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Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Abstract Introduction
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan can be defined
as Small Powers because their actions in the The Foreign Policy of Small
international arena are relatively limited.
At the same time, these two countries have
significant reserves of oil and natural gas that
allow them to maximize opportunities and use The current international system
their potential for achieving national interests. constitutes the order of more than
The availability of energy is an important
driver that affects the formation of their 190 states, which differ in size,
foreign policies. Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan population, opportunities and
are geographically located on opposite sides potential. Historically, the nature of
of the Caspian Sea. This geographic feature the international order is determined
affects their energy strategy and foreign policy.
Although energy field exploitation and the by the Great Powers, which shape the
formation of export routes appear as a common system according to their expectations
strategy; there emerge differences in terms of and perceptions. However, along with
timing and partnership development and level
of success in implementation. This article is a
the Great Powers, there are countries,
comparative study on the cases of Azerbaijan known as Small Powers with limited
and Turkmenistan, in which it elaborates on or almost no influence. In this
how common and different conditions of the international system of nation-states,
energy factor can affect the capacity of these
two Small Powers. formed in conditions of anarchy, the
realist school considers the concept
Key Words of power to be of utmost significance.
The main components of state power
Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, small power, foreign are represented as the country’s
policy, energy policy, pipelines. geographical location, availability of
natural resources, a strong economy,
* Assoc. Prof. Dr., Hankuk University of large population and, of course, armed
Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, E-mail: This work forces. Thus does one of the key
was supported by the Hankuk University of paradigms of international relations,
Foreign Studies Research Fund of 2017. classical realism, form the concept for

PERCEPTIONS, Summer-Autumn 2017, Volume XXII, Number 2-3, pp. 131-152.
Rovshan İbrahimov

understanding the actions of the main capacity, as well as the ability to use
international actors- national states- on them. However, not all desires and
the international arena. This paradigm expectations of Small Powers can
considers the actions of national states be achieved. They are, somehow,
from the position of power and explains dependent on the expectations and
that their main goal is to constantly wishes of the Great Powers, especially
increase their own capacity. However, on those that are geographically close
not every state has the opportunity to to the Small Powers. In this case, the
achieve this task. For example, Small Small Powers will seek the protection
Powers, which, due to their lack of of the Great Powers, involving them in
capacity and resources, are often unable coalitions and alliances. If the interests
to ensure their security, and therefore of the Small Powers and Great Powers
are unable fully or partially to realize are not the same, Small Powers will
their own interests, in accordance with
seek to remain neutral or to look
their wishes and expectations. Since the
for opportunities to balance against
formation of the Westphalian system
undesired effects from the actions of
in 1648 until the mid-20th century, the
Great Powers. It is assumed, in this
central task of any Small Power was
article, that this conceptual analysis
therefore just to survive and protect
represents the case of Azerbaijan and
its own existence. However, with the
Turkmenistan as Small Powers in their
evolution of the international system,
distinct types of interactions with the
the formation of a new legal system and
Great Powers. It is however necessary
new reality, made this goal unnecessary.
The new world order formed after to elaborate on the theoretical aspect
the Second World War on the basis of these concepts in order to locate
of collective security, meant that for similarities and dissimilarities in the
the first time in world history, Small cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
Powers were guaranteed their existence If we consider the various Small Powers
and prevented from possible absorption
designation, one of them is given by
by the Great Powers. Thus, the primary
David Vital. Vital noted that Small
task of Small Powers has changed, and
Powers compared to Great Powers are
now these countries are trying to form
more vulnerable to possible pressure on
their foreign policies according to their
them in the international arena, thus
expectations and national interests.
more often act in a tense atmosphere
The success of such policies depends and have fewer opportunities to resolve
on the availability of resources and such kinds of problems.1

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Another definition for Small Powers, calculation of their own capabilities,

based on their capacities and capabilities, Small Powers have to calculate the
is offered by Dutch researcher Jaquet. possible actions of the Great Powers.
According to Jaquet: “a Small Power is
Taking into account these aspects, Small
a state which independently is unable
Powers foreign policy constitutes the
to realize or to protect its own national
focus of this article based on case studies
interests, through power politics.”2
of two countries of the former Soviet
Union: Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.
It should be noted that Azerbaijan and
The new world order formed Turkmenistan have many common
after the Second World War features that fit the above mentioned
on the basis of collective conceptual discussion of state power
security, meant that for the first from the realist perspective. Azerbaijan
time in world history, Small and Turkmenistan also have their own
Powers were guaranteed their unique characteristics, most of which
stem from the status of oil and gas
existence and prevented from
trade. In particular, both Azerbaijan
possible absorption by the and Turkmenistan are land-locked
Great Powers. states. Thus, the formation of their
trade relations with third countries in
the global market is highly related to
Another researcher, Maurice A. East, their geographical neighbors.
defines Small Powers based on four This geographic feature is very
assumptions: that a Small Power is any important since both countries
state that has a small territory, a small are exporters of energy resources,
total population, small GDP, and low the revenues of which constitute
military potential.3 the majority of the state budgets.
Turkmenistan is a major exporter of
It is worth noting that for Small Powers, natural gas, while Azerbaijan exports
any mistake in strategic planning of both gas and oil. As these countries do
medium and long-term foreign policy not have access to the open seas, the
goals can cost a great price. In this export of energy resources to the world
case, Small Powers’ foreign policies markets is mainly possible via pipelines.
should be most accurately determined These pipelines cross the territory of
in accordance with the possibilities of neighboring countries, which form the
that country. In addition to the correct political and economic dependence on

