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Event Report

Date/Time Long2 at 15:01:43 August 22, 2016 Serial Number MP13747 V 10-73 Minimate Pro 6
Trigger Source Geo 2: 0.127 mm/s Battery Level 3.4 Volts
Range Geo : 254 mm/s Unit Calibration July 13, 2016 by Instantel
Record Time 1.0 sec at 1024 sps Geo2 Calibration SE13461, July 13, 2016 by Instantel
Operator/Setup: Operator 1/custom.nsb File Name MP13747_20160822150143.IDFW
Location: USBM RI8507 And OSMRE
User Name:

Tran2 Vert2 Long2
PPV 9.92 9.11 15.1 mm/s
ZC Freq 12 39 10 Hz
Time (Rel. to Trig) 0.156 0.070 0.135 sec
Peak Acceleration 0.211 0.332 0.274 g

Velocity (mm/s)
Peak Displacement 0.118 0.0352 0.179 mm
Sensor Check Disabled Disabled Disabled
Frequency *** *** *** Hz 20
Overswing Ratio *** *** *** ø
Peak Vector Sum 15.2 mm/s at 0.135 sec ø
10 ø+ ø x ø
ø + ø
øø + x
ø ø
5 + + x ++ +
ø x + x
ø øøø + ø xx x ø
ø+ ++ x+
+ +øx
ø+ ø
2 x
++ +
x x ø
+ xx +
1 x
x + x+
1 2 5 10 20 50 100 >
Frequency (Hz)
Tran2: + Vert2: x Long2: ø

Long2 0.0

Vert2 0.0

Tran2 0.0

-0.20 0.0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.0

Time Scale: 0.10 sec/div Amplitude Scale: Geo: 5.00 mm/s/div Sensor Check
Trigger =

Printed: August 24, 2016 (V 10.06 - 10.06) Format Copyrighted 2006-2008 Instantel, a division of Xmark Corporation

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