Thesis Proposal Two 1

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The forestry sector is still a significant force in the economy of the Philippines simply

because of its sheer size. The forestland of the Philippines occupy about 53% of the total land

area of the country and its watersheds are the main sources of water for domestic, agricultural,

industrial and commercial uses. Because of its significant potential contribution to the economic,

social and environmental aspect of the Filipino life, the sector has been the subject of many

studies, assessments, and analysis. (Forest Management Bureau, 2009)

Tree is woody plant that regularly renews its growth (perennial). Most plants classified as

trees have a single self-supporting trunk containing woody tissues, and in most species the trunk

produces secondary limbs, called branches.

Although the majority of Earth’s terrestrial biomass is represented by trees, the

fundamental importance of these seemingly ubiquitous plants for the very existence

and diversity of life on Earth is perhaps not fully appreciated. The biosphere is dependent on the

metabolism, death, and recycling of plants, especially trees. Their vast trunks and root systems

store carbon dioxide, move water, and produce oxygen that is released into the atmosphere. The

organic matter of the soil develops primarily from decayed leaves, twigs, branches, roots, and

fallen trees, all of which recycle nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and other important nutrients. There

are few organisms as important as trees for maintaining Earth’s ecology.

Trees are classified by ancient Greeks according to their general form that is, as trees,

shrubs, undershrubs, and vines. This classification was used for almost 1,000 years. Modern

classifications of plants attempt to assign a plant to a particular taxon and establish relationships

with other plants based on genetics, cytology, ecology, behaviour, and probable evolutionary

lineages, in addition to gross morphology. Popular classifications, however, remain useful tools

for studying the common stresses that the environment exerts on all plants and the general

patterns of adaptation that are shown no matter how distantly plants are related.

Based on Popular classifications, trees have been grouped in various ways, some of

which more or less parallel their scientific classification: softwoods are conifers, and hardwoods

are dicotyledons. Hardwoods are also known as broadleaf trees. A popular and convenient

grouping of trees is evergreen and deciduous. This is most useful at the local rather than the

worldwide level; whether a particular species retains its foliage throughout the year and thus

qualifies as evergreen may depend on climate. Many tropical and subtropical species that in

uniformly humid climates are never without foliage are deciduous in regions in which dry and

wet seasons alternate. (Lillian M. Weber Thomas H. Everett Graeme Pierce Berlyn, 2019)

One of the most important and useful skills in forestry is the ability to correctly identify

trees in the forest. It is important to understand the various features of a tree that are important to

its identification, such as the following, Leaves are one of the most obvious features of the tree,

and are often the easiest way to identify most species. The arrangement, shape, and leaf edges

can be very useful unless the leaves have fallen, Fruit the wide variety of fruit shapes can make

them useful when identifying trees, Twig you can tell a lot just by looking at the twig, Bark can
be helpful for identifying some types of trees, and unlike leaves, it’s always there and, Form the

overall form of the tree can provide clues to which species you are observing. The key to

identification is recognizing as many of these characteristics as possible to give an accurate idea

of exactly what tree it is. (Virginia Tech Department of Forest Resources and Environmental

Conservation, 2014, 2014)

The area of study is at Minabay, a barangay in the municipality of Buldon, in the

province of Maguindanao. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 2,134. This

represented 6.05% of the total population of Buldon. Minabay is situated at approximately

7.5773, 124.3939, in the island of Mindanao. Elevation at these coordinates is estimated at 881.3

meters or 2,891.4 feet above mean sea level. The total land area of Barangay Minabay, Buldon

Maguindanao is 5,323Has. (Philatlas,2019)

Statement of the Problem

Deforestation causes unwanted result on the environment especially in Barangay

Minabay, Buldon Maguindanao. Decade ago, the said barangay was covered with lush greenery,

however, at present time, it covers only a fraction of what it was before. This remaining

vegetation still contains a number of tree species.

The researcher aims to determine the identification of tree species and its botanical

description as well as its uses. The identification includes the local name, common name,

scientific name and family name. In addition, the researcher also determines the Botanical

description of individual tree species includes leaves, fruit,seeds, flowers, stem and the use

includes food, furniture, soil erosion control, firewood, shelter, medicine and pulp.

General Objectives

Generally, the researcher aims to survey on tree species found in Barangay Minabay,

Buldon Maguindanao.

Specific Objectives

1. To determine the identifications of tree species found at Barangay Minabay, Buldon


2. To determine the Botanical descriptions of tree species found at Barangay Minabay,

Buldon Maguindanao.

3. To find out the uses of the tree species found at Barangay Minabay, Buldon

Significance of the Study

This study will create data on tree identification such as the local name, common name,

scientific name and family name of tree species found in Barangay Minabay, Buldon

Maguindanao. Further, this will also encourage the said barangay to promote protection and

conservation of their remaining forested area.