Rovshan İbrahimov

external oil and gas producers from makes Azerbaijan become interested
these and other countries. Export in Western markets via Georgia, while
pipelines which do not directly reach Turkmenistan seeks for additional gas
open seas make the dependence even sales to China via its neighbors.
more complicated. It is not however
possible to talk about a liberal
perspective that fosters regional and Georgia’s need for Azerbaijan’s
international energy trade leading to a resources is an important factor
web of interactions. The basic premises
that sustains mutual relations.
of realism pertain their validity in this

The complexity of the case of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are

Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan emerges in need of sustaining good relations
as a realist fact because most of their with Great Powers, cooperating with
neighbors are also producers of oil and neighbors and reaching markets in an
gas and therefore they are not in need environment characterized by realist
of energy resources from these two premises. An important component
countries. Azerbaijan is a neighbor to in the formation of an external energy
Russia and Iran, while Turkmenistan policy of these Small Powers is to
neighbors Kazakhstan, Iran and reduce possible political and economic
Uzbekistan. A relation between dependence on the transit countries.
Azerbaijan and Georgia is an exception
of this categorization. Georgia is In this case, there are two effective
Azerbaijan’s territorial neighbor, and models for the formation of external
has no adequate energy resources, and energy relations: the creation of
therefore is totally dependent on their alternative export transport routes
imports. Georgia’s need for Azerbaijan’s and the strengthening of political
resources is an important factor that and economic interdependence with
sustains mutual relations. However, the neighboring transit countries.
the Georgian market is small, and the This results in the necessity of
production of oil and gas in Azerbaijan building international trade (that
is much higher than this country’s channels governments and firms) and
needs. Therefore, the two former constructing pipelines (mainly concerns
Soviet republics are forced to seek governments and firms with a certain
access to markets that are not directly degree of involvement from non-
their geographical neighbors. This governmental organizations) while

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

securing the energy flow. Having built of these problems required immediate
the infrastructure, the main task for solutions based on political will and
Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan becomes economic capability; Azerbaijan tried
to reduce the possible geopolitical and to use its energy resources, and became
geo-economic risks stemming from engaged in the search for international
their geographical location. energy trade.

Azerbaijan had already begun

Small Power Azerbaijan and negotiations with a number of
Its Foreign Energy Policy Western companies in the early 1990s.
Negotiations, since then, have revolved
Azerbaijan is of one the oldest around the development of the Azeri-
centers of oil production in the world. Chirag-Guneshli offshore oil fields
Production by industrial methods with 1 trillion tons of oil reserve. The
started in the time when Azerbaijan main Great Power, Russia in this case,
was part of the Russian Empire. Then was against this new track, and adopted
Baku was the center of oil production a realist geopolitical perspective to
of not only Russia but the whole world. sustain its strong position. In 1993,
Azerbaijan continued to remain a key Russia declared the post-Soviet
energy producer also during the period region as its sphere of interest, within
of the Soviet Union, concentrating the framework of the “near abroad”
production offshore. Azerbaijan’s doctrine. Therefore, the presence and
energy potential gained new meaning participation of the West was not
after the collapse of the Soviet Union. desirable in any capacity. Russia began
The presence of rich deposits of oil and to carry out a policy of pressure on
natural gas would allow for resolving Azerbaijan, stating that Azerbaijan
geopolitical and geo-economic had no right to start the development
problems that faced Azerbaijan after of offshore fields so far as the Caspian’s
gaining its independence. Azerbaijan legal status was not resolved. Russia also
confronted serious economic and supported Armenia in the Nagorno-
political problems, which was the cause Karabakh conflict so as to create
of instability at the time, right after another barrier to limit the capacity
the disintegration process. Politically, of the Small Power. The political and
one of the main challenges to security economic pressures imposed upon
and stability in the country has been Azerbaijan, the Small Power, by Russia,
the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict the Great Power, resulted in domestic
inherited from the Soviet times. All political turmoil in Azerbaijan. The first

