Cuadro de Genes Apis

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A molecular phylogeny of the genus Apis suggests that the Giant Honey Bee of
the Philippines, A-breviligula Maa, and the Plains Honey Bee of southern
India, A-indica Fabricius, are...

Article  in  Systematic Entomology · December 2009

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00504.x


72 973

4 authors:

Nathan Lo Ros Gloag

The University of Sydney The University of Sydney


Denis Anderson Benjamin P Oldroyd

Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority The University of Sydney


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Systematic Entomology (2010), 35, 226–233 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2009.00504.x

A molecular phylogeny of the genus Apis suggests that

the Giant Honey Bee of the Philippines, A. breviligula
Maa, and the Plains Honey Bee of southern India,
A. indica Fabricius, are valid species
1 1 2
N A T H A N L O , R O S A L Y N S . G L O A G , D E N I S L . A N D E R S O N and
1 Behaviour and Genetics of Social Insects Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

and 2 CSIRO Division of Entomology, Black Mountain Laboratory, Canberra, Australia

Abstract. Two new taxa have been added to the existing molecular phylogenies of
the genus Apis. The new phylogeny supports the accepted phylogenetic relationships of
{dwarf honey bees [giant honey bees (cavity-nesting honey bees)]}. Based on Bayesian
and maximum parsimony trees, our analysis supports recognition of Apis indica, the
Plains Honey Bee of south India, as a separate species from A. cerana. Our analysis
also supports recognition of the Giant Philippines Honey Bee, A. breviligula, as a
separate species from A. dorsata.

Introduction time and place (Koeniger et al., 1996) from the more broadly
distributed A. cerana (Tanaka et al., 2001).
The taxonomy of the honey bees, genus Apis Linnaeus has Two recent phylogenies based on multiple mitochondrial
been confused for 100 years. At the extremes, Maa (1953) and nuclear genes (Arias & Sheppard, 2005; Raffiudin &
recognized 24 species and four subgenera, whereas Buttel- Crozier, 2007) have produced the most comprehensive and
Reepen (1906) argued for a single genus and just three well-supported phylogenies of the honey bees to date. These
species. In a heroic effort, Engel (1999) reviewed the vast analyses included the nine species recognized by Oldroyd and
literature (there are over 175 names) and settled on three Wongsiri, and a tenth taxon, A. dorsata binghami (Cockerell,
extant subgenera and seven species. In their review of the 1906), from Sulawesi. Raffiudian and Crozier’s Bayesian
biology of the Asian honey bees, Oldroyd & Wongsiri (2006) consensus trees gave 100% support for grouping A. d. binghami
adopted Engel’s classification, but followed Otis (1996), and A. dorsata as a group distinct from A. laboriosa, supporting
who recognized two additional species. The Giant Mountain recognition of A. laboriosa as a valid species. Arias &
Honey Bee from mountainous regions of Asia, A. laboriosa Sheppard (2005) found that A. dorsata was paraphyletic with
(Smith, 1871), has distinct colour and morphology (Sakagami respect to A. d. binghami : A. dorsata from Thailand was more
et al., 1980), and probably reproductive isolation (Underwood, closely related to A. d. binghami from Indonesia than it was to
1990) from the more broadly distributed lowland A. dorsata a sample of A. dorsata from Sri Lanka. The genetic distance
(Fabricius, 1793), and is associated with a unique species of between the Sri Lankan sample and those from Thailand and
parasitic mite (Anderson & Morgan, 2007). The Mountain Indonesia was similar to that found between well-accepted
Honey Bee from Borneo, A. nuluensis (Tingek et al., 1996), species, suggesting that A. dorsata may represent at least two
also has distinct coloration (Tingek et al., 1996) and mating species.
The two recent molecular phylogenies (Arias & Sheppard,
2005; Raffiudin & Crozier, 2007) did not include two taxa
Correspondence: Benjamin P. Oldroyd, Behaviour and Genetics that are of considerable interest. First, Maa (1953) described
of Social Insects Laboratory, School of Biological Sciences A12, a species A. (Megapis) breviligula from Los Banõs on the
University of Sydney, NSW 2600, Australia. E-mail: boldroyd@ Philippine island of Luzon. Giant bees from this area are strikingly divergent from most other A. dorsata owing to

