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2014 World Mathematics Team Championship

Intermediate Team Round Solutions

Problems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 10 1
Answers 4 6 205 (1) –4
5 15

Problems 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

2 6 2
Answers 6 36 –1 1008 4
3 3

Problems 15 16 17 18 19 20

1 1 1
Answers 12 48 3 +1 9 or − 1
2 2 3

T–1. Given that

A + B + C =
B + C + D =2

C + D + E =3

D + E + F =4.
E + F + G =5

F + G + H = 6
G + H + I =
 7
Find A + E + I .
Solution: 4. Label the given equations as followed:
A + B + C =
1 ①

B + C + D =2 ②
C + D + E =3 ③

D + E + F =4 ④,
E + F + G =5 ⑤

F + G + H = 6 ⑥

G + H + I =7 ⑦
①+④+⑦ gives A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H + I = 1+4+7 = 12. ⑧
Subtract ② and ⑥ from ⑧ and we have A + E + I = 12 − 2 − 6 = 4 .

T–2. A dart board has points labeled on different regions as shown in the picture below. There
are 30 different prizes for the winners and each prize is labeled by a whole number from
1 to 30. The game is played according to the following rules:
1. Each player can throw the dart to the dart board three times,
2. Darts outside the board get 0 point,
3. Each player gets a prize that corresponds to the total number of points from
these three throws.
How many of these 30 prizes will never be claimed by any player?

Solution: 6. It is possible to get 0, 2, 5, 8, or 10 points after for each dart throw. The possible total
points to get after three throws are 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 28, and 30. Therefore, there can only be 6 total points that are not possible after three
throws and they are 1, 3, 11, 19, 27, and 29.

5a 2 + 1001a + 1025 =

 0 a
T–3. If ab ≠ 1 and  , find the value for b .
1025b + 1001b + 5 =


Solution: 205. Obviously, b ≠ 0. We can get 5   + 1001⋅ + 1025 =

1 1
0 after dividing the term b2
 
b b
to both sides of the equation 1025b 2 + 1001b + 5 =0 . It is easy to see that both a and are
a 1 1025
roots for equation 5x 2 + 1001x + 1025 = 0 . Therefore, = a⋅ = = 205 .
b b 5
T–4. As shown in the figure below, square ABCD has side length of 2. Using BC as diameter,
construct a semi–circle O. Let F be the point on CD so that AF tangents to semi–circle O
at point E. Find the length of ED.

2 10
Solution: . As shown in the figure below, connect OA, OE, and OF. Let E be the
point on AD that EG ⊥ AD . Then OF and OA are the angle bisectors of ∠COE and ∠BOE ,

In this case, ∠FOA = 90° , OE

= OC = 1 , and BA= EA = 2 . Since OE ⊥ AF ,
EF EO EF 1 1
∆OEF ∽ ∆AEO or = or = which means EF = . Since EG // CD, so
EO EA 1 2 2
AG AE EG 1 1 3
= = = EF
. Also, CF = , so FD = CD − CF = 2 − = .
AD AF FD 2 2 2
3 5
Apply Pythagorean’s Theorem, AF = AD + FD = 2 +   = . So,
2 2 2

2 2

5 1 AG AE EG 4 2
AE = AF − EF = − = 2 . Hence, = = = or GD = AD − AG = and
2 2 AD AF FD 5 5
4 4 6
EG = FD = ( CD − CF ) = .
5 5 5
Apply Pythagorean’s Theorem to right triangle EDG again,

2 10
2 2
2 6
ED = GD 2 + EG 2 =   +  = .
5 5 5

x 1 x2
T–5. If = , find the value for .
2x 2 + 9x + 2 3 2x 4 + x 2 + 2
1 2x 2 + 9x + 2
Solution: . Since x ≠ 0, the original equation can be written as its reciprocal = 3 or
15 x
x+ = −3 . ①
x2 2x 4 + x 2 + 2 2 1
The reciprocal of is = 2 x 2 + 2 + 1 = 2( x 2 + 2 ) + 1 =
2x + x + 2
4 2
x 2
x x
1 2
2[( x + ) − 2] + 1 , ②
x2 1
Substitute ① into ② and we have 2 × ( −3) − 2  + 1 = = .
15 .Therefore,
  2 x + x + 2 15
4 2

