operations. Rhydden. At this point,
mercenaries and
Ashlynn’s forces are
makes offers she does
weakened by the loss of
not have the money
Malleus 7th to Gorten’s Rhulic support
to back up. During
units due to their
Donard 3rd, move north. The two
her raids, Ashlynn
Goloven discovers a small
warcasters still fight
group of mercenaries
Khadoran operating
forces under the independently, The
command of Blackshields. Their
Kommandant Irusk Gorim 7th, leader, Sir Fane
and Kommander Khadoven Galbraith, offers to
Sorscha Kratikoff make an alliance
lead an incursion At this point, with Ashlynn.
into the Voxsauny Ashlynn has been Although she is
Province to attack making numerous pleased with the offer,
the base camp of the incursions into the she demands that Sir
Highborne Covenant Southryne Province. Fane come up with
She is determined to

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
weakened and could the battle, Ashlynn
be defeated. His was surprised to find
more troops before he intuition, however, that the supply train
can join her. tells him to be wary of was guarded by no
the situation. less than Karchev
the Terrible. His
heavily armored
Vendarl 1st to battlegroup consisted
Malleus 7th to
Malleus 6th, of nothing but heavy
Donard 1st,
Ashtoven warjacks and full
Ashtoven units of Man-o-war
Ashlynn learns Shocktroopers. In
of a large shipment Ashlynn and
the freezing winter
of supplies heading Gorten move their
storm, Ashlynn’s
for Merywyn by rail. forces into position
mercenaries didn’t
Against all advice outside of Rynyr.
have a chance. When
Ashlynn gathers her The normally frigid
Gorten discovered
remaining forces and winter weather
the nature of
heads north to Rynyr. had grown even
their enemy, he
She intends to intercept more unbearable,
immediately ordered
the train as it leaves culminating into a
a staged withdrawal.
the city. The weather full blown blizzard
He was able to escape
has grown bitter cold, of blinding snow and
with a small portion
making the journey ice. When Ashlynn’s
of his forces. However,
difficult. Gorten decides scouts detected the
when he discovered
that he can’t let oncoming supply
that Ashlynn had not
Ashlynn go it alone and train, they reported
retreated with him he
forms a small Rhulic that it was being
doubled back only to
force to follow her. Even escorted by a large
discover the worst.
though Gorten doesn’t number of heavy
agree with Ashlynn’s warjacks. Undeterred,
desperate and risky Ashlynn ordered the
attack to commence When the sun
maneuver, he realizes
and the ensuing finally rose on
that if the supply
battle would be the Donard 1st, the vast
train is stopped, the
last for the Highborne white plains of snow
Khadoran garrison at
Covenant. During barely concealed the
Merywyn will be severely
carnage underneath.

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
All the mercenaries the battle outside
in Ashlynn’s attack of Rynyr, warcaster
force were dead; Ashlynn D’Elyse is
their frozen bodies a found barely alive,
to a safer location.
macabre testament buried in the snow,
to the horrors of war. and surrounded by her
After a desperate slain mercenaries. Due
search, only the to Ashlynn’s warcaster 608 AR
remains of Ashlynn’s armor and arcane
three warjacks powers, she was able Malleus 3rd,
could be found. Her to survive the bitter Glaceus
precious mechanikal cold despite her severe
saber, Nemesis, was injuries. The peasants The Blackshield
found stabbed into who found her are Mercenary Company,
the earth like a sympathetic to those under the command
simple grave marker. fighting the Khadorans of Cygnaran Knight
Gorten instructed his and she is taken to Sir Fane Galbraith,
men to scavenge any Wren de’Alyr, a former begins a guerilla
parts and weapons healer and aid of the campaign against
they could find, but late King Rynnard. the Khadorans in
he left Ashlynn’s Wren is able to stabilize Llael. Sir Fane, in a
sword stuck in the Ashlynn. Her wounds quest to find Ashlynn
snowy ground as a are great including and the remnants
memorial to a fallen multiple broken bones, of her mercenary
warrior. internal bleeding, and company, travels to
a head injury resulting Rynyr in disguise.
in a coma. Only by the When he arrives he
arcane talents of Wren learns the fate of
The Beginning de’Alyr was Ashlynn Ashlynn and the
of the Llaelese able to remain alive. Highborne Covenant.
Before leaving the
Resistance She remained cloistered
city, he is contacted
in Wren’s home, hidden
Movement from Khadoran patrols. by a small group of
She is considered dead peasants who inform
by the Khadorans him of Ashlynn’s
Donard 1st, any way but, in whereabouts. Sir Fane
Ashtoven her condition, it is makes plans to move
impossible to move her her south to a safer

