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What is Research?

Systematic process of collecting and analyzing

data in order to answer questions, provide
solutions to a problem, and to validate an existing
Purpose of Research
(Aims, Objectives, Goals)
For more specific purposes and goals of research, the following may be
 To discover new facts about known phenomena. (Alcohol is a known
phenomenon and research may turn into a kind of fuel equal in quality to
 To find answers to problems which are only partially solved by existing
methods and information. (Cancer is a serious disease which is only partially
cured by present methods but due to intensive and continuous research,
the disease may be eradicated later on.)
 To improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products.
(This goal envisions the invention of new gadgets and machines, food
products and others used by man.
 To discover previously unrecognized substances or elements. (Previously we
had only 92 elements but due to research we now have more than 100)
 To discover pathways of action of known substances and elements. (Due to
research we come to know the dangers from the abusive use of
prescribed drugs and some poisonous substances)
 To order related, valid generalizations into systematized science (The result
of this purpose of research is the science we are now studying in school.
 To provide basis for decision-making in business, industry, education,
government, and in other undertakings. One approach in decision-making
is the research approach. (This is basing important decisions upon the
results of research)
 To satisfy the researcher's curiosity. (Sanchez, p.3) (Edison was curious about
how a hen hatches her eggs and made a research on that and he
invented the incubator)
 To find answer to queries by means of scientific methods. One important
question that may be asked which can be answered only by means of
research is: In what setting is life expectancy higher, in the city or in the
 To acquire a better and deeper understanding about one phenomenon
that can be known and understood better by research is why women are
generally smaller than men.
 To expand or verify existing knowledge. This usually happens when
researches are replicated. Newly discovered facts may be found to
expand knowledge gained from previous research or verified if the same
facts are found.
 To improve educational practices for raising the quality of school products.
Research surveys often result in the revision of curricula and instructional
innovations to maximize the effectiveness of the learning process.
 To promote health and prolong life. This purpose is very obviously
demonstrated in pharmaceutical, nutritional, and medical research.
 To provide man with more of his basic needs-more and better food,
clothing, shelter, etc. The work of the International Rice Research Institute in
Los Baños, Laguna is a good example of this purpose.
 To make work, travel, and communication faster, easier, and more
comfortable. Due to research airplanes are made to fly faster, land vehicles
to run faster, labor-saving machines have been invented and improved,
radio and television bring news immediately to the remote areas, and more
wonders of electricity are making life easier and better.
Characteristics of Good Research

 Research is Sytematic.
 Research is Empirical.
 Research is Analytical.
 Research is Objective, Unbiased, and Logical.
 Research employs Hypothesis.
 Research employs quantitative or statistical methods.
 Research is original work.
 Research is done by an expert.
 Research is an accurate investigation, observation and
 Research is patient and unhurried activity.
 Research requires an effort-making capacity.
 Research requires courage.
Qualities of Good Researcher

 R-esearch-Oriented
 E-fficient
 S-cientific
 E-ffective
 A-ctive
 R-esourceful
 C-reative
 H-onest
 E-conomical
 R-eligious
Parts of Reserach


Background of the Study
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Foreign Literature
Local Literature
Foreign Studies
Local Studies
Synthesis of Reviewed Literature and Studies
Research Design
Respondents of the Study
Data Gathering Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure


Differences Between Research and
 The researcher must be able to distinguish between
research and problem-solving. His supposed research
problem may only be good for problem-solving. The
differences between the two are summarized as
follows: (Treece and Treece, Jr., pp. 47-48)
Kinds and Classifications of Research