T–6. We know that it is Tuesday on 2014/11/11. Among the six dates listed below, which one
(use its number to indicate) is not a Friday?
(1) 2014/2/2, (2) 2014/4/4, (3) 2014/6/6, (4) 2014/8/8,
(5) 2014/10/10, (6) 2014/12/12.
Solution: (1).

 x +1
 − t > 2x
T–7. Find the smallest integer t so that the set of inequalities of x  3 has exactly

 x − 8x − 9 < 0

3 integer solutions.
 x +1  1 − 3t
 − t > 2x x<
Solution: –4. Convert  3 ① into  5 ②
 x 2 − 8 x − 9 < 0 −1 < x < 9
Since ① has exactly 3 integer solutions and –1<x<9, x can only be 0, 1, 2. Therefore,
1 − 3t
< 3 and the smallest integer t that makes this work is t = –4.

T–8. As shown in the figure below, Circle O has a radius of 20 and Circle O′ tangents
internally with Circle O at P and tangents externally at M with square ABCD which is
inside Circle O with its vertices A and B on Circle O and AB ⊥ PM . If AB = 24, find the
radius of Circle O′ .
Solution: 6. Connect OA as shown in the figure below.

Because circles O and O′ internally tangent to each other, so points P, M, and O are collinear.
Let the line that contains P, M, and O intersects AB at N. Because CD tangents the small
AB=12. Since △OAN is a right triangle,
circle at M, so MN⊥CD and AB. Hence, AN =
OA2 = ON2+AN2 or 202=ON2+122 which means ON = 16. Hence, MO = MN–ON = CB–ON
= 24–16 = 8 and PM = OP–MO = 20–8 = 12.Therefore, the radius of Circle O′ is 12÷2 = 6.

T–9. There are four book shelves in a small library which are labeled as #1, #2, #3, and #4 and
they, respectively, hold 120, 135, 142, and 167 books. A day later, a number of books
have checked out from each shelf. Another day later, 0, b, c, and d more books have
checked out again from Shelves #1, #2, #3, and #4, respectively. At that time, all 4
shelves have the same number of books remained. If b, c, and d all ≥ 1 and b + c + d = a,
how many books remained on Shelf #1 after these two checkouts?
b + c + d =a ①

120 − a= 135 − (a + b) ②
Solution: 36. According to the problem, 
120 − a= 142 − (a + c) ③
120 − a= 167 − (a + d ) ④
Substitute ① into ②+③+④,we have 360 − 3a = 444 − 4a or a = 84.Therefore,
120–a = 36 books remained on Shelf#1.

T–10. Suppose b and c are two different real numbers. If r and s are roots of equation
x 2 + bx + c =0 and r and t are roots of equation x 2 + cx + b =0 , find s+t.

r + br + c =
Solution: –1. Since r is the common root for both equations,  . Subtract these two
r + cr + b =
equations, we have r(b–c) = b – c which means r =1 since b ≠ c. Hence, s = c and t = b.
Substitute x = 1 into either equation, 1+b+c = 0 or s+t = b+c = –1.

T–11. Consider the rectangle ABCD as shown in the figure below. Suppose E is on AD and
that CD = 9 and AE : ED = 3 : 5 and AC ⊥ BE at F. Find BC : BA.
Solution: 6 . Since ∠ABE = ∠ABF and ∠AEB = ∠BAF, right triangle ABC ∽ right
triangle FAB. Hence, BC = BA or BC·AE=BA . However, AE = 3 AD = 3 BC, so BC·AE

BA AE 8 8
= BC· 3 AD = BC· 3 BC = BA2 or BC2 = 8 ·BA2 = 8 ·CD2 = 216. Therefore,
8 8 3 3
BC 1 2
BC = 216 or BA = 216 ⋅= 6.
9 3