Similarly, the result will serve as a guide and reference for those who wish to conduct a

similar study on survey on tree species.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be delimited only on the identification such as local name, common name,

scientific name and family name and the botanical description of tree species found in Barangay

Minabay, Buldon Maguindanao. Its uses such food, furniture, soil erosion control, firewood,

shelter, medicine and pulp will also be determined. The survey of tree species will be at 8:00-

11:00 in the morning and 1:00-5:00 in the afternoon. The study will be lasted on ten (10)

consecutive days.

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework of the study in Figure 1 shows the identification as trees local

name, common name, scientific name and family name. The botanical description as flower,

fruit,seeds,stem, leaves and the uses of trees as food, furniture, soil erosion control, firewood,

shelter, medicine and pulp (see figure 1).

Objectives’ Schematic Diagram

Local Name

T Identification
Common Name
Family Name
Scientific Name

R Leaves ,Stem
Botanical Description Fruit, Seeds and

E Flowers

E Uses
Food, Furniture, Soil
erosion control,
Firewood, Shelter,

S Medicine and pulp

Figure1. Objectives’ Schematic diagram showing the conceptual framework of the research

study of survey of tree spcies in Barangay Minabay, Buldon Maguindanao.

Operational Definition of Terms

Identification. The process of knowing names of tree species through its local name,

common name, scientific name and family name.

Botanical description. Refers to the botanical characteristic of trees, which are

commonly seen in different species.

Uses- Uses of tree such as food, furniture, soil erosion control, firewood, shelter,

medicine and pulp.

Actual. Refers to the method use by the researchers which includes the transect walk,


Barangay. Referring to the place where the study will be conducted.

Local Name. A name of tree species in the Iranun term given by the local folks.

Local Expert. The people or resident of the Barangay hired who knows many things

about tree species and that has been living for a long time.

Iranun. A kind of dialect that is being used in the research Area. Tree species are

identified by used of this dialect.

Survey- Determining the identification, botanical description and the uses of trees.

Reference- Refers to source of information in order to ascertain something

Purposive sampling. Is a non-probability sample that is selected based on characteristic

of a population and the objective of the study.

Transect. Is a walk or a line that we used for gathering a data in the study Area.

Transect line. Is a line that was done by Transect walk path and a line start from initial

point up to end point or terminal point in the study Area.

Transect walk. Refers to walk across the community Area together with the local

people to explore and observing, asking, listening, looking and gathering a data to the

study Area.

Triangulation method. The combination of three methodologies in the study.


Common Name. Name of a species given and accepted by tribe, region or nation

speaking a common language.

Family Name. A groupof species having common characteristics which are not found in

any other group or an assemblage of closely related genera.

Flower. can be defined as those plants, which can produce flowers, fruits and seeds. They

are completely different from nonflowering plants.

Fruits. a fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants (also known as

angiosperms) formed from the ovary after flowering. Fruits are the means by which

angiosperms disseminate seeds.

Leaves. A leaf is an organ of a vascular plant and is the principal lateral appendage of the

stem. The leaves and stem together form the shoot.

Scientific Name. Universally accepted name of the species.

Seeds. A seed is an embryonic plant enclosed in a protective outer covering. The

formation of the seed is part of the process of reproduction in seed plants, the

spermatophytes, including the gymnosperm and angiosperm plants.

Firewood- Wood burned as fuel.

Food- Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb,

in order to maintain life and growth.

Furniture- Large movable equipment such as tables and chairs, used to make a house,

office, or other space suitable for living or working.

Medicine- The science or practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease

(in technical use often taken to include surgery).

Pulp- A soft, wet, shapeless mass of materials popular or sensational writing that is

generally regarded as being of poor quality.

Shelter- A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.

Transect. A transect is a straight line that is walked by an observer who records data as

he/she moves along the transect.

Transect line. A tape or string laid along the ground in a straight line between two poles

as a guide to a sampling method.

Transect walk. A transect walk is a systematic walk along a defined path across the

community project Area together with the local people to explore the water and sanitation

conditions by observing, asking, listening, looking and producing a transect diagram

Triangulation method. The combination of the three methodologies in the study of the

same phenomena.


This chapter presents related literature, studies, articles, laws to provide background of

information on the study.

The Philippine archipelago which is composed of 7,100 distinct islands (Ambal et

al.2012) is considered as one of the mega diverse countries due to its unique composition of flora

and fauna, where high species richness and endemism are observed. However, the great

biodiversity and endemism in the country (Suarez, R.K. and P.E Sajise,2010) are mostly

threatened due to continued deforestation and habitat destruction (Posa, M.R.C et al.2008)

which could lead to the decline of wild life population (Murphy, G.E.P. and T.N Romanuk,

2014) and shall likely lead to its extinction (Suarez, R.K. and P.E Sajise,2010). The Philippine

forest are typically thick and rich of resources in the past millennium but have declined

tremendously by 70% as estimated by the Philippine DENR-Forest Management Bureau from

the period 1900 to 2007 or from 21million hectares to only 6.5 million hectares due to

widespread logging activities (Forest Management Bureau in Forest profile).

