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October, 2019 —- Celebrating 116 Years of Faithful Service — 1903 - 2019


Officers From the Grand Knight’s Desk

Chaplain "There is no season when such pleasant and sunny spots may be lighted
S/K Fr. William Winters, on, and produce so pleasant an effect on the feelings, as now in October." -
OFM, Cap. Nathaniel Hawthorne

Grand Knight
S/K Michael Boehm Here we are in October, a month that calls to mind so many wonderful memories and good times. A
month when the absolute splendor of Mother Nature is truly on display. A month for sweaters and
sweatshirts, football and soccer, warm cider spiked with rum and cinnamon and nutmeg, apple picking and
Deputy Grand Knight
S/K James Kaan of course pumpkin picking. And candy, let’s not forget the joy of trick or treating and coming home with
that big wonderful sack full of candy. The feeling you got when you finally were able to spread it all out on
Chancellor the floor and see what treasures you had collected! No worries about blood sugar or calories, no cares
S/K Kevin Drawbridge
about anything other than did you get enough of your favorites! So this month when you see all the
Financial Secretary brilliant colors, the purple skies and the orange and gold and yellow leaves and the green grass, take a
S/K Robert Elliott PGK FDD moment to remember those days, and give thanks to God that you had them, and for all the wonderful
people that you had and have in your life, and for all that you still have!
S/K Richard Costa I want to personally thank everyone who helped out at both the St. Liberata Feast and the St. Francis
BBQ. The spirit of Brotherhood and cooperation was on full display, both among ourselves and with our
Sister Columbiettes. Both days went off without a hitch and I feel that everyone had a really good time
Bill Gonzalez
helping out.
S/K Joe Fontana Our Council was very busy last month ( that’s an understatement) , and we continue to be busy in
October selling C & B. Please join us on October 19th for an “Oktoberfest “at the council. It’s a fun way for
Advocate us to get together and celebrate the month of October with some good food and beer, and a great way for
S/K Vincent Lettieri you all to help the Council out with C & B sales! Everyone who attends that evening will receive a free C &
B book, a $12 value, with their $15 entry fee. Yes, you read that right. You pay $15 to get in, eat, drink and
Inside Guard have a fun night, and you get a FREE C & B book worth $12 back, with a chance to win multiple times at
Bill Mones the December drawing, including a chance to win the Grand Prize of $25,000! That’s a better value than a
bus trip to Atlantic City! See our flyer in this Newsletter for more information and how to get tickets!!
Outside Guard
S/K Frank Bosco October is also MEMBERSHIP MONTH! So we need all of our Brother Knights to do their very best to
bring in a new member this month. Remember it is all of our responsibility to bring in new members.
First Year Trustee
When was the last time YOU brought in a new member? Do you best to see if you can bring in a new
S/K Pat Molluso
member this month!! Form100’s are available at the Council.
Second Year Trustee
Rich Basak Fraternally Yours,

Michael Boehm G.K.

Third Year Trustee
S/K John Terlecki PGK
All material in this document was approved by GK Michael Boehm for publication. Copyright 2019, Patchogue Council

Council Roster as of Dates To Remember Upcoming Events

September 1, 2019 Information on pages 9 and 10
October 7th——–Business Meeting, 8pm
Associate: 254
Insurance: 120 October 11——-Chapter Meeting in Patchogue DJ Scott and Dinner, Friday, October 4th, 7pm
Inactive: 25 8pm
Total: 399 October 14th——Monseigneur Corp., 7:30pm Columbus Day, Monday, October 14th

Honorary: 16 Oktoberfest, Saturday, October 19th, 6pm

October 21th——Social Meeting, 8pm
Honorary Life: 103
Disability: 14 October 28th——Officers Meeting, 7:30pm

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Family Director
SK James Ryan / 631-278-9429 /

May our Council Prayers be on behalf of the following:

Pray for Brothers Sammy Garafola, Rudy Carrabus and his wife Vicki, Jim Craig’s daughter Airen, Bill Mones’ wife Virginia, PGK Willie
Marciano and his wife Jean, Eddie O’Reilly, Gerry Restifo, Ernie Maller, Andrew Carollo, Ralph DePinto, Frank Cooper’s wife Virginia,
Phil Sgro, Keith Mandart, Robert Naurek, Rich Basak, Rich Costa’s Mother, Tony Russo, Santo Liguori, Tony Baffo, Robert Rizzo, Roy
Schiebel’s wife and Joe Fontana’s girlfriend Grace Bessieres.