© 2009 The Authors

226 Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society
Honey bee phylogenetics 227

black rather than yellow coloration of the abdomen (personal Alignment, data partitioning, and model selection
observations of BPO; Maa, 1953). This ecotype is also
behaviourally divergent from mainland species in that it never Sequences obtained in this study were aligned with those
forms colony aggregations as do A. laboriosa and A. dorsata reported in Raffiudin & Crozier (2007) by eye. The rrnL
(Morse & Laigo, 1969). Except for Palawan, the islands of alignment was 501 bp in length. One region corresponding
the Philippines were never connected to Borneo or mainland to positions 236–274 could not be aligned unambiguously,
Asia (George, 1981). Thus the giant bees of most of the and was removed from analyses. Of the remaining characters,
Philippines probably arose by means of a single chance 167 were variable and 114 were parsimony-informative. The
introduction by sea, providing ideal conditions for speciation cox2 alignment was 675 bp in length; 284 bp were variable,
through a combination of genetic drift and selection (Oldroyd 197 bp were parsimony-informative. The itpr alignment
& Wongsiri, 2006). was 538 bp in length; 131 bp were variable, 40 bp
The second taxon of interest not included in the two recent were parsimony-informative. The cox2 and itpr sequences
molecular phylogenies is the yellow ‘Plains’ morph of cavity- were partitioned into first, second and third codon positions
nesting honey bees from southern India. Based on a region (following partitioning of itpr into coding and non-coding
that spans both coding and non-coding regions between the (a single intron of 93 bp) sequences) using paup*4.0. Base
tRNAleu and COII genes of the mitochondria, Oldroyd et al. compositional bias was examined for each partition using
(2006) showed that the mitochondrial haplotype carried by TreePuzzle 5.2. In the cases where non-stationarity (Jermiin
this morphotype is dramatically diverged from the ubiquitous et al., 2004) was suggested, sequences were recoded into
‘mainland Asia’ family of haplotypes that are carried by other purines and pyrimidines and checked again for stationarity. The
A. cerana (Fabricius, 1793) across its range (Smith & Hagen, appropriate substitution model for each partition retaining the
1996). In addition, drones of the ‘Plains’ morph have an original coding and those recoded was then determined using
earlier mating time than drones of the black ‘Hill’ morph, MrModeltest (Nylander, 2004) and TreePuzzle (Schmidt
which is sympatric in south India. The ‘Hill’ morph carries the et al., 2002) respectively (in the latter case, manual likelihood
‘mainland Asia’ (Smith & Hagen, 1996) haplotype. Combined ratio tests were performed using nested models). The partitions
molecular and behavioural evidence suggests reproductive used and the models selected are shown in Table 2.
isolation of the ‘Plains’ and ‘Hill’ morphs (Oldroyd et al.,
2006). Thus the Plains morphotype may be a separate species
from A. cerana. Phylogenetic analyses
Here we re-analyse the data of Raffiudin & Crozier (2007)
[which included considerable data from Arias & Sheppard MrBayes 3.1 (Schmidt et al., 2002) was used to estimate
(2005)], but include new sequence data from the two additional tree topologies from the combined dataset. The appropriate
taxa mentioned above, based on the same genetic partitions. model (Table 2) was used for each partition. Two independent
Our phylogeny therefore includes representatives of all known analyses were run for 1 million generations, each starting
candidate honey bee species in a single analysis. with different random trees with four chains, with sampling
every 100th generation. The program awty (Nylander et al.,
2008) was used to plot likelihood scores for each sampled
Materials and methods generation. Stationarity was confirmed to have occurred after
3000 sampled generations by inspection of the cumulative
The methods used in this study closely followed those used split frequencies. The program Tracer 1.3 (A. Rambaut and
by Raffiudin & Crozier (2007). We produced new sequences A. J. Drummond, was also used to
from the Plains morphotype of the cavity-nesting bee from confirm convergence and stability [with effective sample size
South India (from individuals of four different colonies), and of all parameters >100; Abecasis et al. (2007)]. The first 3000
from samples of giant honey bees collected by Denis Anderson sampled generations were considered burn-in and discarded.
from the major islands of the Philippine archipelago (one Posterior probabilities were determined by constructing a 50%
individual from each collection site) (Table 1, Fig. 1). DNA majority-rule tree of the 7000 sampled post-burn-in trees.
was obtained by grinding the hind leg of individual bees in 5% A maximum-parsimony bootstrap tree (1000 replicates; 10
Chelex solution (1 mm Tris HCl pH 7.6, 0.1 mm EDTA pH random addition replicates per bootstrap replicate) was also
8) and incubation at 100◦ C for 15 min (Walsh et al., 1991). generated using paup*.
Supernatant containing DNA was diluted 1:1 in 250 μL of
distilled water. Target DNA from two mitochondrial genes Results
(rrnL, cox2 ) and one nuclear gene (itpr) was amplified using
the primers and protocols described by Raffiudin & Crozier The Bayesian consensus tree obtained in this study (Fig. 2)
(2007) (polymerase chain reaction was attempted on the gene was identical to that obtained using maximum parsimony (not
nd2 (Arias & Sheppard 2005), but it was not successfully shown), with the exception that some nodes generated in
amplified). Products were sequenced in both directions in the latter analysis were not supported in >50% of bootstrap
a commercial sequencing facility (Macrogen Inc., Korea). replicates. The relationships found here were similar to those
GenBank accession numbers are given in Table 1. in fig. 3 of Raffiudin & Crozier (2007) and in fig. 5 of

