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How To Use Thi, * Suppleme.* "290 Universe which, as its no concentrates on the era Sf Nordic expansion, front raid at Lindisfarne in 793 st, to the Battle F Hastings in 7 i i was a heroic era in which the legend of the Vikings was 5" ‘and which saw exceptional p do a eople Forge reputations thee pi. wn the centuries: Wi iiliam the Bastard, Haratg Harare Charlemagne, and many others whe you will come to know in th Following paget THE FACTIONS This Sag “no less than 12 diferent fadtions, each with the folowing ble For the Faction's istics From thy aking into account modifications € units’ equipment. que legendaryunits. Most ofthe: © offer balanced games, eve, iting history is on, you want lead an Any olingian €; Ragnar Qpeats 1ofkingAdthebnusof Wessex Herecived land traveled in Europe before becoming invaders returned in force and forced Alfred to war to avoid pitched battles. He narrowly avoided aid manoging to escope and ral @ new army Tapping the Viking army, he forced them to accept re Wessex He repulsed several more Viking invasions and 892 Reinforcing bis power and isarmy each time ce Affed built orifcations and continued to retoke tertories om the Vikings unl the foal withdrew in latrstyto acknowledge the right of Danish colonists lands they had conquered. wise and pious monarch fsnationalsprt and promulgated new laws while the Great is @ Legendary Warlord who replaces you for 1 point. He uses the Following characteristics: D Great king | Alfed the Great was venerated by his subjects as the all powerfulking of England. Great King is similar tothe Bodyguards "special rule, except that any friendly figure within 8 of Alfred | fuliatever its troop type) can be removed to cancel a hit that Intellectual qualities explain his success against his €3-At the start of their Orders phase, before rolling any ‘dice, the player controling Alfred may take up to two (Saga dice and place them on one or two (basic or ‘Activation and/or Melee abilities, showing a face of thats appropriate tothe ability. After this the player and rolls their Saga dice as normal. © Authority / Aired can use his We Obey special ule to aetvate ng, instead off. TATHELSTAN, KING OF THE ANGLO-SAXONS, Se en peer tank tee Sono ing Eaword te ler, Athelsons date of rth is yg peiohertedthe Kingdom upon his father’ deathin 324, yg ‘ned hv meray ce fe ay err He wos row but had dificult contrelling his counts out ong He wated forthe King of York to die before sizing Northwest Once his authority was fn cen of peace developed between the Sax Soa ‘and Wales For reasons which emai hell recogsed and cepted, pe to invade Scotian his Scotish and Strat invade ‘northern England. Athelstan crush He suffered such g ‘Saxons. Many nob the English kingd life in a monastery © Legendary Unit Athelstan i a Legendary Warlord who replaces your Warlor ‘point. He uses the Fllowing characterstics: | obey © Great Army The successes ofthe Great Ay commanders. At the start of the game, a si wa Warriors in Athelstan’s warband bi fn with the following profile sre mow | ranean | Ronen 5(5) Heroic unit (with the unit * The hero's equipment 2 © Emperor of Britain Athelstan reigned for his Great Army a quipped . by on angle NAW eas Pend a mn Battle Board reflects this by putting the ts of ten figures or more, who get more benef speared tayse ye n r rohtsh pene tea oe eat a Fee an mentr st: ek a rn oy pee heer eta tress weno rr “puars! Add to that the chance For lige Units to easily (oot PaO et Memes Tet) ces Mera caeeeee ey eee ere eee Pere rence centres on the three activation abilities. They're ee eer arr en vate unit of different sizes. So the bigger the unt, the easier Cr eee d activates all units of ten Figures ormore. Great Cem ees i tnt ine ey ores large units in an Anglo-Saxon warband - they're a re cette eee Ce a ee eed oe eee oe ee