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
Malleus 1st, from her injuries and
Casteus able to travel, arrives
location. He manages in Grynstone, a small
to procure Ashlynn’s Construction of village along the
sword, Nemesis, and her “The Avenger” heavy banks of the Black
damaged warcaster warjack begins. River. While there,
armor from a local Gorten uses the last of she begins building
mechanika dealer Ashlynn’s mercenary up her strength.
before he leaves. funds to help pay for Residing in the
it. The warjack chassis village is a legendary
is based on a Rhulic duelist named Vahn
design using large de’Gilfyn. Through
Gorim 3rd to Gorim quantities of the his tutelage Ashlynn
7th, Glaceus legendary dwarven will become even
metal, Serricsteel. stronger than she
Warcaster Gorten
It’s powered by an was before her defeat.
Grundback begins
experimental steam Sir Fane Galbraith
settling into his new
furnace built by continues to direct
base of operations in the
The Order of the guerilla attacks
mountains just north of
Golden Crucible that against Khadoran
Leryn. As a son of Rhul,
was smuggled out instillations in
Gorten is extremely
Leryn before it was the Southryne and
comfortable in the
conquered by the Wessina Provinces. His
mountains. He contacts
Khadorans. Gorten Mercenary Company,
the Rhulic Merchant
hopes he can rebuild the Blackshields,
Clans funding his
his army quickly so are successful in
mercenary army and
he doesn’t lose any of hampering the build
makes a simple request,
the ground Ashlynn up of Khadoran
to build him a powerful
fought so dearly for. garrisons stationed
heavy warjack using
at Merywyn and
the finest materials
Elsinberg. Despite a
available. He gives
Vendarl 2nd, concerted effort to
them the remains of a
track Sir Fane and
scavenged Vanguard to Trineus the Blackshields
use in its construction.
Warcaster down, Kommander
Ashlynn D’Elyse, now Sorscha Kratikoff
partially recovered and Kommandant

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
Gurvaldt Irusk are advances by Gorten’s
unable to engage Rhulic Mercenary
them in any capacity. Company.
Malleus 2nd to
Malleus 5th,
Malleus 5th, Vendarl 3rd, Solesh
Cinten to Malleus 2nd,
- The Rhulic Octesh Ashlynn is
reunited with Gorten
Mercenary Company Sir Fane and Grundback, who is
led by warcaster a small group of his overjoyed to see she
Gorten Grundback peasant scouts join up is still alive. Gorten
scores a series of with Ashlynn at the reveals the completed
victories in the northern border of the Avenger heavy
Lyngblad Province, Southryne Province and warjack to Ashlynn
severely weakening covertly travel from at his hidden base in
the Khadoran there to Leryn. Along the mountains and
garrison in Leryn. the way Ashlynn and Sir presents it to her as
Rhulic emissaries Fane gain each other’s a gift. Together the
are unable to enlist friendship. Ashlynn is two warcasters make
the support of The grateful to Sir Fane for plans to liberate
Order of the Golden coming to her aid, but Leryn and drive the
Crucible to aid the her extreme hatred of Khadorans out of
Llaelese rebels due to Khador fuels a dark the Voxsauny and
the objections of its rage that threatens to Lyngblad Provinces
corrupt headmaster. consume her. With Sir for good.
Fane’s help she is able to
conquer her hatred and Upon their
Donard 4th, channel her anger into arrival in Leryn
even greater arcane the Khadoran
Cinten Greylords stationed
strength. It is rumored
- Umbrian Prince, that Ashlynn and Sir at Thunderhelm
Vladimir Tzepesci, Fane had a romantic Fortress learn of Sir
moves his army into affair, but it is never Fane’s presence and
the Esmynya Province confirmed nor denied. are able to capture
just north of Leryn, him and his small
halting any further band of peasant
rebels. Their public