Rovshan İbrahimov

Azerbaijan President Ayaz Mutalibov million tons of gas condensate. The

had to resign because of the Khojaly agreement on the Shah Deniz field was
Massacre, carried out by Armenian signed on June 4, 1996. At the moment,
forces and supported by the Russian the members of the consortium on Shah
366th Motor Rifle Brigade. A year Deniz are the following companies:
later, a coup attempt was carried out SOCAR (16,7%), BP (28,8%), Petronas
against the second president, Abulfaz (15,5%), Iranian NIOC (10%), Russian
Elchibey, on the eve of the signing / Italian joint company LukAgip (10%)
of the agreements with the energy
and TPAO (19%).5
companies. This track started to change
in favor of the Small Power after
political stability in Azerbaijan was Azerbaijan’s additional
consolidated by Heydar Aliyev, who
discovery of natural gas reserves
accelerated international energy trade
brought out the possibility of
relations with new partners. Azerbaijan
succeeded to sign with Western further energy trade relations
energy companies “the Contract of with a myriad of regional
the Century” for the operation of the and global actors within this
Azeri, Chirag, Guneshli oil fields, on framework.
20 September 1994, despite many
attempts to overthrow Heydar Aliyev.

Currently, the consortium includes the In the first stage, Azerbaijan began
following companies with the relevant to supply gas to Georgia and Turkey.
shares: SOCAR - 11,6461%, BP - Georgia had the opportunity to acquire
35,7828%, Statoil - 8,5633%, INPEX cost advantage with reference to
-10,9644%, TPAO -6,75%, Exxon Russian gas that had already become
Mobil - 8,0006%, ITOCU- 4,2986%, unaffordable after the velvet revolution
Chevron Texaco - 11,2729%, and of 2003. Conceptually speaking,
Amerada Hess - 2,7213%.4 Azerbaijan and Georgia found the
opportunity to cooperate as Small
After the successful signing of the Powers and engage in an international
Contract of the Century, Azerbaijan pipeline system that helped them be
soon signed another contract on the partners of a relation that included
promising offshore Shah Deniz gas
more than one Great Power.
field. It should be noted that the total
reserves of Shah Deniz are estimated at Azerbaijan’s additional discovery of
1,1 trillion m³ of natural gas and 240 natural gas reserves brought out the

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

possibility of further energy trade Azerbaijan therefore needed to form

relations with a myriad of regional and a strategy for the routes to export its
global actors within this framework. oil and gas. This was also subject to
After the implementation of Shah technical issues. For instance Azerbaijan
Deniz Stage-2, gas production will needed to create a transport route with
increase up to 16 billion cubic meters the purpose of exporting “early oil”
and Azerbaijan will be able to supply from the Chirag field. It was necessary
an additional 6 billion cubic meters to build a pipeline to pump 5 million
of gas to Turkey and 10 billion cubic tons of oil per year. At that time, two
meters - to Eastern Europe.6 This will proposals were presented. The first was
allow Azerbaijan to enter new markets,
the oil pipeline Baku-Novorossiysk, or
and expand the geographic area in
the Northern Route, to a Russian port
favor of national interests. In addition
on the Black Sea, with the transport
to the Contract of the Century and the
capacity of up to 6 million tons of oil
agreement on Shah Deniz, Azerbaijan
per year. The second was the pipeline
has signed more than 30 agreements
from Baku to Supsa, or the Western
with foreign energy companies.7
Route, through Georgia to its port on
the Black Sea, the total length of which
Transport Routes for Oil is 830 km and with a capacity of 5,5-6
and Gas Transportation million tons per year.9
Initiated by Azerbaijan The choice of route was not an easy
decision for Azerbaijan. Russia
The characteristics of transit pipelines
supported the Northern Route, also
are extremely influential in the cases
hoping that in the future the main oil
of states which have no access to the
open seas, since unfavorable regional from Azeri, Chirag, Guneshli would
developments can result in drastic also be channeled in this direction.
changes and losses. In addition, if the This would allow Russia, as the Great
exporting country and the country Power, to control the flow of oil from
of transit are in a conflict situation, Azerbaijan, and sustain influence over
no matter the level of the existing the country. The Western Route was
differences, the transit country is able sponsored by another Great Power,
to damage the exporter including by the US, which wanted to support US
the suspension of the transportation of energy companies which participated
oil and gas.8 in energy projects in Azerbaijan.