T–12. Select n numbers from natural numbers 1 to 2014 with the condition that the difference
of any two numbers from these n selected numbers cannot be 3. What is the maximum
value for n?
Solution: 1008. Divide these 2014 numbers into groups of 6 consecutive natural numbers. From
each group, take the smallest three numbers so the difference of any two numbers of these three
is at the most 2. This way, we can be sure that the group that consists of all such sets of three
numbers will not have two numbers with a difference of 3 (the difference will be either less than
or equal to 2 or larger or equal to 4). These groups of 6 are (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12), …, (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010), (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) with the last group has
only 4 numbers. So if we take only the smallest three numbers from each group, the number of
elements of this new group is 336×3 = 1008.

T–13. Suppose rectangle ABCD is located so that point A is on the straight line y = x, B is on
the curve y = ,and points C and D are on the x-axis as shown in the figure below. If
AB = 2BC, find the area of rectangle ABCD.

2 1
Solution: . Consider A = (a, a) and B = (b, ). According to the problem, ABCD is a rectangle
3 b
 1
 b − a =2·
and AB = 2BC. Let points C and D on the x–axis. Then, 
a = 1
 b
1 2
Substitute (**) into (*), we have b − = or b2 = 3 or b = 3 . Therefore,
b b
1  1  1 2
S ABCD = AB ⋅ BC = (b − a ) ⋅ =  3 −  ⋅ = .
b  3 3 3
T–14. Suppose Circle O has a radius of r and Circle O′ has a radius of 11
and Circle O′ is inside of Circle O with center O inside Circle O′ as
shown in the figure on the right. If AB is a chord of Circle O that
tangents Circle O′ and 40 ≤ AB ≤ 48 , find OO′ .

Solution: 4. Let AB be the shortest chord and A′B′ be the longest chord and they tangent Circle
O′ at C and C ′ , respectively, as shown in the figure below.

Then r 2 − BC 2 + r 2 − B′C ′2 =
CC ′ or r 2 − 242 + r 2 − 202 =
22 or r = 25 .
Therefore, OO′ = OC − O′C = 252 − 202 − 11 = 4 .

T–15. If 5a + 4b + 3c is divisible by 13 where a, b, and c are positive integers, find the

remainder when 3a + 5b + 7c + 2014 is divided by 13.
Solution: 12. Since 5a + 4b + 3c is divisible by 13, we can let
13k − 4b − 3c
5a + 4b + 3c =
13k (k is a positive integer) or a= ①
13k − 4b − 3c 39k − 12b − 9c
Using ① , 3a + 5b + 7c =3 × + 5b + 7c
= + 5b + 7c
5 5
39k + 13b + 26c 13 × ( 3k + b + 2c )
= = .
5 5
So, 5(3a+5b+7c) = 13(3k+b+2c) where a, b, c, and k are all positive integers ②
Since 5 and 13 are relatively, 3a+5b+7c is divisible by 13. Let 3a+5b+7c = 13m where m is a
positive integer. Then (3a+5b+7c) + 2014 = 13m + 13×154+12 = 13(m+154) + 12 which
means the remainder of this division is 12.

T–16. As shown in the figure below, O is the center of a regular hexagon ABCDEF where
OM ⊥ DE at M and N is the midpoint of OM. If the area of ∆FAN is 10, find the area
of hexagon ABCDEF.

Solution: 48. As shown in the figure below, construct perpendicular lines from points O, N, and M to
FA intersecting FA or its extension at points P, Q, and R, respectively. Extend line segment MO
so it intersects the extension of FA at G and AB at L.
Let AF = 2x. Then AP = x and OP = 3x . In right triangle △AGL, because ∠GAL =60° , so
∠AGL =30° . Also, AL = x, so OL = OM = OP = 3x . Hence, GM = 3 3x . In right
3 3
triangle △RGM, because ∠RGM =30° , so RM = x.
In the trapezoid POMR, N is the midpoint of OM, so QN is the median of trapezoid POMR
1 5 3
or QN = ( PO + RM ) which means QN = x . Because △AOF and △AFN
2 4
5 3
share a common base, so S △AOF ︰S △AFN = OP ︰QN = 3 x: x = 4 : 5. Also,
S △AFN =10 and so S △AOF = 8. Therefore area of regular hexagon ABCDEF is 6(S △AFN ) = 48.

