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- Nonexistence of defects which - Quality of design

allows companies to meet customer - Quality of conformance
expectations - Quality of performance
- Let the companies to re-establish
pride and loyalty COST OF QUALITY
- Can only be attained by the nonstop 1. Prevention Cost
improvement of all systems and
processes, not simply the production - Incurred to prevent or avoid failure
of products and services but also the problems
design, development, service,
A. Product or service requirements
purchasing, administration and all
aspects of the transaction with the - Establishment of qualification for
customer inward bound materials, processes,
finished products and services.
DEFINITION B. Quality Planning
1. Transcendent - Drawing of plans for quality,
reliability, operations, productions
- Superior, perfect
and inspections.
2. Products Based
C. Quality Assurance
- Durability (The yardstick for
- Planning and continuance of the
measurement may be deceptive or
quality system.
D. Training
3. User – Based
- Development, preparation and
- Consumer preferences differ
continuance of programs.
- Support the needs of the biggest 2. Appraisal Costs
number of customers.
- These costs are associated with
4. Manufacturing Based measuring and monitoring activities
related to quality standards and
- Conformance requirements (any
performance requirements.
difference involves decline in
quality. A. Verification
5. Value – Based

- Quality and value

- Checking of inward bound materials, 2. Building Bricks
process setup, and product against
contracted specifications.  Leadership
 Teamwork
B. Quality Audits  Training
- Confirmation that the quality system 3. Binding Mortar
is operating properly.
- Binds all elements together.
C. Supplier Rating Communication binds everything
together, starting to the foundation
- Appraisal and endorsement of
and going up to the roof. The
supplier of products and services.
channels of communication need to
3. Internal Failure Costs be credible and easily interpreted for
all members of organization.
- These costs are acquired to treat
defects revealed earlier when the Three types of Communication
product or service is delivered to the
Downward Communication
- Presentation and discussion
4. External Failure Costs
Upward Communication
- These are costs obtained to treat
defects exposed by customers. - Insights and constructive criticism
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Sideways/Lateral Communication
- Consist of continuous process - Breaks down barrier between
enhancement activities concerning departments.
managers and workers in a
completely integrated effort toward 4. Roof
improving performance at all level.
- Roof is the most important factor
- Lifetime dedication to continuous
which acts as a catalyst and drives
employees to work hard as a team
ELEMENTS OF TQM and deliver their level best.


- The entire process of TQM is built 1. Customer satisfaction

on a strong foundation of:
2. Internal Customer satisfaction
 Ethics
 Integrity 3. All work is process
 Trust
4. Measurement
5. Synergy in teamwork - Focus is the customer and final
decider of the quality is the
6. People make quality customer.
7. Continuous improvement cycle - Responsibility of the quality goes
into the middle level management in
8. Prevention the operational level.
- Calls for high amount of team
1. Create a good corporate culture - Believes in quality assurance rather
than checking.
- Culture that supports total - Makes decision on facts and figures.
commitment to customer satisfaction Problems are identified properly and
through continuous improvement. solutions are well planned.
- Improvements are continuous.
2. Better reviews from customers
- Constantly meet the requirements
and needs of clients and customers. - Reengineering sometimes called
Business Process Reengineering
3. Better performance from employees
(BPR) involves a complete
- The training given to the employees rethinking and transformation of key
as part of the program can boost business processes.
employee morale at the workplace - Reengineering means basically
resulting in employees working starting over – throwing out all the
harder to achieve the goals of TQM. thinking of how work was done and
deciding how it can best be done
SHIFTING FROM TRADITIONAL now. It requires identifying customer
MANAGEMENT TO TQM needs then designing processes and
Traditional Management supporting people to meet those
- Products or services provided by
organization were assumed to be in THE BEGINNINGS OF TQM
good quality, if this organization has TQM involves methodology for continually
done its best producing that product improving the quality of all processes.
or service.
- People thought bad quality products TQM TIME LINE
are due to the workers who do not
1920: Some of the first seeds of quality
perform their job properly.
management were planted as the principles
TQM of scientific management swept through
U.S. industry.
1930: Walter Shewhart developed the with a valuable and distinctive
methods for statistical analysis and control competitive edge.
of quality.
1950: W. Edwards Deming taught methods
for statistical analysis and control of quality - Salvage
to Japanese engineers and executives. - Sorting, grading, reblending
- Corrective actions
Joseph M. Juran taught the concepts of - Identify sources of non conformance
controlling quality and managerial
breakthrough. Quality Control

