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My collage shows the different reasons of drug abuse in youth. It has been discovered that most
people who struggle with drug addiction began experimenting with drugs in their teens. Teenage drug abuse is one of the
largest problems in society today and the problem grows and larger every year. Drugs are a pervasive force in our culture
today. To expect kids not to be influenced by the culture of their time is as unrealistic as believing in the tooth fairy.
Teens may feel pressured by their friends to try drugs, they may have easy access to drugs, they may use drugs to rebel
against their family or society, or they may take an illegal drug because they are curious about it or the pleasure that it
gives them.

The reasons are: BOREDOM-One of the most common reasons that teenagers begin
experimenting with drugs and alcohol is that we are simply bored and have no deeper interests. We see drugs and
alcohol as a pastime to be explored. A BONDING EXPERIENCE- We turn to drugs to help us feel more confident or
to bond with a social group that is known for using these substances. DEPRESSION-When we are sad or depressed,
we see these substances as a way to forget and feel happier. It’s our attempt to self-medicate. STRESS-During high
school many teenagers are overly stressed with a packed schedule of advanced classes and extracurricular activities. A
lack of coping skills can lead us to seek out an artificial method of coping with stress. We then turn to drugs such as
marijuana in order to relax. LOW SELF-ESTEEM- In teenagers, especially between the ages of fourteen and sixteen,
low self-esteem due to physical appearance or lack of friends can lead to self-destructive behavior. The media, bullies,
and often family put pressure on teenagers to act and look a certain way, and we lose confidence in ourselves if we
don’t meet those high standards. Drugs seem like an easy way to escape this reality. TO EARN MONEY- because of
poverty, some teens want to have financial resources. PEER PRESSURE- We all learn about it and think it won’t
happen to us, but often the classic tale of peer pressure is the reason we experiment with drugs and alcohol. This peer
pressure happens most often between the ages of sixteen and eighteen, when teenagers begin to think “everyone else is
doing it,” so we should too. At a party, after prom, with friends or significant others—these are all common situations
in which we feel like we need to join in to be able to fit in. This peer pressure is more obvious than the pressure to
make friends and is sometimes instigated by older friends. But remember, drug is not an answer to all your problems.
Be brave and face your problem. For others, understanding is the first step to helping.

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