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Versión: Septiembre 2012
Revisor: Darlene González Miy

         How  to  write  a  descriptive  text  
by Darlene González Miy  

The purpose of writing a descriptive text is to make the reader picture or “see” a person, place, event,
situation, etc. in his mind, as you provide specific details through the use of adjectives that make the text
more vivid.

This type of text transmits feelings and sensations that the reader can experience as the writer describes
it. Some examples of descriptive texts can be found in a book, for example when describing a horror or
scene and creating an atmosphere:

“It was an ordinary cold night in autumn. The orange brownish crunchy leaves of the trees were
revolving on the ground as the wind blows them one time and then another. In the little peaceful town,
people felt safe inside their humble but warm and cozy homes, with no suspect of the terrible and
unexpected event that was about to happened…”

Other examples of descriptive text are travel brochures in which there are many details about the
different destinations, things to do, visit, eat, etc.

The following steps will be a guide to write a descriptive text:

In the first paragraph, we write the name of the place and location as well as the reasons for
choosing it.

Main Body
In the second paragraph we usually write about what the place looks like. In the third
paragraph we describe the place in detail. We can include the things we can see, feel,
hear, smell and taste.

In the last paragraph we write about our feelings and personal comments and/or
recommendation. Narrative descriptions of places can be found in tourist magazines,
letters, stories, etc. We normally use
past tenses to describe our visit. However, we use the present tenses to talk about the
location. We can use a variety of adjectives and adverbs as well as our senses to make our
description more appealing to the reader (Evans & Doodley, 2002, p. 114).

Now read the following example of a descriptive text. Decide if the text has the characteristics previously


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Versión: Septiembre 2012
Revisor: Darlene González Miy


Coyoacan is one of the most typical neighborhoods located inside the noisy and
fast-paced Mexico City and a mandatory place to visit if you want to enjoy the
experience of tranquility and peace.

As you walk by the streets of this place you can observe some of the oldest but
colorful and traditional houses that keep the Spanish style in their construction
and Baroque design. You can stop for a moment and taste a warm aromatic
cup of coffee as you enjoy a talk with friends or appreciate a local art exposition.
Continue your journey and find an endless type of unique souvenirs at the
multiple shops, libraries, boutiques, museums and galleries.

At lunch and dinner time you can taste a variety of exquisite food. Without a
doubt there is something for everyone, from a delicious typical Mexican food
stand in a corner, up to the most exquisite gourmet dishes at a fancy restaurant.

There is always something to do in this lively and beautiful place. So next time
you come to Mexico City, include Coyoacan in your itinerary and enjoy the
pleasure of a relaxing moment in time.

Summarizing, a good descriptive text has the following characteristics:

• Provide clear information about the place, object, or person being described.
• Provide a detailed description in the body of the text.
• Finish the text with a recommendation or comment about the object described.
• Use of present simple or past simple in case of a narration.
• Use of vivid words and adjectives.

Now you have all the necessary information to write a descriptive text.


Evans, V. & Dooley, J. (2002). Upstream Intermediate Student’s book p. UK: Express

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