Exploring The Concept of Loob and Forgiveness of Selected Mothers of Incarcerated Children From Quezon City Jail

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Undergraduate Thesis
Submitted to the Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
College of Arts and Sciences
Cavite State University
Indang, Cavite

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Psychology





Jeline Mikaela I. Casambros

Jaica C. Ferrer
Pol John P. Villabroza

An undergraduate thesis proposal submitted to the faculty of the Department of Social

Sciences and Humanities, College of Arts and Sciences, Cavite State University, Indang,
Cavite, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in
Psychology with Contribution no. __________. Prepared under the supervision of Mr.
Lemuel S. Gallogo, RPm.


It is normal to assume that not just anyone can forgive a wrong doer for a certain

mistake. If they lack affirmation, then forgiving is not on the table for them. So to doubt

whether someone has standing to forgive is not to doubt whether someone succeeded in

forgiving. Is it to doubt whether someone’s forgiveness was morally good, right or

permissible. Rather, it is to doubt whether that person can forgive in the first place.

Drug use and abuse had been a huge problem that the Philippine government is

focusing at the present time. The Republic Act No. 9165 or the Comprehensive

Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 is a consolidated bill from the RA No. 6425 or the

Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972. This revised bill was passed by the Senate of the

Philippines on May 30, 2002 and May 29, 2002 respectively. It was signed into law by

Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on January 23, 2002. Under this Act, The

Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)

under the Office of the President of the Philippines were formed as the policy making and

strategy formulating bodies in planning program on drug prevention and control.

According to the survey commissioned by the Dangerous Drugs Board estimated

4.8 million Filipinos aged 10-69 years old used illegal drugs at least once in their lives.

The current 1.8% of the total population of 104.98 million are current drug users. That is

why the President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte along with PDEA aims to end this

current national issue by establishing an anti-drug operation or Oplan Tokhang. His

directed ways of lessening the incidence of Drug use and trade caused chaos from Human

Right advocates and organization even from the International Unions and most especially

to the family of the victims, surrenderee and arrested persons. The most person that

emotionally affected by this incidents are their mothers.

Forgiveness puts the final seal on what circumstance that hurt a person. They will

still remember what happened, but they will no longer be bound by it. Having worked

through the feelings and learned what they need to do to strengthen their boundaries or

get their needs met, they are better able to take care of themselves in the future. Forgiving

the other person is a wonderful way to honor themselves. It affirms to the universe that

they deserve to be happy.

As an integral part of one’s personality, loob has been studied and examined as a

central construct in Filipino psychology. Loob places itself in the center of indigenous

interpretations of ethnic concepts and principles. To understand the Filipino psyche, loob

is seen as the intentional component of behavior, which highlights the integration of

intention or feelings with the component of actions. The concept of loob also elicited the

idea of sama ng loob which is characterized by dissatisfaction, resentment, rancor,

grudge or displeasure and the idea of gaan ng loob that is contextualized as feelings of

being in harmony with one desires and situation.

Another concept of loob explores the idea of utang na loob. According to Virgilio

Enriquez (Philippine Journal of Psychology, 1977), there is a fertile concept of loob that

includes the value of utang na loob or debt of gratitude and it is used as a key concept for

the analysis of interpersonal relations. It is used as a plea to any favor because utang na

loob, the debt owed to another person who shares a common humanity (loob), exists just

because they are fellow human beings (De Mesa, 1987; as cited in Enriquez, 1989). In the

Filipino culture of interpersonal relationships, there is always a possibility of returning

the favor as in the form of altruism or reciprocation. Although it is not obligatory there

are some instances that guilted situations can make someone feel eagerness to fulfil his or

her role of returning one’s kindness.

This concept most commonly emerge on familial relationships since family is the

first social institution we belonged in and it is the first source of socialization. Mothers

are said to be the “ilaw ng tahanan” which means that mothers are the light of the home.

Mothers always make home secured and in order. They function as doctors, cooks and

even teachers. They receive lots of respect because of the sacrifices she gives for as to be

called a good nanay. They are also proven to be naturally forgiving and soft-hearted

individuals. Mothers along with their partners are also the same persons that are obliged

to discipline their children even if they commit misconduct they eventually forgive them.

What if the children’s misconduct will make them face a consequence that will damage

their morality forever, are mothers still willing to forgive their child and to what extent?

Hence, in this study, the researchers gathered their lived experiences to uncover if the

mothers also hold feelings of utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob towards

their children.

Utang na loob was showed in Filipino concepts that some of experiences lived

with utang na loob does not require obligatory of paying the debt of gratitude in

immediate instances. It can be fulfilled in the next generation that causing a person to be

binded in the society where he or she had a debt of gratitude. Even some instances of

utang na loob does not actually require a solidarity but only pure appreciation and


Gaan ng loob is contextualized as feelings of being in harmony with one’s desire

and with what one is capable of doing. A person may have gaan ng loob because he or

she may have dealt with difficulty in his or her life and had triumphed over it. Unrequired

to say gaan ng loob is an important state when one is expected to forgive easily. Gaan ng

loob ko sayo means that the person is at ease or feels relax in your presence. The phrase

is especially used when meeting the person for the first time, and you immediately feel at

ease with him or her. In addition, Gaan ng loob is often felt when there is a mutual

interest between two or more persons. Also when there is someone who plays as a

shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen.

With the core of Filipino Psychology being studied, there are only few studies that

were published focusing on the specific concepts of loob, contextualizing one concept on

the other, therefore eliciting that there is a wide range of area that were still left

unexplored. In compliance to this, the researchers took the chance to focus on this area of

Filipino Psychology specifically in the values of loob most unambiguously in the concept

of utang na loob, gaan ng loob and sama ng loob based on the areas that are still left not

discussed as the present research gaps. In addition to this, the study strived to understand

the lived experiences of forgiveness of selected Mothers towards their incarcerated

children that have been detained with the reasons of violating the RA No 9165 or the

Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and have been imprisoned for at least 2

weeks. Submitting in such concentration will prove the unconditional love of mothers to

their children. Furthermore, this study will be a positive contribution to the familial and

social institutions and to any other future researches that will venture to the seldomly

touched area of Filipino Psychology.

Statement of the Problem

The study has a qualitative format that aims to understand the concepts of loob

which are utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob. The study also aims to provide

contextual definitions of forgiveness from the qualitative responses of selected Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children from Quezon City Jail.

Specifically, the study aims to answer the following question:

1. What are the lived experiences of loob and forgiveness of Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children in Quezon City Jail when harboring

utang na loob?

2. What are the lived experiences of loob and forgiveness of Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children in Quezon City Jail when harboring sama

ng loob?

3. What are the lived experiences of loob and forgiveness of Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children in Quezon City Jail when harboring gaan

ng loob?

Objectives of the Study:

The study will be conducted to identify the contextual definitions of the concepts

of loob which are utang na loob, sama ng loob, gaan ng loob and forgiveness according

to the selected Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children from Quezon City Jail.

Furthermore, the researchers will target to accomplish the following objectives:

1. To determine the lived experiences of forgiveness based on the statements of

Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children when harbouring utang na loob.

2. To determine the lived experiences of forgiveness based on the statements of

Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children when harbouring sama ng loob.

3. To determine the lived experiences of forgiveness based on the statements of

Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children when harbouring gaan ng loob.

Significance of the Study

The study deals primarily with the concept of utang na loob, sama ng loob and

gaan ng loob as an integral determinant of forgiveness. By gathering the contextual

definitions of selected Mothers of incarcerated children from Quezon City Jail from their

lived experiences of the three concepts of loob and forgiveness, the researchers will

establish ways for the study to be beneficial to the following:

This study will provide Filipino mothers knowledge for certain lived experiences

of mothers who developed utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob and forgives.

The results can possibly show which among the three concepts of loob is the best and

effective co-occurring determinant of forgiveness is. A commonality of the results that

will be gathered will serve as an idea and may give them initiatives to reflect to

themselves. Also, the research can also provide information to the rest of the population

of Filipino Mothers of how forgiveness works with factors such as our own concepts of


Also the study that the researchers will focus on will give Filipino children the

statements of real life experiences of how Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children

forgive their unlawful children while harboring utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng

loob. This study will provide them information supporting the affirmation of mothers as a

soft hearted ally of their children no matter how ruthless their children are.