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
Ashlynn kills the battle to liberate
Greylord Koldun and Leryn Order of the
execution by beheading his Winter Guard Golden Crucible
is planned for Malleus escort in the market corrupt headmaster
7th at the market square. This rouses Colm Dromore is
square. Attendance by the citizens of Leryn killed by former
the citizens of Leryn who promptly gather Order of the Golden
will be mandatory. under Ashlynn’s Crucible Alchemist,
Upon hearing the news command and begin Gorman di’Wulfe.
Ashlynn and Gorten fighting to liberate Renowned Rhulic
rush back to Leryn to the city. Sir Fane, craftsman Herne
see if they can rescue who is now repaid for Stoneground is
Sir Fane before he is aiding Ashlynn, calls able to activate
executed. The loss of Sir for his Blackshields the ancient,
Fane would be a huge to rally and join the hidden defenses of
setback for their cause. fighting. The ensuing Thunderhelm fortress
battle becomes the which are made up
Gorten musters all stuff of legends. of several massive
the mercenaries and cannon mounted
Llaelese rebels under Although
behind secret doors
his command and successful in driving
and turrets in the
hurries to Leryn to join the Khadorans
towers and ramparts.
Ashlynn. Their plan for out of the city,
These massive cannon
liberating Leryn will Kommandant Irusk
were built during the
have to occur sooner arrives in just enough
Orgoth Rebellion and
than they’d thought. time to set up a heavy
are among the first
bombardment of the
black powder weapons
city. Determined to
ever developed.
level it to the ground,
Malleus 7th, Octesh Although old and
Leryn suffers heavy
unused for centuries,
Ashlynn confronts damage during the
these high powered
the Greylord Koldun bombardment. With
weapons decimate
as the public execution the tables now turned
the Khadorans
of Sir Fane and his on the liberators
outside the city walls
accomplices begins. In they suffer heavy
and put an end
a dramatic display of casualties, as well.
to the destructive
guile and willfulness During the bombardment of the

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Iron Kingdoms
With Khadorans
pushed out of the
city and their heavy
mortars destroyed
Kommandant Irusk’s
reluctantly orders
a withdrawal.
After a desperate
and destructive
battle Leryn is
liberated from
the Khadorans.
This battle is
the start of
the Llaelese

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Troll Whelps
by Matt “Teknomancer” Kutchins
Illustrations by Colleen “M99” Winters
Troll Whelps are creatures that are created by a troll’s regeneration ability. Most
whelps are immature whelps that come about when a limb is severed or some other
body part is separated from the rest of the Trolls body. After every battle, Trolls
and trolkin armies can be seen scouring the field making sure to pick up all their
lost body parts in order to ensure that they will have a steady food source as well
as their very own fighting force by the sheer volume that the whelps create. The
whelps most commonly used are the immature whelps of the regular trolls as it is
not very often that the Dire Trolls are fielded and that it is truly not often that a
whelp will survive long enough to became fully grown and brought into maturity.
Soon after the first several battles it was found out that much like the Pygs, the
whelps could provide quite a few opportunities that the full sized trolls were not able
to provide. By having a Warlock tap into the inner abilities of the whelp, it has been
found that most whelps while normally would only last a few weeks, many a whelp
that has been linked with a trollkin sorceror has ended up with a whelp living for
several years.