Armand V. Feigenbaum’s book Total - Develop quality manual

Quality was published. - Process performance data
- Self – inspection
Philip B. Crosby’s promotion of zero - Product testing
defects paved the way for quality - Basic quality planning
improvement in many companies. - Use of basic statistics
- Paper work controls
1968: Kaoru Ishikawa’s synthesis of the
philosophy contributed to Japan’s Quality Assurance
ascendancy as a quality leader.
- Quality system development
TODAY: - Advanced quality planning
- Comprehensive quality manuals
TQM is the name for the philosophy of a - Use of quality cost
broad and systemic approach to managing - Involvement of non-production
organizational quality. Quality standards operations
such as the ISO 9000 Series and quality - Failure mode and effects analysis
award programs such as the Deming Prize - Statistical process control
and the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality
Awards specify principles and processes that Total Quality Management
comprise TQM.
- Policy deployment
SIGNIFICANCE OF TQM - Involve suppliers and customer
- Involve all operations
- The importance of TQM lies in the - Process management
fact that it encourages innovation, - Performance measurement
makes the organization adaptable to - Teamwork
change, motivates people for better - Employee involvement
quality, and integrates the business
arising out of a common purpose and 7 Important Principles of TQM
all these provide the organization
1. Quality can and must be managed
2. Processes, not people, are the problem 8. Drive out fear – everyone may work
effectively for the company. Build a fear
3. Don’t treat symptoms, look for the cure free environment.
4. Every employee is responsible for quality 9. Break down barriers between
5. Quality must be measurable departments.

6. Quality improvements must be continuous 10. Eliminate numerical goals, posters and
slogans for the workforce asking for new
7. Quality is a long-term investment levels of productivity without providing.

INNOVATORS OF TQM 11. Eliminate work standards that prescribe

numerical quotas.
1. Dr. William Edwards Deming
12. Remove barriers that stand between the
W. Edwards Deming’s 14 Points
hourly worker and his right to pride of
1. Create constancy of purpose towards workmanship.
improvement of product and services.
13. Encourage Education
2. Adopt the new philosophy. We can no
14. Top management commitment
longer live with commonly accepted levels
of delays, mistakes, defective workmanship. 2. Dr. Walter Andrew Shewhart
3. Cease dependence on mass inspection. - Grandfather of quality control.
Require, instead, statistical evidence that
quality is built in. 3. Dr. Joseph Juran

4. End the practice of awarding business on - The father of quality

the basis of price tag. (End lowest tender
10 Steps to Quality Improvement
contracts) utilize single-sourcing for long
term relationship. 1. Build awareness of need and opportunity
for improvement
5. Improve every process - Find problems. It
is management’s job to work continually on 2. Set goals for improvement
the system.
3. Organize to reach goals
6. Institute modern methods of training on
the job. 4. Provide training

7. Institute leadership - modern methods of 5. Do projects to resolve problems

supervision of production workers. 6. Report Progress

7. Give recognition
8. Communicate Results improvement is possible, and where
corrective action is necessary.
9. Keep Score
4. Cost of Quality
10. Maintain momentum by making annual
improvement part of the regular systems and - To identify the components of the
processes of the company cost of quality, and give details on its
application as a management tool.
4. Philip Crosby
5. Quality Awareness
14 Steps to Quality Improvement
- This involves, through training and
1. Management Commitment the provision of visible evidence of
- The need for quality improvement the concern for quality improvement,
must be recognized and adopted by making employees aware of the cost
management, with an emphasis on to the company of defects.
the need for defect prevention.
6. Corrective Action
Quality improvement is equated with
profit improvement. A quality policy - Discussion about problems will bring
is needed which states that each solutions to light and also raise other
individual is expected to perform elements for improvement. People
exactly like the requirement or cause need to see that problems are being
cause the requirement to be officially resolved on a regular basis.
changed to what we and the Corrective action should then
customer really need. become a habit.