Rovshan İbrahimov

After much deliberation and had proven reliability in relations with

negotiations, Azerbaijan and the the US and Azerbaijan, and reaches
consortium agreed to build pipelines the Turkish port of Ceyhan by the
simultaneously in both directions. To Mediterranean Sea.
this end, construction of the Baku-
Natural gas projects supported this
Supsa oil pipeline allowed the country
track. In principle, the Baku-Tbilisi-
to implement the diversification of
Erzurum gas pipeline route overlapped
transport routes and decreased possible
with the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
dependency on one Great Power, Russia
pipeline route. Construction of the
in this case. Diversification of transport Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline
routes would enable Azerbaijan to or South Caucasus gas pipeline, was
conduct more independent foreign and started on 27 February 2003 and ended
energy policies. in 2007. On 13 December 2007, the
This approach would be key in first gas from the Shah Deniz field
would be exported to the Georgian and
determining the main transport route:
Turkish markets.10
the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.
It was expected that production from Successful implementation of oil and
the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli field gas export routes allowed Azerbaijan
would reach more than 50 million tons to boost state revenues, consolidate
per year. Construction of this pipeline, national interests, and achieve essential
stretching more than 1,730 km, was foreign policy goals. Azerbaijan has
launched in 2002 and completed in been in search of developing gas
2005. projects and diversifying markets to
sustain this original Small Power status.
Development of Shah Deniz Stage-2
Diversification of transport is a good example, since Azerbaijan
routes would enable Azerbaijan plans to export natural gas to Eastern
European states. Initially, Shah Deniz 2
to conduct more independent
gas is likely to be supplied to Bulgaria,
foreign and energy policies.
Greece, and Italy, and to reach the
Western Balkans in the medium term.
In this regard, Azerbaijan, in 2011,
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline proposed the construction of the Trans-
passes through the territories of Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP)
Georgia and Turkey, both of which through Turkish territory. Turkey and

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Azerbaijan signed a Memorandum Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and

of Understanding to establish a Bosnia and Herzegovina have signed
consortium for the construction of a memorandum on cooperation in the
TANAP on 26 December 2011.11 construction of a new Ionian-Adriatic
gas pipeline, which is planned to
According to the agreement, the connect to the TAP. This will enable
TANAP pipeline would reach 1841 these countries to increase their gas
kms, from the Turkish border with supply and diversify suppliers alongside
Georgia in the east to the border with Russia.14 Romania, Hungary and
Greece in the west. The construction of Austria appear as further markets of
the pipeline, which was started in April this route, subject to availability of gas,
2015, is planned to be completed in late infrastructure and agreements.
2018. The construction consortium,
Azerbaijan’s current energy strategy is
includes SOCAR (58%), Turkish -
aware of the opportunities arising from
BOTAŞ (30%) and British BP (12%).
the energy sector, which simultaneously
The initial volume of the supplied gas
affect policy outcomes with geographic
will be 16 billion cubic meters. The
conditions on the one hand, and the
pipeline capacity will be increased up disadvantages of Small Powers in terms
to 23 billion cubic meters by 2013, and of domestic and foreign policy building,
31 billion cubic meters by 2026.12 on the other. Energy trade is considered
Azerbaijan’s plan to extend gas exports to be a tool to minimize the risks of
to Eastern Europe would necessitate being a Small Power. This approach
does not only concern Azerbaijan, but
construction of a gas pipeline
also Georgia.
originating at the Turkish-Greek
border. The Trans Adriatic Pipeline Georgia, like Azerbaijan, is also a
(TAP) would be considered the most Small Power with similar concerns.
feasible project among proposed However it differs from Azerbaijan
alternatives. Accordingly, TAP will since the country does not have
be connected to TANAP, and then sufficient domestic energy resources,
pass through the territories of Greece, and is totally dependent on external
Albania, on the bottom of the Adriatic supplies. This turned out to be a sort of
Sea, and reach southern Italy as the interdependence based on a mutually
final destination.13 SOCAR is involved beneficial relationship following the
in implementation of this project with foundation of the SOCAR Energy
a share of 20%. Georgia Company in 2006. Activity of

Rovshan İbrahimov

the company in Georgia includes retail gas transit projects. In 2007, SOCAR
and bulk selling of fuel, importing established an alliance with a Turkish
of petroleum and liquid gas, and company, Turcas, and on 30 May
construction of oil terminals and 2008 acquired 51% of Turkey’s largest
warehouses. Today SOCAR is the petrochemicals company, Petkim.
main supplier of energy in Georgia, SOCAR also consolidates the activities
with 72% of share in the oil market and of the petrochemical industry in
61% in the diesel market, distributed by Azerbaijan, which is fully concentrated
its 114 oil and 1 gas station .15 in the Azerikimya Production Union.
This company includes enterprises
In 2007 SOCAR acquired the Georgian that produce different petrochemical
Kulevi Terminal, located on the shores products. SOCAR hopes to establish
of the Black Sea, for storage of oil and a common production chain between
oil products with their further loading Azerikimya and Petkim. In addition,
to vessels and transportation.16 given that Turkey has access to the
SOCAR is also the main distributor of open seas, it will allow Azerbaijani
natural gas in Georgia, taking part in petrochemical products to be sold
the privatization of its gas distribution not only in Turkey but also on world
network. In addition, SOCAR has markets. Right after acquisition,
continued expansion of these networks. Petkim’s production was covering
Today, SOCAR provides 90% of about 25% of the market in Turkey.18
the gas market in Georgia and, with With support from counterparts in
the exception of Tbilisi, manages Azerbaijan and Turkey, SOCAR’s
the gas system of the country.17 The share in Turkey`s chemical industry
Azerbaijani energy company became would increase from 25% to 40% in
the largest taxpayer in Georgia. Today, 2018.19 Other SOCAR investments
included the construction of the largest
both countries are strategic partners
container port in Turkey, Petlim in
in many areas and the relationship
Aliaga, (where Petkim is also located)
between these two countries is at its
and the new Star oil refinery, again in
highest level.
Aliaga, with a projected capacity of
In addition to Georgia, SOCAR has production up to 10 million tons of oil
also been very active in Turkey, whose per year. The total cost of this refinery
support was considered to be very will be more than five billion dollars.
important for Azerbaijan’s oil and This refinery, to be completed in 2018,