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Trollblood Whelp
A Stronglimb is the result of a troll losing his arm in battle. This results in the
Stronglimb to have one full sized troll arm while they rest of its body is of the standard
whelp size. A Strong limb when tapped into by a warlock is able to be able to increase
the power of those it uses. The stronglimb is by and large one of the most common
whelps seen around due to the fact that the loss of an arm in battle is an incredilby
common event.


Thumper 2 -- 6 -- -- --
Target friendly model gains a boosted die to the first melee damage roll this turn.

Special Abilities: Stronglimb CMD 5

Snack Food: Trollblood whelp may be
removed from play in order to regenerate
d3 wounds on friendly Trollblood Warbeast. 5 6 4 4 14 12
Whelps removed from play by this method, Melee Weapon Big Ol’ Fist
do not generate Victory Points. Special POW P+S
-- 2 8
Whelps: A whelp is a lesser warbeast.

Fury 2
Threshold 8
Field Allowance U
Point Cost 25
Base Size Small

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Trollblood Whelp

A Clubfoot is a whelp produced by the growing of a whelp from a foot sliced off
a troll. A clubfoot when tapped into by the the potential of a warlock is able to grant
boosts of speed to those around him. The clubfoot for all its oddity is a surprisingly fast
little guy who is capable of covering vast distances quickly. Clubfoots have also been
known to group together and have fun creating mini quakes in the area as a way to pass
the time.
Swiftfoot 2 -- 6 -- -- --
Target Trollblood model/unit gains +1 movement this turn.

Clubfoot CMD 5 Special Abilities:

spd str mat rat def arm
Snack Food: Trollblood whelp may
6 5 4 4 14 12 be removed form play in order to
Melee Stomper
Special Pow P+S regenerate d3 wounds on friendly
Weapon -- 3 8 Trollblood Warbeast. Whelps removed
from play by this method, do not
generate Victory Points.

Whelp: A whelp is a lesser Warbeast.

Fury 2
Threshold 8
Field Allowance U
Victory Points 1
Point Cost 23
Base Size Small

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Trollblood Whelp

Tuskjaws are whelps formed by remnants of broken teeth and jaws. The tuskjaws
are known for their extreme extreme tempers and insatiable appetites, even for a troll.
The y have been known to be tap into their inner animal and let loose a mighty roar that
shakes their enemy to the very core.


Bloody Roar 3 -- 6 -- -- --
Target enemy model/unit must pass a CMD check or suffer –1 MAT for one round.

Special Abilities: Tuskjaw CMD 5

spd str mat rat def arm
Snack Food: Trollblood whelp may be
removed form play in order to regenerate 6 5 4 4 14 12
Toothy Maw
d3 wounds on friendly Trollblood Warbeast. Melee Special Pow P+S
Whelps removed from play by this method, Weapon -- 4 9
do not generate Victory Points.

Whelp: A whelp is a lesser Warbeast

Fury 2
Threshold 8
Field Allowance U
Victory Points 1
Point Cost 22
Base Size Small

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Trollblood Whelp

Broadeyes are whelps created by the regeneration of a troll’s eye. The broadeyes
are known for there abilities with the spear and throwing the spear. And many a wralock
has learned that by tapping into the Broadeye’s inner beast, they are able to enhance the
aim and accuracy of others.


Eagle Eye 3 -- 6 -- -- --
Target enemy model/unit gains an additional die to their first ranged attack.

