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Case : Quality Management of TOYOTA

Table of sample
1,9 2,0 1,9 1,8 2,2 1,7 2,0 1,9 1,7 1,8
1,8 2,2 2,1 2,2 1,9 1,8 2,1 1,6 1,8 1,6
2,1 2,4 2,2 2,1 2,1 2,0 1,8 1,7 1,9 1,9
2,1 2,0 2,4 1,7 2,2 2,0 1,6 2,0 2,1 2,2

Total 78,5
Quantity 40,0
Mean 1,9625
STDEV 0,20962421

1. If the specification is such that no washer would be greater than 2.4 millimeters, assuming
that the thicknesses are distributed normally, what fraction of that output is expected to be
greater than this thickness?

There are 40 sets of sample data, and from these data given we can derive the average
thickness in the sample which is 1,9625 and the standard deviation which is 0,20962421.
The probability that the thickness is greater than 2,4 is:

Z= = 2,087068

NORMSDIST (2,097068) = 0,98155901

1 – 0,98155901 = 0,01844099 or 1,84%

So, the fraction defective that are expected to have a thickness greater than 2,4 is
1,84% of the washers.

2. If there are an upper and lower specification, where the upper thickness limit is 2,4 and the
lower thickness limit 1,4, what fraction of the output is expected to be out of tolerance?

ISL = 1,4
USL = 2,4

Z= = −2,683373

NORMSDIST (-2,683373) = 0,003644 or 0,364%

The total expected fraction would be 0,01844099 (from result no.1) + 0,003644 =
0,022085 or 2,21% of the washers that are expected to be out of tolerance.
3. What is the Cpk for the process?

(1,9625−1,4) (2,4−1,9625)
Cpk = min [ , ]
3(0,209624206) 3(0,209624206)
= min [0,894458, 0,695689]
= 0,695689

Choose the smaller number, so the Cpk for the process is 0,695689

4. What would be the Cpk for the process if it were centered between the specification limits
(assume the process standard deviation is the same)?

the center of the specification limits is 1,9,

(1,9−1,4) (2,4−1,9)
Cpk = min [ , ]
3(0,209624206) 3(0,209624206)
= min [0,795074, 0,795074]
= 0,795074

Cpk for the process is equal at the value of 0,795074

5. What percentage of output would be expected to be out of tolerance if the process were

Z= = −2,385221

2x (1-NORMSDIST (2,385221) = 0,017068876 or 1,71%

So, the fraction defective would be about 1,71% if the process were centered.

6. ̅ and R (range) control charts for the current process. Assume the operators will
Set up 𝑿
take samples of 10 washers at a time.

Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ̅
𝑿 Range
1 1,9 2,0 1,9 1,8 2,2 1,7 2,0 1,9 1,7 1,8 1,89 0,50
2 1,8 2,2 2,1 2,2 1,9 1,8 2,1 1,6 1,8 1,6 1,91 0,60
3 2,1 2,4 2,2 2,1 2,1 2,0 1,8 1,7 1,9 1,9 2,02 0,70
4 2,1 2,0 2,4 1,7 2,2 2,0 1,6 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,03 0,80
MEAN 1,9625 0,65

The highest
The lowest
For measure the Range (The highest – The lowest)
Factors Control Limit
Number of
Factor for Lower Upper
observations ̅ - chart
𝑿 control control
in each
(A2) limit (D3) limit (D4)
sample (n)
10 0,31 0,22 1,78

̅ = UCL = 𝑿
Upper control limit for 𝑿 ̅ + A2.𝑹̅
UCL = 1,9625 + (0,31*0,65) = 2,164
̅ = LCL = 𝑿
Lower control limit for 𝑿 ̅ - A2.𝑹
LCL = 1,9625 – (0,31*0,65) = 1,761
Upper control limit for R = UCL = D4. 𝑹
UCL = 1,78 * 0,65 = 1,157
Lower control limit for R = LCL = D3. 𝑹
LCL = 0,22 * 0,65 = 0,143

7. Plot the data on your control charts. Does the current process appear to be in control?

̅ Chart
0 1 2 3 4 5

Sample Number

̅ Chart





0 1 2 3 4 5

Sample Number
For the 4 samples, there were no out of the control limits between UCL and LCL lines,
it’s means that the current process appears to be in control. It’s also implies that the process
is working well without much noise because it only has minimal amount of variation.
(more certain with less variation)

8. If the process could be improved so that the standard deviation were only 10 millimeter,
what would be the best that could be expected with the processes relative in fraction

There are 40 sets of sample data, and from these data given we can derive the average
thickness in the sample which is 1,9625 and the standard deviation which is 0,1
millimeters. Upper use 2,4 Lower use 1,4 and center use 1,9.

 Upper Spec Z = = 4,375

NORMSDIST (4,375) = 0,99999393

1 – 0,99999393 = 0,000006072 or 0,0006072%

 Lower Spec Z = = −5,625

NORMSDIST (-5,625) = 0,000000009275

0,000000009275 + 0,000006072 = 0,000006080899 or 0,0006081%

 Center Z = =5

NORMSDIST (5) = 0,999999713

2 x (1 – 0,999999713) = 0,000000286652
= 2 x 0,000000286652
= 0,0000005733 or 0,00005733%

Based on the calculation, the best could be done is for the process to be centre
at 1,9 only about 0,00005733%. (the lowest fraction defection).

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