This study will be beneficial to the other enthusiasts that ventures on the area of

Filipino psychology as for this study will serve as a reference for future researches that

will emerge.

The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of all listed above

considering that the three concepts of loob can be harbored accompanying forgiveness.

For future researchers, this research will serve as a reference for them to uncover areas

that the researchers are not able to discuss as an extension of this study. Thus, a new

theory may arrive from the study and future studies.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focused on identifying the lived experiences of forgiveness and the

three concepts of loob; utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob of Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children that have been detained for the reasons of violating the

RA No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 under the Revised

Penal Code of the Philippines. Unlawful Acts and penalties include (1) Section No. 4 or

“Importation of Dangerous Drugs” with penalty of life imprisonment if proven guilty

after court trial and (2) Section No. 5 which prohibits the “Sale trading, Admin Station,

Dispensation, Delivery and distribution of dangerous drugs”. In summary, Under RA No.

9165, those caught importing, selling, manufacturing and using illegal drugs and its

forms may be fined and imprisoned for at least 12 years or a lifetime depending on the

severity of the crime and if proven guilty by the court of Law. The ten (10) Filipino

Mothers were selected only from the areas of Quezon City. The duration of their child’s

incarceration were also measured and must be confined for at least two (2) weeks to be

called suitable as our respondents.

Even though the concept of utang na loob, sama ng loob, gaan ng loob exhibits

from local Filipino culture it varies depending on the variables that can possibly affect the

execution of these concepts. (eg: place, culture that varies from areas and other familial


Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted on the month of January, 2018 subsequent to the

approval of the thesis adviser, technical critic, panellists and research coordinators. The

researchers visited the facility of Quezon City Jail specifically the Quezon City Police

Division Station 11, Galas Quezon City and administered the interviews to the

participants in aim to gather a factual based data.


Theoretical Framework

This section presents the theory that is formulated to explain and understand the

mother’s forgiveness phenomena. By gathering their lived experiences of forgiveness

while harboring utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob, this theory will support

and interpret the results of our research study.

Rungduin’s Value-Based Forgiveness Model

The arrival or conscious processing of forgiveness depends on the interaction of

two factors namely, the motivation to forgive and the manner by which forgiveness

unfolds. The motivation to forgive a transgressor answers the why of forgiving while the

unfolding process explains how people realize forgiveness. These two processes are

supposed to be regulated by the cultural values observed at a particular group or

individual, which in the context the Filipinos. Filipino values, particularly

pakikipagkapwa and loob-related values (utang na loob and gaan ng loob) serve as

factors that can reinforce or weaken the impact of the individual or societal dimension of


The intention to forgive can be understood in two levels: intrapersonal and

interpersonal. The intrapersonal motivation resides on the idea that particular

characteristics lead the person toward forgiveness. Characteristics, such as open-

mindedness and understanding were identified to become salient in this dimension. If

these characteristics are highly observable, they are able to better understand the situation

as well as the individual who have committed the transgression. These are considered

important in order to change one’s perspective about the transgression and be motivated

to forgive.

Forgiveness may also come in the context of how it is shared by Filipinos.

Religiosity appears to be a focal point by which people share common knowledge in

defining forgiveness. Because of this common knowledge, it becomes a behavioral

expectation whenever people are placed in transgressing situations. Filipinos being

collectively religious tend to attribute their actions with their religious beliefs and

teachings. Strong religious affinity, which teaches and promotes strong forgiveness

behaviors, can be an important element in advancing the intention to forgive the person.

Somehow in the context of understanding forgiveness and in the process of

giving it to the transgressor, one’s values may be put into test. These values (e.g.

pakikipagkapwa, kagandahang loob, and utang na loob) become essential in deciding

whether to grant forgiveness or not. It is through the manifestation of values that the

individual’s internal mechanism of prioritizing his or her values (how he or she wants to

continue the relationship) interact with society’s meaning of forgiveness (e.g.

reconciliation and/or religious affinity) may influence his or her capacity to forgive.

Given the value-based analysis, as mentioned in the earlier part of this paper,

studies on values concerning forgiveness has been limited; the proposed model seeks to

explain how forgiveness is first, seen from the perspective of Filipinos from all ages.

Second, how the understanding of forgiveness are responsive to the challenge posed by

Enriquez (Enriquez, 1994; Pe-Pua & Protacio-Marcelino, 2000). Third, the model shows

the unfolding processes of forgiveness from the individual to the societal level. The

model proposed aims to facilitate other researchers who would like to further understand

the various perspectives on forgiveness from an indigenous level and may be useful for

educators who would like to integrate strengths of character in their curricula.

This theory is an effective basis for the study. The strong relationship between

mothers and their children will lie in the intrapersonal part of the motivation to forgive

portion of the cube. The intrapersonal motivation showed that a certain characteristic of a

person can be a possible motivation for forgiveness. Mothers are known to be soft

hearted and understanding. Pakikipagkapwa and loob part of the theory that are placed

on the bottom part of the paradigm will also be considered because the researchers will

pay interest in the concepts of loob as possible predictors of forgiveness.


Conceptual Framework

Filipino Mothers of Detainees

Utang na
Sama ng loob


Gaan ng loob

Figure 2: The Research Paradigm showing the Study.

The figure illustrates the three selected concepts of utang na loob, sama ng loob

and gaan ng loob in accord to forgiveness among selected Filipino Mothers of detainees

from Quezon City Jail that will be measured by gathering contextual definitions of their

lived experiences.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were conceptually and theoretically defined as to their usage

in the study to serve as reference:

Utang ng Loob- helping a person especially one who is directly in need is a value that is

priceless that a feeling of indebtedness is created in the other (Agaton, 2017).

In this study, the lived experiences of Utang na Loob was determined using a

formulated interview questions that undergone expert validity in order to know if selected

mothers of detainees from Quezon City Jail harbour utang na loob towards their child

accompanying their lived experiences of forgiveness. Their responses were recorded

using an audio recording device.

Sama ng Loob- Resentment is a mixture of disappointment, anger and fear. The concept

of “sama ng loob” among Filipinos is contextualized through feelings of uneasiness,

disappointments and anger towards a person, an event or a class of objects (Enriquez,


According to Rungduin’s Value-Based theory, Sama ng loob is considered to be a

negative effect. In this study, the researchers intended to elaborate the lived experiences

of Sama ng loob of selected mothers of incarcerated children due to the violation of the

RA No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. The data were

gathered through the use of self-structured interview guide questions that undergone

expert validity to secure the consistency of the questions to the nature of the research.

Gaan ng Loob- Rapport and acceptance or affinity is a spontanetous or natural liking or

sympathy for someone or something (Rungduin, 2014).


In this study, gaan ng loob was measured using the researcher’s self-utilized

interview questions that undergone expert validation together with the use of an audio

recording device. The researchers administered their interview to the selected Filipino

Mothers of detainees from selected areas of Quezon City.

Forgiveness- Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim

undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, let go of negative

emotions such as vengefulness, forswears recompense from or punishment of the

offender, however legally or morally justified it might be, and with an increased

(McCollugh, 1998).

In the study, the researchers targeted to gather contextual definition of forgiveness

from selected mothers of detainees from Quezon City Jail with reasons of violating the

RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 using the researcher’s

self-utilized guide interview questions that undergone expert validation alongside with an

audio recording device.

Mothers- a person who exhibits parental authority and parent-child relationship (Tam,


In this study, the mothers served as the research participants to know their

contextual definitions of forgiveness while having utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan

ng loob. Eight (8) mothers were selected from the total population of the Mothers of the

detainees with reasons of violating the RA No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous

Drugs Act of 2002 and held in Quezon City Jail in the minimum of 2 weeks.


Presented in this chapter are the literature, studies and research related to the

study. The review of the related literature for this study focuses on the discussion used to

identify the concepts of loob specifically, utang na loob, sama and gaan ng loob,

forgiveness and the mothers as our participants.