Below are our recent notifications:

* May we pray for all those experiencing hardship from hurricane storms. May they get the resources they need to
mend their homes and their lives.
* May we pray for our church congregations, the spreading of our faith to our children and we be good stewards of the
* May we pray for all those that volunteer their time to different organizations and those dedicated to church
ministries – Usher, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server, Lector, Catechist and others.

If you have any updates on our prayer list above or have a new
` notification, please feel free to contact me at the cell phone or e-mail
Quick Note
above. We also want to hear about happy events in your life too. I

am not in the information loop and will not know unless you reach

out to me.

We ask also that you pray for all our Brother Knights who are in need and for their families; those we know about, and the many that
we do not know about.

Happy Birthday to All Brothers for the month of October!

Congratulations to President Betty Weeks and the Patchogue

Columbiettes for being awarded the Margaret Mary J. Mangan
Achievement Award for the 17th year in a row! In 1993, the
Supreme Council Columbiettes instituted the Margaret Mary J.
Mangan Achievement Award. Margaret Mary J. Mangan was
one of the Founders and the First Supreme President. This
program, in her honor, began to continue her love and
dedication to the Columbiettes. This award is to give
recognition for all the good works performed by the
Columbiettes throughout the year.

Page 2
Just a Reminder, starting in
October we will be going back to First
and Third Monday Meetings!
The Meeting days for October are Monday
October 7th and Monday October 21st! Also,
our “Summer “ dress code is now ended.
Jackets and ties for all Officers are required going forward. In Addition, Officers
Meetings will go back to the LAST Monday of the month at 7:30pm. Thank you.

It’s C & B time again!!!!

Our Council will be out selling C & B
raffles once again and we need YOUR
help. All we are asking is a few hours
of your time once a week or so.
Patchogue Council was # 2 in sales
last year and we want to regain that
TOP SPOT!!! So please call Chairman
PGK John Praino at 631 399-4420 and
let him know when you can help. You
are more then welcome to ask for some books to sell on your own to your family, co-workers and friends. Just
think about all those Girl Scout Cookies that you buy! Now it’s your turn to sell. Books will be available at all
meetings. Thank you.

Want to get up to the minute News,

Happenings and goings-on at the
Patchogue Knights of Columbus?
Like and Follow our Councils Fa-
cebook Page: Patchogue Knights of
Columbus # 725

All Articles for the November Patchogian

must be submitted by
Octoberber 20th
Our Website—

Page 3
The Fourth Degree Exemplification will be held on October 13th at St.
Anthony’s Church in Oceanside. All attending should wear a Tuxedo or Dark
Suit. It begins with Mass at Saint Anthony's Parish at 10:30 am (110 Anchor
Ave.) followed by banquet at O'Connell Gardens main ballroom (12 to
5PM). The next Fourth Degree Meeting will be Oct 23 at Kavanaugh
Council in Mastic.

The next Chapter Meeting will be held on October 11th at

Patchogue Council! It will be the “ Knight of the Year “
Presentation. Repast at 7pm, Meeting at 8pm, with the
ceremony to follow!

Congratulations to our newest Honorary Life, John J. Maggiacomo Jr. and Raymond S. Galli, and
Honorary members John M. Derby and Michael W. Haufe!
I am happy to report that our records and forms are currently all up to date.
Please update your information as needed. If you have changed your mailing address and have
not been receiving the Columbia magazine and membership bills please contact me. Membership
cards are mailed as dues come in.
As of September 1, 2019 we have 254 associate; 120 insurance; 25 inactive members for a total of
399 members. This is the first time in many years we have dropped below 400 members, recruit a
new member today. The council is in good standing with Supreme and New York State.
Knight Alert third Notices are being mailed out. The retention committee is trying to contact members whose dues are in
arrears. Send your membership dues in right away. Please make payment promptly to Patchogue K of C 725.