T–17. As shown in the figure below, ABCD is a square with point E on CD. Extend BC and
AE so they intersect at F. If the area of square ABCD is the same as the area of ∆CFE,
find .

Solution: 3 + 1 . Let = k and a be the side length of square ABCD. Then
ka CF CE
CE = k(EF) = k(a–CE) or CE = . Also, = = k or CF = kAD = ka.
1+ k AD ED
2 2
1 1 ka k a
Hence, S∆CFE = CF ⋅ CE = ka ⋅ =
2 2 1 + k 2 (1 + k )
Note that S ABCD = a and S ABCD = S ∆CFE . So, k2–2k–2 = 0 or k = ± 3 + 1 .

Because k > 0, only k = 3 + 1 is acceptable.

T–18. Given two cubes with edge lengths of positive integers a and b. If the ratio between the
sum of their volumes and the sum of their edge lengths is 27 : 1, find a+b.
= 27 or a − ab + ( b − 27 ) =
a 3 + b3 2 2
0 .This equation
Solution: 9. According to the problem,
should have positive integer solutions, so ∆ a = (−b) 2 − 4(b 2 − 27) =108 − 3b 2 > 0 is a perfect
square or 0 ≤ ∆ a ≤ 108 which means 108–3b2 has possible values of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ,36, 49, 64,
81, or 100. Since b is a positive integer, after checking, only the number 81 satisfies the
b ±9 3±9
conditions of the problem. In this case, b = 3 and= a = = 6 since a > 0. Therefore,
2 2
a+b = 9.
1 2
T–19. Suppose the parabola C: y= x + bx − 1 has three intersections with x and y coordinate
axes. If these three intersections form a triangle and the area of this triangle increases 14
times when parabola C moves down 5 units, find b.
1 1
Solution: or − . Suppose this parabola intersects the x–axis at (x 1 , 0) and (x 2 , 0) where x 1 < x 2 .
2 2
1 2
Because they are roots of the quadratic equation x + bx − 1 =0 , x 1 +x 2 = –2b and x 1 x 2 = –2.
So, x 2 – x 1 = ( x1 + x2 ) 2 − 4 x1 x2 = 2 b 2 + 2 . Since C’s y–intercept is (0, –1), the area of the
triangle that is formed by these three intercepts is b 2 + 2 . If C is moved down by 5 units, then
1 2
the new parabola is y= x + bx − 6 . Use similar reasoning, we see that the distance between
this new parabola’s x–intercepts is 2 b 2 + 12 , its y–intercept is (0, –6), and the area of the
triangle that is formed by these three intercepts is 6 b 2 + 12 . Hence, 6 b 2 + 12
= 14 b 2 + 2
1 1 1
and b 2 = . Therefore, b = or − .
4 2 2

T–20. Suppose a ferry terminal’s original schedule is to send out one ferry boat at every 8
minutes interval. Each ferry boat cruises the river and returns to the terminal in 80
minutes when it would meet another regularly scheduled departing ferry boat. The
terminal has a ferry boats and this number of boats work perfectly with this schedule.
Now, if two new ferry boats are added to the service, how many minutes would these
additions shorten the original 8 minutes service interval?
Solution: 1 . Let M be the time between each ferry boat’s consecutive departure times, N be the
number of ferry boats available, and P be the time between two consecutive ferry boats’
M 80 + 8
departure times. Then = P . According to the problem, ≤ 8 or N ≥ 11. Hence,
=a N= min 11 . Suppose the service interval is shortened to x minutes after 2 new ferry boats are
80 + x 2
added. Then = x or x = 6 minutes. Therefore, service interval is shortened by
11 + 2 3
2 1
8 − x = 8 − 6 = 1 minutes.
3 3

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