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In what ways, and in what areas, are you foolish?

When in your life have you felt you were on the wrong path? right path?
Where in your life do you have agency, privilege, power, potential, possibility?
How do you lead a child to salvation?
How do you get wisdom for yourself?

Types of Fools
- Simple (pethiy)
• “open”
• immature, gullible, curious
• Proverbs 22:3
- Silly (eviyle)
• “thick”
• perverse, silly, unthinking, impulsive, stubborn
• Proverbs 10:14
- Obstinate (keciyl)
• “stupid”
• pleasure-driven, unreasonable, antiauthoritarian, rebellious
• Proverbs 10:23
- Scornful (luwts/lesim)
• “scoffer”
• contemptuous, derisive, mocking
• Proverbs 21:24
Character - Action - Consequence - (Environment)
• Folly: not making the connection

...there are details of character small enough to escape the mesh of law and the

broadsides of the prophets, and yet are decisive in personal dealings. (Kidner, 13)

Metaphor of Ways/Paths
• implies a choice

• implies a destination/vector

• implies a process

• forks/transitions

• momentum/ruts

Christian Parenting
- Priorities
• Salvation
• Kingdom citizenship
• Human purpose
- Nature of kids
• Sinful
• Imago Dei
• Gifts
- Tradition of teaching
• God’s sovereignty
• Parents’ responsibility
• Parental instruction seen as “Torah”
- Covenantal community

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