Robert W. Elliott, FS
151 Springdale Drive,
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

District Deputy Report

Congratulations to our newest Brothers who made their 1st Degree on September 10th
at St. Jude in Rocky Point and to those who made their 2nd Degree that night also.
Thank you St. Jude for hosting and to the 2nd Degree team for an awesome job. Thank you Kavanaugh for
providing your team that evening for the 1st Degree.
On September 27th there was a 3rd Degree at St. Thomas Moore Council Congratulations to all who made their Knight-
hood Degree that night. I am sorry I could not be there with you.
Thank you to all the officers that attended training on either September 14 or 28th I hope you found it helpful.
On October 24th Queen of all Hearts Council will be hosting a 3rd Degree.

Thank you for being a Knight and God Bless,


Page 4
St. Liberata Feast and Procession

Thanks to everyone who came down to the St. Liberata Feast and Procession! It was
an absolutely glorious day and it was a great turnout with the largest crowd ever! We
had a great day selling raffles and spending time with our Sister Columbiettes.
Due to the combined efforts of the Greater Patchogue Foundation, the Cultural
Heritage Committee, our Council and the generosity of Phil and Donna Butler, $2,251
was pinned to the Saint! That money will be equally divided between
St. Frances and Mt. Carmel.
Again, thank you to everyone who came down and helped out, especially our
friends from the Commander Shea Fourth Degree Assembly, PFN Mike Tully
and Commander Vinny Rutherford.

Page 5
St. Francis de Sales BBQ

On Sunday Sep. 8th members from our Council helped out at the St. Francis BBQ. We brought
down our grills, supplied all of the hot dogs and burgers, and even a bounce house for the
kids! A special thanks to all of the members who came down and helped out that day. It was a
great showing and it is really appreciated!

Page 6
I would like to take the time to thank each one of our members for all that they do for our
Council, our Order, our Churches and our Priests! We know that our Members are the
most valuable asset that our Council has. That is why we try so hard to reach out to
members who we have not heard from in a while, as well as bring in new members. If you
have moved, or know of a member who has moved recently, please let us know. Our
Financial Secretary Bob Elliott is always trying to update our data base. Unfortunately, off
times when we lose contact with a member, it can lead to their membership in our Order
being “suspended”. It is NEVER the desire of this Council to suspend any of our members
who wish to remain a member. We have recently formed our “ Retention Committee “,
whose responsibility it is to try to reach out to members who may be in peril of suspension
due to our Council not having been in contact with them for several years. The Retention Committee is composed of our
DGK James Kaan, and PGK’s Vinny Lettieri, John Terlecki and Frank Cooper. If for any reason you are in arrears in your dues
and are having any difficulty at all, please do not hesitate to contact myself or FS Bob Elliott. Any and all communications
will be strictly confidential. Again, thank you for being members of Patchogue Council 725. I hope to see you soon at a
Meeting or at one of the many events that our Council is involved in!
Vivat Jesus – Michael Boehm GK

Keller’s Korner October 2019

Four parts of retirement: Phase four

Okay, if you’ve been following along in my articles, you’ve read about the first phases that lead to retirement. Protection
and accumulation of savings are first, followed by de-accumulation of those funds while making them last.
The final phase is care. At some point, at some age (hopefully a very advanced age), you will need to slow down. You will
no longer be able to care for yourself. At that point, you will need to have assets available to provide much needed care,
either at home or in a care facility.
As you probably know, the cost of care continues to rise. I cannot quote you a number here (I could give you specific details in a face-to-face
meeting), but the nationwide average grows by leaps and bounds. How do you plan to cover these costs? Government programs might not be
available, or might require you to spend down your assets leaving your family with little.
The best way to handle the cost of care in the future is to plan ahead today. The Knights of Columbus offers long-term care insurance that can
cover at home or facility care costs. And our product is backed by the financial strength of the Order. It has many benefits and our premiums are
competitive with any other company.
The Knights of Columbus – the organization you trust – is in a position to help you with every phase. Life insurance, disability insurance,
guaranteed retirement plans that turn into guaranteed income streams when you retire, and long term care. There is no reason to go elsewhere as
you prepare for the four phases!
Contact me today to schedule a meeting.

Alex Keller FICF



Oct 6, 2019 - Sunday
2:00-3:30 pm
Manorville: LIE Exit 70/County Rd 111 (south)
Public sidewalk.
Rain or shine.
Signs provided
All are Welcome!!

