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Dominic Savio Street, Better Living Subdivision, Parañaque City

School Year 2018 – 2019
2nd Quarter/2nd Semester

Comparative Study: Averrhoa bilimbi l. (Bilimbi) and

Lysol Air Freshener for removing unpleasant odor

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course Requirement

Quantitative Research

Submitted To:
Mr. Mikko Hermosura

Submitted by:

De Leon, Angelo Miguel M.

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Chapter I


Background of the study

Most countries in the world have only two seasons. This is because most

countries lie with the tropical zone. Tropical countries is known for the

relatively high temperatures, high humidity, and abundant of rainfall. The

example of a tropical country is the Philippines and it is near to the equator.

The Philippines is a very hot country and it makes us sweat a lot even we are

sitting or just standing. The sweat makes us not fresh at all, because it mixes

the bacteria on our skin and it can cause smell to the surrounding. In order to

get rid or remove the unpleasant odour one of the suggestions is to use an air

freshener to get rid the unpleasant odour

Averrhoa bilimbi L., Commonly known as bilimbi and it belongs to the

family of Oxalidaceae. Bilimbi is a small tree that can grow up to 15 meters

high and this tropical tree do prefer growing in regions having huge amount of

rainfall throughout the year . This fruit when it is unripe turns from bright-

green to yellowish-green, ivory or nearly white when the ripe falls to the

ground. The outer skin is glossy, very thin, soft and tender and the flesh green,

jelly-like, juicy and it’s extremely acid. It requires also protection from cold to

grow properly (Ho Dinh Hai, 2015). For this particular tree is rarely cultivated

and is mostly planted in house gardens. Cultural treatment is required for their

growth. It grows well in tropical climate it also need soil that only has
adequate moisture. This is especially known for its sour taste in used of

vinegar, wine, pickles, and in preparation of Hindu dishes. The genus Averrhoa

was named after an Arab Philosopher, physician and Islamic Jurist Ibn Rushd

often known as Averroes (1126-98). This was originated in the Southeast Asia

and is claimed as a native of the West Malaysiya and the Idoenesian Moluccas.

This fruit also contain medical uses are attributed to bilimbi, and that includes

against coughs, mumps, rheumatism, pimples and scurvy. The juice of this

fruit has high levels of oxalic acid, and therefore may be used to remove iron-

rust stains from clothes and to impart shine to brassware (Corrêa, 1926;

Joseph & Mendonca, 1989, Lennox & Ragoonath, 1990; Wong & Wong, 1995).

Statement of the problem

This study aims to identify which is more effective is it the bilimbi citric

acid or the commercial air freshener? And it will be conducted indoors of the

senior high school of Immaculate Heart of Mary College – Paranaque and find a

spot or room that can smell an unpleasant smell. The problem is every time

that we enter our classroom every afternoon, and then the smell coming from

the sweat and the surrounding of the person. Bacteria are well- known as to

be the cause of some of the unpleasant smell. The study will attempt to achieve

the following objectives.

The researcher formulated the following research questions and

1.) How long does the air freshener to eliminate the unpleasant smellin

some part of the house?

2.) What is the most effective air freshener that can eliminate the foul


Initial Hypothesis

1.) The bilimibi citric acid and commercial air freshener will eliminate the

unpleasant smell less than 5 minutes below only.

2.) The disinfectant will effect to the unpleasant smell.

Alternative Hypothesis

1.) The bilimbi citric acid and commercial air freshener will eliminate the

unpleasant smell passing the 5 minutes above.

2.) The disinfectant will not effect to the unpleasant smell.

Significant study

This study aims to compare the air freshener spray using bilimbi citrus

and commercial air freshener or Lysol. For the bilimbi citrus it will be peeled

and dried at the sun at least 1 day. Next is to have a 1 liter steaming water and

put the bilimbi inside in a 500 ml mason jar. Lastly to store it inside the

masons jar and wait until 1 week to accomplish the process. This study
specifically aims to know when the air freshener will able to act from the

unpleasant smell.

Scope and Delimitations

The research study will be conducted at the Senior High School room

department and will be used as an experimental area. The study utilizes the

following materials and instruments: 85.7 g of Averrhoa bilimbi L. (Bilimbi),

peeler, 16 oz of spray bottle, 500 ml isopropyl alcohol, thin sheet of cloth, 1

liter of hot water, and a 500 ml mason jar. For the process of the research

study will be 1week.

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