© 2009 The Authors

Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, 35, 226–233
228 N. Lo et al.

Table 1. Collection sites and collectors of honey bee specimens used in this study.

GenBank accession number

Group Species Location Collector/s itpr rrnL cox2

Bumble bee (OG)

Bombus terrestris Switzerland RSa DQ468668 AY588427 AY588419
Stingless bee (OG)
Trigona fimbriata Chiang Mai, Thailand RRa DQ468667 AY588426 AY588418
Melipona bicolor Sao Pãulo SD and MCAa na AF466146 AF466146
Dwarf honey bees
A. andreniformis Sumatra, Indonesia RRa DQ468666 AY588425 AY588417
A. florea Chiang Mai, Thailand RRa DQ468665 L22894 AY587548
Giant honey bees
A. dorsata Sabah, Malaysia RRa DQ468664 L22984 AY588415
Palawan, Philippines DLAa FJ932643 FJ932651 FJ932635
A. laboriosa Kathmandu, Nepal JPa DQ468662 AY588424 AY587547
A. d. binghami Sulawesi, Indonesia GWOa DQ468663 AY588423 AY587548
A. breviligula Luzon Philippines DLAb FJ932639 FJ932647 FJ932631
Mindoro, Philippines DLAb FJ932640 FJ932648 FJ932632
Bohol, Philippines DLAb FJ932638 FJ932646 FJ932630
Cebu, Philippines DLAb FJ932637 FJ932645 FJ932629
Luzon, Philippines DLAb FJ932641 FJ932649 FJ932633
Mindanao, Phillipines DLAb FJ932642 FJ932650 FJ932634
Cavity-nesting honey bees
A. mellifera Sydney, Australia BPOa DQ468657 NC001566 AY587542
A. koschevnikovi Sabah, Malaysia RRa DQ468661 L22895 AY587546
A. cerana Sabah, Malaysia RRa DQ468659 L22892 AY587544
A. nigrocincta Sulawesi, Indonesia SHa DQ468660 NC001421 AY587545
A. nuluensis Sabah, Malaysia RRa DQ468658 AY588420 AY587543
‘A. indica’ Kanataka, India BPOb FJ932636 FJ932644 FJ932628
a Sequences obtained from Raffiudin & Crozier (2007).
b New sequences.
Collector abbreviations: BPO, Ben P. Oldroyd; DLA, Denis L. Anderson; GWO, Gard W. Otis; SH, Soesilowati Hadisoesilo; RS, Regula Schmid-
Hempel; RR, Rika Raffiudin; SD and MCA, D. Silvestre and M.C. Arias. OG, outgroup.