Page 7
October has many traditions. There’s post-season baseball, tailgating at football games, apple picking and, of course,
Halloween. But most importantly, there is the Rosary.
As decreed by Pope Leo XIII, October is the Month of the Rosary. For Knights of Columbus, this has a special signifi-
cance. When a man joins our Order, he receives a Knights of Columbus rosary – at 1.9 million members, that’s a lot of
rosaries. And praying the rosary is an activity that our members do communally as part of council life.
According to Catholic traditions, St. Dominic was given the rosary by the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1214 in the Monastery of
Since then, it has become one of the Catholic Church’s powerful tools of prayer. But why pray the Rosary? Here are 5
of them. One for every decade.

1) The Blessed Mother gave us 15 Promises if we prayed the rosary

Alanus de Rupe, a 15th century Dominican preacher, claimed that he was visited by the Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave 15 promises to Christians who
prayed the rosary, including the Blessed Mother’s special protection and greatest graces, the light of God, a powerful armor against Hell, as well as domi-
nance over misfortune.
2) To obtain world peace
“Continue praying the rosary every day in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary, in order to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war, because only
She can help you.” This is what Our Lady of Fatima said to three children, Lucia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto in June 1917.
The Blessed Mother visited the children in Fatima, Portugal from May 13, 1917 to October 13, 1917 a period that culminated in the Miracle of the Sun,
otherwise known as, “The Day the Sun Danced.”
3) Time to reflect on the Gospel mysteries
The rosary consists of the Apostle’s Creed, the Hail Mary, the Our Father, the Glory Be, along with other prayers. However, in between each decade, we
are invited to reflect on the Mysteries of the Gospel: Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous.
In these mysteries, we rediscover, examine, and ponder the stories from the Gospel, and discover the real meaning of those events in the silence of our
4) Spiritual healing
And speaking of silence, another purpose of praying the rosary is to allow the repetition of the prayers enter into the silence of our hearts, where Christ’s
spirit dwells.
It is in that silence, we become more connected with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Not only that, but Jesus reveals to us that “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and
with all your mind.”
But to do so, we must make time for Him. The rosary is the perfect way to make time to connect with God, and for spiritual healing. Take 15 minutes a
day to be one with Him.
5) Prayer works!
The power of prayer is unspeakable. The answer to every prayer is a miracle, in and of itself. It is our lifeline to Him, to our souls, and to each other.
But the reason why October is the Month of the Holy Rosary is due to the power of prayer.

In 1571, Pope St. Pius V organized a group of Christian forces, known as the Holy League, in defense of an imminent invasion by the Ottoman Empire.
Before a battle with the Ottoman fleet in the Gulf of Patras, in the Ionian Sea, the pope called on all of Europe to pray the rosary for victory. These pray-
ers was answered, with the Holy League defeating the much larger Ottoman forces on October 7 at the battle of Lepanto.
To commemorate the victory, Pius V established the feast day of “Our Lady of Victory” – also known as Our Lady of the Rosary.
Hundreds of years after the battle of Lepanto, Pope Francis is now calling all Catholics this month to pray the rosary daily to “protect the Church from the
devil, who always seeks to separate us from God and from each other.”
So, in solidarity, let us pray to our most gracious advocate, the Blessed Mother, for peace throughout the world, and within our souls. It only takes 15
To do our part, our Council will be Praying the Rosary together at our October 21st social meeting. All of you received a Rosary as part of your
First Degree, and promised to carry it with you always, so make sure that you have it with you that night!