Cos eee Coa eres Bree teran aererentens Misa luselCrach oF Shields and the enemy re Cee eee oceans eae Gok oa eatery this only appl roe Team imagine...Do their Armour ond other cha Soman eer When | trigger Bretwalda, does my Warlr Cee errs ‘ 30) { ee ROE Lake Ta Pane ae a ee aa fer irons were pushed beyond the Dee. The Welsh L claneerrocbacor ners erp Epconeenr saaier ee naa Ott ron fansolemyrerrey pee Teen nang ly soley aon nea Peper cnattcneetaal pr trey mea nana] ie ener ene ate NT Dbae] toe] ee roo fencer ote tered reer ey TT ee Ty peeled ter Lormemerererse saprtite«/ > Pcerene tn prepress ee ee te east ieoreuamnetntenn pempearrretors rere) serosa eeneresra7 = WeLSH TROOPS A.vels army is entirely based on the t is divided into Fes, each ruled by 5 3s. The War srahisconrades' ar iind-and therefore power -to force h ime he'l be plundering a neigh th enough wth him. Most of the fahting of an invading army jong to his Family - they are relatives and edition tok w to fight as n walk and hold a sword must join the thet rank demands. ll who ‘oat of mail, though not all his sarily be able to afford such luxury javelins and a small round shield are enough Fo yhe Warriors are able-bodied men who have been called to defend their Families or get litle fht n general, the chance t fame otis enough to motivate them. Soine joveling Sucker and a dagger are all they need, spits ae bunters or the younger members ofthe tibe, agile and more skilled with dows or javelin, entrusted with the teskofharassng the enemy i Pe vattndshrses areas, sturdy, county Siac reoesiny Sansone Strathclyde was kingdom born fr Tsai iinet Coreen Lon ee oceania Poet clean Chae Read Tian ton ames habeas TA el a nt anata Ca aera Teel read CN pean a earrataha 750 and at Dumbarton in 756 against on allance of CL ar nappa ep artnet A CONT a an ial anata eee nT ey eran nor bearer inoae ciara kings king Owen had to renounce the independence of cece nn cmmnenareny Strathclyd's Celts put aside their differences with i Cre eee eee ae OT ne Se en ee non LEGENDARY LIS “Maret 0b Owain wes born to one of Wot round 93640 His grandfather was the 9 Moreduddinerted the ingdom i 9 ath in 988, He reigned over he kingdoms 0 rcheniog, Gwyned and Pours 0 986 We Ielting ts king. He orronged namerous 0 Sauon Merci and fought the Vikings. who wan lbpharessing them whenever they tied 0 ‘repuation for generosty comes from ths per that he ransomed every man coptured by the D possible tn oll that surprising, since the Tansaning rich apes Its more noteworthy tha ong pent ‘fortne 00 his ordinary subjects Maredudd a oh ote Welsh Kings who ignored his authority, but according to legend he wes never defeated. We know that he ance pai fo ary out rad against « Welsh kingdom ithe south. © Legendary it Mareduddis a tegendary Warlord ho replaces your Wavord for lowing characteristics ing troops ta ‘point He uses the oro SI ays) s eran | Bodyguards, Determination Presence, Pride, Resilience (1, | We Obey. © king of Tiree Kingloms Maredudd was certainly very rich and powerful, and his troops had the best weapons and armour money could bly. The Hearthauards and Warriors in bis warband do not suffer a Reduction in Armourifthey are equipped wit avelins. Maredudd also does not lower his Armour For being equipped with a he if Maredudd is eliminated, ay weapon. These effects apply even O The Peeny eady to Mredddcared forthe lives ofhis men, andwas aways Paithettansoms Hissubjecsknewthathewoulddo crenata in his power to bring them home safe. As long as Mar odd is Geta units inhi warband donot take a fang Fiendly units eliminated within 8 redudd i ue when ai Guns A Eagshormy et runanburh in 937 long ings of Dubin. twos a tre in lies and the ¥ ‘acre, and Owen was kled along with many, oth ablshed ts borders but Strathelyde was redu ince and began its slow decline © Legendary Unit (Owen is a Legendary Warlord who