Trees are important source of oxygen and natural air filters. Trees are natural water

conservation and filters. Trees are source of food, fruits, for animals, birds and humans. Trees are

home for birds, Trees are play-field for kids, birds and monkeys, Trees are important for

environment, economic, social and personal development. Supporting wildlife and trees help in

economic development. Tree provide economic benefits for farmers and villagers. There are

thousands of business is running today in this world because of trees plants. The reason of

economic development because trees and plants provide material for furniture, rubber, herbal and

medicine, fruits, fuel etc. They have uncountable benefits and value trees provide to every living
and non-living things on this planet. It’s all about save life by planting new trees and plants. Life

is possible without Internet but nut without Trees and plants. Not all think about trees equally.

And not all care about nature. But there are various people, communities and schools really

doing great job in trees development. We all have to support and need to protect trees. (Vijay

Sharma, december 2016).

According to Peter Thomas (January 01,2000) tree is a large woody thing that provides

shade. Oaks, pines and similarly large majestic trees probably come immediately to mind. A

stricter, botanical definition is that a tree is any plant with a self-supporting, perennial woody

stem (i.e. living for more than one year). To horticulturalists, a ‘tree’ is defined as having a single

stem more than 6 m (20 ft) tall,which branches at some distance above ground, whereas a shrub

has multiplestems from the ground and is less than 6 m tall. This is a convenient definitionfor

those writing tree identification books who wish to limit the number of speciesthey must include.

However, shrubs are thought of as being just small trees since they work in exactly the same way

as their bigger neighbors. Thus, ‘trees’ cover the towering giants over 100 m through to the little

sprawl-ing alpine willows no more than a few centimetres tall.



This chapter presents the research location of the study, instrument/materials, research

design, sampling procedure, data gathering procedure and data analysis of the study.

Locale of the study

The study will be conducted in Barangay Minabay located in the Municipality of Buldon

Maguindanao. Barangay Minabay covers a total land area of 5,323hectares. With coordinates of

7.5773° Northing and 124.3939° Easting. The adjacent barangay will be Lalangitun, Lumba-

bayabao, Tanluan, Lumba-bayabao, Sabala Bantayaw, Lumba-bayabao Lanao Del Sur. Rumidas

Buldon, Pantawan Buldon and Karim Buldon, Maguindanao.

Figure2. The location of the study will be Barangay Minabay, Buldon, Maguindanao.

Research Design

The research design which will be use in the study is descriptive design using

identification survey method, botanical description and uses of tree species found in the area.

Trees will identify into its local name in Iranun, common name in tagalog or english, scientific

name and family name. The importance of various trees will based on the uses of the individual

plant/as disclosed knowledge person.

Sampling Procedure

The researcher will be establishing a 10m x 30m main plot. The data gathered in every

main plot is only tree species. The density will be computed according to the standard indices.

Purposive sampling will be use in the study. Recording of official common name will be

facilitated, given scientific names and later, grouped according to plant classification and to

propagate the number of tree species found thereat.

Research Instrument/Materials

The following materials and gadgets will be used in the conduction of the study camera

with zoom lens will be used for photographs of individual’s herbs species for documentation.

GPS will used to determine the global position of research area. Her-barium as reference for

identification. Other materials will used in the study area are record notes, pencils/ballpen, bolo,

knife, compass and tape measure.

Data Gathering

The data gathering procedure in the study will be methodological triangulation, using the

multiple methods of gathering data such as the actual method, interview method, and reference

method. Only tree species will be identified, its botanical description, and their uses will taken

through asking someone in the area. All tree species found in every main plot will be identified

and record it. Tree species that will not identified in the plot will be pictured and recorded

properly for photo comparison method. Purposive sampling (also known as judgement, selective

or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his own judgement

when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Purposive sampling is a non-

probability sampling method and it occurs when elements selected for sample are chosen by the

judgement of the researcher.

Data Analysis

The data gathered will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. Ranking method will be

use in the families and number of individuals from highest to lowest. Every species will identify,

giving its Botanical description, and their uses.


Forest Management Bureua, 2009 Philippines Forestry Outlook Study,

Lillian M. Weber Thomas H. Everett Graeme Pierce Berlyn, 2019 Encyclopaedia Britannica

Virginia Tech Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, 2014

Tree Identification

PhilAtlas 2019

Forest Management Bureau in Forest profile


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