The Knights of Columbus and Columbus Day by Heather Cox Richardson

In the 1920s, a resurgent Ku Klux Klan tried to create a lily-white country by attacking African Americans, of course, but also immigrants,
Jews, and Catholics. This was an easy sell in the Twenties, since government leaders during the First World War had emphasized American-
ism and demanded that immigrants reject all ties to their countries of origin. From there, it was a short step for native-born white American
Protestants to see anyone different from themselves as a threat to the country.
A Catholic fraternal organization called the Knights of Columbus ran afoul of the Klan. Klan members spread the rumor that one became a
leader of the Knights of Columbus by vowing to exterminate Protestants, and to torture and kill anyone upon orders of Catholic leaders. To
combat the growing animosity toward Catholics and other American minorities, the Knights of Columbus began to emphasize the roles mi-
nority groups had played in American history. In the early 1920s, they published three books in a ―Knights of Columbus Racial Contribu-
tions‖ series, including The Gift of Black Folk, by W. E. B. Du Bois. The Knights of Columbus were determined to reinforce the idea that
America should not be a land in which white Protestant people attacked minorities, but rather should include everyone equally.
The desire of the Knights of Columbus to honor minorities made them turn to an old American holiday. Since the late 1860s, Italian
Americans in New York City had celebrated a Columbus Day to honor the heritage they shared with the famous Italian explorer; in the
1930s, the Knights of Columbus added national weight to that celebration. The Knights of Columbus joined with Generoso Pope, an
important Italian American politician in New York City, to rally behind the idea of a national Columbus Day. In 1934, President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, aware of the need to solidify his new Democratic coalition by welcoming all Democratic voters, proclaimed October 12 a
federal holiday: Columbus Day. In 1970, the day became unfixed from a date; it is now the second Monday in October. The Knights
intended for Columbus Day to honor the important contributions of immigrants – and Catholics – to American society.

Order Now!!
If you are in need of Council Apparel, now is a good time to order them. See Brother Knight Keith Mandart
or call him at 516-480-2076 for tee-shirts, polo shirts and hats!! We have jackets available too. Order them
now for Marching in the Parades and Council Events!!

Page 8
Upcoming Events

Page 9
Upcoming Events

Come on down to our Hall and have some fun with DJ Scott on
the following dates:

October 4th, 18th 25th and

November 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd

Dinner and Music

$20.00 per person
To reserve a table of 6 or more call 631-357-2881

Page 10

My Dear Sister Columbiettes and Brother Knights,

Fall is here, the leaves are turning and the air is cooling. We started this year off with a successful St. Liberata and we are
now selling raffle tickets at the Churches so let your friends know to stop by the table and take a chance to win a beautiful
basket filled with Italian goodies and lots of gift certificates. The dates at the churches are St. Francis Sept 22nd, and
October 6th, Mt. Carmel September 28th, October26th and November 10th, St. Joseph the Worker October 20th and Our
Lady of Snow October 13th and November 10th. The winners will be selected at our November meeting.

This year the Knights will be hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless at St. Francis de Sales food kitchen on November 24th. They
will be needing donations of canned food for the dinner, so please bring donations to our meeting on October 16th and our November
20th meeting. We will be helping the Knights serving the dinner.

We will be hosting a Major Degree October 22nd, so if you have any sister Columbiettes who made their first degree please let them
know and bring them to the Patchogue K of C by 6:30 pm.

Please keep all our sister Columbiettes and brother Knights in your prayers especially Elaine Addie, Terry Bobe, Gerry Restifo and Tatiana
Drawbridge who will be preparing to work aboard aircraft carrier The USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72 , we are so proud of Tatiana and her
service in the Navy.

Happy Birthday to the October babies.

May the peace of our Lord be with you always,

Betty Weeks, President

Nettie Knitters
We are still here!!!!!! We meet on Tuesday’s at 1pm. Why not come on down and see if you would be
interested. See ya there, The Netties

Knights of Columbus Senior Club

Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the K of C Hall.
1 pm to 3 pm

We’re back and ready to go

Mt. Airy Casino—The Supremes BLAST FROM THE PAST FOR MANY OF US, $102.00 PP includes $15.00 slot play, food and the show.
Can’t beat that with a stick.
Lunch, October 9th—3pm at Dragon Phoenix. Fantastic Menu and End of summer show at the Patchogue Theatre. Tickets for the show
are free. First come. Call a.s.a.p. for tickets, they are going really fast.
On Fridays (see flyer) the K of C council has an event with DJ Scott for $20.00. You get dinner and Music, It is really fantastic. To reserve a
table of 6 or more call 631-357-2881. What a great night and what great people and music.
For all other info, trips etc. our Entertainment leader is back. Call Ronnie at 631-289-5758 or Elaine 631-475-5722.
So until next month tootles

Chuck Gerlach, President,

VP, Pat Molluso——Treasurer, Theresa Baker——Secretary, Elaine Addie, (631) 475-5722
Communications Chairperson Dorothy Zeo, 475-8508——Entertainment Chairpersons, Ronny Pliszak 289-5758
and Elaine Addie 475-5722.

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