Broadeye CMD 5 Special Abilities:

spd str mat rat def arm
Snack Food: Trollblood whelp may be
5 5 4 5 14 12
removed form play in order to regenerate
Range Thrown Dagger
rng rof aoe pow d3 wounds on friendly Trollblood Warbeast.
Weapon 6 1 -- 4 Whelps removed from play by this meth-
Melee Dagger od, do not generate Victory Points.
special pow p+s
Weapon -- 4 9
Whelp: A whelp
is a lesser War-


Thrown: Add
STR to POW of
weapon when

Fury 2
Threshold 9
Field Allowance U
Victory Points 1
Point Cost 25
Base Size Small

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Trollblood Whelp

Thornquills are whelps formed by the regeneraton from a trolls quill. Thornquill whelps
wehn tapped into by a Warlock are able to boost the natural armor of other trolls


Hardened Quills 2 -- 6 -- -- --
Target Friendly Trollblood model gains +1 DEF for one round.

Special Abilities: Thornquill CMD 5

spd str mat rat def arm
Snack Food: Trollblood whelp may be
6 5 4 5 14 12
removed form play in order to regenerate Thrown Spear
d3 wounds on friendly Trollblood Warbeast. RNG ROF AOE POW
Weapon 8 1 -- 4
Whelps removed from play by this method,
do not generate Victory Points. SPECIAL POW P+S
Weapon -- 4 9
Whelp: A whelp is a lesser Warbeast.


Thrown: Add STR to POW of weapon when

determining damage.

Fury 2
Threshold 9
Field Allowance U
Victory Points 1
Point Cost 25
Base Size Small

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issue 9


Hand Cannon
issue 9


Black Troll
Minion Light Warbeast

Black Trolls have always been a bane to the Trolls. Black trolls caused by a Black
Troll sucking the life force out of another troll. No one knows first certain where the
first Black Troll came from, although some suspect that the first Black Troll was created
by a flawed ritual experiment of the Orgoth during the occupation. Others think that
the Black Troll goes even further back and came about by a troll who had come from
Blight tainted area, perhaps one of the many battlefields that Toruk used to slay his
treacherous progeny. Or perhaps they were tainted by the dread Everblight in the land
of Morrdh. Not even the trollkin know for certain. Black Trolls have turned to the armies
of the Legion and the Skorne in ever increasing numbers. This has led to the black trolls
massing with those armies in order to take their revenge against the Trolls in general for
turning against them back in their time of need.

Special Abilities

Minion: Black Troll will not work for Trollbloods

Minion Warbeast: A minion Warbeast may be part of any warpack controlled by a

warlock that the minion will work for.

Regeneration: may be forced to remove d3 from life spiral

Command Whelp: Black Troll may attempt to assert his will over a whelp in his command
range. Make a CMD check, if CMD check fails, whelp becomes under the command of
the Black Troll’s controller.

Hand Cannon
issue 9



BloodDrinker 4 -- 6 -- -- --
Target Warbeast gains the Snacking ability. Anytime a melee attack by target Warbeast de-
stroys another model, it may regenerate up to d3 points of damage.

Black Troll CMD 7

Abomination: All models in Black trolls CMD
spd str mat rat def arm
range must make a CMD check, of flee
5 9 6 4 13 15
Melee Claw
Troll Bane: Any Trollblood model hit by any Special POW P+s
attack by a black troll is unable to be forced Weapon Reach 2 11
to regenerate its next activation. Melee Claw
Special POW P+S
Weapon Reach 2 11
Claw Melee J aw
Special POW P+S
• Reach – 2” Melee Range Weapon Blood Drain 4 13

• Blood Drain -- Any time a Warbeast is
damaged by a Black troll Jaw attack, The
black troll is able to remove one wound
from anywhere on its life Spiral.

Fury 3
Threshold 7
Field Allowance 2
Victory Points 2
Point Cost 88
Base Size Medium

Hand Cannon
issue 9

Parting Shot
In The Next Issue...

Secrets from the

Cult of Cyriss

And Much More...

Order Of Illumination:
A New Mercenary Contract

The Eldest Dawn

A network of spies for the
Nightmare Empire

Hand Cannon
issue 9

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Hand Cannon
issue 9


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