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

will supply both the needs of Petkim Central Asian country. Turkmenistan’s
and the Turkish domestic market. It is being a post-Soviet country without
worth noting that this will be the first access to the open seas and with rich
refinery built in Turkey since 1975.20 energy resources constitute the most
important similarities with Azerbaijan.
SOCAR has been interested in further The country inherited from the Soviet
investmenğs, such as the case of time GDP contraction, hyperinflation,
acquiring the gas station network of the and mass unemployment. It was
Austrian oil group OMV.21 Despite the also necessary to adopt new forms of
fact that this transaction failed, OMV governance, to start the construction of
agreed to sell to SOCAR its Aliağa Oil a market economy, and to create trade
Terminal, with a capacity of 200,000 relations with neighboring countries.
cbm of fuel storage and 45,000 cbm of
Like Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan realized
LPG storage.22
that to solve all the problems the main
SOCAR’s investments in Turkey trump card was the availability of energy
exceed 18 billion dollars, thus this resources. The oil and gas industry
company became the largest investor in Turkmenistan began to develop
in the country.23 Thus, it is possible to during the period of its presence in the
conclude that Azerbaijan has managed Russian Empire. At the end of the 19th
to establish an inter-dependent energy century, the company of well-known
trade relationship with Georgia and oilman Nobel, whose activities were
Turkey, which has enabled the country mainly focused in Baku, drilled the first
to secure oil and gas exports and to wells in the Cheleken, thus proving the
overcome the difficulties of being a presence of oil on the eastern shore of
Small Power without access to the the Caspian Sea. By the beginning of
open seas. the 20th century there were extracting
small amounts of oil.

The Development of The discovery of the Nebit Dag oil field

in 1933 led to a peak of activity, with
the Energy Sector in
its historical maximum of 15.5 million
Turkmenistan tons in 1975.24

Turkmenistan, another Small Power Gradual oil production decline made

with similarities to Azerbaijan, differs Turkmenistan increase gas production
from the latter because of its being a starting in the 1960s. In 1966, a major

Rovshan İbrahimov

“Odzhakskoe” field was discovered. In With support from the national

1989, it produced 85.5 billion cubic company Turkmenoil, Turkmenistan
meters of natural gas.25 However, along began increasing exploration activities.
with the general economic crisis in the In 2002, the Magtymguly field, a
USSR, the partial loss of traditional promising reservoir with vast potential,
partners of the former Soviet Union, was discovered in the Caspian Sea, and
and the depletion of deposits, natural in 2006, the country opened another,
gas production in Turkmenistan relatively larger oil field, Diyarbekir. At
decreased. the moment, oil is extracted from these
fields by the Malaysian oil company
The geographic spread of oil and gas Petronas. It is noteworthy that Petronas
reserves affected the way Turkmenistan has become the second foreign company
engaged in energy trade with other to extract oil in the Caspian sector of
countries. There are two oil and gas Turkmenistan. Previously, the only
provinces in Turkmenistan. The first marine oil producer was the Anglo-
province, Turan, is located within Arabian Company Dragon Oil.26 Since
the territory of three Central Asian 1999, this company, in the framework
countries: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and of the PSA, has developed the offshore
Turkmenistan. Turan province accounts block Cheleken, with proven reserves
for the vast territory in the eastern and of 147 mln barrels of oil and 90 billion
central parts of Turkmenistan. cubic meters of gas.27

The geographic spread of oil According to the “Programme for

the development of the oil and gas
and gas reserves affected the
industry of Turkmenistan until 2030”,
way Turkmenistan engaged
Turkmenistan plans to increase oil
in energy trade with other
production to 110 mln tons per year.

Gas Sector Development in

The second oil and gas province, the Turkmenistan
South Caspian, covers the western
part of Turkmenistan, including the As regards to natural gas reserves,
Caspian Sea. In total, Turkmenistan Turkmenistan ranks fourth in the
has 162 oil and gas fields. There are also world after Russia, Iran and Qatar.
more than 1,000 areas promising for oil The largest field is concentrated in the
and natural gas. Mary region, in eastern Turkmenistan.