Utang na loob

This section presents the related studies and previous researches that focused on

the concept of utang na loob. The following studies became the researcher’s inspiration

to explore on the scope of the research.

Utang na Loob is one of the values deeply practiced among Filipinos. Helping a

person especially one who is in directly in need is a value that is priceless that a feeling of

indebtedness is created in the other. There is a feeling of reciprocity that inaction from

the person helped will be branded as walang utang na loob. This practice may be

valuable but is also prone to misuse and abuse among Filipinos. On the affirmative side, a

bond of friendship and helpfulness is nourished between persons. Being helpful and of

service to another are invaluable and can probably be repaid only through an act of the

same nature or even greater. On the adverse side, this can be accessed to create a feeling

of helplessness over a person on an instance where he was helped but in view of

manipulating him in the future. This paper will lay down the different angles of Utang na

Loob by utilizing an expository descriptive method. As such, it elucidates how this

practice could be beneficial among Filipinos as it is one of the values existent among

them. Further, it delves the negative vantage that the commission of it may be avoided by

Filipinos in their social interaction with one another (Agaton, 2017).

Psychological concepts in the context of a western analysis that relies on the

English language and English categories of analysis are many. It no doubt can lead to the

distortion of Philippine social reality and the furtherance of the mis-education of the

Filipinos. It is no coincidence that Kaut (1961) hit upon utang na loob as a key concept

for the analysis of Tagalog interpersonal relations considering that utang na loob is just

one among many psychosocial concepts that relate to the theoretically fertile concept of

loob. Kaut himself admitted that "debt of gratitude" is not altogether unknown in

Washington, D.C. Even Americans recognize utang na loob, they just happen to prefer

kaliwaan or immediate pay-offs whenever possible. To argue that utang na loob is a

Filipino value is therefore misleading, to say the least, and dangerous at best. Utang na

loob would be convenient in perpetuating the colonial status of the Filipino mind. For

example, the Filipino should be grateful for "American aid" regardless of how much it is

shown to be a form of imperialism (Hayter, 197n). It is interesting to contrast the social

implications of sama ng loob to that of utang na loob (Enriquez, 1977)

In a study by Rungduin (2016) which focused on the understanding of the

Filipinos of the ideas of utang na loob and gratitude by establishing a connection between

the two. By using qualitative responses of the selected Filipino respondents, they

discovered the conception of pagkilala (acknowledgement), pagtutumbas (reciprocity),

and panlipunang gampanin (social responsibility) as conceptual meanings for utang na

loob; and pasasalamat (thankfulness) and pagtutumbas (reciprocity) for gratitude. This is

the only study found that paid attention on the concept of utang na loob. The results of

the qualitative study provided few other concepts that needs future studies to broaden the

concept of utang na loob.

Sama at gaan ng loob

This section provides previous studies and related literatures that focused and

gathered expanded knowledge based on the concepts of loob that are previously

discussed. These are some of the inspirations why the researchers aim to gather

contextual definitions of forgiveness when having Sama ng Loob and Gaan ng loob.

As an integral part of one’s personality, loob has been studied and examined as a

central construct in Filipino psychology. Loob places itself in the center of indigenous

interpretations of ethnical concepts and principles. To understand the Filipino psyche,

loob is seen as the intentional component of behavior, which highlights the integration of

intention or feelings with the component of actions. Interestingly, various research on the

facets of loob had been investigated but not in the light of organizational communication.

Research studies on Philippine organizations had focused on profiling the Filipino worker

(Hechanova, Uy, & Presbitero, 2005), generational differences (Claudio-Pascua, 2005),

stress in juggling work and family (Hechanova et al., 2005), and the motivations they

have (Yao, Franco, & Hechanova, 2005). The concept of sama ng loob among Filipinos

is contextualized through feelings of uneasiness, disappointments and anger towards a

person, an event or a class of objects. The Filipino concept of gaan ng loob (GNL) is

contextualized as feelings of being in harmony with what one desires and what one is

capable of doing, also a person may have gaan ng loob because he or she may have dealt

with difficult areas in his or her life and had triumphed over it.

Some workplace also considers sama ng loob as a negative affect along with gaan

ng loob as a positive effect in contrary. In a study proposed by Rungduin, (2014) they

consider these emotions as a factor of work related attitudes by exploring respondent

statement of situations when these concepts are felt and they discovered that sama ng

loob is associated with unjust practices of superiors and negative behaviors of coworkers

while gaan ng loob is related to having a strong support group and opportunities to grow

more and work better. They conducted the study on workers in a state university which

they consider respondents as hindi ibang-tao (one of us) since they serve in the same


In addition to the few studies that paid emphasis on the concept of sama ng loob,

Guillermo (2014), using a search engine app scanned famous social media sites including

Twitter and Facebook and searched for all the posts that used the word loob on December

17, 2017 for a total of 12 hour period, the number of retweets and repost are excluded and

found 237 matches of the words, sama ng loob, utang na loob and gaan ng loob. Posts

searches showed the emotional state of the social media user that is being expressed in

the post. Research revealed that post matches suggested a misconception of the theme

loob as an indirect idiom.


This section shows previous researches and literatures that highlight the idea of

forgiveness. In this research, the concepts of loob will be corroborate with forgiveness.

The following are the reasons and basis on why the researchers will focus in the scope of

the study.

According to an online discussion group website ssm.com, forgiveness means to

stop being angry or bitter towards somebody or about something. It signifies to stop

blaming or wanting to punish somebody. It is to say that somebody need not pay back a

sum of money owed. Thus it advises a powerful person to be more polite and less

forceful. It teaches to follow mild way of saying sorry. It is wise to forgive and forget.

Revenge wastes time. It corrupts the soul. It is the hindrance for both advancement and

salvation as well. Thus it is the enemy of both civilization and religion (Website n.d.).

In a publication “How Can I Forgive You?” provided concrete, detailed, step-by-

step instructions to forgiveness. It's divided into four parts: (1) Cheap Forgiveness, (2)

Refusing to Forgive, (3) Acceptance, and (4) Genuine Forgiveness. The last two are

adaptive while the other two are dysfunctional. The first, second, and third parts are

written mainly for the hurt party. The fourth part (Genuine Forgiveness) is divided into

two sections: The first shows the offender what it takes to earn forgiveness; the second

shows the hurt party what it takes to grant forgiveness. All the case studies described are

true in the sense that they're based on the author's work with patients or her conversations

with associates and friend (Spring, 2009).

By analyzing 27 different life stories of people from middle adulthood to late

adulthood using grounded theory, a study revealed that age groups are a factor on having

varied issues on how they view transgressions. Also, forgiving differs based on the

developmental stages ranging from the act of saying sorry in middle childhood taking it

to adolescence. All of the gathered forgiving experiences lead to the feelings of gaan ng

loob of being burden free. The study also explained the role of gaan ng loob in the

process of forgiveness by (1) Cognition; believing that the transgressors would want to be

forgiven; (2) Behavior: doing positive things and going out of one‘s way to interact with

the transgressor and (3) Affect: feeling free from the burden that not-forgiving brought.

Also, with Virgilio Enriquez’ proposed theory of kapwa as a basis along with the

6 other forgiveness studies that were made to understand Filipino Forgiveness behaviors

and with the aim of extracting general Filipino values as well as the cultural values that

Enriquez proposed. Rungduin, T. T, (2015) discovered that certain personal (open-

mindedness and understanding) and interpersonal (smooth interpersonal relationship and

justice) characteristics become evident in forgiving another transgressor. In addition to

this, other loob related values were recovered from the analysis and a model of

forgiveness was developed.

Commonly we define forgivingness as the replacement of negative unforgiving

emotions with positive oriented emotions, while in the study of Berry (2005) they

explained that forgivingness is mainly the disposition to forgive interpersonal

transgressions overtime and across situations. By accomplishing four studies with the

total of 558 participants and using the trait forgivingness correlating with other negative

traits which are anger, hostility, neuroticism, fear and vengeful rumination they gathered

a result that are negatively correlated. While on the traits such as agreeableness,

extraversion and trait empathy, a positive correlation where found. Their study proved

that the trait empathy is a positive oriented emotion that will possibly lead to forgiveness.

