COP16 Delegation Profile

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Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore)

Delegation Profile
Name: Wilson Ang (Team Leader)

Having seen the state of the environment in many

developed and developing nations after the World
Summit in 2002, Wilson believes that the only way to
create a better planet for human survivability is for
every individual to take responsibility of their own
actions by being more conscious about their daily
choices in consumption habits as global citizens. He
left his job as an Officer in the Air Force to start ECO
Singapore in 2006 and has since reached out to over
2,000 youth leaders and 310,000 members of the
public both in Singapore and the region. More
recently, an office in Indonesia was being setup to
further the cause in the region.

He strongly believes that environment plays a very vital

role in society that his life mission can simply be
phrased into one sentence, “To create and maintain
a sustainable lifestyle and culture”. At current, apart
from bringing ECO international, he is also building
several small green businesses to be able to create
green jobs with the goal of creating 10,000 green jobs
by the age of 35.

Name: Leong Chia Jang

Born in Europe, raised in Singapore, educated in
Australia & USA, worked in Asia and the Middle East;
Leong Chia Jang a.k.a. LJ is a water treatment
engineer who is interested in investigating global
“green technologies” that improve the quality of life
without adverse impact on the environment.
Name: Lee Zhe Yu
Zhe Yu has been a passionate greenie (and
humanitarian) since young. Concerned with the
current ills of global (economic) development
especially with regards to the massive inequity that
exists in the world. Realizes that climate change is the
most severe global issue affecting mankind and
yearns to find solutions that will promote true
sustainable development for all. Desires for a new age
of multilateralism, internationalism and global
citizenship to solve the many interrelated global
problems ranging from biodiversity conservation to
chronic poverty, overfishing, deforestation, hunger
and fair trade.

Name: Kenneth Wong

Kenneth started volunteering since 13 years old. Since
then, Kenneth has been actively champions the
environmental cause, sharing best practices and
engaging the views and participation of his peers,
both in the local community and overseas.

Kenneth was also selected as Singapore’s

representative for the British Council East Asia Youth
Delegation at the Copenhagen Climate Change
Conference. With his previous experience from
COP15/CMP5, Kenneth hope that this upcoming
COP16/CMP6 in Cancun, Mexico will be a more
engaging and fruitful experiences for him.

For his contribution to the environmental conservation,

Kenneth was awarded both the National Environment
Agency Ecofriend Award 2010 and HSBC/NYAA Youth
Environmental Award 2010.
Name: Logesh

Logas is a 17-year-old with a keen interest in both

biology, environmental conservation and how they
are intertwined where climate change is concerned.
Having seen the effects of climate change upset the
delicate balance of ecology, she believes that even
the smallest actions by both individuals and the
government to reduce the causes and effects of
climate change will go a long way and preserving
both the endangered species of the Earth, and
ourselves. The prospect of working with other youth of
a similar mindset to achieve the same goal and bring
about laws and legislation that can help save our
planet drives her and provides her with endless energy
and enthusiasm.

Name: Tan Wen Yun

Wen Yun’s enduring love affair with the environment

and nature began during her childhood, influenced
by her parents’ strong concern and views regarding
environmental conservation, as well as their
meticulous care for the potted plants at home. She
strongly believes in the potential to integrate
economic possibilities with environmental protection,
and also how youths are key to shaping a better
future for the environment. She enjoys working with
similar-minded youth on environmental causes and
hopes that in sharing her experience at COP16 she
can inspire her peers to become more pro-active and
motivated towards environmental change. Currently a
Year 5 student in Raffles Institution, the avid
Geography student enjoys music, reading and visual
Name: Judy Goh

An avid explorer, Judy was first inspired as a child by

the first full photograph of the Earth from space to
embrace the environment. She is a third-year student
at the Victoria Integrated Program with a passion for
foreign policy, the sciences and geography, but
strongly believes that legislation is only a fraction of
the solution to climate change. As secretary-general in
the organizing committee of the futuristic Victorian
Model United Nations 2010, she pushed for vital issues
geared towards sustainable development. At COP16
in Cancun, she hopes to drive real change from the
bottom up to world leaders, representing the voices of
the youth and the concerned next generation. When
she’s not writing articles for local newspapers and
blogs or sorting out recyclables at home, she dreams
of discovering innovative breakthroughs in green
technology, something she hopes to make a reality
one day.

Name: Teh Yi Ying

Watching the 2007 Climate Change Conference from

afar in Bali, Yiying felt something stir within her. 2 years
later with the initial passion taking the form of a fiery
conviction, Yiying is now proud to be the President of
Victoria Junior College’s environmental club,
Earthwatch. Knowing that revolutions always start with
small steps, she goes meatless once a week, has
stopped using styrofoam completely and encourages
others to follow suit. She feels that climate change
transcends into every area of society and is also a
social issue, taking its toll on developing countries
especially which she feels inclined to sympathise with.
Yiying strongly believes that at the upcoming Climate
Change Conference, youth will be empowered to be
that voice for a voiceless Mother Earth. When she’s not
running about saving the earth, Yiying likes to read,
listen to indie music, and enjoy picnics with friends.
Our Aims:

1. To network with other Asian youth and understand their countries'

perspectives on climate change (i.e. looking beyond the local context), and
to analyze them to see if they can be applied to the Singapore context
2. To be as actively engaged as possible in the activities we choose to take
part in (especially with YOUNGO).
3. To carry out the media strategy. To talk to the people who are actively
engaged in controversies and those who represent the minorities, e.g AOSIS)
4. To better understand climate change on a global scale, and to
understand Singapore's place in the big picture
5. To provide Singaporeans with as many different viewpoints as possible
(including the extreme activists and youth as well) and to present success
stories from other delegates on how the power of the people has helped
shaped policies on climate change.

Our Expectations:

1. To better understand climate change proceedings on an international

2. To learn more about environmental issues in different parts of the world and
to engage with related people to understand their concerns, ideas and
possibly solutions
3. To understand the elements which are required for a successful agreement
and conference.
4. To find our more on green technology and CDM by attending SBSTA's
plenary and evaluating whether these can be applicable to Singapore
5. To understand what is required for a consensus to take place and the main
controversies surrounding this lack of consensus

Perspectives that we seek to gain:

1. A better understanding in the adaptation of possible solutions to the

Singapore context
2. The importance of youth and the community in conservation of the
3. The relevance of climate change proceedings on an international scale to
the local context.

Post-Conference Plans:

1. Sharing sessions in various schools

2. Sharing with youths involved in other environmental NGOs
3. Keeping in touch with other youth delegates and aiding more in COY next
year, after gaining a better understanding of the system.

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