repla uses the Following characteristics: Eo 4(4) Javel Bodyguards, Determination, Presence, We Obey 3 © Shielawatt Owen was a seasoned tactician, and his me uring the battle of .Brunanbu band ma a are equipped with javelin © king of stratholyte Strathclyde, Owe the a oe Loaachetania ventana nares ana ae aL ae queror, who took advantage of @ dynastic rer repiaes ee ate eee OT arent mcs mpl Lape Set ray an pdt in 811. But when he died the Empire was split oe engl pepaenye rtear mano ee everest ys evr Lene Try ben er rabies Se MAN TROOPS ih infuence was Fl me cad. ard power epi of treimiitary They adopted *heRanish armies. isa great nobleman with ecenaries. This isthe time when paid service became the tom Profesional soldiers, Both common and noble offered the series throughout Europe. At the end ofthe riod, 9 “Weerd often carried a variety of weapons to symbolise his ae. tartar are oblemen who can afford a complete set of ‘pment incutingatrainedhorse. ama hauberk,ahelmes Nar’ shied a sword anda lance. Stirups wer adopted, ating the cavaly to make lance-point charges. Hels of the Alans, the Bretons preferred to harass their enemies From. horseback - the riders would throw their Spears like javelins ore reteating. Sarvs are professional soldiers or troops belonging fable often a landowner. The best-equipped havea n alin 2 Norman shel, a sword anda spear, Some rough to afford a decent horse. The tactic of the is known and wa pace pes nough money to ener the Normans: 937, when Al erent See rE incessantly between great Bre Cat a eer aaa een a een the same warband, ‘ote: By choosing javelins for yo lay a Bretonwarband, You'll become Normans A an peanineerenete cir eee ot penn erent re rons ites unique to mounted units increase thei reer rt tr eg was soon sealed ~ harassed by missle Mate Cee een eee eer No, since your ability cas t eas a _ s and Bret pers ol feos ee eer ett oes) een RRR oJ aa a Seg fT 3 ything dep ee BP Fi ise a caer) are Nate ere Tere rn tel Y arent eer) Sener rn ene] pavnerroenmnn one nen er Laer omer tae eT eee font nr yo Te) eet eer smpeerimerit Terni femme ren n eee en Ure mth oy omamensorrer tenet tei- eel Mien TT Ct Pelceeeenerer ire tr) a eee ea pe ea ener eat: entemneonl bem seter rena They a strict honour code. Armed edged swords of excellent qualty and long- Dane-anes protected by mail armour, an iron heim Tage tron-immed round wooden shield, they v and uyieldingly loyal unt. in England with their Families. Farmers who took at the Earl's call, they always had a helmet and a shield and were usually armed with a short spe es a sword to9. Over time, a system of mobilisation jplace where warriors had to come equipped as well ‘could afford. Many of them could only bring a rudimentary shield. Wwell-equipped warriors went to battle without Ja bow or sling - and a dagger ithey were feeling . These are the Lev CL na aera OT ene rt Hoccina neon ot Ce yn aenerarereian per at nea s ear po nape einen CT anata asa celal Coe a eae Saale arin maar Caer merrenna ny samme eT ant Taner eae iad Caco arcane earennandare am CLT aeeesaashpabiriir (opine Leer naereriatriened SS armies! Cele eee treme iam (Sel aerated Ce oT Rmennsronent ae olen eerereere rae eee a id cad Py a De Pos Xara a OT) orld Herdada was stil young warrior when He had asady dingushed himself in sever ‘commanded the warirs of Ke At the age of Verangian Guard They were we ; the Bjatie Emperor guarded hs poace ad fo ck i rogers ewes Cpt Herein exer i per ork Plt ne etre nd sores fas: re-conguered Sty and Souther agaist the Normans: and finaly he crushed the Bulgarians. When ‘Emperor Michael W ed Hara opposed the Emperor’ successor and dlc to retun to Kiev rich and covered in glory in 1042 He wasn't eutxoning warrior with 0 keen kn the Vrengan Horo was an for leadership. He gurounded ‘ims with comrades who wouldfollow hon anywhere Ave ‘nfs on fee he died