In the areas of the family, negotiation in the process of forgiveness is

nonvoluntary this is proven by the study of Carr and Wang (2012) drawing knowledge

from the relational dialectics theory and other dialogic perspectives of forgiveness and

results supported the idea that forgiveness is an ongoing process of communicative


negotiations between and among family members. Additionally other participants also

disclosed that they did not explicitly verbalize forgiveness of a family member. They also

judge their forgiveness as successful depending on how hurtful situation or forgiveness

itself was centered in the family relationship. Expanding the common perspective of how

family member forgives and the complex nature of families.

In 2015, Toussaint aimed to explore the factor of why people forgive and they

discovered that inability to seek forgiveness; sensitivity to circumstances; and

unconditional seeking of forgiveness. After acquiring they decided to conduct a follow up

study that focuses on seeking and granting forgiveness and each factor that were found in

the first study was positively and strongly associated with the corresponding factor in

granting forgiveness while inability to seek forgiveness was negatively associated with


Sabbagh and Schmitt (2016) raised challenging empirical questions about

forgiveness with the use of their own representative research. They raise hypothesis and

suggested specific ways in which social and personality psychologist could make

distinctive contributions if it was hard to disclose some experiences. They also

discovered that repentance, mercy and reconciliation are factors that lead to forgiveness.

Their study also ventures on the concept of law and justice as related constructs.

In the aim to focus on the Chinese perspectives, Fu (2004) conducted three

different connected studies that investigated the nature of forgiveness correlating with the

People’s Republic of China. The first study involves 27 PRC cultural scholars who

underwent in-depth interviews. They asked about their concept of forgiveness and factors

influencing the tendency to forgive in the Chinese Philosophy and showed that they

consider having group harmony as the main reason to forgive. Fu (2004) also tried to

adapt western forgiveness through the use of the Western Forgiveness Questionnaire to

know if rhere were relevance of the PRC’s concept of forgiveness to the Western

literature. In the last part of the study, they administered the WFQ together with the

measures of some other factors. It was therefore concluded that in the People’s Republic

of China, willingness to forgive is influenced largely by social solidarity needs rather

than individualistic personality variables or religiosity reported in Western researches.

This will only prove that people’s definition and concept of forgiveness differs depending

on the area, nature and culture.

In this study, the researchers will redound to the factor of how justice being

served to their children would affect their concept of forgiveness, would this strengthen

their definition and the process itself of forgiveness. Karremans and Van Lange (2005)

raised a question of “Do justice values promote or obstruct forgiveness?” and tried to

seek for answers from past literatures of forgiveness. They found out that justice

constitutes a barrier to forgiveness, suggesting that the activation of justice values should

decrease the probability of forgiveness. Conversely, the literature on justice and human

values indicates that justice and forgiveness are positively associated. Also three studies

using methods such as complementary priming provided converging evidence that the

activation of justice values promotes forgiveness.

By examining the place of forgiveness within the Positive Youth Development

(PYD) paradigm, Klatt and Enright (2009) suggested that knowledge of forgiveness can

be advanced by understanding it from the developmental perspective. They reviewed

researches indicating that forgiveness can contribute to positive developmental outcomes


during adolescence. The other important components of the Positive Youth Development

perspective are the development of moral identity and developmental assets. These

particular Positive Youth Development concepts are also discussed because of their

relation to scholarly work of forgiveness and because it can provide a developmental

perspective that may advance our understanding of forgiveness. The scholars also

investigated forgiveness among transgressors and contexts and explored individual

differences in forgiving. The only implication for their study is the lack of forgiveness

education that is given into youth.

Strelan and Covic, (2006) also ventured in the study of forgiveness. They showed

the differences and misconception of forgiveness. In their study, they also presented

existing literatures and conclude that the numerous process models that were created lack

coherent theoretical grounding and few have been empirically validated.


Mothers are known for their characteristics of being kind and soft hearted,

forgiving and loving that is why the researches classify them as respondents of this

research, specifically the Filipino Mothers of those detained persons. In this section, the

following are related literatures and studies that are also utilized for the mothers as


The notion of the mother as soft-hearted ally of her children and the father as

disciplinarian is deeply embedded in our cultural tradition. It can be unfolded in art - as in

de Maupassant's 'La vie d'une femme', or, for comic purposes, in the blonde of the half-

hour American TV comedy who cutely deceives the (slightly) sterner father to gain some

concession for their child. It can be exploited for gain, as in the advertisement depicting

the young mother lovingly applying a patented product to her smiling baby. It can be

idealised in religious teaching, as the merciful Holy Mother interceding for humankind

with a just, paternal god. All of these cultural symbols share a common foundation: the

mother who cares with unfailing patience for the infant and whose tenderness inclines her

ever after to indulgent favour of the child she once nurtured during its total dependence

(Dixon, 2014).

In a study conducted by Buri (1991) to college students and their mothers

considering forgiveness as a antecedent of nurturance, they measured the nurturance

provided by their parents using a 24 likert scale and gathered particular responses of

majority to mothers as stated “I am a very forgiving person, ready and willing to forgive

everyone that has wronged me”. The results suggest strong relationship between self-

reported forgiveness of parents in the degree of parental nurturance reported by their

adolescent children.

Previous research on the consequences of incarceration for individual outcomes

suggested that adult child’s incarceration may compromise parent’s emotional, physiccal

and economic well-being in the short and long term. Research on adult child-parent

relationship shows that for aging parents, adult children are an important source of

emotional support, physical care and financial help (Seltzer and Bianchi, 2013), all of it stop

being available if a child is imprisoned. Moreover having an adult child arrested, visiting him/her

in prison and dealing with his absence might be traumatizing and stressful for parents and is also

likely to be stigmatizing

The breakdown of familial relationships is a harsh reality faced when a loved one has

been incarcerated. Remaining present in the prisoner’s life may seem to be a chore. After

all, as a loved one of a prisoner, a mother still have a life that must be managed. She must

maintain her daily living cost by working, she must shop for essential needs (food, clothing,

etc.), she may have social circles or organizations that require attention.

Throughout this process, it can be challenging to maintain the relationship with her

incarcerated loved one. According to Afoi.org, maintaining the relationship is vital,

particularly in the way of helping her prepare for the prisoner’s release. (Assisting Family of

Inmates, 2018)

Ang ina ang siyang pangunahing imahe ng kagandahang loob, sapag-kat binigay

niya ang lahat para sa kanyang anak. Pagkamulat ng mata ng isang sanggol, hindi pa

man niya maunawaan o mabigkas, kusa na niyang nararanasan ang realidad ng

kagandahang loob, sa pagtanggap ng mga haplos at halik, sa pag-inom ng gatas. At dito

sa relasyong ito nahuhubog ang utang na loob bilang matinding utang na loob—

sapagkat nanaisin ng anak na ibalik ang pagmamahal ng kanyang ina, at higitan pa,

ngunit imposible. Nakatatak na sa kanya mula dito ang magkasabay na karana-san ng

kagandahang loob at utang na loob.


Related Literatures showed that even in the past studies the concepts of loob are

still an underlying factor of forgiveness. Some studies also showed a misconception

about the ideas of loob. By the theoretical framework as the basis and the conceptual

framework showing the process of application of the variables, the researchers will

determine which among utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob is most likely to

become predictor of forgiveness.


Also in the goal of producing a study that will contribute to the emergence of the

theory of loob, we will also establish a further connection of utang na loob, sama ng loob

and gaan ng loob to forgiveness. In addition to this we also aim to provide statements of

real life experiences of how mothers forgive. The researchers selected the Filipino

Mothers of detainees as participants of their research for the reason that mothers are

known for their loving and forgiving personality. The researchers would like to explore if

a certain sin done by their children that made them face the law of police can be forgiven

by their mothers and would like to discover if concepts of loob can be a possible

predictor of forgiving their children.