 According to goal. According to goal, research may classified as basic

and pure research and applied research
a. Basic or pure research is done for the development of theories or
principles. It is conducted for intellectual pleasure of learning.
Much of this kind of research has been done is psychology and
sociology. (Manuel and Medel, p.28)
b. Applied research is the application of the result of pure research.
This is testing the efficacy of theories and principles. For instance,
a principle says that praise reinforces learning. To determine if this
is true, one conducts and experiment in which there are two
classes. In one class, he uses praise but in the other class there is
no praise at all. All other things are kept equal. At the end of the
experimental period, he gives the same test to the two classes. if
the scores of the pupils in the class with praise are significantly
higher than those in the class without praise, then the principle is
According to the levels of investigation. French
categorizes research according to the levels of
investigation into exploratory research,
descriptive research, and experimental research.
a. In exploratory research, the researcher studies the variables pertinent to
a specific situation.
b. In descriptive research, the researcher studies the relationship of the
c. In experimental research, the experimenter studies the effects of the
variables on each other. (Treece and Treece, Jr., p.6)
 According to choice of answers to problems. Ackoff divides
research that is concerned with finding answers to problems
into evaluation and developmental research.
a. In evaluation research, all possible courses of action are
specified and identified and the researcher tries to find
the most advantageous.
b. In developmental research, the focus is on finding or
developing a more suitable instrument or process than
has been available. (Treece and Treece, Jr., p.6)
 According to statistical content. Under this type may be
mentioned quantitative research and non-quantitative
a. Quantitative or statistical research is one in which inferential
statistics are utilized to determine the results of the study.
Inferential statistics such as correlation, chi-square, analysis or
variance, etc. are used to test the hypothesis. This type of
research usually includes comparison studies, cause-effect
relationships, etc.
b. Non-quantitative research. This is research in which the use of
quantity or statistics is practically nil. This is especially true in
anthropological studies where description is usually used.
Descriptive data are gathered rather than quantiative data.
 According to time element. According to time element, Best
classifies research as historical, descriptive, and experimental.
a. Historical research describes what was.
b. Descriptive research describes what is.
c. Experimental research describes what will be. (Treece and
Treece, Jr., p.6)

 Other types and kinds of research are named according to

the area or field of activity. Hence, we have sociological
research, social research, psychological research,
anthropological research, physical research, chemical
research, industrial research, economics research, health
research, nursing research, curriculum research, educational
research, and countless others.
The Scientific Method of Research

One of the characteristics of good research is that, it is systematic. It follows the

scientific method of research which includes of the following sequential steps:
(Treece and Treece, Jr., p.47)
1. Determining (recognizing) the problem;
2. Forming a hypothesis;
3. Doing the library search;
4. Designing the study;
5. Developing the instruments for collecting data;
6. Collecting data;
7. Analyzing data;
8. Determining implications and conclusion from the findings;
9. Making recommendations for further research.
Principles of the Scientific Method

1. Rigid control,
2. Objectivity,
3. Systematic organization, and
4. Rigorous standards.
 Rigid control refers to the manipulation of the research
variables. Variables are those things that vary in quantity and
quality which are to be manipulated by the researcher.
Examples of variables are age, sex, population, adequacy,
efficiency, etc. These are variables which should be
controlled rigidly, that is, kept constant or equal in a certain
research work
 Objectivity means that there should be no bias or partiality in
treating the results of the inquiry. The results should not be
tampered with, whatever they may be.
 Systematic organization refers to proper and accurate
tabulation of data as well as presenting them in statistical
tables ready for interpretation.
 The fourth principle refers to the setting up of standards or
principles which serve as bases for evaluating the finding of
the study. Such standard should not be changed to suit the
expectations of the researcher. The principle also refers to the
accurate statistical computation and interpretation of
quantified data.
Designing the Study

 Designing the study must follow the scientific method of research.

Aside from choosing the right problem, forming the hypotheses, and
library research, designing the study also includes deciding on the
method of research to be used, the study population, the
instrument for gathering data and its preparation, the sampling
design, statistical treatment of data, and analysis and presentation
of data.
 Following are discussions and explanations of each of these aspects
of the research procedure. After carefully studying these discussions
and explanations, the researcher can already make a workable
design of research for his investigation.
 There are three major research methods with their respective
variations from which the researcher may choose the method
he wants to use depending upon the nature of his
investigation. These are the historical, descriptive, and
experimental methods of research.
 Discussed and explained also are the different methods of
collecting data such as the interview, questionnaire,
observation, tests, and others as well as the preparation of
their respective instruments.
 Sampling designs such as pure random, systematic, stratified,
cluster and other types are also well elaborated on.
The Research Problem
A research problem is
1. any significant, perplexing and challenging situation, real or
artificial, the solution of which requires reflective thinking
2. a perplexing situation after it has been translated into a
question or series of questions that help determine the
direction of subsequent inquiry.