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Many gas fields were discovered The most important supergiant

after independence. Among them, field, considered as the jewel of the
Bagtyyarlyk deserves a closer look. On Turkmenistan gas sector, is Galkynysh,
17 July 2017, a PSA was signed between which was discovered in 2006. It
Turkmenistan and China National
contains the second largest reserve in the
Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) for a
world, with 21.2 trillion cubic meters of
period of 30 years.
gas. The discovery of gas in the Yashlar
The project includes important fields field in 2008 increased this amount up
such as Samandepe, which consists to 26.2 trillion cubic meters of gas and
of 100 billion cubic meters of gas
300 million tons of oil. In December
and 5 million tons of gas condensate.
2009 the Turkmen government signed
Chinese companies have been put
into operation at “Samandepe”, with an agreement with China’s CNPC,
dozens of old wells and drilling of new South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering
production wells, with a good flow rate and a company from the United Arab
of natural gas. In 2010, the Agayry gas Emirates, Petrofac, in order to develop
field was discovered with estimated the Galkynysh field. Turkmenistan’s
reserves at 73 billion cubic meters. In success at channeling new fields by
addition, gas fields are being explored
engaging in partnerships with China
in other areas.28 To this day, the CNPC
did not only boost production but also
Corporation has invested about US$ 4
billion in the project. made China the main export route
at a time when Russian demand of
One of the largest gas fields in Turkmen gas started to decrease.
Turkmenistan, Dowletabat, was
opened in 1982 and is located in the Gas production in Turkmenistan
Mary area. This field is located near the exceeded 76 billion cubic meters in
border with Iran, and its continuation 2014, of which 45 billion cubic meters
is one of the largest gas fields of Iran- was exported.29 Turkmenistan plans to
Khangiran. Proposed reserves are about
increase gas production and exports.The
1.3 trillion cubic meters. It is worth
government adopted the “Programme
noting that in the first years after
independence, Dowletabat became the for the development of the oil and gas
main source of natural gas production industry of Turkmenistan until 2030”,
in the country, and accounted for 80% to reach the target of 250 billion cubic
of total production. meters a year of gas production by 2030.

Rovshan İbrahimov

Gas Export Diversification 80 billion cubic meters, and its length

was extended from 3000 km to 5000
km. Most of the pipeline falls within
the territory of Turkmenistan - 3940
Turkmenistan’s being a country without
access to the open seas deeply affects
the availability of export routes, which Following its independence,
are overall very limited. This leads to a Turkmenistan had a quota from
number of difficulties that exacerbate Russia on exports to the European
the negative features of being a Small market, which amounted to 11 billion
Power. Turkmenistan’s neighbors cubic meters. However, in 1994,
(including neighbors via the Caspian Russia abolished the quota, forcing
Sea--Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan) Turkmenistan to export gas only to
are producers of oil and gas. Russia, Ukraine and some former Soviet
as the biggest gas reserve holder and republics. Although Ukraine was a good
exporter, aims to sustain its control over market for Turkmenistan, gas transport
the markets, while Iran, which ranks to this country would necessitate
second after Russia in terms of reserve, transportation through Kazakhstan
is keen to enter the markets, some of and Russia. This new gas structure
which are promising for Turkmenistan negatively affected Turkmenistan’s
as well. balance of payments, since most of
the post-Soviet countries were unable
Turkmenistan’s main foreign policy
to pay their debts at the time. Thereby,
objective is highly characterized by its
Turkmenistan was forced to reduce,
being a post-Soviet Small Power in
and eventually halted deliveries to these
search of new gas markets and partners
countries. Turkmenistan exported only
in the energy sector. Historically, in
6.5 billion cubic meters in 1997 and
Soviet times, the Soviet republics were
only 1.8 billion in 1998, to Iran.
the main markets for Turkmen gas. The
main transport corridor for the export Reduced exports also led to a sharp
of Turkmen gas (and gas from the reduction in gas production, down
neighboring Central Asian republics of by 80% in 1998 from the previous
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) emerged year. Given the high dependence of
through the Central Asia Center Turkmenistan on the Central Asia-
pipeline, which was built in 1967. Center pipeline, the issue of exports
In 1985, the volume of gas pumping diversifying its export routes was the
through the pipeline was brought up to most important task for this Small