Lastly, the researchers are also open for the responses of other Filipino concepts

that can possibly emerge during the data gathering.



This chapter presents the methods and the procedures that utilizes in the study.

The research design, sampling technique, the participants, the data gathering procedure,

research instruments and statistical analysis.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will utilize a Qualitative research design to describe

the current phenomenon of how Filipino mothers forgive with utang na loob, sama ng

loob and gaan ng loob as its possible determinant.

Phenomenology is a qualitative research method that is used to describe how

human beings experience a certain phenomenon. A phenomenological study attempts to

set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences, feelings and

responses to particular situations. In this study it was used to examine which concept of

loob can be the best possible determinant of forgiveness. Furthermore phenomenological

approach was also used to gather contextual definitions of forgiveness since it will

provide qualitative data derived from real life experiences of the selected Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children from Quezon City Jail it will set aside biases that can be

produced by some factors and will only show factual based data if properly utilized.

Sampling Technique

The researchers used purposive sampling technique that gathered ten (10) Filipino

Mothers of incarcerated children that are confined with the reasons of violating the RA

No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 and been held in custody

for at least two (2) weeks. These Filipino Mothers were picked only from the areas of

Quezon City that are available to the researchers although it is a biased sampling

technique and cannot represent the entire population. It is the way chosen by the

researchers to gather data that will best supply the results.


The researchers focused on the group of 8 Filipino Mothers of incarcerated

children for violating the RA No. 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of

2002 and been held in custody for at least two (2) weeks.

Table 1. Demographic profile of the participants



Nanay Elsa 61 Married 24 (Male) 2 weeks Drug Using

Nanay Yoli 63 Separated 39 (Male) 21 days Drug Using

Nanay Mel 49 Widowed 32 (Male) 2 weeks Drug Using

Nanay Jenelyn 48 Married 20 (Male) 22 days
Nanay Lang 41 Separated 18 (Male) 1 month Drug Using
Nanay Glo 46 Separated 24 (Female) 1 month
Nanay Ate 54 Separated 24 (Male) 23 days Drug Using

Nanay Marivic 38 Married 18 (Male) 23 days Drug Using

Nanay Arlinda 39 Separated 19 (Male) 23 days Drug Using

54 Married 32 (Male) 2 months Drug Using

Data to be gathered

In order to get permission and approval to conduct the said study among selected

Filipino Mothers of detainees from Quezon City Jail from the month of January to

February of year of 2019, the researchers wrote a letter addressed to the Chief of Police

of Quezon City Jail. The researchers also provided a request of permission addressed to

the Dean of College of Arts and Sciences in Cavite State University, Dr. Bettina Joyce

Ilagan. Upon the approval of the chief of police of Quezon City Jail and the Dean of

College of Arts and Sciences, the researchers undergone with the procedure.

To gather data, the researchers used a purposive sampling technique to select the

targeted number of participants from the population of Filipino Mothers of incarcerated

children. After collecting the participants, the researchers prepared copies of informed

consent that are given to the participants as a basis of agreement. The researchers

gathered qualitative responses through the use of expert-validated interview

questionnaires and an audio recording device. The data that are collected remained

confidential and are used only on the purpose of the research.

In the study the researchers provided twenty-four (24) expert-validated and

consolidated item questionnaires that are first-handedly administered only on the

interview. The first eight (8) items were given as demographic questions that gathered

their personal information including name, age and familial constructs. Their responses

are recorded through the use of the interview sheet and an audio recording device.

Ethical Consideration

By studying this field, the researchers have no intent to discriminate any person,

familial relationship and any social institution in any form. The researchers provided

informed consent to the participants prior to the accomplishment of the research

instrument. Personal information such as names and addresses will remain confidential

and was asked optionally. The research instrument such as interview forms were

constructed and utilized for research purposes only. Additionally, this study will not

publish any data in any public documentation that is out of participant’s consent. The

participants will be included only when they allow the researchers to gather their lived

experiences and it was explained clearly that if by any chance they would want to quit

their participation, they are allowed and the researchers would not force them to continue.

After the facilitation of the research, the researchers will also offer the respondents a

small piece of gratitude for being thoughtful and kind for partaking in our study.

Data Analysis

In this study, the researchers used Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis

technique to gather the lived experiences of Filipino Mothers of Incarcerated Children

who are confined in Quezon City Jail for the reasons of violating the Republic Act No.

9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002. IPA is a qualitative approach

which aims to provide detailed examinations of personal lived experiences after series of

open coding.

The researches had chosen this type of data analysis technique because it is

ideographic in its commitment to examine detailed experience of each case. IPA is also a

useful method for examining topics which are complex, ambiguous and emotionally

laden. It is perfect to gather the lived experiences of Selected Filipino Mothers of

Incarcerated Children from Quezon City Jail. Since by using the IPA is being open to any

context that will arrive, the researchers are also open to some of the possible concepts of

loob that will be associated with Filipino Mother’s forgiveness towards their children as

their transgressors


This preceding chapter showed a detailed methodology used in this study. By

using self-integrated interview questions, the researchers gathered in-depth data of lived

experiences of mothers of incarcerated children in Quezon City Jail. This chapter now

presents the results and discussion of gathered qualitative data from the ten (10)

participants who have undergone series of extensive analyzation and interpretation to

determine their lived experiences.

Based on the analysis of the data gathered, the researchers documented three

superordinate themes containing the three concepts of loob which are harboured. Utang

na loob, Sama ng loob and Gaan ng Loob were noticed as the superordinate themes.

Established according to the same patterns of expressions consolidated from participants’

unanimous responses.

Utang na loob

This part describes the different patterns of expressions and experiences of utang

na loob. It is exhibited in the forms subthemes which arose based on the transcribed data

shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Perception of the participants on their experiences of harbouring utang na loob.

Theme Subthemes Text

Utang na loob Commending “Sya lang ang naghahanap-buhay e. Sya rin ang
filial nagaalaga ng kapatid nya. Pag ako ay umaalis,
responsibilities wala akong naririnig dyan kundi Ako ang
of physical magaalaga.” - Nanay Arlinda
“Sya lang ang inaasahan ko palagi. Ngayon wala
na ako maaasahan kasi andyan na sya sa loob.” -
Nanay Arlinda

“Para sa akin mabait naman syang bata, siya pa

nga ang palaging nagaalaga sa kapatid nya” –
Nanay Mel

Recognizing "Syempre yun pagaabot nya sayo ng pera ‘di ba?

filial Mabuti naalala ka. Pero hindi sapat. Pero ang
responsibilities mabuti ay nag-abot. Isang bagay lang ang iabot
of financial sayo yung isang bagay na matulungan ka, isang
management ano na yun. Isang kaginhawaan na yun. Yung ma,
support ako na po ang magbanlaw ng labahan." - Nanay

“Tinutulungan kami sa mga gastusin sa bahay” –

Nanay Jenelyn

“Nagbibigay naman sya ng pambili ng pagkain,

pambili ng pagkain naming pamilya” – Nanay

Utang na loob. This superordinate theme refers to how the participant describes

their experience of having debt of gratitude towards their incarcerated children. As stated

by De Guia (2005), utang na loob is a Filipino Cultural Trait which when translated

literally means “a debt of inner self (loob) or often translated as “debt of gratitude. These

superordinate theme are expressed as the respondents’ appreciativeness to the sense of

responsibilities that are done by their children including physical support and financial

management support.

Commending Filial Responsibilities of physical support. This subtheme refers to how

the participants express their intent to acknowledge the different household gestures done

by their incarcerated children when they are not yet detained. Majority of the participants

consider physical support as major responsibility since they need to take care of the

youngest family members. Which are validated by the statements below.

“Sya lang ang naghahanap-buhay e. Sya rin ang

nagaalaga ng kapatid nya. Pag ako ay umaalis, wala
akong naririnig dyan kundi Ako ang magaalaga.” - Nanay
“Sya lang ang inaasahan ko palagi. Ngayon wala na ako
maaasahan kasi andyan na sya sa loob.” - Nanay Arlinda
“Para sa akin mabait naman syang bata, siya pa nga ang
palaging nagaalaga sa kapatid nya” – Nanay Mel

Some participants clearly acknowledged the physical support done by their

children in their family before they were incarcerated. Cooperation in taking care of their

family was recognized as it lifts problems and brings relief. Giving assistance of taking

care of their children as the participants go to their jobs to continually earn money to

support their family. It were also recognized as widespread form of utang na loob. The

following statements best justify the participants’ experience.