The foregoing definitions are according to Dewey.

Characteristics of a Research Problem

Time bound
Sources of Research Problem

1. Specialization of the Researcher

2. Current and Past Researches
3. Recommendations from theses, dissertations, and research
4. Original and creative ideas of the researcher based on the
problems met in the locality and country.
Elements of a Research Problem

1. Aim or purpose of the problem for investigation. This answers

the question “Why?” Why is there an investigation, inquiry or

2. The subject matter or topic to be investigated. This answers

the question “What?” What is to be investigated or studied?

3. The place or locale where the research is to be conducted.

This answers the question “Where?” Where is the study to be
The period or time of the study during which the data are to be
gathered. This answers the question “When?” When is the study to
be carried out?
5. Population or universe from whom the data are to be
collected. This answers the question “Who?” or “From whom?”
Who are the respondents? From whom are the data to be

Summarizing, the elements of a research problem are aim or

purpose, subject matter or topic, place or locale, period or time,
and population or universe. They respectively answer questions
starting with why, what, where, when, and who or from whom.

“Application of Six Sigma in Reducing Wedging Variation in

RK101 of Mariwasa Siam Ceramics Incorporated”

Aim or purpose: Mariwasa Siam Ceramics Inc. is experiencing

problems such as wedging defects in RK101. Producing such
defects reduces customers satisfaction, and at the same time,
generates costs. This study generally aims to reduce the
wedging variation in RK101 from 3% to 1.5%.
Subject matter or topic:” Application of Six Sigma in
Reducing Wedging Variation in RK101 of Mariwasa Siam
Ceramics Incorporated”

Place or locale: The research will be conducted at

Mariwasa Siam Ceramics located at Sto. Tomas, Batangas
Period or Time: The data gathering started February 7, 2015
and the research ended April 25, 2015

Participants of the study: The participants in this study

include a team from the company as well as the
researchers. The team of the company is composed of a
team leader , assistant team leader and the quality control
circle head.
Guidelines in the Selection of a
Research Problem or Topic
✓ The research problem or topic must be chosen by the
researcher himself. This is to avoid blaming others or
offering excuses for any obstacle encountered.
✓ It must be within the interest of the researcher. This is to
make sure that the researcher will focus his full attention on
the research work.
✓ It must be within the specialization of the researcher. This
will in some way the work easier for him because he is
working on familiar grounds. Besides, this may improve his
specialization, skill, and competence in his profession.
✓ It must be within the competence of the researcher to
tackle. The researcher must know the method of research
and other research procedures applicable to his problem
and he must know to apply them. He must have a workable
understanding of his study.
✓ It must be within the ability of the researcher to finance,
otherwise he must be able to find funding for his research.
Research involves not a small amount of expense and the
researcher must be able to foot the bills until his study is
completed. There must be a budget which he must be able
to shoulder.
✓ It is researchable and managable, that is,
✓ Data are available and accessible
✓ The data must meet the standards of accuracy, objectivity, and
✓ Answers to the specific questions ( subproblems) can be found.
✓ The hypotheses formulated are testable, that is, they can be accepted
or rejected
✓ Equipment and instruments for research are available and can give valid
and reliable results.
✓ It can be completed within a reasonable period of time unless it is a
longitudinal research which takes a long time for its completion.
✓ It is significant, important, and relevant to the present time and situation,
timely, and of current interest
✓ The results are practical and implementable.
✓ It requires original, critical, and reflective thinking to solve it. To be able to
apply these, the research project must be novel, new or original.
✓ It can be delimited to suit the resources of the researcher but big or large
enough to be able to give significant, valid, and realiable results and
✓ It must contribute to the national development goals for the improvement
of the quality of human life.
✓ It must contribute to the fund of human knowledge.
✓ It must show or pave the way for the solution of the problem or problems
intended to be solved.
✓ It must not undermine the moral and spiritual values of the people.
✓ It must not advocate any change in the present order of things by
means of violence but by peaceful means.
✓ There must be a return of some kind to the researcher, either one or
all of the following, if the research report is completed:
✓ Monetary, either increase in salary or publication of the results in
which there is some kind of royalty
✓ Advancement of position, promotion. Generally, after finishing a
graduate course, there is a promotion especially in the
educational system. It is easier to get a promotion with a
graduate degree than without one.
✓ Improve specialization, competence, and skill in professional work
especially if the research subject is related to the profession.
✓ Enhanced prestige and reputation.
✓ Satisfaction of intellectual curiosity and interest, and being able
to discover truth.
✓ There must be a consideration of the hazards involved, either physical, social,
or legal. This author knows of a man who went to the mountains to study a
tribe, ignoring physical dangers from wild animals and from the tribesmen
themselves. While this act is admirable, the researcher must also consider his
personal safety.
Another hazard is social. This occurs when an inquiry happens to encroach
upon socially approved and established social values, norms of conduct, or
ethical standards. The inquiry may draw the ire of the populace and the
researcher may recieve some kind of rebuke, censure, criticism, or derision.
Still another hazard is legal. If an investigation may effect adversely the honor
and integrity of certain people, a libel suit may ensue. Of course, it does not
matter much if the researcher can prove his facts to be true and if he is a
crusader. He will be admired for his boldness to discover and tell the truth no
matter who gets hurt. A study about graft and corruption in the goverment is an
The Title