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Power. In 1997, Turkmenistan, for confronted a monthly loss of about 1

the first time, put into operation an billion dollars. This incident happened
alternative to the Central Asia-Center to be one of the reasons which obscured
pipeline, the Korpeje Kurt-Kui pipeline, the implementation of the Caspian gas
with a length of 200 km and a capacity pipeline project agreement, signed in
of 8 billion cubic meters (expandable to 2007, to be constructed through Russia,
14 billion),30 which linked the country Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan.
with Iran. The construction of this
pipeline was financed by Iran in order This picture made Turkmenistan
to supply gas to the northern part of consider China as a promising partner
Iran, which was weakly connected with who was in need of gas and could
the gas fields in the south. overcome Turkmenistan’s limited
capacity arising from its being a Small
In April 2009, an explosion occurred Power. A new gas pipeline project
on the Central Asia-Center pipeline, from Turkmenistan to China, passing
which completely stopped the export through the territory of Turkmenistan,
of gas from Turkmenistan to the north Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan (1,900 km),
for several months. The explosion took and most of China (4500 km) was
place when the negotiations between introduced in December 2009. The
Turkmenistan and Russia were tense capacity of the first two lines of the
over the price for Turkmen gas. gas pipeline would be 30 billion cubic
Turkmenistan and Russia had signed meters of gas in a year. Construction
an agreement in 2003. Accordingly, of the third line, with a capacity of 25
Turkmenistan would produce 80 billion
billion cubic meters of gas per year, was
cubic meters of gas per year to Russia
completed in late 2014. The capacity
at better terms. Between 2006-2008,
of the pipeline from Turkmenistan to
almost all Turkmen gas was exported
China amounted to 55 billion cubic
(about 41-42 billion cubic meters per
meters of gas per year in 2015. In
year) to Russia.
September 2013, Turkmenistan and
In 2010, Russia began to produce gas China had already signed an agreement
from the Bovanenkovo ​​ field on the on the construction of a fourth gas
Yamal Peninsula and significantly pipeline, with a capacity of 25 billion
reduced the volume of purchases of cubic meters of gas per year. This branch
Turkmen gas, reducing them to 11 would take place along the route of
billion cubic meters31 and later, to 4 Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan-Tajikistan-
billion cubic meters. Turkmenistan Kyrgyzstan-China.

Rovshan İbrahimov

Thus, the total capacity of the pipeline The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-

to the east of the system would reach Pakistan-India pipeline (TAPI) is an
80 billion cubic meters of gas per year. important alternative project supported
According to the agreements between by the Turkmen government, and yet
the two countries, Turkmenistan obscured by geopolitical uncertainty in
pledged to supply China with up to 65 the region as in the case of the Taliban
billion cubic meters of gas annually by and Kashmir problems. The planned
the end of 2021. length of the pipeline will be 1735 km,
including 200 km in the territory of
Given past experience of being
Turkmenistan, 773 km of Afghanistan,
extremely dependent on one actor,
and 827 km in Pakistan to the village
Turkmenistan intended to diversify its
Fazilka on the border with India. It is
export routes, which, as noted above,
expected that the annual capacity of
are highly restricted by geographic
the pipeline will be 33 billion cubic
In 2010, another pipeline to Iran,
The Trans-Caspian pipeline can be
Dovletabad - Sarahs – Hangeran, was
stated as another massive investment
built with the length of 30.5 km, and
project that could drastically change
a capacity of 12 billion cubic meters
supply and market side features in the
of natural gas per year. The pipeline
Caspian. This would run 300 km under
increased Turkmenistan’s capacity to
the Caspian Sea to reach Azerbaijan,
export gas to or via Iran up to 20 billion
and then connect to the Baku-Tbilisi-
cubic meters per year.32 This route was
Erzurum gas pipeline, with the
considered to be strategic since it
possibility of being integrated with
could allow Turkmenistan to sell gas
the forthcoming TANAP and TAP.
in Turkey and Europe. Turkmenistan
To this end, Turkmenistan has already
has been committed to achieving this
completed the construction of an East-
route since the very establishment of an
West gas pipeline with the length of
international consortium to construct
about one thousand kilometers, which
a Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey-Europe
will connect the Dowletabat and South
pipeline in April 1994. This project
Yolotan to the Caspian coast.34
was shelved in 1995 for several
reasons, among which, Iran’s long- The uncertainty over the legal status of
term projection on becoming a major the Caspian and some geopolitical issues
supplier to European markets might are not only postponing this project
have played a role. also making Russia and Iran express