In the publication “Adult Children and Their Aging Parents” (1973) it was listed

that Jewish-English children were intensely involved in helping their parents cope with a

wide range of problems. Even in the simplest form that they can do in support and in aid

to ease the problems. Although the study dealt with a specific ethnic group and it is not

different from the familial concepts of the Filipinos, the author believes that the findings

have implications for social work with all aged persons and it can be applicable to all

races. This research only proves that children engage on helping their parents on a

certain problem inside the family which is appreciated mostly by Filipino mothers. Data

that has been gathered are only evidences that Filipino children strive to offer support to

their parents to ease the lack of means of the family. Although these gestures was

demonstrated only before their children was incarcerated the respondents still view them

as a form of their existing debt of gratitude.

Recognizing filial responsibilities of financial management support. This subtheme

refers to how the participants express their intent to acknowledge their children’s

kindness of offering financial aid when times of need. This are validated by the following

illustrative texts written below.

"Syempre yun pagaabot nya sayo ng pera ‘di ba? Mabuti

naalala ka. Pero hindi sapat. Pero ang mabuti ay nag-abot.
Isang bagay lang ang iabot sayo yung isang bagay na
matulungan ka, isang ano na yun. Isang kaginhawaan na
yun. Yung ma, ako na po ang magbanlaw ng labahan." -
Nanay Marivic
“Tinutulungan kami sa mga gastusin sa bahay” – Nanay

“Nagbibigay naman sya ng pambili ng pagkain, pambili ng

pagkain naming pamilya” – Nanay Asuncion

In a qualitative study of Yang (1996), it proved the feeling of reciprocity

distributes to the norm of monetary support to older parents. Research also showed that it

supersedes their worth if they consider helping their parents through their deeds.

It also said that Filipino Children strive to meet familial obligations and

expectations whether in the form of instrumental support such as conducting household

chores or helping parents financially in their old age, or in their old age (Garo-Santiago,

2009 as cited by Alampay 2014). In rural and lower-income families, the parents rely on

extended and intergenerational system of mutual obligations and exchanges. Filipino

mothers also consider cooperation from their children, generosity and sacrifices to

ensure the wellbeing of the family and its neediest members. According to the

Philippine Statistics Authority more than one quarter of the population fell below the

poverty line with this, Filipino mothers mostly expect their children to work in support

to the needs of the family.

Although seven (7) out of the total ten (10) participants said to harbour and

appreciate utang na loob from their children, there are still remaining three (3)

respondents who did not view financial management support and physical support as a

form of debt of gratitude. Additionally, they consider that their incarcerated children

were the ones who should be having utang na loob towards them.

Sama ng Loob

This part describes the different patterns of expressions of experiences of sama ng

loob. It is exhibited in the forms subthemes which arose based on the transcribed data

shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Perception of the participants on their experience harbouring sama ng loob

Theme Subthemes Text

Sama ng loob Questioning "Wala namang ipinayo ang magulang kundi

one’s parental kabutihan" - Nanay Marivic

“Hanggang ngayon naman umiiyak ako sa bahay

kasi naaalala ko na hindi naman namin sila
pinabayaan. Halos alam naman ang pagaalaga
ng isang magulang halos kakainin nalang
ipapakain pa sa mga anak nya” - Nanay Elsa

“E kasi naman hindi naman kami nagkulang ng

pagpapaalala talagang landas lang siguro nila
yun” - Nanay Mel

Disappointment “Mare-realize niya ang buhay, na wala namang

on the negative nanay ang nagpabaya sa anak. Kaya lang pag
gestures humiwalay ka sa sinasabi ng magulang, pupunta
received ka talaga sa hindi maganda.” -Nanay Elsa

“Gabayan at payuhan para di humantong sa

ganito.” -Nanay Mel

“Kahit sinong magulang walang gustong

mapasama ang kanilang anak at mapariwara.” -
Nanay Jenelyn

Disappointment “Kaya nga bakit nangyari sa kanya yan eh. Kasi

on conflict sabi ko, kung hindi matigas ang ulo hindi ka
actions amid magkakaganyan.” -Nanay Elsa

“Hindi na nga nagkamali ang salita ko, iwasan

ang barkada at walang itutulong yan na mabuti.”
-Nanay Elsa

“Eto yung nangyare sa kanila ngayon, maging

leksyon tapos sana mag bago na talaga siya.” -
Nanay Mel

Sama ng Loob. This superordinate theme represents the participants description

of how they exhibit uneasiness, disappointment and anger towards their incarcerated

children. A set of strong negative feelings are listed and expressed on the different

subthemes formed from statements of experiences of the participants that are shown


Questioning One’s Parental ability. This subtheme refers to how the participants think

about how they raised their child that made them do things that are in opposed to their

orders that made them face the authority for their unlawful actions. This feelings were

felt and parents question their parenting style and execution when a child commited a

wrongdoing. A study of (Wahler 1969) showed that the children's oppositional behavior

varied predictably with the presence and absence of parental support and differential

attention these are evident in the following statements.

"Wala namang ipinayo ang magulang kundi kabutihan" -

Nanay Marivic
“Hanggang ngayon naman umiiyak ako sa bahay kasi
naaalala ko na hindi naman namin sila pinabayaan. Halos
alam naman ang pagaalaga ng isang magulang halos
kakainin nalang ipapakain pa sa mga anak nya” - Nanay
“E kasi naman hindi naman kami nagkulang ng
pagpapaalala talagang landas lang siguro nila yun” -
Nanay Mel

Disappointment on the negative gestures received. This subtheme refers to expression

of experiences of disappointment felt by the participants before their child’s incarceration

including their child’s noncompliance to follow them that possibly became the reason

why they faced incarceration. The following statements verify the experiences of the


“Mare-realize niya ang buhay, na wala namang nanay ang

nagpabaya sa anak. Kaya lang pag humiwalay ka sa
sinasabi ng magulang, pupunta ka talaga sa hindi
maganda.” -Nanay Elsa
“Gabayan at payuhan para di humantong sa ganito.” -
Nanay Mel
“Kahit sinong magulang walang gustong mapasama ang
kanilang anak at mapariwara.” -Nanay Jenelyn

This intergenerational consequence is felt primarily by the respondents after arrest and

incarceration. Toxic stress also exhibits as immediate negative outcome affecting mothers

of incarcerated children particularly when it happens cumulatively.

Disappointment on conflict actions amid value reinforcement. This subtheme refers to

contextualization of experiences of disappointment towards their incarcerated children’s

wrongdoing which contributed to the conflicts they are facing. This are shown and

verified by the statements below.

“Kaya nga bakit nangyari sa kanya yan eh. Kasi sabi ko,
kung hindi matigas ang ulo hindi ka magkakaganyan.” -
Nanay Elsa
“Hindi na nga nagkamali ang salita ko, iwasan ang
barkada at walang itutulong yan na mabuti.” -Nanay Elsa
“Eto yung nangyare sa kanila ngayon, maging leksyon
tapos sana mag bago na talaga siya.” -Nanay Mel

In terms of child rearing practices, Filipino mothers may be described as

authoritarian which emphasizes strictness, respect for authority and obedience. When

Filipino Mothers were asked to define a good and competent child, they consequently

answer “Obedient” (Nurge 1968). Data showed that Filipino Mothers expressed their

disappointment to the conflicts that emerged which is basically incarceration. Although

it is a form of resentment it showed they are still hoping for their children to acquire

second chance to change their lives while focusing on the different good qualities their

children possess as a determinant for their eagerness for progress of their lives.

Based on the data that had been gathered, respondents also expressed sama ng

loob as a feeling of ultimate grudge not towards their incarcerated children but their

situation including the authorities way of their arrest.