Stamford Bridge in 1056 © Legendary Hero Harold Hardrada is @ Leg Warlord for point. He use Jendary Warlord who replaces your ing characteristics wy weapon | Bodyguards, Deer We Obey. © Pagan Although he became Captain of th 2s, pagan who never gave up hs ne the Orders phase. the player conto hoo to replace some ora rolled with Ruric cee once May ony be paced on he Cons | Backdice or2 defence cco ination, Presence, Pride Resilience), Imperial Guard, Harald iefS At the beginning of 1 Haralds warband may F the Saga dice they should hace sed by the Vikings). These vice bat Bonus, but each de gives» diceifa is rolled, st By Haid may only ince var land may have more than na aids arable fone Varangian unit. No Es moa | Asia evacangans: We Obey i “0 ape ee Sia Detarnaton, Moun [ingens | Hem eon ear | TE csi fe tenet : ra rv — ka | varits = 30) is 306 10a) a Loves siege 30) fn Heald Haréras' | rs Obey special rule wich they can only use on Won LeGeNDARY UNITS ey orLevies [Once iwere introduced nt the Byzar Gi Meal alee ‘end ofthe Roman era, having been copied ror the Beans tp egiment although inthe tenth century These horsemen Atthat ime afford sucha presi ¢ his own equipmer exploitthe enemy’ disarray The K bait armour and iron plates over shield anda helmet completed their de armed with a sword and a kont i horses were also protected by metal army inder-ormour or such a weight. The Nibanophoroi disappeared of Battle of Manzkertin 1071, some ofthe horses even © Legendary Unit The Klibanophoroi are a legendary unit consist (for2 points) or 8 figures for 3 points}. They have characteristics SS 515) 2 Cataphacts Deter ination, Resilience © Cataptracte The Klibanophoroi count as mounted. Ho, nage geil. They may only move Mduring ation Note thatthe Klibanophorel have ae a is nat duced during shooting. unlike ether ne © Stet Fit The charge of such powerful ri 2 ter¥ng sigh: Any unit chee safes hargesintobase toteee 3 yeaa a cee peepee a Moerman et Sota enantio ieee Cont mesa crposet of ior ehe ° tn oP Bee for 2 warras to SOM < is therefore a Famous ct red his tivated subject er are experienced we re-used to sdwho know that they can count ona generous rey oo. They own tele equipment. usvaly 2 mall Hage rund shield. helm. 2 long dovble-edged sometimes large Dane-2¢ who embark on the expedition are either jell, oririshmen. Not all of them fe wear armour, and the equipment they bring to Wared. The Iris tend to prefer the use ofavelins in a asmall round shield, although some are wiling to Bre always Wishmen. Armed with javelins, they he throughout the battle. roy Pee Sela Rec inninane Srna Maia ees raha oa hanged hands as wars and rivalries raged. The er ec peeel ste remetirin am oH a, pe Wicbtedploeket ne kei ca pee errr een eta pace ean arn FACTION RULES ifice soos eevee Norse-Gael Warriors must be equipped with either javeins heavy weapons. Norse-Gael_.evies are equipped with javeins, Bearers ny a ett MutT eta ae LS ec herepenery ri Ber ener et Tae es er Pe aera ner et oer WM oT nln) ee roammarinrernbr tr) lavarembntey bey ST bee cgosnnoemielet tt) ine) Poca cies ume | Teper located pee ct peat ra were raised 0n a tribal bas free and lies were linked together. Nobl s might they were free, while the majority ofthe population cto 9 noble family So the Warlord is @ noble of gh rank to call up a warband from his subjects. He the tle oFKing, jane lessernobles whose warlike feats have earned apostion of respect at the heart of the army, often as. atord'schampion. uatds are noblemen who have responded to their arms, Some fthem might be foreign mercenaries. ish don't make armour, sometimes they wear om the Vikings. A short sword, javelins and a plete their equipment. Helmetsare rare, is sometimes used. Their colourful clothes lower classes of Irish society. They ‘and owe him loyalty. All have a short f. They go to war barefoot. Their $ = whites, greys, blacks, but also Tbh courtney are allowed to wear. Irish wolfhounds are sometimes motivated form your Levies, 1use to guard the herds. eee Facade a Maeno Dieeoe nace am Tera nioener Patan) Pe pechineh arm pt brett Pe CL Leen On SMe i Cd Foner achehee anne eae Cire Se a aa aaa eee rr Ce et Malai Ce ue a ee ee Coy er ee ear a ae arta OF Vikings. The Vikings didn’t give up tele hold on tna, Tear err ane ene £902, they rebuilt it in 917. Brian Boru won « major victor COC u en et ers CO eC one eT oat te The latter eventually won for awhile, notably ousting the Vikings and taking Dublin in 1000. He wos kled atthe Battle of Clontarf in 1014. The date marks the end of te Suen eae a een Ce eee ets FACTION RULES. The Irish Warlord and his Hearthguards must either equipped with javelins, heavy weapons, or horses. Each | ‘may only choose one option. Irish Warriors are equipped with javelins Irish Levies must be equipped with either slings oravelins Teves eangurts [Heo wesPo™ 30/2) Tings v eo: Javelins LEGENDARY UNITS Gg ay OUT AeLZNe ain nanos a eee ea ea Peter a aaa Meet ar) eee or cues cas arband (remember that a Hearthguard unit must eee ae er) in 951 but it was his elder broth sharing all re Cormeen suede peeiea f inyourwarband). at Glenn Mama, near Dublin = Re ere) armies in person : ee ee Lee) coalition of rishmen re Gee eee et} warriors, Despite being shelter a " Irish dynasties began onc a stewards Legendary Hero a Rass for free, He has the " id ti my Dror re! EC aia ™ Egan li US’ © Infirm Charge distance or Vg ; me a a, oat — et ae er ae feet: || ili Meer foo ilty wen 7 oe sees ae Sreerern ce 60 for Spirits @Mieand: peer)? Egy bli adoms ini CTE z r cs bf esau te eee ease en oe oe eo aa etc pare sh people wham Ort Sef racy thos had in gh sha es for cs isi eee fo es replaces your Warlord For ES 515) ie, Resilience (2), | Bodyouards Determination, Presence, | we Obey © Pagan Sviatosay ever converted to Chit Felon sftened him. He dedicated his ie to fepilationfercruety courage and determination As long Sato leads your warband, the Khagan! ability Sautsas basic Saga ability. However yeu may ony trier once prelee conquered te aad of larity, in case the new maintaining a conqueror orgeresinina ofthe turn, youray decide that: Sviatoslay will Tryaanest ay Sapa dice Vien tishepoek” every other unit Dio we rtar 95 8 Fse movement savage this tum. & Hessthis activation Fits not the gor {activation of the ener ed, bt abou whom eer, is more Sake zath of his brothers, doing up the Doeperhad to etn a7 lerng ane oyu regen called Oleg, who would m © Legendary Unit furs @ Legendary Warlord who point. He uses the Following chara Sy ination, Presen © Sovereign ofthe Saxs Rurik was the chief of many Rurik’s warband are equipped Khazar vassals, mounte Hearthguards may be mo foreshadowing of ater military ‘Avarband lead by Rurik may © The Uhiter Rurik became a aymbo Propaganda tool, Ney Patchwork of previous ‘At the beginning of ea, Rurik can take one ( their units and req between ther u fe a eee Croce heir listance or hich diminish 19 about the nd up with a mu ea Phase during Beye Battle Board, on abilit ay Se Ca en ay eee ats eee ata a Ce a ene en Cree a Cre et eee ee ee ee eo aE ae PT cnt Aeron htt iy ee Ten Ue ey encore reer natey eee ot incuding Britany) to Bavaria, n ent nT rane Sen Moe a ee er ncn Santee nsatsbse etre ere es acetal mrrar yc kaar) Bd uk a jowerful monarch in allof Europe. He sy of rasing and organising ares was putin place ew nagne Each noble was responsible Fr the fee sivedon island, and had to provide a given number retynencalled upto campaign. Siaverystilexisted but erent allowed to bear arms roti therefore a Carolingian Count wth many vider his command, He surrounds himself with noble tis Hearthguards, whom he assembles as an escort: Tapplytheirown equipment: a horse, a hauberk of chain Poe ral helmet, a large round