Arias & Sheppard (2005), and reflect the broadly accepted (2007) and <50% bootstrap support]. This may be because
evolutionary relationships of the honey bees (Oldroyd & our analysis was based on three genes rather than four, and
Wongsiri, 2006). The topology shows three clear groupings because the fragment of itpr that we examined was shorter.
corresponding to the dwarf, giant and cavity-nesting honey Within the giant bees, the specimen from Palawan groups
bees. The accepted species (Engel, 1999) generally group with with A. dorsata in Sabah. In contrast, all the giant bees from
posterior probabilities that exceed 0.95, which is regarded as the islands of Mindanao, Luzon and Bohol group together
significant (Wilcox et al., 2002). and show little divergence from each other, perhaps with
With the exception of A. mellifera, the cavity-nesting bees the exception of the specimen from Cebu (Fig. 2). This
show robust groupings that reflect our current understanding suggests that the giant bees of the eastern islands of the
of the biogeography of the honey bees. The Plains cavity- Philippine archipelago are a separate species from all others.
nesting bee from Kanataka groups with mainland A. cerana, Apis laboriosa and A. d. binghami are separate from the Sabah
although the two are genetically quite divergent: the value of and Palawan samples, although support values for the clades
2.1% is similar to the distance (2.2%) between the examined containing the first two species are not high.
representatives of A. cerana and A. nigrocincta (we note The dwarf bees A. florea and A. andrenformis are strongly
that four ‘Plain’ individuals from four different colonies were diverged from all others and from each other.
sequenced; in each case the sequences were identical for all
three genes). This result is consistent with a previous study Discussion
(Oldroyd et al., 2006) and supports the idea that the Plain
Honey Bee represents a new species. Our analysis contains representatives of all known honey bee
Apis mellifera was found to group with other cavity- taxa. The phylogeny (Fig. 3) is similar to that presented by
nesting bees (A. koschevnikovi, A. nuluensis, A. cerana and Oldroyd & Wongsiri (2006) but shows the likely relationships
A. nigrocincta) with relatively low support [0.52 posterior of the cavity-nesting honey bees and the giant honey bees in
probability compared with 1.0 in fig. 3 of Raffiudin & Crozier greater detail.

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Honey bee phylogenetics 229

Fig. 1. (A) Collection sites across Asia; (B) collection sites within the Philippines.

Based on recent findings (Oldroyd et al., 2006; Raffiudin Apis breviligula Maa (1953): The Giant Philippine Honey Bee
& Crozier, 2007) we propose that three honey bee taxa
(A. breviligula, A. laboriosa, A. indica) be elevated to species Our analysis shows that the giant bees of the Philippine
status, and suggest that further work on the Giant Sulawesi islands of Luzon, Mindanao, Bohol and Cebu cluster together,
Honey Bee Apis dorsata binghami Cockerell is required to and as a group are strongly differentiated from our single
determine its status. Below we follow Engel (1999) wherever specimen from Palawan and from A. dorsata from Sabah.
possible. We suggest that this, combined with the strongly divergent

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230 N. Lo et al.