Gaan ng Loob

This part describes the different patterns of expressions of experiences of gaan ng

loob or acceptance and rapport. It is exhibited in the forms subthemes which arose based

on the transcribed data shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Perception of the participants on their experience of harbouring gaan ng loob.

Theme Subthemes Text

Gaan ng loob Pity "Di masama ang loob ko sa kanya. Naawa ako sa
itsura niya dyan." - Nanay Asuncion

“Kaya nga lang ang hindi ko kaya ay ang sarili ko

na makita ko bang ganyan siya. Ganyan ang
kalagayan niya.” - Nanay Arlinda

“Nakikita ko ang anak kong ganyan ang kalagayan.

Tapos kami ang ganda ng higa, ng aming tulog.” -
Nanay Asuncion

Perceived “Nandyan siya sa loob mas kailangan niya ang

Positive pang unawa at pagmamahal ng magulang.” -Nanay
Parenting Asuncion
“Kasi yung time na ganyan dapat iniintindi siya,
inuunawa para di ba siya ma-depress sa loob.” -
Nanay Glo

“Ako naman inaamin ko hindi naman talaga ako

perpektong mother, pero andyan ako lagi para sa
mga anak ko.” -Nanay Arlinda

Familism “Oo kasi nanay.. Magulang walang ibang iniintindi

kundi pamilya.” -Nanay Glo

“Napatawad mo nga yung ibang tao e, ano pa kaya

yung sarili mong anak.” -Nanay Ate

“Nandyan siya sa loob, mas kailangan niya ang

pang unawa at pagmamahal ng magulang.” -Nanay

“Pinagdasal ko na lang na sana may maawa.

Maawa yung judge na ang ipataw sa kanya at
Resolution by
ganon na lang.” -Nanay Elsa
“Makalaya din yan sa awa ng Diyos.” -Nanay Elsa

“Sana nga d kami pabayaan ni Lord sa taas, na

hindi siya pabayaan ng judge, na mahabag ba. At
gabayan din siya sa mga oras na kailangan niya.” -
Nanay Arlinda
Love “Pakita ko sa kanya na andito pa rin ako kasi mahal
na mahal ko siya.” -Nanay Elsa

“Siyempre bilang isang ina kahit na may ginawa..

Gumawa ng hindi.. Ayy nagawa silang hindi
maganda. Katulad niyan, syempre ikaw na
magulang susuportahan mo.” -Nanay Yoli

“Ang pagpapatawad naman diba ang nagiging

dahilan lang ng tao para mapatawad mo siya ay
pagmamahal.” -Nanay Jenelyn

Gaan ng loob. This superordinate theme refers to how the participants describe

their experience of having rapport and acceptance towards their incarcerated children.

Pity. This sub theme refers to how the participants experience the feeling of sorrow and

compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of their child. This was considered

to equate the feelings of gaan ng loob because gathered results subjected to the mother’s

interpersonal connections that are formed and tightened even more when their children

became incarcerated. The researchers classify it as such because having pity contributes

to having rapport or seeing themselves on their children’s current situation.

"Di masama ang loob ko sa kanya. Naawa ako sa itsura

niya dyan." - Nanay Asuncion
“Kaya nga lang ang hindi ko kaya ay ang sarili ko na
makita ko bang ganyan siya. Ganyan ang kalagayan niya.”
- Nanay Arlinda
“Nakikita ko ang anak kong ganyan ang kalagayan. Tapos
kami ang ganda ng higa, ng aming tulog.” - Nanay

Being held in prison involves having one’s right curtailed. A person’s rights while

imprisoned vary slightly depending on where they are incarcerated and what stage of

criminal process their case may be. Inmates at the pre-trial stage including the children of

the participants who are awaiting trial have the right to be housed in humane facilities

and cannot be “punished” or treated as guilty while they await trial. While in the facilities

of Quezon City jail, there are huge number of detained persons who share the small sized

quarters with bars with also no enough bed equal to the number of detained persons.

These are the reasons why the parents of incarcerated children pity their child’s situation

while in custody. Some of the participants also feared the health and well-being of their

children since they are deprived of some of their rights. These are practically the reasons

why the respondents exhibits pity shown on the different illustrative texts that are listed


Perceived Positive Parenting Style. This sub theme refers to how the participants

experience feelings of pride or eagerness of fulfilling a health parenting relationship with

their children. By showing them extensive care in the moment their child needed it the

most. These experiences are validated by the participant’s statements that are listed


“Nandyan siya sa loob mas kailangan niya ang pang

unawa at pagmamahal ng magulang.” -Nanay Asuncion
“Kasi yung time na ganyan dapat iniintindi siya, inuunawa
para di ba siya ma-depress sa loob.” -Nanay Glo
“Ako naman inaamin ko hindi naman talaga ako
perpektong mother, pero andyan ako lagi para sa mga
anak ko.” -Nanay Arlinda

Mother’s role is ideal. One who nurtures the family as her primary duty.

According to Espina (1996), the mother-child relationship is characterized by warmth,

nurturance and protectiveness, on the other hand, but also strictness and control. As the

parent who supervises the behaviors of the children, she is in the position to wield

authority and discipline more frequently than the father, in as much as they witness their

mothers give orders, direct their behaviors and oversee the household. If the mother is

inconsistently available, kids can get distressed and feel hurt, rejected, or ignored. They

may have more emotional outbursts and feel alone. Being the one raising their child

starting from their early developmental stage, different forms of interpersonal

relationship in subject to gaan ng loob emerges. Gaan ng loob was known to be


demonstrated when there is a situation that provides recognition and chance for growth

and development which is produced by the mothers in the family.

Familism. This sub theme refers to how the participants experience the feeling of being

the responsible for the care of their family especially their children rather than leaving

that responsibility to other people. The family is the first social institution to provide

growth and development. The support from mothers is an extremely important aspect for

gaan ng loob to be experienced. This is a positive feeling to contradict sama ng loob.

This sub theme is evident from the statements below.

“Oo kasi nanay.. Magulang walang ibang iniintindi kundi

pamilya.” -Nanay Glo
“Napatawad mo nga yung ibang tao e, ano pa kaya yung
sarili mong anak.” -Nanay Ate
“Nandyan siya sa loob, mas kailangan niya ang pang
unawa at pagmamahal ng magulang.” -Nanay Marivic

Emotional Resolution by Faith. This sub theme refers to how the participants believed

that the stems from a higher power based on morals, values, beliefs and ideals to which

people of faith hold sacred. The participants also believed that peace and faith can be an

effective means of resolving conflict.

“Pinagdasal ko na lang na sana may maawa. Maawa yung

judge na ang ipataw sa kanya at ganon na lang.” -Nanay
“Makalaya din yan sa awa ng Diyos.” -Nanay Elsa
“Sana nga d kami pabayaan ni Lord sa taas, na hindi siya
pabayaan ng judge, na mahabag ba. At gabayan din siya sa
mga oras na kailangan niya.” -Nanay Arlinda

There has been growing recognition that cultural beliefs and practices are an

important part of the environment that exerts and influence over child development

(Schulze 2004) so if it were to raise by their mothers the idea of religion as a part of their

familial concepts as for child rearing and disciplining their children it would produce a

relative greater value of respectfulness as a long-term socialization goal for their children.

It is also said in the “role theory point of view” that behaviors of their child should be

built in as early as possible while in the other point of view that is called the “trait theory

view” said that if a child does not acquire an attitude of willingness at an early age, he

will never accept the task and perform the opposite as an adult.

Religion has often been thought of as playing a crucial role in generating

conflicts, particularly internal ones. While it may often be a source of conflict, its role in

the overall peace process has all too often been overlooked (Bercovitch & Kadayifci-

Orellana 2009).

Unconditional Love. This sub theme refers to how the participants experience the

feeling of affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. For the

participants, their love has no bound, their goal is to increase the welfare of their children,

despite them being exhibited behaviors that are unacceptable in a particular situation.

These are evident in the following statements.