Guidelines in writing the title:

➢ Generally, the title is formulated before the start of the research work. It may be
revised and refined later if there is a need.
➢ The title must contain the subject matter of the study, the locale of study, the
population involved, and the period when the data were gathered or will be
➢ It must be broad enough to include all aspect of the subject matter studied or to be
studied. hence, the title indicates what is expected to be found inside the thesis
➢ It must be as brief and concise as possible.
➢ Avoid using the terms “An Analysis of,” “A Study of,” “An Investigation of,” and the
like. All these things are understood to have been done or to be done when a
research is conducted.
➢ If the title contains more than one line, it must be written like an inverted pyramid, all
words in capital letters.

Web Based PC Controlled Automation Device

Automatic Transfer Switch for Dual Generator Set

Integration of Green Building Technology into the Environmental

Management System of the Locators of LISP I
 Application of Six Sigma in Reducing Wedging Variation in
RK101 of Mariwasa Siam Ceramics Incorporated

 Reduction of SO2 and CO in the Boiler Stack Gas of Rightpak

International Corporation
Statement of the Problem

Guidelines in formulating the general problem and the specific sub

problems or specific questions.
 The general statement of the problem and the specific sub problems
or questions should be formulated first before conducting the
 It is customary to state specific sub problems in the interrogative form.
Hence, sub problems are called specific questions.
 Each specific question must be clear and unequivocal, that is, it has
only one meaning. It must not have dual meaning.
 Each specific question is researchable apart from the other questions,
that is, answer to each specific question can be found even without
considering the other questions.
 Each specific question must be based upon known facts and
phenomena. Besides, data from such known facts and phenomena
must be accessible to make the specific question researcheable.
 Answers to each specific question can be interpreted apart from the
answers to other specific questions.
 Answers to each specific question must contribute to the
development of the whole research problem or topic.
 Summing up the answers to all the specific questions will give a
complete development of the entire study.
 The number of specific questions should be enough to cover the
development of the whole research problem or study.
Before writing down the specific questions, determine first the different aspects of the
research problem to be studied and then for each aspects make one specific
question with sub questions if there is a need.
If the research topic is reducing wedging variations in RK 101 to from 3% to 1.5%
using the application of Six Sigma then specific problems would be:
▪Current defect condition:
1. What is the current defect condition at Roller Kiln 101 in Mariwasa Siam
Ceramics Incorporated?
▪Current Status of Tiles Position and the Corresponding Sigma Level
2. What position of tiles in the RK 101 has the lowest capability and what is the
current sigma level?
▪Main causes for tiles inefficiency passing RK 101
3. What are the main causes why the tiles passing RK 101 perform inefficiently?
How to Write Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The Problem and Its
Background of the study
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitation of the Study
Definition of Terms
Guidelines in writing the introduction. The introduction of
a thesis should contain a discussion of any or all of the
1. Presentation of the problem. The start of the
introduction is the presentation of the problem, that is,
what the problem is all about. This will indicate what
will be covered by the study.
Example: Suppose the investigation is about the
teaching of science in the high schools of Province A.
The discussion may start with this topic sentence: There is
no other period in world history when science has been
making its grearesr impact upon humankind that it is
today ……
2. The existence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem that
needs a solution. Example: The teaching of science in the high
schools of Province A has been observed to be weak as shown by
the survey tests fiven to the students recently. The causes must be
found so that remedial measures may be instituted.
3. Rationale of the study. The reason or reasons why it is necessary
to conduct the study must be discussed. Example: One of the
thrusts of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports and of
science. It is necessary to conduct this inquiry to find out how to
strengthen the instruction of science in the province
4. A link between the introduction and statement of the
Statement of the Problem