2. Quality Improvement Team 7. Zero Defects Planning

- Representatives from each - Zero defects are not a motivation

department or function should be programme – its purpose is to
brought together to form a quality communicate and instill the notion
improvement team. These should be that everyone should do things right
people who have sufficient authority first time.
to commit the area they represent to
action. 8. Supervisor Training

- All managers should undergo formal

3. Quality Measurement
training on the 14 steps before they
- The status of quality should be are implemented. A manager should
determined throughout the company. understand each of the 14 steps well
This means establishing quality enough to be able to explain them to
measures for each area of activity his or her people.
that are recorded to show where
9. Zero Defects Day
- It is important that the commitment discuss improvements and upgrades
to Zero Defects as the performance to the quality programme.
standard of the company makes an
impact, and that everyone gets the 14. Do it over again
same message in the same way. Zero - During the course of a typical
Defects Day, when supervisors programme, lasting from 12 to 18
explain the programme to their months, turnover and change will
people, should make a lasting dissipate much of the educational
impression as a new attitude’ day. process. It is important to set up a
new team of representatives and
10. Goal Setting
begin the programme over again,
- Each supervisor gets his or her starting with Zero Defects day. This
people to establish specific, ‘starting over again’ helps quality to
measurable goals to strive for. become ingrained in the
Usually, these comprise 30-, 60-, and organization.
90 – day goals.
11. Error Cause Removal QUALITY PROGRAM YEAR – IN AND
- Employees are asked to describe, on
a simple, one – page form, any 1. Full commitment from top management
problems that prevent them from (Leadership by example)
carrying out error – free work.
Problems should be acknowledged 2. Ongoing training and professional
within twenty – four hours by the development; encourage employees to
function or unit to which the problem participate in process.
is addressed. This constitutes a key 3. Access to the needed resources and given
step in building up trust, as people TOP priority
will begin to grow more confident
that their problems will be addressed 4. Take no shortcuts to quality
and dealt with.
5. Set quality goals, review progress, give
12. Recognition recognition, and communicate,
communicate, communicate!
- Act of recognition is what is
important. THE PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT
13. Quality Councils
- The quality professionals and team –
leaders should meet regularly to - Identify your problems

- Test potential solutions take action based on feasible targets, rather
than experience or opinions.
- Study results
Act 1. Lack of constancy of purpose to plan
- Implement the best solution product and services

APSD 2. Emphasis on short – term profits

Act – adopt the change, or abandon it, or run 3. Personal review systems including
through the cycle again. evaluation by performance, merit – rating or
annual review.
Plan – a change or a test, aimed at
improvement. 4. Mobility of management

Study – the results. What did we learn? 5. Running a company on visible figures
What went wrong? alone rather than ‘invisible’ or non –
numerical data.
Do – carry out the change or the test
(preferably on a small scale). 6. Excessive medical costs

The essence of Crosby’s teachings is 7. Excessive liability cost

contained in what he calls the “the four STAGES OF QUALITY MATURITY
absolute of quality.” MEASUREMENT
1. The definition of quality is conformance
to requirement, not goodness
1. Management attitude
2. The system of quality is prevention
2. Quality’s status
- Prevention is better than correction,
detection or appraisal. In the whole 3. Problem resolution
process you need to take preventive
action. By that, it can minimum the 4. Cost of quality as % of sales
error, damage and also problem 5. Quality improvements
3. The performance standard is zero defects 6. Company position on quality
4. The measurement of quality is the price of Uncertainty
non – conformance
1. Blames quality department for issues with
Quality must be defined in quantifiable and quality
clearly stated terms to aid the organization
2. Quality is a siloed function, with main Actual: 12%
emphasis on appraisal and sorting
5. Implements and understands Crosby’s 14
3. Firefighting approach with poor problem - step program
definition and a tendency to blame people
6. Management is committed to problem
4. Reported: unknown identification and resolution

Actual: 20% Wisdom

5. No organization or understanding 1. Participates in quality and understands

their role in it
6. Doesn’t know why quality problems exist
2. Quality manager engages in reporting,
Awakening preventive action and special projects
1. May see value of quality management, 3. Early identification of problems with all
but unwilling to invest in it functions opens to improvement
2. Quality still in its silo, but with a stronger 4. Reported: 6.5%
quality leader
Actual: 8%
3. Team - based approach to problem -
solving, but still lacks long term solution 5. Starts to be more certain about quality

4. Reported: 3% 6. Defect prevention is routine

Actual: 18% Certainty

5. Short - term approaches 1. Considers quality management critical to

company processes
6. Questions necessity of continued quality
problems 2. Quality manager is a thought leader
focused mainly on prevention
3. For the most part, problems are prevented
1. Learning about quality management and
becoming more supportive 4. Reported: 2.5%

2. Quality manager plays role in quality Actual: 2.5%

5. Quality improvement is regular and
3. Established corrective action processes to ongoing
deal with problems openly
6. understands why quality problems no
4. Reported: 8% longer exist

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