shield, a good sword, and called to arms must equip himself according to ‘and the customs of hs people. Warriors might wear helmet ifpossible,a large round shield, asword x, and a spear. Those who could afford it had to be horseback. The poorest ofthem are equipped with any more expensive equipment made up of peasants accompanying the arm but who are capable of serving in defence of nce. Bretons oF G accustomed fenemies with javelins, may have taken on Ree pnp eret in Uae ete nw care pepe ine eer ee porns earner te perieeis Aoaciai tac Ter Mrneiant car orieneatere te etl Variant The Capetians and Merovingians You can use the Carolingian Frankish Battle Board to play Franks from other periods - the pre-Carolingian ferent rs emi ea aac eee eT rca Sree Tes aD Ceci ‘@ The Capetians may not have mounted Warriors ‘one unit of up to 8 Warriors may be equipped wit! oes PI er nu cabana vas RSTRNT Lk baa Foot may be equipped with javeins. They are Sa Pcs Nether ofthese two variants may include Legend ris AeA EAS ere Peter Sry: reas eee eas eee eM rk, Rognard er lstrated by its eer las ey i peel wo dice ee errr a er Yh if there are no a eas eer eer ‘a Saga abilitylike Vires or Combat ee eel oe et Reh ew cre ness ‘Saga dice, they arenot affected by eae er ts ee ie) eerste td eee ee Renan you have ae Cones other Battle Boards, right? 4 saga ability twice per turn fuse Resa Peon coed Ceti tos i accents ete etre eee ett: ee ee re ee ea alia PP ree rT to te aaa eee err or a Pear Lk keke penne cS aaa What ifthey have no dice ofthe type | gained? Ser has ARO rrr cL eat pocket te Ta pene Le sateen ian Le Laas Lae er Pies AeA ET ern Pena repemnemt reper ior ane shamed er rer aa Sette Nr a rte Pet ee ee a en FT Ea eta aetna haha ete’ a! ane Weer er on a a ee per au art Fda aa oro baba Parente roe Sa eats ts ent ee ens ; 3 Rec ee ear ian a aes a Geet Scan FACTIONRULES Jomsviking eauippe’ ruled by a Jarl Sea cam h Warlords, Hearthguards and Waitors may cunning and va at This Jal heavy weapons he your warband. The Jomsvikings have no Levies hood consis: ns; brave and __J0™5¥king warbands may never hire mercenaries. ‘treat before vaiaht the brotherhood, even f they were less elders, also knew how to show courage the majority of fighters from the SOO om Thesepong en, theDer.areyuraatonss Wrath eh Ener nu) the best Fighters and me nor risk having slaves or cowards in their {heJomsvikings do nothave Levies. errr tea boca Pere ioe mechanic. Some abilities make your opponent choose en yon olka Bee et da alae PR aaa Ber rere en eile pee ae \Weath tokens are spent when activating these abilities enon odie pet nl id Bare Cad bea pation tte LS neiaitel peiereoe enn baie et al SOE kala Pe ST Lae ron er ee teeta Ur eT ni PO alateat css] SN ana Reta. ceria Puce. hanes cor aaa a. | eae he atte Board can Ba rer pe) ern ea etry deren) eee peer es eerie y eos ee | ANN ~oromsing faction, with ttle OOMABFIMBFovisation, You" Sec. aaa oe FE ae Dace belong to one of two categories: those which can gain ath. and those which use it up. Wrath takes the form of sich the Jomsviking keeps near their board, discarding astheyare spent to activate abilities, The number of tokens refluctuates during the game. eee ee er ran ee ee tae ee ey SAMUELS CL Ce eee Ty eee ns, the three Pen cae cen Uk Sree Se eee Rec oreemenninn Senna le Settee SL Ser aa Does Punishment oni clow See nets Ceci eam Serre for example the Det rey ee eee eer eT See tne Lo ean Sea te ae Ca ee eee ee ee eee oes ttack without a shooting unit ne Sagi be triggered during this attack rolled to three Ste ete es Sa rulebook Se nt eee ees player have to choose the units before or after th hhas decided whether to give ee eae et nt en erent ee eee EE 2 were so mY Petes cinturies covered by tis Sage Universe 2% Ter Peewee at Rae cccern tere ee felon you il id te res w athe actions into tis Universe’ con Saga -Aetas Artur, and