“Pakita ko sa kanya na andito pa rin ako kasi mahal na

mahal ko siya.” -Nanay Elsa
“Siyempre bilang isang ina kahit na may ginawa.. Gumawa
ng hindi.. Ayy nagawa silang hindi maganda. Katulad
niyan, syempre ikaw na magulang susuportahan mo.” -
Nanay Yoli

“Ang pagpapatawad naman diba ang nagiging dahilan

lang ng tao para mapatawad mo siya ay pagmamahal.” -
Nanay Jenelyn

In the questionnaire item which aimed to answer which feeling among utang na

loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob mostly emerges now that their child was

incarcerated, majority answered “pity” towards their child’s current situation.



Data gathered showed that majority of the respondents expressed their feelings of

having the three (3) concepts of loob cumulatively. Utang na loob or debt of gratitude

are mainly felt before their children’s incarceration through the forms of filial

responsibilities that are done by their children in order to suffice the need of the family or

someone in the family that is mostly in need. This concept of loob is still carried even

until they are held incarcerated. In Filipino familial concepts, utang na loob are often felt

by the children towards their parents but in this study it proves that somehow mothers

also hold debt of gratitude even to their children in evidence of this are their statements

that are congregated through the use of our formulated questionnaires.

In spite of harbouring debt of gratitude, illustrative statements also brought sama

ng loob into the researcher’s attention. Their children’s incarceration had a negative

impact to the respondent’s wellbeing. They tend to question their parental ability of

raising their children on those years. Along with this, the respondents also distributed

proof of statements of having disappointment on the negative gestures received and

committed that made them face the authority for their unlawful actions. Furthermore, it is

also evident that they expressed disappointments on the actions amid value reinforcement

in accordance to their parental ability questioning.

Gaan ng loob is conveyed as having rapport and acceptance. It was characterized

as having Pity and unconditional love towards their incarcerated children. In all of the

concepts that were tackled in this study, gaan ng loob is the most likely to emerge since

the situation in the prison cells are pitiful. In compliance to gaan ng loob, unconditional

love was really felt because the respondents goal is to increase the connection between

them and their incarcerated child since it is the time that their child need it the most.

In this study’s selected participants among the population of Filipino Mothers of

Incarcerated children, the majority stated that all of them do not hold extreme anger

towards their incarcerated children or no anger at all. The only thing that underlies this

emotion is the feeling of Pity due to their child’s saddening situation in the prison cells.

The researchers commend the Filipino mothers for having the heart of gold and courage

to live and fight for their children’s rights.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and recommendations.

A study entitled “Contextualizing the concepts of loob and forgiveness among

Filipino Mothers of incarcerated children in Quezon City Jail” was conducted from

August 2018 to March 2019.

Generally, the study aimed to determine the lived experiences of the Filipino

mothers of incarcerated children. Specifically, it aimed to determine what was the

participant’s lived experiences of loob and forgiveness when harboring utang na loob, to

determine what was the participant’s lived experiences of loob and forgiveness when

harbouring sama ng loob and to determine what was the participant’s lived experiences

of loob and forgiveness when harboring gaan ng loob.

The researchers used a qualitative research and phenomenological approach for

this study. The researchers used semi-structured interview guide which is divided into

two parts categories including the demographic profile of the participants and the

participants’ experiences when harboring utang na loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob.

Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyze the data. Moreover,

thematic analysis gives the ability to researchers to structure the qualitative data collected

in a way that satisfies the accomplishment of research objectives, whereby the data

gathered were categorized in themes and sub-themes. The researchers used purposive

sampling technique for the identification and selection of information-rich cases related

to the phenomenon of interest. This study focuses on ten selected Filipino mothers of

incarcerated children.

The results revealed that the mothers of incarcerated children exhibits utang na

loob, sama ng loob and gaan ng loob in different forms. It also showed that mothers hid

their feelings of hatred towards their incarcerated children and produces unconditional

and extensive familialism afterwards. The participants also stated that they are not angry

towards their children the only negative feeling they felt was the guilt of themselves by

questioning their parenting role.

As for being a mother, they are characterized by nurturance and protectiveness.

All the mothers look up to themselves as a person who brought enough lessons and

commandments to their children. The mothers also perceive their parenting styles. It just

turned out that their child committed a single wrongdoing that made them face the

authority for doing so.


After a careful analysis and interpretation of data, the researchers came up with

the following conclusions:

The Filipino mothers easily forgive their children even in the worst decisions they

have committed. They still consider themselves accountable for what their children have

become and why their children face disciplinary actions. Being the first one to raise a

child with pure love, nurturance and discipline while seeing them develop are the most

precious moments a mother could have but in those times that their children face restraint

of the civil law they never leave their children alone and in fact consider it as the moment

their child needs them the most.

It was also put in consideration that their feelings of anger, resentment and grudge

towards their incarcerated children’s committed unlawful action were transcended by the

feeling of gaan ng loob most specifically the manifestation of pity. It was stated in the

theoretical basis of our study that a certain feeling shown with the relationship to the

transgressor could also be a reason of forgiveness. One example of this is gaan ng loob.

Although they exhibit the concept of sama ng loob in forms of their

disappointment of the conflicts their children are facing in prior to the wrongdoings they

have committed, they tend to question their parental capabilities of how they raised their

children and also measure their shortcomings. Behindhand, the participants also

commended their children for the filial responsibilities either financial or physical aide.

Appreciating those gestures and labelling them as debt of gratitude or utang na loob. By

this the researchers come up of the idea of unconditional love from parents. Some

mothers may sound like not vocally expressive of their love towards their children but it

shows even in the simplest expression they have.

Aside to that, the researchers also exemplify the data gathered labelled as gaan ng

loob including familism and emotional resolution by faith. In the Philippines the children

learned more of religion from their parents especially their mothers. They were also the

same persons who display high religiousness in contact with hope and emotional tenacity.

Having the Philippines as 86% of Catholism not to mention the various nationalized

Christian cults, the researchers believed that Filipino Mothers effect parenting co-stating

religion. It is also their source of hope of times of pity of their incarcerated child’s

situation inside the prison cells of Quezon City Jail.

Moreover, after all the work given on this study, the researchers assumed that all

mothers regardless of races, nationality exhibits these concepts which differs on the

culture a certain nation has. Not mentioning the different study from colleges from

different foreign countries who also acknowledge having debt of gratitude, rapport and

acceptance and resentment. That is written also in the Philippine Journal of Psychology

(Enriquez, 1987) as an adoption and comparison to the old western and eastern countries.

We also assumed that this concepts were always been a part of every familial concept in

the Philippines and will forever be engraved and will be carried on until the next

generations to come.


To the Mothers of Incarcerated children, for them to continue having their

faith for the betterment of their child. To continue holding on to the Almighty God to

help them in those times of need.

To the mothers, for them to use this research and other related studies as guides

of raising a well, conjugated family system for their children to grow on a well-mannered

and respectful family. Furthermore, this study’s result can also serve as a reference and

proof of how resilient Filipino Mothers are in times of conflicts that they face.

To the different organizations of mothers of incarcerated children, the

researchers hope that this study along with other studies could also serve as an inspiration

to continue fighting for the challenges that incorporates this life battles of conflicts.

Perhaps, the result of this study can be used to assess the needs of the mothers of

incarcerated children for them to establish an empowered circle of support group. May all

of them find the strength by reading this research.

To the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology, to out hear the call of

filipino mothers about the situation of prison overcrowding after the war against drugs

leading to more than a number too big to be accommodated in the prison cells.

For the Future Researchers, they should conduct a study about the broader

concepts of loob in connection to Filipino Psychology such as Bigat ng loob for example

incorporating Filipino Incarcerated mothers and their child’s forgiveness or perhaps

interconnect forgiveness to different traits of Filipino Mothers. A new set of instrument

for a quantitative research should also arrived from different research approaches. There

are still a wide area of Filipino Psychology that are left unexplored thus, more future

researchers should focus first on our own area of Filipino Psychology for its research and

development. Future researches that will emerge will redound to the benefit of all family

especially their parents for it may serve as a guide for their parenting style and familial

concepts hence, it should give more awareness and inspiration to the community and

future generations.


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