Table 2. Substitution models and coding schemes for partitions (1, 2 Philippine samples, and why the samples from the eastern
and 3 refer to codon positions for cox2 and itpr ). Philippine islands (A. breviligula) show little divergence from
each other. Apis breviligula may have arisen from a Pleistocene
Gene Partition
colonization event in which a founder population crossed the
All 1 2 3 Intron
strait from Palawan/Borneo to what are now the eastern islands
rrnL F81+G of the Philippine group.
cox2 GTR+G F81+G RY, F81+G
itpr JC F81 RY, F81 RY, F81
Apis dorsata binghami Cockerell (1906): The Giant Sulawesi
Honey Bee
coloration and nesting behaviour, is sufficient evidence to
support Maa’s classification of species status for A. breviligula In our analysis the placement of A. d. binghami is
separate from A. dorsata. Apis breviligula has also been shown ambiguous, and is not clearly distinguished from either A.
to host its own unique species of parasitic mite (Anderson & dorsata sensu stricto or A. laboriosa. The consensus trees of
Morgan, 2007). Raffiudin & Crozier (2007) and Arias & Sheppard (2005) did
About 18 000 years ago, during the Pleistocene cooling, the give strong support to grouping A. d. binghami with A. dorsata
Philippine island of Palawan was joined to Borneo. To the east, and separate from A. laboriosa. This topological difference
the other Philippine islands, including Mindanau, Luzon, Cebu, may be a result of the addition of the taxa from the Philippines
Laguna and Bohol, were joined to each other, but separated in our study. Further studies that include the same genes from
from Palawan and Borneo by the Cotabato-Sagihe deep ocean all the taxa in our study and that of Arias & Sheppard (2005)
trench that delineates the famous Wallace line which broadly are required to clear this up (the latter used nd2 and EF1-alpha,
separates the Eurasian and Australian biotas (George, 1981). neither of which was included in our study).
This ancient geography probably explains why our Palawan An earlier name, Apis zonata (Smith, 1865), exists for a
sample groups with our Borneo sample rather than with other species of giant honey bee collected in Celebes (= Sulawesi).

Fig. 2. Phylogenetic relationships among Apis spp., inferred from a combined dataset of rrnL, cox2 and itpr. The Bayesian inference (BI) topology
was inferred using the program MrBayes; the models of sequence evolution used for each partition are shown in Table 2. The tree was rooted with
Bombus terrestris, Trigona fimbriata and Melipona bicolor. Identical topologies and highly similar support values were found in two additional BI
replicates. A maximum parsimony (MP) 50% majority-rule bootstrap analysis (1000 replicates) produced a tree that was very similar to that shown,
although slightly less well resolved. Support values above and below branches are posterior probabilities (PP) and bootstrap percentage values
(BV) respectively. In the case where only a PP value is shown, the bootstrap value for the grouping was <50%. For A. brevigula and A. dorsata,
collection locations are shown. The scale bar represents substitutions/site (note that some sites were recoded as purines and pyrimidines).

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Honey bee phylogenetics 231

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic relationships between the extant honey bee taxa.

Maa (1953) rejected this name because it had also been used therefore suggest Giant Mountain Honey Bee. Our study
for the Philippine species, which he (correctly in our opinion) found that A. laboriosa was closer to A. dorsata than to A.
regarded as being distinct from the Sulawesi species. The Giant dorsata binghami, although support values were low. A more
Sulawesi Honey Bee is black and similar in appearance to detailed study of A. dorsata and relatives is required to clear
A. breviligula and A. laboriosa (Maa, 1953). this up.
Giant honey bees are known to have colonized the volcanic
island of Krakatoa, at least 50 km distant from Sumatra, within
26 years of a catastrophic eruption that denuded the island Apis indica Fabricius (1798 p. 370)
of all plant life and probably all invertebrates (Thornton &
Oldroyd et al. (2006) demonstrated that the yellow Plain
New, 1988). This demonstrates the ability of giant honey
morph of cavity-nesting bee from southern India carries a
bees to colonize across significant stretches of ocean. During
mitochondrial haplotype that is distinct from those of the
the Pleistocene cooling, the island of Sulawesi either was
black Hill morph and all other A. cerana. Our current analysis
connected via Sundaland to mainland Asia or was separated
by a stretch of ocean of less than 100 km (George, 1981). This includes additional genes, and the branch lengths of our new
relatively recent connection probably provided the opportunity phylogeny also suggest considerable divergence of the Plain
for honey bee populations from what is now the island morph from A. cerana.
of Sulawesi to exchange genetic material with honey bee The name ‘A. indica’ is based on two specimens of worker
populations on what is now the island of Borneo for a honey bees collected from India and lodged in the Copenhagen
protracted period. Museum (Fabricius, 1798). The name is listed by Smith (1865)
without description. Smith synonymized A. indica with A.
peronii from Timor, and four other Indian specimens. Smith
Apis laboriosa Smith (Moore et al., 1871): The Giant notes that A. indica is also present in Java, Sumatra, Flores,
Mountain Honey Bee Malacca and Borneo, suggesting confusion with A. cerana.
The subspecies name ‘Apis cerana indica’ is often used by
The clear differentiation of A. laboriosa from A. dorsata Indian researchers to refer to any cavity-nesting honey bee
(Arias & Sheppard, 2005; Raffiudin & Crozier, 2007), its from India. Ruttner (1988) used A. c. indica as one of four
distinct coloration (Sakagami et al., 1980), preference for subspecies of A. cerana. Based on principal component anal-
habitats above 1200 m, probable reproductive isolation from A. ysis of morphometric characters, Ruttner classified specimens
dorsata owing to a differing mating time (Underwood, 1990) from Thailand and Indonesia in A. c. indica. As Hepburn et al.
and its own parasitic mite species (Anderson & Morgan, 2007) (2001) have put it: ‘the meaningfulness of the designation “A.
compel us to recognize A. laboriosa as a valid species. Engel cerana indica”. . . is put under considerable pressure when it
recommended the common name Giant Himalayan Honey Bee, is remembered that the “cerana indica” of Thailand, Borneo
but this now seems inappropriate given reports of this species and Malaysia are certainly not the same bees which occur in
in mountainous regions of Vietnam (Trung et al., 1996). We India and Sri Lanka’.