 There should be a general statement of the whole

problem followed by the specific quetions or
subproblems into which the general problem is
broken up. These are already formulated at the
beginning of the study and so they should only be
copied in this section.
Importance or Significance of the
Guidance in explaining the importance of the study. The
importance of the whole study must contain
explanations or discussions of any or all of the following:
1. The rationale, timeliness, and/or relevance of the
study. The rationale, timeliness, and/or relevace of the
study to existing conditions must be discussed.
2. Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement
to unsatisfactory conditions.
3. Who are to be benefitted and how they are going to be
4. Possible contribution to the fund of knowledge.
5. Possible implication. It should be discussed here that the
implications include the possible causes of the problems
discovered, the possible effects of the problems, and the
remedial measures to solve the problems. Implications also
include the good points of a system which ought to be
continued or to be improved if possible.
This study intent to conduct a thorough investigation of the present state
of operation in the business and challenge to design and develop ergonomic
intervention to reduce ergonomic risk factors associated in manual material
handling tasks.
For the business, the study aims to provide information that is favorable to
their operators in avoiding or reducing ergonomic risks factors. Employers are
required to carry out risk assessments and take action to protect workers from
the risks of manual handling.
For the academe, this study strives for the convenience of handling loads
application for easy understanding of the subject to the different fields of
engineering particularly Industrial Engineering.
This assessment is likely helping the workers of the company become more
efficient by improving the practices in loading and handling materials.
This endeavor can also be complementary for the students who would
want to have a research on the same theme.
Scope and Limitation of The Study

Guidelinesin writing the scope and delimitations. The scope and

delimitations should include the following:
1. A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.
2. The subject matter abd topics studied and discussed.
3. The locale of the study, where the data were gathered or the
entity to which the data belong.
4. The population or universe from which the respondents were
selected. This must be large enough to make generalization
5. The period of the study. This is the time, either months or years,
during which the data were gathered.
Limitation of the study include the weaknesses of the
study beyond the control of the researcher. This is
especially true in descriptive research where the
variables involved are uncountables or continous
variables such as adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency,
extent, etc. The weaknesses spring out of the
inaccuracies of the perceptions of the respondents.
Conceptual Framework

 From the review of related literature and studies, the

researcher may formulate a theoretical scheme for his
research problem. This scheme is a tentative
explanation or theoretical explanation of the
phenomenon or problem and serves as the basis for
the formulation of research hypotheses. Thus, the
conceptual framework consists of the investigator's
own position on a problem after his exposure to
various theories that have bearing on the problem. It is
the researcher's new model which has its roots on the
previous models which the researcher had studied.
 The conceptual framework becomes the central
theme, the focus, the main thrust of the study. It serves
as a guide in conducting the investigation.
 Paradigm. A paradigm is a diagrammatic
representation of a conceptual framework. It depicts
in a more vivid way what the conceptual framework
wants to convey.

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