Age of Crusades the Germanic peopLes rhe Franks ebays had to batle the Germanic peoples {othe as, the most tenacious and enduring of which were the Frisians and Saxon. The lotter were untouched by Roman o Christian inflaence, remaining pagan despite the ‘efforts of missionaries Even after these peoples were integrated With the Carolingians, revolts were not uncommon, and only “ended wth the Saxon peace signed in 803. MANIC UNITS this Universe and other S852 ibe used in battles | Hearthguards 54) [atrers ete appiyifvoudecide 10 pay With warbands ay, rts Pfatin the Age of Vikings ary units rom their ‘retalo 0 Sagq ee nrmerconarie fom thei own Saq Unive erteyecannotrerul om wn 8 only recruit those met Om the Age Eira pers thei description and no ot Visngs noted in th described for them below re rom their own Universe FACTION RULES. Use the Saxon Battle Board from the Saga ‘our Warlord may be mounted on ahorse syourHearthguards may be mounted on hor ‘Your Warriors have no equipment options. YourLevies mayeitherbe equipped with ja ‘© Mercenaries The Germanic P the following Nomads, Scout: Personal Champi Mount: Horse Mount: Horse ee [levies |-—_leens +2 FACTION RULES Use the Goth Battle Boar. : nee Goth Battle Board rom the Saga Aetius& A ‘Your Warlord is mounted on horseback. ‘Your Hearthguards are mounted on horseba: YourWarriors an : ‘Warriors are mounted on horseback Your Levies may iv De equipped with bows, © Mercenaries The Lomb the Fallow Breton Cava and Persona ds oF Wario in your War Banner. One ofthe pear something else distinctive anner-bearer. fssion OF O both in melee and ter what type oF model ‘Combat poo! either in Additionally, when a unit with a banner they can choose to “rally around the ba done, they discard all their fatigue tokens inste but cannot be activated again during the a, any means. You can give the War Banner to your War Aggression is reduced to $ in melee ana may then benefit From the special fatigue at the start oF the activation “rally around the banner”) Note: The banner can be held by Aecoratve banner-bearing model either Legendary units nor me | WAUDeRiNe kaKD > EREEIS Daring titi 2s long as the Bard is within V8 of the Warlord, the Warlord’s "and his Resilience (1) becomes Resilience (2), O Wows IFyou start the game: rules apply forthe rest ‘with a Bard in your warb: tof the game: and, the Following instead be charged PB He Fave, wih the towing pare: loses his We 0b, . we weet ey Special y a ‘is Determination special rule ty activate Tour warband may not include thes me ney tis they @\ght ako too muchofthe 9 ee ¢ Artefacts ted I Gy The Age of Vikings was littered with objects that focussed men's Faith acting 2s repsitories fr theirbeies and devotions Trmay cltres, it was common to give names tothe rarest |) Weapons = ike swords - which were passed down from father So son Living tivo their bearer’ deeds, they deyeloped | oulendpowersof ther own. Even Chistian cultures venerated rls. practice blessed by the Pope and which acorded thete objects mystical powers PBiimay ive yourarband such an objec, chosen From the ist The description of the artefact indeates which Fgures ryt athe special rues it bestows Next tothe same lattefactare pictures foe ocmore Saga ce. Tose he Bur Faction must use one ofthe dce shown, A warband everhave ne ofthese items Heroes nor Legenda 1 Unis maybe given an jather figure in the ai }ewarband may haveone SACRED BANNER * BOE This isa remarkable banner, Full of syen Historical examples include the Papa Conqueror flew at Hastings, and Banner CE This. artefact ‘5 @ war banner whi Hearthguard from your warband. They rem rnber theirunit A warband witha Sacred Banter may net haces ks Banner The Sacred Banner isa War Banner w 10 every unit in your warband within L . | addition, the unit carr Determination special rule

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