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Journal compilation © 2009 The Royal Entomological Society, Systematic Entomology, 35, 226–233
232 N. Lo et al.

We suggest that the name A. cerana indica or A. indica phylogenetic estimates may be underestimated. Systematic Zoology,
be restricted to the yellow plains morph of cavity-nesting 53, 638–643.
bees from southern India. Further molecular studies on Kapil, R.P. (1956) Variation in the biometric characters of the
representatives from Sri Lanka are required to confirm whether Indian honeybee Apis indica. Indian Journal of Entomology, 28,
it is closely related to the southern Indian populations.
Koeniger, N., Koeniger, G., Gries, M., Tingek, S. & Kelitu, A. (1996)
Diagnosis is by means of coloration of the first three anterior Reproductive isolation of Apis nuluensis Tingek, Koeniger and
tergites of the workers. Workers in which the first three tergites Koeniger, 1996 by species-specific mating time. Apidologie, 27,
are completely yellow are classified as A. indica; workers in 353–359.
which one or more of the first three tergites show partial or Maa, T. (1953) An inquiry into the systematics of the tribus Apidini
complete black coloration are the A. cerana of the ‘Hill’ variety or honeybees (Hym.). Treubia, 21, 525–640.
(Kapil, 1956; Oldroyd et al., 2006). Moore, F., Walker, P. & Smith, F. (1871) Descriptions of some
We note that Arias & Sheppard (2005) found that a cavity- new insects collected by Dr. Anderson during the expedition to
Yunan. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1871,
nesting bee from Sri Lanka was strongly diverged from
A. cerana specimens from Sulawesi and Sabah, supporting
Morse, R.A. & Laigo, F.M. (1969) Apis dorsata in the Philippines.
the existence of a different species (presumably A. indica) in Philippines Association of Entomologists, Laguna.
Sri Lanka. Nylander J.A.A. (2004) MrModelTest ver 2 . Program distibuted by
the author, Evolutionary Biology Centre, University of Uppsala,
Acknowledgements Nylander, J.A.A., Wilgenbusch, J.C., Warren, D.L. & Swofford, D.L.
(2008) AWTY (are we there yet?): a system for graphical exploration
We thank members of the Behaviour and Genetics of Social of MCMC convergence in Bayesian phylogenetics. Bioinformatics,
Insects Laboratory for comments on this manuscript. 24, 581–583.
Oldroyd, B.P. & Wongsiri, S. (2006) Asian Honey Bees. Biology,
Conservation and Human Interactions. Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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