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

counter arguments by benefitting from energy exports in several ways: through

environmental concerns.35 the creation of transport corridors
in new directions, producing a wide
range of finished products, as well as
Despite the strenuous the formation of an international legal
efforts of Turkmenistan to framework. Despite the strenuous
achieve a satisfactory level of efforts of Turkmenistan to achieve
diversification, this issue will a satisfactory level of diversification,
again be important for this this issue will again be important for
Small Power in the future. this Small Power in the future. At
the moment, Turkmenistan uses gas
as a leverage to foster relations with
China, Iran and Turkey with the aim
Given the limited opportunities for the
of overcoming extreme dependence
diversification of exports, Turkmenistan
on one actor, and easing some of the
has taken the initiative by preparing
disadvantages of being a Small Power
a resolution on “Reliable and Stable
in search of further energy trade.
Transit of Energy and Its Role in
Ensuring Sustainable Development
and International Cooperation”, which Conclusion
was adopted by the 67th Session of the
UN General Assembly.36 Turkmenistan Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are two
hopes that in this way it will form the Small Powers without access to the open
basis for a partnership in the energy seas but with vast oil and gas reserves.
sector, which will take into account This appeared to be a key factor in
the interests of all participants in the determining their foreign policies based
process - the producers, transporters on national energy strategies looking
and consumers of energy resources. for secured phases of exploration and
Turkmenistan is trying on a legal basis field development while diversifying
to minimize the country’s dependence export routes. In general, the main
on the transit countries. task of these two Small Powers was
to reduce the undesired consequences
At the same time, Turkmenistan offers of extreme dependence on one or few
to potential buyers of its gas to choose actors concerning production and
an export route, offering the sale of transportation phases. Azerbaijan and
its natural gas at the border. Thus, Turkmenistan differed from each other
Turkmenistan seeks to diversify its in terms of the ways they channeled

Rovshan İbrahimov

new partners, increased production, export or transit fee opportunities rather

and diversified export routes. than helping Turkmen gas reach new
markets. China, therefore, appeared
This differentiation had objective and
as the main option concerning gas
subjective reasons. Firstly, and above
exports, with a risk of extreme reliance
all, geography played the most decisive
on one actor.
role. Azerbaijan had a relatively more
favorable position of being able to create Partners and energy export routes led
alternative transportation corridors in to further differentiation between these
the western direction by simultaneously two Small Powers. Azerbaijan found
cooperating with Russia on the one the opportunity to invest in the energy
hand, and Georgia and Turkey on the sectors of Georgia and Turkey, which
other. Both directions are widely used in turn supported inter-dependence on
for oil exports. As for Turkmenistan, mutually beneficiary terms. SOCAR’s
the options for alternatives were few. investments and affiliations played
In order to diversify export routes, the a remarkably important role in this
only alternative to Russia emerged as process. Even Turkmenistan and
China, apart from the gas pipelines to Turkmen state companies had the
Iran. potential, technical ability, financial
capacity and willingness to engage in
international energy investments; this
Azerbaijan found the was limited by the converging priorities
opportunity to invest in the of Russia and Iran.
energy sectors of Georgia As to conclude: what is the most decisive
and Turkey, which in turn factor that creates the divergence
supported inter-dependence between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan?
on mutually beneficiary terms. Does it emerge from state strategy, firm
behavior or geography? The differences
between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan
Another important reason appears in are outcomes of objective and subjective
terms of the end user of the gas. Gas reasons, as mentioned above. And yet,
transport pipelines from Turkmenistan geography plays the most determinant
reached Iran, Russia and China, of role. Azerbaijan has a relatively more
which Iran and Russia considered favorable position of being able to
Turkmen gas as a competitor to their create alternative transportation
own gas and tried to benefit from re- corridors in the western direction.

Energy and Power Politics in the Cases of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

Thus were created the pipelines passing rather than consolidating demand
through the territory of Russia and security through diversification.
Georgia, and Turkey. Both directions Azerbaijan also attributes significance
are being widely used for oil and gas to energy revenues, and yet has proven
exports. As for Turkmenistan, the to be capable of diversifying routes and
options for alternatives were few. In investments not only by the virtue of
order to diversify export routes, the geographic location but also by the
only alternative to Russia appeared help of the state strategy and SOCAR’s
as China. The contingency of a new business approach that prioritized
pipeline system between Turkmenistan international trade with diverse parties
and Iran towards Turkey, or other on mutual benefits. However, even if
destinations, remained underdeveloped Turkmenistan would have the political
much more because of Iran’s will of leverage as of SOCAR, it would not be
increasing gas exports in the mid-term. easy to consolidate liberal trade terms
In fact, except for small shipments in between Great Powers, namely
to Iran, Turkmenistan’s exports are Russia and China. It is therefore
not diversified. On the contrary, possible to conclude that geography
Turkmenistan’s extreme dependence proves to be overwhelmingly effective
on Russia has now been replaced in case of Turkmenistan, and emerges
by extreme dependence on China. as a positive asset supporting the state
Turkmenistan seems to attribute strategy and firm behavior in case of
priority to securing energy revenues, Azerbaijan.

Rovshan İbrahimov

1 David Vital, “The Inequality of the States: A Study of Small Power in International
Relations”, in Jessica Beyer et al (eds.), Small States in International Relations, Seattle,
University of Washington Press, 2006, p. 77.

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8 Michael L. Faye, John W. McArthur, Jeffry D. Sachs and Thomas Snow, “The Challenges
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9 Rovshan Ibrahimov, “Azerbaijan Energy Strategy and the Importance of Diversification

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Rovshan İbrahimov

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